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a 2006 U.CE. 5 EXAMINATION FOR THE UGANDA CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION =" NGRETRANO EXPEDITO (AGE 18) — U0123/177_ ENTRY CODE 1 . “ .KEBIITO SECONDARY SCHOOL P.0.BOX 23 KIBIITO-F/PORTAL Gg ENGLICH 8 CETGHT) HISTORY 2 (Tuo “GEOGRAPHY 3 (THREE) POUETIGAL EDUCATION 3 4 (FOUR) MATHEMATICS ‘ 5 (FIVE) AGRICULT PRINC & PRAC 2 (Tuo) PHYstcs 3 (FIVE? CHEMISTRY 3 (FIVE) BIOLOGY 6 (SIX) COMMERCE 4 (FOUR) GRADE AGGREGATE = 30 © 004 RESULT 2 oe ‘ Please see overleat NGABIRANO EXPEDITO _, NYAKASURA SCHOOL ICULT PRINC & PRAC ISTRY \ BIOLOsY uoo7o 544 ENTRY CODE 5 FAIL FAIL PRINCIPAL PASS PRINCIPAL PASS SUBSIDIARY PASS Pe ee ee ed Gganda National Examinations Board This is to certify that the candidate named below, and whose photograph appears, sat for the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education Examination in the year 2008, and qualified for the award of the Gganda Advanced Certificate of Education The candidate passed at the level shown (Principal or Subsidiary) in the subject(s) named and attained the Grade(s) as indicated. NGABIRANO EXPEDITO (AGE 20) vo070 544 NYAKASURA SCHOOL, P.0.BOX 16 FORTPORTAL UA LCG GRADE STANDARD AGRICULT PRINC & PRAC PRINCIPAL D CHEMISTRY PRINCIPAL E BIOLOGY SUBSIDIARY ° SUBJECTS RECORDED: THREE Whoo - dan Chairman Secretary Uganda National Examinations Board _ id without a hologram with the UNE® crest. is document to the light to verity Sig can be seen he paper A thread is running vertically through the eheet. The photograph of the candidate is printed, not affixed, A 0844195 (See overleaf) ddd dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddded UAFa00297 UGANDA AIR FORCE ACADEMY NAKASONGOLA P.O Box 92, Nakasongola, Uganda 2 Email: ‘Web: Academic Transcript Diploma Programme Name: NGABIRANO EXPEDITO Sex:MALE Nationality: UGANDAN Course: FLIGHT OPERATIONS: Opera OF JULY 1989 Index No:UAFA/FLTOPS/001/007 DoE: 12° MARCH 2017 SAAR aL Ah Ah Ah Ah Bh ALAA AL Bh AR AA Bh AR AA BR AR AA Bh AR A Ah A AR AR OA AA Ah ah AA Ah Bh A AA AA Ah BAR AR AR AR AR A SUBJECTS / MODULES: RADIO TELEPHONY RADAR NAVIGATION DEVICE METEOROLOGY 90 MAN PHYSICS PHYSICAL_FITNESS: | Date of Completion: 15 DECEMBER 201% Graduation: 30 NOV 2018 € Tibtructor DIPLOMA % Ak Force Academy e x eo me 9 SS ie / Chief Instructor “Commandant ee ss. Aeration whan renders the Trams il “a WAFAOQ29; erie it era ws UAE-409? Por Key te radar dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. SARA Add ddd ddd db bbb ddd bd 4 UGANDA AIR FORCE ACADEMY VAF40029 NAKASONGOLA P.O Box 92, Nakasongola, Uganda Tel: +256 772432351 Email: ‘eos - : 5 ; oe Ss aaeean, S IRANO EXPEDITO Index No: VAFA/FLTORS/608/007 Has successfully completed the program of training for a Diploma in Flight Operations From: 13 S€PTEMBER 2017 TO: 21 DECEMBER 2018 — sy, ) . eS In ” | has ae det DIPLOMA SECOND CLASS-UPPER FISHERIES TRAINING INSTITUTE P.O. Box 124, Entebbe, Uganda. Telephone: 266-41-323010 Telegram: “Fish Training” ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT NGABIRANO_EXPEDITO INDEX NO. _PD/1250/1510 MALE NATIONALITY: UGANDAN DIPLOMA IN FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGIES Course Units and Grades SEMESTER | (DEC. 2009) SEMESTER Il (JUNE 2010) SUBJECT GRADE | SUBJECT GRADE iwoure 0 mssnvaTon 2 | nsnoversearaxovou . FOOD MICROBIOLOGY B FISHERIES RESOURCE MATHEMATICS A ‘AQUATIC BIOLOGY B NAVIGATION AND SEAMANSHIP B FISH ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY B FISH UTILISATION & NUTRITION B ELEMENTARY MARINE MECHANICS. B INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER APPLICATIONS A BOAT HANDLING 3 AQUACULTURE 6 AQUACULTURE c FISH HANDLING AND PRESERVATION c FISHING GEAR TECHNOLOGY B FISHING METHODS © 308 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING a sc ee 400 SEMESTER | (DEC. 2010) SEMESTER II (JUNE, 2011) ‘SUBJECT GRADE SUBJECT GRADE FISH ECOLOGY & GENETICS B BUSINESS MANAGEMENT B FISHERIES RESOURCE MATHEMATICS e ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT