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Antonio Fasano1, Valeria Villani1,2 , Luca Vollero1 and Federica Censi2

1 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Rome, Italy
2 Department of Technology and Health, Italian National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy

Keywords: ECG, P-wave, Atrial fibrillation, Smoothing, Denoising, Quadratic variation, Convex optimization.

Abstract: Atrial fibrillation is the most common persistent cardiac arrhythmia and it is characterized by a disorganized
atrial electrical activity. Its occurrence can be detected, and even predicted, through P-waves time-domain and
morphological analysis in ECG tracings. Given the low signal-to-noise ratio associated to P-waves, such anal-
ysis are possible if noise and artifacts are effectively filtered out from P-waves. In this paper a novel smoothing
and denoising algorithm for P-waves is proposed. The algorithm is solution to a convex optimization problem.
Smoothing and denoising are achieved reducing the quadratic variation of the measured P-waves. Simulation
results confirm the effectiveness of the approach and show that the proposed algorithm is remarkably good
at smoothing and denoising P-waves. The achieved SNR gain exceeds 15 dB for input SNR below 6 dB.
Moreover the proposed algorithm has a computational complexity that is linear in the size of the vector to be
processed. This property makes it suitable also for real-time applications.

1 INTRODUCTION A great deal of research on AF has focused on the

identification of factors that can predict its first occur-
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a cardiac arrhythmia charac- rence or recurrence. This could help in defining the
terized by disorganized atrial electrical activity caus- best treatment in individual patients.
ing loss of effective contraction. AF is the most com- Promising results have been obtained from ECG
mon persistent cardiac arrhythmia and it is also the signal processing, particularly from the analysis of
most common cause of arrhythmia-related hospital- P-waves. Electrocardiographic characteristics of AF
izations (Feinberg et al., 1995; Go et al., 2001). It has have proven to be helpful in identifying patients at
an enormous social impact because of its very high risk (Dilaveris and Gialafos, 2002; Platonov et al.,
incidence and its clinical consequences. Moreover, it 2000; Carlson et al., 2001; Bayes de Luna et al.,
is often difficult to diagnose and its management is 1999).
not optimized. The incidence of AF increases with Prolonged and highly variable P-waves have been
age and given the life expectancies increasing in both observed in patients prone to AF. Time-domain and
developed and developing countries, AF is projected morphological characteristics of P-waves from sur-
to become an important burden on most health care face ECG recordings turned out to significantly dis-
systems (McBride et al., 2008). tinguish patients at risk of AF (Bayes de Luna et al.,
AF is the most common arrhythmia in the west- 1999; Perez et al., 2009).
ern countries, it is responsible for 70 to 100 thousand Most of these studies rely on measurements based
strokes per year in the US and is independently asso- on visual inspection; however, computerized auto-
ciated with up to 1.9-fold increase in the risk of death matic analyses can now be performed and have been
(Benjamin et al., 1998). recently introduced to estimate P-wave duration and
AF is also associated with extensive atrial struc- morphological indices (Censi et al., 2007; Censi et al.,
tural, contractile, and electrophysiological remodel- 2008).
ing, which can sustain AF itself (Nattel et al., 2008). Due to the low signal-to-noise ratio associated
Current pharmacological treatments of AF present with P-waves, this portion of ECG signal is usu-
some limits because they can be ventricular proar- ally analyzed performing signal averaging in order
rhythmic and not able to prevent recurrences of AF. to build a P-wave template. Then, waves duration

Fasano A., Villani V., Vollero L. and Censi F..

DOI: 10.5220/0003169202890294
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2011), pages 289-294
ISBN: 978-989-8425-35-5
c 2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing

and morphological features are extracted from this 2004). However, in this context we consider it as a
template. The unavoidable drawback of this ap- function of deterministic or random vectors.
proach is that some information is lost in the aver- Introducing the (n − 1) × n matrix
aging operation. Each P-wave provides important in-  
formation about the corresponding depolarization pat- 1 −1 0 . . . 0
tern throughout the atrial substrate. Thus, tracking .. 
 0 1 −1 . . .

