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Website: www.combatandsurvival.


Editor: Bob Morrison

Editor’s Assistant: Jitka Cajova
Designer: Ashley Lockwood
Senior Correspondent: Carl Schulze
Far East Correspondent: Gordon Arthur
Survival Specialist: Jason Polley
Gear Tester: Mike Gormley
Security Consultant: Robert Shaw
Webmaster: Daryl Crowther
Scale Models: Ian Young
Advertisement Sales Director:
Moira Spencer
Tel: 01484 435011

Distributed by
Warners Group Publications PLC
The Maltings, West Street, Bourne PE10 9PH
Print by Acorn Colourprint Ltd:
Loscoe Close, Normanton, WF6 1TW

Subscriptions and Back Issue Orders

P16 Urban Survival PREPPERS P21 to:
Jason Polley explains origins of and reasons for the COMBAT & SURVIVAL Magazine
Survivalist & Prepper lifestyle which is published by:-
MAI Publications, Revenue Chambers,
St. Peter’s Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1DL
P21 British Forces Ex. TRACTABLE 4 Tel: (01484) 435011
Bob Morrison watches the Lead Armoured Task Force on Fax: (01484) 422177
defensive live-fire action ISSN: 0955-9841
To Subscribe or order a digital edition visit
P28 British Armour FV 432 Bulldog Mk.3
Carl Schulze concludes his mini-series on Britain’s long-
serving APC P28 Editorial:
©Copyright here and abroad of all material is held by
the publishers. No reproduction is permitted whatsoever
P35 Elite Forces GEBIRGSJÄGER without prior consent in writing.
Carl Schulze concludes his report on Germany’s crack
IMPORTANT: All individual combat and personal
Mountain Infantry Brigade survival activities involve risk of injury to oneself and
others and great care must be taken carrying out any
such activities. Expert guidance should be sought and
P43 Special Forces TAIWAN ASFC equipment checked for reliability before any activities
described here in are carried out. The publishers cannot
Gordon Arthur reports from the Republic of China on their accept any responsibility for any injury, death, loss or
crack airborne formation damage which may result.


P51 Kit & Camo RUSSIAN RATNIK P35 will be welcomed and considered for publication.
Submission of such shall be considered a warranty that
Bob Morrison takes a look at Russia’s state-of-the-art they are original and do not infringe on the copyright
‘Warrior’ system camouflage of others. Unsuitable material can only be returned
if you include a S.A.E. Loss or damage is not the
responsibility of COMBAT & SURVIVAL.
P60 Footwear DISCLAIMER: The publishers make no representations,
DESERT LADY ELITE P51 endorsements, guarantees or warranties concerning
the products and/or services advertised within this
Jitka tries out Alt-Berg’s new MoD magazine. We expressly disclaim any and all liability
Brown desert boot while visiting IDET relating to or arising from the sale, manufacture,
distribution, use or misuse of such.
in Brno
P63 Outdoor Gear
Mike Gormley assisted by
Jean, trials shirt, flip-flops,
smock, sunglasses and
Kestrel Drop D3

P70 Scale
Ian Young reviews new
1/72nd & 1/35th scale
tracked and wheeled
construction kits from Revell

P05 : Comms July 15 Cover Image:

P56 : Reviews © Bob Morrison
P68 : Security © M.A.I. Publications 2015

Combat & Survival 03

LCVP from HMS Bulwark helping rescue 369 migrants
crammed into a heavily overcrowded wooden hulled
boat from the waters just north of Libya on 28th May
[Crown Copyright: ET WE(CIS) Louise George]

timings are constantly changing and

we simply do not have the resources
or logistics to allow us to travel back
and forth between Sweden, Poland,
Lithuania and Latvia on sometimes
consecutive days in a nine day time
frame we will not be able to cover
anything like as much as we would

