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Part 1.
1. It is not definite that the company will accept our offer, but there's a ___________ chance so there
is no reason not to try.
A. sporting B. bragging C. pumping D. bubbling
2. She was ___________ with excitement, imagining how fun her first vacation abroad would be
after years working without resting.
A. bubbling over B. bristling at C. plodding along D. fawning over
3. I had to give up on having a pet dog because whenever it got sick, a trip to the vet would
A. clear me out B. clean me out C. wipe me out D. dry me out
4. Annie and John hid their relationship so well that it took Mary quite a time to ___________ to the
fact that they were dating.
A. come down B. glom onto C. dawn on D. cotton on
5. By successfully ___________ two seconds off his last best time, our son has not only won the first
prize but also set the world record.
A. cutting B. clipping C. sizing D. gashing
6. Parkour, an activity which used not to be heard of by many people in India, is now ___________
in this country.
A. big B. faddy C. rife D. conventional
7. I like both teaching and researching so the position of a professor in college is a kind of halfway
___________ between the two for me.
A. house B. line C. road D. hunch
8. Living in the commuter ___________ is fine, but I’m planning to move into the city centre.
A. belt B. pane C. line D. skirt
9. Be careful before you sign the contract, remember to read every details including the
___________ print.
A. bold B. hidden C. fine D. clean
10. The food tour was great, except for the insects, they looked and tasted so horrible that I
___________ with disgust.
A. gloated B. grimaced C. grinned D. chuckled
11. ___________ your heart and mind of sinful thoughts before you enter the pagoda.
A. Clean B. Purify C. Liberate D. Cleanse
12. Unfortunately, the victim didn’t make it to the hospital, he was pronounced ___________.
A. dead from the neck up B. dead on sight C. dead in the water D. dead on arrival
13. Despite the harsh flow of the stream, she ___________ her way through the water.
A. powered B. struck C. directed D. led
14. A career in marketing has always been what she desires, so she just ___________ herself in her
A. immersed B. submerged C. engulfed D. dipped
15. The polls are too close to call, and it looks like this election is going to be a real ___________.
A. brain-teaser B. enigma C. cliffhanger D. buoyancy

Part 2.
1. She is very active and sociable, so it is surprising that she dates such a quiet and
___________ man like Khoi. (ASSUME)
2. I knew it! Jean was not at all a faithful husband. Now stop saying my suspicion was
___________ (FOUND)!
3. After just 3 days, Donald has been able to dive ___________ into the pool. (HEAD)
4. Most homeless people in the US are ___________, they are all around cafes and restaurants
ready to pick up wasted food or leftovers. (FREE)
5. Sam was ___________ by Linda at first sight, no wonder she is considered a campus fairy.

Part 1.
1. These days, schools no longer ___________ girls away from STEM subjects thanks to the
propagation of gender equality.
A. direct B. drive C. steer D. guide
2. I cannot understand what does Jenny ___________ against Tom that makes her treat such a nice
guy so badly.
A. hold B. have C. keep D. make
3. It turned out I was wrong to think that I could reach the finish line as I started to ___________ in
the heat just thirty minutes after the race started.
A. shrivel B. weed C. wither D. wilt
4. After Janice had to wait two hours to see her doctor, she became ___________ with the office
A. distressed B. averse C. vexatious D. belligerent
5. Is it ironic when people ___________ glasses of wine and drink to each other's health?
A. splat B. clunk C. clank D. clink
6. Don’t think that being children of celebrities is great because you would not only have fame but
also expectations ___________ you since birth.
A. thrust upon B. pasted to C. forced on D. rammed
7. ___________! You have been in the bathroom for an hour and the concert starts at nine.
A. Tut tut B. Aye aye C. Chop chop D. Up up
8. As an introvert, I really admire anyone who is a __________ with great confidence and
communication skills.
A. quick wire B. cup of beer C. good mixer D. hot dish.
9. I know you are ___________ to French fries, but you had better cut down on it.
A. smitten B. hooked C. partial D. tied
10. There is a very strong movement in my country now against ___________ sports like hunting or
shooting even though they are parts of national traditions.
A. lethal B. death C. blood D. red
11. The ___________ of central control has stifled local initiative.
A. dead hand B. smirky fingers C. eagle eyes D. tight grip
12. After a sleepless night, tiredness gradually ___________ him while he was driving.
A. lurk up on B. crept up on C. cinched on D. edged on
13. Alexa has got her boyfriend ___________, he will do everything she says.
A. eating out of her hand C. to wash her clothes
B. following her through the garden D. to sell her his heart
14. A large proportion of the households in this area is ___________ to the internet thanks to a
generous foreign donor.
A. linked up B. hooked up C. wired up D. crossed up
15. It came as a shock to Dan to find out that the police officer killed in the ___________ of duty
yesterday was his dad.
A. hours B. line C. call D. strike

Part 2.
1. Depending on a person’s cultural background, he or she might ___________ hunting as an act of
violence or not. (CONCEPT)
2. Instead, throughout his term as minister, he rode in the vehicle used by his predecessor and
continued to live in a(n) ___________ house. (PRETEND)
3. Given the sensitivity of the matter, her frankness during the meeting was absolutely ___________
4. Action movies with fighting scenes have become so popular that people are increasingly
___________to violence on TV. (SENSE)
5. The ___________ of the book generally describes the author’s academic career and her gratitude
for her mother. (WORD)
Part 1.
1. The spokesperson said the information campaign was a ___________ to hide the most regressive
tax in history.
A. red curtain B. witch cloak C. book cover D. fig leaf
2. Depression was once thought to be a ___________ of an individual's imagination but research has
shown that SAD is a real disorder.
A. figment B. figure C. byproduct D. docket
3. Dennis is very ___________ about things; he never lets anything stress him out.
A. tolerant B. impetuous C. warm-hearted D. laid-back
4. Were I to have the courage of my ___________, I would tell the boss how domineering he was.
A. convictions B. points C. slant D. stance
5. Joe thinks he can win the fight with that muscular man, he is really a ___________ short of load.
A. stone B. log C. brick D. hog
6. It has taken them all this time to ___________ on a name for their baby.
A. decide B. conclude C. assent D. consent
7. After winning the lottery, the man squandered his money on gambling and was soon on
___________ after a year.
A. Queer street B. Baker street C. Pauper street D. Tramp street
8. Facebook's shares are ___________ after the company launched a new Instagram feature that will
compete with TikTok in the US.
A. holding her thumb B. on high skies C. coming up roses
D. on a tear
9. The two generals, although ___________ cooperating to attack the enemy, actually detest each
A. showily B. ostensibly C. audaciously D. benignly
10. The company is ___________ to see if this plan provokes any interest in the young customer
A. flying a kite B. dropping the ball
C. shooting the messenger D. dropping the penny
11. They offered to buy her a BMW but she's holding ___________ a Porsche.
A. out for B. out on C. back with D. up with
12. Although I am not a ___________ person, I sometimes do find some sex scenes on TV a bit
excessive and unacceptable.
A. prudish B. sanctimonious C. raffish D. dyspeptic
13. I never cease to admire the ___________ endurance of my grandfather when captured by the
Nazi during World War Two.
A. placid B. stoical C. obstinate D. immutable
14. Different from a misanthrope who has a hatred of people in general, Joey is more of a
___________ being distrustful of human goodness and sincerity.
A. pessimist B. tyrant C. cynic D. misogynist
15. When will you realise that it was your self-righteous and ___________ attitude that prevented
you from learning better ideas from other people?
A. fallow B. ghoulish C. bigoted D. conniving

