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Organization Change Management in

IT Services Industry


Change is an ongoing process and is generally unwelcome. Change has an impact on every
organisation around the world. Change is a process that is being brought into the organisation
step by step rather than happening instantly. This study is portraying a deep comprehension
of Change management in the industry of Information Technology Services. The study is
giving information about the research instrument for the collection of the data which is a
questionnaire. The formulation of the questionnaire is done on the Managing change model
Framework dimensions. This report is depicting about the primary reasons that are better
prospects in career salary family reasons and relocation. Change resistance is considered as
common throughout the process of Change management. This study is also giving
information about the major reasons for change resistance which are additional work, failure
fear, and new learning. This study is focusing on a deep comprehension of organisational
change those results in active employee participation towards successful change efforts.

Table of Contents




Literature review........................................................................................................................3

Managing change model............................................................................................................4

Change management..................................................................................................................4



Questionnaire reliability.............................................................................................................5

Resistance to change reasons.....................................................................................................6





The Information Technology (IT) industry has now gained popularity in the Indian
economy's vibrant sectors. As per GOI (Indian Government), India is considered as a base for
various Global and Fortune companies. It has been stated by NASSCOM (National
Association of software and services companies) that the information technology industry is
one of the biggest Indian private sectors where 37 lakh employees are serving. When it comes
to National GDP, growth has been seen in the revenue of IT sectors from 1.2% to around
9.3% in the 2015-2016 fiscal year. For sustaining in this dynamic and competitive
environment, nowadays organisations have adapted to dynamic changes and competitive
business environments constantly. Change is defined as an alteration in organisations existing
state concerning structure people and Technology. It is not just important for adapting to the
changes but also anticipating the change's impact and how changes can be managed
effectively is matter the most for the successful journey of the organisation.

Organisational change is the idea and behaviour implementation that is considered as new to
the business. Change can be eminent just same as change resistance which might be because
of organisation individual and both. Tackling such resistance to the implementation of the
process of change effectively is a must. For successfully managing the changes in the
organisation, it is important for managers for knowing why the changes are being brought
and what changes are needed and when changes are required to be implemented and how sir
changes can be implemented.


The objectives of this paper specifically are-

To corroborate managing change model dimensions in the contacts of India and checking the
questionnaire reliability

Two identify the IT services knowledge level of employees towards the comprehension of
organisational change

To determine the main reasons for change resistance in the industry of IT services

Literature review

The successful journey of the efforts being made in bringing changes exists in the
individual’s motivation and ability in the organisation. At the time of selecting managers for
the process of Change management managers are required to be considered by the
organisation that has the potential for risk tolerance and positive self-concept. An essential
part is being played by co-workers' social impact in the interpretation of the change. Change
efforts reasons are playing a bigger role to motivate change in earlier stages.

Seven competencies of Change management have been stated by [1] are insightful,
interpersonal, analytical, emotional, influential, administrative, and political which are
needed for agents. Several failures have been faced in change efforts due to weak
management and poor leadership.

It has been analysed that the change activities are required to remain in the concentration of
individuals that are showing their concern with the change implementation. Assessing and
reviewing the progress of implementation appears to be possible with the appropriate
Management by objectives usage as well as a reward system that is emphasizing

On the basis of observation of the [2] throughout the organisation's change times new ideas
should be implemented by the employees proactively for making the journey of change
efforts to be successful. A contribution of active participation via proactivity and adaptivity to
rising efficacy feelings that underlying the change readiness of employees as well as their
intentions for supporting the change.

The leaders are required to perceive themselves as structures designer that is supporting
constant change. Making changes in the short term might result in a decline in performance
and also managers who are involved in change efforts should not give up when they face any
failure rather they should continuously making efforts and maintaining a long-run focus.

Managing change model

Useful information is being provided by MCQ managing change questionnaire for the
participants about the deep comprehension of organisational changes in certain aspects.

This model has formulated on various dimensions that are general change nature, individual
response to certain changes, change people side should be managed, planning change,
evaluation of the change effort.

Individual response to certain changes- change is being resisted by people because of routine
loss as well as personal choice loss.

Change general nature- at the time of implementation of the organisational change where a
definite pattern is being considered.

Planning change- the activities are covered in this change that takes place throughout the
process of change and before the implementation.

Change on the people's side should be managed- communication needs should be emphasized
to the participants about the change efforts.

The organisational side should be managed- the management of the structure of the
organisation's reward system as well as the barrier to the facilitation of the change process.

