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B-644 Surabh Sawant

B-647 Aman Sharma
B-653 Akshay Shukla
B-658 Fajan Sunusara

Under the guidance of

Internal Guide
Prof. Bhushan Patil

Juhu-Versova Link Road Versova, Andheri(W), Mumbai-53

Department of Computer Engineering

University of Mumbai

April - 2023


Department of Computer Engineering

This is to certify that
1. Surabh Sawant
2. Aman Sharma
3. Akshay Shukla
4. Fajan Sunusara

Have satisfactorily completed this project entitled


Towards the partial fulfilment of the



as laid by University of Mumbai.

Prof. Bhushan Patil Prof. Sunil P. Khachane

Guide H.O.D

Dr. Sanjay Bokade


Project Report Approval for T. E.

This project report entitled “E-Commerce Web Application” by Surabh

Sawant, Aman Sharma, Akshay Shukla and Fajan Sunusara is
approved for the degree of Third-Year Bachelor of Computer


1. --------------------------------------------

2. --------------------------------------------


Place: Andheri


We wish to state that the work embodied in this project titled “E-Commerce Web
Application” forms our own contribution to the work carried out under the guidance of “Prof.
Bhushan Patil” at the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology.

We declare that this written submission represents our ideas in our own words and
where others' ideas or words have been included, we have adequately cited and referenced the
original sources. We also declare that we have adhered to all principles of academic honesty
and integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any idea/data/fact/source in
my submission. We understand that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary
action by the Institute and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have thus not
been properly cited or from whom proper permission has not been taken when needed.

(Students Signatures)

Surabh Sawant (B-644)

Aman Sharma (B-647)

Akshay Shukla (B-652

Fajan Sunusara (B-658)


The way e-commerce companies do commerce is transformed by cloud computing.

Although the usage of cloud technology in e-commerce has grown suddenly, the
advantages of cloud services platforms have not yet been exploited, especially for e-
commerce applications. For decision-makers, it is vital that the optimized cloud-based
computing solution like software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), or
infrastructure as a service (IaaS) model is adopted as a multi-criteria decision-making
(MCDM) issue and is thus dependent on a trustworthy and secured online shop. A new
Cloud computing-based E-Commerce Management (CCECM) approach is provided to
tackle the MCDM issue, a multiple-criteria group approach based on an ordering
preference strategy by an idealized solution and relying on the structure for a list of

The main objective of this project is to get a better understanding of how to make a website
using AWS and utilizing different cloud computing services in order to acquire great
performance with less cost. Amazon S3 is used here since it is very popular in providing
good cloud computing services. In this report, we’ll tell you, step by step, the procedure
of using the AWS S3 to provision and produce a new AWS Cloud server. And since AWS
offers a Free Tier valid for 12 months, you’ll have a lot of time to experiment with your
server and Bitnami images without worrying about being billed for usage

AWS or Amazon Web Services is one of the most reliable and well-known cloud
computing platforms in the world. It comprises a wide range of storage, database, compute
and content delivery, mobile and other services, and it’s a great process to host simple
websites in addition to complex web or mobile applications in the cloud


1 1.1 Introduction Description...…………………………………………... 7
1.2 Organization of Report………………………………………………. 8

Proposed System
2.1 Analysis/ Framework/ Algorithm……………………………………
2.2 Details of Hardware & Software……………………………………. 9
2.2.1 Hardware
2 Requirement..…………………………………………... 10
2.2.2 Software Requirement……………………………………………..
2.3 Design Details………………………………………………………. 11
2.3.1 System Flow/System Architecture………………………………...
2. 4 11

3 Results & Discussions

3.1 Results………………………………………………………………. 14

4 Conclusion

References 26



1.1 Introduction Description

AWS or Amazon Web Services is one of the most reliable and well known cloud
computing platforms in the world. It comprises a wide range of storage, database, compute
and content delivery, mobile and other services, and it’s a great process to host simple
websites in addition to complex web or mobile applications in the cloud. Deploying on
AWS can save you money, manpower and time compared to building and maintaining
more traditional systems as it is very safe and secure.
Amazon Web Services provides numerous advantages for IT firms and developers alike
such as:-
1. Cost effectiveness as we only have to pay for what we use, as we use it.
2. It is comprehensive
3. Dependability as it is resilient and secure.
4. Flexibility - You can create any application using any programming model and platform
you want or need.
Amazon S3 is a versatile storage service that can be used to host static websites with ease.
Its scalability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness make it an excellent option for individuals
and businesses looking to host static websites. Hosting a static website on Amazon S3 is a
simple and cost-effective solution that can be accomplished in just a few steps.