Part 2.
1. I find it impossible to guide such a wild and ___________ person like her. (STRONG)
2. He threatened to ___________ his eldest son if he chooses to give up the family business. (HEIR)
3. Because we had to arrive on time, our ship had no choice but to ___________ the congested area.
4. The differences were ___________ to all but the most trained eye. (PERCEIVE)
5. Mary has just given birth yesterday so she is currently on ___________ leave. (MOTHER)

Part 1.
1. He's been working with a ___________ over the past few weeks to make up for wasted time.
A. drudgery B. servitude C. vengeance D. nudge
2. He felt his heart ___________ as his bride-to-be began her walk down the aisle.
A. fasten B. quicken C. expedite D. heighten
3. Constance ___________ a sigh of relief when she heard that her loan was approved.
A. gave B. uttered C. expressed D. breathed
4. The telephone lines were ___________ with callers trying to get through to the electricity
A. jammed B. throttled C. congested D. glutted
5. If there happened to be both rich and poor people, as there happen to be both black and white
ones, then the advantages of the ___________ might well spread in time to the hard-up.
A. well-heeled B. big-hearted C. open-handed D. tight-fisted
6. Most popular magazines have a(n) ___________ page where letters about difficulties with
relationships are answered.
A. sharing B. personal C. advice D. problem
7. Two agents in our team were shot in ___________ for the killing of a rival gang member.
A. return B. retaliation C. reprisal D. recrimination
8. His talent meant he could create wondrous things, but his ___________ meant he hardly ever felt
like working.
A. adversity B. lethargy C. ineptitude D. tactlessness
9. I left in high ___________ after waiting for them over an hour and not receiving any apologies.
A. rage B. taciturnity C. oscillation D. dudgeon
10. Everyone knows about his genius even though he never admits, good wine needs no
A. barter B. advertisement C. bush D. barrel
11. We don’t have enough __________ data to prove that the phenomenon is really affecting the
environment in a negative way.
A. empirical B. informed C. substantive D. static
12. She acts as if she really is the ___________ of our team and everyone has to rely on her.
A. lone wolf B. white elephant C. big shark D. queen bee
13. The police have been ___________ war on drug dealers in the city since January but their effort
does not seem to be very effective.
A. waging B. staging C. fighting D. raging
14. The foreigners were amazed at the ___________ variety of goods in the huge department store.
A. beleaguered B. bewildering C. baffling D. bizonal
15. James kept trying to ___________ his duties, but his manager told him if he didn’t start taking
responsibility for his work he would have to leave the company.
A. beaver away B. weasel out of C. chicken out of D. clam up
Part 2.
1. The sandwich shop she's opening is a ___________ alternative to the town's maledominated
coffee shop culture. (STAFF)
2. The army of this Asian country has a long history of guerrilla ___________ (WAR)
3. Being a war ___________ is a dangerous job because you will have to bring yourself to the
most conflict-ridden parts of the world. (RESPOND)
4. During the 20th century, industrialisation continued ___________ with technology being
upgraded rapidly. (PACE)
5. Under ___________, white people were not allowed to marry their non-white counterparts.

Part 1.
1. From our tent, we could see the delightful ___________ of lake Lukedeer.
A. scene B. prospect C. background D. layout
2. In Australia, the government controls the maintenance of war __________, post-war
commemorations and battle exploit memorials.
A. graves B. tombs C. grounds D. catacombs
3. Perhaps tomorrow’s event will mark the ___________ of my life, I cannot wait any longer!
A. bright buff B. full spark C. high spot D. full bloom
4. An unusual noise from the back of the class during the exam __________ the teacher’s
A. held B. sustained C. arrested D. upheld
5. The new employee failed to realize the importance of obedience in this company and refused to
toe the ___________ line.
A. party B. camp C. function D. union
6. Bao is a ___________ off the old block of his father while his sister is more like the mother.
A. tip B. chip C. piece D. copy
7. He regarded this second prize just as a ___________ in order to prevent him from suing the
judges for corruption.
A. factoid B. sob C. whizz D. sop
8. Although his presidential campaign won ___________ from several celebrities, it failed to
compensate for his incompetence in dealing with last year’s economic crisis.
A. involvement B. warrant C. endorsement D. patronage
9. Cinderella wore a beautiful dress to the party and was the ___________ of the ball.
A. beauty B. belle C. center D. charmer
10. Much as I like Literature, I cannot stand my teacher’s voice-slow, emotionless and without
A. inflation B. reflection C. inflection D. infliction
11. I couldn’t come to your party as the date ___________ with my holiday.
A. clashed B. struck C. opposed D. occurred
12. At the start of the course every student is assigned a(n) ___________ of studies.
A. advisor B. consultant C. counsellor D. curator
13. They are the ones responsible for helping students choose a major and a minor and ensuring
that they meet all the requirements to graduate with a degree in that field. You should prioritize
the public interest over a group’s ___________ interests.
A. personal B. sectional C. segregated D. exclusive
14. I hardly want to participate in extracurricular activities but this volunteer job is so interesting
that I accepted the offer with ___________.
A. solace B. consternation C. chastisement D. alacrity
15. The couple divorced after the husband was found ___________ an affair with a neighbor.
A. making B. having C. performing D. doing
Part 2.
1. The ___________ cannot really understand these medical documents. (PERSON)
2. I need to get away from the hectic city for a while so I am planning to travel ___________
this weekend. (COUNTRY)
3. I worked late last night because I was ___________ with my project. (HAND)
4. Despite its historical inaccuracies, the film was one of the ___________ films of the year,
making the second highest profits. (GROSS)
5. I did not lie to you, by ___________ God I swear. (MIGHT)

