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Ericsson Internal

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EABHKAT (Abhijeet Katakam)

Approved (Document resp) Checked Date Rev Reference

2019-04-24 PA1

Crowdsourcing Data Exploitation System (CDES) - Web Form

Data Request
Ericsson Internal
2 (16)
Prepared (Subject resp) No.

EABHKAT (Abhijeet Katakam)

Approved (Document resp) Checked Date Rev Reference

2019-04-24 PA1

1 Introduction........................................................................................ 3
2 Description......................................................................................... 3
2.1 Online web-from request................................................................... 3
2.2 Online web-form submission GUI ..................................................... 4
2.3 Download of Data.............................................................................. 6
2.4 Approval ............................................................................................ 6
2.5 Scheduler .......................................................................................... 6
2.6 Output Data Format .......................................................................... 7
3 P3 Data File Types ............................................................................ 7
4 Appendix............................................................................................ 7
4.1 P3 Parquet Format ............................................................................ 7
4.1.1 Connection Test (CT)........................................................................ 8
4.1.2 Latency Test Report (LTR) ............................................................... 9
4.1.3 Network Information Report (NIR) .................................................. 11
4.1.4 Network Traffic/Throughput Report (NTR) ..................................... 12
4.1.5 Voice Calls (VC) .............................................................................. 14
4.2 Supported browsers ........................................................................ 16
Ericsson Internal
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Prepared (Subject resp) No.

EABHKAT (Abhijeet Katakam)

Approved (Document resp) Checked Date Rev Reference

2019-04-24 PA1

1 Introduction
As part of Crowdsourcing Data Exploitation System (CDES) Web form system, users can
request raw P3 data. Users requesting these data are from various customer units within
Ericsson domain.

This document provides details about list of inputs required from the user for submitting
the request. Apart from this, the document also describes about list of activities performed
by Admin so as to process the data and get transferred to the corresponding user.

2 Description

2.1 Online web-from request

Users interested to access P3 data should fill up a mandatory online web-form with minimal
set of fields. Original data from P3 is in parquet format which internally gets converted to
CSV before sharing the same.

Online web-form will be accessed only within Ericsson (ECN) network and needs SIGNUM
& LAN Password for login. These details are required for the system to authenticate user
against LDAP server. Following are the list of mandatory fields which should be filled by
the requestor:

Field Name Mandatory Description

Employee SIGNUM ID (Populated automatically after successful


Employee Full Name (Populated automatically after successful

Full Name Yes

Ericsson Email address for sharing updates (Populated

Email Yes
automatically after successful login)

Project Name Yes Details of the project working

Purpose Yes Purpose for requesting the data

Country Name Yes Name of the country for which data is being requested

Region Optional Latitude & Longitude values of the selected country

List of file types (CT, LTR, NIR, NTR, VC) for which data is being
File Type Yes
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Prepared (Subject resp) No.

EABHKAT (Abhijeet Katakam)

Approved (Document resp) Checked Date Rev Reference

2019-04-24 PA1

Start Date Yes Starting date of the P3 data

End Date Yes End date of the P3 data


Destination server IP where the user must run mount command

(shared in email) with root permissions to download data

HTTPS Download (Default)

Destination Yes
Here, user doesn’t need to provide any destination server details
for downloading the files. Once files are available, a link will be
shared where-in user can download.

Following is the URL to access the web form:

Here, user must click on the button “Webform Page” to redirect to submission form
(mentioned in below section).

Login page will request for your Ericsson Network user and password.

2.2 Online web-form submission GUI

Following is the GUI for submitting online form to request data:

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2019-04-24 PA1

Fields Signum, Email and Name are automatically filled with the user Ericsson information.
Apart from these, user has to fill up other details like Project Name, Country, Region
(Optional), Destination Details, File Types & Purpose.

As part of new release, “Region” field is introduced where-in user can now select a
corresponding area/region (rectangular) from the Map. Following is the screenshot of the
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2019-04-24 PA1

Note: Click on button and select the area by drawing a rectangle over the map. Once
the area is selected, click on Apply button to identify Latitude & Longitude values for the
selected area.

2.3 Download of Data

Now, user has the flexibility to download the data from the GUI. By default, all the list of
downloads for the corresponding user will be listed from where user can select any entry
for download.

