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Gregorius Notes: Lectures of the Tech-Witch

(Fanwork by FFG-User Gregroius21778 for the DH RPG)

The Nonumerical Cant (Maletek Incantation; Action)

Perquisites: Invocation; Scholastic Lore (Numerology; Occult); Forbidden Lore (Warp) The Tech-Witch puts her knowledge of the Warp and the mystic meanings of numbers to use and recites rows of numbers in a strange, near-monotonic singsong. While humans are not affected, higher machinespirits and those whose minds where touched and blessed by the Omnissiah are tormented by this cant and hindered in their function.
To begin the recitation, the Tech-Witch must spend a full action and pass both a test for Invocation(+0) and Scholastic Lore (Numerology)(+0). If both tests are passed, the cant is intoned correctly and the Tech-Witch must role a d10. If the result is higher then her WPB, she will gain a point of corruption. The Tech-Witch can now keep up the Cant for a number of rounds equal to her INT bonus + 1 for every level of success on each of the two skill tests. In order to do so, the Tech-Witch must spend a half action on each of the following rounds. If the determined number of rounds has passed, she can keep the Incantation up by passing another test for Invocation(+10), thereby increasing the duration for another (INT bonus + level success) rounds. The test will be followed by another role to determine corruption (see above). If the Tech-Witch is hit by an attack, she must pass a difficult(-10) Test for Scholastic Lore (Numerology) or will miscalculate her next numbers and the Cant breaks down. As long as the Nonumercial Cant is intoned, every machine with a higher machine spirit (like Servitors, Servoskulls, automated weapon systems and everything else with own stats & skills) suffers -20 on all tests. TechPriests and characters with a Logis Implant (DH, p. 117) or the Machine Trait (3+ or GMs fiat) are affected as well but are allowed a Willpower(+0) test (as a free action) at the beginning of their turn to shake of the effects for one round. The Litany needs to be received in order to take affect. Every machine creature without hearing is not affected by a sung Cant. Loud noise can be used to counter it as well, but the noise needs to be constant (i.e. a roaring engine might do, but bursts of gunfire will not). The Cant can be broadcasted by Vox, so, and the majority of servitors do receive vox transmissions. It can even be used via binary chat (see Talent on DH p.113. A Tech-Witch with the talents will gain +10 on both roles). Failure: If the test for Scholastic Lore (Numerology) is failed, the Cant will not work. The Tech-Witch will recognize this at the same round she tried to intone it and can try anew at her next turn. Same is true if the Invocation test is failed. But if it is failed by three or more levels of failure, a Psychic Phenomena will occur. See the table at DH; p.162. Treat any result of 75+ as 74.

Mission Hook:
On a recently mutinous world, a group of rebels managed to capture an outpost of the PDF with a weapons storage mainly guarded by gun- and battle servitors. Reports from surviving PDF personal state that the attackers where only view in numbers and suffered only minor casualties since all of the Servitors suddenly started to malfunctions. The pc are dispatched to investigate the attack in order to find out what method of attack was used by the rebel group. Preferable by catching the attackers.

Radical pc can learn the Nonumerical Cant either directly from a Tech-Witch or from the notes of one. The ritual even might be part of the Tome of Ammicus Tole. The pc needs to have the mentioned perquisites (see above) and will gain a point of corruption & (1d10-WKB) points of Insanity during the study. To finally master the Cant, the pc needs to pass a difficult(-10) (or challenging if assisted by Witch-Mentor) Test for Scholastic Lore (Numerology) . Each test is equal to 14 days (-1 day for every achieved level of success. If success is achieved at all). Charging xp is optional, 50xp to 100xp are suggested.

Gregorius Notes: Lectures of the Tech-Witch

(Fanwork by FFG-User Gregroius21778 for the DH RPG)

Rite of the Skull Minion (Maletek Ritual)

To the dismay and terror of the Followers of the Omnissiah, the Machine-Spirits can be the target of daemonic subjugation and warp-craft as any mortal soul. Over the time, the Holy Ordos and the Secutors of Sollex became witness to Servoskulls which became debased by and bounded to Tech-Witches and DarkMagos. Through foul means those traitors to the Imperium fulfilled an unholy union with the Servoskulls, subjugating them to their tainted conscious and turned them to extensions of their own self.

