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349LON Marketing Communication

Marketing Plan for DMRi

Executive summary

DMRi is a passionate digital technology agency that specialised in discovering digital

solutions that is providing benefits to the involved parties and also made a belief to have a
powerful passionate team that is combining fresh knowledge and experience with a passion
for performing well. This report is giving light on the Marketing Communication plan for
DMRi where situational analyses have been conducted with the application of various
concepts and models. This report is refining the campaign's strategic and smart objective as to
how this campaign will attain these objectives and set timelines full stop this report is also
providing information about the targeting, positioning, and segmenting strategy of the
company also portrays the value proposition of the entry platform being offered by DMRi.
This report is devising various digital and traditional tools as a promotional strategy for the
attainment of the objective. This report is highlighting an action plan and content plan to
which how the campaign activities will be taken into consideration and what actions will be
taken for the success of the campaign.

Table of Contents

Executive summary....................................................................................................................2


About DMRi...............................................................................................................................3

Situation analysis.......................................................................................................................3

Micro Environmental Analysis..................................................................................................3

Macro Environmental Analysis..................................................................................................4

Competitive landscape...............................................................................................................6

Campaign Objectives.................................................................................................................6

SMART Objectives....................................................................................................................7

Strategic Objectives...................................................................................................................7



Targeting and Positioning..........................................................................................................8


Value proposition.......................................................................................................................9


Action Plan...............................................................................................................................10

Content Plan.............................................................................................................................11






DMRi is a well-known company in the digital world that is known for identifying the
appropriate people and gaining their permission for sending an appropriate message at the
appropriate time and in the appropriate manner and hence, the outcomes will follow. They
have integrated cutting-edge Technology with old fashion marketing and innovative concepts
and approaches to making it simpler and making businesses run competitions online for
gaining a competitive edge in the market. This report is giving light on the entry platform
being offered by DMRi as a Digital solution for businesses and marketing teams that is aimed
at gaining a competitive edge.

About DMRi

DMRi is known for a digital technology agency that is engaged in specialising in Discovery
solutions where the benefits are being offered to every party that is involved and in the
advertising case provides something that is advantageous for the user and the advertiser. A
belief has been made by DMRi in the utilisation of technology and automation to both
monitor and deliver activity success. It has been believed by DMRi that receiving a powerful
passionate team that combines names fresh knowledge and experience with a passion for
bringing Innovation and performing well is considered as a successful key to developing or
building long-lasting connections with prospective clients. The company claims to listen
honestly and to lead in customer care and Technology marketing. The company is engaged in
working with local training providers and Universities for discovering the optimal fresh talent
and combining all these with the software developers and experienced marketers that have
served another company for over 10 years.

The product offerings of DMRi are the entry platform the competition platform and the data
platform. The entry platform has gained much popularity that is giving the tools for the
creation of Amazing competition in just minutes. Professional and Secure landing pages are
being launched that will be engaged with existing and new customers (Appendix 2). The
entry platform is engaged in building competitions for over a decade for more than 10000
clients. From this experience, the company have grasped the enormous challenges being
confronted by Agencies and brands when they want to effectively and quickly run the
promotions. Such challenges being confronted by Agencies and brands are costing, technical
resources, design, working to meet deadlines legal compliance and security. To address all

these challenges DMRi has come up with the entry platform as a one-stop solution for all the
competition and promotional requirements. The entry platform is based on a monthly
subscription that contains pricing for five tiers that are required to be chosen by the client.
The higher the price tier, the much more features, customisation, and capacity will be offered.