Part 1.
1. Sandy stole my ___________ when she announced that she was pregnant two days before I'd
planned to tell people about my pregnancy.
A. thunder B. limelight C. stage D. mind
2. Dressed in a bright red suit for the wedding, Jack apparently was making a ___________ of
A. mess B. light C. spectacle D. spot
3. You don’t have the sound business ___________ that is necessary for success so I would
advise you to find another career.
A. starkness B. acumen C. punditry D. wit
4. More than 500 ___________ were involved in the coronation scene of Puyi in “The last
A. adjuncts B. appendages C. extras D. additives
5. Entering the National Competition for the gifted ___________ tremendous concentration and
effort. A. stipulates B. extracts C. exacts D. inquires
6. Despite their disagreement, the representatives of the two nations managed to reach a(n)
___________ settlement, bringing temporary peace for both sides.
A. affable B. fraternal C. amiable D. amicable
7. The first successful flight in human history completed by the Wright brothers ___________ the
law of gravity and stunned everybody.
A. refuted B. defied C. quelled D. disproved
8. The concert ended and the crowd quickly ___________, returning the quietness to the small
A. disassembled B. dissembled C. dismantled D. disgorged
9. After winning the lottery, they moved into a more ___________ house in a high-class
residential area and had a more comfortable life.
A. well-attended B. well-built C. well-appointed D. well-disposed
10. Tony, you are trying to make her believe your lies so just keep it simple, do not over-egg the
A. brulee B. pudding C. sponge D. madeleines
11. My school always forces students to follow the rules to the ___________ without caring about
their feelings.
A. book B. letter C. lines D. dots
12. Although my new house is fine, I still prefer the old one which ___________ a river.
A. backs onto B. faces off C. stands by D. sides with
13. We are required to ___________ empirical data and evidence from reliable sources to support
our argument.
A. adduce B. attest C. elicit D. accost
14. Since John is the bee’s ___________ in terms of English, it is no wonder so many friends ask
him for support in this subject.
A. wings B. knees C. antenna D. spiracle
15. There is no need to ___________ over the cracks, I know you are having problems, just tell me
and I will help you.
A. carpet B. paper C. lay D. curtain
Part 2.
1. The charity is facing great financial difficulties so its manager wants to turn it into a
___________ company. (PROFIT)
2. I recall being ___________ by the authorities of the hospital for being careless and
inexperienced during my first years as a doctor. (BRAID)
3. He had years of experience as a legal ___________ before he became a teacher.
4. The booming economy has attracted a(n) ___________ of funds from both domestic and
foreign investors. (FLOW)
5. Boys and girls used to be taught separately before a nationwide movement for
___________ grew. (EDUCATE)

Part 1.
1. The boss made no ___________ to their gender, all the female workers were forced to do the
heavy work as their male counterparts.
A. concession B. compromise C. allowance D. regression
2. Without discipline, students may think that they have the ___________ to do whatever they
A. licence B. autocracy C. prerogative D. dispensation
3. It's a good film, but the ___________ near the ending scene is a bit complex and demands
watchers to be extremely analytic to understand.
A. flummery B. delineation C. aberration D. convolution
4. It was very childish of you to ___________ over your opponent’s failure immediately on the
stage when the result was announced.
A. jolly B. relish C. gloat D. brag
5. After 11 years in the ___________, Johnson made an unexpected comeback in the movie Bear.

A. damp B. wilderness C. badlands D. wasteland

6. It is often hard for parents to take the opinions of their children on ___________ due to the
generation gap.
A. board B. mind C. check D. self
7. Luckily, our research is supported by a(n) ___________ from the National Science Foundation.

A. grant B. bursary C. aid D. endowment

8. Your father was only 17 when he ___________ at Harvard, now look at your school report.

A. matriculated B. registered C. postulated D. imparted

9. Elen has stayed in bed for a whole week, take him out for a walk, that will surely put the
___________ back into his cheeks.
A. colours B. roses C. daisy D. pinky mallow
10. Before going back to school, you have to ___________ for at least a week after the operation.

A. rejuvenate B. recuperate C. overhaul D. reinvigorate

11. This naughty class always ___________with their new teachers, which usually greatly
discourages them from teaching.
A. hits it out B. tries it on C. kicks it up D. rubs it in
12. He won't be able to stand the pressure here for long, I will ___________ him 5 months and let's
see if I am right.
A. put B. give C. tell D. save
13. The event was not really well-attended, there were about 50 people ___________ the outside.

A. on B. near C. round D. at
14. The paper was divided into three parts to ___________ on and analyse the diplomatic strategy
of Vietnam during the 1990-2000 period.
A. expunge B. expurgate C. expatiate D. expound
15. That team always sweeps the ___________ in the annual league, leaving very few medals for
the others.
A. top B. prizes C. table D. board
Part 2.
1. Because the flight is expected to last longer than 12 hours, we will be provided a(n)
___________ meal. (FLY)
2. My father tried to make a clear ___________ between his work and his private time as a
way to treat his depression. (LINE)
3. The king was always afraid of making mistakes because he cared about how ___________
would judge him. (POST)
4. In this poor region of the country, hospital beds were scarce and medicines were
practically ___________ during the first month of the COVID-19 outbreak . (EXIST) T
5. he role in The Duke of Mount Deer is regarded as Tony Leung’s ___________ role, bring
him fame and success. (CAREER)

Part 1.
1. In the end, it ___________ that the champion didn’t get the prize by himself but thanks to his
intimate relationship with the judge panel.
A. befell B. occurred C. transpired D. issued
2. I don't think Paul will ever get married — he's the stereotypical ___________ bachelor.
A. settled B. confirmed C. fixed D. determined
3. Stop staying up late Bang, you are only 17 and I can see you are beginning to ___________
A. get B. go C. grow D. get
4. The suburbans were seen as the ___________ of clerkly conformism, complacency, and
conservatism. A. effigy B. epitome C. figure D. personage
5. When I was young, I didn't know that sugar ___________ naturally in fruit and thought that the
sweetness came from my mom’s sugar jar.
A. betides B. precipitates C. prevails D. occurs
6. I cannot understand why my girlfriend always spends hours ___________ herself before going
out even when we might be late after that.
A. preening B. pimping C. sprinkling D. pinking
7. Your father would fly off the handle if he knew you bet your car ___________ the toss of a
A. on B. at C. by D. with
8. Jenny tried to ___________ into the darkness, hoping to find where this unknown sound came
from. A. glimpse B. peer C. stare D. peep
9. Since there has been a change of ___________ for the concert, we will have to start going
earlier in case I might not know that place.
A. alley B. venue C. scene D. sight
10. Son, remember, although money is important, never do anything that is not ___________.