If the ritual was not taught by another or specifically detailed in a dismal text, the ritualist must pass a hard (-20) test for Forbidden Lore (Warp) or Forbidden Lore (Cult/Heresy)(subgroups: Logician, Tech-Witches, DarkMechanicus or Ammicus Tole). A understating of Tech (Common Lore (Tech)) is mandatory for the proceedings of the ritual as well. If the ritual is known, the ritualist will further need a number of Servoskulls (see Conducting the Ritual) and needs to mix his own blood with machine oils (see below). He further needs to link himself to the the Servoskulls via an Electro Graft (Talent: Electro Graft Use is required; any bonus the Talent would give during the ritual is already taken into account). The GM should feel free to invent further mandatory material requirements. Optional components are listed below; if those are known might vary for by the version of the ritual or the number of success of the initial research of the ritual.

Conducting the Ritual:

First, the Machine-Spirits of the Servoskull(s) need to be opened up & prepared for the acceptance of a new set of orders. This calls for a difficult(-10) test for either Trade(Technomant) or Tech-Use (+10 if the Servoskulls are already under the command of the ritualist). Then, the ritualist needs to connect himself to the Servoskull(s) via the use of his Electro Graft and perhaps an EG-Hub if multiple Skulls are used in one ritual (Routine(+20) test for either Trade(Technomant) or Tech-Use; -10 for every Skull above the first). All of the Skulls need to be anointed with a mixture of the Ritualists own, freshly drawn blood (1d5 wounds; +1 for every servo skull above the first one) and machine oils. At this point, a ordinary(+10) test for either for Forbidden Lore (Heresy/Cult/Warp) (see above) needs to be passed. Besides the needed blood, all of these steps can either be done by somebody else and/or can benefit from Assistance (see DH core rules). This preparations will take about an hour per Servoskull. After all is set up, the ritualist attempts the binding of the Skulls to his self via a perverted mix of regular TechRites (Trade(Technomant or Tech-Use)+10) and pleas to the Warp (Invocation(-10)). If both are successful, he can attempt to subjugate the Machine-Spirits (Willpower+10; -10 for every Servoskull above the first). The whole ritual will take about 2 hours.

If successful, the machine-spirits are now permanently subjugated to the self of the ritualist. A Tech-Witch can never subjugate more Servoskulls then her INT or WP bonus (whichever is lower). A psyker might sense such a bound with a hard(-20) test for Psyniscience. The Skull Minions cannot leave the Tech-Witchs presence further then (WKB x 5m). If they do, they will spend their full action each and every round to return to her (whose direction they are always aware of) until they are in her presence again. As long as they are with the Tech-Witch, their sensors are functional and they not occupied with complex tasks the Tech-Witch will receive a +10 bonus on Awareness tests for every skull. In addition, the Tech-Witch will receive a +1 Initiative Bonus in combat for each skull minion in her presence. Further, the TechWitch immediately gains the Binary Chatter Talent or (if she possesses this Talent) the effects of said Talent are doubled.

Gregorius Notes: Lectures of the Tech-Witch

(Fanwork by FFG-User Gregroius21778 for the DH RPG)

Rite of the Skull Minion (Maletek Ritual)(Continued)

The skulls will otherwise function normally and in adherence to their programs. As long as the Skull Minions are within the presence of the Tech-Witch, she can issue any orders mentally as a free action to each and any of her Skull Minions. In combat, the Skull Minions will act on the same Initiative step as their master. If the Tech-Witch spends a full action, she can exercise full control over each and any of her Skull Minions, regardless of program. Exchange the Skulls INT and WP with that of the Tech-Witch. If the Tech-Witch uses Defensive Stance as a combat action, the Skull Minions will try to put themselves into harms way to negate a successful attack. Each Skull Minions thereby gets a Dodge(-10) test each round; if the Minion is successful, it dives in to take the blow and takes the damage instead. If the Tech-Witch is stunned, her Skull Minions are stunned as well. If the Tech-Witch is taken out, so are any Minions. If a Telepathy power is used upon the Tech-Witch, add +10 to her Insanity score each Minion to determine the chances for Mind-Rot.

