Reflective Essay

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Name: Nkim-Omang Godswill Osowo-Ochi

Department: Software Engineering

Registration Number: A00022152


Introduction: (Name of your enterprises and your role in the enterprise)

The name of my enterprise is Alternate World, which I worked as a dedicated and active floor

member of the above successful enterprise. I did not hold a post as one of the board members but I

was an active and discipline floor member.

Business Concept (What is the business about)

This business was aimed at giving consumers the experience of virtual reality. With our VR set we

brought picture to real life. We gave our consumers the experience of simulated environment with a

360-degree exploration.

Entrepreneurial Learning Skills (What knowledge of entrepreneurship have you gained)

My Ability to keep record of sales has been developed drastically due to keeping records of

customers that patronize us. My communication skill has increased due to my act of convincing

different costumers and telling them then benefits of virtual reality. I’ve never ran a business as a

group before, My Entrepreneurship skills on working with a group of people to bring forth a

successful enterprise has been broadened. Changing our business location during student activities

has taught me the ability to spot trend in business that location can be flexible. Through the course

of this program, I improved my negotiation skill, the ability to negotiate discount with customers was

a key factor to this development.

Transferrable Skills (What other skills not related to entrepreneurship have you gained)

My public speaking skilling has improved because being able to bring up ideas in board meetings has

improved my confidence a lot. My time management skill was enhanced. Too many activities that

need my attention and can make my day appear chaotic. I made sure I was aware of my priority. I

understood what must be completed and when it must be completed.

Things we did right

Our business transaction was recorded and accounted for neatly. Our welcoming arms gave us

consistent customers that we were able to make profit. We were very mobile and flexible carrying

the VR headset to market place Friday and other social school activities gave us an edge.

Things we did not do right

Consistency was poor some costumers will come and they’ll find out the place was locked because

the people on shift are not available. Due to our large population response from group members was

slow and at times no response at all. Lateness and absentees in board and group meetings was an


Personal Lessons

In as much as running a group business is fun and much easier, I will prefer running a sole business.

When running a group business, I found out that it’s difficult for everyone to give their 100%.

Evaluation of your CEO and Members Generally

My CEO was hard working and she makes sure that everyone gets the job done. No successful CEO

can stand alone without having competent people as board leaders. Our board members carried out

their duties and made sure the business routine was organized. Although we being students, we can’t

get everyone at 100% but I must say my group mates were fantabulous their hard work towards the

business was an overachievement beyond doubts.

Suggestions for Improvement

The students should be allowed to keep the profit they make from the business as incentive because

only awarding students with grades is not enough. The time allotted for students to return proper

profit is not feasible for instance the to total income of students

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