Perfin - Act 2.1

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1. Bank
2. Budget
3. Investment
4. 4.1%
5. The envelope budget system
6. Savings account
7. 7.20%
8. 50%
9. 30%
10. Financial literacy
11. 50-30-20 budget plan
12. snowball method
13. debt avalanche method
14. Zero-based budgeting
15. Financial finance

II. Enumeration
The golden rules of personal finance
16. Golden Rule #1: Don't spend more than you make
17. Golden Rule #2: Always plan for the future
18. Golden Rule #3: Help your money grow
Benefits of opening a bank account
19. Security
20. Convenience
21. Earning interest
The basic requirements for a bank account in the Philippines
22. 2 Valid IDs such as School ID, Company ID, Passport, Driver's License, UMID, Postal
1. ID, etc.
23. Two 1×1 ID pictures taken in the last six months
24. Proof of billing like the electric bill, internet bill, water bill, etc.
25. Tax Identification Number
26. Initial Deposit (varies depending on the bank)
Benefits of budgeting
27. Reveals waste
28. Directs priorities
29. Creates new habits
30. Reduces stress
31. Educates
Types of budgets
32. The Envelope Method
33. 50-30-20 Budgeting Method
34. Zero-Based Budgeting Method
How to Budget When You are Broke?
35. Assess Your Financial Situation
36. Categorize Your Expenses
37. Identify Your Problem Spending Areas
38. Cut Back Your Spending
39. Save Money on Bills
40. Be Frugal
41. Tackle Your Debt
42. Pick a Repayment Method
43. Reduce Your Credit Card Interest Rate
44. Request Extensions or Payment Plans
45. Draft Your Plan
46. Take Advantage of Opportunities
Personal Budgeting Tips for First-Timers
47. Decide to Start a Budget
48. Know How Much You Have
49. Know How Much You Make
50. Know What You Owe
51. Determine Your Net Worth
52. Determine Your Average Recurring Monthly Expenses
53. Enter this Information into a Database
54. Look at the Bottom Line
55. Make Adjustments Accordingly
56. Adjust Categories Based on Reality
57. Pay Yourself First
58. Track, Monitor, and Be Disciplined
Benefits of budgeting in business
59. Businesses can better coordinate their activities
60. Employees become more cost-conscious and try to conserve resources

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