changes between consecutive P-waves turns out to be . 
D =  . .
, (2)
extremely important in improving the understanding  .. .. ... ... 0 

of the pathophysiological mechanisms of atrial sub- 0 ... 0 1 −1
strates predisposing to AF.
the quadratic variation of x can be expressed as
However, the analysis of the temporal variabil-
ity of consecutive P-waves is possible only if reliable Dx k2 ,
[xx] = kD (3)
beat-to-beat P-waves are available. This is attainable
only if noise and artifacts are effectively filtered out where k·k denotes the Euclidean norm.
from each single P-wave. The quadratic variation is a consistent index of
The aim of this investigation is to propose a novel variability and its use is motivated by the following
method to smooth and denoise P-waves extracted property. For vectors affected by additive noise, on
from high-resolution DC-coupled ECG recordings, in average it does not decrease and moreover it is an
order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of increasing function of noise variances. In fact, let
each single P-wave. x = x 0 + w , where x 0 is a deterministic vector and
w = [w1 · · · wn ] is a zero-mean random vector with co-
variance matrix K w = E ww T . We do not make any

assumption about the distribution of w , so the follow-
2 RATIONALE ing considerations hold regardless of it. Computing
the averaged quadratic variation of x we get
From the previous section, it is evident that the abil- n o
Dx k2 = kD Dx 0 k2 + E tr Dww TD T
ity to conduct a meaningful analysis of predisposing E kD
factors to AF strongly depends on the availability of
Dx 0 k2 + tr DK wD T

reliable P-waves. In this regard, P-waves are reliable = kD (4)
if the detrimental effects of noise and artifacts are re- where, in the first equality, we have exploited the in-
duced to an acceptable level. variance of the trace under cyclic permutations. Note
In this section we propose an algorithm that is par- that tr DK wDT ≥ 0, since it is the trace of a positive
ticularly effective for P-waves smoothing and denois- semidefinite matrix (Horn and Johnson, 1990), but in
ing. It is based on the following idea. The measured all practical cases the inequality is strict. In fact, we
P-wave is affected by noise and artifacts whose ef- have
fect is to introduce additional “variability” into the
 n−1 n
tr DK wD T = ∑ E (wk − wk+1 )2
observed P-wave with respect to the true one. Thus,
provided that we introduce a suitable index of vari- k=1
ability, smoothing and denoising can be performed by n−1
∑ σ2k + σ2k+1 − 2σk,k+1

searching for a version of the P-wave that is close, in = (5)
some sense, to the observed one, but has less “vari- k=1
ability”. We make this idea precise in the following. where σ2k = E w2k and σk,k+1

Denote by z = [z1 · · · zn ]T the vector collecting n  = E {wk wk+1 }. From
(5) it follows that tr D TDK w = 0 if and only if all the
samples of a noisy P-wave extracted from an ECG components of then noise vector w are almost surely
tracing. The variability of a generic vector can be o
quantified introducing the following equal1 and that E kD Dx k2 is an increasing function
of noise variances.
Definition 1. Given a vector x = [x1 · · · xn ]T ∈ Rn , the For example, in typical scenarios of ECG trac-
quadratic variation of x is defined as ings w = m + a , where m is due to white Gaussian
n−1 noise whereas a is due to the residual 50 Hz or 60 Hz
∑ (xk − xk+1)2
[xx] = (1) power-line noise. We may assume m ∼ N 0 , σ2mI
k=1 and a = [a1 · · · an ] vector hof samples ifrom a harmonic
and is denoted by [xx]. process, i.e., ak = A cos 2π Ff0c k + φ , with A and φ
The quadratic variation is a well-known property
used in the analysis of stochastic processes (Shreve, 1 That is w1 = w2 = · · · = wn with probability 1.


independent, φ uniformly distributed in [0, 2π), f0 ∈ Let us consider (7) in more detail. It is a convex
{50 Hz, 60 Hz} and Fc being the sampling frequency. optimization problem, since both the objective func-
Moreover m and a are independent. In this case it is tion and the inequality constraint are convex. As a
easy to verify that consequence, any locally optimal point is also glob-
ally optimal and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) condi-
tr DK wD T =

   tions provide necessary and sufficient conditions for
f0 optimality (Boyd and Vandenberghe, 2004). More-
= 2(n − 1) σ2m + 2E A2 sin2 π

Fc over, since the objective function is strictly convex
2    and the problem is feasible the solution exists and is
2 kxx0 k (n − 1) 1 4 f0
= + sin π
(6) unique. The Lagrangian is
n SNR SIR Fc  
kxx0 k2
L (xx, λ) = kxx − p k2 + λ kD
Dx k2 − a (8)
where SNR = nσ2m
denotes the signal-to-noise ra-
2kxx0 k 2 from the KKT conditions we get
tio and SIR = nE{A2 }
is the signal-to-interference ra-
tio, considering the power-line noise as interference. ∇L (xx , λ) = 2 (xx − p) + 2λD
DTDx = 0, (9)
From (6) it is evident that the average quadratic vari-  
ation is a decreasing function of SNR and SIR. λ kD
Dx k2 − a = 0, (10)
In the following section we devise an efficient
smoothing algorithm for P-waves exploiting the con- and the nonnegativity of the Lagrange multiplier λ ≥
cept of quadratic variation. 0. However, if λ = 0 from (9) it follows that x = p,
which is infeasible since the inequality constraint is
not satisfied. Hence λ > 0 and from (10) it results
Dx k2 = a.
that the inequality constraint is active, i.e., kD
3 SMOOTHING P-WAVES Thus, solving (9) we get eventually
In this section we denote by p the vector collecting −1
x = I + λDD TD p (11)
samples from the measured P-wave, the one that is
affected by noise and artifacts, and by x the corre- where I denotes the identity matrix, and λ is deter-
sponding vector after smoothing. Following the line mined by
of reasoning presented in the previous section, we de-
termine x solving the following optimization problem kD D I + λD
Dx k2 = D D TD p = a. (12)