Costs of the Ritual: The Tech-Witch will suffer 1d5 points of Corruption plus 1 for each subjugated Skull
Minion and 1d10 points of Insanity +1 for each subjugated Skull Minion. All of this is regardless of whenever the Ritual was successful or not (see below).

The Price of Failure: If any test during the setup is failed, the ritual will simply fail since the Servoskulls where
not prepared correctly. Same is true if the tests for the regular Tech-Rites (Technomant / Tech-Use) where failed. If the Invocation was failed, the Rite is a failure and the table below must be consulted. If the Willpower test to subjugate the Machine-Spirits is failed, the Rite is a failure and the ritualist will gain a further 1d5 points of Insanity (+1 for every level of failure).

Contempt of the Warp (1d100; +10 for every Level of Failure on the Invocation test)
01-50 Nothing worse happens 51-80 Your mind is bended and twisted by the maniacal powers you sought to channel. You permanently lose 1d10 points of your Intelligence attribute. 81-90 An Unclean Spirit (see DH). is unleashed by your work. It will stay with you for one hour plus another for every level of your failure and will try to make your life miserable once every hour. At the end of the period, it will try possess you. 91+ To mock you, spirits of the warp possessed the Servoskulls. The will use them to attack you relentlessly by any means they have until either you or them are destroyed.

Optional Ritual Components/Modifiers

A dose of Sacred Machine Oil (DH; p.148) was mixed with the blood to anoint the Servoskulls (+10 to the Invocation test) One of the anointed Skulls was smashed with a tool (i.e. a hammer) during the Invocation (+20 on the Willpower test to Subjugate the Servoskulls) The ritualist is painted on his/her back with parts of the circuit patterns of the skull(s) (+10 on the regular Tech-Rites (Technomant/Logic); needs a success for Common Lore (Tech)(-30)) The ritualist prepared his mind with Numerology formulas; (+10 test for Scholastic Lore (Numerology)) ( -1 point of Insanity; reduced by one additional point for every two levels of success)

Gregorius Notes: Lectures of the Tech-Witch

(Fanwork by FFG-User Gregroius21778 for the DH RPG)

Undoing of Unfunction (Maletek Ritual)

The gateway of the Tech-Witch cult on Sinophia was the failing performance of the Tech-Priest in their duties to the Omnissiah: the maintenance and repair of Tech. Let down by the mind-rusted followers of the Cult of Mars, the Heresy of Ammicus Tole and his disciples was sought as final solution for those dependant the function of gears and electronics. And so heresy spread through the society
Description: By warpcraft, the ritualist restores function to a damaged technical device. The device is not repaired in the sense of the word. It just functions although it should not. Requirements: The ritualist needs a general understanding the function of the device (and thereby needs to have learned the skill Common Lore (Tech)) and must conduct some rituals according to the teachings of Ammicus Tole (needs to have learned the skill Forbidden Lore (Heresy: Ammicus Tole). The exact layout of the ritual will differ from ritualist to ritualist and even from device to device, but always include some material components like the burning of incense, smearing the item with machine oil, applying leaden seals, rubbing it with salves or crushing of some silicate machine parts (ingredients worth 1d5 thrones). A test for Invocation needs to be passed as well, the difficulty depending on the intricacy of the device/the damage (see the table below) the whole ritual will be done in 1d5+2 minutes.

