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Studies on the Important Nematodes in Korea 1. Some Nematodes Found in the Soi! around the Root of Floral Plants in the Green-house” YOUNG EYUN CHO! Entomological Institiste, Agricultural College) of Kyung-Pook National University ‘Taegu, Korea INTRODUCTION Recently, damage of Phytophagous Nematodes have remarkable infested on the crops. In foreign country, there are manry study results in this field but not in Korea except only Yokoo’s(1945) study results on wheat Anguiltuline ‘ritict(Steinb), ‘The author studied Phytophagous Nematodes da- mage the ornamental plants in the green-house of Agricultural College of Kyung-Pook Nationa! U 1962~1963 and reporting it’s results, ‘The author wishes to express his hearty thanks to directed Professor EU] SOON LEE and students who stvudy in the applied Entomology laboratory. erst MATERIAL AND METHOD ‘The author collected 50 grs in each 3 pots soil around the root on the same species planted from 30 kinds of green-house plants in Agricultural College of Kyung-Pook National University, sepe- rated Nematodes from the soil acvording 10 Baer- man’s method and counted Nematodes nurober of each species through the microseape to know the Nemic fauna of the green-house plants, Parasite fauna to each species of Begonia was investigated according to Gall index method. Rearing in the various temperature of the Rhabditis sp. carry out according to Doughesty’s method. The Sanc- cberia sap agar medium was made from the most infested Sanceberia among them, After cut the root of Sanceberia to pieces, added 15 grs to 500cc water, heated for 2 hours and added water again to maintain 500cc. Sanceberia sap medium was made from added 10 gre agar, and autoclave for 30 minuts a¢ 110°C. Being added 20cc to the steri- lized patri dish(Diameter Sm, Height lem), put into the various temperatures incubator(I8°, 25°, 30°, Nematodes to cach Petri dish that was collected 35°C), for 2 days and inoculated 50 from Sanceberia. according to Young's method. ‘The author counted number of Nematodes 12 times from lem square to one tumbled petri dish among them through the analysis microscope on every 5 days for 40 days. Morphological taxonomy dime- sions derived from De Man’s formula. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Nemic Fauna ‘The author collected 4 species from the soil such Meloidogyne arenaria Chitwood, Sextellonema coheni Andrassy, Pauredontus gracilis Thorne, Niphinema americanum Cobb, as parasitic Nem- atodes and 6 species such Rhatditis sp. Diplog- taster sp. Cephatobus spp. Monhystera spp. Mono- cus app. Dorylaimus spp. to be expected as free living syecies, Parasite fauna of those species to Te a various plants are as Table | da Scinth(Zebrina). Pauradontus gracilis Thorne Meloidogyne arenaria Chitwood parssit~ only parasites on Pephwe odora ThumbWinter Darh Ylonema coloni Améisviv pera: ne), Auccuba japonica Thumberg(Auccuba), Iie on Begonia, S sites on Gardenia jasminoides Euis(Cape jasmine), thus caryophyllus L.(Carnation), Nephnorepis Cycus revoluta Thunb(Japanese Sago palm). Hipf- — exaltata L.