minimize kxx − p k2

(7) Note that in (11) the inverse exists for any λ ≥
subject to kD Dx k2 ≤ a 0 and when λ = 0 the solution corresponds to not
smoothing. It is interesting that the solution to (11) is
where D is defined in (2) and a is a positive con-
a linear operator acting on p . Moreover, the Lagrange
stant that controls the degree of smoothness for p.
multiplier λ plays the role of a parameter controlling
Its value is chosen in accordance with the peculiar-
the degree of smoothing applied to p . In fact, it is pos-
ity of the problem and satisfies a < kD D pk2 in order
sible to prove that the quadratic variation of the solu-
to avoid trivial solutions.2 Note that we do not need
tion, namely [xx] = kDDx k2 , is a continuous and strictly
to know in advance the appropriate value for a in any
decreasing function of λ for λ ∈ [0, +∞) regardless
particular problem. In fact, as it will be clear later,
of p , provided that it is not a constant vector.3 This
the solution to the optimization problem (7) can be
is equivalent to say that (12), when p is not a con-
expressed in terms of a parameter that controls the
stant vector, establishes ia one-to-one correspondence
degree of smoothness, i.e., the quadratic variation of 
the solution, and that is related to the value of a in (7). between a ∈ 0, kD D p k and λ ∈ [0, +∞), with λ = 0

In this way, smoothing can be performed without car- D p k2 and

corresponding to a = kD
ing about a in the constraint kDDx k2 ≤ a, and reducing
parametrically the quadratic variation of the solution lim [xx] = 0. (13)
to the desired level. In general, the optimal value for
the controlling parameter can be found, as the one that A consequence of this is that we do not need to
entails the maximum SNR gain. know in advance the value of a in (7), as smooth-
ing can be performed according to (11) and λ can be
2 When D p k2 the solution is x = p and no smooth-
a ≥ kD
ing is performed. 3 If p is a constant vector [xx] = [pp] = 0 regardless of λ.

BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing

adapted to fulfill some performance criterion. For ex- dom variables with variance σ2w . Thus, the corre-
ample, considering the SNR gain4 as a quality index, sponding noisy P-wave is
λ can be chosen as the one that entails the maximum
gain. p = p0 + w. (14)

It is important to consider the computational as- In order to assess performance of the proposed algo-
pects related to the smoothing operation, since a ma- rithm the following quantities have been considered:
trix inversion is involved in (11). If the size of the - the signal-to-noise ratio before smoothing
vector p is large enough computational problems may
arise. Actually this is not an issue for the typical kpp0 k2
length of vectors representing P-waves. However, SNR = (15)
n · σ2w
if the same algorithm is applied to a complete ECG
recording the computational burden, in terms of time where n is the size of vector p0 ;
and memory, and the accuracy become serious issues, - the signal-to-noise ratio after smoothing
even for batch processing.
It is possible to prove that due to the special struc- kpp0 k2
ture of the matrix I + λD DTD , which is tridiagonal, SNRs = (16)
kxx − p 0 k2
smoothing in (11) can be performed with complex-
ity O(n), i.e., linear in the size of vector p (Golub and where (xx − p 0 ) is the error vector with respect to
Van Loan, 1996). This property is very important and the reference model p 0 .
makes the proposed algorithm suitable also for real-
time applications. In definition (16), we consider as noise affecting the
smoothed vector x , both the residual Gaussian noise
Eventually, it is worthwhile noting that the algo-
and the reconstruction error.
rithm we propose is not limited to P-wave smoothing,
but it can be applied in very general situations, when- Performances are measured in terms of SNR gain,
ever smoothing and/or denoising are needed. This is defined as
due to the fact that the formulation and the rationale SNRs n · σ2w
behind it, i.e., quadratic variation reduction, have gen- Gsnr = = . (17)
SNR kxx − p0 k2
eral validity. In this regard, we successfully applied it
also to EEG tracings denoising. Simulations have been carried out applying smooth-
ing in accordance with (11) and choosing for λ the
value, denoted by λopt , that entails the maximum SNR
In Figure 2 the noiseless P-wave reference model
In order to evaluate performance of the proposed al- p 0 (dashed-line) is reported. Figure 1 shows the corre-
gorithm, a noiseless reference model of P-wave is sponding noisy version p , corrupted by additive noise
needed. In this regard, we considered the P-wave according to (14), with SNR = 0 dB. Note that the
model reported in (Censi et al., 2007), obtained fitting SNR in this case is quite low, nevertheless the pro-
linear combinations of Gaussian functions to mea- posed algorithm is very effective in denosing p and
sured P-waves. Such a model can be reliably used the resulting smoothed vector, namely x , is plotted
to represent real P-waves as documented in the cited in Figure 2 (continuous-line) for an easy compari-
reference. son with the reference model. In this case the re-
sulting SNR gain is quite remarkable and amounts to
The noiseless reference model considered is re-
Gsnr = 19.4 dB. It is important to point out that we
ported in Figure 2. It has a duration of 200 ms and
evaluated the proposed algorithm on different models
its bandwidth essentially does not exceed 100 Hz. It
of P-wave and the resulting gains were all consistent
has been sampled at 2048 Hz and the corresponding
with the ones reported in this work.
samples have been collected in a vector denoted by
p0. In order to evaluate how gain varies as input SNR
The noiseless P-wave reference model p0 has been changes, in Figure 3 we report the average SNR gain
corrupted by additive noise, denoted by w , where the versus input SNR (bottom axis), when the reference
components of w are i.i.d.5 zero mean Gaussian ran- P-wave model of Figure 2 is corrupted by additive
noise with SNR ranging from −20 dB to 40 dB. The
4 This is the ratio between the SNR after and before top axis of Figure 3 represents the corresponding in-
smoothing. band SNR, computed using the 100 Hz bandwidth of
5 Independent identically distributed. the P-wave reference model. The in-band SNR is


