Time Mangement Chap 12

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Time Mangement: Time spent by Iloilo National High School

GAS 12 Students in studying and answering

their self-learning materials


Presented to


Practical Research Teacher


In Partial Fulfillment in Practical Research 2

(Quantitative Research)

Presented By:
John Adrine L. Janeo
Adrian B. Acullador
Jerven Mike V. Panganiban
Ryle Joseph G. Dayon
Nathaniel B. Rodriguez
Anton Joaquin R. Lagmay
Racy Jedo A. Marquez
Dea Angela M. Cadungo
Angelyn Grace C. Aposaga
Nicole Anne P. Pradilla

CHAPTER 1 : Introduction of the Study

"Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can't afford to lose." -

Thomas Edison. Time plays a significant role in human life. If you understand the value of time better, you can

gain experience and develop skills over time. Time management is the process of planning and exercising

conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and

productivity. Time management can refer to a wide range of behaviors and can look very different from person to

person. There are lots of different systems and approaches to time management. Making a to-do list, keeping a

planner, setting event reminders in your phone, setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and marking events on a calendar

can all be part of time management. In General, when we talk about time management we are referring to a skill

that involves assessing your use of time, planning ahead, monitoring your activities and the use of time. Time

management has also been defined as a form of self management with a clear emphasis on time in understanding

what activities to do; how to do them more efficiently; in what time it should be done and when is the correct

time for the particular activity. Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your

time between different activities. Get it right, and you'll end up working smarter, not harder, to get more done in

less time even when time is tight and pressures are high. The highest achievers manage their time exceptionally

well. As a Iloilo National High School student specifically General Academic Strand 12 Student, why do you

think it’s important to manage your time well.

Many students of General Academic Strand have reportedly having trouble in managing their time in school

works and personal life. Also senior high school students have previously linked that have negative educational
status with poor time management. There is need to introduce proper use of time and effective time management

to General Academic Strand 12 Student of Iloilo National High School to enables students to become more

confident, organized, and learn more efficiently and avoid them in multitasking things. Throughout history, there

has been great emphasis on the effective and efficient management of time, which has also been considered the

key to success (Pugh & Nathwani, 2017; Nasrullah & Khan, 2015). Effective time management are particularly

essential for Senior High School General Academic Strand Students,as they have to deal with more subjects,

tests, assignments, and extra curriculars. Effective time management allows students to complete more in less

time, because their attention is focused and they're not wasting time on distractions (for example, such as social

media). Time management helps us prioritize our tasks so that we can ensure that we have enough time available

to complete every project. The quality of our work increases when we aren't rushing to complete it ahead of a fast

approaching deadline. Time management is an important aspect of any professional role, regardless of the

industry in which we study or work. The ability to manage our own time, impacts our productivity and reflects

how well we can manage our own resources. Time management is very important and it may actually affect an

individual's overall performance and achievements. Students nowadays always comment that they do not have

enough time to complete all the tasks assigned to them. Using time effectively gives the person "choice" on

spending or managing activities at their own time and expediency.

This study will provide knowledge and recommendation for skills that can assist students for perfect personal

strategic planning. The target respondent of the study is GAS-12 Senior High School Students of Iloilo National

High School that is experiencing difficulties in managing their time. The independent variable of our study is

Time used by Iloilo National High School General Academic Strand 12 Student. While the dependent variable of

our study is Time Management. The main objective of this study is to reduce the stress experience by students
and to teach them how they can manage their time properly. Maintain a balanced personal life and schoolworks is

one of the important things to students. This study provides us people a knowledge about how important and

efficient to maximize our time on important things. Our research study aims to know how much time did the

General Academic Strand Students use in order to finish all of their modules and how they use their time properly

so that they will not get low grades. Our research study will add self-evaluation to student’s daily habits and

plans. Lastly, this aims to help everyone especially students to overcome the wrong common rumors statements

about time management and will raise awareness about procrastinating behavior of time management and its

effect on academic performance among General Academic Strand Students.

