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Time : 3 hours

Full Marks : 100

Candidates are required to give their answers in

their own words as far as practicable.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Answer all questions.

1. ,,,How study.of pathology helps a Homoeopathic

V physician. 20

~ efine anem~ij. What are the types of anemia ?

Describe, in detail, about thef_pemicious anem§j
· 20

3~ e Inflammation . What are.the types of ·

'- inflammation. Describe, in detail, about the Acute
inflammation. 20

.J Describe, in detail, about the peptic ulcer. What

is the importance of H. Pylori in Pathogenesis of
Peptic ulcer. 20

KC-10/1 (Tum over)

~ rite ~~ort notes 9 n the following : 5><4 = 20
. ~ Repair and Regeneration
~ ) Oedema

~ Neoplasia d 11 . ,.~
,,n . f v<..~
c.., · 0""'L-.'c ·
. .l_Jd-Y COPD .-- .,,.,-,. ~ c;l/~,

---•··• - - -

KC - 10/1 (200) (2 ) VMY - Patho (1)


Time : 3 hou rs ·

Ful l Marks : 100

Candidates are req uire d to give the ir ans we rs in

the ir own words as far as pra ctic able.

The figures in the margin ind icate full marks .

. · Ans we r all questions.

~G -lo ~
Wh at are Ho okw orm ? Giv e an acc oun t of life
cycle of Hookworm. Des crib e the pat hog ene sis
of Hookworm Infestation . ~ ~ 20

J Wh at is the mode of transmission of HIV ? Wh at

are the complications of Entetic Fev er~ Ho w will
you diagnose in lab a case of Enteric Fev er?
CJ , cl~ 20
Sx4 = 20
~ Wri te Notes on the following :

(a) Cov id-1 9

(b) Abs ces s

(Tu rn over )
KC - 11/1
(c) Immunity

(d) Vector

vA - What is Sterilisation ? Write, in detail, about auto

calave and Pasturisation . 20

J · Mention the different types of malarial parasites

infecting human being. Describe the life cycle of
plasmodium virus . 20

- - - • ·• • - - -

.., .. -

KC - 11/1 (200) (2 ) . VM Y-P ath o (2)

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