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Tram Tran drought 4/4/2022

Dear Scott Morrison,

My name is Tram Tran, and I am a farmer that lives in South Australia. I am a farmer who farms
tomatoes, watermelon, and cucumber. I am writing this letter to you because my farm is currently in
drought, and I really need your help to save my crops. I am a farmer, and it has been really hard for
me lately because, my farm is in drought, and I cannot grow any crops, due to the lack of water. I
currently am having to work, harder then usual, since my crops are currently dying. with your help, y
life would be a lot easier, and in my opinion, this is the worst drought that we have seen in a long
time, so my family and I really need your help, so that we could have our normal life back.
My farm is currently in drought, and there are many problems that I have to face. A problem that I
have to face is that there is lack of water to use, and to water our crops, at the same time. With no
water I can’t water my plants because there is no water for me to use to water my plants, and that is
causing them to die. I also have to face the challenge of having no seeds for me to grow more crops,
because there is no tomatoes, watermelon, and cucumber for me to collect the seeds from. I also have
to face the lack of money. This is because I don’t have any crops to sell, so my family and I don’t earn
much money, and we need that money to survive and pay all the suspense from the farm.
I have to try as many strategies as possible so that I can to adapt to these poor conditions. With the
drought, my family and I have to find ways to keep the farm going, even if it means more work. Here
area few strategies that my family and I use. I dig up a few dams, so that when the wet seasons comes,
and it rains a lot, then it can fill up the dam, so when the hot season hits, we will have some water to
use, and that I can actually water my plants. This doesn’t really last long, because the drought last for
a really long time, and the water will run out. Another strategy is, that we could try to use as less
water as we can. Instead of taking long showers, we will cut the limits of using water, and we also try
to save water by washing the dishes but using less water. Another strategy we use is that we create an
underground water system. So, if we run out of dam water then we use the underground water system
as like a sprinkler. This cost a lot so sometimes we can’t afford it, and have to try and save up for it,
when we are really desperate.
I really need you to help me, by supplying my farm some water tanks, so that we can store our water.
Can you also supply us more seeds, so that we can grow more crops. Lastly can you please supply an
underground water system because that will help us a lot. With your help, it could change a lot. Thank
you for dedicating your time to reading this letter.
Kind regards,
Tram Tran.

This is my tomato farm, that is currently affected by drought.

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