1.2 Organization of report
Describe every chapter (what every chapter contain)
● Ch.1 Introduction:
E-Commerce web application, definition, aim, significance.
● Ch.2 Literature Review:
● Ch.3 Proposed System:
The proposed e-commerce web application using AWS will feature an S3
bucket for web application hosting.
● Ch.4 Results & Discussion: Project has been implemented using HTML, CSS
& BRAINTREE (for payment)
● Ch.4 Conclusion: Concluded the work done till now.


Proposed System
2.1 Analysis/Framework/Algorithm
The proposed system for the online e-commerce store using AWS is designed to offer an

efficient and secure platform for products to be sold online. The system will use AWS S3

for web application hosting. This will ensure that the system is robust, scalable, and reliable.

This project offers:

● Security: The system can be accessed through a password. Only authorized users can
get access.
● Flexibility: The project has been designed in such a way that new features and
modules can be added to the system in the future as per user requirements.
● Time-Saving: One can access the travel management office from anywhere on the
web and any browser and device and need not visit the offline stores.

Building an online e-commerce store from beginning to end with Html, Css, Bootstrap,
Javascript, ReactJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, ExpressJS & Braintree (for payment) involves
several steps, including:
1. Designing the front-end of your e-commerce store using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap,
Javascript, ReactJS.
2. Setting up and configuring the backend of our website using NodeJS and using
MongoDB to create a database and ExpressJS for creating APIs and using a third-party
solution for processing payments.
3. Setting up an AWS account.
4. Configuring S3 services in AWS and deploying your e-commerce store on AWS using

2.2 Details of hardware and software
2.2.1 Hardware requirements

To use VSCode software the following specification are recommended on a device:-

● Operating System :- 64-bit Microsoft Windows 8/10.

● Processor :- X86_64 CPU Architecture; 3rd generation Intel Core or newer or AMD
CPU with support for windows Hypervisor.

● Ram :- 8 GB RAM or more.

● Resolution :- 1280 x 800 minimum screen resolution.

2.2.2 Software requirements

Visual Studio Code Editor OR Text Editor.

Technology Stack: -

● For front-end
● For back-end



● For processing payments

o Braintree

● AWS Services: AWS S3

2.3 Design Details

2.3.1 System Flow/ System Architecture

Fig. 2.3.1 System Architecture

2.3.4 Methodology/Procedure
Here’s a detailed overview of the steps to be followed:
Step 1: Designing the front-end of your e-commerce store using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap,
Javascript, ReactJS.
In summary, designing the front-end of an e-commerce store using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap,
JavaScript, and ReactJS involves defining the user interface, creating HTML markup, styling
the website with CSS, using Bootstrap to create a responsive design, adding interactivity with
JavaScript, using ReactJS to build complex user interfaces. It involves:
Define the User Interface: Identify key components such as the header, navigation, product
catalog, shopping cart, and checkout page.
1. Use HTML for Markup: Create the webpage structure, including text, images, links,
and media.
2. Style the Website using CSS: Define the visual appearance of the website, including
colors, fonts, layout, and design elements.
3. Use Bootstrap to Create Responsive Design: Use pre-designed CSS classes to create
responsive grid layouts, navigation menus, and other components.
4. Add Interactivity with JavaScript: Create pop-up windows, slide-out menus, product
filters, and other interactive features.

5. Use ReactJS for Building Complex User Interfaces: Create reusable components, such
as product listings, shopping carts, and checkout pages.

Step 2: Setting up and configuring the backend of our website using NodeJS and using
MongoDB to create a database and ExpressJS for creating APIs and using a third-party solution
for processing payments.
It involves installing NodeJS, setting up a MongoDB database, using ExpressJS to create APIs,
securing your APIs, integrating a third-party payment processing solution:
1. Install NodeJS: A JavaScript runtime environment for running JavaScript on the server-
2. Set up a MongoDB Database: A popular NoSQL database to store data for your e-
commerce store.
3. Use ExpressJS to Create APIs: A NodeJS framework for creating RESTful APIs that
communicate with the MongoDB database.
4. Secure your APIs: Implement security measures such as authentication, authorization,
and encryption.
5. Integrate a Payment Processing Solution: Choose a third-party payment processing
solution and integrate it into your e-commerce store.

