Introduction To JavaScript

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Introduction to JavaScript - Learn

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JavaScript is not Java

And I can continue and say that Java has nothing to do with JavaScript. Besides that, both
are programming languages and that they can share some syntax at a macro level they are
completely different. In fact, there is a good illustration around the web that says that "Java is to
JavaScript as ham is to hamster". Having clear up this part, you can now continue to learn

Why learn JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the most extensive programming languages on the internet, there is plenty of
libraries that use JavaScript to accomplish really spectacular stuff. But before you dive into any of
these libraries like jQuery, Bootstrap, Node or Angular, you should really learn the basics of

What can JavaScript do for you

Well that is a good question. Javascript can do lots of things. From showing a simple text while
modifying some HTML element, real-time form handling, image galleries, 2D or 3D animation,
build games and lot more.

Start learning JavaScript here

Great, so where do we start. Here is a simple example that lets you use one of the simplest yet
useful JavaScript snippet

JAVASCRIPT<html><body><script type="text/JavaScript">document.write("This is a
very simple yet powerful JavaScript function");</script></body>


This will output the following message:


<script type="text/JavaScript">

document.write("This is a very simple yet powerful JavaScript





This will output the following message:

JAVASCRIPTThis is a very simple yet powerful JavaScript function

Now that is a boring example, isn't it? Try with the following and let me know what you think.

JAVASCRIPT<p id="test_p">I am a boring paragraph.</p>

<button type="button" onclick='document.getElementById("test_p").innerHTML = "This

is quite better!"'>Give it a try!</button>

I am a boring paragraph.
Give it a try!
Now let's take a closer look at our first Javascript example and learn some basic concepts. Click
next and let's start.

 CSS - Float

Introduction to JavaScript - Location 

 JavaScript Basics 

 Introduction to JavaScript - Learn JavaScript

 Introduction to JavaScript - Location


First thing first. Before you start writing Javascript code, you have to know that you can place the
script in three different locations.

 Inside the head section. This is internal Javascript.

 Inside the body section. This is also internal javascript.
 There are also some special cases where you can insert Javascript inline, but this is not
 External .js file in the head section
 External .js file in the body. Ideally you can place it the footer section of the body

Javascript internal script

Internal Javascript is largely used by the Javascript programming community

Javascript inside head section

One of the places where you can put your Javascript is in the head section of your HTML
document. Here is a simple example about how you can accomplish this:




// JavaScript code





Javascript inside body section

Javascript is a very versatile tool out there and it allows you to place the script anywhere you like.
It is up to you to decide where depending on your needs.





// JavaScript code




Where exactly in the body should I place my Javascript?

Well, this is a good question. And the answer is: Depends.
There are times that you need to do some Javascript process before printing something to the
user, and you need the Javascript snippet before the HTML element. On the other hand, you can
print the HTML document and then modify its content. This allows you to place the JavaScript in
the page footer, just before the end of the body tag.
You have to know that reading and interpreting the Javascript code, takes time. So if you have to
place the code inside the document, it is a good practice to place it in the footer so you can save
loading speed.

Inline Javascript
JAVASCRIPT<a href="#" onclick="(function(){ alert('It\'s alive!!');})()">Click

Click Me

External Javascript inside head section

Another way to insert Javascript code into a document is to wrap it up into a separate .js
document. This way you can separate processing from the document markup
Insert Javascript in head section
Javascript files can be inserted in the head section of the document, like this.



<script src="../path/to/file.js"></script>




Insert Javascript in body section

Alternatively you can load your .js files in the body section. ideally just before the closing body
tag. This way you render all HTML document before start processing the Javascript code.





<script src="../path/to/file.js"></script>



This is a good practice if you want to save page loading speed.

Javascript best practices
JavaScript is often placed inline with the HTML document markup. For example, this is a typical
way to bind JavaScript events to an HTML tag:

JAVASCRIPT<input type="text" name="email" onchange="checkAEmail()" />

Today this is known as a "not so good practice". There is a generally accepted opinion that you
should separate the HTML markup structure from the processing part. Take a look at this next
example of how we could implement this concept.

JAVASCRIPT<input type="text" name="email" id="email" />


window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {




If you are interested in further reading about this subject, there is a good article located at the
Wikipedia website, here:

What about type=text/javascript?

In the early years of JavaScript you needed to set a type attribute for the script tag, like this:

JAVASCRIPT<script type="text/javascript"></script>

Nowadays, the type="text/javascript" is the default value for the script tag. So nothing happens if
you use it, but you must know that it is not required any more.

 Introduction to JavaScript - Learn JavaScript

Introduction to PHP - Learn PHP 

 JavaScript Basics 

 Introduction to JavaScript - Learn JavaScript

 Introduction to JavaScript - Location


  HTML color codes chart

  HTML symbols character chart


  Checking HTML code and links / Valid HTML code

  What is a favicon and how to use it
  The marquee tag, how do we use it.

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