Evaluation of the change- feedback should be provided to people about the change progress
people recognition that is involved in the process of change.

Change management

Organisational development practitioners have gained higher scores in comparison to

executives and managers on the subscale of MCQ about the management of the people side
change. Awareness has been spread by the organisational development consultants regarding
the complex cities that are included in the facilitation of the change [3]. Organisation
development practitioners are considered as skilful in the comprehension of people issues like
the communication across the organisation levels groups power rewards role to support the
change efforts as well as operating with complaints. Do programs of Management
development that have been designed for the implementation of the change process are
required to concentrate mainly on the significant areas that are change general nature,
individual response, and the management of the change people's side. The managers seem to
be skilful in the management of the change process organisation aspects however not enough
skilful for the people side.

IT employees specifically seem to be knowledgeable regarding the change process and
specifically the management of the change organisation and human side. System analysts and
senior IT managers is having a deep comprehension of the issues that pertain to the change
process in the organisation in comparison to technicians and programmers.

A common conclusion has been formed by the studies on the basis of MCQ. Firstly it has
become significant for the staff members for having enough knowledge regarding Change
management. Secondly, the management of the change people side is considered as a key
dimension at the time of tagline with the process of Change management.


A questionnaire is the research instrument that is utilised in this study for the collection of
data. The judgement sampling method has been taken into use in non-probability designs of
Sampling for this study. Around 200 question years were distributed to it service workers
sample from the membership organisation of NASSCOM. There were around 186 IT services
businesses that are registered and the top 5 are amongst the 20 players in the field that were
taken into consideration. The surveys were returned by 123 Information Technology
personnel and the response has been generated by 61.5%. The validation of 82 questionnaires
has been decided for analysis after the eradication of the incomplete responses [4]. There are
6 elements of this model that is served as the questionnaire Foundation. In addition to such
aspects, few elements have been included in the questionnaires on the basis of a literature
review like the causes of change resistance as well as Strategies for dealing with it.
Additionally, respondents responded to the assessment of the opposition level for the changes
that they had failed as well as the successful approaches that their organisation had used for
addressing this resistance.


Questionnaire reliability

When the instrument's reliability was tested all six aspects of this change model as well as the
techniques employed by the businesses throughout the process of change produced higher
values of Cronbach's alpha that are closer to one. The reliability scale is 0.87 of Alpha with
having confidence interval of 95%. Research instrument consistency and stability are
showing higher reliability. However, the development of the research instrument with the

utilisation of managing change model dimensions The Change management practices usually
as well as the industry of IT services culture is providing huge support for the utilisation of
the research instrument.

Employees of IT services knowledge level towards the comprehension of organisational


The study's second objective was examining the employees of IT services knowledge level
towards the comprehension of the change in the organisation. For examining the level of
knowledge, there are three approaches that were taken into use-

A. demographic respondent’s characteristics

Female participants were 42% and male participants were 57.3%. Around 54.9% respondents
in terms of age belong to the 21 to 25 age group, while 37.8% respondents were from 26 to
30 as well as 7.3% respondents were from the age group of 31 to 35. This indicates that a
good amount of younger individuals are being constituted mainly in the industry of IT
services that have currently made their entry in this field after the completion of their studies.

When it comes to educational background, this study has considered the highest degree of the
individual where 9.8% participants have done bachelor's in computer science or applications.
While 69.5% participants have done bachelors in technology and engineering. Only 2.4%
respondents have done Masters in technology and Engineering while only 6.1% responses
have done Masters in computer science or applications. Younger graduates with having
Bachelor’s Degrees and also business management master’s degree and dominating the factor
of IT services [5]. Employees having greater educational levels are more likely to have a deep
comprehension of the organisational change.

b. A deep comprehension of Change management by employees of IT services

For the identification of the employee's knowledge level that is working in IT services toward
the comprehension of the organisational change where various statement has been given in
the scale of Likert form.

Knowledge level of employees Mean

Training will be helpful for the employees to have positivity regarding 1.80

A comprehension of the change is significant for the successful journey of 1.82

change efforts

Change results in technology implementation 1.85

The change will be helpful for employee's individual growth 1.99

The change will be helpful in the business's overall development 2.00

Change resistance is considered as common in every organisation 2.02

The change improves the employee's performance 2.12

Resistance to change is not indicating that employees are opposed to 2.17


The results are showing that the IT industry employees are having a good knowledge
regarding the changes that take place in the business. It is proven from the value of mean that
is a line for every statement among three and one that is between neutral and strongly agreed.

