Large Companies

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Today companies like Apple, Google, Tesla and many more are worth more than a trillion dollar

employ millions of people directly or indirectly , such numbers may put many fully functioning
economies to shame as their GDPs are not even close to the valuation of such multinational behemoths.
Now, a question may rightfully arise whether such insane valuation come with great responsibility
towards the society and should they promote the wellbeing of societies and environments in which they
operate or they should focus on making as much money as possible legally. I agree with the later.
Companies should focus on making as much money as possible while operating in the legal framework
as in that way they indirectly contribute to the well being of the society in which they operate, Let's see

Firstly, Most major multinational companies like Google, Microsoft, Tesla etc. are public companies and
legally their primary goal should be to make as much money for their investors as possible and they
have very minimal or no responsibility towards the society in which they operate. But are profits bad? I
don't think so. If the profits are made within the legal framework it indirectly leads to more growth in
the economy leading to more jobs, tax collections, and above making the investors happy. Therefore we
can say that if a company makes profit it does not make profits for itself but also for everyone in the
society they operate in and it also leads to a better living standard for everyone.

Secondly a company can only make money in the open market if it produces goods or services that fulfill
the needs in the market, therefore a company which is driven by profits would always be paying very
close attention to the need and aspirations of the people in the market and innovate to bring products
that would make the world a better place. Not convinced? Let's take the example of Apple. Apple is a
company which is purely driven by profits and innovation and their revolutionary products like I phone,
Macbook etc. have made life better for all of us even though they were not directly making any efforts
to promote wellbeing in the society. Therefore a company can promote well-being of the society even
after solely pursuing profits so long as they are operating legally.

On the other hand there are instances where many companies which have solely pursued profits had a
negative effect in the society leading to recessions, Housing and opiod crisis among an infinitely long list.
But does this make our argument loose steam? Ofcourse not. These crisis took place because the
companies had very little regard of the law and therefore it is very important for the legal agencies to
not be complacent and always hold these companies accountable for their actions so that they always
operate legally even if they want to maximaize profits,

Therefore we see taht companies can pursue profits and be socially responsible if they follow the law.

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