A. above board B. under the sky C. within the square D. in the cards
11. My grandma is 82 already but she still lives with the ___________ of a twenty-year-old,
walking and painting every day.
A. zeal B. appetite C. zest D. gusto
12. Those who really need to hear the message don't come to the meetings, so I'm just
___________ to the choir.
A. singing B. preaching C. speaking D. orating
13. The five masked men who ___________ the South London Bank on Tuesday have been caught
this morning.
A. held up B. robbed off C. broke for D. dashed in
14. The smallest ___________ could lead to the delay of the whole project, so please check your
schedule carefully and do not miss your deadlines!
A. slippage B. slip-up C. slip D. slipcase
15. My teacher ___________ my article to make it sound less aggressive.

A. whiles down B. waters down C. squares down D. romps down

Part 2.
1. Studying abroad is a ___________ decision and requires serious consideration. (MOMENT

2. Looking at her ___________clothes, you might be surprised to know that Mary has moved
to the city for over 20 years. (COUNTRY)
3. He became the ___________ king of football, scoring 28 goals in his first season.
4. The answers out there right now offered by a variety of fields are too facile - they're
actually ___________, or logically circular truisms that reveal nothing. (LOGIC)
5. In the past, Asian women lived in total ___________ to the men in her family. (SERVE)

Part 1.
1. Are you sure you want to become a teacher? Repeating the same thing every day for years can
___________ you down.
A. put B. get C. take D. bring
2. Things have ___________ since the riots last week and people can finally go back to work
A. simmered down B stomped off C. steamed out D. leveled down
3. Soon will come the time when your child start to ___________ your authority and hardly can
you control him like before.
A. churn out B. kicking against C. grousing against D. shunting
4. Why don’t you just feel satisfied with what you have already had instead of trying to keep up
with the ___________.
A. Smiths B. Joneses C. neighbours D. Johansson
5. The report ___________ the mistaken belief that applying vinegar on your face can help people
get rid of acne.
A. dispels B. disparages C. dissipates D. dispatches
6. I know it is a risky move to invest all my savings in this real estate project during this unstable
period of the economy so I am ___________ for anything.
A. game B. brave C. fain D. boarded
7. Had I not thought it would just be a child’s ___________ and hadn’t seriously revised for it, I
would have passed the exam.
A. quiz B. play C. game D. thing
8. The school should ___________ regulations to implement gender equity education, and
promulgate them.
A. erect B. demolish C. heed D. sermonize
9. I never thought Jenny and I could become best friends because she appeared cold on first
___________, but later I realised she was just shy.
A. sight B. acquaintance C. encounter D. day
10. The dealer wanted $400, I wanted to pay $300, and $350 was the final price after we decided to
split the ___________.
A. share B. total C. difference D. gap
11. You shouldn’t have criticised him ìn front of his friends. It was extremely ___________ of you.
A. insensitive B. insensible C. unsentimental D. discordant
12. You should be cautious when getting involved and test the ___________ before committing
A. temperature B. heat C. water D. air
13. Although the king has abdicated the throne in his son’s favour, he still rules the country
___________. A. de facto B. de jure C. de pronto D. jamais vu
14. Despite Mary’s talents, Mary’s mother still forced her to become an ordinary ___________
worker, confining her to the office.
A. clerical B. white-collar C. clergy D. back-room
15. Mary attempted to ___________ herself with her new boss by volunteering to take on extra
work and even leaving the office later than everybody else.
A. satiate B. flatter C. ingratiate D. commend
Part 2.
1. If you didn't do anything ___________, why did you feel worried when the police called
you in? (CREDIT)
2. Her husband didn’t know about her ___________ affair with her boss. (MARRY)

3. You had better ask your tattoo artist to provide you ___________ instructions. (CARE)

4. The President’s car was escorted by motorcycle ___________ on his way to the Queen’s
palace. (RIDE)
5. Unfortunately, his ___________ has prevented him from taking part in this debate. I hope he
will soon recover and be with us again. (DISPOSE)

Part 1.
1. On the threshold of adulthood, it is normal for a teenager to go through a period of
___________ with uncertainty and many worries dominating their minds.
A. crank B. angst C. borstal D. perturbation
2. The police forces from both countries were involved in the ___________of the escaped
prisoners because they had run into the forest that is the natural border between the two nations.
A. apprehension B. attenuation C. capitulation D. seizure
3. Galileo's ideas were well in ___________ of the age in which he lived.
A. front B. headway C. advance D. forth
4. The jazz ___________ has played in 7 countries in Asia and Vietnam is going to be their next
A. assemble B. ensemble C. congregation D. association
5. A ___________ of disapproval of Brexit was reported throughout Britain due to concerns about
long-term economic impacts of this decision.
A. choir B. chorus C. carol D. corps
6. I ___________ that learning Chemistry is hard, if you try harder, I believe you will manage to
at least pass the exam!
A. assent B. grant C. cede D. bid
7. He criticized the Director and, by ___________, the whole judge panel of this swimwear
pageant competition.
A. implication B. implementation C. connotation D. inference
8. The cliff was nearly ___________ and impossible to climb.
A. perpendicular B. perpetual C. upstanding D. erectile
9. There is no need to have a ___________. I will clear this mess when I am done and return you
your tidy living room.
A. fuse B. fit C. flip D. steam
10. I got first-aid treatment down to a(n) ___________ after working in the Emergency Room for a
A. artwork B. instinct C. science D. routine
11. When I heard that he wanted to organize a party in his 250-square-feet apartment, I knew his
plan was going to be dead in the ___________.
A. water B. well C. sea D. moment
12. What really exists and happens in Area 51 is still ___________ in mystery and attracts debate.
A. clouded B. shrouded C. blanketed D. parceled
13. Just make up your mind and tell me whether you want to continue this project or not, stop
___________ hot and cold!
A. breathing B. blowing C. acting D. gusting
14. Thinking that this crime drama is just blood and ___________ is a big mistake because the plot
is extremely intelligent.
A. fluid B. gore C. gut D. kill
15. I never tell my sister anything because I know she will definitely ___________ it out.
A. split B. blurt C. slip D. gush
Part 2.
1. During the time I was ___________ in the hospital, I spent countless hours drawing and
praying to stay positive. (BED)
2. The centre was awarded a grant for education ___________ to poor students. (REACH)
3. Without some new force promoting ___________, the decline in fertility rates is
concerning for many developed countries. (CREATE)
4. The ___________ effects of music and fog enhance the air of mystery in the movie.
5. There are beds aplenty, but the problem is that the hospital is ___________ (HAND)

Part 1.

She agreed to go with him to the football match although she had no interest in
the game at all.
A. apologetically C. shamefacedly

B. grudgingly D. discreetly

Police have not so far been able to a confession from the people
accused of the bombing.

