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Laila Mota

Learning Outcomes
The Learner:

● Defines information needs, locates, accesses, organizes, and

communicates information.
● Demonstrates ethical use of information
is a term that refers to knowledge or processed
data gathered through experiences or research.
Information Literacy
● The ability to recognize when
information is needed, and to locate,
evaluate, and effectively communicate
information in its various formats.
Duterte wants Pacquiao to
be next President Answer the following

1. Who - to identify the person

2. What - to know about
3. Where - to locate a place
4. When - to know specific
time and date
5. Why - to state the reason
Speaking at the 39th birthday bash of 6. How - the way or manner in
Pacquiao at the KCC convention center which things are done
here, President Duterte said the pound-
for-pound boxing champion was capable
of becoming the country’s next
5 Components of
Information Literacy Find
Identify – An information literate can find
– An information literate can identify the information needed effectively
the nature and extent of information and efficiently.
needed. Example: Searching public archives
Example: Knowing the difference for information on local history.
between a published court decision - Accessing a government website
AND an article about the court case. for local crime statistics.
- Identifying the most current - Interviewing the right respondents
information available on a medical for a research paper.
5 Components of (Cont..)
Information Literacy Apply
Evaluate – An information literate can apply
information effectively to
– An information literate can
accomplish a specific purpose.
evaluate information and its sources
Example: Doing a biography of a
person based on his answers to the
Example: Researching the claims
interview conducted.
made in a political ad on television.
- Citing an information made by
- Able to judge if a post on social
experts to support a point during a
media is a hoax or not.
5 Components of Information Literacy (Cont..)

– An information literate can acknowledge sources of

information and the issues surrounding information.
Example: Referencing information source in the text
of a research paper.
- Obtaining permission before copying a news story to
a blog.
- Downloading legally purchased music.
Thank you “The a
commu rt of
the lan ation is

for Listening
leaders e of
-James hip”

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