B ‘AQUACULTURE Bi BOAT CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE a RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS i FISH PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY c FISHERIES ECONOMICS & MARKETING I: LIMNOLOGY c FISH PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY © APPLIED REFRIGERATION ic FISH INSPECTION & QUALITY ASSURANCE ie EXTENSION EDUCATION re FISHERIES RESOURCE MANAGEMENT a ‘AQUACULTURE u Gra. ae PROJECT PLANNING & MANAGEMENT A seensencenenens RESEARCH REPORT B 370 7 s FISHERIES TRAINING INSTITUTE ENTEBBE, UGANDA o0n02225 The Aeademic Boatd' af Fisheries Fraining Institate, Fnielle has awarded this NATIONAL DIPEOMA IN FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AND: TECHNOLOGIES to: cscs. NGABIRANO EXPEDITO. eg ee eee eee nace Gratis nape ae ee Grade, z eS ‘Gampenson ovens council percreat 16" November, 2012 or al mar sre ee rae ‘CERTIFIED TRUE COPY THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Ga00eaa- (3 EFI IN THE MATTER OF BIRTH AND DEATHS REGISTRATION ACT 309, LAWS OF UGANDA IN THE MATTER OF CHANGE OF NAMES BY NGABIRANO EXPEDITO AND IN THE MATTER OF NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAMES BY DEED POLL DEED POLL KNOW YE ALL PERSONS BY THIS DEED that I the undersigned SHEPHERD JEREMIAH of C/o Byamugisha, Lubega & Ochieng Co. Advocates, P.O.Box 75617 Clock Tower, Kampala now lately called SHEPHERD JEREMIAH a citizen of Uganda by birth do hereby for and on behalf of myself wholly renounce, relinquish and abandon the use of former names NGABIRANO EXPEDITO and in place thereof do assume from the date hereof the names of SHEPHERD JEREMIAH so i may hereafter be called, known and distinguished not by former names of NGABIRANO EXPEDITO but by my determination, I declare that I shall at times thereafter in all records, deeds and writings and in all proceedings, dealings and transactions as well as private and public and upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign the SHEPHERD JEREMIAH as my names in place of and in substitution for my former names of NGABIRANO EXPEDITO. express authorize and request all persons at all times hereafter to designate and address me by such assumed names of SHEPHERD JEREMIAII accordingly. SIGNED and DELIVERED at Kampala by { pie the above named SHEPHERD JEREMIAH SHEPHERD JEREMIAH formerly NGABIRANO EXPEDITO In the presence of \isirize on REGISTRAR DRAWN BY: BYAMUGISHA, LUBEGA, OCHIENG & CO. ADVOCATES PLOT 751, KABAKA ANJAGALA ROAD 3® FLOOR GUDI PLAZA P.O.BOX 75617, KAMPALA INTHE MATTER OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS REGISTRATION ACT 309, LAWS OF UGANDA IN THE MATTER OF CHANGE OF NAMES BY NGABIRANO EXPEDITO. AND IN THE MATTER OF NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAMES BY DEED POLL. DEED POLL KNOW YE ALL PERSONS BY THIS DEED, thatthe undersigned SHEPHERD JEREMIAH, of C/o Byamugisha, Lubega & Ochieng Co. Advocates, PO. Box 75617 Clock Tower, Kampala, now lately called SHEPHERD JEREMIAL, a citizen of Uganda by birth, do hereby for and on behalf of myself wholly renounce, relinquish and abandon the use of my former names of NGABIRANO EXPEDITO and in place thereof do assume fromthe datehereofthenamesofSHEPHERD JEREMIAH, so I may hereafter be called, known and distinguished not by ‘my former names of NGABIRANO EXPEDITO but by my. determination, I declare that I shall at times thereafter in all, records, deeds and writings, and in all proceedings, dealings and transactions as well as private and public and upon all, occasions whatsoever use and sign SHEPHERD JEREMIAH as my names in place of and in substitution for ‘my former names of NGABIRANO EXPEDITO. I expressly authorize and request all persons at all times hereafter to designate and address me by such assumed names of SHEPHERD JEREMIAH accordingly. SIGNED and DELIVERED at Kampala, by the above named SHEPHERD JEREMIAH formerly NGABIRANO_ EXPEDITO, this 02 day of June, 2020. SHEPHERD JEREMIAH gag

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