PRE-Translation Into English of The Recreational Parks ISTU

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Translation Into English of The Recreational Parks of Instituto Salvadoreño De Turismo



Hernández Hernández, Melanie Lisbeth

Morales Rivas, Jacqueline Patricia

Ramos Ramos, Pamela Damaris

Ruiz Escobar, Gabriela Maria

Sánchez Santeliz, Walter Ismael

Zelaya Escobar, Mario Rene


Blanca Dinora Delgado Angel

Social Science Faculty

English School

San Salvador

July 19th, 2022



CHAPTER I....................................................................................................................................................6
PROBLEM STATEMENT............................................................................................................................6
PROBLEMATIC SITUATION.......................................................................................................................8
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM................................................................................................................9
GENERAL OBJECTIVE..................................................................................................................10
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES..................................................................................................................10
RESEARCH CONTEXT..............................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER II.................................................................................................................................................13
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK..................................................................................................................13
2.1 TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES................................................................................................13
2.1.1 DIRECT TRANSLATION.......................................................................................................13
2.1.2 TYPES OF DIRECT TRANSLATION....................................................................................14
2.1.3 INDIRECT TRANSLATION...................................................................................................15
2.1.4 INDIRECT TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES.........................................................................16
2.3 CULTURAL ASPECTS..............................................................................................................24
2.4 TRANLATION DIFFICULTIES................................................................................................25
2.5 APPLICATION OF TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES...............................................................26
2.6 WHY IS TRANSLATION IMPORTANT?.................................................................................28
2.7 LIMITATION OF TRANSLATIONS.........................................................................................29
CHAPTER III................................................................................................................................................30
METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK.........................................................................................................30
3.1 TYPE OF STUDY: QUALITATIVE..........................................................................................30
3.2 OBJECT OF STUDY..................................................................................................................30
3.3 UNIT OF ANALYSIS.................................................................................................................31
3.4 VARIABLES...............................................................................................................................31
3.5 DATA COLLECTION STRATEGY...........................................................................................32
3.6 INSTRUMENT...........................................................................................................................32
.................................................................................................................................................................. 33

BIBLIOGRAPHY REFERENCES......................................................................................................................34


Nowadays, El Salvador is making itself known by its tourist places in many international

countries, for which we are committed to making known destinations with a lot of history and

culture, where our roots are known and can enjoy with the help of “Instituto Salvadoreño de

Turismo”, we will develop a translation where the 14 tourist parks managed by ISTU are located,

to make it known to the foreign tourist so that we can contribute to our culture for this will use

translation techniques and we will try to give fidelity to our document.

The development of a translation is to translate from the Spanish language to the English

Language, taking a cultural approach, to have a window to the world taking into account the

diversity of culture that enriches us, according to Eugène Nida (2013) said that "Translation is

not only one of the most difficult and challenging human activities, but also one of the most

profound and encouraging experiences for all those who are interested in the diversity of cultures

and the fundamental problems of human existence." But to focus on a faithful translation we

must use techniques that favor us in translating so we can have a natural cultural approach to our


Some text to be translated verbatim into another language cannot be coherent at the time

the reader reads it, it is for this reason that various techniques must be used that allow expressing

the best possible in its adaptation to the target language to which we want to achieve without

losing the original style of the author, Tato savoy y Reiss (1957 - 1971) They claim that the

technical translator is interested in the content and the literary form. When translating content,

we have the freedom to choose various elements of translation techniques that gives the text, just

as we use a vocabulary that is consistent with the target language.


For that reason, we have taken with great dedication this document to try to give a

faithful translation and adaptation of the Spanish language to the English Language, with the

help of translation techniques, in order to provide a contribution to the country, showing our

culture and traditions, working hand in hand with the recreational parks managed by “Instituto

Salvadoreño de Turismo”.



Tourism in El Salvador during the government of President Nayib Bukele has had a

recovery in the tourism field since it had a recovery of 80% data obtained by the ministry of

tourism. Where it gives improvements to tourism and thus seeing the percentage of the influx of

foreign tourists which had a high enhancement, which previous years had not obtained.

