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Fourth Quarter Lesson 52

Fourth Quarter – Lesson 52
“God has left us in charge of His goods in His absence.
Each steward has his own special work to do for the
advancement of God’s kingdom. No one is excused. The
Lord bids us all. “Occupy till I come.” By His own
wisdom. He has given us direction for the use of His
gifts.” (Counsels on Stewardship. 116). Today we are
going to hear a story Jesus told about two servants who did
their best and kept trying and one servant who wouldn’t
even try.

Dear Jesus, help me to remember the world you love so much. Don’t let me get wrapped up in the
comfortable cocoon of my little life. Help me do what I can to reach out to the entire world. Amen.

John 3: 16 “For God so love the world that He gave his only begotten son” God’s Plan for
our happiness includes doing what we can to help the world. In what way we can help the
world? By serving God through the use of my special talent.

Do you have special talent that God entrust you? Write on the space provided. Do you
use it for the Glory of God?

2. How do you do it? Do you make your self difference? Why?


Faith to live by: “The master had two objectives: to increase his holdings, and to test his servants in
anticipation of entrusting them with greater responsibilities. Similarly, Christ has committed to the
work of the gospel to men in order to advance the interests of his kingdom on earth and train His
servants for increased responsibilities (SDA Bible Commentary: 5:510)

Most Essential Learning Competency

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to demonstrate your talent through video recorded and
send it through face book or messenger

Enabling Competencies
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:
● Differentiate the parable of the talent in the story ; and
● Apply the talent in a real – life experiences.

Performance Task: Talent Show

“If a man has a talent, and exercises it, he is progressively able to do more with it.
But, if he has a talent, fails to exercise it , he will inevitably lose it. The only way to
keep a gift is to use it in the service of the God and in the service of our fellowmen”
(The Daily Study Bible: The Gospel Matthew 2: 357, 358). There are many ways
how to reach out the world by using the talent which God entrusts to your care. This
time you will be reading the story of parable of the talent. How each of them uses and
preserves talent given by their Master.

EC1: Differentiating the parable of the talent in the story.

“Greater Things” (Reaching Out

to the World)

Memory Text: “ You did well with small things. So I will let you care for much greater
things. Come and share my happiness with me” (Matthew 25:21).

