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A review on the selection of lean production tools and techniques

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June 2016

Mohd Shahir Yahya Musli Mohammad Badrul Omar Edly Ramly

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia EFR Certific

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There has been numerous published literature related to lean production. However, very
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limited studies have been found focussing on the selection of lean production tools and
techniques especially for Malaysian context. The review is based on the contemporary
literature that published between year 2004 to 2014. The main databases used were 20+ million
Science Direct, Scopus and Emerald. The review gives general pictures of the selection members
and implementation of lean tools and techniques in various industries and the factors that
affect the selection process. The analysis showed that there was no study yet on the 135+ million
selection of lean production tools and techniques specifically in Malaysia by using rational publications
decision making process. Therefore, this gap requires further research on the selection of 700k+ research
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appropriate lean production tools and techniques by considering several critical decision projects

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VOL. 11, NO. 12, JUNE 2016 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Skip Ad
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Mohd Shahir Yahya1, Musli Mohammad1, Badrul Omar1 and Edly Ferdin Ramly2
Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Parti Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
EFR Certification Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
E-Mail: shahir@uthm.edu.my

There has been numerous published literature related to lean production. However, very limited studies have been
found focussing on the selection of lean production tools and techniques especially for Malaysian context. The review is
based on the contemporary literature that published between year 2004 to 2014. The main databases used were Science
Direct, Scopus and Emerald. The review gives general pictures of the selection and implementation of lean tools and
techniques in various industries and the factors that affect the sel ecti on pr oc ess . The analysis showed that there was no
study yet on the selection of lean production tools and techniques specifically in Malaysia by using rational decision
making process. Therefore, this gap requires further research on the selection of appropriate lean production tools and
techniques by considering several critical decision criteria.

Keywords: lean production, lean tools and techniques, selection.

INTRODUCTION of this paper is to review the existing literature and

In today’s business world of fierce competition, provide a comprehensive assessment on the selection
customers consistently demand higher quality product in a process of lean tools and techniques.
shorter delivery time and at a lower price. So, the
organisation struggles to continuously improve their RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
organisation. The most important questions in their mind, The research methodology employed for
is ‘what is the most appropriate way to improve their investigating the lean production tools and techniques
organisation by considering their constraint such as cost selection is literature survey. Literature has been collected
and time?’ Both incremental upgrading and innovation are primarily through journals within the area of operations
precious operational strategies to gain and maintain management. The literature search has been conducted
competitive advantage in the global market (Hammer, using electronic journal databases such as ScienceDirect,
2005; Sohal, 2001; Swinehart, 2000). Many companies Scopus and Emerald that publish between years 2004 and
facing more challenges in selecting the appropriate 2014. The keywords for this search were “lean
improvement initiatives because the number of production”, “lean manufacturing”, “lean production tools
improvement initiatives is increasing every year, which and techniques”, and “Toyota Production Systems”. Only
makes it even harder to select the most appropriate English articles had been counted on quantifying the
initiative (Baxter and MacLeod, 2008; Davenport et al., common composition of lean production tools and
2003). “Improvement initiatives” refers to the approaches, techniques selection.
systems, tools and/or techniques and include for example
Lean Production, Six Sigma, Business Process RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
Reengineering (BPR), Balanced Scorecard and so on.
((Mohammad, 2010). Lean production
The adoption of initiatives requires time, In th e l ate 19 80’ s, the t erm “lean production” or
resources, financial and knowledge (Mohammad, 2011; “lean manufacturing” was introduced by the Japanese car
N. Thawesaengskulthai, 2007). To avoid unnecessary manufacturer Toyota in order to describe a production
waste and frustration, it would be better for people to system conceived. Lean production is a strategy or
select the right initiative that will fit with organisation’s philosophy that promotes the use of practices, such as just-
context and provide value to the organisation. In reality, in-time (JIT), kanban, and value stream mapping (VSM),
while none of the individual initiatives can solve all in order to minimize waste and improve organization’s
problems effectively in the organisation, each initiative performance (Womack et al., 1990).
has a role to play towards improving organisational Lean production is also known as manufacturing
performance. Every initiative has its own strengths and without waste. The waste is consisting of non-added value
limitations (Francis, 2010, Mohammad, 2012). The right to the product. There are seven type of waste such as
initiatives to be used may vary depending on several overproduction, waiting time, transportation, inventory,
contextual factors, such as: the current maturity level of an inappropriate processing, excess motion and product
organisation, areas in which the initiatives are adopted, defects (Melton, 2005; Ohno, 1988; Womack and Jones,
type or size of an organisation and the capabilities of its 1996). The heart of lean production is improve the
workforce (Benson et al., 1991; Dahlgaard and Dahlgaard- efficient use of resources through the minimization of
Park, 2004; Mohammad, 2012). Therefore, the objective waste. Some of the tools and techniques of lean production


