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1. I've heard of crazy things but never of one like this.


T h i s i s t h e c r a z i e s t t h i n g I 'v e e v e r h e a r d o f .

2. Building this house was weird. I never did such a thing.


Building this house was the weirdest thing I ever did.

3. It was hard to see the name of the street. There were with no lights. 
No lights made it...

N o l i g h t s m a d e i t h a r d e r t o s e e t h e n a m e o f t h e st r e e t .

4. Lifetime average is very high. It's third in history.


L i f e ti m e a v e r a g e i s t h i r d h i g h e s t i n h i s t o r y .

5. Jumping off a bridge with a rope tied to your ankles is nutty but this is worse.

T h i s i s n u tti e r t h a n j u m p i n g o ff a b r i d g e w it h a r o p e ti e d t o y o u r a n k l e s .

6. He was a great left wing quarterback. There was nobody better.


H e w a s t h e g r e a t e s t l e ft w in g q u a r t e r b a c k .

7. The Beatles sound conventional. But the Rolling Stones don't.

The Rolling Stones...

T h e R o l l i n g S t o n e s s ou n d l e s s c o n v e n ti o n a l t h a n t h e B e a t l e s .

8. We are four brothers. Jim is older than all of us.


Jim is our elder brother.

9. Tom is very innocent. He is like a child.


T o m i s a s i n n oc e n t a s a c h i l d .

10. I thought you were a clever boy.


You aren't as clever a boy as I thought.

1.- The coffee was so hot I couldn’t drink it.
The coffee was too hot for me to drink.

2.- Jake works less than Peter.

Peter works more than Jake

3.- She is such a good singer that everybody wants to see her. 
The singer is so good that everybody wants to see her

4.- Have you got any cheaper shoes than these?

Are these the cheapest shoes you have?

5.- All his classmates study harder than him.

He doesn't study as hard as all his classmates

6.- Her anger is increasing.

She is getting angrier and angrier

7.- Raspberries and blackberries are more expensive than strawberries. 

Strawberries are cheaper than raspberries and blackberries

8.- I have never known such an interesting person. 

He is the most interesting person I have ever known

9.- I am older than Mike. 

Mike is younger than me

10 .-My children are too young to vote. 

My children are not old enough to vote

11.- It was the worst film I have ever seen. 

I have never seen such a bad film

12.- She isn’t as intelligent as her sister. 

Her sister is more intelligent than her

13.- I have never seen such a boring show. 

It's the most boring show I have ever seen

14.- Swimming is better than walking. 

Walking isn't as good as swimming

15.- English isn’t as difficult to learn as Chinese.

Chinese is more difficult to learn than English

16.- He’s not old enough to go into town on his own. 

He is too young to go into town on his own

17.- It was such a boring film that I fell asleep. 

The film was so boring that I fell asleep
18.- As we get older, we feel more tired. 
The older we get, the more tired we feel

19.-The girls couldn’t go to the beach because it was too cold. 

It was too cold for the girls to go to the beach

20.- There aren’t any buses earlier than this one. 

This is the earliest bus

21.- If you do a lot of excercise, you will get fitter. 

The more exercise you do, the fitter you will get

22.- Due to drought, the level of water in reservoirs is decreasing. 

Due to drought, there is less and less water in reservoirs

23.- That’s the best pizza I have ever eaten. 

I have never eaten such a good pizza

24.- Alice’s work is less careful than before. 

Alice has been working less carefully than before

25.- You are driving too slowly. 

You will have to drive faster

26.- When you eat a lot, you get fat.

The more you eat, the fatter you get

27.- Haven’t you got a better one than this? 

Is this the best one you have?

28.- Smartphones and tablets are the same price in some countries. 
Smartphones cost as much as tablets in some countries

29.- The day was so sunny that we spent all morning in the garden. 
It was such a sunny day that we spent all morning in the garden

30.- Luis didn’t arrive as early as he wished. 

Luis arrived later than he wished

31.- There were more books than magazines in the library.

There were not as many magazines as books in the library

32.- Your sister isn’t as pretty as mine.

My sister is prettier than yours

33.- Emma and Kate are both good at English.

Emma is as good as Kate at English

34.- Isis’s drawings are better than mine.

Isis draws better than me

35.- The number of people who travel by plane is increasing..

More and more people are travelling by plane

36.-My boyfriend doesn’t like the beach as much as I do.

I like the beach more than my boyfriend does.

37.-If you practice, you will get better at English.

The more you practice, the better you will get at English

38.-I have never heard such a crazy thing.

This is the craziest thing I have ever heard

39.-These jeans are so dirty that I can’t wear them.

These jeans aren’t clean enough for me to wear

40.- The people in your class were so nice that it was a pleasure to meet them. 
They were such nice people that it was a pleasure to meet them
As students get closer to their exams they become more nervous. (the ... more)
The closer students get to their exams, the more nervous they become. 

The lecture was very boring. As a result I fell asleep. (so ... that)
The lecture was so boring that I fell asleep. 

The tickets sold out within days because the concert was so well publicised. (such ... that)
It was such a well publicised concert that the tickets sold out within days. 

The wording of the document is very complicated. It's incomprehensible. (so ... as to)
The wording of the document   

I couldn't find my contact lens because it was very dark. (too)

It was too dark to find my contact lens 

My friends claimed that the exhibition was interesting but I found it pretty dull. (exhibition)
It wasn't as   

She's slightly angry but she's very disappointed. (than)

She's more disappointed than angry 

Approaching the church, we noticed the sound of the bells becoming increasingly loud. (and)
Approaching the church, we noticed the sound of the bells becoming louder and louder. 

As dogs get older, they become less aggressive. (the less)

The older dogs get, the less aggressive they become. 

My son can't get a place at kindergarten because he's too young. (enough)
My son isn't old enough to get a place at kindergarten. 

Their remarks were only slightly insulting, but they were extremely inaccurate. (not so much)
Their remarks were not so much insulting as inaccurate

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