Jesus redeemed us when He died for us. We did not deserve it. We can do nothing
to earn it. Redemption is a gift. Once we accept that gift, we want to be a part of God’s
Plan. We want to live the way we should, according to God’s Plan.
Jesus told a story to help us know how we should live.
Once there was a man who was going on a trip. Before he left, he told his servants
to take care of his things while he was gone. He decided how much each servant would
be able to care for. He gave one servant five bags of
money. He gave another servant two bags of money. And
he gave a third servant one bag of money. Then the man
left. The servant who got five bags went quickly to invest
the money. The five bags of money earned five more. It
was the same with the servant who had two bags of money.
He invested the money and earned two more. But the
servant who got one bag of money went out and dug a hole in the ground. Then he hid
his master’s money in the hole.
After a long time the master came home. He asked the
servants what they did with his money. The servant who was
given five bags brought ten bags to show to the master. The
servant who was given two bags brought four. The master
told each of them. “You did well. You are a good servant
who can be trusted. You did well with the small things. So
I will let you care for much greater things. Come and share
my happiness with me.”
But the servant who was given one bag whined, “ I was
afraid. I went and hid your
money in the ground. Here is
the bag of money you gave me.” The master answered, “
You are a bad and lazy servant! At least you could have
put the money in the bank where it would earn interest.”
And the master took the money from the lazy servant and
fired him.
Can you figure out what the different things mean in this story? Jesus is the
master. We are the servants. And the bags of money are the gifts we have been given
and the jobs we are to do.
Just as we are not supposed to hide our light, we are not supposed to bury our gifts
or ignore our jobs.
We have work to do in our homes, at school, in the church, and in our
neighborhood. We can make a difference where we are. There are also some very big
jobs to do in this world. You can’t do them all by yourself-nobody can. But you can do
your part.
First of all, you can help tell the world about Jesus. Just before Jesus went back to
heaven. He told His disciples.’ Go and make followers of all people in the world.” As He
rises into heaven. He said, “You will be my witnesses… in every part of the world.”
We can all help with this job, even if we never leave home. We need to learn all
we can about missions and missionaries. We are better able to help them if we know
what they are doing. We can pray for them. We can give money to mission projects.
We can find out what they need and find a way to get it for them. We can be proud of
Another big job is helping the people of the world who need help. If you watch the
news, you know that almost every day something terrible happens somewhere in the
world-an earthquake , a tornado, a flood, or a famine . People are hurt by these disasters,
and they need help from the rest of the world.
There are people in the world who need help because of war or because they are
sick, they are hungry, they don’t have clean water, or they don’t have school. To help
clean it up and put things right again.
What can we do? We can learn all we can about the people of other countries and
the way they live. When we understand better. We can help better. We can raise money
to help these people get what they need. We can pray. We can ask others to help too.
There is another big job that we can help with. We need to take care of our world,
the earth. When God created the world. He made it our responsibility. The Lord God
put the man in the garden of Eden to care for it and work it. We are supposed to take care
of the earth. Many people have forgotten this, and the world is in pretty bad shape. We
must do our part to help clean it up and put things right again.
We need to spend time in nature and learn to love and understand it. We need to
look at the way we live and see if we have any wasteful, greedy, or selfish habits that are
hurting the earth. We need to find out what’s wrong and how we can help fix it.
So…. Let’s say you are a servant in the story Jesus told. You have done well with
the small things, the jobs, Jesus has given you at home, and in your neighborhood. Now
he is letting you care for greater things. He is giving you three more bags : (1) telling the
world about Jesus, (2) helping the people of the world who are in need and (3) taking care
of the earth. What are you going to do?
You don’t have to worry about being big enough or strong enough or rich enough
or brave enough. Jesus will take care of that. He told us as He was leaving for heaven:
“All power in heaven and on earth is given to me…. You can be sure that I will be with
you always.” You just have to be willing to try.
God wants us to be happy. That’s part of His Plan. He tells us, as the master told
his good servants. “Come and share my happiness with me.”

Reference: Accepting His Plan – Series 3 – Unit 7– Lesson 52 pages 86– 88.

Differentiate or Describe the Parable of the Talent. How do you tell each one of them?

1. First Servant
2. Second Servant


3. Third Servant


Read the sentence carefully.

Answer the following.

1. Which of the three would you like to consider?


2. Do you think you can use it by yourself? Why?


3. Do you like to be a servant of God? Why?



EC2: Applying the talent in a real – life experiences.

Complete the sentence.

1. It is important that I do my part because__________________________.

2. A way I can tell the world about Jesus is __________________________.

3. When I do my part, I feel _________________ because_______________.

Answer these:

1. What talent you can share in your family? How can you perform it for them to be




2. Are you ready to share your talent to others? How are you going to do it? Cite an




Faith to live by: Talent is freely given by God. It’s up to you if you are going to use it or
practice it. If you keep practicing you will get better and better, and you can do more
and more. I believe constant practice makes you perfect.

The parable tells us that whatever talent we have, little be it or great, we must lay it at
the service of God. Now, It is time to check or apply the things you have learned from
the story given.
Answer the following question.

1. Do your parents make you clean up your room or house? Do you think it might take
less time and effort for them to do the following themselves?

2. Why do you think they make you do it? What do you think they want you to learn?

Faith to live by: God entrusted you with different talents, make sure that these talents
have given you must be in lined in God’s glory. Do the service to others as God wants
you to do so.

Performance Task: Talent Show

Be sure your presentation must be presentable.
Demonstrate your talent through video recorded and send it through face book or messenger. This
presentation must be done at home and very presentable.
Performance--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 points

Confidence - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------10 points

Documentation (pictures/videos- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 points

video is focused on telling the gospel
of God
Faith to live by:

“It is not a man’s talent which matters: what matters is how he uses it. God never
demands from a man’s ability which he has not got: but God does demand from a man
that he should use to the full the abilities which he does possess. Men are not equal in
talent: but men can be equal in effort. The parable tells us that whatever talent we have,
little be or great, we must lay it at the service of God.

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