Research Objectives & Hypothesis

General Objectives

 This study aims to determine the amount of time used by students of INHS Gas 12 in answering modules.

Specific Objective

1. Time spent of GAS 12 students in studying and answering their self-learning materials.

1.1 Major

1.2 Gender

2. Determine the significant time spent by INHS Gas 12 students in studying and aswering their self-learning



There is no significant difference in the amount of time used by INHS Gas students on the effects of

Modular Distance Learning when they are taken as a whole grouped according to (a)Grade level, (b)section

Significance of the Study

Good time management will help the school administrator achieve his/her goals effectively in a short

period. Effective time management will lower the overall stress and will lead them towards a successful

supervision. Also, managing your time effectively time will help school administrator to become well-organized.

With this research, they can learn how to ensure time management and proper use of time in organization their

work. They can oversee how to run the students, teachers, facilities, and staff works so smooth.

Definition of Terms


Time management - is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific

activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity.

Time - duration regarded as belonging to the present life as distinct from the life to come or from eternity; finite


Answering - say or write something to deal with or as a reaction to someone or something.

Modules - an instructional unit that focuses on a particular topic.


Time management - The amount of time spent by the students in answering their module.
Time - duration time of the students answering their modules.

Answering - Act of answering the educational modules that we’re distributed to the students.

Modules - An Educational material that’s distributed to students for learning.

Scope and Delimitation

Time Management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time

spent on specific activities by Iloilo National High School (INHS) Senior High School (SHS)

General Academic Strand (GAS) 12 Students, especially to increase their effectiveness,

efficiency, and productivity. This study focuses on the amount of time used by Iloilo National High School

(INHS) Senior High School (SHS) General Academic Strand (GAS)12 Students to finish their modules and it

also focuses on how they properly used time management to pass all of their assignments and modules on time.

The conduct of the study covers October to November of 2022 in Iloilo National High School, Luna St., Lapaz,

Iloilo City

The respondents of this study involve INHS SHS GAS 12 Students who are experiencing

shortage of time in answering their modules and it will be determined by stratified random sampling

technique. In the collection of data, The INHS SHS GAS 12 Students is the one that will answer all the questions

and the instruments to be used in measuring the amount of time they spent on answering their modules is a 10

items multiple choice test related to the quantitative sampling techniques.

CHAPTER 2: Review of elated Literature

IV: Time Management

DV: Time Used by Students in Answering Their Module


Topic 1 (IV)

-Time Management

-Effects of proper time management

Topic 2 (DV)

-Answeing their module

-Time used by students

-Time spent per module

Time Management

The skill to plan and arrange your work and goals is known as time management.

By allocating tasks and establishing a deadline, it enables you to finish your work

quickly and meet your goals. By beginning, finishing, and minimizing nonessential

chores, you can learn to perform your tasks effectively by managing your time.

Prioritizing your tasks based on their importance and finishing them by spending your
valuable time that was going to waste before you started time management is the foundation of time management.

Time management include planning, coordination, productivity, goals, objectives, time savings, and completing

the tasks on your to-do list (Tumanishvili, 2021) time management is the key element, and poor time management

would be a significant barrier to student achievement. Effective time management is a topic covered in many

articles. Here, we put more of an emphasis on the abilities that students, particularly those in STEMM, must have

in order to effectively manage their time. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the STEMM

industry's response to it, and the following vaccine development are examples of challenges that STEMM

students must learn how to tackle. (Sandra A.Murray, JamaineDavis, Haysetta D.Shuler, Elsie C.Spencer,

Antentor HintonJ, 2022)