Step 3: Setting up an AWS account.

Go to the AWS Free Tier website: Visit to sign up for the Free
1. Create an AWS Account: Click on the "Create a Free Account" button and provide your
email address, password, and other required information and proceed to select whether
you want to create a personal or business account.
2. Enter Payment Information: AWS requires payment information, such as a credit card
and will verify your identity by sending a verification code to your email address or
phone number.
3. Choose Support Plan: Select the free Basic Support plan.
4. Review and Confirm: Review the details of your account, accept the AWS Customer
Agreement, and click on "Create Account and Continue" to complete the sign-up
process. Once you've created an account, you can access the AWS Management
Console to manage your services and resources.

Step 4: Configuring S3 services in AWS.
Go to your AWS Management Console and select AWS S3 service. Follow the steps below
configure S3 to deploy your website on S3:
1. Create an S3 Bucket: In the AWS Management Console, create a new S3 bucket and
give it a unique name. Make sure to choose the appropriate region for your users.
2. Configure Static Website Hosting: Select the bucket you just created and click on the
"Properties" tab. Under "Static website hosting," choose "Use this bucket to host a
website" and enter the index document and error document names.
3. Set Bucket Permissions: In the "Permissions" tab, set the bucket policy to allow public
read access to the objects in the bucket. You can use the AWS Policy Generator to
generate the policy.
4. Upload Website Files: Upload your website files to the S3 bucket using the AWS
Management Console or AWS CLI.
5. Test Website: Visit the S3 bucket website endpoint URL to test your website.

Overall, building an e-commerce store with the above mentioned technology stack involves
several steps and requires a good understanding of them and e-commerce best practices.
However, by following these steps and leveraging the power of AWS, you can create a scalable,
secure, and reliable online store that can handle high levels of traffic and sales.



Fig 3.1 Home page

Fig 3.2 Registration page

Fig 3.3 Login page

Fig 3.4 Admin logged in

Fig 3.5 Admin credentials

Fig 3.6 Available product categories

Fig 3.7 Creating a product

Fig 3.8 List of products

Fig 3.9 User login

Fig 3.10 User’s home page

Fig 3.11 User’s cart with payment options

Fig 3.12 Payment interface

Fig 3.13 User’s order list

Fig 3.13 AWS login

Fig 3.14 Configuring S3 bucket

Fig. 3.15 Website hosted using AWS S3 bucket along with publicly accessible URL

The website offers two login option:

1. Admin
2. User
Admin can edit, create, & list all the product categories that will be shown on the website.
Additionally Admin can also create new products for users to order and can view a list of all
the products to be shown on the website

Users can use the website to select and shop their favourite products among the available list
of products offered by the retailer. These selected products will be added to cart.

Cart will display these selected products along with bill and payment options that users can
choose from. Payment options include payment using card and payment using third-party
payment interfaces such as PayPal. After the user completes the payment process, their orders
are processed and users can view the order list in the user dashboard.



We learn how to build an online e-commerce store from beginning to end with the above
mentioned technology stack. The project uses Html, Css, Bootstrap, Javascript, ReactJS,
NodeJS, MongoDB, ExpressJS & Braintree. You will learn how all these technologies fit

Overall, building an e-commerce website using AWS S3 can be a powerful way to

create a high-performance, scalable, and secure online store. By leveraging AWS
services and AWS's powerful infrastructure, you can build an e-commerce website that
is both fast and reliable, while minimizing your operational costs and simplifying your
development process.


1. “Amazon Web Services (AWS)”



We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Dr. Sanjay U. Bokade, Principal and
Prof.S. P. Khachane , H.O.D. of Department Computer Engineering of Rajiv Gandhi Institute
of Technology for providing us an opportunity to do our project work on “E-COMMERCE

This project bears the imprint of many peoples. We sincerely thank our project guide Prof.
Bhushan Patil for his guidance and encouragement in carrying out this synopsis work.

Finally, we would like to thank our classmates who helped us in completing project work

1. B-644 Surabh Sawant

2. B-647 Aman Sharma

3. B-653 Akshay Shukla

4. B-658 Fajan Sunusara


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