Note: By default, this data will be retained for 5 days for user to download.

2.4 Approval

Once user submits with required details, an approval request is sent to Admin. Here, admin
checks for all required details and can either APPROVE/REJECT based on the details
filled up.

Once approved, the process of data transfer is initiated from AWS S3 bucket to the Central
CDES System where-in the data gets converted from Parquet to CSV and shared with the

Note: This functionality is only applicable for users having Admin privileges.

2.5 Scheduler

A java scheduler is configured whose purpose is to transfer data for all the approved
requests. This job of this scheduler is to verify the database for any pending approvals and
initiate data transfer accordingly.

(A) NFS:

In this type of request, data transfer takes place from source Ericsson AWS S3 bucket to
CDES system and converted into CSV format. After this, data is transferred to hosting
server and the same is mounted on an NFS system. An email is sent to the requester for
configuring their system to map with NFS mounted server.
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Approved (Document resp) Checked Date Rev Reference

2019-04-24 PA1

(B) HTTPS Download:

In this type of request, data transfer takes place from source Ericsson AWS S3 bucket to
CDES system and converted into CSV format. After this, data is transferred to hosting
server from where a link will be shared to user for download of data over HTTPS.

2.6 Output Data Format

When scheduler successfully transfers data, the parquet format will be internally converted
to CSV (readable). This is again compressed to save space in the disk.

With the help of this format, users can analyze data easily.

3 P3 Data File Types

P3 shares their data in the form of 5 different type of use cases and the files are pushed
into AWS S3 bucket in parquet format. Following image shows details about the same:

4 Appendix

4.1 P3 Parquet Format

This section covers details about how parquet format looks when data is landed into AWS
S3 bucket.
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EABHKAT (Abhijeet Katakam)

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2019-04-24 PA1

Note: This section is added just to provide information about parquet format. The final data
transfer is in CSV format.

4.1.1 Connection Test (CT)

Contains details of all connection tests and executed approximately every 15 min on every

The parquet schema file is:

message spark_schema {
optional binary CT_Id (UTF8);
optional binary ServerIp (UTF8);
optional binary TestTimestamp (UTF8);
optional binary ScreenState (UTF8);
optional boolean Success;
optional int64 DurationTcpConnect;
optional int64 DurationHttpReceive;
optional int64 DurationHttpGetCommand;
optional int64 DurationDNS;
optional int64 BytesRead;
optional binary LocationTimestamp (UTF8);
optional binary LocationProvider (UTF8);
optional float LocationLatitude;
optional float LocationLongitude;
optional float LocationAltitude;
optional double LocationTransX;
optional double LocationTransY;
optional float LocationAccuracyVertical;
optional float LocationAccuracyHorizontal;
optional int64 LocationAge;
optional float LocationSpeed;
optional binary LocationCountry (UTF8);
optional binary LocationCity (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaBaseStationId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaBaseStationLatitude (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaBaseStationLongitude (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaNetworkId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaSystemId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioConnectionType (UTF8);
optional binary RadioFlightMode (UTF8);
optional binary RadioGsmCellId (UTF8);
optional int32 RadioGsmCellIdAge;
optional binary RadioGsmLAC (UTF8);
optional binary RadioMCC (UTF8);
optional binary RadioMNC (UTF8);
optional binary RadioBrand (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCountry (UTF8);
optional binary RadioNetworkType (UTF8);
optional binary RadioNetworkGeneration (UTF8);
optional binary RadioHRCellId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioRNCId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioeNodeBId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioOperatorName (UTF8);
optional binary RadioServiceState (UTF8);
optional int32 RadioRXLevel;
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2019-04-24 PA1

optional int32 RadioRXLevelAge;

