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1 c 26 a 51 d 76 a
2 b 27 c 52 c 77 c
3 d 28 d 53 c 78 a
4 d 29 c 54 d 79 d
5 a 30 a 55 c 80 b
6 c 31 c 56 b 81 b
7 a 32 c 57 c 82 d
8 c 33 a 58 c&d 83 a
9 a 34 b 59 b 84 d
10 c 35 c 60 c 85 c
11 c 36 d 61 c 86 d
12 c 37 a 62 c 87 a
13 c 38 a 63 c 88 d
14 d 39 c 64 d 89 a
15 b 40 a 65 a 90 c
16 d 41 c 66 a 91 c
17 d 42 b 67 a 92 c
18 b 43 a 68 a 93 c
19 d 44 a 69 d 94 c
20 c 45 d 70 c 95 d
21 d 46 c 71 c 96 d
22 b 47 a 72 a 97 d
23 b 48 b 73 b 98 c
24 a 49 a 74 a 99 d
25 b 50 b 75 a 100 a

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Answers Keys with Explanations

The number of children who would be born
1. C; per woman (or per 1,000 women) if she/they
The most important criteria is that the name were to pass through the childbearing years
of the student should be present in the voters bearing children according to a current
list. schedule of age-specific fertility rates. Total
2. B; fertility rate (TFR) in simple terms refers to
Article 229 states that the administrative total number of children born or likely to be
expenses of a High Court, including all born to a woman in her life time if she were
salaries, allowances and pensions payable to subject to the prevailing rate of age-specific
or in respect of the officers and servants of fertility in the population.
the court, shall be charged upon the 6. C;
Consolidated Fund of the State, and any fees Scheduled banks are those which are entered
or other moneys taken by the Court shall into the second schedule of the RBI Act,
form part of that Fund 1934. It includes those banks which have a
3. D; paid-up capital and reserves of an aggregate
The Gender Inequality Index (GII) is an value of not less than Rs. 5 lakhs and which
index for measurement of gender disparity satisfy RBI that their affairs are being
that was introduced in the 2010 Human carried out in the interests of the depositors.
Development Report 20th anniversary 7. A;
edition by the United Nations Development The Ninth Plan tried primarily to use the
Programme (UNDP). According to the latent and unexplored economic potential of
UNDP, this index is a composite measure to the country to promote economic and social
quantify the loss of achievement within a growth. It offered strong support to the
country due to gender inequality. It uses social spheres of the country in an effort to
three dimensions to measure opportunity achieve the complete elimination of poverty.
cost: reproductive health, empowerment, The satisfactory implementation of the
and labor market participation. The new Eighth Five-Year Plan also ensured the
index was introduced as an experimental states' ability to proceed on the path of faster
measure to remedy the shortcomings of the development. The Ninth Five-Year Plan also
previous indicators, the Gender saw joint efforts from the public and the
Development Index (GDI) and the Gender private sectors in ensuring economic
Empowerment Measure (GEM), both of development of the country. In addition, the
which were introduced in the 1995 Human Ninth Five-Year Plan saw contributions
Development Report. towards development from the general
4. D; public as well as governmental agencies in
Abdul Kalam advocated the concept of both the rural and urban areas of the country.
Providing Urban Amenities for Rural Areas New implementation measures in the form
(PURA) through Physical Connectivity, of Special Action Plans (SAPs) were
Electronic Connectivity and Knowledge evolved during the Ninth Plan to fulfill
Connectivity that will lead to Economic targets within the stipulated time with
Connectivity and provide villagers with adequate resources. The SAPs covered the
livelihood security. Provision of Urban areas of social infrastructure, agriculture,
Amenities to Rural Areas (PURA) is a information technology and Water policy.