A. excoriate B. exculpate C. extort D. expropriate

The campaign was launched by David with a long against the lack of
action of the people in authority.
A. diatribe B. oath C. affidavit D. avowal
Reducing plastic waste in school is a(n) aim, but enforcing them at
gunpoint will likely turn the plan into a failure.
A. exemplary B. glistening C. blazing D. laudable

Although Mike is quite good at singing, he is barely a(n) by comparison

with professional singers.
A. dilettante B. greenhorn

C. apprentice D. probationer

Although he appeared to enjoy a jet-setting life, he publicity and avoided

night clubs.
A. rejigged B. derided

C.eschewed D. abated

Paradoxically, it is usually even harder for people to give up gambling after losing
because they want to their losses in the next game.
A. recoup B. rehab

C. rectify D. repent

Living to 100 will not be a pleasure anymore if you have to around getting
increasingly frail.
A. lumber B. dodder

C. waddle D. dawdle

The meditation course has really helped his to abate, making him calmer
and more considerate.
A. irascibility B. fanaticism C. fervor D. mendacity

The princess's nanny's autobiography really gives the on life among the
A. show-down B. know-how

C. low-down D. look-out

He did everything to favour with his superiors in the hope of getting


A. hoard B. curry C. drag D. butter

12. Children are more likely to be spoiled when their parents them.
A. dote on B. cosset at C. pamper round D. cosy up to
China was among the powers of the Eight-Nation Alliance by the end of the
19th century.
A. thrashed out B. parceled out

C. dished out D. slipped out

Mary finally decided to and broke up with Jack after having been
together for 4 years.
A. get off her base B. take the plunge

C. play possum D. jump the gun

Their company is so debt-ridden that I think it’s safe to say they’re at this stage.
A. down for the count B. down in the dumps

C. down at the heel D. down to the last penny

Part 2.
1. ___________ for unemployment benefits are more and more numerous as the economic crisis is
getting worse in this country. (CLAIM)
2. My brother enjoys ___________ so much that I think he will never get married. (BACHELOR)

3. Their parents had an almost ___________ ability to understand what was going on in their
children's minds. (NATURAL)
4. It is rumoured that the millionaire has connections with the criminal ___________ of Japan.
5. The ___________ of the Prince of Wales took place in 1969, a year before the first Earth day
was celebrated. (INVEST)

Part 1.
1. I expected the film to be out-of-the-box, but the plot turned out to be just a(n) ___________
boy-meets-girl scenario.
A. frivolous B. hackneyed C. archetypal D. emblematic
2. The part of her childhood memory, in which she was kidnapped, became something she found
impossible to ___________ however hard she tried.
A. expunge B. expurgate C. expatiate D. expound
3. That friend of yours is a(n) ___________ person who cannot be trusted because she will be
willing to betray you at any time for his own benefits.
A. eccentric B. licentious C. lunatic D. perfidious
4. Never let your thirst for knowledge be ___________ or you will, one day, be left behind by this
ever-evolving world.
A. queered B. quelled C. quenched D. quilt

5. With patience and diplomacy, he eventually ___________ the son of the billion-dollar
company into marrying him.
A. deluded B. inveigled C. cruised D. swindled
6. As an inevitable effect of globalization, small countries have no choice but to ___________ to
the influence of the superpowers.
A. recast B. capitulate C. concede D. perish
7. This argument may seem ___________ to those not closely involved in the world of finance.

A. arcane B. peculiar C. foolhardy D. aberrant

8. It really knocked me over with a ___________ when I found out that Annie passed her
Chemistry test with flying colours .
A. punch B. mug C. feather D. stroke
9. Although doctors always try their best to save people’s lives, they are often ___________ by
the patients’ relatives whenever they fail.
A. heckled B. pestered C. derided D. berated
10. Given the competitiveness of the National Contest, I have to knock it out of the ___________
or I won’t be able to win any prizes.
A. park B. nail C. roof D. ring
11. The agreement we reached before was just provisional so I hope you can have another meeting
with our company to ___________ the whole plan before the event.
A. pack up B. drum up C. firm up D. work up
12. Billy, if you like History, you ___________, do not let peer pressure affect your life.

A. buy it B. do you C. be it D. be you

13. Despite being threatened, the brave and loyal soldier would rather sacrifice than ___________
to the enemy’s demand.
A. give on B. cave in C. burrow in D. kneel down K
14. ___________ piety has degraded in the modern society as more children are disobedient and
disrespectful to their parents.
A. Filial B. Childhood C. Familial D. Fraternal
15. I don’t have anything to note here but I will try to ___________ your phone number firmly in
my mind and put it down later when I return home.
A. dwell B. key C. lodge D. set
Part 2.
1. It is ironic that while “Safety first” is said to be the ___________ here, no workers are
equipped with any basic protective equipment. (WORD)

2. The writer has used a variety of ___________ throughout his career to avoid the attention
of the government. (NAME)
3. In the ancient society of China, the concept of gender equality would be considered
___________and totally unacceptable. (HERESY)
4. Steam is water in its ___________ form and may occur due to evaporation or due to
boiling. (GAS)
5. But for a brief period in the spring, the whole landscape explodes into a ___________
bloom. (COLOUR)

Part 1.
1. Her mind was ___________ by the death of her child and she never recovered.
A. upstaged B. unhinged C. upended D. unleashed
2. The coastguard duties included patrolling paths at the top of high and sheer cliffs - not a job for
the ___________.
A. faint-hearted B. weak-willed C. light-headed D.
3. After our twenty-mile hike, I ate a hamburger and it tasted like the best food in the world.
Hunger is the best ___________.
A. dish B. seasoning C. chef D. sauce
4. Don’t let insurance companies pull the ___________ over your eyes - ask for a list of all the
hidden charges.
A. silk B. mask C. ribbon D. wool
5. After wasting almost a month, we ___________ by working from dusk till dawn to meet the
deadline. A. ran ourselves into the ground B. played hard ball
C. rub shoulders with each other D. kept our body and soul together
6. The general has ___________ his refusal to compromise with invaders and called for the
soldiers’ loyalty.
A. unveiled B. ushered C. proposed D. reiterated
7. The man worked all his life and died with his ___________ on when he had a heart attack at
the factory.
A. hat B. boots C. shirt D. tie
8. In many developing countries, education is still the ___________ of the rich while the
governments show incompetency in changing that.
A. benefit B. priority C. dispensation D. prerogative
9. The weasel words "if any" leave me with some concern that when push comes to ___________,
the council may pull away from difficult issues.
A. pull B. shove C. end D. strike
10. Until this day, vegans are still dismissed as ___________ in many society despite their efforts
to spread their ideals.
A. ecclesiastical B. preposterous C. cranks D. cults
11. The children ___________ when their teacher said they were going to plan a class excursion.
A. flared up B. patched up C. perked up D. pepped up
12. The China garden is a green ___________ in the heart of modern Singapore, attracting millions
of tourists and visitors every year.
A. refuge B. façade C. virtuoso D. oasis
13. You have been driving for a while, do you want me to ___________ you?
A. support B. supplant C. succor D. spell
14. I love the weather in spring when it is ___________, not too hot nor too cold.
A. torrid B. clement C. frigid D. sultry
15. This is ___________ software, and you have no right to copy it without a license from the
A. propitious B. propriety C. propitiatory D. proprietary
Part 2.
1. While ___________ flood damage can be eliminated by moving away from rivers, people
have traditionally lived by water bodies. (RIVER)
2. Some experiences in life have ___________ effects on an individual. (ERADICATE)