(Sword~fern), Hippestrum hybridum estrum hybridum VortCAmallylis), Zebrina pend- Hort(Amallylis) while Xiphinema americanum Table 1. Host plants of ech Nemstodee which are rather economically important observed in green house. Taegu, Southern part of Korea. (1936) = ~ ‘Species of Nematodes" — Degree of damage by Nematodes per host Host plants ‘Viburnum odoratisii Mumk Gardenia jasminoides Euis Hibiscus syriacus L, Camellia japonica L. Daphne odora Thumb Citrus tardiva Hort Auccuba japonica Thumberg Trachycarpus excelsa Wendl i * ‘Trachycarpus fortunei Wendl * Coffea arabica L. j Osmainthus fratarmus Lour : | Rhododendron indicum Sweet Monstera del Hippestrum hybidum Hort ' Pelargonium zonale Ait | Crinum asiaticum japonicum Cycus revoluta Thunb Cordyline terminalis Kunth Nephlorepis exaltata Begonia semperflorcas ver. Sancebria nilotica Baker Poinsettia pulcherima Craham j Cyclamen pericicum Mill Kalanchoe globulifera Perr. Nerium indicum Mill ' % Zentedeshia acthiopica Spr. | Zebrina pendula Scinith ete, Ficus erastica Boxb | Dianthus caryophyllus L. . [eae Agave americans L, a) | | * * x o# sa Liebm * | ee Asparagas plumosus Baker Codiaeum variegatum Blume id % 1. Meloidogyne arenaria Chitwood. 2, Seutellonema eboeni Andra: 3. Paurodonthus gractis Thorne . Monhystera. spp. 4, Xiphinema americanum Cobb, 1 Mononchus spp, 5. Rhabditis sp. 10, Dorylaimus spp. Diplogaster sp. . Cephalobus spp. 28 — Cobb parasites on Agave americanc(Century plant), Daphne odora ThumbCWinter Daphne) ote. Free living speciesare collected on the almost every plant, Rhabditis sp. are aot parasite in woody plants but ia herbaceous plants. Among them, many nematodes are collected on sanceberia. The parasite fauna of Begonia are as shown Table 2. semberflorens varieties’White flower, Red blot under the foliage) was heavily infested Gig 1), metelica varictics was medium degree while erytholophylla varieties and argentogutate varieties are entirely none parasited. The author found 33,4% of contracting value by using 50 pots of Begonia against Meloidogyxe arenaria Chitwood according to Gall index. Contracting value= (Glas value of, Number of plant |) Gail's -number™ belonging to each class) 99 umber of total investigated plants) x re Fig. | Heavily: infested B, semperflorens Spicule of Meloidogyne arensria Chitwood. arenaria Chitwood. ‘Table 2. The damage of the each varieties of Begonla by Meloidogyne arenaria, Ch- Stwood in the green-house of Agricu- Itural College in Taegu, Korea. | Host plant |< Begonia Semperflorens varieties KRKERE Cocenea varieties ee | Prasat ae | Hybrids vareyiea a || Rex varieties ee | Metalica_varieties HEH | Albo-picta varieties ae | Hargenea varieties * | Erytholophylla varieti - | mera | vere Heavily. “F* Medium. ** Light. —None. Outlet of Oesophageal gland of Meloidogyne arenaria Chitwood. Styl:t of Scutellanema coheni Andrasey. -a- Ovary of Rhebditis sp. ail of male Rhabditis sp Spicule and Gubernaculum of Diplogaeter sp. B. Morphological Taxonomy of Nematodes ‘Though the author collected 10 species of Nematodes from the soi! around the green house plants, wr+ iter reports most strikingly infested species and top parasitic degree of the free living species as follows. 1. Meloidogyne arenaria(Neat, 1889) Chitwood, 1949CFig I, 14) Adult Male; Body slender cyli- adrical, covered’ with cuticular sheath attached to extremities and in the region of vulva. The annule of lip region is wide. Lateral cheeks about 5 microns. The stylet stylet strong varied in length from 22,0 to 24.0 microns with a mean of 23,0 microns. The basal knobs strong, varied from 3.8 to 5.0 microns with a mean of 4.4 mir rons in length by from 3,0 to 4, microns with a mean of 3.6 micr- ons in width. The dorsal ocsoph ageal gland opening about 5.7 mi- Fig. 1 1~¢ Meloidogyne arenaria Chitwood, 194) fislds marked by weakly four longitudinal glands, 1. Head of male 2,3. Tail of male ¢, Head of female ‘rons posterior to the stylet base. The lateral ~30— ‘The testis outstretched in single. arcuat2 about 32 microns, Adult Female; Body pear shaped. The stylet varied in length from 14 microns to 16 microns The spicules with a mean of 15 mierons. ‘The dorsal oesopha- geal gland opening about 5 microns posterior to the stylet base, Anus of posterior transversestria- tion is nearly stright line. Lateral line is no clear. Many short irregural transverse striations are lightly arched at lateral part, Dimension:(On Begonia) GS: L-1.57mm(0. 