strategy for rural development in India. This 8. C;
concept was given by former president Dr. Population density is a measurement of
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and discussed in his population per unit area, or exceptionally
book Target 3 Billion which he co-authored unit volume; it is a quantity of type number
with Srijan Pal Singh. density. It is frequently applied to living
5. A; organisms, and most of the time to humans.
It is a key geographical term. In simple
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terms population density refers to the foreign and native enterprises. This may take
number of people living in an area per place mainly in three forms.
kilometer square. (i) Collaboration between India govt.
9. A; companies and foreign based
Integrated Child Development Services companies.
(ICDS) is a government programme in India (ii) Collaboration between Indian govt. and
which provides food, preschool education, foreign private companies.
primary healthcare, immunization, health (iii) Collaboration between Indian govt. and
check-up and referral services to children foreign govt.
under 6 years of age and their mothers .The 13. C;
scheme was launched in 1975, discontinued Food price inflation refers to a condition
in 1978 by the government of Morarji Desai, whereby there exists increase in wholesale
and then relaunched by the Tenth Five Year price index of essential food items relative to
Plan. the general inflation or the consumer price
10. C; index. It is measured by consumer food
Natural resources like wind, tides, solar, price index .
biomass, etc generate energy which is 14. D;
known as ―Non-conventional resources―. Petrochemical industry mainly comprise of
These are pollution free and hence we can synthetic fibre / yarn, polymers, Synthetic
use these to produce a clean form of energy Rubber (elastomers), Synthetic detergent
without any wastage. So energy from intermediates, performance plastics and
burning animal dung is not a non plastic processing industry. Today,
conventional source of energy. petrochemical products permeate the entire
11. C; spectrum of daily use items and cover
The Industries that plan to produce any of almost every sphere of life like clothing,
the following items in India must obtain a housing, construction, furniture,
compulsory license: automobiles, household items, agriculture,
I. Distillation and brewing of alcoholic horticulture, irrigation, packaging, medical
drinks; appliances, electronics and electrical etc.
II. Cigars and cigarettes of tobacco and 15. B;
The call money market is an essential part of
manufactured tobacco substitutes;
the Indian Money Market, where the day-to-
III. Electronics and aerospace and defense day surplus funds (mostly of banks) are
equipment; traded. The money market is a market for
IV. Industrial explosives including short-term financial assets that are close
detonating fuses, safety fuses, gun substitutes of money. The most important
powder, nitrocellulose and matches; and feature of a money market instrument is that
V. Hazardous chemicals including items it is liquid and can be turned into money
quickly at low cost and provides an avenue
hazardous to human safety and health
for equilibrating the short-term surplus funds
and thus fall for mandatory licensing. of lenders and the requirements of
These industries are under compulsory The below mentioned instruments are
licensing mainly because of environmental, normally termed as money market
safety and strategic considerations. instruments:
Compulsory licensing is regulated by the I. Certificate of Deposit (CD)
Ministry of Industrial Development.
12. C; II. Commercial Paper (CP)
Foreign collaboration is means an agreement III. Inter Bank Participation Certificates
for setting up of an enterprise jointly by the IV. Inter Bank term Money
V. Treasury Bills

