Reception IEYC Curriculum Overview 2022 2023

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Understanding • My family • People who • The UK • Caring for • Planting/growing • Natural world
• Homes help us • Other animals and • Natural world • Sea creatures
of the world • Where I live • Occupations countries pets • The UK • Season –
• Materials • Life & homes • Natural world • Mini beasts • Maps summer
• My senses in other • Simple maps • Season – • Human and • Floating &
• Healthy eating countries • Scientific spring physical features sinking
• Season – Autumn • Forces investigation • Historical • Our environment • Life cycles
• My senses involving: figure: Steve • Historical figure:
• Changes - -Senses Irwin Christopher
melting -Changes Columbus
• Celebrations -Magnets
• Season –

Understanding of the World Progression Document

Links to
What we will learn in Reception ks1
To be able to discuss To be able to talk Understands that
To be able to say similarities and about any pets that there are similarities
who they are and To be able to talk about past To be able to talk about members of differences between they might have and and differences
who they live with and upcoming events within immediate family in more detail people in their know the difference between people.
their immediate family family between different
Autumn 1: This is Autumn 1: This is me Autumn 2: To the rescue Autumn 2: Describe memories
me Celebrating Spring 2: Animal that have
difference rescuers happened in their
To be able to talk own lives.
about a wide range of To be able to identify emergency To be able to talk about their own ambitions
To be able to discuss different
occupations (doctor,
occupations of family members
situations and know who to call and identify similarities and differences Sequence events
plumber, singer etc.) between jobs that are close
Autumn 2: To the rescue together in time.
Autumn 2: To the Autumn 2: To the rescue Spring 1: Dreams and goals
History links To be able to sequence family members, explaining who
To be able to sequence family members, explaining who they are and the key
differences between what they can/can’t do
they are (baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult, elderly)
Autumn 2: Celebrating difference
Autumn 1: This is me
To be able to compare and contrast Use stories or
To be able to comment on fictional characters in stories characters from stories, sharing accounts to
To be able to share similarities and differences distinguish between
To be able to share
Autumn 1: This is me some similarities
their likes & fact and fiction.
between characters, Summer 2: Ocean treasures
dislikes Recognise some
figures or objects To be able to compare and contrast
To be able to comment on historical figures or objects historical figures and objects from similarities and
Autumn 1:This is differences between
in non-fiction texts. Spring 1: Once upon non-fiction texts, sharing similarities
me past and present.
a time and differences
Spring 2: Animal rescuers
Summer 2: Ocean treasures
To be able to To be able to Describe
comment on recent comment on memories that
pictures of recent pictures of have happened
To be able to comment on images of
experiences in celebrations in
familiar experiences (holidays, visiting the in their own lives.
their own life. their own life e.g. To be able to comment on pictures of a
park, going to the dentist)
“This was me at “this was me wide range of celebrations (Diwali, Eid,
the farm…” celebrating Christmas)
Autumn 2: To the rescue
Spring 1: Celebrations
Autumn 2:
Autumn 1: This is Christmas &
me & special Diwali
R.E. people.
Can recognise,
Knows that there name and
links are special places
To be able to name different religious
venues such as, Church, Mosque and Knows why religious venues are special and who goes there describe religious
of worship.
Temple. places.
Spring 1:
Summer 2: Special places Summer 2: Special places

Describes the
To be able to develop positive attitudes To be able to articulate what others
Knows that there are differences main beliefs of a
about differences between people. celebrate and begin to explain.
between what people believe. religion. Describes
Spring 1: Celebrations Spring 1: Celebrations the main festivals
Autumn 2: Christmas and Diwali of a religion.
To be able to
To be able to briefly explain the Use basic
identify features geographical
difference between human and physical
Knows what a map on a simple map To be able to use maps to locate objects in vocabulary to
Geography is used for (trees, house, river,
‘real life’
refer to physical
and human
links Spring 1: Once
upon a time Summer 1: The world around us
Summer 1: The world around us features
Spring 1: Once
Summer 2: Ocean treasures
upon a time
Knows that we live
Knows that 4 Uses world maps
countries make up to identify
in Huyton,
Knows that there are different countries the UK and can To be able to name the 4 countries of countries. Name
Liverpool which is
in the world. name at least 1 other the UK and at least 2 other countries.
in England. and locate the
Spring 1: Once upon a time Summer 1: The world around us four countries and
Autumn 1: This is capital cities of
Summer 1: The
me the UK.
world around us
Compare the UK
with a contrasting
To be able to country.
Knows where they Knows that identify
To be able to To be able to identify similarities and
live (house, flat, different countries similarities and
explain features of differences between homes in our country.
bungalow). have different differences
other homes.
homes. between homes in
Autumn 1:This is other countries or
Autumn 2: To the
me Autumn 2: To the places (including
rescue Summer 1: The world around us
rescue animal homes).

Summer 2: Ocean
To be able to make comparisons
between life for children in different
To be able to articulate what daily life is
To be able to explain how life may be countries.
like in our country.
different for other children.
Autumn 1: This is me
Autumn 2: To the rescue Spring 1: Once upon a time

Spring 2: Animal rescuers

To be able to talk To be able to talk Observe the
about what they about local natural and
see in their own environments humanly
environment (their road, the
To be able to recognise some environments To be able to use pictures to compare constructed world
(school/home) park, library,
using a growing Huyton,
that are different to the one in which they and contrast environments around the around them.
live. world.
vocabulary. Liverpool).
Spring 2: Animal rescuers Summer 2: Ocean treasures
Autumn 1: This is Spring 1: Once
me upon a time

To be able to
To be able to To be able to explore collections of
explore and talk Explores the world
explore collections materials, identifying similar and different To be able to talk about differences
about the natural
of materials. properties. between materials and changes they around them,
world around
them. asking how and
Autumn 1: This is why Q’s and
me Autumn 2: To the rescue Spring 1: Once upon a time decides how to
Summer 1: The
world around us. sort and classify
To be able to use senses in hands on objects.
To be able to name some senses and To be able to explain what their five
associated body parts. (e.g sight and eyes/ senses are and
smell and nose). explores during scientific investigation.
Autumn 1: This is me
Autumn 2: To the rescue Spring 1: Once upon a time
Notices links
Science To be able to explore how things work. To be able to explore and talk about forces
(push and pull).
To be able to explores non-contact
forces e.g. magnetic force.
between cause
and effect
links Autumn 1: This is me
Autumn 2: To the rescue Spring 1: Once upon a time.
(speed, shape,
direction and
To be able to Identify seasonal
To be able to notice changes in the To be able to
identify appropriate To be able to understand the effect of weather patterns.
weather and temperature. explore seasonal
clothing needed for seasons on the natural world, including
different weather hibernation and growing. Draws some
conditions. simple contrasts and comparisons.
Autumn, Winter,
Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer Spring, Summer
Spring 2: Animal Spring 2: Animal rescuers
learning learning
To be able to To be able to talk To be able to To be able to plant To be able to
To be able to talk Observe the
about and explain natural and
understand the about how we care explore and seeds and care for understand the
basic life cycles humanly
difference between for animals and the observes basic life growing plants with need to respect
using correct
plants and animals. natural world. cycles e.g. of a chick. support. and care for the constructed world
natural around them.
Spring 1: Once Spring 2: Animal Spring 2: Animal Summer 1: The environment and Summer 2: Ocean
upon a time rescuers rescuers world around us all living things. treasures

Summer 1: The
world around us

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