Module 6 - DRRM

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MODUL National Service Training Program 1

Civic Welfare Training Service

NAME: _Andrei Lance O. Baraquiel __

COURSE: __BS in Nursing________________
BLOCK: ___1-A ________________

1. Read and understand the lesson.
2. Always practice honesty in answering the assessment in this module.
3. Answers should be in ARIAL, 11 and in color BLUE.
4. Save your files via pdf format and name it as shown in the example below:
Example: MODULE 1_Dela Cruz, Juan Block 1
5. Submit the output on or before the deadline.


A disaster may hit any place at any period of any year. It sees no race, known no culture, and
recognizes no geographical boundaries. It puts lives and properties at risk. While disasters
cannot be prevented to happen, the extent and impact of natural hazards can be reduced and
minimized with proper preparedness and management. Loss of lives and properties can be
then, averted.

Each time a calamity hits your area, how do you feel? Are you confident in dealing with various
calamities or is there a feeling of fear? Do you think we can reduce the supposed risks or
impacts of the disasters? What could be the activities in reducing the risks?

Some of the disasters occur in our country:

Eruption of Mayon Volcano (2018)
Landslide brought by Typhoon Ompong

Typhoon Yolanda aftermath Earthquake

Disaster Risk Reduction Management is the systematic process of using administrative
directives, organizations, and operational skills and capacities to implement strategies, policies,
and improved coping capacities to lessen the adverse impacts of hazards and the possibility of

The Disaster Management Cycle/Four Thematic Areas

The Disaster Management Cycle describes the process through which emergency managers
prepare for emergencies and disasters, respond to them when they occur, help people and
institutions recover from them, mitigate their effects, reduce risks of loss, and prevent
disasters from occurring.
Republic Act No. 10121 known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management (PDRRM) Act of 2010 was signed into law on May 27, 2010. This is an act
strengthening the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management System, providing for the
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework and Institutionalizing the
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan, appropriating funds therefore and for
other purposes.



List down important ways that you can do before, during and after a disaster. (5


1. I should first check the 1. Stay indoors and stay 1. Leave the evacuation area
warning signs and risks tuned for latest news and only when the authorities say
including those specifically in updates so.
my region. 2. For unexpected disaster 2. Check for any injuries.
2. Develop an evacuation strikes, make sure to stay 3. If not injured, try to help
and communication plan calm and observe the other people that are greatly
3. Assemble a disaster surroundings. affected by the disaster.
supplies kit. 3. Identify which hazards can 4. When leaving the house
4. Monitor the news for be harmful for your safety after a disaster, I’ll make sure
weather updates, warnings, such as the collapsing of that I am wearing proper
and advisories. ceiling during an earthquake. protective equipment and
5. When order is received, 4. Carry out the created watch out for debris.
immediately evacuate to evacuation and the 5. Be aware and try to avoid
higher and safer grounds. communication plan. animals or insects that were
5. Do not underestimate the pushed into your homes from
extent and length of the certain disasters and may
disaster because another cause harm to people.
disaster could follow.


A. It is very important for us to know the first aid and safety measures. To better
understand about first aid and safety measures, you need to perform and document the
following by taking picture/s. Then, paste it inside the box.

Rescue Breathing and CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

For basic life support, think ABC: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. Establish an
open airway to start breathing and give the rescue breathing before you can begin the
chest compression needed if the victim has no pulse.
Step 1: Check for Consciousness
Step 2: Open the airway
Step 3: Begin rescue breathing
Step 4: Check for circulation
Step 5: Begin Chest Compression

B. Perform the duck, cover, and hold. Then, paste your picture


Make an acrostic from the word DISASTER.

D- estruction
I- n the
S- ociety
A- nd can cause
S- evere trauma
T- hat needs to be
E- agerly studied on and
R- educed


Identify the role of CWTS students in Disaster Risk Reduction Management.

CWTS students have a purpose to be involved in public and civic affairs through
awareness and participation in different advocacies and community service activities
based on their capabilities. In other words, a cwts student may contribute or be a part of
any issues in the society, including disasters. By becoming aware and knowledgeable of
the disaster risk reduction management, people can prevent many casualties and
damages. However, such management are still unknown to some. With this, CWTS
students can help by sharing their knowledge about how the damage of disasters can be
reduced by incorporating dos and don’ts that are helpful during the said disaster. CWTS
students can also partake in voluntary actions that aims to help people affected by
disasters and help in evacuating families to their respective evacuation centers.


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