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Option #1

Non-verbal Group Performance

Description of the Non-verbal performance:

Students will have the opportunity to create and perform their own non-verbal performance. This could
be performed in front of the class, or it could be a video submission. This is a partner/group performance
with at least two people.
● Movement piece must be at least 1 minute long.
● The movement piece must communicate an idea or story that is in line with skills we learned in
our movement unit.
● Students must be able to communicate their story clearly to an audience without using words.
● The non-verbal Theatre piece needs to include the following elements.
o Distinct characters
o A clear beginning, middle, end
o Purposeful Movement
o Use of posture, gesture, and facial expressions
● Every person in the group must be involved in the performance.

Option #2
Movement Activity/Game Research Project

Description Research Project:

For this assignment, Students will choose two games or activities that we performed throughout this unit
in class. They will then be asked to write about why they chose those two games and how those games
relate to our movement unit. They will then research one more game/activity that relates to our
movement unit. This game/activity can be lead as warm-up game/activity in class, or students can
submit a paper copy with instructions on how the game is played, and how it fits into our movement
unit. This is an individual project.

Option #3
Your Choice

Description Research Project:

If students have another idea about how they can represent their knowledge from this unit, they can talk
with me. I’m open to suggestions!

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