optional int32 RadioRSCP;
optional int32 RadioARFCN;
optional int32 RadioEcN0;
optional binary RadioPrimaryScramblingCode (UTF8);
optional int32 RadioLteCqi;
optional int32 RadioLteRsrp;
optional int32 RadioLteRsrq;
optional int32 RadioLteRssnr;
optional int32 RadioLteRssi;
optional boolean RadioIsRoaming;
optional binary RadioMobileDataEnabled (UTF8);
optional binary RadioMobileDataConnectionState (UTF8);
optional boolean RadioMissingPermission;
optional binary DeviceManufacturer (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceName (UTF8);
optional binary OS (UTF8);
optional binary OSVersion (UTF8);
optional binary WiFiState (UTF8);
optional int32 WifiRxLev;
optional int32 WifiFrequency;
optional binary WifiKeyManagement (UTF8);
optional binary WifiPairwiseCipher (UTF8);
optional binary WifiAuthAlgorithm (UTF8);
optional binary WifiGroupCipher (UTF8);
optional binary WifiProtocol (UTF8);
optional int32 WifiLinkSpeedValue;
optional binary WifiLinkSpeedUnit (UTF8);
optional binary WifiSupplicantState (UTF8);
optional binary WifiDetailedState (UTF8);
optional boolean WifiMissingPermission;
optional binary SimState (UTF8);
optional binary SIM_Country (UTF8);
optional binary SIM_Brand (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceInfo_SimOperator (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceInfo_SimOperatorName (UTF8);
optional int64 DeviceInfo_DeviceUpTime;
optional boolean DeviceInfo_BluetoothInfo_MissingPermission;
optional boolean DeviceInfo_BluetoothInfo_BluetoothEnabled;
optional binary DeviceInfo_BluetoothInfo_HealthConnectionState (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceInfo_BluetoothInfo_HeadsetConnectionState (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceInfo_BluetoothInfo_A2DPConnectionState (UTF8);
optional boolean RXLevFaulty;

4.1.2 Latency Test Report (LTR)

Contains results of the latency test. A latency test is following every CT.

The parquet schema is the following:

message spark_schema {
optional binary NIRId (UTF8);
optional binary TestTimestamp (UTF8);
optional binary ScreenState (UTF8);
optional binary LocationTimestamp (UTF8);
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optional binary LocationProvider (UTF8);

optional float LocationLatitude;
optional float LocationLongitude;
optional float LocationAltitude;
optional double LocationTransX;
optional double LocationTransY;
optional float LocationAccuracyVertical;
optional float LocationAccuracyHorizontal;
optional int64 LocationAge;
optional float LocationSpeed;
optional binary LocationCountry (UTF8);
optional binary LocationCity (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaBaseStationId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaBaseStationLatitude (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaBaseStationLongitude (UT F8);
optional binary RadioCdmaNetworkId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaSystemId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioConnectionType (UTF8);
optional binary RadioFlightMode (UTF8);
optional binary RadioGsmCellId (UTF8);
optional int32 RadioGsmCellIdAge;
optional binary RadioGsmLAC (UTF8);
optional binary RadioMCC (UTF8);
optional binary RadioMNC (UTF8);
optional binary RadioBrand (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCountry (UTF8);
optional binary RadioNetworkType (UTF8);
optional binary RadioNetworkGeneration (UTF8);
optional binary RadioHRCellId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioRNCId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioeNodeBId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioOperatorName (UTF8);
optional binary RadioServiceState (UTF8);
optional int32 RadioRXLevel;
optional int32 RadioRXLevelAge;
optional int32 RadioRSCP;
optional int32 RadioARFCN;
optional int32 RadioEcN0;
optional binary RadioPrimaryScramblingCode (UTF8);
optional int32 RadioLteCqi;
optional int32 RadioLteRsrp;
optional int32 RadioLteRsrq;
optional int32 RadioLteRssnr;
optional int32 RadioLteRssi;
optional boolean RadioIsRoaming;
optional binary RadioMobileDataEnabled (UTF8);
optional binary RadioMobileDataConnectionState (UTF8);
optional boolean RadioMissingPermission ;
optional binary WifiState (UTF8);
optional int32 WifiRxLev;
optional int32 WifiFrequency;
optional binary WifiKeyManagement (UTF8);
optional binary WifiPairwiseCipher (UTF8);
optional binary WifiAuthAlgorithm (UTF8);
optional binary WifiGroupCipher (UTF8);
optional binary WifiProtocol (UTF8);
optional int32 WifiLinkSpeedValue;
optional binary WifiLinkSpeedUnit (UTF8);
optional binary WifiSupplicantState (UTF8);
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optional binary WifiDetailedState (UTF8);

optional boolean WifiMissingPermission;
optional binary SimState (UTF8);
optional binary SIM_Country (UTF8);
optional binary SIM_Brand (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceInfo_SimOperator (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceInfo_SimOperatorName (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceManufacturer (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceName (UTF8);
optional binary OS (UTF8);
optional binary OSVersion (UTF8);
optional boolean RXLevFaulty;

4.1.3 Network Information Report (NIR)

Contains details of Network Information Records (Coverage), collected whenever another

app (e.g. Google Maps) actively and successfully requested GPS positioning data.