VOL. 11, NO. 12, JUNE 2016 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

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include value stream mapping (VSM), 5S, kanban, kaizen, Lean production tools and techniques
total productive maintenance (TPM), single minute There are various lean production tools and
exchange of dies (SMED), cellular layout and pull techniques have been used by many industries depending
production system (Abdulmalek, 2007; Doolen and on the size of the industries. Based on the compilation
Hacker, 2005). Thus, the selection and the implementation from recent research (Arunagiri and Gnanavelbabu, 2014;
of the right lean production tools and techniques is Khusaini et al., 2014; Matt and Rauch, 2013), there are
expected to result in improved the operational outcomes, more than 50 lean production tools and techniques widely
such as higher quality, lower inventories, and shorter used by industries as shown in Table-1.
throughput times which results in the improvement of
operational performance.

Table-1. List of lean production tools and techniques widely used by industries.

(Khusaini et al.,
(Matt & Rauch,

(Arunagiri &


Lean Production Tools and

Italy India Malaysia

1 5S   
2 Cellular Manufacturing (Cell Layout)   
3 Kaizen   
4 Poka-yoke (Mistake proofing)   
5 Setup Time Reduction (SMED)   
6 Standardization   
7 Value Stream Mapping (VSM)   
8 Jidoka (Zero Defect)   
9 Autonomation  
10 Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)  
11 Quality Function Deployment (QFD)  
12 Six-Sigma  
13 Statistical Process Control (SPC)  
14 Andon (Lighting Signal) 
15 Group Technology 
16 Heijunka 
17 Just in Time  
18 Kanban  
19 One piece flow  
20 Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) 
21 Root Cause Analysis 
22 Takt Time  
23 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)  
24 5 Whys 
8 Step Practical Problem Solving (PPS)
25 
26 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 
27 Autonomous work groups 
28 Benchmarking 



VOL. 11, NO. 12, JUNE 2016 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

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29 Continuous Flow 
30 Continuous Improvement 
31 Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) 
32 Economic (optimal) lot size 
33 Elimination of Waste 
34 Failure Mode Efffect Analysis (FMEA) 
35 First in first out (FIFO) 
36 Fishbone Diagrams 
37 Idea Management 
38 Job rotation 
39 Just in Sequence 
40 Lean Office (Administration) 
41 Line Balancing and Muda Reduction 
42 Milkrun 
43 Optimization of the supply chain 
44 Pareto Analysis 
45 PPS Simulation software 
46 Preventive maintenance 
47 Process Mapping 
48 Production Leveling 
49 Quality Circles 
50 Quick and Easy Kaizen 
51 Simulation software 
52 Supplier Development 
53 Total Quality Management (TQM) 
54 Visual Controls 
55 Visual Management 
56 Voice of Customer (VOC) 
57 Work Simplification 
58 Work station design 

Matt and Rauch (2013) have clustered 36 Selection of lean production tools and techniques
numbers of lean production tools and techniques at Italy. The researchers have not found the guidance for
Meanwhile, Arugunagiri and Gnanavelbabu (2014) have the selection specifically on lean production tools and
listed 30 lean production tools and techniques that techniques. However, there are numerous literatures
currently used by organisations in India. Khusaini et al. suggested the decision makers to make the rational
(2014) listed 18 lean production tools and techniques that decision with regards to the selection and adoption of
widely used by Malaysian companies such as automotive, proper improvement initiatives such as (Miller and
electrical and electronics. It was found that less than 10 Hartwick, 2002; Mohammad, 2012; Natcha
lean production tools and techniques similarly used by Thawesaengskulthai, 2007). Regarding to Bazerman and
industries at three different countries (Italy, India, and Moore (2009), a rational decision making is “ logically
Malaysia) such as 5S, Cellular Manufacturing, Kaizen, expected to lead to the optimal result, given an accurate
Poka-yoke (mistake proofing), Setup Time Reduction, assessment of the decision maker’s values and risk
Standardization, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), and preferences”.
Jidoka ( Zero Defect). Thawesaengskulthai (2010) explains that the
rational selection of improvement initiatives is associated
with a structured and systematic processes that consider