Situation analysis

Micro Environmental Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

A whole inbound marketing tool suit is being The pricing of the product of rings by DMRi
offered by DMRi which involves CRM social seems to be high relatively which is limiting
media management marketing automation their appeal to small-scale companies and
competition management and email companies who are having limited budgets.
marketing that all are working as a thorough DMRi is offering such features and tools on
solution for every business. the website that are considered as an
overwhelming and complex platform for
A primary objective of DMRi is focused on
various users.
offering value to their clients with the
development of services and software which A tools and templates range is being offered
will be helpful for businesses in engaging by DMRi that is Limited in customisation
attracting and delighting their customers. terms and also considered as disadvantageous
for companies who are having diverse needs.
DMRi is famous for digital solutions and is a
The offline customer's connection of DMRi
reputable brand of digital solutions to
and their response to customers seems to be
businesses in the United Kingdom which will
poor as the operators of DMRi are taking
be helpful in retaining and attracting
over 3 weeks for giving respond to the
customers (Valos et. al., 2016).
customers via male and their line of customer
care is sometimes not answerable.

Opportunities Threats

As technology is continuously evolving so Strong competition is confronted by the MRI
businesses are also choosing to stay up to from the inbound Marketing Software
date with the latest trends to be competitive Corporation that is influencing the
in the market. Every business is planning to Profitability and their marketing share
expand its operations and improve its negatively. A constant evolution in
marketing strategies and tactics so here is the technology seems challenging for various
opportunity for DMRi to find such businesses businesses so for DMRi as DMRi is required
and also launch a range for small-scale to remain upgraded with the latest trends
businesses. DMRi should look for a new platforms tools and technology to be
market to enter where they can target various competitive in the business world (GURL,
businesses that are seeking to innovate their 2017). Market instability and negative
marketing strategies. conditions of the economy are also impacting
the DMRi digital solutions demand as
nowadays businesses that are operated at
small scale seem to limit their budget of

Macro Environmental Analysis

PESTLE Analysis

Political Major economic consequences have been

seen due to Brexit negatively and positively.
However, this has seemed to be advantageous
for various industries of the new freedom of
the United Kingdom for setting their trade
policy and it has been impacted negatively by
the increment in the uncertainty and trade
barriers. The departure of the United
Kingdom from Europe has resulted in a
major shift in the economic power

distribution in Europe. Unlimitation has been
created by Brexit for DMRi for spreading its
operation in Europe (Appendix 3).

Economic In this extremely competitive analytical

services, advertising, and digital research
sector the quality reputation of DMRi is
offering an advantage to the business to be
competitive in this business world and gain a
competitive edge over competitors with the
services they are providing and the entry
platform for making the competitions hard.
The international audience has also seemed
to be advantageous for DMRi. The
operations of DMRi are impacted by the
economy. The economy is affecting the
demand and Consumers pending if the
strategy and tactics are applied in such that
the businesses are able to show what they are
offering as nowadays customers value the
quality of the digital profile of business
(Finne & Grönroos, 2017). The purchasing
power and disposable income of the
customers are being affected by the cost of
living and inflation. The marketing strategies
of DMRi as well as the audiences are
required to incorporate such economic

Social A societal attitude, behaviour, and values are

required to be included in a socio-cultural
environment. Target audience purchases and
customer behaviour are being influenced by

such factors. Their social and cultural
background is required to be examined by
DMRi at the time of Designing the marketing
tactics and Strategies and targeting their
market. Failed and digital marketing should
be considered as a social priority of DMRi.
The website of DMRi should increase the
content readership of inbound marketing.

Technological As technology has been advanced, AI and

Cloud Computing are enabling improvements
in the websites of businesses which attract
customers the most. Sales automation and
marketing on the website have seemed to be
expanded as such expansion has resulted in
the increment in the company's Profitability,
efficiency, and productivity. DMRi should
incorporate recent trends of development
when a constant shift is being seen in the
technical landscape. A major shift has been
seen in technology as to how businesses are
interacting with their customers and running
their operations nationally and
internationally. To gain a competitive
advantage DMRi should remain on a level of
new Trends in Technology and digital
platforms. This will ensure that their website
and social media platform are user-friendly
and can be run on any device.

