Eversheds Sutherland Media Consent Form

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Eversheds Sutherland Unlocked - Consent to use images

Eversheds Sutherland may take photographs / make a video recording of you for various
internal and promotional purposes. These images may appear in our printed publications,
on video, on our website, social media or on our intranet. To comply with GDPR, we need
your permission before we take any images of you.

Below are the types of situations in which we wish to take and record images of students
participating in the Eversheds Unlocked programme:

Individual photo – to keep on file for internal reference.

Group photo – for use on our website or intranet for promotional purposes.
Marketing - both printed and on the web to showcase our programmes.

 May we use your image in our printed promotional publications? Yes/No

 May we use your image on our website and social media? Yes/No

 May we use your image on our intranet? Yes/No

 May we keep your image on file for internal reference? Yes/No

 May we record your image on our promotional videos? Yes/No

The following conditions apply:

1. We may include full names (which means first name and surname) but not
personal e-mail or postal addresses, or the telephone number of any child or adult
in an image on video, on our website, on our intranet or in printed publications.
2. We will only use images of pupils who are suitably dressed, to reduce the risk of
such images being used inappropriately.
3. If we wish to use the images for any purpose not stated above we will always
write to you in advance and obtain permission.


I have read and understood the above and have answered the

questions. Name of student: Nathan Labuma-Nguya Signature of

student: Nathan Labuma-Nguya Date: 22/03/2023

*If you are under 16, your parent/guardian needs to give their consent by
signing this form:

Name of parent/carer: Signature of

parent/carer: Date:


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