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2014 亞洲國際藪學奧林匹克公開享初事(奢港亭區)暨

甲部:每題 4 分
Section A - each question carries 4 marks

1) 求 4+9+ 14+ 19+ 24+29+ … +2014 的值 。

Evaluate 4 + 9 + 14 + 19 + 24 + 29 +… +2014.

2) 求 1 +3+6+ 10+ 15 + 21 + 28+36+ 45+55+66+ 78 的值 。

Evaluatel +3 + 6+ 10+ 15 + 21 + 28 + 36+ 45 + 55 + 66+ 78 .

3) 求 1 + 5 + 25 + 125 + 625 + 3125 + 15625 + 78125 + 390625 + 1953125 + 9765625 的值 。

Evaluatel + 5 + 25 + 125 + 625 + 3125 + 15625 + 78125 + 390625 + 1953125 + 9765625 .

1 + 8+ 27 + 64+ 125 + 216+343+5 12

4) 求 的值 。
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+ 8
1 +8+ 27 +64+ 125+ 216+343+512
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+ 8

5) 一項工程,小艾單獨完 成需要 10 天 ,小 貝單獨完成需要 40 天。二人合作的話,

There is a task. If Amy works alone, it takes 15 days to fmish the task. If Betty works
alone, it takes 20 days to fmish the task. If Amy and Betty worked together, how many
days should they need to fmish the task?

6) 小艾 、小 貝在玩一個遊戲 : 有 50 枚石子放在盒子裡, 小艾 、 小貝兩人輪流各取

1 至 5 枚石子 , 取到最後一枚為勝者。 小艾先取 。 有一個對策可以令小艾必勝 ,
問她一開始應該 取 多少枚石子 ?
Amy and Betty were playing a game: There were 50 pieces of stones in a box, Amy
and Betty picked up 1 to 5 pieces each time by turns, the one who picked up the last
stone was the winner. Amy was the first one to pick stones. There existed a method to
ensure Amy's victory, how many stones should Amy pick up in the first turn?

47 124 F
7) 已知 - = , 求 F 的值。
99 999 999999
47 124 F
Given that -= , fmd the value of F.
99 999 999999

(C) 2014 Hong Kong Mathe血tical Olympiad Association 香港數昱臭林匹克協會. HKMO

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publ ication 血y be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in 皿y form or by any mcaM,
electronic. mechanical, photocopying. recording or otherwise. without the prior permission of Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad ru叩:iation.
8) 參考附圖, O 是圓心,直徑長 10, AC 長 6,BC 長 8 。求三角形 BOC 的面積。
Refer to the figure, 0 is the center of the circle; the diameter is 1O; length of AC is 6;
length of BC is 8. Find the area of triangle BOC.


乙部:每題 5 分
Section B - each question carries 5 marks
9) 從 1 至 10000 中,有多少個剛剛有一個「 1 」、一個「 2 」及一個「 3 」的整數?
From 1 to 10000, how many integers contain exactly one "I", one "2" and one "3"?

10) 把 1,2,3,4,5 放下以下算式,每個數字只能使用一次。求 G 的最小可能值。

Put 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 into the following boxes, each digit can be placed once only. Find
the least possible value of G.

[二□ =
□ 35
] X G

11) 已知 4+ =4—,求 B 的值。

1 117
2+ — 1
l+ -
1 35
Given that 4 + =4 —-, find the value of B.
1 117
2+ — 1
l+ -

12) 求 20142014 除以 7 的餘數。

Find the remainder when 20142014 is divided by 7.

(C) 2014 Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association 香港數孿臭林匹克協會, HKMO

All Rights RCSCTVcd. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic. mechanical. photocopying, recording or otherwise. without the prior permission of Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad A:,,函uition
13) 箱有 1 至 lO 號球各一個,在當中抽出其中 2 個,再放回去,再抽 2 個,問第二
There are 10 balls which numbered 1 to 10 in a box. Two of them are selected
randomly, and then are put back into the box. Two balls are picked up randomly again.
What is the probability that the two balls picked up at the second time are the same as
the two balls picked up at the frrst time?

14) 下圖中,長方形 ABCD 的面積是 3600 平方厘米, AF:FB=2:1, BG:GC=2:3,

CH:HD=l :1 , DE :EA=2 :3 , 問四邊形 EFGH 的面積是多少平方厘米?
In the following figure, the area of the rectangle is 3600 cm2, AF : FB = 2 : 1,
BG: GC=2 :3, CH :HD=l :1 , DE:EA =2:3 , fmd the area of quadrilateral EFGH.


15) 在同日上午一時正至下午十一時正,時針和分針重疊了 多少次 ?

At the same day, from la.m. to 11 p.m., how many times does the hour hand overlap
the minute hand?

16) 如圖所示 , 從 A 出發到 B, 每步只能向上或向右走,其 中 必須經過 0 的路 口 ,

Refer to the following figure, if a person moves from A to B, he can move to the right
or up only, and he must walks through Crossing 0, how many different possible ways
are there?


(q 2014 Hong Kong Mathe呾tical Olympiad Association 笞港數孿臭林匹克櫺.. HKMO
All 沁ghts Reserved. No part of this publication may be 可iroduccd, stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, pbotocop沖g. 11)(:叩ling or othm四c, without the prior permission of Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Assoc洫ion.
丙部:每題 7 分
Section C - each question carries 7 marks
17) 有兩個整數 A 和 B, 已知 A辶护 =120 , 問這兩個整數之和最大可能值是多少

There are two integers A and B. Given that A2 一护= 120, what is the largest possible
sum of the two integers ?

18) 一個正整數 E 與 3675 的乘積是一個完全平方數, E 與 20 的乘積是一個完全立方

數,求 E 的最小值。
Eis a positive integer. The product of E and 3675 is a perfect square, and the product
of E and 20 is a perfect cube, fmd the minimu m value of E.

19) 某三位數除以 9 餘 8' 除以 8 餘 6' 除以 6 餘 2, 問它的最小值是多少?

The remaind er of a three-digit number is 8 when divided by 9, 6 when divided by 8,
and 2 when divided by 6, fmd its minimu m value.

20) 在旦BC 中, AB :AC=l: 1 , BE :AE=3: 1 , CD :AD= 3: 1 , 6.BFC 的面積是 60

平方厘米,問 A扭C 的面積是多少平方厘米?
In 昷BC, AB :AC=l : 1, BE :AE=3 : 1, CD :AD= 3 : 1, the area of 1::,,.BFC is 60 cm2,
find the area of MBC in cm2.


~ End of Paper ~

(C') 2014 Hong Kong M 呻tmaUtlll Olympiud Assocutuon \11港數孿臭林匹克櫺會 . HKMO

All Rights Rrscn•«t. No pon o 「血 publi口Lion rru,y be rq,rodoccd, stoml in a rt'lric叫 sysl<m. ur lra!Umit國 in
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01面迫 A亟ial囧I,

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