Legal The legislative components of the analysis

are considered in the rules and regulations
and the organisation's operations are being

controlled by such guidelines and legislation.
DMRi is accounted for diverse legislative
requirements in various countries where they
operate. DMRi also complied with the Anti-
Spam law, data protection law, as well as
other regulations that are influencing their
business operations. The personal
information level is required to be Limited
which comes under the data protection law
that is also displayed on the website. DMRi
is known as a digital technology agency that
should other with intellectual property
protection law strictly because their mostly
customers are students and also they engaged
the students for the promotion of its

Environmental Nowadays companies have expanded in

every term so they also need to make sure
that their operations are responsible
environmentally. DMRi is now engaged with
making their operations responsible
environmentally and not worsening the
environment but rather engaged in CSR and
sustainability. The environmental marketing
efforts' impact should be considered by
DMRi like the website's carbon footprint as
well as its other digital platforms' carbon
footprint. All the activities being performed
should be sustainable so that the business
will get benefit from society as well.

Competitive landscape

Company Market Share Revenue Growth

Adsiege - $5 million

Beanstalk 50.12% $57.15 billion

GSA Business - $6 million


Flourish Leads - $5 million

Campaign Objectives

Marketing strategy and results are outlined in the marketing objectives that provide
measurable objectives. A primary purpose of marketing objectives is guiding marketing
efforts for setting milestones. It is important that there should be alignment between the
objectives and the business plan which complements the business objectives. Objectives are
adding an accountability level to a great extent for the team of marketing. such kind of
objectives are extremely measurable which will be helpful in producing KPIs (key
performance indicators) that reveal the performance of the work is effective or not and what
changes and improvements are required to be made.

Smart objectives are a sequence of goals and objectives that are positioned through
parameters where the tractability and structure are brought together. Smart goal or objectives
settings are helpful in creating a verifiable trajectory for a specific objective that is having
clear milestones as well as a set timeline for the attainment of the goals (Bjerke & Renger,

In business marketing and other fields world, smart objectives seem to be having entirely
diverse relevance. DMRi will utilise the AIDA model for ensuring clear goals and objectives

and facilitating the successful journey of the campaign (Jiang et. al., 2023). AIDA model
contains four stages that a customer is going through such stages before any buying decision
is being made. DMRi will utilise the model of AIDA- attention, interest, Desire, and action
for determining the manner to distribute and craft the marketing messages to targeted
customers at every buyer's journey phase. This model will be applied at the time of the
creation of campaigns and structuring of the company’s website for having control over the
parts of prospects for making a purchasing decision (Luxton et. al., 2015). This theory states
that when the customer progresses through every model phase then they will learn something
about the company which will be helpful in developing certain emotions and feelings
regarding the product or services being provided by DMRi that is compiling them ultimately
for taking action (Appendix 1).

A primary objective of the campaign is signing up about 1000 clients with the entry platform
paid subscription in the first 12 months as well as retaining around 80% of clients in the
financial year, on its higher level and existing subscription level.

SMART Objectives

To incline the traffic of the website by 30% in the first 4 months via making efforts in Search
Engine Optimisation and targeted search campaigns that are paid.

To incline the various lead generation via the website of DMRi by 50% in the first 7 months
via the calls to action and lead generation forms implementation

To incline in the leads conversion rate by 35% in the financial year via customised follow-up
communications and targeted campaigns of email marketing

To incline in the retention of customers by 25% in the first year via regular contact with the
clients or customers and customer Loyalty program implementation.

Strategic Objectives

Additionally, the strategic objectives of DMRi for arranging such a campaign will be focused
on mainly highlighting the entry platform benefits and in what manner it will be helpful for
the other businesses effectively running online tough competitions. DMRi is going to
showcase some companies' examples in real life that have reached the successful journey of

why are the entry platform utilisation and the ease of use and convenience are being
emphasized by this software.

The message of this marketing campaign is mainly focused on the DMRi brand value which
is highlighted in the entry platform software product which includes some characteristics
such as personalised templates as well as the capability for tracking and easily analysing the
competition outcomes. Email marketing targeted advertisements and social media will be
taken into use for reaching the target clients and audience and also drive the customers to the
DMRi website for increasing the traffic and make them learn more and sign up with entry
platform software product subscription.