about6 10.1 dB greater than the corresponding input 0.25

SNR. 0.20 x

For each input SNR we considered the solutions

with λ = λopt for 300 noise realizations and then we 0.15

Amplitude [mV]
averaged the corresponding SNR gains. As Figure 3 0.10
highlights, the proposed algorithm exhibits a remark-
able ability in smoothing P-waves. It achieves consid-
erable gains over the whole range of practical input 0
SNRs and for input SNR ≤ 6 dB the average gain ex-
ceeds 15 dB. It is remarkable that even when the SNR
is quite high the algorithm exhibits considerable gain. −0.10
It is worth noting that the proposed algorithm is −0.15
able to reject both out-of-band and in-band noise. In 0 50 100 150 200
Time [ms]
this regard, low-pass filtering cannot reject in-band
noise without altering the signal. Indeed, an ideal Figure 2: P-wave reference model p 0 (dashed-line) and
smoothed solution x (continuous-line) from the noisy P-
100 Hz low-pass filter, in the same setting of our simu-
wave of Figure 1.
lation, would exhibit a constant average gain of about
10.1 dB over the whole range of input SNR, as a re-
sult of rejection of the sole out-of-band noise. This −9.9 0.1 10.1 20.1 30.1 40.1 50.1
is confirmed by simulation where we considered a In−band SNR [dB]
linear-phase FIR low-pass filter synthesized applying
the window method (Oppenheim et al., 1999) to an algorithm
ideal 100 Hz low-pass filter, using a Kaiser window
Average Gsnr [dB]

and requiring 0.1 dB ripple in passband and 80 dB at-
tenuation in stopband. In Figure 3 we report the filter
SNR gain versus input SNR, averaged over the same
300 noise realizations used before. 10
Figure 3 highlights the effectiveness of the pro-
posed algorithm and shows, in particular considering
the in-band SNR, that it outperforms low-pass filter-
ing for all practical values of SNR. 5
−20 −10 0 10 20 30 40
Input SNR [dB]

0.25 Figure 3: Average SNR gain Gsnr versus input SNR (bottom
axis) and in-band SNR (top axis).


Amplitude [mV]


This work has been motivated by the need to have re-
0 liable beat-to-beat P-waves, as tracking changes be-
−0.05 tween consecutive waves turns out to be very impor-
tant in understanding the mechanisms underlying AF.
This is attainable only if noise and artifacts are filtered
−0.15 out effectively from each single P-wave.
0 50 100 150 200
Time [ms] To solve this problem we have developed a
Figure 1: P-wave reference model of Figure 2 corrupted by
smoothing and denoising algorithm. It is based on
additive Gaussian noise with SNR = 0 dB. the notion of quadratic variation meant as a suitable
index of variability for vectors or sampled functions.
The algorithm is the closed-form solution to a con-
strained convex optimization problem, where smooth-
6 Actually it is 10 log(10.24) dB ≈ 10.1 dB, where 10.24 ing and denoising are achieved by reducing the
is the ratio between half of the sampling frequency and quadratic variation of noisy P-waves. The compu-
bandwidth of the P-wave reference model. tational complexity of the algorithm is linear in the

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