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Name:_____________ Date:______________
1. Přelož:

Brambůrky ______________________ bottle ______________________

Hranolky ______________________ grate ______________________

Okurka ______________________ grow ______________________

Koláč ______________________ lamb ______________________

Lžíce ______________________ peas ______________________

2. Napiš člen a / an nebo some. 3. Doplň some / any.

1. ………. wine 1. Have you got ………. cream?

2. ………. bread 2. There is ………. milk in the fridge.
3. ………. melon 3. There isn´t ………. Apples.
4. ………. tin of juice 4. I´m going to buy ………. rolls.
5. ………. lemonade 5. I think I have got ………. sausages.
6. ………. pear 6. Are there ………. onions?

4. Doplň člen a / some nebo člen the.

To make omelettes, you need ………. eggs, ………. milk, ………. flour, ………. oil, ………. bowl, and ……….
frying pan. Break ………. eggs into ………. bowl, add ………. milk and .......... flour. Mix it and put it into ……….
frying pan with hot oil. In five minutes ………. omelette is ready! Enjoy!

5. How much a How many:

_________________ onions do you want to buy? _________________ cups have you got in your
cupboard? _________________ tea are you going to drink? _________________ cheese do you like
on your pizza? _________________ chocolate did you get yesterday? _________________ coffee does your
Dad drink? _________________ apples are there in your bag? _________________ potatoes do you
have for lunch? _________________ flour is there in the bowl? _________________ dog food does your
dog eat?

6. Doplňte správně a few/ a little:

Can I have ________ butter on my potatoes? We need to bring ___________ more plates.

You like a hamburger with ______ ham and cheese. Tom is making _________ pasta with ketchup.

Mary always has got __________ apples to snack. There are __________ slices of bread on the table.

6. Přelož věty.

Kolik mléka? Trochu. ___________________________________________________________________

Kolik sýra? Trochu. ___________________________________________________________________

Kolik peněz? Trochu. ___________________________________________________________________

7. Doplň správný tvar slovesa v minulém čase:

She _____________________ (stay) at home.

We ________________________ (not, play) tennis on Sunday.
They ______________________ (not/be) at school yesterday.
What _________________________ (you/do) when you came back?
William ___________________ (be) at 5 o’clock at home.
Mrs Snow _______________________ (not, make) some coffee for us.
___________________________ (he/tell) you about it?
Garry ____________________ (not/do) his homework.

8. Přelož v minulém čase:

Jana nebyla včera doma. ____________________________________________________

My jsme poslouchali hudbu. ____________________________________________________
Petr a Pavel hráli počítači minulý týden. ____________________________________________________
Byl jsi v úterý ve škole? ____________________________________________________
Včera jsem Tě neviděl. ____________________________________________________

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