On the positive side, Carl has just

successfully covered a multinational
armoured exercise phase with
Since I penned the last Comms with another 220 expected later this
French, Polish and American troops
column a fair bit of water morning.” The following day more Op
in Poland and as we go to press he
has passed under the bridge, WEALD images were release, captioned
is on Sennelager covering a Royal
including the election of a new “Migrants safely disembarking to Sicily
Artillery live-fire exercise. Jitka and I
Westminster Parliament with from HMS Bulwark today.”
have also just returned from Brno in
a Conservative majority and
the Czech Republic where we had the
confirmation of British Forces Two weeks later it was announced:
opportunity of photographing a couple
involvement in yet another “The Fleet Flagship has once again
of interesting police and military
operational deployment. played a leading role today [28 May] in
subjects, as well as being brought up
Operation WEALD is the UK an international rescue of hundreds of
to speed on interesting developments
codename for the Humanitarian migrants from their stricken craft in the
at the IDET defence expo, so the C&S
Assistance mission off the Central Mediterranean. This afternoon
Team has plenty of fresh content for
coast of North Africa to which HMS Bulwark recovered 369 migrants
the next few issues.
the Royal Navy’s flagship, HMS crammed into the heavily overcrowded
Bulwark, along with Merlin wooden hulled boat which was located
helicopters from 814 Naval in the waters just north of Libya. The ship
Air Squadron and embarked dispatched five of its landing craft to
Royal Marines Commandos plus rescue the migrants from their unstable
supporting personnel, have been ‘double-decker’ craft, 50 of whom were
committed since early May. small children. All eight of Bulwark’s
specialist landing craft have been

n 7th May, the day of the UK Gen- converted into rescue boats, loaded
eral Election, the MoD announced: with lifejackets, medical facilities and
“HMS Bulwark, working with the Ital- emergency supplies for this search and
ian Coast Guard, today investigated rescue mission – codenamed ‘Operation
a large rubber boat with approximately WEALD’. A total of five ‘Safety of Life
110 individuals on board. The individuals at Sea’ or SOLAS incidents have been
were rescued using Bulwark’s landing conducted concurrently today by UK,
craft before being transferred onto the Italian, German and Irish naval units
Italian Coast Guard’s vessel and taken to operating together in the area.”
land. Everyone was transferred safely and
HMS Bulwark remains on task.” At the end of May HMS Ocean, currently
the Royal Navy’s sole amphibious A Royal Marine from HMS Bulwark watches
Then, on 13th May, a formal press assault ship, was unexpectedly deployed as individuals are helped from their boat onto
release announced: “HMS Bulwark is to the Baltic on the massive NATO tri- a Royal Navy Landing Craft, 7th May 2015
conducting its largest tasking to date as service BALTOPS ‘15 / SABER STRIKE [Crown Copyright: LA Phot. JJ Massey]
part of the coordinated response to the exercises. At time of writing (1st June) it
migrant crisis in the Mediterranean. The is thought that Ocean might participate While working on former Warsaw Pact
Royal Navy flagship was alerted to four in a multinational amphibious landing territory we have had the chance to
craft in potential distress approximately in Poland, which it is believed will take talk to many soldiers, police officers,
40 miles off the coast of Libya. Each place following a BALTOPS landing in defence manufacturers and friends
30-foot inflatable boat were reported to Sweden the preceding weekend. about their perception of recent Russian
be carrying approximately 100 migrants, expansionism. There are a lot of rather
including a number of pregnant women C&S is doing its best to provide worried people over there, and if all
and children. Landing craft from HMS exclusive coverage of these wide- that new armour and equipment the
Bulwark and a Merlin helicopter from ranging Baltic exercises, which are Russians are now turning out is as
814 Naval Air Squadron are involved in aimed at reassuring NATO’s northern good as many suspect, they probably
the response. Over 225 personnel have and eastern European allies that they are have good reason to be fearful of The
been recovered to HMS Bulwark so far not on their own. However as plans and Bear. - BM

Combat & Survival 05

While waiting to board
the transport aircraft
a British paratrooper
conducts last
minute preparations
including applying his
camouflage paint.