Resistance to change reasons

For managing change effectively various reasons are required to be identified by the
organisation for change resistance and an attempt for overcoming such resistance. For
discovering the reasons for change resistance the participants were quotient for ranking the
change resistance reasons in the organisation throughout the process of change by just giving
rank to the solid resistance. The factors that were given to them were security needs, new
learning, politics, poor timing, failure fear, status loss, involvement absence, reward absence,
and resource absence. On the change resistance scale that is ranked between 1-10, the new

learning factor received a 7.3 average score while failure fear and extra work have received
6.4 and 6.5 average scores respectively.


The study is conducted with the aim of having a deep comprehension of the employee's
knowledge level working in IT services about Change management. For analysing the study
object various analysis has been performed. Firstly the research instrument's applicability in
the contacts of India. It has come to light that only a few studies are completed in this Change
management field in India full stop it has been found that no study has utilised the framework
of managing change model. Permission has been obtained by the research for adapting this
change model. The questionnaire development has been carried out that was formulated on
the Managing change model dimensions. The questionnaire has been validated in this study
in the context of India. 0.87 is the Alpha value of Cronbach for every dimension that is
showing the question year consistency and stability. As a result, the questionnaire is utilised
as a change process research instrument for conducting the studies associated with Change

Secondly, employees' knowledge levels that are working in IT services towards the deep
comprehension of organisational change. For examining the employee’s knowledge level
their demographic characteristics have been examined and evaluated. It has been revealed in
the results at a major younger employee’s portion is being constituted in the IT services
industry in the 21 to 30 age group.

An amazing opportunity an employee receives from the other organisation is a greater career
possibility. Global 2000 and Fortune 500 forms desire to expand in India does the personnel
of IT services is having many prospects and alternatives. Employee this satisfaction with their
current job path prompts them to search for a new opportunity for employment [6]. The
industry of IT services is comprised of women workers by 34%. Several women workers are
found to be quitting their job when they are planning for children after the wedding. The job
is being quit by them for taking child care for years as well as due to some family or personal
reasons. Quite attractive pay is offered by the industry of IT services in comparison to other
industries. The younger generation is showing their interest the most in changing
employment for securing the highest salary.

Thirdly, this study's objective is focusing on change resistance reasons identification in the
industry of IT services. Major reasons to change resistance are additional work new learning
failure fear and politics. Rise in change resistance primarily because of information absence
regarding the process of Change management. It has become significant for communicating
every effort being made for bringing changes for overcoming resistance. The communication
should take place via reports, demonstrations, and presentations. The people should be
educated about the changes being brought which will be helpful in the reduction of
resistance. The involvement of the employees as well as permitting them for participating in
the process of change management which will be helpful in building employees' commitment
throughout the process of change management. Employees' problems and complaints should
be attended which will be helpful and gaining the employee's confidence. Providing induction
to new and existing employees regarding the new ways is useful for overcoming the pressures
to improve performance.


In conclusion, it has been come to light that managing change model usage has been
documented in this study as well as its dimensions that also includes the research instrument
reliability verification. This study reveals the employee's knowledge level that working in the
IT industry towards the deep comprehension of the change as well as the main reasons for
change resistance. The results indicate that employees working in the IT services sector are
adequately knowledgeable regarding the organisation changes.


[1] B. Ewenstein, W. Smith, and A. Sologar, “Changing Change Management,” McKinsey &
Company, 01-Jul-2015. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed: 10-Mar-2023].

[2] M. H. Miraz , “Change management in information technology-A literature review,” Jan-

2016. [Online]. Available:
Technology-A_Literature_Review. [Accessed: 10-Mar-2023].

[3] P. Mishra, B. Shukla, and R. Sujatha, “Organisational culture and organisational change,”
Human Resource Management for Organisational Change, pp. 62–65, 2021.

[4] R. Alberts, C. Bennion, E. Dannenberg, C. Foster, B. Gosch, C. Harshman, M. Lenhart, T.

Mattauch, K. Rose, E. Rugg, and B. Trainor, “Educause Working Group Paper - Stanford
University.” [Online]. Available:
%20Education.pdf. [Accessed: 10-Mar-2023].

[5] S. Kumar and S. Rajan, “Understanding the change management in the information ... -
researchgate.” April- 2018. [Online]. Available:
Industry.pdf. [Accessed: 10-Mar-2023].

[6] T. Packard, “Organization redesign,” Organizational Change for the Human Services, pp.
242–260, 2021.
id=Jm4sEAAAQBAJ&redir_esc=y. [Accessed: 10-Mar-2023].


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