Therefore, seeing the view that tourism has put foreign tourists we have taken it kindly to

contribute to tourism.

We, as committed Salvadorans, requested a document from the “Instituto Salvadoreño de

Turismo” which deals with information on the recreational parks that they administer, such

information has not been translated from the Spanish language to the English language, by

giving an important contribution so that international tourists can know the culture of each of the

parks and the fun they provide. This contribution can have a good benefit to tourism in the


Thus, we will apply translation techniques, they will help us to understand and

understand the meaning of the text from its original language to the target text while preserving

the meaning of being faithful in its translation, translation techniques are the determinants for the

text to be original and understandable to the audience, with the translation techniques we can

also observe that in many occasions the colloquial language or the Nahuatl language is lost

where the techniques must be fundamental for the translation of the Spanish language to the

English language.

Therefore, to carry out this effort, a qualitative study has been carried out as well as the

translation techniques in which we will adopt words from the Spanish language to the English

language to show our roots and the native speech of El Salvador is the NAHUAT which in many

of the recreational parks tend to maintain rich sectors in this language. To carry out this

translation the researchers adapted, classified, and analyzed each piece of information about the

recreational parks to draw a conclusion on the fidelity and adequacy of the source texts to the

target text.


For many years, translation has been one of the most significant procedures for the

expansion of culture, the creation and development of new kinds of literature, and the enrichment

of the languages used for translation. More than a science due to its technical nature, it can be

considered an art, since the translator in the process is not limited to just replacing a word of a

foreign language with another of the own language, but rather it is about recreating the original

text. in the target language and this allows for creating a link between the cultural ideologies of

the two countries.

In addition, it can be assured that translation must go hand in hand with culture because

although it is indisputable that there are qualities in one language that differentiate it from others,

it is not always used to study languages according to the culture it represents. This is an

important aspect that the translator should not neglect so that his translation is entirely attached

to the original version and can contrast the two cultures with which he is dealing. Regarding the

above, it seems important to emphasize the proposals of Lucia Luque (2018), who supports the

relationship between language and culture in the classification of cultures proposed by Hall.


El Instituto Salvadoreño de Turismo, known by the acronym as ISTU, provides a

document on Recreational Parks of El Salvador that describes information about the 14 parks

that offer healthy recreation for the family and other outdoor activities. The document is not

translated into any foreign language, and this is considered a problematic situation because

international tourists who wish to visit these places cannot appreciate it.

As members of this group, we decided to contact the managers of this institution so that

the Recreational Parks document will be translated into the English language. However, there are

aspects to take into account, such as the cultural aspects that differ from the information of each

park; also, terminology and vocabulary due to the loss of the original text, the adaptation to the

English language, and the techniques that were used to translate the document. Therefore, this

translation project for Recreational Parks of the ISTU is transcendental.

For this reason, there are questions to answer such as:

 What kind of techniques will we apply in the translation process?

 What will be the adaptations when translating into the English language?

 How will the source language affect the target language?

 What cultural aspects change when translating from the Spanish language to English?

 What will be the limitations of the translation process?

 What benefits will the translated document bring to ISTU?




 Develop the translation of an ISTU document on recreational parks in El Salvador

focused on international tourists, contributing to our general culture through translation



 Analyze the kind of technique that is used at the moment to translate the text into


 Justify why each technique is used when translating each tourist attraction into the

English language to make it known to international tourists.

 Analyze differences with the recreative parks vocabulary in terms of losses from the

original text and adapting correctly.



We focus on translating into English the document Recreational Parks administered by

the Instituto Salvadoreño de Turismo that was created in June 2021. Therefore, we focus on

applying different translation techniques to adapt it to the target audience, in this case, the

international tourist who is looking for a deep connection with nature during their stay in El


The context as a group is to apply correctly the techniques at the moment of translating

the document, creating a practical and coherent context in which we will develop and implement

our knowledge and skills as professional translators. Likewise, to fluently convey the original

message by respecting the style and ideas of the author, an aspect that not only entails

maintaining fidelity to the meaning but also allows the context to flow naturally.