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VI. Bill Rediscounting only behind the southern birdwing. It has

VII. Call/ Notice/ Term Money velvet, black wings with bright blue spots.
16. D; The lower end of the wings is black while
Non tax revenue receipts are those receipts the body has some red spots on one side.
which are not generated by taxing the 22. B;
public. Money which the Government earns In their native range, common mynas inhabit
as ―Dividends and profits‖ from its profit open agricultural areas such as farmlands as
making PSUs are non-tax revenues. The well as cities. They are often found on the
most important interest receipts are received outskirts of towns and also outlying
on loans given by the governments to states, homesteads in desert or forest. They tend to
railways and others. So, the interest receipts avoid dense vegetation and stalk alongside
are non-tax revenues. the cattle to seize the insects disturbed by
17. D; their movement through grasses. The
An ecological niche is the role and position common myna is readily identified by the
a species has in its environment, how it brown body, black hooded head and the bare
meets its needs for food and shelter, how it yellow patch behind the eye.
survives and how it reproduces. A species‘ 23. B;
niche includes all of its interactions with Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is the
biotic and abiotic facts of its environment. amount of dissolved oxygen needed (i.e.
18. B; demanded) by aerobic biological organisms
Carnivores are the top consumer in a to break down organic material present in a
grassland ecosystem because they are not given water sample at certain temperature
eaten by others. over a specific time period.
19. D; 24. A;
The two main human activities that affect 25. B;
the oxygen cycle are the burning of fossil 26. A;
fuels and the change in usage of land. The 27. C;
burning of fossil fuels removes carbon from Clones are considered to be genetically
coal, natural gas or other fuels and emits that identical to the individuals to be cloned, and
carbon as Co2 into the atmosphere. Oxygen will therefore display the same
enters organisms in the biosphere through phenotype. Offspring formed by asexual
respiration and is expelled through reproduction are called clones because they
photosynthesis in a process that is are morphologically and genetically similar
interconnected with the carbon cycle plus to the parent.
the water cycle. However, the continued 28. D;
release of carbon dioxide into the An aerosol is a suspension of fine solid
atmosphere by burning fossil fuels particles or liquid droplets, in air or another
and automobile pollution affects the oxygen gas. Aerosols can be natural or
cycle. anthropogenic. Examples of natural aerosols
20. C; are fog, dust, forest exudates and geyser
Project Tiger is a tiger conservation steam. Examples of anthropogenic aerosols
programme launched in April 1973 by the are haze, particulate air pollutants and
Government of India during Prime Minister smoke.
Indira Gandhi's tenure. 29. C;
21. D; Iron is magnetic and cobalt and nickel are
Maharashtra became the first state in the ferro-magnetic. But lead is a non-magnetic
country to have state butterfly. Maharashtra metal.
government declared Blue Mormon as the 30. A;
state butterfly. ‗Blue Mormon‘ (Papilio
polymnestor) is the second largest by size,

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31. C;  Water vapor (H2O)

Comet tails are produced through interaction  Carbon dioxide (CO)
with either the solar wind or photons of  Methane (CH4)
sunlight. This means that they always point  Nitrous oxide (N2O)
away from the direction of the Sun.  Ozone (O3)
32. C;  Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
 Image formed by a plane mirror is
 Hydrofluorocarbons (includes HCFCs
always virtual and erect. and HFCs)
 The size of the image is equal to that of 38. A;
the object. Thalassemia is a blood disorder passed
 The image formed is as far behind the down through families (inherited) in which
mirror as the object is in front of it. the body makes an abnormal form or
 The image is laterally inverted. inadequate amount of hemoglobin.
33. A; Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells
Kwashiorkor, also known as ―edematous that carries oxygen. The disorder results in
malnutrition‖ because of its association large numbers of red blood cells being
with edema (fluid retention), is a nutritional destroyed, which leads to anemia.
disorder most often seen in regions 39. C;
experiencing famine. It is a form Batteries, electric CFL bulbs and electronic
of malnutrition caused by a lack of protein items are universal wastes. Universal
in the diet. waste is a category of waste materials
34. B; designated as "hazardous waste", but
Passive immunity can be induced artificially containing materials that are very
when antibodies are given as a medication to common. Universal Recycle Technology is
a nonimmune individual. These antibodies an organisation provides nationwide
may come from the pooled and purified collection and recycling for all types
blood products of immune people or from of universal waste including lamps,
non-human immune animals, such as horses. batteries, mercury-containing devices,
In fact, the earliest antibody-containing lighting ballasts and more.
preparations used against infectious diseases 40. A;
came from horses, sheep, and rabbits. Exercise helps prevent and improve a
35. C; number of health problems, including high
The liver and pancreas are both exocrine and blood pressure, diabetes and arthritis.
endocrine glands; they are exocrine glands Research on depression, anxiety
because they secrete products—bile and and exercise shows that
pancreatic juice—into the gastrointestinal the psychological and physical benefits
tract through a series of ducts, and endocrine of exercise can also help improve mood and
because they secrete other substances reduce anxiety.
directly into the bloodstream. 41. C;
36. D; Some of the light hitting the surface of
Water rises in the dropper due to ocean is reflected but most of it penetrates
atmospheric pressure. When bulb is pressed, the water surface, interacting with its
air present in the tube and the bulb escapes molecules. The water molecule can vibrate
in the form of bubbles. However, in three different modes when irradiated by
there is atmospheric pressure on surface of light. The red, orange, yellow, and green
liquid. When we release the bulb, wavelengths of light are absorbed so the
the water moves inside the tube. remaining light seen is composed of the
37. A; shorter wavelength blues and violets. This is
In order, the most abundant greenhouse the main reason the ocean's color is blue.
gases in Earth's atmosphere are: 42. B;