94mm-2. 08mm), a-61u(41-85u), be13uCI-16u), (n-20) @: L-0.53-1. 2mm, Wide-0. 4-0. 8mm, Spicule~ 280(22-24u) 2. Scutellonema eohent:(J. B. Goody, 1952) Andrassy1958, (Fig. ll 1~5) Adult Female; Body clindrical tapzring evenly fat both ends, covered with cuticular sheath atta- ched to extermities and in the region of vulva, and spirally curved ventrally when killed by about intorrupted by the lateral gentle heat. The annules clear, rounded, 1.2 microns in width, fields. The lateral fields, one fifth as wide as the body width, marked weakly by four longitudi nal glands and near the stylets that is united a ‘The head region bearing 3 annules. The stylet and basal Knobs are strong, with anterior strip. ‘margin smooth. Outlet of dorsal oesophageal gland about 6.2 microns behind stylet base. Median ‘oesophageal bulb one half to body width with cen: Isthmus short, crossed by nerve ring. Terminal ocsophageal bulb covered at anterior of intestine, The excretory pore located tral vulve apparatus. on the junction of basal oesophageal bulb and intestine, Hemizonid visible on the situated ben- eath the 2-3th annule anterior to the excretory pore, The vulva, about a half body width in length at it region, opening *ransevorsely on the Fig. I, 1~5 Scutellonema cohen! Andrasey, 1958. 1, Female 2, Lateral field 3, Stylet 4. Phasmid lateral view) 5. Phasmid(dorsal ventral surface, located at a distance from the mouth equivalent to 60% of the body length. Ovary is double and not curved. The tail round and short. Terminal transeverse striation was ributed like radiation. Phasmid large as sem- icirele makes scutella, jew) Adult male was not observed. Dimensions(On Cap jasmine) L-T64u, 2-26, b-5, 6-60, ¥-61% Anterior Reproductive organ 26%, Reproductive organ 24% Spiduly 20u( osterior 0) -31- 3, Paurodontus gracilis Thorne, 1941 (Fig, IV, 1~5) Adult Female; Sheath attached to it at anterior terminus and in Body covered with cuticular Fig. War Paurodontus gracilis Thorne, 1 1, Head 2. Ovary 3, Tail of male 4. Tail of female 5. Lateral field the region of the vulva, The letral field one third as wide as the body width, marked weakly by four lon- situdinal glands. Stylet longer then hhead width, with knob at base, Corpus clindrical, Isthmus short, crossed by nerve ring, terminal oesophageatl bulb ship shape. Oeso phago-intestinal valve located at intestine covered terminal oesopha: geal bulb, .Excretory pore is located at anterior part of intestine. Ovary is single anterior, not curved and posterior is degenerated, Adult Male; Body is nearly likely to adult female. The bursa copulatrix is not extending to the end part of teil but up to down at the anus, Spicules being arcuate, about 20 mocron in length, pointed sharply at the distal end, The gubernac- uulum not observed. The testis single. long exte- ding to the anterior part of intestine and not curved at tip. Tail part is longer, narrower and tip is likely to thres Dimensions;(On auccuba) + L-0,74mm, 2-30, b-6.2, ¢-6.5, ¥-65%, 0-20 + L-0,65mm, 2-33, b-5.3, ¢-6.0 spicule-20u 4, Xiphinema Americanum Cobb, 1913 Fig. W, 1~4) Adult Female; Boby cylindrical tapering evenly Fig. Xiphinema americaum Coob, 1913 1, Female 2, Head 3. Tail of Female 4 Vesa Ovary —2- at each terminus,, covered with cuticular sheath and slightly curved ventrally when killed by gentle heat, Lip region with 6 papillae and lightly pro- jected. Guiding ring is double, about 10 microns. Anterior part of oesophagus with small tube-tike shaped, gradually corpulence and forms terminal oesophageal bulb. Cardia between intestine and oesophagus. Reproductive organ is another, and curved at tip. Anterior ovary is 150 microns while posterior ovary is 135 microns. Tail is curved to the dorsal part and cylindrical tapering with 2 paired Caudal papillae. Adult Male; Body is likely to Female. Spicule is situated near the Tail, membranous shaped and a paired, relativity one 31.4 microns in length. There many transformat- jon at papillacarray of dorsal part, Near the up anus with 1 papillae and 8 papillae at far distance than up anus. ‘The Gubernaculum and bursa cop- ulatrix is absent. Dimensions: (On century plant) S: LeL. 316mm, a-36,5-45.2u, b- 5.1-5.3u, 0-35-45 Bs LL. 241. 8mm, a-34.5-43.6, b- 4. 7-7, 20, 6-35, 7752.7 VAB-54% 5, Rhabditis 5: (Fig. Vi, 1~4) Adult Female; Boby short cylindr- ical thick evenly at terminus, body caticular shecath flatten, 13 microns, Body length varied from 0.769 microns to 1.026 microns with a mean of 0. 851 microns. Lateral field not obser- ved. Lips are 6 with a little papillae. Oral opening is tube-like shaped. Ch- prostom and .telestom are devided by Rhabdions. cheilostom is covered with lips, prostom is commo- aly tube-like shaped, telestom is short and attached to the Oesophagus. Pe- reorpus cylindrical, beneath of the stoma was swollen. The ithmus being narrowly crossed by nerve ring. Ter- eilostom, minal oesophageal bulb is swollen, with valve apparatus. The excretory pore located on ithmus. Tail is round with a Caudal papillae. Vulva is located on the half body, with swollen especiatly lips-like shaped. Reproductive organ relativity, with a pair and not curved at tip. Intestine con- taining numerous grannules. Anus located on the lateral part of posterior. Egg is 37 microns length by 25 microns wide in the body. Adult male; Body is similar to the Female. Testis is single and tip is half curved, spermatid and sperms are observed in it, The spicules about 34 microns in length and it’s half is seperated while half united and formso Rhabditis shaped, with a Gubernuculum. Tail with feather like bursa cop- ulatrix and 8 bursal ribs that are supportin bursa. ist Fig. Vi. Rhabditis sp. Male 2. Head 3. Tail of male 4. Female —3— Dimensions: (On Sanceberia) S: L-0,769mm-1.026mm, a-13.4-13.8, b-3.8- 4.5, C67 4-72.2 2: LO. 757mm-0, 912mm, a-13,2-11,8, b-3. 7-4. 0, 6-64,2-66,4 ‘V~53. 024-87. 8%, (n-20) 6, Diplogaster sp. (Fig. VI. 1~3) Adult Female; Body covered with cuticular sheath, tail long, thread-like at end. Lips are 6, each lip with a little papillae. Stoma is tube- like shaped transeversely wide, with some onchia. Precorpus cylindrical with muscles. Terminal part is swollen and formed Median Oesophageal bulb in Fig. VI. 1~3 Diplogaster sp. 1. Female 2. Oesophagus 3. Tail of male which with a bulb apparatus, ‘Terminal part of isthmus is swollen gradually and formed terminal esophageal bulb. ‘Terminal Oesophageal bulb with no valve apparatus. 1 pair of reproductive organs are confront at front and back. Tip of it are not curved. Adult Male: Body is similar to the Female, Te- stis is single, curved at tip. Spicule is single, 37 microns in length and boot-like shaped. It's head is curved to the dorsal part. The Gubernaculum is large and 14 microns in length. 