A comprehensive approach has been taken into consideration for the attainment of the goals
and objectives which involves various actions and tactics to be implemented over various
channels. As nowadays customers are emphasizing social media account qualities so social
media will be prioritised to introduce this software product named the entry platform which
makes them know about its merits and how this software works (Hassan et. al., 2015). DMRi
strategic approach is concentrated on 3 main areas that are segmentation targeting acquisition
and personas.


DMRi will segment the targeted audience being identified on the basis of numerous factors
like the location size of the company and industry. This will permit them for tailoring the
marketing efforts being made to every segment's interest and specific needs which will also
be helpful in the increment of the conversion likelihood.

Targeting and Positioning

DMRi believes in expanding its operations so they are also planning for expanding its
operation in New Market that is totally new for them to reach a new audience. As every
business is planning to digitalise their operations, and making their competition tougher
digitally so this will be a great opportunity for DMRi to grab. This acquisition and targetting
strategy will target the interested businesses for making them purchase their software
product, the entry platform. Firstly DMRi is required to conduct market research where it can

be discovered what kind of business is and at what scale they are demanding so it can
strategically launch or introduce itself in that market. The main objective is reaching out to
the companies and marketing Agencies that are likely for having advantages from the
utilisation of the entry platform and showing them the value this software product will offer.
Various digital marketing channels will be utilised for targetting the audience which includes
targeted advertising email marketing social media blog writing and content development
(Egan, 2022). DMRi will also be engaged in leveraging SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
for ensuring that the website is discoverable easily when the business is looking for online
competition digital products.


Several tactics will be utilised for the attainment of the goals and reaching the target audience

1. Content marketing

Educational and information content will be created like ebooks, webinars, and blogs post for
showcasing the entry platform value and also placing it as a one-stop solution for the business
that is seeking for running digital competitions. Content marketing will be utilised for the
establishment of DMRi as a well-known software leader in the business world and also
emphasise building brand awareness.

2. Social media marketing

Social media platforms will be utilised like Instagram Facebook LinkedIn and Twitter for
reaching the targeted audience and also the entry platform will be promoted which DMRi is
offering (Duralia, 2018). Such posts being created on the platform will be engaged in creating
informative and engaging content for the customers or clients as well as also runs targeted
advertisement campaigns for driving traffic to the DMRi website (Kovanovienė et. al., 2021).

3. Paid advertisements

DMRi will utilise paid advertisement channels like LinkedIn ads, Facebook ads, Google
AdWords, and Instagram Ads for reaching the targeted customers as well as driving traffic.
Targeted campaigns will be utilised as well as A/B testing for the optimisation of the

advertisement campaign which also ensures that DMRi is successfully reaching the
appropriate audience by converting the appropriate message to them.

Value proposition

DMRi helps businesses to run competition digitally with the utilisation of The Entry Platform
which will be prone and effective in gaining a competitive edge over competitors. The entry
platform is a digital software product specialised in running a competition online for
businesses that are planning to digitalise and spread there all the operations around the world
and aimed at gaining a competitive edge. The entry platform is based on a subscription model
that offers various subscription models for businesses at every scale (Ryan, 2016). The higher
the subscription plan costs, the more features the business will get along with the
customisation and more capacity.


Various actions are defined for reaching the desired goals in setting up the strategic approach
process. Thurs every strategy is developed is required in the plan execution schedule and time
planning. In this way, scheduling is considered as an essential aspect of the Digital Marketing
strategic approach. For the attainment of the goals, various campaign tactics have been
implemented for reaching and engaging with the targeted audience.

1. Main channels

Email marketing content marketing and social media marketing are the main channels as such
channels is having enough potential for reaching enormous potential customers and also be
Taylor for targetting certain audience segments. Various social media platforms are being
utilised which involve LinkedIn Instagram Facebook Twitter for reaching the targeted
audience and driving them to the DMRi website for learning more about the entry platform
and its subscription plans. Email marketing is considered as the main channel as it provides
higher ROI (return on investment) and also permits sending targeted campaigns to the
audiences (Batra & Keller, 2016).