As a result, a contribution to national tourism through the translation of this document to

be able to reach international tourists through the translation of the 14 tourist parks, which are

ecological reserves with abundant vegetation that are protected by the state. For this reason, the

international tourist deserves to enjoy and live the experience by attuning to the natural

environment through walks or impressive views that can be observed at any point in the country.


Nowadays, translated texts have a direct influence on the economy, mainly in tourism,

because it generates more income in the country; therefore, it becomes a necessity for the

development of the country.

The focus of this research project is to benefit national tourism because it is one of the

main players in international trade at the same time, represents one of the main sources of

income for the growth of the country. In addition, tourism contributes to the protection of

environmental and cultural heritage by providing the improvement and maintenance of tourist


For this reason, as researchers, we decided to share our translation knowledge by

applying techniques to the equivalent text in the target language. The translation is about the

adaptation of a statement from one language to another so that the final message becomes the

desired result because it is not just about translating a text; it takes the skill of a professional to

adapt it to the language, uses, and customs.

Finally, the document translated into English is expected to reach international tourists so

that they can learn about the history, scientific names, and attractions of the place. In addition,

tourists want to visit and appreciate the tourist places to share a healthy recreation with family

and friends through the Recreatives Parks managed by ISTU.





Translation is the process of translating words from the source language to the target

language, as per Pinheiro (2014) translating is interpret a written piece of discourse from the

source language according to the target language but considering the target language of the

original writer and the original context as much as possible, and then coding that piece again

according to our corrected-to-an-extreme vision of the target language and context.

There are many types of translations techniques, and the translator can choose a variety of

methods and techniques and those can be used to provide the message and convey each linguistic

element in the most accurate way. Nida (1964) in a more communicative perspective, uses the

term “techniques of adjustments” to refer to process whose aims is “to produce correct

equivalents.” There are two techniques that are the most common: direct and indirect translation

techniques, each method discussed achieves a slightly different effect. As translators we need to

have the ability to choose the correct translation technique because that will be essential once we

have the final translation so our readers can know the message and they can know our culture.

This research focuses on the translation of the document provided by ISTU to contribute to the

culture and national tourism applying different techniques.


These translation techniques are used when the concepts and structure of the source

language can be used in the target language. As Král (2021) said, direct translation techniques

can be used when the elements of the text being translated are similar in both the source and

target languages. These elements, such as grammar and sentence structure, or concepts about

them, can be transposed from one language to another.


Literal translation

Literal translation is attempting a word-for-word translation that is as close as possible to

the original, especially regarding the text’s structure and grammar. While this can lead to very

accurate translations, a rather large caveat exists. It can only be used for certain structures

between certain languages, as there is no universal magic wand for using literal translation on

everything. Based on Vinay and Darbelnet (1958/1995), this is “word-for-word” translation,

which occurs which most frequency between languages of the same family and culture.

Languages that use more rigid syntax rules, especially the ones that share these rules, lend

themselves to literal translations. On the other hand, languages with very fluid sentence

structures, like Slovak, would not be as suitable for literal translation into languages like English,

which has a more rigid syntax. When we cannot use literal translation alone, we supplement it

with calque or borrowing techniques.


Borrowing is simply one language taking words directly from another and using them as

its own. One of the biggest” offenders” of borrowing words from other languages is English,

which continues to take in new words. Borrowed words are often printed in italics when they are

considered to be "foreign".

Some languages, like French, remain more resistant to borrowing, instead preferring their own

equivalents, but most languages could easily find examples of borrowed words in daily use.

Bosco (n.d) stated that many English words are "borrowed" into other languages; for example,

software in the field of technology and funk in culture. English also borrows numerous words

from other languages; abbatoire, café, passé and résumé from French; hamburger and

kindergarten from German; bandana, musk and sugar from Sanskrit.