Device Lamp; Chrono Combustion Engine Magnocular, Vox Las Weapon; Dataslate Poor Kybernetic Plasma Weapon Think-Engine

Difficutly Easy(+30) Routine(+20) Ordinary(+10) Challenging(+0) Difficult(-10) Hard(-20) Very Hard(-30)

Effect & Duration: The device is restored to function for a number of weeks equal to the WPB of the ritualist plus another week for every level of success. Afterwards, the device will stop functioning. Cost: 1d5 Thrones in ingredients (see above) and the ritualist must pass a Willpower(+20) test or will gain a point of corruption (plus one for two levels of failure). The Price of Failure: The ritualist will gain a point of corruption plus another one for every level of failure. The device will be jinxed. No matter what is done to repair it, it will break down again and again.

Kyber-Bane (Maletek Ritual)

Knowing all to well that the Adeptus Mechanicus is after him, Ammicus Tole searched for weapons to turn against his baiters. The ritual of the Kyber-Bane is one of these. Once charged with the life force of a sacrifice, the weapon will unload these into a kybernetical target once a moment of potential death releases the stored soulenergy. The infernal device then immediately reloads itself by the terminal damage it inflicts The ritual turns a given melee weapon into a maletek device of machine slaying. A potent weapon against servitors, cybercreatures and Tech-Priests alike. Requirements: First, the weapon needs to be modified. A specially prepared energy cell is attached to the hilt and conductive wiring is added to crudely etched channels along haft or blade while the artisan recites baleful litany and curses against machine-spirits . The process needs 1d10x6 hours of work and complex tools and materials and a test Invocation(-10) and Trade(Armourer)(+0) needs to be passed. Finally, the weapon is baptised in a mixture of machine oils and the blood of a drained life sacrifice. Of course, knowledge of a matching Forbidden Lore (Heresy) is mandatory as well. After all, where else should one know the ritual from?

Gregorius Notes: Lectures of the Tech-Witch

(Fanwork by FFG-User Gregroius21778 for the DH RPG)

Kyber-Bane (Maletek Ritual)(Continued)

Effect & Duration: If used against a Tech-Priest or any opponent with the Machine-Trait, 1d5+1 is added to any inflicted critical damage. This effect is now a permanent trait of the weapon. Cost: 100 Thrones in material costs. The ritualist will gain 1d5 points of corruption. Everyone who uses this weapon and actually triggers its Trait ability will gain a point of corruption at end of combat for every target the effect was inflicted upon. The Prize of Failure: If the Invocation fails, use the table for Contempt of the Warp (DotdG, P. 114) or RH p.165). Otherwise, the ritual just fails as the work is shoddy and the weapon is damaged. Reduce the quality by one step, destroying the weapon if it already was of poor quality. Special Modifiers: +10 if the sacrifice was a human or sentient xenos

Malefic Curse: Tech Treachery (Major Arcana)

This Arcana is basically a new version of the Malefic Curse Arcana (DotdG; p.118). Threshold: 14 Within the next 1d5 hours all but the most simple devices the victim tries to use are prone to failure or will simply break down. The victim suffers a -20 penalty for every skill test involving the use of a technical item (like TechUse, Drive, Trade(Technomant), Read/Write skill performed with Dataslates etc.). If the test results in three or more levels of failure, the device breaks down to some minor failure (like i.e. a short fuse) and needs repair (generally, a Tech-Use+20 will do) Every weapon without the primitive quality fired by the pc will jam on a role of 85+, no matter what the actual quality of the weapon is. The GM should feel free to describe further technical misshapenness during the duration of the curse like failing lights in his home or obnoxious machine-spirit errors.

Mechanic Puppetry (Major Arcana)

This Arcana functions exactly like the Dominate Telepathy Power (DH; p.178), but is only useable on Tech-Priests and targets with a Machine Trait of 3+.

Shut down (Major Arcana)

This Arcana functions exactly like the Zone of Compulsion Telepathy Power (DotdG; p.30), but it is only useable on Servitors (and Servoskulls, Cybermastifs etc.) and it is always the Command to shut down (which is not considered suicidal). The effected target counts as helpless (+30 for every attacks against them) but can be repowered with a full action and an test for Tech-Use(+20) or Trade(Technomant)(+30).

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