6 pair of Caudal papillae at tail part. Dimension;(On asparagus) S: L-0,92mm, a16.6, b—7.0, ot y—46% L-0.74mm, a—20, b—5. 8, o—4.4, (20) 7. Cephalobus sp. Fig. VI, 1~2) Adult Female; Body with tr- anseverse striation, Lateral fi eld extending over the tail as projecte Alae-like shaped. Ju- netion of head and mouth part is not ciear. Anterior part of Stoma forms wide trench shape. Posterior part to it is slender, long and tube- like shaped. Isthus is long. Nerve ring crosses the isthmus, Central valve at terminal oso phageal bulb. Junction of term: inal oesophageal bulb and inte stine in clear. Ovary of anterior reproductive organ is extended over the vulva and curved Adult Male; Body is similar to female. Tail papillae at up and down anus. Tail is sharply clongated conoid shaped. Testis is single, long, extending over anterior intestine and curved at tip. Spi length and curved to the dorsal le is 20 microns in as part. Dimensions;(On Calla) Cr L=0.513mm, 2-22.76, b—3.60, 12.20 2: L—0,458mm, 22.9, b—3,20, ©-8.40, (n—20) C. Rearing ‘The author reared Rhabditis sp, in each 18°, 25°, 30°, 35°C incubators by above mentioned method. As the results, after incubating to the 35°C incubator. Rhabditis sp. reproducted a little, while after 30 days, all of individuals were killed. But in 18°C incubator, individuals are gradually increased. Suddenly increased after 25 days and appeared 50. 02% of Reproductive Value(Each repr- oductive value derived from’ 498.2 inidividuals to 100 percentage in 30°C incubater after 40 days). In 25°C incubator, cumulative 50% of treated days ‘was shorten strikingly and reproductive value was 67.98%. In 30°C incubator, cumulative 50% of treated days appeared the most shorten condition and reproductive value was 100%. (Table 3.) From these points, the author knew that the most Proper temperature in reproduction of Rhabditis ‘sp. is about 30°C. All of sbove mentioned incub- ators formed logistic curve; The author believe density effects influenced ruch to it. Fig WE) References Cited Fig. vil, 1~2 1, Adult Female 2. Adult Male 1, Allen, M, W.,(1951); Pratylenchus vulmus, ‘Table 3. —Accumulated daily numbers of Rhabditis sp. Reared in various temperatures (1962) Do Oe : 25° 30° 35° ME ting "| Total [cumulative | Total [cumulative | Total | umalative | Total | cumulative 5 vod) 0.05| ad 0.23 6.8) os] 3.2, 16.67 1 ado mets skal kl ganas 5 | 8 1.93) 84.2) 7m Wid 127) 88.75 20 1 wol 4.56 178.4 18.83 208.4, 15.35) 3.8! 88.54 2% | BLS 16, Sal 262.8 «= 6.11 53.08. HTB er eee ae eee 3, 2G saa! aes 77.79 ss. 76.8 = 40 | 249.2] 100,00] 338,71 100,00, 498.2) 100.001 = Total | eBled 1520.9) aust 1.2 in 30°C incubator after 40 days. -3—- Rasher of infivtdsade a Fig. X Accumulated daily numbers of Rhabditis sp. reared in various temperature( 1962) ‘New species(Nematoda, Pratylenchidae), 3 parasite of tree and vines in California; Proc. Helm. Soc. Wash., 18:47~50, Cobb, N.A.,(19193; A new nema, Tylenchus musicola n. sp., said to cause @ serious effection of the Bluggoe Banana in Grenada; British West. Indies. west Indian Bull. 17: *79~182, ~ (1920);A newly discovered parasitic ‘Tylenchus mahogani n. sp.) connce- 4 diseased of the mahogany tree: *t. 6:181~191. * BLA. Oteifa, (1952); Nem- plant; Ann. Rey. Micr- Development of Pra ‘Tyienchorhynebus 1. i 1 —36— Di Edwaea. ulation var enchus penets. nematodes; Phyts 638, 7. Filipjev, 1.N.C1934); Te ssification of the free-liy nematodes and their relation to the parasitic nematodes; Smithsonian Misc, Coll, 89(6): 1~63, 8 (1935); On the classification of the Tylenchinae: Proc. Hel m. Soc. Wash. 3: 80~82 9% Goody, T., (1961); Soil and frewater Nematodes; London, Methuen, 10. Jensen, H.J., (195%; Experim- ental greenhouse host range studies of two root lesion Ne- matodes, Paratylenchus vuln- usand p. penetrans; Pl. Dis. Reptr, 37(7); 984~387, 14, Loot, PA. A., (1960); Taxon mic studies on the genus Prax tylenchus(Nematoda); 7. Pl Ziekten 66:29~90. W.B.,(1958); VI.the relation of P, penetrans to the growth of young peach trees; Canada, Jour. Bot. 36(1): 135~151. Sher, $.A..