As per Král (2021) calque, is slightly different. While it starts with a word borrowed from

another language, it also translates this word into the target language, creating terms like

standpoint in English (from German Standpunkt), or beer garden (also from German,

Biergarten). Yet translators must be careful with calques, as many can be straightforward and

easy to understand, while others become confusing with unintended and often humorous

consequences. Calques are often context specific, with calque terms common in legal documents

being very unfamiliar to regular people.


Rowan (2014) defines “The indirect translation techniques must be used when the

language cannot be translated to the target language without altering the grammatical structure or

style.” Indirect or oblique translation techniques are used when the two languages and cultures

are further apart. These techniques change structural and conceptual elements in order to

preserve the meaning and nuance of the text.



Adaptation: “This type of translation technique replaces the cultural element of a type of

SL with cultural elements that exist within the TL” (Frita, 2018). Then, it is the process of

conforming a content to the vision of each language and base of especial way on the facts of

metalinguistic. However, it is also known as cultural substitution, in which all the cultural

elements from the SL are changed to the aspect of an equivalent cultural element to the TL. This

makes the translation to be more understandable, clear, familiar, and easy to develop, especially

with units of measurement poetry, tails, and plays. Translation attains its true value and

dynamism, it acquires “cultural visibility” (Stockwell, n.d.)

SL: Baby sister.

TL: Niñera, criada, empelada doméstica.

SL: La cocinera le dio al carretero una moneda de propina.

TL: The cook gave the carrier sixpence. (Sixpence, an English silver coin

Amplification (Addition): This type of technique adds information that does not exist in

the source sentence, so that means, is the procedure by which more information and words are

used in LT than the SL to express the same idea and the same meaning of the text. “This

technique is only the information that is used to assist in delivering the message to the reader”

(Frita, 2018). This addition cannot modify the meaning of the text and the idea that wants to

transmit in the source language. Type of amplification: Amplification of preposition.

SL: The plant (in) United States.

TL: La planta (que operan en) los Estados Unidos.


Compensation: This technique replaces the item information or position effects in the

SL to the other parts of the TL because it cannot be realized in the same section in the SL. In

general, terms can be used where something cannot be translated from source language to the

target language, and the meaning that is lost in the immediate translation is expressed somewhere

else in the target text. “Making good in one part of the text something that could not be translated

in another” (Fawcett, 1997). One example provided by Fawcett is the problem to translate

nuances of formality from languages which use form such as “Tu” and “Usted” in Spanish into

English which only is use “You” to express degree and formality in different ways to refer to


SL: “Eh jefe, has llegado tarde”, dijo Martha

TL: “Hey boss you’re late,” said Martha, in a deliberately over familiar way

Description: This technique replaces the term in source language with the description in

the target language. “It is used when the term of a source language does not have a term in the

target language (Frita, 2018).

SL: I like clam chowder

TL: Me gusta la sopa de almejas, un platillo tradicional hecho de almejas, patatas, cebolla y apio

un alimento delicioso que probaras en tu vida.

Equivalence/ Reformulation: This type of translation technique is somewhat similar to

modulation; this allows you to preserve the meaning of an expression name or proverb by

finding a target language equivalent. “Equivalence translates terms in the in the source

languages, term that is already prevalent in the target language” (Frita, 2018). Therefore, the

term in the source language is generally based the phrase or dictionary delay, in order to express

the text in a different completely way.

It is essential to highlight that equivalence technique is always used in metaphors and

idioms. In fact, the translation of a metaphor can give rise to three options:

a. Modulation of a metaphor by transforming into a non-metaphorical expression,

b. modulation to a metaphor to a simile and,

c. equivalence of one metaphor to another one.

In fact, if it the metaphor or the simile is not translated globally, taking the message on a broad

sense the readers will not perceive the humor or the irony of the original text. It is said: well, the

joke is not very effective because it cannot be translated into Spanish or into English.

SL: I will take a crack at it.

TL: Le hincare el diente al tema.

SL: It’s raining cats and dogs.