The parquet schema is the following:

message spark_schema {
optional binary NIRId (UTF8);
optional binary TestTimestamp (UTF8);
optional binary ScreenState (UTF8);
optional binary LocationTimestamp (UTF8);
optional binary LocationProvider (UTF8);
optional float LocationLatitude;
optional float LocationLongitude;
optional float LocationAltitude;
optional double LocationTransX;
optional double LocationTransY;
optional float LocationAccuracyVertical;
optional float LocationAccuracyHorizontal;
optional int64 LocationAge;
optional float LocationSpeed;
optional binary LocationCountry (UTF8);
optional binary LocationCity (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaBaseStationId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaBaseStationLatitude (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaBaseStationLongitude (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaNetworkId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaSystemId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioConnectionType (UTF8);
optional binary RadioFlightMode (UTF8);
optional binary RadioGsmCellId (UTF8);
optional int32 RadioGsmCellIdAge;
optional binary RadioGsmLAC (UTF8);
optional binary RadioMCC (UTF8);
optional binary RadioMNC (UTF8);
optional binary RadioBrand (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCountry (UTF8);
optional binary RadioNetworkType (UTF8);
optional binary RadioNetworkGeneration (UTF8);
optional binary RadioHRCellId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioRNCId (UTF8);
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optional binary RadioeNodeBId (UTF8);

optional binary RadioOperatorName (UTF8);
optional binary RadioServiceState (UTF8);
optional int32 RadioRXLevel;
optional int32 RadioRXLevelAge;
optional int32 RadioRSCP;
optional int32 RadioARFCN;
optional int32 RadioEcN0;
optional binary RadioPrimaryScramblingCode (UTF8);
optional int32 RadioLteCqi;
optional int32 RadioLteRsrp;
optional int32 RadioLteRsrq;
optional int32 RadioLteRssnr;
optional int32 RadioLteRssi;
optional boolean RadioIsRoaming;
optional binary RadioMobileDataEnabled (UTF8);
optional binary RadioMobileDataConnectionState (UTF8);
optional boolean RadioMissingPermission;
optional binary WifiState (UTF8);
optional int32 WifiRxLev;
optional int32 WifiFrequency;
optional binary WifiKeyManagement (UTF8);
optional binary WifiPairwiseCipher (UTF8);
optional binary WifiAuthAlgorithm (UTF8);
optional binary WifiGroupCipher (UTF8);
optional binary WifiProtocol (UTF8);
optional int32 WifiLinkSpeedValue;
optional binary WifiLinkSpeedUnit (UTF8);
optional binary WifiSupplicantState (UTF8);
optional binary WifiDetailedState (UTF8);
optional boolean WifiMissingPermission;
optional binary SimState (UTF8);
optional binary SIM_Country (UTF8);
optional binary SIM_Brand (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceInfo_SimOperator (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceInfo_SimOperatorName (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceManufacturer (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceName (UTF8);
optional binary OS (UTF8);
optional binary OSVersion (UTF8);
optional boolean RXLevFaulty;

4.1.4 Network Traffic/Throughput Report (NTR)

Contains network speeds split by technology aggregated over 15 min timespans.