VOL. 11, NO. 12, JUNE 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


the organization’s direction and context. Decision making approach (e.g. TQM, Six-Sigma, BPR, Lean, Business
involved numerous alternatives and assessment criteria. Process Improvement) of improvement initiatives. Skip Ad
When making decision, the difficulties arise in choosing Meanwhile, Mohammad (2010) focuses on 30 main
the most appropriate alternative or solution. One of the organisational improvement initiatives that could be
ways that help the decision maker to choose an appropriate implemented to improve organisational performance
solution is by using Multiple Attribute Decision Making according to the common enabling criteria of Business
(MADM) technique. The MADM is a part of Multiple Excellence Frameworks and organisational maturity.
Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) technique (Yoon and Unfortunately, only Pangsri, (2014), Matt and
Hwang, 1995). MADM can be defined as “making Rauch, (2013) and Arunagiri and Gnanavelbabu, (2014)
preference decisions, evaluation, prioritization and focusing on the selection of lean tools and techniques.
selection over the available alternative that are Pangsri, (2014) produced the decision framework in
characterized by multiple, usually conflicting, attributes”. product design and process improvements based on lean
The common characteristic of MADM include a finite production using Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) at
number of alternative are screened, prioritized, selected or Thailand, but the research has not stated the number of
ranked (Yoon & Hwang, 1995). There are several methods lean production tools and techniques used in product
that can be used within the MADM technique such as design and process improvement and the critical factors of
Weighted Sum Model (WSM) or Simple Additive selection was also not discussed. While Matt and Rauch,
Weighting (SAW), Weighted Product Model (WPM), (2013) only focus on 16 lean production tools and
Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal techniques used in Italy without discussing how the
Solution (TOPSIS) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) selection process and decision making technique used.
method. Arunagiri and Gnanavelbabu (2014) analyzed 30 lean
As shown in Table-2, there are several studies production tools and techniques using the weighted
have been found related to the selection of improvement average techniques for the selection of most effective lean
initiatives which include Bendell, (2005); Mohammad, production tools and techniques, and focuses on
(2012); Thawesaengskulthai, (2007); Wieleman, (2011) automotive industries in India. Arunagiri and
Thawesaengskulthai, (2007) was focused on the selection Gnanavelbabu (2014) only studied five main lean
of approaches (e.g. TQM, Six-Sixma, Lean, BPR, BE) and production tools and techniques and its effect to the
system (ISO9000), and (Wieleman, 2011) focusing on the productivity.

Table-2. Related study on the selection of initiatives improvement.

Improvement Initiatives


t System

Authors (Year) Origin



(Natcha Thawesaengskulthai, 2007) Thailand

√ √ x x
(Wieleman, 2011) √ India
√ x x x
(Mohammad, 2012) √ Worldwide especially in New
√ √ √ x
√ Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia
(Bendell, 2005) United Kingdom
√ √ √ √ Not stated
(Radziwill et al., 2008) √ United State
√ √ √ x
(Matt and Rauch, 2013) Italy
(Pangsri, 2014)
x x √ √ Not stated Thailand
x x √ √
(Arunagiri and Gnanavelbabu, 2014) √ India
x x √ √ Not stated
(Khusaini et al., 2014) √ Malaysia
x x √ √
SAW - Simple Additive Weighting
WPM - Weighted Product Model
AHP - Analytical Hierarchical Process

No study were found on the selection of lean techniques by considering the critical factors for selection
production tools and techniques specifically in Malaysia in order to gain the benefits of implementing lean
by using rational decision making process. Therefore, it production.
shows that, there is a need of study to help Malaysian
industries to select the right lean production tools and


VOL. 11, NO. 12, JUNE 2016 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved. Subscribe