TL: Está lloviendo sapos y culebras

Expansion: This technique is not used very often because the idea when translating is to

be more accurate, natural, and concise in order to translate a text even from source language to

the target language and making the translation to be understandable and easy for the readers, but

it is still good technique that can be apply during the translation if it is needed. This technique is

the opposite of reduction, this is when words can be added in order to preserve the meaning. As a

result of, this can be due to the difference in sentence structures, grammar, or terminology.

SL: The girl went to shop for some groceries.


TL: La chica fue de comprar para abastecerse de alimentos que necesitaba para su familia

Generalization: This technique translates the term with a term that is very well known in

the public and known to and the community in general. It is used when the term of a SL refers to

a specific section or to a specific thing from the SL, which parallels in the TL that might not exist

in the TL and it is refer to the same section or the same thing.

SL: Moto taxi

TL Motorcycle Cab or Vehicle

Modulation: This technique a change of perspective from the SL to the TL translation,

adjusting what has been written in order to convey the same idea and the same meaning. Thus,

preserving the meaning in the translation of the text that conforms to the natural patterns to the

target language. “Replaces focus the point of view or the cognitive aspect that exist in the SL

either lexical or structural” (Fawcett, 1997). So, according to Fawcett and what he said, this

technique changes in which the meaning must be the same, but the symbols are different in each

language by using phrases that are different in the same languages, even though they contain the

same idea and want to convey the same meaning. In addition, it switches from one thought to

another one in order to translate the same situation. Therefore, this method is also based on

contrastive analysis, form which can be follow that all languages can perceive experiences form

their own perspective, in which it can be translate into the use of the linguistic elements that

work differently in each language, that is what, the meaning from the SL to the TL might change,

but it can still transmit the same idea. “Its EFECTIVE USE is the test of the of the translator’s

sensitivity, experienced and imagination, and requires great ingenuity and expressive power

(Darbenet, 1997).

Now, that it is known about the modulation technique, it is essential to highlight the types of

modulation that can be applied during the translation:

a. Inversion of terms

b. Change of point of view

c. The oppositive negatived

d. The part for whole

e. The concrete for the abstract/ the particular for the general

f. One part for another

g. Symbol change

SL: It is not difficult to show. SL: His wife is pregnant.

TL: Es fácil de demostrar. TL: Él se convertirá en padre

Reduction: When this type of translation technique is used, the translator can choose to

remove any word or phrase forming from the original text, which is considered redundant or is

extra information that the translator considers is not necessary to translate. “It condenses the

information contained the source language into the target language by compacting of information

should not alter the text of the message in the source language” (Frita, 2018).

SL: The man was injured in the car accident.

TL: El hombre tuvo un accidente

Transposition: This technique is the first and most oblique or indirect translation

procedures and consist of replacing a part of speech (grammatical category word type) in the SL

with another part of speech in the TL that coveys the original idea and the meaning information

of the text, with the same semantic force and in a way that is proper or (natural) to the TL. As a

result of, this translation technique involves a shift from one grammatical category to another,

while still preserving the meaning from the SL to the TL. However, this translation technique is

often used by translators that they consider necessary between with languages with different

grammatical structure.

“Transposition replaces the grammatical categories of the source language into the target

language” (Frita, 2018). This means that it changes of function and category and a part of speech

from the source language text is replaced by a different part of the of speech to the target

language text. For instance, replacing the words to become phrases, but conveying the same

meaning and the same idea in the text.

Now, that is known the Transposition technique, it is essential to highlight the types of

transposition technique that can be used in the translation:

a. Mandatory transposition “and” optional transposition.” (This es when and ambiguity is

created in the sentence and transposition becomes mandatory.)

b. Cross transposition.

c. Cross transposition positional verb/gerund.

d. Adverb/verb.

e. Adverb/noun.

f. Adverb/adjective.

g. Verb or past participle/noun.

h. Noun/verb.

i. Adjective/noun.

j. Adjective/verb.

k. Past participle/adjective.

l. Indefinite article/ definite article.

m. Possessive/definite article.

SL: He was never bothered again. SL: He kicked the door open.

TL: Nadie volvió a molestarlo. TL: Abrió la pierna a puntapiés.