Combat & Survival 09

Here British paratroopers from
3rd Battalion have formed up into
sticks along a helicopter landing
site awaiting extraction by US
transport helicopters after raiding
an enemy strong-point

Left: CJOAX 15-01 was

the largest multinational
exercise held at Fort
Bragg involving the
82nd Airborne since
in 1996 which also
involved American and
British Paras
Between 13th and 19th of the Drop Zone, only the engine
April the field training phase noise and faint gleams of red
of Combined Joint Operational and green lights indicating their
Access Exercise 15-01 was presence. Over their rear ramps
conducted at the Fort Bragg the aircraft drop thirteen Heavy
Training Area. CJOAX 15- Drop Platforms and 40 Container
01 was the largest bilateral Delivery Systems (CDS) that
training exercise held by descend to the ground under large
the 82nd Airborne Division G-11 cargo parachutes. The Heavy
‘All American’ since 1996 Drop Platforms carry 105mm
and saw the participation M119A3 Light Guns, Hum-vees
of an 850-strong British Air (HMMWV), engineer vehicles of the
Manoeuvre Battle Group Light Airfield Repair Package and Above: During CJOAX minutes later, two C-17 Globemaster
from 16 Air Assault Brigade. Light Tactical All Terrain Vehicles 15-01 interoperability III transport aircraft and eleven
Primarily geared to exercising (LTATV), while the CDS contain was tested on all C-130J Hercules of the US Air
the Global Response Force food, water and other supplies. levels - here US and UK Force plus two C-130J Hercules
(GRF) provided by the US 82nd company commanders of the Royal Air Force pass over
Airborne Division, one major Dropping the heavy equipment the DZ, dropping 1,040 US and
update each other on
aim of the manoeuvres was to takes just under four minutes. Five UK paratroopers who descend
also improve the
the current situation to the ground under their US T-11
and where their troops Advanced Tactical Parachute System
between US and UK
are deployed (ATPS) parachutes and British Low
airborne forces. Left: Prior to the main Level Parachutes (LLP). Delivering
jump that saw the the troops has taken less than ten
13th April, 20:45 hours, minutes.
dropping of some 2,100
Holland Drop Zone, Fort
Bragg Training Area.
paratroopers, British Some two hours later another 987
In total darkness one
Paras of the AMBG and paratroopers are dropped in the
C-130J Hercules and
their counterparts from dead of night, this time by two C-17
six C-17 Globemaster III 2nd Brigade Combat Globemaster III and twelve C-130J
transport aircraft of the Team had a period of Hercules aircraft of the USAF. This
United States Air Force Sustained Airborne massive airborne operation, during
pass at 1,000 feet over Training which some 2,100 paratroopers

10 Combat & Survival


were dropped, was the beginning Main Image: On Pope

of a forcible entry parachute assault Army Airfield a Heavy
aimed at seizing an airfield and Drop pallet loaded with
securing key objectives for follow- a US Army HMMWV
on combat operations. At the same and 105mm M119A3
time the massive airborne operation
Light Gun is loaded
marked the beginning of the field
into a C-130H Hercules
training phase of Combined Joint
Operational Access Exercise 15-01.
transport aircraft by a
60 K Turner Loader
1: In the run-up phase
1 British Paras jumped
with the US T-11
Advanced Tactical
Parachute System
and US Paras with
the British Low Level war-fighting to counter-insurgency the GRF can be deployed within 18
Parachute - here a and stabilisation to humanitarian hours of being activated, while the
British PJI checks a US assistance and disaster relief whole brigade-sized force can be
Para’s LLP rig operations. The GRF package that deployed inside 96 hours.
The Global Response Force is a joint can be deployed would be tailored
task force organisation that allows the 2: During an air assault and scaled to meet the specific Numbering some 5,000 parachute-
USA to respond to crises worldwide operation targeting mission. qualified troops, the brigade-sized
on a no-notice base. A brigade an insurgent training task force might typically include
combat team from the 82nd ‘All camp American and One key task of the entry the Headquarters and Headquarters
American’ Airborne Division serves British paratroopers component of the GRF is to Company of the brigade, two
as the core ground and joint forcible conduct forcible entry operations; Airborne Infantry Battalions, a
board CH-47F Chinook
entry component of the GRF. for example in the form of a Reconnaissance Squadron, a Fires
transport helicopters parachute assault in order to (Field Artillery) Battalion, a brigade
The force can conduct the full
of the 10th Combat establish a Point Of Entry for follow- Engineer Battalion and a brigade
spectrum of military missions, ranging Aviation Brigade on forces. A battalion-sized task Support Battalion. In addition it
from high intensity conventional force of the ground component of might also include a battalion-sized

