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Summary of Dermatomes Summary of Myotomes

C1 – no skin supply
C2 – occipital region, posterior neck & skin over parotid
C3 – neck
C4 – infraclavicular region (to manubriosternal junction), shoulder & C4 – diaphragm (respiration)
above scapular spine
C5 – lateral arm C5 – deltoid (shoulder abduction)
C6 – lateral forearm & thumb C6 – biceps (elbow flexion, biceps jerk)
C7 – middle fingers C7 – triceps (elbow extension, triceps jerk)
C8 – little finger & distal medial forearm C8 – flexor digitorum profundus & extensor digitorum (finger flexion
& extension)
T1 – medial arm above & below elbow T1 – abductor pollicis brevis (thumb abduction)
T2 – medial arm, axilla & thorax
T3 – thorax and small extension to axilla
T4/5 – nipple line
T7 – subcostal angle T7-12 – anterior abdominal wall muscles (abdominal reflex)
T8 – rib margin
T10 – umbilicus
T12 – lower abdomen, upper buttock
L1 – suprapubic & inguinal regions, anterior scrotum & upper buttock L1 – lowest fibres of internal oblique & transversus abdominus
(guarding the inguinal canal)
L2 – anterior thigh, upper buttock L2 – psoas major (hip flexion)
L3 – anterior & medial knee L3 – quadriceps femoris (knee extension)
L4 – medial leg, medial malleolus and side of foot L4 – tibialis anterior & posterior (foot inversion)
L5 – lateral leg, dorsum & medial sole of foot L5 – extensor hallucis longus & peroneal muscles (great toe extension
& foot eversion)
S1 – lateral ankle, lateral side of dorsum & sole of foot S1 – gastrocnemius (foot plantarflexion, ankle jerk)
S2 – posterior leg & thigh, buttock, penis S2 – small muscles of the foot
S3 – sitting area of buttock, posterior scrotum S3 – perineal muscles, bladder (anal reflex, bulbocavernosus reflex)
S4 - perianal

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