Translation techniques enable effective communication between people around the world.

It is a process for the transmission of knowledge from one language to another in order to

understand the culture, lifestyle, the different aspects, and similarities that can be found in the

translation by applying the different translation techniques from the source language to the target

language. “We must attempt to follow the way our mind works consciously or subconsciously

when it moves from one language to another and record its progress and study the mechanism of

translation on the basis of clear and searching examples in order to derive working methods of

translation and beyond these methods discover the mental, social, and cultural attitudes which

inform them” (Darbelnet, 1995). This quote reveals some aspects and key points in their study of

translation process such as the work consciously or subconsciously when is translated from one

language to another.

The fact is the similarities and differences that might take place in the translation, will

depend on the type of translation technique used and suitable for such translation. Such

comparison that will take place in this investigation will be focusing only on the techniques

applied for the translation of such document in order to have a general idea if it is found

similarities or difference between Spanish and English. However, the study of the translation

techniques processing exploits the presence of two languages as an important research tool. The

impact of different lexical and cultural characteristics in both source and the target language on

performance in translation recognition and production has been taken as evidence, regarding the

organization of the translation and conceptual system. “The translation tasks itself allows one to

study the dynamic interaction between the two languages and to examine specific cross-

linguistics relation between words” (Groot, 1992).

The present research project contributes to the translation on a document of recreational

parks from ISTU and during the translation, the modulation technique was mostly used in order

to develop the translation, since it is intended for a foreign audience which is the target audience.

Therefore, in modulation, a phrase that is not the same as the SL and TL is used to convey. The

Spanish phrase, “te lo dejo” literally translates to “I will leave it to you.” However, it sounds

better when translated as “you can have it.” This technique might change the meaning and switch

the source language point of view. Nevertheless, modulation can be used without changing the

meaning by putting an awkwardness in the target language. Besides, it is also possible to employ

modulation in the same language. For instance, “es fácil de entender” and “no es complicado”

mean “it is easy to understand” and “it is not complicated to understand.” Therefore, the former

indicates that something is not difficult to comprehend, whereas, in the latter, the meaning goes

deeper by saying something was previously thought but turns out to be not complicated to



Translation displays many linguistic features, as well as social and cultural aspects of our

lives, thus, it can be said that translation is one of the main ways of communication across

cultures. However, it can be tough to translate some words or phrases from one language to

another, since they have a different denotation, object, and facts in the source language and so

specific, exclusive, and unique cultural meaning that produced them that they have no equivalent

in the target language, this is because they are unknown, or because they are not yet codified in

the target language. Therefore, this might happen when it is referring to cultural aspects of some

civilizations that are specific to their culture and is extremely challenging to achieve a successful

transfer for those cultural aspects. “Differences between cultures may cause more severe

complications for the translator than do differences in language structure” (Nida, 1964).

The present research project is intended to translate a document on recreational parks

from ISTU of El Salvador, in which most recreational parks names are based on Nahuatl

meaning and denote an indigenous meaning due to their roots and cultural aspects. Therefore, the

names of such recreational parks can be difficult to translate or at least provide an equivalent to

the target language. For instance, Atecozol recreational park comes from indigenous roots of

Nahuatl origin meaning “Cradle of Lord of Water,” in this case it is possible to know the

meaning of the name of this recreational park, but it is not possible to translate the name of the

park for the same reason that have an indigenous cultural aspect. Another example is Amapulapa

recreational park, whose meaning in Spanish is “Rio donde se hunden los Amates,” in this case it

can be possible to make a literal translation, but due to the cultural aspects and different facts is

difficult to do it or at least to establish an equivalent for it. In this way, many scholars such as

Nord, Kutz, Venuti, Kade, and Rabadan agree with the fact that language is an expression of

culture and individuality of its speakers and have, hence, deeply examined cultural terms as well

as the different cultural aspects that are involved in every source language in translation that, in

which sometimes there is a lack of equivalence between two languages and its culture in order to

reflect it in the target language.


