Anton Rodemus Good Evening. I See You're

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‘Anton Rodemus: Good evening, 1see youre ‘admiring the painting. Would like to see some others? I could give you and your husband a tour....Ms...... Forgive me. | am ‘Anton Rodemus... This is my first wite, Katrina. She died shortly after the birth with my youngest son, Dieter. This is my second wife, Margaret. Such a reat conversationalist. Always joking and talking, and talking and talking. Fell from a balcony. My third wife, Lucrezia was from Tilea. Much quieter. Very attractive. Quite popular with all the men, Drowned in the backyard fountain, My fourth wife, Else, was not as beautiful, but quite a sportswoman. Died during a riding accident when her saddle slipped off. Then there was Ingrid Gained 40 pounds in the first year of ‘marriage. Died from eating undercooked shellfish. And this...she was to be my sixth wife—Marienne. We were to be married just weeks ago. An arranged marriage, naturally, as all the best are. The dowry was modest, but the git was stunning and it was said she ‘was opposite in temperament to Ingrid. Quite feisty, | was told, But | enjoy a good challenge. She was to be lucky number six. Sadly, her coach was waylaid by bandits. ‘She was taken and her dowry stolen. I hired bounty hunters but they were unable to locate her. But if| ever find those that took her... Dagmar: Anton. There you are. 've been looking all over for you.” Hy | Anton: Dagmar—go back to the tower and wait for me there.” Dagmar: “But |.” Anton: “Do as your told.” Dagmar: “Of course, Lord Rodemus.” Rodemus: “My ward. Her father was a ‘servant of mine. Killed in a tragic coach RUMOR TABLE Anton Rodemus is the head of the Rodemus family. They import most the wineJT] Johann Munchburger Is head of the Munchburger family. They import most of the beef, [7] Malte Wessbier isthe head of Weissbier family. They control the brewing business. [7 There was nearly a riot today at the festival in the Freeburg. Munchburgers and Weissbiers nearly came to blows! m ‘Stefan Munchburger is a raging drunk Who loves Lucia Weisbier, but she does hot return his affections ‘Anton Rodemus keeps his mistress locked in a tower in his house. [T] Anton Rodemus had five wives and they have all perished at very young ages. [T] Malte Weissbier hates Johann Munchburger because Munchburger stole his fiancé! [T] 7 The Munchburgers have recently established a trade route to the Keep on the Rorderlands. [1] at men have recently been seen Tn the sewers. Ask any ratcatcher![T] ‘Someone robbed one of the Rodemus ‘warehouses recently. Anton was pissed and is paying a huge bounty to find whoever ripped him off! [T] There's a new, higher-quality ‘moonsnow in the city selling for Sgp a dose! [T]_ The City Watch is looking for the alchemists who produce moonsnow. [T] ‘Cultists worship in the sewers? The Dead Rat gang is connected To the Rodernus family. The Skull gang secretly works For the ‘Munchburgers.. The Snake gang is wally Fan by the “The Graff's secret spy network are after the Veiled Society The eity 1s secretly ruled by the Veiled Ociety LF where were we?” The leader of the Veiled Society fs Daron Stefan, the Duke's hideously deformed ‘son! [FL ‘

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