Combat & Survival 11

3 4

multifunctional Aviation Task Force, of the US Army, General Raymond

heavy artillery assets of the division Odierno, and the Chief of the
artillery, a Military Police platoon and General Staff (CGS) of the British
so on. The USAF would support the Army, General Sir Peter Wall, signed
GRF with Tactical Air Control Parties, a bi-lateral agreement in March
Air Liaison Officers and other assets. 2013 focused on strengthening the
cooperation between the US Army
During the CJOAX 15-01 time-frame and the British Army to enhance
the 2nd ‘Falcons’ Brigade Combat interoperability. As one result of
Team of the 82nd Airborne Division this agreement, the 82nd Airborne
was assigned the GRF role. Division of the US Army and 16 Air
Assault Brigade of the British Army
INTEROPERABILITY intensified their cooperation, with the
In the present day military operations, ultimate goal being that either the
such as Crisis Response Operations, British brigade could be deployed
are seldom conducted by the forces as an integral part of the US division
of only one nation. Force capacities, or an US battalion-sized task force
fiscal constrains and political reasons as an integral part of the British
usually result in a multinational brigade. While the US and British 3: A UH-60M Black level joint training, as well as joint
reaction, with the deployed forces formations are very similar with Hawk utility helicopter mission command training, was
operating in a combined environment regards to their missions, capabilities of the 10th Combat conducted in 2014. In the August
meaning that troops from two or more and organisational structure, Aviation Brigade lifts a company of British paratroopers
allied nations act together. Key to significant differences also existed; took part under command of one
a British 105mm L118 of the airborne infantry battalions
doing so is interoperability, meaning for example in such critical areas Light Gun of F (Sphinx)
that forces can work together as communications, equipment of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team
seamlessly. compatibility and logistics support.
Parachute Battery, 7th of the 82nd Airborne Division in a
Parachute Regiment Joint Operational Access Exercise
With this in mind the Chief of Staff Initial section, platoon and company RHA conducted in the USA. Next, in
January 2015, Exercise PEGASUS
4: British 105mm L118 CYPHER was conducted, involving
Light Guns and their British and US airborne gunners,
crews of F (Sphinx) aimed at ensuring interoperability in
Parachute Battery, 7th the field of indirect fire support.
Parachute Regiment
RHA are flown forward The participation of the British
by UH-60M Black Hawk Air Manoeuvre Battle Group on
utility helicopters for a CJOAX 15-01 was the next step
in the process to fully integrate 16
Two-Gun Raid
Air Assault Brigade into the 82nd
Airborne Division.
Left: During the
exercise 1st Battalion, PARTICIPATING
325th Airborne Infantry US FORCES
Regiment employed The CJOAX 15-01 saw the
a number of the new participation of some 3,500 troops,
Light Tactical All Terrain of which 850 were British. The
Vehicles which have bulk of the participating US troops
drastically increased belonged to the 2nd Brigade
tactical mobility of the Combat Team of the 82nd Airborne
US Paras Division.