(1951); Revision of the genus Pratylenchus (Nematoda: Tylenchidae’ Univ. Calif, Publ, Zool., 87: 481~<70. Slootwerg, A.F.G.,(1956); Root-rot of bulbs caused by ‘Mountain, Pratylenchus and Hoplolaimus spp: Nematologica. 1:192~201, ‘Thorne, G..1934): Some plant parasitic nemas with description of 3 new spec Jour. Agric. Res.. 49: 758~73s 1919 ; On the classification of the Tylenchila, New order; proc. 1 tm, So Wash. 16:37~73 ———— 1961: Principles of Nemate New York Megraw-hill Co. 14 Yokoo, T.(1957); On the thermal death point of the potato tuber lesion nematodes Praty- Jenchus pratensis); Agrie, Bull. Saga. Univ. 5:97~102, 49. (1959); The Nematode parasites of more important crops, fruit-trees, and veg- tables cataloeued under their Hosts; Agric. Bull. Saga. Univ. 8: 73~88. 20. (1959); Experimental studies on the life-history of the cotton sourthern Root- knot Nematode, Meloidogyne incognita var. acrita; Agric. Bull. Saga. Univ. 9:107~112 21. (1960); Some notes the numbers of construction occuring on the tail region of larvae of the Southern Cotton Root-knot Nematode, Meloidogyne Incognita var. acri ta; Agri. Bull, Saga. Univ. 10:121~123, 22, (1962); Taxonomic studies of the genus Pratylenchus(nematoda: Root lesion nematodes) found in Japan, with some descriptions of ecology: Agri. Bull. Saga. Univ. 14:161~216. 23. ____,(1959); Soil Nematodes~Their ecology and control measurement; Meibundo. Tokyo in Japan. 24, Nakasono, K. & Ichinohe, M.(1961); Hemi- criconemcides Kanyaensis n.ep. associated with tea root in Japan; Japanese Jour. Appl. Ent. Zool. 5(4) 273~276. 25, Welch, H.E.(1962); New species of Gastrom- Isomermis, and Mesomermis(Nemat- oda; Mermithidae) from Black Fly Larvae; Ann, Entomol. Soc. Amer. 55(5) 535~542. z Fede RRL AB RA WA PE C1) RSE Rib BESS MS) Rl Met} BH x KR a zg AEE Aietool At 4 AM) eet EBL sls tel oo) eae RN TSE] AGE) a MCA Rahs TEAM RelA BASS RAL P RRL Hetty RBs WES AS 2A al at AiBiol ohete MmEVe BAG EMteral. FU PRES Ho ao. Meloidogyne arenaria Chitwood Scutellonema coheni Andrassy Paurodontus gracilis Thorne xiphinema americsum Cobb Rhabditis sp Cephalobus sp Diplogaster sp aon Db TASS) EH) PROS Meloidogyne arenaria Chitwood’ Begoniaal = 242 sla aol EBS HES E+ elated. Scut- ellonema choeni Andrassyt: Fala}, a4, hee} Ha, Aweldel 7b wel BEslelz, Paurodo- athus gracilis Thomet Ee}, GA. alata a, Mela, SoA 7b hol BBs sel Xiphinema americanum Coobt: 4ba.-h, 41a}, 33] seer ere WE, Aa, 4a $4 Sole BR 4 ol Sieh, Sold AE el E+ alate. Rhabditis sp. CAL TEATS ABA} BS HOM aBaE Abel cholA ab watet Diplo- gaster spt AMA EAB BRAS oo a. Fol 2286] HARA) Wate}. Cephalobus sp. MH 2 BAe BAMME VF a eesle. Monhystera spp. Mononchus spp. , Dorylaimus ep. SE BT BPM CAMEL BAS o4 41 ge] RASS Teme asic. Dh MO RAE Wake a hb Be 5] Mceloidogyne arenaris Chitwoodsl 4/484] J Src 251 mt HEMI Begonias] BAF ‘FRE LAMA RR cemperflorens BAe 7b $eMie) eekm metaricn BRL PRN © °t erytholopyllas} argento-guttata Mf i= ‘eel Galeh o1BLe oF hale geE4 ae 2 AS BENE BaLA. abst. EOE sanceberias}A te] BRsle Rhabitis sp 18°C, 25°C, 30°C, 35°C 9] SiH IS) incu- datoroi.Al BATA RHR ARMS} ACTTRMe] 30°Ce}-: wee Bata. -—97—

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