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Mie Kyla Pedrosa BSED VAL ED 2-G


Human actions have now had a considerable impact on the planet's ecosystems. In sum,
the impact of humans is actually changing the surface of the planet. The film begins with an
inferno, through which we glimpse what appear to be burned tree branches—but we have no
idea what these bizarre objects are. We later discover that the objects are the burnt remains of
10,000 pounds of elephant ivory worth $150 million on the illegal market. The found ivory was
set on fire to send a message to poachers, possibly putting a halt to further polluting of these
animals. One of the human actions depicted in the film that shows how people "have
transformed Earth's surfaces" is the burning of elephant ivory. A whole elephant is required to
create a modest piece of ivory. One's purchase has just resulted in the extinction of one of the
world's most magnificent and majestic species. Given the film's overall tone, it may come as a
surprise that there are moments of humanity and resilience, as seen by the final montage, which
displays government officials burning the ivory. The burn is a sign of national pride and
resistance against poachers, who often sell it on the black market for large quantities of money.
While humans have contributed to the destruction of the planet's natural ecosystems, we may
still be able to help save what we can, wherever we can.
Humans have harmed the planet's surface by leaving carbon footprints wherever they go,
and they have cruelly exploited the Earth's natural beauty. The entire focus of the film is on how
we have been causing harm to the earth, but this part piqued my interest because, despite the
harm we have caused to the planet's natural ecosystems, we humans still have conscience and
guilt, and if it becomes too much, we will do whatever it takes to stop this destruction and harm.
I admit that my entire life has not been flawless and blemish-free. I am one of those who
contribute to the depletion of the planet's natural resources; my actions may not be as extreme
as those depicted in the film, but no action that leads to the earth's devastation is acceptable.
Just like the part of the film that drew my attention, which conveys to us that there is hope and
humanity, which reminds us that, while I have contributed to the destruction of the planet's
natural ecosystems, there is some sort of guilt and conscience bugging me, and I would retaliate
my actions and repay the favor I owe to nature.
Mother Earth, the planet that gives us with everything we need to live, has provided
everything humanity has needed to exist and thrive: food, animals water, medicine, building
materials, and even natural cycles such as climate and nutrition. "My nature and natural
resources are suffering; stop abusing me if you want me to continue providing your necessities
for existence, the healthier our ecosystems are, the healthier the planet - and its people,
restoring our damaged ecosystems will help to end poverty, combat climate change, and prevent
mass extinction of animals, but we will only succeed if everyone plays a part."There are no
reasons that might be used to justify people's heinous conduct in destroying the earth's natural
resources; instead, we humans may admit that our greed and selfishness were to blame. We are
not contented with what we have; we want our lives to be simpler, more abundant and richer,
and run smoothly in all parts of our lives; as a result, we modify and abuse nature in exchange
for a more comfortable life. To justify our actions, we must make it up to our earth of our actions,
and do all that we can to contribute to restoring the original state of nature.Even in small ways, I
can return the favor, and just as I was given the opportunity to return the time, I can use my
voice and rights to reclaim and voice out the crying hearts of animals who were killed and abused
in ways that cannot be justified by the law; my voice has the power to protect the earth's natural
resources, which I can do by speaking up by posting on social media and working collaboratively
with other youths. By casting my vote to a leader who prioritizes the well-being of mother earth
and will make the environment a top priority. By traveling responsibly, I may be able to lessen
your environmental effect in the most efficient way possible. This entails choosing a more
sustainable form of transportation, such as walking or cycling, wherever available. We can save a
lot of water by taking shorter showers, avoiding little laundry loads, and turning off the faucet
when brushing our teeth. Similarly, I must be mindful of my energy consumption and make
changes to reduce the demand for energy production and therefore conserve fossil fuel supplies.
Purchasing Sustainable Goods, plastic is a major contributor to soil and marine pollution, harming
both land and marine life. Plastic is not biodegradable and is frequently devoured by animals
mistaking it for food. When I buy a product, I think about its environmental impact as well as
how it will be disposed of after usage.
The title of the news article is 'STOPPING ELEPHANT IVORY DEMAND.' The part of the
article that says, "WWF is addressing the root of the problem by engaging directly with elephant
ivory consumers and working with other governments to ensure the imminent closure of open
elephant ivory markets, as well as working to understand the underlying motivations of elephant
ivory buyers to develop strategies to influence them." "Our objective is to create a new social
norm that buying illicit elephant ivory items is socially undesirable," has the same intention as the
part in the film that piqued my interest. I realized after reading the article that there is still hope
and opportunity alive in everyone's heart and mind; we are not only contributing to the
destruction and depletion of natural resources, but we also care and have a conscience about our
responsibility to nature by doing whatever we can to aid in the restoration efforts of the earth's
original beauty. If we work together and unite as one, we can restore our natural resources to
their original state. We have the opportunity to make a big contribution to our planet's

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