Classics Study Day Invitation Letter and Consent Forms

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Oriel College, University of Oxford: Classics Study Day

Dear student & parents/carers,

I am delighted to inform you that you have been selected to attend the Oriel College
Classics Study Day, 4th-5th April 2023. This document contains information on the
visit, a code of conduct, and also a parental consent form. You will not be able
to attend the Classics Study Day unless I receive the fully completed parental
consent & code of conduct forms by the first day of the event (preferably before).

Any of the following are acceptable ways to return your forms:

1. Email a scanned copy (or clear photograph), or electronically signed copy to (preferred method)
2. Post to Arron O’Connor, Oriel College, Oriel Square, Oxford, OX1 4EW
3. Bring the completed forms with you when you check in on the first day of the
event. This is the least preferred method: please try to ensure that either
method 1 or 2 is used ahead of time!

Travel and Arrival/Departure

The reasonable cost of travel to attend the programme can be reimbursed by the
college. Attendees will need to provide proof of payment (receipt or invoice) for the
journeys claimed, and the bank account details for the account from which the
purchase was made. Reimbursements will be submitted in one group prior to the
programme, and in a second group after the programme. Once submitted, it may
take a few working days for the reimbursement to process.

Bus fares for attendees making journeys from nearby towns/cities can also be
reimbursed by the college: please keep your bus tickets and I will provide you with a
claim form when you arrive.

If there are any problems with securing travel to and from Oxford, please email prior
to the programme.

Attendees are expected to make their own way to Oriel from the railway
station (Oxford (OXF), postcode OX1 1HS). This is an approx. 15 minute walk
through the centre of Oxford. There are a number of local bus services which serve
the Railway Station and stop on the High Street, minutes away from Oriel, but it is
more than possible to reach us by foot.

Students are asked to arrive at Oriel College (OX1 4EW) between 15:00-
17:00, 4th April. We are unable to accommodate early arrivals.

Please note that we are unable to accommodate or cover travel costs for anyone
other than the attendee, unless in exceptional circumstances. We are unable to
reimburse costs for journeys made by taxi or private car and discourage
parents/carers from driving attendees to Oxford.1 There is no parking available at
Oriel College for attendees wishing to drive themselves to Oxford.

The Classics Study Day ends at 17:00 on 5 th April, when all participants will
depart from Oriel.

Attendees with disabilities who need to travel by private car are exempt from this rule,
and can claim for travel expenses from the college.
The Programme

The programme takes place primarily at Oriel College (although participants will be
shown around other parts of Oxford University and have a small amount of free time
to explore). The programme includes academic sessions with university academics,
information about applying to Oxford, meals in the college dining hall, and ample
opportunities to ask questions and familiarise themselves with the college. The
college Outreach Officer (Arron), college tutors and student ambassadors will
supervise all activities. Please note that the programme below is preliminary and
may be changed slightly prior to the first day of the programme.

Programme for 4th April

Participants will arrive and check in between 15:00-17:00, 4 th April. No academic

activities will take place on this day, but students will participate in orientation and
social activities run by the Outreach Officer & undergraduate Student Ambassadors.

Dinner will be served 6-7pm in the college dining hall. Participants are required to
stay within the Oriel site after 22:00, and in their own rooms by 23:00.

Programme for 5th April

08:00-09:00 Breakfast
09:00-09:45 Pack up & check out of rooms (keys must be returned by 10am)
09:45-10:45 Information and guidance session
10:45-11:45 Academic taster session
12:15-13:30 Lunch & free time
13:30-14:30 Ashmolean Museum visit
14:30-15:30 Academic taster session
15:30-16:30 Academic taster session
16:30 Programme conclusion & departure from Oriel


Accommodation and meals are provided free of charge to all attendees.

Accommodation will be in single rooms with either en-suite facility or shared
bathrooms. Whilst bed sheets, duvets, pillows etc are provided, towels and soap
are not provided. Any electronics or other valuables are brought at the attendee’s
own risk. As accommodation etc is all provided, attendees do not need to bring large
amounts of money.

Every attendee will have their own room, and have access to communal areas within
the college site to socialise. Socialising in other participants’ rooms is not permitted
after 23:00: attendees have a duty to be considerate towards their peers and other
college residents.

The college site has 24-hour security, and a constantly manned reception area called
the “Porters’ Lodge”. Free WiFi access (The Cloud) is available on site.
What to bring and wear

Sensible shoes and comfortable clothes are advised as you will spend at least some
of your time at Oriel exploring the college, university and city. There is no dress
code! Please wear what you feel comfortable wearing. If the weather is very warm
please ensure you bring sun cream and travel with water.

A notebook and pen/pencil is advised as you are likely to want to take notes on the
academic or information & guidance sessions. A laptop is not a necessary
requirement, unless you would prefer to use one to take notes.

Emergency contact details

If you have any queries leading up to the event, please email or ring Arron O’Connor on 01865 616763. (Arron will be
monitoring his emails constantly throughout March and April, but may be out of the
office on some week days in the weeks prior to the Classics Study Day.)

