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Kelly Butte Natural Area

1. Introduction (Overall body structure of Kelly Butte Park):

Clinton is a visionary. Kelly gave this magnificent site east of the Willamette River a

property claim in the 1840s. Kelly Butte is the new name for this area. Kelly Butte Natural Area

is a six-mile-southeast of downtown Portland park near the intersection of Powell Boulevard and

Interstate 205. Kelly Butte became a park in the 1890s when Portland City Council accepted

financing and a request. It's been used as a quarry, jail, quarantine hospital, police shooting

range, civil defence facility, emergency services reporting centre, and water storage tank in the

past.An initial component of this criminological problem is how criminal chances show

themselves within an individual's social and economic environment. Criminals will make

decisions based on the availability (or lack thereof) of specific opportunities for criminal activity

in each setting. For instance, a purse left out in the open rather than in a concealed compartment

is an enticing target for thieves (Palmer et al., 2002).

Well-planned crime prevention strategies can reduce crime which we have used in this

report and the number of people who become victims. These strategies also make communities

safer and contribute to the economic growth of a nation. Effective and accountable crime

prevention would be advantageous for all citizens. Over time, crime's financial and social costs

will diminish, including those borne by the formal justice system (W. Sherman).

2. Theoretical Overview (Subsection Portion along with the Bases of the theories and

use of the theories to prevent crime with other people's perspectives):

The peer-reviewed publications included are connected to the criminal justice system and

others are preventing crimes from the University of Maryland criminology department, among

others. This article examines the most recent empirical literature on its function and efficacy in
investigative interviews. To begin, this overview outlines multiple definitions of crime and

associated preventative strategies in therapeutic and investigative settings, as well as the

numerous tactics advocated and employed with witnesses and suspects. Second, this study

synthesises empirical studies on the impacts of crime and prevention on cooperative witness

testimonies, as well as their impact on the diagnostic value of information acquired from

criminal suspects. The study finishes with a discussion of the consequences for public policy and

recommendations for scholars and practitioners.

I shall use these two to analyze the crime rate and its prevention process;

2.1 Rational Choice Theory & Geometry of Crime:

2.1.1 Rational Choice theory:

The central tenet of rational choice theory is that individuals' decisions affect society.

According to the theory, individuals have preferences among the options available. It is believed

to be a universal and ever-changing trend. According to this perspective, individuals always

choose what is best for themselves. Before deciding, individuals consider a variety of factors.

Given that everyone has different preferences, it is difficult to recommend what they should


2.1.2 Geometry of Crime:

The crime pattern theory combines three major environmental criminology schools of

thought into a single theory. Crime and victimization are related to our destinations and travel

routes (Block & Block, 1995).

According to rational choice theory in criminology, individuals are utilitarian actors who

weigh the advantages and disadvantages of various means of achieving their objectives. Cornish
and Clarke devised this plan to encourage people to consider how to prevent certain crimes.

Regarding the Criminal Mindset, We find it hard to believe that some crimes result from rational

decision-making, so discussing the theory of rationality and crime can evoke strong emotions.

Most people perceive property crimes as sensible - someone may need money or stuff, and theft

is a way to obtain them.

Figure Crime Prevention Approach

People will adjust to non-criminal activities in this general paradigm by rewarding good

conduct, decreasing the advantages of crime, and partially removing specific enforcement. It is

seen on the left side of the flowchart above. This type of crime prevention does not focus on a

single issue but on a societal level - it is a "generic" crime prevention method (Andresen &

Kinney, 2012).

3. Crime Prevention Approaches (Key Recommendations along with the limitations in

approaching the theories on it):

Although RCT has several implications for crime control and prevention, two stand out:

3.1 Increasing the Crime Costs:

The obvious solution to the crime problem is to make the penalties for breaking the law (such as

being apprehended and sentenced) so severe that the potential benefits of doing so cannot

outweigh them.

3.2 Reducing Criminal Advantages:

The second way to reduce RCT and geometry-related crime are to make it less profitable.

This practice is known as "hardening the target." Theft can be deterred by installing an alarm

system, using new technology to make car theft more difficult, labeling valuables with

permanent identification tags, etc. According to RCT, the most effective method for reducing

and managing crime is to make it more challenging, time-consuming, and emotionally and

monetarily rewarding for the criminal (Livesey, 2018).

Figure Alarm System (Alarm to prevent theft)

It is accomplished through punitive actions (such as incarceration, denial of parole, and

longer prison sentences) and situational crime prevention techniques that reduce the likelihood of

crime. The concept that offenders make rudimentary judgments about the costs and advantages

of committing the crime and that they may be discouraged by environmental modifications to

diminish criminal chances is at the heart of rational choice theory and situational crime

prevention (U.S. Department of Justice).

They discover a definite geographical pattern of car theft at the state, county, and city

levels. Block and colleagues utilize the location quotient to illustrate the relevance of proximity

to the US-Portland and borders in analyzing the trend of car theft for export.

4. Case Study Overview (Location of the Area along with its images and further the

things or steps to take to prevent crime rather than the assumptions):

Kelly Butte Natural Area comprises a 23-acre municipal park in southeast Portland, Oregon, east

of Interstate 205.

Figure Mapping View of the Kelly Butte Natural Area (Park)

4.1 Statistical Data Analysis:

After that, statistics on crime causes and prevention are discussed:

Source: Butte Valley, American Community Survey data collected between 2016 and 2021

by the U.S. Census Bureau provide C.A. facts and statistics (ACS).
4.2 Prevention Techniques along with Recommendations:

According to statistical data, the unemployment rate is rising as the population grows,

and the crime rate is rising as well, increasing by up to 15% more than in California, which is

larger than the Kelly butte area.

Steps to take to prevent crime in Kelly butte natural area:

 To improve the rural area justice system.

 Inducing the alarm systems too.

 Increasing the employment of the youth there.

 Reduction in the advantages of the crime there.

 The city's program to combat homelessness and urban camping would step in, and so on.

Figure Kelly Butte Natural Area

5. Theoretical Connections (Direct link between the theories and the location of the

Kelly Butte National View):

There is no doubt, however, that the Rational Choice theory and its related concepts, such

as Broken Windows and Routine Activities, have influenced a vast array of strategies and tactics

for preventing crime in different contexts:

If criminal behavior was a rational choice involving individuals weighing the benefits and

costs of breaking the law in a specific environment, then modifying the physical environment to

make crime more difficult and costly would, at best, prevent crime and, at worst, significantly

reduce its likelihood (Brantingham et al., 2008). Regarding the rational one:

Two young guys were detained late Monday night after allegedly shooting a pistol in the

Kelly Butte natural area around 2016. According to Portland Police, police responded to the area

after receiving several reports of the shooting.

Police observed three individuals fleeing the scene and discovered a bag containing a

pistol grip shotgun and a spent round. As part of the inquiry, they arrested 19-year-old Ronald

Nelson, who had thrown away the bag, and 20-year-old Ronald Sprigner Jr.Both were arrested

and placed in the Multnomah County Jail on suspicion of unauthorized use of a weapon.


Well-organized crime impediment policies diminish delinquency and persecution,

increase community security, and support the nation's long-term progress. The most effective

method for stopping crime is to instill positive ethical norms in developing children's growth,

ensuring they mature into ethically honest adults who will not deploy in illegal behavior.

Effective and prudent crime prevention is advantageous for all citizens. Long-term benefits

include reduced formal criminal justice system costs and other societal costs associated with


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