1B Ejercicios Repaso Pasado Simple

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1º Bachillerato Curso 07/08 Ejercicios Repaso Unidad 2 'CD ROM'


1.- Rewrite the following sentences into the Past Simple form (in affirmative, negative and interrogative).
- Albert flies to New York at Christmas. - They need our help.


1.- Fill in the Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
a) We couldn't play yesterday. The rain _____ (fall) heavily all day long.
b) What _____ (you, do) when I called you last night?.
c) While Rooney _____ ( study) for his exam, Sandra _____ (watch) TV.
d) I _____ (go) to the library when it started to snow.
e) Who _____ (drive) when the police stopped you?.
f) They _____ (not, talk) about that. They _____ (play) video games instead.
g) Why _____ ( you, not, pay) attention while I _____ (explain) the grammar structure?.


1.- Fill in the Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
a) When I _____ (get) home, everybody _____ (watch) TV.
b) Why _____ (you, decide) to stay at home on Friday?.
c) Strong winds _____ (blow) all day.
d) Nobody _____ (hear) anything while we _____ (sleep).
e) As she _____ (describe) her feelings, I _____ (begin) to understand everything.
f) Why _____ (you, tell) her those nasty words last night?.
g) He _____ (skip) his classes and _____ (lie) to all of us.
h) The whole family _____ (sit) at the table when they _____ (hear) the news.


1.- Fill in the Past Simple, Past Continuous or Used to forms of the verbs in brackets.
a) We _____ (hear) about the fire while we _____ (drive) along the road.
b) When my parents were younger, they _____ (travel) a lot . They don't travel now.
c) AII the children _____(shout) when the headmaster _____ (come in).
d) While they _____ (sleep), thieves _____ (come) and _____ (steal) their money yesterday.
e) The accident _____ (happen) before we _____ (arrive).
f) I couldn't sleep at all. The rain _____ (fall) heavily all night long.
g) He _____ (fall) off the ladder while he _____ (paint) the ceiling.
h) We live in Nottingham now, but we _____ (live) in Leeds.
i) Who _____(drive) when it _____ (start) to snow?.
j) Many people _____ (travel) on the ship when it _____ (explode).
k) _____ (you, eat) a lot of sweets when you _____ (be) a child?.


1.- Phrasal verbs with LOOK. Complete with the right preposition, adverb, or both.
a) I had to look _____ my neighbour's dog while he was travelling all over Europe.
b) If you don't know a word, look it _____ in a dictionary.
c) Look _____ ! He's got a knife.
d) I'm really looking _____ seeing you very soon.
e) As I am bored with my job, I am going to look _____ a new one.
f) She gets excited every time she looks _____ her old days on stage.
g) Although the police are looking _____ the crime, there's no evidence yet.
h) Look _____ this setback as a learning experience in your life.
i) Since he got a promotion in the company he looks _____ the rest of workers.

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