If you need to get in touch with the Arron during the event, please contact him using
either the phone number above, or his mobile: 07513 268561. Arron should be
contacted in the event of an emergency: please be reassured that he will contact
parents/carers immediately in the very unlikely event of an emergency involving
your child.
Consent Forms

Any of the following are acceptable ways to return your forms:

1. Email a scanned copy (or clear photograph) to

(preferred method)
2. Post to Arron O’Connor, Oriel College, Oriel Square, Oxford, OX1 4EW
3. Bring the completed forms with you when you check in on the first day of the
event. This is the least preferred method: please try to ensure that either
method 1 or 2 is used ahead of time.

Classics Study Day Parent/Carer Consent Form



All information given on this form will be cross-referenced with information provided
by students on their application forms.

Full Student Name: Nathan Lauma-Nguya

Current School: Ark John Keats Academy

Dietary requirements: None

Any allergies/medical/mobility conditions we should know about (please attach an

additional sheet if necessary): None

Parent/guardian name: Lutonadio Vuanza Kazy Clement

Parent/guardian telephone contact number(s) (Please provide at least two):

07703963994 (Dad) 07405396515 (Sister)

By signing below, I confirm that:

 I DO give consent for my child to attend the Oriel College Classics Study Day.
 I have provided up to date telephone contact details, and all relevant details
of any special dietary, medical or mobility requirements, so that adequate
provision can be made.
 In the highly unlikely event of a medical emergency, I consent to the use
of standard First Aid procedures on my child/ward by qualified University or
College staff if needed (please list any exceptions above, in the “Any
allergies” box).

NAME: Lutonadio Vuanza Kazy Clement

SIGNED: Lutonadio Vuanza Kazy Clement

DATE: 24/03/2023

Classics Study Day Code of Conduct

Participating in the Oriel Residential will be very different from your experiences at
school/college. We want all students to benefit and enjoy this new experience. In
order to do this you will be expected to show responsible behaviour as well as
respect for the rights of other students and staff. For all students to have the
opportunity to benefit from and enjoy the Study Day, and for health and safety
reasons, the following rules and regulations will be in operation.

Student Code of Conduct

 Strive to do the best academic work possible

 Respect individuals of different races, cultures, religions, genders, sexual
orientations, disabilities, and national origins
 Behave in a friendly, cooperative, polite and responsible manner toward all
persons on the Classics Study Day and in the larger university and local
 Always respect the ideas and property of others, and ensure that those around
them do the same
 Refrain from using inappropriate language and inappropriate physical contact;
similarly, behave in an appropriate and responsible manner at all times to
avoid offence or harm to any other individual
 Follow all of the General Rules for Student Conduct

General Rules for Student Conduct

 Comply with staff instructions

 Comply with getting up times, curfew and bed/lights-out times
 Attend all class sessions, meals, activities, and meetings
 Smoking is not permitted
 Do not bring or use alcohol, non-prescribed drugs, offensive weapons, items
that could be used as weapons, and pornographic material
 Do not enter any bedroom except your own
 Use computer and other resources responsibly in an ethical and legal manner
appropriate to University aims, and not to the detriment of others
 Do not deface, tamper with, or damage the University’s or other people’s
During the Classics Study Day additional rules and regulations will be explained. It is
expected that you will adhere to them for your own health and safety, and that of
other students and staff. In the event of misbehaviour, the student concerned will
not be allowed to continue on the Study Day and arrangements will be made for the
student to be taken home. The event organiser (Outreach Officer)’s decision will be
final in such cases.
Declaration to be signed by student

All students must sign to show their agreement to abide by the Code of Conduct.
Please ensure that you read through it and understand it prior to signing below:

Student name: .....Nathan Labuma-Nguya....

Student signature: .....Nathan Labuma-Nguya...

Date: .....24/03/2023.............................................................................................

Declaration to be signed by parent/carer

I have read the Code of Conduct and I understand that if my child breaks this
agreement, and is asked to leave, or is otherwise obliged to leave the Classics Study
Day programme early, I will need to make arrangements for my child to be collected
without delay or meet any costs incurred in making alternative travel arrangements.

Parent/carer signature: .....Lutonadio Vuanza Kazy Clement ....

Date: .....24/03/2023.............................................................................................

Data Protection: The information that has been provided in this form is confidential
and will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998). Only
organisations that require the information for the funding, delivery, evaluation and
tracking of the programme, the student’s school / college, and the Higher Education
Statistics Authority will be given access to the data. We will NOT use the data
provided in this form for marketing purposes, and it will form no part in the
admissions process of the University of Oxford, or any other institution.

We may also wish to take photographs and/or video of the events, which could
include your child. These photographs could be used for marketing and publicity
purposes, to publicise and advertise the event in the future.

I am happy for my child to be included in videos/photographs

I do not want my child to be included in videos/photographs:

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