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HRMG – 4155 –NE2

Performance Management

Group Project – Group 9

Student Names:

Submission Date:
Table of Contents


Performance Management and Strategic Planning....................................................................3

Company: Nurse Next Door.......................................................................................................4

Organizational Culture of Nurse Next Door..............................................................................4

Team, work culture, and environment of the organization........................................................5


Performance management and strategic planning are one of the most prominent aspects of
organizational structure to work with an integrated approach to achieve organizational goals.
Businesses work in strategic planning to create some organizational goals which need to be
implemented with effective performance management and organizational structure. Creating
strategic planning and performance management will provide several benefits and advantages
to the organization.

The report consists of an organizational strategy and work culture of the Nurse Next Door. It
will briefly explain the company's organizational structure and what they do with its business
model with the defined aims and objectives of the organization. The work culture and
environment the organization followed. The report will elaborate on what their major
functions are to society and how they are providing a unique solution to the industry. The
uniqueness of their work culture and amendment and organizational structure makes them
unique in their industry. The report will explain different aspects of performance
management and strategic planning with an integrated approach to the organization’s strategy
and work culture.

The second part of the report described the organizational strategy and its recommendations
for the franchise owner to manage the remote team's performance. The report consists of
different components of the performance management process which were learned in the
sessions and which can be adapted to arrange the remote setting for the franchise owner. It
will cover all the expectations and feedback for the development of the battle team to achieve
the organizational goals effectively.

Performance Management and Strategic Planning

In order to achieve the organizational goals organization plans certain strategic planning to
improve its efficiency. It supports the organization to maintain its identity in the market. It
gives the organization a futuristic vision. It grows some organizational culture within the
organization and team members. It provides the vision to consider new opportunities and
possible areas to improve the overall performance of the organization with customers. It also
boosts the employee’s morale by providing them with a clear vision and strategic path to
work to achieve the organizational goal by implementing daily activities Joseph and Gaba

Company: Nurse Next Door

The organization nurse Next door is one of the most famous medical health service providers
in the US Canada and Australia. It is popular for providing personalized senior home care
services. The organization structure and team hierarchy is the key management of the
organization. It provides 24x7 live support with less expensive and personalized care for the
healthy lifestyle of individuals.

The company aims to make life better would happy self-ageing care for old people. The
organization has defined major core values through its organizational structure team bonding
and customer service. Core values such as providing better facilities to customers by
admiring the clients with their actual issues. Connecting with them to give them a 'wow
experience.' organization with the support of better strategic team planning and managing the
performance management these different concepts to find better ways to provide services to
old people through innovation. The organization’s team members strive for making a
difference in people's lifestyles by providing several solutions as per their conditions nurse
next door. [2023].

Organizational Culture of Nurse Next Door

The organization nurse next door has made a tremendous appreciation of the work culture
and environment at their office. The organization was considered Canada's most admired
corporate culture in 2018. The team members and organizational management plan an
integrated approach toward maintaining the work culture. Employee friendly as well as senior
members are friendly to give an effective output into the market. The office organization
structure was designed in pink colour while returning several motivational messages daily
hurdles and flower bags for the clients to cheer up in life. The office works 24x7 working
hours to provide service to the old people. Employees are self-motivated flat structured
hierarchies and self-led individuals. Employees and team members are willing to give their
full potential in fulfilling the responsibilities. As per the organization structure and team
environment, the decisions were made by taking suggestions and opinions of each individual
on their experience nursenextdoor. [2023].
The organization does not have any middle management or performance reviewers. It
supported the organization to create a welcoming environment for each team member as well
as clients to feel comfortable while communicating with the team. It provides an organization
more strongly with their communication and commitments to be synchronized with each
member's responsibility. The organization claims to have a transparent experience and
decision-making process within the organization. The management and leaders provide
training and development sessions for matter performance and personal development of team

Team, work culture, and environment of the organization

It has been studied that performance management is a critical factor for any organization to
be maintained to succeed in the industry. The performance management process includes five
factors for any organization to be determined. Defines the performance as important for both
the individual team member and the overall group performance and their behaviour which
comes in a multi-dimensional nature and provides results effectively Joseph and Gaba [2020].

Several factors of performance management include knowledge, abilities, skills, traits,

procedures, and context. During the learning sessions, it has been understood that the
performance of any organization can be measured based on two factors one is behaviour and
the actions of employees and another is the outcome of the employee’s behaviour as a result
and product launched in the market on behalf of the organization.

In the case of Nurse Next Door organization, the employee’s ability and traits to
communicate with clients who are old reflect a huge and strong determination of employees
towards the organization’s goal. The employees of the organization are knowledge efficient
and skilled in performing their tasks effectively. The organization’s management has planned
several policies and codes of conduct and practices to create a healthy communicative
environment and work culture within the organization.

