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The pouch is worked in one piece, except for
strap, and then seamed together.

This pattern is written using US terminology.

Yarn weight: DK (cotton or cotton blend)

Yarn usage: around 160 m / 175 yards

Crochet hook size: 4.0 mm / G-6

Buttons to close bag (snap / press buttons)

Tapestry needle to weave ends

Stitch markers or similar

Gauge (10x10cm / 4x4”)
Ch Chain
14 SC in 18 rows
Sts Stitches Gauge is not as important as for a
garment. But with this gauge your
SC Single crochet pouch will be around: 20x22 cm /
Yo Yarn over
sc2tog Crochet 2 SC together

Puff stitch
A stitch is made by yo, insert the hook in the
next stitch, yo, pull through, repeat twice for
a total of 3 times, until there are 7 loops on
the hook. Yo, then pull through all the 7
loops on the hook

Start crocheting a normal sc, but instead of
pulling through the two loops on the hook,
continue to next stitch. Insert hook in that
stitch, yo, pull through, yo, pull through all 3
loops on the hook.

Crab stitch For stitch video instructions: Visit instagram

Is crocheted by making a SC @coffeeandcrocheting and go to IGTV (instagram
backwards i.e. you make the SC from TV) or YouTube:

right to left (instead of left to right).



Pouch Turning chains

Not all rows include turning chains. Read
pattern instructions carefully.
Chain 30
Row 1: Start with a SC in second stitch from the hook. SC across. Ch 1, Turn. (29 sts)

Row 2: SC across. Ch 1, Turn. (29 sts) Use of stitch markers

Put a stitch marker every 10th row or so.
That makes it easier to count and when
Row 3 - 40 : Repeat row 2. (29 sts) folding the bag for seaming.

Row 41: Decrease row: 3 SC, sc2tog, 2 SC, sc2tog, 11 SC, sc2tog, 2 SC, sc2tog, 3 SC. Ch 1. Turn.
(25 sts)

Row 42 - 44: SC across. Turn. (25 sts)

Row 45: SC across. Ch 1, Turn. (25 sts)
Row 46: SC, *Puff stitch, SC* repeat *-* across row. Make sure to end with a SC. Turn. (25 sts)

You will have 12 “Puffs” per row of Puff stitch

Row 47: SC across. Turn. (25 sts)
Row 48: SC, *Puff stitch, SC* repeat across row. Make sure to end with a SC. Turn. (25 sts)
Row 49 - 51: SC across. Turn. (25 sts)
Row 52: SC, *Puff stitch, SC* repeat across row. Make sure to end with a SC. Turn. (25 sts)
Row 53: SC across. Turn. (25 sts)
Row 54: SC, *Puff stitch, SC* repeat across row. Make sure to end with a SC. Turn. (25 sts)
Row 55: SC across. Turn. (25 sts)
Row 56: SC, *Puff stitch, SC* repeat across row. Make sure to end with a SC. Turn. (25 sts)
Row 57: SC across. Fasten off. (25 sts)

If you have trouble working the crab stitch or it looks a bit
rough, try a larger hook size when making it. Attach your
yarn with a slipknot at the end of row 45. Work crab stitch
around the edge of rows 45-57 ending back on other side
of row 45. Fasten off.

Fold your SC rows with inside facing out. Fold it so
that row 1-20 is against row 21-40. Sew the edges
with the mattress stitch.



Work it separately and sew on to bag. Alternatively you can buy a ready faux leather strap and
attach. If you want you can use a smaller hook size.
Row 1: Chain 4. Insert hook in 2nd chain from hook. SC. SC across. Chain 1. Turn. (3 sts)

Row 2: SC across. Ch 1, turn. (3 sts)

Repeat row 2 until you have desired length on the straps, around 125 rows. Remember it will
stretch out when you fill your bag. Fasten you straps on the inside of sides of the pouch, with
straps reaching all the way down to bottom of bag for maximum steadiness. If you want you can
continue to line your pouch with some fabric.

Use snap / press buttons. Attach your
buttons to inside of the flap. One in each
corner or one in the middle, making sure
they can’t be seen from outside.

Enjoy your completed Olive Touch Pouch!

(Don't forget to weave in all threads 😀 )

Should you have any questions or comments

you can reach me on instagram
@coffeeandcrocheting or through e-mail:

- Emilia @coffeeandcrocheting

Please feel free to share your items on Instagram (or other social media) and tag
@coffeeandcrocheting as well as using the hashtag #olivetouchpouch. You are allowed to sell
finished items produced by this pattern, but please give pattern credit to @coffeeandcrocheting.
Please do not share, change, sell or claim this pattern as your own. Happy making!

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