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2021 亞洲國隈氟學奧林匹充公開享初享 c• 港事區)量


甲部:每題 4 分
Section A - each question carries 4 marks

1) —

2) 202I2-2I 2 =?

3) 10+ 15 + 20+ 25 +30+35+ ... + 155 =?

4) 把 0 、 l 、 2 、 4 、 6 和 8 這六個數字組成兩個三位數,使其乘積最小 。 求這兩個
三位數的差 。
Two three-digit numbers are formed by using six digits 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8, so that
their product is a minimum. Find the difference between the two three-digit numbers.

5) 在 5 個小朋友中,有 3 人被選出參加比賽,而尘立丶小雄是 5 個小朋友中的 2

3 of the 5 children are selected to participate in a competition, and Chris and Debbie
are 2 of the 5 children. If at least one people between Chris and Debbie is selected,
how many ways of selecting participants are there?

6) 在 1 至 2021 之中(包括 1 和 2021) , 最少任意挑出多少個正整數,才保證有 2

個正整數的差是 221?
From 1 to 2021 (including 1 and 2021), at least how many positive integers are
needed to be selected so that it is sure that there are 2 positive integers with a
difference of 221?

將 0.23 化為分數。
Convert 0.2 3 into fraction.

8) 一艘船在一條水速每小時 1 公里的河道上行駛寸順流而下行了 30 公里要 6 小時,

A ship travels on a river flowing with a speed of 1 kilometre per hour. It takes the
ship 6 hours to travel 30 kilometres downstream. How many hours does it take for the
return trip?

(C) 2021 Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association 香港數學臭林匹 克協會, HKMO
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
mechanical pho比可示ng. recording or ochcrwisc, without the prior permission of Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association.
乙部:每題 S 分
Section B - each question carries S marks

9) 987654X 123457 -987655 X123456 =?

10) 5+15+45+ 135+ …+ 32805+ 98415 =?

12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44
11) ---+--— +—-— +—-— +—=?
35 63 99 143 195 255 323 399 483

12) 嶧和尘且駕車來往甲、乙兩地,兩人同時出發相向而行。尘又從甲地到乙地,
需要 10 小時;小且從乙地到甲地,需要 8 小時。 6 小時後,兩車相距 7 公里,
Aiden and Beck drive between A and B. They depart from A and B respectively at
the same time and drive towards each other. It takes Aiden 10 hours to drive from A
to B. It takes Beck 8 hours to drive from B to A. 6 hours later, the distance between
them is 7 kilometres. How many kilometres is the distance between A and B?

13) 859 、 920 和 1347 被正整數 m 除時,餘數皆相同。求 m 的最大可能值。

When 859, 920 and 1347 are divided by a positive integer m, the remainders are the
same. Find the greatest possible value of m.

14) 水果店有蘋果、橙和奇異果共 30 顆,共值 169 元 。已知蘋果每顆 3 元,橙每顆

4 元,奇異果 每顆 6 元。問水果店裏最多有幾顆奇異果?
In a fruit shop, there is a total of 30 of apples, oranges and kiwis, they cost 169
dollars. Given that each apple costs 3 dollars, each orange costs 4 dollars, and each
kiwi costs 6 dollars. How many kiwis are there in the fruit shop at most?

15) 鐘面上的時針和分針會於 9 時 x 分重疊在一起 。已知 x 不是整數,求 x 的值。

The hour-hand and minute-hand on a clock overlap at x minutes past 9. Given that x
is not an integer. Find the value ofx.

16) 一艘輪船經一河道往返 A 、 B 兩地,從 A 地往 B 地是順水航行,而從 B 地往 A

地則是逆水航行。該艘船來回 A 、 B 兩地一次需時 20 小時。已知該船在平靜水
面上的速率是 30 公里每小時,該河道的水流速率是 6 公里每小時,那麼 A 、 B
A ship travels between A and B along a river. The trip from A to B is downstream,
and the trip from B to A is upstream. It takes the ship 20 hours to have a round trip
between A and B. Given that the speed of the ship in still water is 30 kilometres per
hour, and the flow speed of the river is 6 kilometres per hour. How many kilometres is
the distance between A and B?

(C) 202 1 Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association 香港數學奧林匹克協會, HKMO

All Rights RC5Cl'Vcd. No pan of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or lransmitted in any fonn or by any means, electronic.
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior pennission of Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association
丙部:每題 7 分
Section C - each question carries 7 marks

17) 用 4 種顏色(不一定要全部使用)對圖 17 各部份塗上顏色,如果相鄰部份的顏

4 colours are used (not necessary to use all) to paint each part of Figure 17. If the
colours in adjacent parts cannot be the same, how many ways of painting are there?

圖 17
Figure 17

18) 42 +72 +102 +… +252 +282 +312 =?

19) 甲、乙兩地相距 210 公里,一輛汽車從甲地開往乙地,如果車速提高 20%, 可

提前 1 小時到達。如果汽車以原速行駛 x 公里後,再將速率提高 25%, 也可以
提前 1 小時到達。求 x 的值 。
The distance between A and B is 210 kilometres. A car travels from A to B. If its
speed is increased by 20%, it takes 1 less hour to finish the trip. If the car first travels
x kilometres with its original speed, then increase its speed by 25%, it also takes 1
less hour to finish the trip. Find the value ofx.

20) 甲、乙兩瓶分別有 40% 和 10% 濃度的鹽水,混合後鹽水的濃度會變成 30%,

若再倒人 375 克 20%濃度的鹽水,則濃度會變成 25% 。甲瓶原有鹽水多少克?
Bottle A and Bottle B contain 40% and 10% salt solution respectively. When the two
bottles of solution are mixed, the concentration becomes 30%. If additional 375
grams of 20% salt solution is added, the concentration will become 25%. How many
grams of salt solution does bottle A contain originally?

~ End of Paper ~

(C) 2021 Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association 香港數學臭林匹克協會, HKMO

All Righls Rellel'Vcd. No pan of 岫 publication may be 面roduced, stored in a 沄rieval system, or transmitted in any fonn or by any means, electronic,
mec:hlnical. phoeocopying. m:ording or otherwi11e, without the prior permisaion of Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association.

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