The organization has managed its performance planning strategies effectively in such a
manner that every nurse and medical representative likes to work in the organization. The
company provides strong promised effective services for senior home care services. This
makes companies different from other competitors in the market. Their uniqueness in the
industry is to provide timely services with gratitude towards the clients with strong team
management. Completely provide services at home for clients for the most availability
managed and flexible experience for the customers [brandsfortheheart, 2023].

Within the team management, the organization has maintained clear and specific performance
planning expectations which the team members accomplish accordingly. Send the
management has set mutual expectations to synchronize the employee’s objectives with
organizational goals. The manager and employee relationship has been maintained effectively
within the organization which results in strong team coordination and good leadership.

At last, the overall performance of the organization has reflected a tremendous mark in the
industry due to their effective performance management within the organizational culture.
The team has managed different accountabilities and responsibilities for individual
employees to make efforts for the best output based on their skill areas. Teams are divided
with different objectives and areas of expertise perform. The organization follows all the
universal performance standards and code of conduct while providing services more ethically
behaviour Grossi et al. [2020].

Recommendations to manage the team's performance

As the franchise owner of Nurse Next Door, managing the performance of your virtual team
is critical to ensuring that your business runs smoothly and efficiently. Here are my
recommendations for managing the performance of your virtual team:

Setting Clear Expectations: The first step in managing the performance of the Nurse Next
Door virtual team is to set clear expectations. Job responsibilities, performance goals, and
deadlines with a virtual team should be communicated clearly. Establishing the
communication protocols and guidelines in which the frequency and mode of communication
are included.

Usage of Performance Metrics: Using performance metrics for the measurement of the
productivity and effectiveness of the Nurse Next Door team. There should be the
establishment of performance benchmarks and monitoring of the team's performance against
these benchmarks. Various tools and software can be taken into use, such as time-tracking
software, to monitor the team's performance.
Offer Regular Feedback: Regular feedback is considered as essential for the management of
the performance of the Nurse Next Door team. Provide specific, constructive, and timely
feedback to the team, acknowledging their achievements and providing recognition when
appropriate (Tweedie et. al., 2019). The team should be encouraged for providing feedback
on their work as well.

Encourage Collaboration: Encourage collaboration among team members by using meeting

software as well as tools that are enabling real-time communication and file sharing.
Encouraging collaboration will be helpful in fostering a sense of teamwork and improving

Provide Opportunities for Development: Offer the team opportunities for development, such
as training, mentoring, or coaching. Identifying the areas where the Nurse Next Door team
needs improvement and providing them with the resources they need to reach a successful

Fostering a Strong Culture: Foster a strong culture of collaboration and accountability among
the virtual team members. Encourage the team members of Nurse Next Door to take
ownership of their work and to communicate openly with each other. The team milestones
and successes for the promotion of teamwork and belonging sense should be celebrated.

Stay Connected: Stay connected with team members by scheduling regular check-ins, one-
on-one meetings, as well as team meetings. Regular communication will be helpful in
maintaining a sense of engagement and connection among the team members.

Provide Flexibility: Provide teams with flexibility in their locations and work schedules. This
flexibility can enhance their work-life balance and increase their job satisfaction, leading to
improved performance.

Encourage Self-Management: Encourage team members to take ownership of their work and
manage their time effectively. Empower them to make decisions independently and take
initiative, as this can lead to improved performance and productivity (Campion et. al., 2015).

Addressing Performance Issues Promptly: Address performance issues directly and promptly
with the team members. Provide constructive feedback; identify the root cause of the issue, as
well as work collaboratively to develop a plan for improvement.
Celebrate Successes: Celebrate the successes and achievements of team members regularly.
Recognizing outstanding performance, such as a meeting or exceeding performance goals,
and providing public recognition for their dedication and hard work towards work goals.

Foster an Inclusive Environment: Fostering an inclusive environment that values diversity

and promotes equity. Encouraging the team members for sharing their ideas and perspectives
openly, and make sure that everyone's voice is heard and valued.

Usage of Technology Effectively: Using technology effectively to enhance the performance

of the team. Collaborative tools such as project management software, file-sharing software,
and video conferencing software should be used for the facilitation of collaboration and
communication among team members.

Encourage Continuous Learning: Encourage the virtual team members for engaging in
constant learning and professional development. Provide opportunities for training,
mentoring, and networking to help them in enhancing their knowledge and skills (Kubiak,

Monitor Employee Engagement: Monitoring employee satisfaction and engagement regularly

using tools such as surveys and one-on-one check-ins. Use this feedback to identify areas for
improvement and developing strategies to improve employee engagement and satisfaction.

Core components of the performance management process

The performance management process involves several core components that must be
adapted to a virtual setting when managing a team. These core components include:

Set Expectations: Setting clear expectations is considered as the foundation of the

performance management process. In a virtual setting, it is important for establishing
expectations around job responsibilities, deadlines, and performance goals. Communication
protocols and guidelines, such as the frequency and mode of communication, should also be

Assess Performance: the assessment of performance in a virtual setting seems to be

challenging, but it is critical for managing the performance of a team. Performance metrics
should be established to measure the productivity and effectiveness of the team, and
benchmarks should be set to monitor performance. Time-tracking software and other tools
can be used for monitoring performance against these benchmarks (Hollis & Verma, 2015).

