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Ned Kelly Hero or Villian?

Accused, picked and unfairly blamed for crimes he did not commit. All Ned Kelly wanted is to
Ned Kelly was known to be Australia’s most notorious bushranger. Although many people believed
he was a villain, Ned Kelly without a doubt was a hero. He selflessly supported his family at a very
young age, and stood up for rights against the corrupted government and police, whilst also giving
back to the community.

Ned was undoubtedly a hero, even though he stole stock from the wealthy, he generously gave most
of it to his struggling family, in need of supplies. The book highlights that, In April 1887, a police men
named Constable Fitzpatrick, came to arrest Ned Kelly’s brother Dan. It was heard when Constable
Fitzpatrick barged into the Kelly’s house without permission, that the police officer grabbed Ned’s
sisters’ hand and tried to put her on his lap though Ned heroically shot the police man, in defense of
his sister. (Wilkinson, 2014, pg.33). this shows that Ned Kelly would do anything to protect his family
and that the police back then were corrupted. Therefore, Ned Kelly is definitely a hero because he
was generous and cared for others, he also defended his sister from possible danger from Constable

Ned Kelly was seen as a man who murdered, assaulted and stole stock, though his crimes were acts
of resistance against the corrupted government. He was a hero to citizens, standing up in defense of
the poor, because of the government who discriminated the poor. Ned was unquestionably a hero,
at a very young age, Ned who was walking along a river, came across a kid called Dick who was
drowning in the river, without hesitation Ned heroically jumped in the river to save the struggling
kid, as a reward Ned received a rich green silk sash with real gold threads, after he saved the kid, he
was locally known as a hero (Wilkinson, 2014, pg.10). This means that Ned Kelly was a very
considerate person, having the bravery to jump into a river to save someone. He was also known as
a heroic anti-establish figure who fought corrupted British colonists in the 19 th century. Ned Kelly
clearly has been misunderstanded and his crimes were actually acts to go against the corrupted
government and police back then.

Ned Kelly the infamous bushranger, is absolutely a hero. He willingly supported his family when he
was very young and fought for innocent people’s rights against the corrupted government, while
also helping the community. Many people agreed that he was a hero. When Ned Kelly was hanged in
November 11th 1880, there were over 30,000 signatures to set him free. Yet the government still
disagreed with it (Wilkinson, 2014, pg.118). Ever since Ned Kelly was hanged, the legacy of his heroic
history is still remembered till this day.

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