12 Combat & Survival

While the actual main jump of
CJOAX 15-01 on the 13th of April,
2015 was conducted at night,
several large training jumps in the
build-up phase were conducted
during daylight or at last light

The participating units of the 5 6

brigade were: Headquarters and
Headquarters Company; the 1st
Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry
Regiment; the 2nd Battalion, 325th
Airborne Infantry Regiment; the 1st
Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment;
the 2nd Battalion, 319th Airborne
Field Artillery Regiment; the 37th
Brigade Engineer Battalion;
and the 407th Brigade Support
Battalion. Also participating in the
exercise and supporting the 2nd
Brigade Combat Team were: the
3rd Special Forces Group; the 1st
Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment
of the 82nd Combat Aviation
5: Heavy Drop - a US utility helicopters, five AH-64D
Brigade; the 3rd Battalion, 27th Army HMMWV and Apache attack helicopters and three
Field Artillery Regiment of the 18th 105mm M119A3 Light CH-47F transport helicopters as
Gun are dropped by well as ten OH-58D from the 1st
Field Artillery Brigade of the XVIII Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment
Airborne Corps; the 3rd Battalion, parachute from a
C-130H Hercules onto of the 82nd Combat Aviation
4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment; Brigade.
the 9th Military Information Support Sicily Drop Zone
Battalion; the 83rd Civil Affairs Combat Aviation Brigade deployed on The 82nd Airborne Division’s
Battalion; the 14th Air Support operations in Afghanistan, rotary wing
6: Cross training. Headquarters and Headquarters
Operations Squadron; the 21st aviation support for the exercise was
After a heavy drop and Battalion also took part on
Military Police Company; the US mainly conducted by a multifunctional
parachute jump British the exercise, providing overall
Army Advanced Airborne School; Aviation Task Force provided by the Para gunners work hard command and control. Air transport
and the 364th Quartermaster 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, 10th to remove a US Army support for the GRF was provided
Company. Mountain Division, centred around the 105mm M119A3 Light by nine C-17 Globemaster III and
1st Battalion, 10th Aviation Regiment. Gun off a pallet and 12 C-130J Hercules and C-130H
With the bulk of the 82nd This task force included eight UH-60M ready it to fire Hercules transport aircraft of various

Combat & Survival 13

US Air Force and Air National Guard
(ANG) units. Soldiers of the 1st
Battalion, 3rd US Infantry Regiment
‘The Old Guard’ acted as Opposing
Forces (OPFOR).


British troops from 16 Air Assault
Brigade participated in the CJOAX
15-01 with an 850-strong Air
Manoeuvre Battle Group. The
core of this was formed by the 3rd
Battalion The Parachute Regiment
(3 PARA) which also provided its
command element.

The Pathfinder Platoon served

as reconnaissance asset for the
Air Manoeuvre Battle Group.
Engineer support was provided
by 51 Parachute Squadron of 23
Parachute Engineer Regiment and
indirect offensive fire support by
F (Sphinx) Parachute Battery, 7th
Parachute Regiment Royal Horse
Artillery, equipped with 105mm
L118 Light Guns. Close Air Defence