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An MRI scan uses a large magnet, radio troops and equipment will be based in
waves, and a computer to create a detailed, Poland and in the Baltic states.
cross-sectional image of internal organs and 48. B;
structures. The scanner itself typically The Inter-State Council is a non-permanent
resembles a large tube with a table in the constitutional body set up by a presidential
middle, allowing the patient to slide in. order on the basis of provisions in Article
43. A; 263 of the Constitution of India. The body
Night blindness occurs due to a disorder of was formed by a Presidential Order dated 28
the rods in the retina and can result from May 1990 on recommendation of Sarkaria
dietary deficiency of vitamin A. Its Commission. The Council is formed to
manifestations may progress to include discuss or investigate policies, subjects of
xerophthalmia and keratomalacia. common interest, and disputes among states.
44. A; The Inter State Council composes of the
Tungsten metal is selected for making following members:
filaments of incandescent lamp bulbs  Prime Minister, Chairman.
because tungsten can sustain high  Chief Ministers of all states.
temperatures and it has high melting point,  Chief ministers of UTs have legislative
combined with the fact that it also has high assemblies.
resistivity.  Administrators of union territories not
45. D; having legislative assemblies.
Central Processing Unit is the main part of  Six central cabinet ministers, including
the computer. CPU chip or main processor is home minister, to be nominated by
that part in the computer which performs or prime minister.
executes all the instructions or programs.  Governors of states under president's
46. C; rule.
Officially known as The Constitution (One 49. A;
Hundred and First Amendment) Act, 2016, Women's rights activists have observed 25
this amendment introduced a national Goods November as a day against gender-based
and Services Tax (GST) in India from 1 July violence since 1981. This date was selected
2017. It was introduced as the One Hundred to honour the Mirabal sisters, three political
and Twenty Second Amendment Bill of activists from the Dominican Republic who
the Constitution of India. were brutally murdered in 1960 by order of
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a the country‘s ruler, Rafael Trujillo (1930-
Value added Tax (VAT) proposed to be a 1961).
comprehensive indirect tax levy on 50. B;
manufacture, sale and consumption of goods 51. D;
as well as services at the national level. It 52. C;
replaces all indirect taxes levied on goods The Charter established six principal organs
and services by the Indian Central and state of the United Nations: the General
governments. It is aimed at being Assembly, the Security Council, the
comprehensive for most goods and services. Economic and Social Council, the
47. A; Trusteeship Council, the International Court
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization of Justice, and the Secretariat. Hence, WHO
(NATO) members had in 2016 is the odd one being a specialised agency of
launched Anaconda-16 Exercise, the biggest UNO.
ever joint military exercise in Poland. 53. C
The drill is part of NATO's exercise Canberra lies in the southern hemisphere
program and is being held just weeks before whereas rest of the cities given in options lie
NATO's summit in Warsaw that is expected in the northern hemisphere.
to decide that significant numbers of NATO 54. D;

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Saubhagya is a Web Portal for Pradhan

Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana 61. C;
‗Saubhagya‘ was introduced to ensure Mohenjo-daro is located west of the Indus
transparency and accelerate household River in Larkana District, Sindh, Pakistan, in
electrification in rural as well as urban areas a central position between the Indus River
in the country. and the Ghaggar-Hakra River. It
55. C; is situated on a Pleistocene ridge in the
On 26 November 1949, the Constituent middle of the flood plain of the Indus River
Assembly of India adopted the Constitution Valley, around 28 kilometres (17 mi) from
of India, and it came into effect on 26 the town of Larkana.
January 1950. The Government of India 62. C;
declared 26 November as Constitution Day Porus fought against Alexander the Great in
on 19 November 2015 by a gazette the Battle of the Hydaspes (326 BC),
notification. thought to be fought at the site of modern-
56. B; day Mong, Punjab, which is now part of
Rakhine State is a state in Myanmar Pakistan.
(Burma). Situated on the western coast, it is 63. C;
bordered by Chin State to the north, Chandragupta Maurya died around 300 BCE
Magway Region, Bago Region and in Shravanabelagola Karnataka (160 km
Ayeyarwady Region to the east, the Bay of from Bangalore). He embraced samadhi
Bengal to the west, and the Chittagong maran (a.k.a. Sallekhana) and left the world
Division of Bangladesh to the northwest. peacefully.
57. C; 64. D;
Manushi Chhillar is an Indian model and the Samudragupta (335-375 AD) of
winner of the Miss World 2017 pageant. She the Gupta dynasty is known as the Napoleon
represented the state of Haryana at of India. Historian A V Smith called him so
the Femina Miss India 2017 pageant in because of his great military conquests
which she won. Chhillar is the sixth known from the 'Prayag Prashati' written by
representative from India to win the Miss his courtier and poet Harisena, who also
World pageant. describes him as the hero of a hundred
58. C and D; battles.
UNICEF Headquarters- New York, US. 65. B;
WHO Headquarters- Geneva, Switzerland Pulakeshin II defeated Harsha on the banks
59. B; of Narmada in the winter of 618-
The United Nations officially came into 619. Pulakeshin entered into a treaty
existence on 24 October 1945. with Harsha, with the Narmada River
In 1948, the United Nations General designated as the border between the
Assembly declared 24 October, the Chalukya Empire and that of
anniversary of the Charter of the United Harshavardhana.
Nations, as which "shall be devoted to 66. A;
making known to the people of the world the Born approximately 570 CE in the Arabian
aims and achievements of the United city of Mecca, Muhammad was orphaned at
Nations and to gaining their support for" its the age of six. He was raised under the care
work. of his paternal grandfather Abd al-Muttalib,
60. C; and upon his death, by his uncle Abu Talib;
Composed in Vedic Sanskrit hymns, 67. A;
the texts constitute the oldest layer of Deval Devi (variantly known as
Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures Dewal Devi, Dewal Rani, Deval Rani and
of Hinduism. Hindus consider the Vedas to Dewal Di) was a Vaghela Rajput princess
be apauruṣ eya, which means "not of a man, and daughter of Karan Deva II (the last
superhuman" and "impersonal, authorless". sovereign of the Vaghela dynasty of
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Gujarat). She was married to Khizr Khan, of the Punjab. Prior to his rise, the Punjab
the eldest son of Alauddin Khalji, in 1308. region had numerous warring misls
68. A; (confederacies), twelve of which were under
Daulat Khan Lodi, governor of Punjab and Sikh rulers and one Muslim. Ranjit Singh
Alam Khan Lodi, uncle of Ibrahim Lodi successfully absorbed and united the
invited Babur, the ruler to Kabul to invade Sikh misls and took over other local
Delhi. kingdoms to create the Sikh Empire.
69. D; 74. A;
The major causes that led to the decline of The parent material for most of the black
the Mughal Empire was the weak successors soil is the volcanic rocks that were formed in
that could not unite the huge empire after the Deccan Plateau. The black colour is due
him. After the death of Aurangzeb, various to the presence of a small proportion of iron
provinces became independent of the central oxide and titaniferous magnetite black
Authority. Therefore, gradually the Mughal constituents of the parent rock. The answer
Empire have fallen apart. Absence of for the question can be either option A & C.
definite law of succession, degeneration in 75. A;
the Mughal army, despotic rule and the poor The Bari Doab Canal is a perennial
state of economy. Aurangzeb's religious irrigation canal branching off from the Ravi
policy was also largely responsible for river and supplying the districts of
the downfall of the Mughal empire. As a Gurdaspur, Amritsar and Lahore in the Bari
consequence the Rajputs, the Sikhs, the Jats Doab or the area between the Beas and Ravi.
and the Marathas were roused against The weir and regulating head-works at the
the Mughal rule. The Deccan Policy which village of Madhopur in Gurdaspur District
was meant to conquer and merge the entire were completed in 1875.
South India in Mughal territories was a 76. A;
failure which drained away the Mughal 77. C;
treasuries. The mesosphere is a layer of Earth's
70. C; atmosphere. The mesosphere is directly
The effective control of the peshwas ended above the stratosphere and below
with the great defeat at Panipat (1761) at the the exosphere. It extends from about 50 to
hands of the Afghans and the death of the 85 km (31 to 53 miles) above our planet.
young peshwa Madhav Rao I in 1772. Temperature decreases with height
71. C; throughout the mesosphere.
To keep powerful people happy and collect 78. A;
better revenue, Cornwallis introduced the The Labrador Current is a surface
Permanent Settlement. As per permanent oceanic current in the North Atlantic Ocean
system, rajas and taluqdars were recognised that originates at the Davis Strait, where it
as zamindars, who were supposed to collect begins as a continuation of
the land revenue from the peasants. the West Greenland Current and the Baffin
72. A; Island Current. From there it flows
Lord Minto followed the policy of non- southwards along the western side of the
intervention but soon realized that the Labrador Sea.
position the Company had been placed by 79. D;
the force of circumstances would not make it Bounded on the east by Barabanki, on the
possible to follow the policy of non- west by Unnao, on the south by Raebareli
intervention in right earnest. and in the north by Sitapur and Hardoi,
73. B; Lucknow sits on the northwestern shore of
Ranjit Singh was heir to the Sukerchakia the Gomti River.
misl, one of the 12 misls which had been 80. B;
established by the warlike Sikhs during the Godavari: Length:- 1,465 K.M.
18th century and which ruled the greater part  It is second largest river of India.
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 It is also called the Southern Ganges 86. D;

