Ogl482 Module 1 Self Assessments

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Running head: SELF-ASSESSMENTS 1


Victoria Ramirez

Arizona State University

OGL482 Module 1

March 19, 2023



Throughout my time at Arizona State University, I have taken several assessments and

although I did not find the Kuder Career Interests Assessment’s Occupations to Explore the most

accurate representation of how I feel, I can see where it is logical. The top occupation is in

Fitness and Wellness Coordinators, I do not consider myself fit ow living a wellness lifestyle, but

it is something I would like to improve on. I do feel that I could move into two other career paths

that were noted on the Occupations to Explore, Public Relations Specialists and Training and

Development Managers. What I did agree with, no shock to myself, is that I have Enterprising

interests and scored the highest in this area. The primary reason I chose Organizational

Leadership as my major is to expand my horizons and perspective on not only leadership but

public relations, and training and development. In other careers in my life, I excelled in these

areas and in my current department I simply cannot get a win. Furthering my experience with

topics generally associated in these two areas is of great importance to me because I know I my

confidence has been crushed by my department. A Major to Explore that I feel is close to my

current major is Organizational Management. My code for the Kuder career assessment was ESA

(Career Assessment, Pathways Planning System Login: Kuder journey) referring to Enterprising

(E) interests, Social (S) interests, and Artistic (A) interests.

The Kuder Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised Results seemed to be catered

specifically to me and I scored high in each area. A goal of mine post-graduation is to achieve

my Project Management Professional (PMP) certification in order to make me more competitive

in my Information Technology department. One of the occupations noted was Compensation and

Benefits Managers, which is ironically my current field. Another is General and Operations

Managers which is closely related to projects I work on but can also be considered in the project

management field. How do either of these push me towards my PMP goal? They refresh my

perspective on what I have done and give me ideas on what else I could look into to do to

compliment my desire to work in project management or encourage me to go in another direction

all together. There has been quite a bit of technology job layoffs in my area of Silicon Valley, so

it is reassuring to know that I may excel in non-technical fields. This will push me out of my

comfort zone as I have seniority and security with my department, I know exactly how much I

will get paid, when I will get paid, and that I will have a job with my department even if there are

lay-offs because it is unionized and I have seniority. Examples provided in my electronica

portfolio confirm that Organizational Leadership (OGL) is the best fit as a major and the

exercises and assignments completed throughout all the OGL courses have supported and

encouraged my career path and goals. The next assessment confirms that security is one of the

most important things to me, even if I am not in my ideal field.

The Motivation and Career Anchors Assessment confirms that my top career anchors are:

Security, Stability, Organizational Identity, and Technical / Functional Competence, and

Managerial Competence. Each with a score of 78, the next anchor not tied is Autonomy /

Independence at 72. There was no surprise here. Over several assessments taken on my OGL

journey, Security and Stability are always the top. As previously mentioned, I aspire for a Project

Management (PM) role in my IT department. But I would turn down a PM role in the public

sector because there is not security and stability. For my personal, not necessarily professional

needs, I must have a job with security even if it means I must push my desired position out. As a

single parent, this is a no brainer, I do not have the luxury of pursuing my desired position unless

it is in a secure organization. I have worked in a government agency for nearly fifteen years and

there is a peace of mind knowing that there is little to no chance of me losing my job. The career

anchor with the lowest score is Entrepreneurial Creativity coming in at a 60. This came as no

surprise to me. I have never been the type of person that wanted to start a business or be my own

boss. My passion is to be in an organization and perform for the organization to the best of my

abilities with pride and success. That being noted, this is an area that I have interest in, but it

does not overpower the reasons why my top career anchors are what they are. When I read

Entrepreneurial Creativity, I think risky. I may be willing to take risks creatively in the future,

but not at this moment. I am a lifelong learner and enjoy being exposed to new ideas, projects,

events so building in this career anchor is not out of thought.

Overall, I feel that the career anchor assessment was the best overall for this assignment

as it ranks my priorities, and I can visualize my priorities. It also related well to the other

assessments. I was able to draw a lot of connections between all of them. Assessments in general

allow you to see what drives you in your work. When someone understand what drives them,

they can genuinely find the best place for themselves.

Other assessments that I have taken include the Myers-Briggs Personality Test (The

Myers-Briggs Company, 2019), the Clifton Strengths assessment (Gallup, 2023), and the DISC

assessment (What is the DISC assessment?). The common marking is similar to what I have

noted for the Kudor assessments and that is that I prioritize a secure and stable environment both

professional and personally. Integrity and leading by example are also highly ranked in these

assessments. I have always taken pride in not only the work I produce but the example I imprint

on others. I feel accomplished and fulfilled when my teenager or colleagues acknowledge my

efforts and express their appreciations. Recently, my new team at work had a skip level meeting

with our new executive. All but one team member was afraid to speak up and express their

concerns about their roles and responsibilities and the expectations on the team under the new

leadership. After I spoke up, I received several thanks privately from the team because I was not

afraid to express a common concern. As a new member of this team, I felt even more


The DISC assessment model has been the model I most reference. As a seasoned student

who is stagnant in her position within her department, I have gotten lost in the hustle and bustle

of completing the busy work and at times forget how motivated I used to be when I was in a

leadership position. When I re-took the DISC assessment for a second time, the first being about

10 years ago, I realized that I regressed. The electronic portfolio completed in OGL 481 guided

me to realize how effective I was as a leader and how much I miss being in those positions. I

have once again taken the DISC assessment as I am now on a new team at work and have

volunteered to be a co-chair for a local non-profit organization that my daughter is a member of.

I feel everyone is constantly evolving and having as assessment such as this one is a great

reminder that evolution is not bad, and this assessment can guide me back to the path where I felt

fulfilled and that my work was meaningful. Another thing I also learned in these assessments is

that I have a deep sense of what I feel is right. Integrity in all aspects of my life continues to be

part of my personal philosophy. I will do the right thing regardless of if anyone is watching or

not. This, along with many other reasons, is why I feel personality assessment are so important.

They give us an outside understanding of who we are.

Another assessment that I have completed is the Clifton Strengths assessment. Within

this assessment, I only have strengths in relationship building and influencing (Gallup, 2022).

This verifies the I am people centered. One strength in particular is development. I feel this

relates to me being social and having the desire to be enterprising as previously mentioned. I

thrive on helping people get to where they want to be in life. This is something I say time and

time again and will continue to live by. I appreciate the Clifton Strengths assessment because it

allows me to focus on what I am good at doing. With this assessment, the goal is to become

exceptional at the specific things that you are good at and then build on those strengths.

I strongly feel that self-assessments are one of the best things that we can do to figure out

where we want to go and reflect on where we have been. Self-assessment shave helped me

understand myself better and understand the direction in want to move towards in life.

Assessments are crucial for leaders who want to become better versions of themselves. They

allow us to gain perspective from outside of ourselves and to truly gauge on what we can

improve on.


Career Assessment, Pathways Planning System Login: Kuder journey. Kuder Journey®. (n.d.).
Retrieved March 29, 2023, from https://journey.kuder.com/home/dashboard

TheMyers-Briggs Company. Retrieved October 23, 2022,


Gallup, I. (2022, June 2). What are the 34 Clifton Strengths themes? Gallup.com. Retrieved
January 23, 2023, from https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrenghts/en/253715/34-cliftonstrengths-

What is the disc assessment?

Discprofile.com. (n.d.). Retrieved October 3, 2022, fromhttps://www.discprofile.com/what-

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