3. It is ludicrous of him to require absolute perfection from the products without considering
the natural ___________ of humankind. (FAIL)
4. Even if new regulations will not make a(n) ___________ difference to most people, any
small changes are still better than nothing. (APPRECIATE)
5. ___________ should summarize the main facts about their performance based on the staff
evaluation criteria of the company. (APPRAISE)

Part 1.
1. The eyewitness said that she had seen a man ___________ around outside the factory just
before the fire started.
A. prowling B. languishing C. lumbering D. moseying
2. A lot of Peter Oprah’ writings ___________ sexism and call for gender equality, showing his
radical mindset.
A. duff up B. inveigh against C. tear off D. bubble under
3. I have moved to an apartment with many people sharing one room so I cannot ___________
my favorite songs like before anymore.
A. sound out B. sound off C. pound out D. pound off
4. A sleepless night with my sick child has given me circled and ___________ eyes.
A. inflamed B. streaked C. amber D. bloodshot
5. On the aspect of health, you had better ___________ what the doctor says instead of believing
the Internet.
A. defer to B. allude to C. attend to D. tumble to
6. When Professor Jonathan obtained funding for six months' ___________ leave, he chose to
visit a centre specializing in the disease.
A. vacation B. sabbatical C. bereavement D. vocational
7. Without the ___________ support of my family, I would never have been able to withstand
pressure and overcome failures to achieve today’s success.
A. wavering B. unflappable C. unflagging D. scalding
8. Harry was late for school, he ran so fast that he fell down a ___________ of stairs and ended
up in the hospital.
A. creak B. wing C. gate D. flight
9. Peter Oprah is a true sister under the ___________ as he always supports women’s action to
improve their rights.
A. skin B. chin C. mask D. card
10. There is always a ___________ of journalists waiting for the actors and actresses when they
arrive at the event.
A. clique B. gaggle C. guard D. legion
11. The amusement park used to be ___________ with children on every weekend, but now it is
closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
A. hoarding B. crowding C. swarming D. flocking
12. The proposed shopping centre has ___________ an angry response from local residents.
A. dished up B. given off C. churned out D. called forth
13. Performance ___________ is one basic issue of human resource development and
management in an enterprise to evaluate an employee’s productivity and capability.
A. appraisal B. judgment C. remuneration D. assessment
14. A whole ___________ of measures was tried in an attempt to get them to give up cigarettes.
A. battery B. wood C. generation D. stream
15. People are usually attracted by appearance so it is no wonder she is ___________ with that
male model.

A. infatuated B. mesmerized C. entangled D. seduced

Part 2.
1. Cultural changes can cause a(n) ___________ between readers and old texts.
2. It was off the coast of Italy that nine-year-old Shelley went to his ___________ grave due
to the negligence of his parents. (WATER)
3. In his later years, he was ___________ by the rejection of the girl he loved and the loss of
his money and fame. (BITTER)
4. Men and women should be able to compete for jobs on an equal ___________ to ensure
fairness. (FOOT)
5. Prices are going down now but it will soon increase again, we all know that changes in the
market follow a(n) ___________ pattern. (CYCLE)

Part 1.
1. You are being unnecessarily ___________ by spending too much time on details while time is
running out and only one third of your essay is finished.
A. recalcitrant B. mendacious C. dogmatic D. pedantic
2. Tony used to be a healthy man until he suddenly developed a ___________ for wine, which
really worries his family.
A. likeness B. partisan C. penchant D. palate
3. How the pyramids of Egypt were built remains a(n) ___________ to the world until this day.

A. brain-teaser B. enigma C. cliffhanger D. crypt

4. I decided to quit my job because I can’t stand being ___________ by my boss on every minor
A. called out B. cried out C. torn down D. yelled over
5. Even if the authorities want to develop this area, it is unjustifiable that they ___________ over
the concerns of the local community.
A. lock horns B. pour cold water C. ride roughshod D. spike their guns
6. After two years living apart, the couple met each other and struggled to ___________ their
A. revive B. rekindle C. reheat D. relish
7. Although the room was ___________ decorated in gold and silver, it was quite simply over the
A. ostentatiously B. tantalisingly C. gregariously D.
8. The violent scenes in that movie were simply ___________ and added nothing to the storyline.

A. docile B. gratuitous C. dormant D. arduous

9. That young people join parties despite the ongoing pandemic is a ___________ disregard for
the community’s health.
A. flagrant B. convivial C. frugal D. feral
10. The chances of finding those trapped in the snow after the avalanche now are ___________
after ten hours have passed and the rescue team has yet to arrive.
A. mediocre B. minuscule C. esoteric D. microscopic
11. You cannot blame Dan for our failure because it was you who ___________ him into this
A. prodded B. rammed C. let D. thrusted
12. The couple got married in 1990, which means that they will have ___________ 30 years of
marriage this summer.
A. run up B. dredged up C. chalked up D. cropped up
13. Andy, I think you have had enough clothes to wear, stop buying more, money doesn’t grow on
A. grass B. trees C. air D. land
14. We need some boys over here since it is going to require a certain amount of ___________
grease to carry this wardrobe upstairs.
A. muscle B. elbow C. spine D. knee
15. I have a(n) ___________ with my roommate because she is always eating my food without
A. hatchet to bury B. axe to grind C. screw to loose D. nail to hit
Part 2.
1. A(n) ___________ smile before the debate of her immediately created a much less hostile
atmosphere in the meeting room. (ARM)
2. The warring sides have agreed on a one-week ___________ for people to celebrate the
Lunar New Year. (FIRE)
3. It is an hour until lunch but I am already ___________ after cleaning up the whole house.
4. It was my childhood dream to live in a ___________ house, but now I could only afford to
rent an apartment. (PALACE)
5. Roughly 26 centuries ago, Sunzi wrote a powerful ___________ on military called The Art
of War. (TREAT)

Part 1.
1. The actor still accepts to ___________ on the contract even if he will have to pay a significant
amount of compensation
A. shun B. renege C. snap D. impugn
2. The wife still ___________ her husband to this day, 28 years after his sacrifice in World War II.