Provide Feedback: providing regular feedback is vital for managing the performance of a
team. Feedback should be timely, specific, and constructive, and should acknowledge
achievements and provide recognition when appropriate. Encouraging team members to
provide feedback on their work is also important.

Development: Providing opportunities for development, such as training, coaching, or

mentoring, is critical for improving the performance of a virtual team. Identifying areas
where team members need improvement and providing them with the resources they need to
succeed is key.

When managing a virtual team, it is also important to foster a culture of accountability and
collaboration, provide flexibility in work schedules and locations, encourage self-
management, address performance issues promptly, celebrate successes, foster an inclusive
environment, use technology effectively, encourage continuous learning, and monitor
employee engagement.

Setting expectations, assessing and providing feedback, as well as development are critical
components of the process of performance management that must be adapted to a virtual
setting when managing a team of Nurse Next Door.

The performance management process should be focused on setting expectations. In a virtual

setting, it is important for establishing clear job responsibilities, performance goals, and
deadlines. Communication protocols and guidelines, such as the frequency and mode of
communication, should also be established to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Team
members may be in different time zones, so setting expectations around work hours is also

The process of performance management focuses on assessing and providing feedback.

Assessing performance in a virtual setting can be challenging, but it is important to establish
performance metrics to measure the productivity and effectiveness of the team. Time-tracking
software and other tools can be used to monitor performance against these metrics (Ahmed
et. al., 2016). Feedback should be timely, specific, and constructive. Encouraging team
members to provide feedback on their work is also important, as it promotes a culture of
collaboration and accountability.

The process of performance management is focused on development. Opportunities should be

offered for development, such as training, coaching, or mentoring, which is critical for
improving the performance of a Nurse Next Door team. Identifying areas where team
members need improvement and providing them with the resources they need to succeed is
key. Virtual team members may need additional resources and support, such as access to
virtual training programs and networking opportunities.

By implementing these components of the process of performance management in a virtual

setting, a franchise owner of Nurse Next Door can effectively manage the performance of
their team; foster a culture of collaboration and accountability (Mone et. al., 2018).
Mechanical and judgemental strategies should be taken into use for the calculation of an
overall rating where every performance aspect is considered and then the scores will be
assigned to every section in which weighted scores are added for obtaining overall scores.


In order to achieve the organizational goals organization plans certain strategic planning to
improve its efficiency. The organization nurse next door has made a tremendous appreciation
of the work culture and environment at their office. Employee friendly as well as senior
members are friendly to give an effective output into the market. The office works 24x7
working hours to provide service to the old people. Employees are self-motivated flat
structured hierarchies and self-led individuals. Several factors of performance management
include knowledge, abilities, skills, traits, procedures, and context. In the case of Nurse Next
Door organization, the employee’s ability and traits to communicate with clients who are old
reflect a huge and strong determination of employees towards the organization’s goal. The
process of performance management focuses on assessing and providing feedback. Assessing
performance in a virtual setting can be challenging, but it is important to establish
performance metrics to measure the productivity and effectiveness of the team.


Ahmed, T. M., Bezemer, C. P., Chen, T. H., Hassan, A. E., & Shang, W. (2016, May).
Studying the effectiveness of application performance management (apm) tools for
detecting performance regressions for web applications: an experience report.
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mining Software
Repositories (pp. 1-12).

brandsfortheheart. [2023]. nurse next door is all in with their brand strategy.

Campion, M. C., Campion, E. D., & Campion, M. A. (2015). Improvements in performance

management through the use of 360 feedback. Industrial and Organizational
Psychology, 8(1), 85-93.

Grossi, G., Kallio, K. M., Sargiacomo, M., & Skoog, M. [2020]. Accounting, performance
management systems and accountability changes in knowledge-intensive public
organizations: a literature review and research agenda. Accounting, Auditing &
Accountability Journal, 33(1), 256-280.

Hollis, B. M., & Verma, R. (2015). The intersection of hospitality and healthcare: Exploring
common areas of service quality, human resources, and marketing.

Joseph, J., & Gaba, V. [2020]. Organizational structure, information processing, and
decision-making: A retrospective and road map for research. Academy of
Management Annals, 14(1), 267-302.

Kubiak, E. (2022). Increasing perceived work meaningfulness by implementing

psychological need-satisfying performance management practices. Human Resource
Management Review, 32(3), 100792.

Mone, E. M., London, M., & Mone, E. M. (2018). Employee engagement through effective
performance management: A practical guide for managers. Routledge.

nursenextdoor. [2023]. About-us. nursenextdoor.

Tweedie, D., Wild, D., Rhodes, C., & Martinov‐Bennie, N. (2019). How does performance
management affect workers? Beyond human resource management and its
critique. International Journal of Management Reviews, 21(1), 76-96.

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