(dakshin ganga) Bhakra Dam is a concrete gravity dam on
 Jayakwadi Dam built on Godavari is the Sutlej River in Bilaspur, Himachal
one of the largest earthen dam of Pradesh in northern India. The dam forms
India. the Gobind Sagar reservoir. The dam,
81. B; located at a gorge near the (now submerged)
The average elevation of the Western Ghats upstream Bhakra village in Bilaspur district
is around 1,200 m (3,900 ft). The Highest of Himachal Pradesh of height 226 m.
peak of Western ghats. Anamudi is a 87. A;
mountain located in the Indian state of The average height of the Western Ghats,
Kerala. It is the highest peak in the Kerala which run along the Arabian Sea, goes on
and South India, at an elevation of 2,695 increasing towards the south.
metres (8,842 ft). Anaimudi Peak in Kerala, with a height of
82. D; 2,695 m above sea level, is the highest
At the Vernal Equinox the Sun rises due east peak of peninsular India.
and sets due west all over Earth, except at 88. D;
extreme northern and southern latitudes. It Anti-Defection Law as contained in the
will be straight overhead at noon for all Tenth Schedule of the Constitution, was
locations on the equator. However, the introduced by the 52nd Amendment in 1985
Vernal Equinox does not always occur during tenure of Rajiv Gandhi. Earlier, 10th
on March 21. As the sun is directly over schedule was related to association of
head at the equator, the angle is 900. Sikkim with India. Once, Sikkim became
83. A; full fledged state, this schedule was repealed
The word Gondwana has originated from the via the 36th amendment act.
Gond region of Madhya Pradesh. 89. A;
• 98% of coal in India is found in this Article 257(1) states that ―The executive
structure. power of every State shall be so exercised as
• Several cracks were formed in the not to impede or prejudice the exercise of
peninsular India during the the executive power of the Union, and the
Carboniferous period. Basin-like executive power of the Union shall extend to
depressions were made because of the the giving of such directions to a State as
sinking of land among these cracks. may appear to the Government of India to be
Coal was formed by the burying down necessary for that purpose‖.
of the vegetation of that period. This 90. C;
coal is now found mainly in the river To make sure that Rajya Sabha doesn't
valleys of the Damodar, the Son, the amend the bill by adding some non-
Mahanadi, the Godavari, and the money matters the Speaker of the Lok
Wardha etc. Sabha certifies the bill as a money
84. D; bill before sending it to the upper house, and
The waterfalls of Niagara Falls are located o the decision of the Speaker is binding on
n the Niagara River which connects two of both the Houses.
the five Great Lakes, Lake Erie and Lake 91. C;
Ontario. Collectively the waterfalls are The Constitution states that the Vice
named as Niagara Falls. President can be removed by a resolution of
85. C; the Rajya Sabha passed by an effective
The trade winds blow predominantly from majority (i.e.,majority of all the then
the northeast in the Northern member of the house ) and agreed by the
Hemisphere and from the southeast in the Lok Sabha with simple majority as per
Southern Hemisphere, strengthening during (Article 67(b)).
the winter and when the Arctic oscillation is 92. C;
in its warm phase.
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The State Government took steps to reserve Assembly thus was to be 389. However, as a
50% positions for women in Panchayati Raj result of the partition under the Mountbatten
institutions from 2012 elections as their role Plan of 3 June, 1947, a separate Constituent
in these Bodies is significant. Assembly was set up for Pakistan and
93. C; representatives of some Provinces ceased to
The Kesavananda Bharati judgement is a be members of the Assembly. As a result,