A. minds for B. quells for C. pines for D. falls for

3. The reputation of this eminent school has been ___________ by the students who cheated in the
A. rued B. taunted C. tendered D. sullied
4. He is a man who doesn’t know how to ___________ his words so many people have been hurt
by what he said.
A. mince B. gore C. cut D. forge
5. I know she's had a hard time, but that is by no means a justifiable reason for her to
___________ her ex-husband of all his money.
A. dry B. milk C. take D. cede
6. Dilraba’s fans never ___________ in their belief in her, whatever was written in the press.

A. slash B. meddle C. falter D. gouge

7. The clear fall in COVID-19 cases is regarded as a(n) ___________ of Vietnamese government’s
A. testimonial B. acclaim C. testament D. vindication
8. The world is still waiting for a tried and ___________ vaccine for the disease.

A. believed B. checked C. trusted D. trodden

9. Every time Mary comes late, she will ___________ a story to explain for her fault.

A. contrive B. concoct C. malign D. chastise

10. The people in this country were unfairly ___________ by the press as ‘international terrorists’
while they appeared as friendly and amiable people when I travelled there.
A. vilified B. detained C. blotted D. poached
11. He lived in ___________ poverty, trying to keep the style of a high social class while not
having much money.
A. pompous B. genteel C. desolate D. ostentatious
12. The future looks ___________ for many traditional craft villages in the North of Vietnam due to
technological development and shifts in demand.
A. pale B. void C. plain D. bleak
13. He only goes to watch a match when his favorite team plays, otherwise, he has no ___________
in the fight.
A. bull B. chick C. dog D. bet
14. The only fly in the ___________ in an otherwise perfect party was the fact that my grumpy
uncle was there.
A. ointment B. soup C. porridge D. honey

15. Unlike his friends who also rose to stardom when they were still teenagers, Andy didn’t have
any ___________ but became even more modest.
A. airs and graces B. beer and skittles
C. cock and bull D. nudge and win
Part 2.
1. Most women will be offered a(n) ___________ scan during pregnancy, although it's not
obligatory. (SOUND)
2. Maybe my modest height is hereditary because my father is a(n) ___________ man, less
than 5 feet tall. (MINUTE)
3. The doctor was surprised by the little girl who endured her illness with great ___________
4. The professor tends to adopt a(n) ___________ manner when talking to younger students,
especially the females. (DESCEND)
5. There were ten votes in favour, six against, and seven ___________ so the policy was
launched in the end. (ABSTAIN)

Part 1.
1. The event is not compulsory for twelfth-graders so you may leave of your own ___________.

A. volition B. obligation C. demand D. vindication

2. England's football fans were hoping for a ___________ performance of the national team
against Cameroon in this year’s tournament
A. virtuoso B. abysmal C. lucrative D. atrocious
3. No matter how much you exercise, an unhealthy diet will ___________ the effects of training.

A. nullify B. abrogate C. disclaim D. stampede

4. Not only the government but also the citizens have the responsibility to help ___________ the
A. ring out B. stamp out C. eke out D. beat out
5. The government is walking a difficult ___________ in wanting to control the pandemic without
hampering economic growth.
A. footpath B. fenland C. tightrope D. boulevard
6. I am a doctor so I know what to do, please mind your own business and stop ___________ on
my toes.
A. stamping B. pinning C. treading D. rueing
7. The movie had been over two years in ___________ before it was produced and premiered.

A. formulation B. gestation C. induction D. resurrection

8. The whole journal includes stories and pictures ___________ women and children in
mountainous regions around the world.
A. strayed from B. shed from C. stalked from D. culled from
9. He wore a(n) ___________ expression for weeks following the news that he had not got the
A. latent B. exultant C. doleful D. nonchalant
10. Because Henry knows the fact that he has failed the university entrance exam will be known
sooner or later, he decides to ___________it out instead of hiding it.
A. shun B. strive C. quash D. brazen
11. Mary used to be a little country girl who liked to wear ___________ clothes before she turned
into a city dweller with a preference for dark fashion.
A. gaudy B. glossy C. noxious D. lustrous
12. The millionaire, who is also a former student of TTL, has donated a ___________ sum of
money to the school.
A. gregarious B. munificent C. egoistic D. laconic
13. There was a ___________ of reliable information on the subject so the research cannot be
conducted. A dearth B. vestige C. replica D. drought
14. By intuition, I feel that his behaviour ___________ hypocrisy, so you had better be careful with
A. shows off B. dallies with C. savours of D. smells out
15. He was ___________ enough not to take the job when there was the possibility of getting a
better one a few months later.
A. analytic B. shrewd C. prescient D. ludicrous
Part 2.
1. In the old days, ___________ was entwined with political and social life. (MOVIE
2. It's a ___________ prophecy : expect things to go wrong, and they probably will.
3. The ___________ smell of cigarettes told her that he had been in the room. (TALE)
4. ___________ forces in the industry are preventing its progress towards greater efficiency.
5. I hate eating out with friends because after every meal, we will be faced with the
___________ problem of who will pay. (TICKLE)

Part 1.
1. The teacher was suspicious of the student's ___________ behaviour during the exam.

A. furtive B. candid C. cunning D. frivolous

2. Weapons that would have been ___________ twenty years before are now vulnerable and
A. invincible B. inviolable C. insatiable D. insipid
3. The ___________ test of a good driver is whether he or she remains calm in an emergency.

A. atom B. acid C. silver D. rocket

4. In spite of an ___________ start, the English runner quickly speeded up and won the race.

A. ambiguous B. inauspicious C. inveterate D. invidious

5. Henry Ford did not start his operations by opening hundreds of factories in his first year but
mighty ___________ from tiny acorns grow.
A. spruces B. pines C. oaks D. willows
6. It was an ___________ feeling, climbing on to the rostrum, waving to the crowd and receiving
my medal.
A. exorbitant B. exuberant C. exultant D. extempore
7. The actor had been ___________ for years with many subordinate roles before he finally got the
main role.
A. muddling along B. rattling off C. battling over D. bubbling
8. The example ___________ at the end of the essay not only failed to support the student’s
arguments but even made it look messy.
A. added up B. thrashed out C. toyed with D.
tacked on
9. I roll up my sleeves and ___________ cleaning the kitchen.