Factors to be considered when selecting lean for each workforce that effect the time of understanding
production tools and techniques the implementation of lean production tools and
There is no one best initiatives that can solve all techniques, and the age of workforce also should be
organizational problems because each initiative has its considered. Besides that, the expected cost, time and Skip Ad
own purpose, strengths and limitations (Mohammad, resources also affect the selection process (Dale, 2007;
2012). In order to select the right lean production tools and Mohammad, 2012). Before implementing the lean
techniques for the right situation, managers and/or production tools and techniques, the decision makers
practitioners in the organization should consider several should know the expected benefit that company will
factors as show n in tab le 3 below. Referr ing to T able-3 , gained when implement the selected lean production tools
most of the researchers (Mohammad, 2012; Saunders and and techniques (Mohammad, 2012; Natcha
Mann, 2007; Natcha Thawesaengskulthai, 2007; Thawesaengskulthai, 2007; Thawesaengskulthai and
Thawesaengskulthai and Tannock, 2008) agreed that, the Tannock, 2008). Therefore, this factor also important to
top management commitment is the most important factor the decision makers in order to select the right lean
for the selection of the lean production tools and production tools and techniques.
techniques. Without this factors, the selection and
implementation of lean production tools and techniques CONCLUSIONS
will not be successed due to the decision of budget This paper presents a literature review on the
allocation are from top management. The workforce selection of lean production tools and techniques from
capability also effect the decision of lean production tools year 2004 to 2014. The review gives general pictures of
and techniques selection (Mohammad, 2012; Natcha the selection and implementation of lean tools and
Thawesaengskulthai, 2007; Thawesaengskulthai and techniques in various industries. The analysis showed the
Tannock, 2008). gaps that require further research related to selection of
The workforce factors such as the number of lean production tools and techniques and the factors that
workforce available in the industry, the level of education affect the decision making.

Table-3. The factors that affect the selection of lean production tools and techniques.
Factors affects the selection Authors(year)
(Mohammad, 2012; Saunders and Mann, 2007; Natcha
1. Top management commitment Thawesaengskulthai, 2007; Thawesaengskulthai and
Tannock, 2008)
(Mohammad, 2012; Natcha Thawesaengskulthai, 2007;
2. Workforce capability
Thawesaengskulthai and Tannock, 2008)
3. Expected costs, time and resources needed for the
(Dale, 2007; Mohammad, 2012)
successful implementation.
4. Expected value/ benefit of using the initiatives (Mohammad, 2012; Natcha Thawesaengskulthai, 2007;
Thawesaengskulthai and Tannock, 2008)
(Sousa and Voss, 2008; Natcha Thawesaengskulthai,
5. Organizational culture
2007; Thawesaengskulthai and Tannock, 2008)
(Mohammad, 2012; Natcha Thawesaengskulthai, 2007;
6. Direction, strategic plan and goals of the organization
Thawesaengskulthai and Tannock, 2008)
7. The external environment in which the organizations (Mohammad, 2012; Natcha Thawesaengskulthai, 2007;
operate Thawesaengskulthai and Tannock, 2008)
(Dahlgaard and Dahlgaard-Park, 2004; Mohammad,
8. Level of organization maturity 2012; National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), 2010)
9. Ability if the initiatives to “fit in with, complement”,
integrate, and/or “support” other initiatives “already in place, (Dale, 2007)
and might be used in the future”.
10. Area in which the initiatives will be used. (Mohammad, 2012; Saunders and Mann, 2007)
(Dahlgaard and Dahlgaard-Park, 2004; Mohammad,
11. Types (e.g. public, private or non-profit) and size (e.g. 2012; National Institute of Standards and Technology
small, medium or large) of the organization. (NIST), 2010; Natcha Thawesaengskulthai, 2007;
Thawesaengskulthai and Tannock, 2008)

The author would like to thank Universiti Tun
Hussein Malaysia for giving funding for this project under
Multi- Disciplinary Research Grant (Vot. U092).


VOL. 11, NO. 12, JUNE 2016 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

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Citations (5) References (34)

... The major cause of the confusion is due to the lack of robust framework for selecting tools causing failures to the lean Subscribe
initiatives (Yahya et al. 2016; Ansah and Sorooshian 2017). At present, the general practice of selecting the lean tools is
based only on performance or LC tool's objectives. ...
... At present, the general practice of selecting the lean tools is based only on performance or LC tool's objectives.
However, objectives can be similar among tools while comparative performance can be specific to a process/activity and
might not work for other processes/activities in construction (Kim and Park 2006; Yahya et al. 2016) . Construction
activities are hugely effected by specific project environments, economic conditions, and manpower required to execute
this work. ...
... Typically, most of the construction literature focused on determining the procedures for applying lean manufacturing
tools in construction projects with little effort in providing direction on selecting the most appropriate tool (Yahya et al. Skip Ad
2016; Ansah and Sorooshian 2017). Frameworks for implementing tools like LPS, value stream mapping (VSM), JIT,
kanban (KAN), building information modelling (BIM) and integrated project delivery (IPD) have been studied previously
Ballard et al. 2007; O'Connor and Swain 2013; Desai and Shelar 2014) but for others tools, very little information is
available. ...

