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Install CDS and CUSS....................................................................................................................................1
Internet Explorer 8......................................................................................................................................7
JAVA Control Panel......................................................................................................................................8
Configure a ThinK application......................................................................................................................9
Start/Stop CDS and CUSS...........................................................................................................................11
Day To Day ThinK Application Development.............................................................................................13
Java Policy..............................................................................................................................................13
Launch ThinK Application Without CUSS...............................................................................................13
Maintain Current JAVA Version.............................................................................................................14
Development Tips..................................................................................................................................16

The following document is for installing and setting up CDS (Consumer Device Services) and Embross
CUSS (Common Use Self Service) 1.3 on an IBM development laptop running IBM Edition Windows 7 –
64 bit. After installation and setup, a developer will be able to develop ThinK applications.

Install CDS and CUSS

Obtain the latest CDS from \\\shared\products\cdsnt\ and Run as
administrator. Embross CUSS is installed as part of this CDS installation. CDS_V7201.EXE is used for this
Copy the contents of \\\shared\utils\cuss\cuss_13_tools into C:\CUSS

Open a command prompt as an administrator and go through the CUSS silent install for 1.3.
Run CUSS compliance test

Verify all required tools are compliant. (I installed everything up to and including JAVA7 and my Flash is
more recent. This was sufficient for me to run a ThinK application on the CUSS platform.)
Setup the Common Launch Application environment. Run options 2 and 6

Verify the virtual devices are setup by going into the CDS Selective Install tool (C:\CDSNT\cdsinst.exe).
Virtual devices will be used to simulate passport reads, barcode scans, credit card reads, bag tag
printing, boarding pass printing, receipt printing, etc.

02-Jun-16 Update :

If you don’t see Passport reader or Bag Tag Printer added as in the screenshot below.
Re-run the above step again as follows.
i.e. first time run C:\CDSNT\cdsinst.exe cmd and enter 2
then run C:\CDSNT\cdsinst.exe cmd and enter 6

IF it still does not work, setup up manually by using cdsinst.exe tool and comparing with existing setup.
Alter the Startup sequence to start CUSS when CDS starts. This is done by enabling Auto Start in the
User Application box.

Leave the rest of the settings as is. (Click OK to bypass any errors). Save and exit.

Internet Explorer 8
Launch IE8 and set it to Display all websites in Compatibility View from the Tools tab.
JAVA Control Panel
Go to the Java Control Panel from the Control Panel. Make sure the Security Level is set to Medium.

Configure a ThinK application

Setup the CUSS platform to launch a ThinK application in single application mode. This example
configures the JetBlue application, ela_CKC on the CUSS platform.
ela_CKC is tied to the ThinK application. This value MUST be a concatenation of the
[cuss_company]_[cuss_application] parameters in applet.js.

Copy the contents of the ThinK application into the apps directory of CUSS. Make sure the application
folder maintains the proper naming convention. The [cuss_application]_[cuss_company] (i.e. CKC_B6)
folder, is automatically generated once the application is launched and is used as the logging directory.

Open C:\CUSS\config\LAUNCH.CFG. Configure a specific ThinK application to launch on the CUSS

platform. Configure APPLICATION_LIST and START_MODE
Add in an application entry for B6_CKC

Open C:\CUSS\config\KIOSK.CFG. Configure a specific ThinK application to launch on the CUSS platform
at the desired airport. Populate the highlighted fields below. AIRPORT and _AIRPORT_ACTUAL must be
a valid 3 letter airport code. The IDENTIFIER and _IDENTIFIER_ACTUAL should be set to a unique name.
Start/Stop CDS and CUSS
Navigate to Consumer Device Services from the Start Menu or CDS.bat from Windows Explorer and Run
as administrator. If this is the first time you have ever launched a ThinK application on your laptop, go
through the instructions on Day to Day ThinK Application Development below to launch the application
from Internet Explorer. This is done to ensure all the Java prompts are accepted/suppressed.
After the application is launched, any documents (boarding pass, receipts, bag tags) generated during a
transaction will be stored in C:\CDSNT\TEMP.

To shutdown CDS and CUSS, press and hold the CTRL-ALT, then press and release C, then press and
release X. Release CTRL-ALT.
Day To Day ThinK Application Development
For day to day ThinK application development, the application can be launched from Internet Explore

Java Policy
Create a file named .java.policy in c:\USERS\[username]\

Copy the contents from C:\CDSNT\ibmcuss\default.policy into the file. Save the file.

Launch ThinK Application Without CUSS

Specify which airport to launch the application at and a kiosk name.
Launch the ThinK application from internet explorer. This approach will launch a ThinK application
without the CUSS platform.

Maintain Current JAVA Version

When a dialog pops up prompting “Your version of Java is insecure … “, always select Later and “Do not
show this again for this app”.
Select I accept risk and want to run this app, Do not show again for this app and Run.
Select Run with latest version

When a dialog pops up prompting “Your Java version is out of date”, always select Later and “Do not ask
again until the next update is available”.

Do NOT allow the system to automatically install ANY new JRE. If a newer/older version of JRE is
needed to run a specific ThinK application, go through the CUSS Silent Install module.

If necessary, fix the out of date ActiveX control blocking. I fixed the problem by updating my registry.

Development Tips
The ThinK debug window can be used to simulate device interactions, debug application state and issue
simulated CTS responses. Press D after the ThinK application starts in Internet Explorer
Use the setDummyData method to prepopulate simulated track data such as, credit card, passport, VISA
and permanent resident card.
When the ThinK application is launched without CUSS, the logs will be generated in c:\Logs

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