A. pitch into B. bite into C. dig into D. dip into

10. Many pharmaceutical companies have been charged with ___________ from the mask crisis
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A. profiteering B. racketeering C. extorting D. coercing
11. Despite receiving little support, the women are persevering with their ___________ to fight
against gender inequality.
A. trudge B. crusade C. plod D. stroll
12. In a school for the gifted, students with low grades are often treated with ___________ and
ridiculed by their friends.
A. animosity B. scorn C. abomination D. abhorrence
13. I have failed this test twice already, so this time I must pass it ___________.

A. by all costs B. in the slightest C. by hook or by crook D. by any price

14. Many American teachers have to work two jobs because they hardly survive on the
___________ they receive as a salary.
A. pittance B. whisker C. nickel D. chunk
15. This is the last time I can enter the National Contest so I determine to go out in ___________.

A. the jaws of victory B. a blaze of glory

C. the history books D. the baptism of fire
Part 2.
1. Alcohol is not ___________to your health as long as you don’t drink it too often.
2. After shooting to fame in a movie, Oliver became a ___________, squandering his money
on parties. (SOCIAL)
3. The picture captures the two lovers with their arms ___________ (TWINE)
4. The monks would be awakened by ___________ and by eight had already had prayers.
5. The officials shook hands and exchanged ___________ before getting down to business.

Part 1.
1. Only the most basic and essential facts are required, stop adding more information, you are
making ___________ of the presentation, Emily!
A. a song B. a meal C. a dish D. a scale
2. She used to be a very rational person but since she fell for John, her brain must have been
___________ by love.
A. adduced B. addled C. ceded D. bluffed
3. Local activist groups have become increasingly ___________ as the volume of traffic passing
through the village has increased.
A. laconic B. vociferous C. vocalic D. covert
4. Although Jerry has already had an expensive car, he still can't help casting ___________ looks
at his neighbour's new Porsche.
A. covetous B. fastidious C. dismal D. abysmal
5. You are not an electrician so ___________ the wiring will not only waste your time but can
also take your life.
A. monkeying with B. wolfing with C. beating at D. beavering at
6. After 6 years serving, Andy was ___________ from the army following his severe injury.
A. discharged B. evicted C. excluded D. detained
7. Sometimes, I can’t hide my envy of people who are able to walk into a party ___________
A. snitching B. razing C. oozing D. beaming
8. He was unaware that he was being ___________ with out-of-date stock.
A. shored up B. struck back C. fobbed off D. thumbed at
9. She ___________ the glamour of the city and went to live in the wilds of Scotland.
A disparaged B. overthrew C. forsook D. abolished
10. The three-day ___________ was finally brought to an end when the terrorists surrendered due
to shortage of food and water.
A. precinct B. orbital C. cordon D. siege
11. The new professor, who is the author of a(n) ___________ book on Scottish history, will come
to our university today.
A. belligerent B. benevolent C. frenetic D. erudite
12. Polly’s stupid suggestion met with ___________ of laughter from the rest of the class.
A. fits B. pangs C. roars D. hoots
13. Paul has the ___________ habit of picking his nose in public, which causes much annoyance to
the people around.
A. atrocious B. monstrous C. odious D. flagitious
14. It took the negotiation all weak to ___________ the final terms of the settlement.
A. bog down B. nail down C. tie down D. wind down
15. In the underworld, people only recognize the ___________ of the jungle and totally ignore
what justice is.
A. rule B. law C. order D. term
Part 2.
1. or first-time fliers, remember that there is a ___________ for excess baggage. (CHARGE)

2. Of course you can put a whole chunk of cheese on the bread if you like but I would prefer to
___________ it. (LIQUID)
3. The total ___________ of the bombs dropped in the Vietnam war increases every year as
more bombs are unearthed. (TON)
4. The clergy spent 9 years in Africa as ___________, teaching about Christianity for the
people. (MISSION)
5. It's ___________ to expect police departments to investigate themselves and report
everything honestly. (FARCE)

Part 1.
1. As he has grown up, his parents no longer have much ___________ over him like when he was
a child.
A. scurry B. distress C. sway D. coaxing
2. She is a big fan of Taylor Swift so whenever asked, she can always ___________ a long list of
her songs. A. fob off B. duck on C. reel off D. round on
3. The police were corrupt and were operating in ___________ with the drug dealers.

A. collusion B. tandem C. agreement D. intricacy

4. Despite being the youngest ever Footballer of the Year, Nwabueze is continuing his university
course as he is aware of the ___________ nature of sporting success.
A. transitive B. transitional C. transcendent D. transitory
5. The worker on the ladder looks as if he is ready to ___________ from exhaustion.

A. keel over B. rattle off C. level off D. croon over

6. She was prepared to take the ___________ for the shoplifting, though it had been her sister's
A. seat B. rap C. gush D. bash
7. Her dishonest behavior during the final exam came under severe ___________.

A. censure B. admonition C. precept D. vindication

8. The team sank to fourth place in June, but is now ___________ and about to win the division.

A. arduous B. sullen C. resurgent D. leery

9. You have only overcome the first ___________ by passing the entrance test, there is still a long
way ahead.
A. hurdle B. threshold C. barricade D. snaggle
10. I tried to be friendly but maybe it was because of my family background, the rich girl
___________ me completely.
A. snubbed B. snatched C. snapped D. snagged
11. If you do not let him do things for himself, you are ___________ bad habits that will be hard to
break in the future.
A. construing B. perpetuating C. expunging D. enacting
12. Our host was friendly, actually so friendly that we felt a bit uncomfortable at first because of
her ___________ welcome.
A. effusive B. delirious C. aflame D. effulgent
13. The whole country had tried to ___________ the memory of imperialist figures by removing
many statues in public places.
A. deface B. perforate C. efface D. disfigure
14. Sex is probably the most popular pastime in the history of life on Earth — which makes it all
the more ridiculous that so many of us have such a ___________ way of talking about it.
A. tight-fisted B. mealy-mouthed C. thick-skinned D. light-
15. The main sponsor of the event did not ___________ to all the details of the plan so we have to
adjust some points of it.
A. evince B. demur C. concede D. accede

Part 2.
1. Jennie is a foreign student in a homogenous school so it is understandable why she is
___________ (SHOULDER)
2. Demand for ___________ delivery has greatly risen during the COVID-19 pandemic as
people avoid going outside. (STEP)
3. The novel suffers from pale, insignificant characters and a ___________, selfcontradictory
plot. (JOIN)
4. The country is still suffering from ___________ social division that has its root in the
French colonialism. (SEAT)
5. We are proud to be the ___________ in laser surgery and hope this technology will soon
become widely applied in treatment. (TRAIL)

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