The schema of the parquet file is the following:

message spark_schema {
optional binary NTRId (UTF8);
optional binary TimestampBin (UTF8);
optional binary Technology (UTF8);
optional binary TrafficDirection (UTF8);
optional int64 ThroughputRv;
optional int64 ThroughputRvConcurrent;
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optional int64 Samples;

optional int64 TrafficBytes;
optional binary TimestampDateTime (UTF8);
optional binary WifiState (UTF8);
optional int32 WifiRxLev;
optional int32 WifiFrequency;
optional binary WifiKeyManagement (UTF8);
optional binary WifiPairwiseCipher (UTF8);
optional binary WifiAuthAlgorithm (UTF8);
optional binary WifiGroupCipher (UTF8);
optional binary WifiProtocol (UTF8);
optional int32 WifiLinkSpeedValue;
optional binary WifiLinkSpeedUnit (UTF8);
optional binary WifiSupplicantState (UTF8);
optional binary WifiDetailedState (UTF8);
optional boolean WifiMissingPermission;
optional binary OS (UTF8);
optional binary OSVersion (UTF8);
optional binary SimOperator (UTF8);
optional binary SimOperatorName (UTF8);
optional binary SimState (UTF8);
optional binary DevicePowerSaveMode (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaBaseStationId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaBaseStationLatitude (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaBaseStationLongitude (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaNetworkId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCdmaSystemId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioConnectionType (UTF8);
optional binary RadioFlightMode (UTF8);
optional binary RadioGsmCellId (UTF8);
optional int32 RadioGsmCellIdAge;
optional binary RadioGsmLAC (UTF8);
optional binary RadioMCC (UTF8);
optional binary RadioMNC (UTF8);
optional binary RadioBrand (UTF8);
optional binary RadioCountry (UTF8);
optional binary RadioNetworkType (UTF8);
optional binary RadioNetworkGeneration (UTF8);
optional binary RadioHRCellId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioRNCId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioeNodeBId (UTF8);
optional binary RadioOperatorName (UTF8);
optional binary RadioServiceState (UTF8);
optional int32 RadioRXLevel;
optional int32 RadioRXLevelAge;
optional int32 RadioRSCP;
optional int32 RadioARFCN;
optional int32 RadioEcN0;
optional binary RadioPrimaryScramblingCode (UTF8);
optional int32 RadioLteCqi;
optional int32 RadioLteRsrp;
optional int32 RadioLteRsrq;
optional int32 RadioLteRssnr;
optional int32 RadioLteRssi;
optional boolean RadioIsRoaming;
optional binary RadioMobileDataEnabled (UTF8);
optional binary RadioMobileDataConnectionState (UTF8);
optional boolean RadioMissingPermission;
optional binary LocationTimestamp (UTF8);
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optional binary LocationProvider (UTF8);

optional float LocationLatitude;
optional float LocationLongitude;
optional float LocationAltitude;
optional double LocationTransX;
optional double LocationTransY;
optional float LocationAccuracyVertical;
optional float LocationAccuracyHorizontal;
optional int64 LocationAge;
optional float LocationSpeed;
optional binary LocationCountry (UTF8);
optional binary LocationCity (UTF8);
optional binary SIM_Country (UTF8);
optional binary SIM_Brand (UTF8);
optional boolean RXLevFaulty;

4.1.5 Voice Calls (VC)

Contains details of all voice calls.

The schema of the parquet file is the following:

message spark_schema {
optional binary VCId (UTF8);
optional binary Start_TestTimestamp (UTF8);
optional binary Start_LocationTimestamp (UTF8);
optional binary Start_LocationProvider (UTF8);
optional float Start_LocationLatitude;
optional float Start_LocationLongitude;
optional float Start_LocationAltitude;
optional double Start_LocationTransX;
optional double Start_LocationTransY;
optional float Start_LocationAccuracyVertical;
optional float Start_LocationAccuracyHorizontal;
optional int64 Start_LocationAge;
optional float Start_LocationSpeed;
optional binary Start_LocationCountry (UTF8);
optional binary Start_LocationCity (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioCdmaBaseStationId (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioCdmaBaseStationLatitude (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioCdmaBaseStationLongitude (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioCdmaNetworkId (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioCdmaSystemId (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioConnectionType (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioFlightMode (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioGsmCellId (UTF8);
optional int32 Start_RadioGsmCellIdAge;
optional binary Start_RadioGsmLAC (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioMCC (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioMNC (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioBrand (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioCountry (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioNetworkType (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioNetworkGeneration (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioHRCellId (UTF8);
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optional binary Start_RadioRNCId (UTF8);