landmark decision of the Supreme Court of the membership of the Assembly was
India that outlined the basic structure reduced to 299.
doctrine of the Constitution.Justice Hans Raj 95. D;
Khanna asserted through this doctrine that 96. D;
the constitution possesses a basic structure The Directive Principles of State Policy of
of constitutional principles and values. The India (DPSP) are the guidelines or principles
Court partially cemented the prior precedent given to the federal institutes governing the
Golaknath v. State of Punjab, which held state of India, to be kept in citation while
that constitutional amendments pursuant to framing laws and policies. The concept of
Article 368 were subject to fundamental Directive Principles of State Policy was
rights review, by asserting that only those borrowed from the Irish Constitution.
amendments which tend to affect the 'basic 97. D;
structure of the Constitution' are subject to During national emergency, the Central
judicial review. At the same time, the Court government becomes all powerful and the
also upheld the constitutionality of first states go into the total control of the Centre.
provision of Article 31-C, which implied It converts the federal structure into a
that any constitutional amendment seeking unitary one without a formal amendment of
to implement the Directive Principles, which the Constitution.
does not affect the 'Basic Structure', shall not 98. C;
be subjected to judicial review. This Inter-State Council is a recommendatory
judgement ruled that Article 368 does not body under Article 263 with duties to
enable Parliament in its constituent capacity investigate and discuss the subjects of
to delegate its function of amending the common interest between the Union and
Constitution to another legislature or to itself State(s) or among the States, making
in its ordinary legislative capacity.This recommendations particularly for better
ruling made all the deemed constitutional coordination of policy and action on these
amendments stipulated under the legislative subjects and deliberating upon such other
powers of the parliament as void and matters of general interest to the States
inconsistent after the 24th constitutional which may be referred to it by its Chairman.
amendment. The Council also deliberates upon such
94. C; other matters of general interest to the States
The Constitution of India was drafted by the as may be referred by the Chairman to the
Constituent Assembly and as per the Council.
recommendation of the Cabinet Mission 99. D;
Plan on 16 May 1946. Members of the Article 32 was called the ―soul of the
assembly were chosen by indirect election constitution and very heart of it‖ by Dr.
by the members of the Provincial Legislative Ambedkar. Supreme Court has included it in
Assemblies, according to the scheme basic structure doctrine. Further, it is made
recommended by the Cabinet Mission. The clear that right to move to Supreme Court
arrangement was: (i) 292 members were cannot be suspended except otherwise
elected through the Provincial Legislative provided by the Constitution. This implies
Assemblies; (ii) 93 members represented the that this right suspended during a national
Indian Princely States; and (iii) 4 members emergency under article 359.
represented the Chief Commissioners' 100. A;
Provinces. The total membership of the
Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar-751015
Ph. : 8984111101, 8093083555. Web :, E-mail : 10

All India Trade Union Congress – 31

October 1920 (1)
Federation of Indian Chambers of
Commerce & Industry – 1927 (4)
All India Kisan Sabha – 1936 (3)
Hind Mazdoor Sabha - 29 December 1948

Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar-751015

Ph. : 8984111101, 8093083555. Web :, E-mail : 11

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