Throughout the history, people have always to get through many different spheres and

different situations to convey what they really want to say, but the differences among languages

have been a barrier that can be overcome nowadays. Translation is an activity of enormous

importance in the modern world and has become an established field in language studies, since

the main criterion of translation is to convey the different ideas and messages for achieving

communication. For this reason, many translators use different techniques and different

strategies by trying to transmit ideas from language to another, including the cultural aspects of

each language. However, in the translation, there might be difficulties and severe complications

in order to convey the message when making the translation and applying the different methods.

“The most widely used and accepted translation method for obtaining equivalence between the

source language to the target language are translation techniques” (Yu, 2004).

Considering Newmark’s theory that translation is an art as well as a skill and a science,

four main aspects are taken into consideration when we talk about translation: the foreign and

native culture, the two languages, the writer and translator, and translation difficulties. Regarding

with the last one, it is said that in every field, there are several translation problems in the

translation industry, many of these problems are faced by translators every time, in which some

of them are structural variations between languages, compound words, cultural differences, as

well as cultural aspects between the languages. Therefore, some translation difficulties will be

carried out in this research project. (1) Structure of language: in English and other languages, this

is considered to be one of the main structural problems in translation. The culture practiced by

the speakers of each language may be vastly different and certain terms may be completely

absent and this is one of the most common challenges faced in translation. (2) Cultural

differences: colloquialism is often woven into formal language, making the translator’s work

very difficult achieve. In some cases, the larger the region is spoken, the more dialects there are

likely to be, and the more colloquial words are likely to find, and this can be really challenging

for translator. (3) Missing terms: they are very common translation issues, in which certain terms

may be completely absent, this occurs because has also to do with cultural aspects, as those

objects may not be used by people, or simply those actions or activities are not performed. This

is potentially a translation difficulty situation and poses another important structural problem

worth of discussion. (4) Words with several meaning: There are several words in the in different

languages that have different meaning based on what they are used in the sentence. This can be a

translation difficulty, since some words have different spelling, but have different pronunciation,

if the translator is not prepared for this problem, he will have a difficult translation, and this is

what is characterized as translation difficulty.


The main purpose of translation is to deliver the meaning contained in the source

language into the target language, therefore, it is the process to render the meaning from one

language to another. For this reason, when the idea of translating comes to our mind, it is

essential to take into account the different methods or techniques that can use in translation.

These techniques can be used in every translation and each technique can be chosen what the

translator considers necessary to use it. There are many terms which explain about the ways to

translate. For instance, Newmark (1988) called it procedures, Bell (1991) named it model, Baker

(1991), Suryawinata, and Haryanto (2003) prefer using the term strategies. Furthermore, there

are some strategies or techniques mentioned in this project before such as, modulation,

adaptation, compensation, and transposition, etc., each of these techniques performs a specific

function when they are used in translation.

However, the following are some strategies and techniques proposed by some experts

such as, naturalization, synonymy, modulation, cultural equivalent, functional equivalent, and

descriptive equivalent, addition, borrowing, etc. The strategies used will be affective when they

are used in appropriate way, situation, context, and purpose. Therefore, it will depend on the

situation or purpose when these methods or strategies will be needed. For instance, the strategy

literal translation might not be suitable to translate a literature or poetry, for this case equivalent

or cultural equivalent might be appropriate to translate poetry and literature. Nevertheless, the

description about strategies or techniques of translation proposed by experts are only as guide for

them, the translator has to know what kind of text he will translate, what is the purpose, then, the

translator can decide which strategy of method is the best is appropriate for the situation.

Therefore, there some fields in which these methods or techniques can be applied: (1)

technical translation, involves translating documents produced by technical writers, or any other

related to scientific and technological context, (2) language translation in healthcare, involves in

most medical documents that need translation such as, discharge instructions, complaint forms

etc., (3) translation and travel & tourism industry, involves in the translation of travel documents,

brochures, terms and conditions, and documents for interacting people of different regions.


According to Johnston (2019) translation is the act of changing from the language in

which the document was written (source language) to an equivalent text in the language that is

needed (target language) When a document is translated, it does not mean that it will be

translated literally word for word, since different factors influence such as the type of audience to

whom it is addressed, different techniques are used to achieve a better result.