Effects of Proper Time Management

Effective time management skills can have a positive impact on your work and

life in general. When you learn to take control of your time on a daily basis, you improve

your ability to get things done, make better decisions and most importantly, gain ultimate control of your key

priorities. (Kashyap, 2022) Effective time management allows students to complete more in less time, because

their attention is focused and they’re not wasting time on distractions such as social media, for example. Efficient

use of time also reduces stress, as students tick off items from their to-do list. It can also provide a sense of

achievement from fulfilling goals. For example, they might plan to complete an assignment by Friday so they can

see friends on the weekend. (Auld, 2019)

Answering their module

The importance of parents and guardians in reinforcing honesty in module

responses cannot be overstated. Because learners must read and reread, modular learning

is difficult. Many of today's students do not find this interesting, thus they will definitely ask

their parents or guardians to complete their modules on their behalf. They are aware that it

is their responsibility to work on their modules, but if their parents or other adults do not

uphold this concept, students will soon start to break the rule. It might even turn into a routine. (Fernando, 2020)

The results of a survey conducted by y Pulse Asia from February 22 to March 3 where 53% of the parents

surveyed nationwide identified difficulty in answering modules as the most common educational problem they

encountered in distance learning. The problem with modules is more common among respondents in Mindanao

(74%) compared to those in the National Capital Region (32%), the rest of Luzon (43%), and Visayas (62%).

(Gatchalian, 2021)

Theoretical framework

This part of the study dealt with the ALPEN Method and its application in the

study. According to Minolta (2019) the ALPEN Method is a technique that helps people

with their time management and to optimize the structure of their self-management. It is

developed by Prof. Lothar J. Seiwert, a time management expert and an economist. “It

focuses the user on pragmatic daily planning and consistent setting of priorities. And it

only requires around five minutes of planning each day.” This theory is chosen by the

researchers because it is evident to be simpler than its counterparts such as the S. M. A.

R. T. method which requires a more elaborate designation of the tasks. Though most time

management techniques are helpful and effective, we recommend the ALPEN method as
it is simpler and just as effective as the techniques. As studied by Jinalee and Singh (2018) These new skills are

all about systematically organizing your daily tasks. The acronym ALPEN stands for these five set of activities

which are;

1. A - Activities

A schedule of activities, tasks, or meetings for the day has to be prepared and listed

down. Tasks that are related to each other can be grouped together and could be identified

into certain codes, for example, M stands for meeting and C stands for conference.

Noting all the tasks makes the work much easier and faste

2. L - Length estimation

Each task's duration should be estimated, and it is necessary to prioritize and give more

time to the important tasks to be done.

3. P - Planning ahead

The 60/40 rule will greatly benefit in avoiding stress and being overwhelmed on

workloads. The 60 percent of the available time should be allotted for finishing the

planned tasks/activities. And the remaining 40 percent of the time should be reserved for

unexpected circumstances which can also be used for recreational activities.

4.E - Establishing Priorities

After doing the first three steps, having a good prioritization of the important

activities to do and focusing on the tasks in terms of its difficulty, deadline, and time


5. N - Next Day
After completing the tasks, one important thing is to keep track of the progress

made on the activities and check if there are unfinished tasks that are not yet completed.

Knowing the results of the used technique will serve as a basis for comparison of

improvements and ability to plan for the future

Conceptual Framework

Time management

provides individuals the

ways for structuring and controlling

their activities. Setting goals,

planning, prioritizing and

making schedule help students get better academic performance and less stress.


Time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific

activities. According to Pugh & Nathwani (2017), Throughout history, there has been great emphasis on the

effective and efficient management of time, which has also been considered the key to success. It has also been

advised to start practicing time management from the early student life.Time management has also been

described as a type of self-management that places a strong emphasis on knowing what to do, how to do it more

effectively, when to do it, and when is the right time for that particular activity. Numerous studies have shown a

link between improved time management skills and higher academic accomplishment as students learn how to

balance competing demands. Time management has also been described as a type of self-management that places
a strong emphasis on knowing what tasks to complete, how to complete them more effectively, and at when time

is best for the task in question.














https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-43952-5_15 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.06.523

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