2. Channel Strategy

It is important for the campaigns to be a middle focus around strong financial conditions for
ensuring optimal budget usage. Influencers are the main part of digital strategies so it is

important to calculate their cost of them. Several marketers adhere to over $150 per 10k
social account followers. Approx 3.6 billion individuals are utilising social media platforms
globally. So the strategy will be reaching out to the targeted demographic through Instagram,
LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook which encourages them for visiting the website for
subscribing or for additional information. Such information will also be given by the
influencers by contacting Dam to collaborate with the company to make digital content for
the entry platform (Lee & Kotler, 2015). The influencer will provide important information
on their reels or post and they will provide a website link in the captions.

Email marketing- Email marketing is considered as one of the effective methods or

approaches to contact with customers. It has been analysed that around 38 dollars will be
written for each $1 being spent on email. This will be helpful in reaching out to the targeted
demographic as well as driving subscriptions to the software product, the entry platform
(Karjaluoto et. al., 2015).

Paid ads- paid ads will be helpful in reaching the appropriate audience at the appropriate time
with Facebook ads, Google Adwords, and Instagram ads. This will provide the opportunity
for approaching the organisers who may have an interest in joining this entry platform.

Action Plan

Mo Mont Mo Mont Mont Mo Mont Mont Mon Month Mo Mo

nth h2 nth h4 h5 nth h7 h8 th 9 10 nth nth
1 3 6 11 12

Strate Prestigious Fun/Rebellious Presti Both groups will be targeted, thus

gic Status Status gious both types of content will be
Positi Status posted

Statist Campaign KPIs The Assessment of the KPIs

ics will be evaluated evalu after every campaign
Analy and measured ation takes place
sis / of

Prosp KPIs
ects will

Influe DMR Cam Camp Comp Introd Pro The

ncer i paign aigns any ucing mot engag
Posts Com Prom Storie Prom The e ement
pany otion s otion Entry The rate
Prom Platfo Entr increa
otion rm y se by
Platf going
orm live

Digita ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
l Paid

PR/ Posting content Every three days, the Making creative reels Engaging
Medi on daily basis on content will be posted on and posts in which followers
a the social media every account. Also The Entry Platform with
platform introducing our services will be introduced and stories,
accounts being offered and new posted every 4-5 days tweets,
offers and posts

Content Plan

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn

Post 11 Post 10 Post 5 PM Post 12 PM Post 12 Post 12 Post 5 PM
Instagram Instagram Instagram
Instagram Instagram Go Live 3 Stories 9 Instagram Instagram Go Live 3
Post 10 Reels 1 PM AM Stories 9 Stories 9 PM
Twitter Twitter Twitter
Twitter Twitter Posts 11 Posts 11 Twitter Twitter Posts 11
Posts 1 Posts 12 AM AM Posts 11 Posts 11 AM
Facebook Facebook Facebook
Facebook Facebook Stories 6 Go Live 5 Facebook Facebook Stories 6
Posts 6 Reels 3 PM PM Go Live 5 Go Live 5 PM

LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn 5

Post 10 Post 12 Post 11 Post 10 AM Post 5 Post 12 PMLinked
AM PM AM PM In Post 11
Instagram 5
Instagram Instagram Instagram Reels 1 PM PMInstagr Instagram 1
Reels 1 Stories 9 Post 10 am Go Stories 9 Instagram
PM AM AM Live 3 PM AM Post 10
Posts 12
Twitter Twitter Twitter PM Twitter Twitter
Posts 12 Posts 11 Posts 1 Posts 11 Posts 11 Twitter
PM AM AM Posts 1
1 Reels 3 PM 1
Facebook Facebook PMFacebo AMFacebo Facebook 1
Reels 3 Go Live 5 ok Posts 6 ok Stories Go Live 5 PMFacebo
PM PM PM 6 PM ok Posts 6


LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn

Post 12 Post 11 Post 5 PM Post 11 AM Post 11 Post 10 Post 12
Instagram Instagram
Instagram Instagram Go Live 3 Post 10 AM Instagram Instagram Instagram
Stories 9 Post 10 PM Post 10 Reels 1 Stories 9
Twitter Posts 1 PM
Twitter Twitter Posts 11 Twitter Twitter Twitter
Posts 11 Posts 1 AM Posts 1 PM Posts 12 Posts 11
Posts 6 PM
Facebook Facebook
Facebook Facebook Stories 6 Posts 6 PM Facebook Facebook
Go Live 5 Posts 6 PM Reels 3 Go Live 5

LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn

Post 5 PM Post 11 Post 12 Post 10 AM Post 11 Post 12 Post 10
Instagram Instagram
Go Live 3 Instagram Instagram Reels 1 PM Instagram Instagram Instagram
PM Post 10 Stories 9 Post 10 Stories 9 Reels 1
Twitter Posts 12
Posts 11 Twitter Twitter PM Twitter Twitter Twitter
AM Posts 1 Posts 11 Posts 1 PM Posts 11 Posts 12
Facebook Reels 3 PM Facebook
Stories 6 Facebook Facebook Posts 6 PM Facebook Facebook
PM Posts 6 Go Live 5 Go Live 5 Reels 3


Control and evaluation are considered as disclosure marketing plan parts and also be helpful
in reviewing the effectiveness and efficiency of the marketing plan (Kingsnorth, 2022).
Control in the marketing plan is used for the measurement of the business performance by
considering the strategy being highlighted in the plan. Several KPIs (key performance
indicators) have been devised by DMRi for measuring the objectives of the campaign
(Appendix 4).

Objectives Marketing Funnel KPIs

Optimize search engines and Awareness Need 20k customers to reach

collaborate with influencers on the website by using
on social media hashtags and need 50k reach
from collaboration

The incline in Leads Conversion Increase lead generation rate

Conversion Rate from the people who are just
showing interest by 30%
within 2 months

The Incline in Customer Action Increase customer retention

Retention Rate rate by influencing their
buying behaviour and
increasing posts on social
media to increase
engagement by 40%


In light of this information, it has been concluded that the evaluation has been provided of
marketing initiative with the utilisation of keeping performance measured by considering

some areas that are website traffic customer retention and conversion rate. Various paid
advertisements have been utilised for making the business reach a successful journey and
attain the goal of having more than 1000 new subscriptions to their entry platform. For the
attainment of smart and strategic goals and objectives, various Strategies and Tactics have
been proposed. It is important for DMRi to segment its audience properly which will be
helpful in personalizing the messages and providing a better customer experience. They
should opt for content marketing as an inbound marketing strategy backbone.


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Duralia, O. (2018). Integrated marketing communication and its impact on consumer

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Batra, R., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Integrating marketing communications: New findings, new
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Kovanovienė, V., Romeika, G., & Baumung, W. (2021). Creating value for the consumer
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Ryan, D. (2016). Understanding digital marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the

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Hassan, S., Nadzim, S. Z. A., & Shiratuddin, N. (2015). Strategic use of social media for
small business based on the AIDA model. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172,

Jiang, X., Chiu, D. K., & Chan, C. T. (2023). Application of the AIDA model in social media
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Bloom, N., Bunn, P., Chen, S., Mizen, P., Smietanka, P., & Thwaites, G. (2021, August 27).
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Sellers, A. (2022, February 04). The AIDA model: A proven framework for converting
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Handley, R. (2023). The marketing funnel: What it is & how it works. Retrieved April 17,
2023, from


Appendix 1: AIDA Model (Sellers, 2022)

Appendix 2: The Entry Platform (DMRi, 2023)

Appendix 3: Brexit Affecting UK Businesses (Bloom et. al., 2021)

Appendix 4: Marketing Funnel (Handley, 2023)


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