Translation is essential in our professional and daily lives, since without it there would be

a lack of knowledge of new studies, technological advances and mainly there would be a

language barrier between people. A good translation must convey the same content of the source

text to the target language, it must neither add ideas nor suppress them. The register of the source

text, the expressions, the expressions, the terminology must be translated correctly. And since the

text was created for a specific purpose and audience, the spirit and purpose of the original text

must be respected, so that the translation has the same effect.

It is not only about translating a text, but it also takes the skill of a good professional to

adapt it to the language, uses and customs. Which sometimes involve conversions of measures,

coins, addresses and culturally appropriate sayings and sayings. In this project, when translating

an ISTU document, certain words and colloquial Salvadoran or Nahuatl phrases are reflected that

have to be adapted to the target language. In this case, our audience would be foreign tourists and

the purpose of this translation is to attract more tourists to our country and promote our culture

and traditions through tourism.



As per Aced (2017) for an efficient translation it is obvious that a good documentation

beforehand is necessary. This brief research offers the translator the opportunity of choosing the

best/the most adequate version of a text when translating. Depending on the field, texts have

different characteristics, layouts, purposes etc. The translator does not merely translate but adapts

and interprets the text.

The limitations of a translation can be very varied, and they are all different. It is also true

that not all texts are so easy to translate or that they do not have the same style or degree of

difficulty. However, translation limitations appear when there are differences between languages,

or social, economic, or political environments. Among the barriers encountered in this project we

can mention as one of the main ones the local words and sentences, local words and sentences as

we know in the source language are influenced by Nahuatl language and that can be difficult to

translate into the target language; it is here where the different techniques and methods of

translation presented in the project are applied, because the main problem is that you cannot

translate a sentence in separate parts or without understanding the context to which it refers.




The project is carried out under the qualitative method and is focused on translating an

ISTU document on the different recreational parks that it manages and is aimed at foreign

tourists so that they can acquire the information in an adequate way. In the same way, we also

want to identify the techniques used in the process of translating texts from Spanish to English,

therefore, the best way to obtain information and obtain deep details is through the analysis of

the text in order to identify the techniques used in this process.

It is important to understand that we are not counting how many techniques are being

used, but we want to know what kind of techniques they are and why they were the best option

for the translator in that specific case. It is important to know that we will consider the context of

the text to be objective.


The object of study of this project is the translation of the ISTU document "Instituto

Salvadoreño de Turismo" about the recreational parks of El Salvador, our job is to identify the

translation techniques used in them.



Due to this is a project aimed at the translation process, there are many variables that will

be considered in this project, and the variables have as their center the translation process from

Spanish to English.

One of the variables of this project is to identify the type of techniques used in the

translation process from Spanish to English, which are Borrowing, Tracing, Literal Translation,

Transposition, Modulation, Equivalence and Adaptation.

Today there are more variables, however, we only use the 7 most used techniques

worldwide by translators.


Independent variable: We take into account the techniques that we will use to make

sense of the set of ideas that we obtain from a document that contains cultural information about

our country we will use techniques such as adaptation, modulation, literal translation,

transposition, equivalence, among others, which will give us more options to transmit the

cultural message of each word written in the document.  

Dependent variable: We want to make the translation more understandable and accepted

by English-speakers, so that they will be able to see the cultural message contained in each term

described or in each name that was given to all those important sites of the Salvadoran culture by

giving them a great translation using the techniques mentioned before. 



The data collection was granted with the help of one of our members of the group,

therefore, we were able to reach the ISTU since she works directly for that government entity,

the process was as follows, we made a verbal request to be able to work on the translation of that

document, then, we were told that we had to send a formal letter making the request, once we

had the approval we received the document directly and with their permission we started with the

translation that will be presented later.


Through the use of techniques and methods we will translate an official document that

contains the information of each recreational park located in El Salvador that "ISTU" (Ministerio

de Turismo) gave us in order to create this project.



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