optional binary Start_RadioeNodeBId (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioOperatorName (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioServiceState (UTF8);
optional int32 Start_RadioRXLevel;
optional int32 Start_RadioRXLevelAge;
optional int32 Start_RadioRSCP;
optional int32 Start_RadioARFCN;
optional int32 Start_RadioEcN0;
optional binary Start_RadioPrimaryScramblingCode (UTF8);
optional int32 Start_RadioLteCqi;
optional int32 Start_RadioLteRsrp;
optional int32 Start_RadioLteRsrq;
optional int32 Start_RadioLteRssnr;
optional int32 Start_RadioLteRssi;
optional boolean Start_RadioIsRoaming;
optional binary Start_RadioMobileDataEnabled (UTF8);
optional binary Start_RadioMobileDataConnectionState (UTF8);
optional boolean Start_RadioMissingPermission;
optional binary End_TestTimestamp (UTF8);
optional binary End_LocationTimestamp (UTF8);
optional binary End_LocationProvider (UTF8);
optional float End_LocationLatitude;
optional float End_LocationLongitude;
optional float End_LocationAltitude;
optional double End_LocationTransX;
optional double End_LocationTransY;
optional float End_LocationAccuracyVertical;
optional float End_LocationAccuracyHorizontal;
optional int64 End_LocationAge;
optional float End_LocationSpeed;
optional binary End_LocationCountry (UTF8);
optional binary End_LocationCity (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioCdmaBaseStationId (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioCdmaBaseStationLatitude (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioCdmaBaseStationLongitude (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioCdmaNetworkId (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioCdmaSystemId (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioConnectionType (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioFlightMode (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioGsmCellId (UTF8);
optional int32 End_RadioGsmCellIdAge;
optional binary End_RadioGsmLAC (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioMCC (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioMNC (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioBrand (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioCountry (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioNetworkType (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioNetworkGeneration (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioHRCellId (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioRNCId (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioeNodeBId (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioOperatorName (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioServiceState (UTF8);
optional int32 End_RadioRXLevel;
optional int32 End_RadioRXLevelAge;
optional int32 End_RadioRSCP;
optional int32 End_RadioARFCN;
optional int32 End_RadioEcN0;
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optional binary End_RadioPrimaryScramblingCode (UTF8);

optional int32 End_RadioLteCqi;
optional int32 End_RadioLteRsrp;
optional int32 End_RadioLteRsrq;
optional int32 End_RadioLteRssnr;
optional int32 End_RadioLteRssi;
optional boolean End_RadioIsRoaming;
optional binary End_RadioMobileDataEnabled (UTF8);
optional binary End_RadioMobileDataConnectionState (UTF8);
optional boolean End_RadioMissingPermission;
optional binary DeviceManufacturer (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceName (UTF8);
optional binary OS (UTF8);
optional binary OSVersion (UTF8);
optional binary CallEstablishedTimestamp (UTF8);
optional int64 CallDuration;
optional binary CallDirection (UTF8);
optional boolean CallSuccessful;
optional binary CallEndType (UTF8);
optional boolean IsIdenticalBParty;
optional binary BMSISDN (UTF8);
optional double RatShare2G;
optional double RatShare3G;
optional double RatShare4G;
optional double RatShareCDMA;
optional double RatShareUnknown;
optional int64 CountRatShareSamples;
optional binary SIM_Country (UTF8);
optional binary SIM_Brand (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceInfo_SimOperator (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceInfo_SimOperatorName (UTF8);
optional int64 DeviceInfo_DeviceUpTime;
optional boolean DeviceInfo_BluetoothInfo_MissingPermission;
optional boolean DeviceInfo_BluetoothInfo_BluetoothEnabled;
optional binary DeviceInfo_BluetoothInfo_HealthConnectionState (UTF8 );
optional binary DeviceInfo_BluetoothInfo_HeadsetConnectionState (UTF8);
optional binary DeviceInfo_BluetoothInfo_A2DPConnectionState (UTF8);
optional boolean RXLevFaulty;

4.2 Supported browsers

Following are the list of browsers supported for accessing this system:

1. Google Chrome

2. Mozilla Firefox

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