Framework for selection of lean construction tools based on lean objectives and functionalities
Feb 2020
Mughees Aslam · Zhili Gao · Gary R. Smith

View Show abstract

... The seven wastes in physical production include overproduction, waiting time, unnecessary inventory, transportation,
excess motion, inappropriate processing, and defective products and quantitative and qualitative underutilisation of
human resources [9]. Therefore, the selection and the implementation of the accurate lean production tools and
techniques are expected to result in improved operational outcomes such as higher quality, lower inventories, and
shorter throughput times which result in the improvement of operational performance [10] . This study intends to
determine the major factor influencing the adoption of Lean Production System. ...

Factors and Barriers Influencing Lean Production System Adoption in Manufacturing Industries
Article Full-text available

Apr 2019
Shiau Wei Chan · M. F. Ahmad · Izzuddin Zaman · Fadillah Ismail

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... Lean Production is one of the improvement initiatives that can be implemented to achieve business excellence [7].
Current studies show that there are more than 50 lean tools and techniques that are being used widely, depending on
the size of the industries [8] . In Malaysia, a variety of studies were found to be related to lean production tools and
techniques adoption and implementation especially in the automotive [9] - [11], electrical and electronic [1] and food and
beverage industries [12] in order to achieve higher performance improvement. ...

Awareness, implementation, effectiveness and future use of lean tools and techniques in Malaysia organisations: a

Article Full-text available

Jan 2019
Mohd Shahir Yahya · Musli Mohammad · Badrul Omar · Hood Atan

View Show abstract

... The most appropriate initiative depends on the context in which it is adopted, rather than assumed to be universally
applicable. Managers and/or leaders in the organisations should therefore consider all related factors before selecting
the right initiative for the situation [4, [7] [8]. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to identify factors that should be
considered when selecting organisational improvement initiative and assess the level of importance of each factor for
selecting the improvement initiative. ...

Factors to Consider in Selecting an Organisational Improvement Initiative: Survey Results

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Jan 2017
Musli Mohammad · Maher Ali Hussein · Mohd Shahir Yahya

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Decision making process in lean assessment and implementation: a review

May 2021
Ahmad Abdelhafiz Mumani · Ghazi M. Magableh · Mahmoud Mistarihi
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Comment: Rationality and Revolution

January 1995 · Rationality and Society

Gordon Tullock

The Forum consists of comments on previously published papers and responses by authors. Unlike the Comment section in many Subscribe
other academic journals, the Forum includes solicited as well as unsolicited contributions. We encourage debates by actively seeking
points of view contrary to those expressed in articles published in the journal. The Forum is intended to promote an open and critical
debate ... [Show full abstract]

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Scopus-Based Analysis of Peer-Reviewed Literature Related to Solar Energy in GCC Countries

December 2016 · Procedia Computer Science

Bilal Akash · Ahmad M Abu Abdo · Omar Akash · M. S. Mohsen

This paper analyzes and presents the solar energy research status in the GCC countries using Scopus-database. Its findings may be
valuable for researchers, politicians, industry, or decision makers to see how much the participation of the GCC countries in the field of
solar energy and how it compares to other countries. The data gathered from Scopus database aided in outlining and identifying the ...
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International services marketing: Review of research, 1980-1998

August 1999 · Journal of Services Marketing

Gary A. Knight

The literature on international services marketing from 31 academic journals in the period 1980 to 1998 is reviewed. This time frame
contains the largest proportion of scholarly works published on international services marketing to date. Results reveal that the extant
literature is relatively sparse, with much research focused on highly specific industries or topic areas. Major findings from ... [Show full

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Siting Consideration for Nuclear Power Plant: A Review

July 2017 · Open Science Journal

Muhammad Adil Khattak · Aishah Umairah · Mohamad Amirudin Mohamad Rosli · [...] · Suhail Kazi

The purpose of this research is to study in detail about the site selection process in nuclear power plant (NPP) construction. There are
various factors that contribute to the site selection which involves in-depth investigation and detailed evaluation before the site is being
finalized and proposed. There are two main objectives in siting of NPP; ensuring the technical and economic feasibility ... [Show full

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Last Updated: 04 Jul 2022

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