Above: British Engineers; 216 (Parachute) Signal

paratroopers Squadron; 4th Battalion The
evacuate a wounded Parachute Regiment (V); and 156
Provost Company 4th Regiment
American paratrooper Royal Military Police also supported
after heavy fighting in the AMBG.
an enemy-held village
During the exercise, the British
Left: A Jackal 1 High formation was fully integrated into
Mobility Weapons the 2nd Brigade Combat Team of
Platform of the 3 the 82nd’All American’ Airborne
PARA provides fire Division. On the aviation side,
support for British the Royal Air Force deployed two
paratroops while C-130J Hercules transport aircraft
from 47 Squadron along with
they attack an enemy Parachute Jump Instructors from
dominated village the Airborne Delivery Wing at RAF
also believed to Brize Norton.
contain a chemical
weapons plant To be continued...
was provided by elements of 12 Right: 13th April
(Minden) Air Assault Battery, 12 2015, Pope Army
Regiment Royal Artillery. Logistic Airfield: US and
support for the formation was
provided by elements of 82 Air
UK paratroopers
Assault Squadron and 47 Air board nine C-17
Despatch Squadron, 13 Air Assault Globemaster
Support Regiment Royal Logistics III and thirteen
Corps. Medical support was C-130J Hercules
provided by 19 Medical Squadron - in the first wave
of 16 Medical Regiment. Elements over 1,000 troops
of: Headquarters 16 Air Assault parachuted onto
Brigade; Defence Chemical, Holland Drop Zone
Biological, Radiological and
Nuclear Wing; the Royal Air Force
Regiment; 33 Engineer Regiment
Images ©
(Explosive Ordnance Disposal); Carl Schulze
14 Signal Regiment (Electronic
Warfare); 7 Air Assault Battalion
Royal Electrical and Mechanical

14 Combat & Survival

Imagine there was a fuel shortage lasting
months. Imagine the roads closed and
the rail networks shut down for more
than a few days. Think through the reliant are you on others? Are you truly
consequences and just how far reaching aware of the risks of doing nothing and just
the effects on you would be. Add to that hoping for the best? they are now more commonly known,
a cyber-attack in which a hostile force take seriously the fragility of the modern
controlled or closed down all computer ‘Survivalism’ is not an organised world. They recognise how dependent
services in the country. Could you cope? movement as such; it is a way of thinking, urban areas are on outside deliveries of
Would life just go on as normal? How open to all. Survivalists, or ‘Preppers’ as food and medical supplies. They can see

16 Combat & Survival

how most of us rely on many others for connected we are to those over which we Cities are vulnerable generators and equipment to last many
our survival and, in the event of a man- have little control. Serious Preppers train because of months if the country goes into crisis.
made or natural disaster, how most would themselves to be super self-efficient and
their need to be
perish. We have become a population are able to live ‘off the grid’, dependent on
constantly re- ORIGINS
of dependants: half-asleep, weak and no-one and nothing. The possible origins of Prepper thinking
vulnerable. supplied with food lay with religious movements asking
They acquire advanced level survival that followers retreat to a self-sufficient
Preppers are different, they are wide- and medical skills. They learn how to Images © commune and away from a corrupted
awake and prepared. They prepare for hunt, farm, and produce energy. Serious Jason Polley or society. The American Depression of the
emergencies like cyber-attack, epidemics, preppers have fully stocked emergency Bob Morrison 1930s woke people up to their vulnerability
social disorder and revolutions, but also retreats out of town, ready at a moment’s and how dangerous reliance on others
for natural disasters, like hurricanes and notice. Caches of food and water, fuel could be. The Second World War made
floods. They are aware of how all too and weapons are stored securely, as are clear how far weapons technology had

Combat & Survival 17


of north-west Africa has seen carriers without modern technology: no

unwittingly enter the US and Britain already. battery-powered anything, no petrol/
diesel machinery. Wind, solar and
The Internet, and computers generally, water power are harnessed and a
control so much of modern life now. All sustainable community is created.
forms of modern communication can Retreats, sometimes underground, are
be legally and illegally accessed without set up in advance.
come, and how easy wiping out thousands, Above: Preppers
if not millions, of people with a single bomb your knowledge. Everything is connected.
recognise how Transmitters and IT systems can be Although food and medical supplies
could be.
dependent urban turned off, can be hacked. Power and with long shelf-lives are stock-piled,
The Korean and Vietnam Wars that followed
areas are on water supplies can also be turned off and hunting and medical skills are taken
created thousands of well-trained people, outside deliveries controlled. Transport networks, airports, to a high level. These skills are not
whose survival skills became redundant of essential subway trains, GPS devices, traffic lights acquired for when things go wrong,
in peacetime. Many ex-servicemen felt a supplies [BM] and radar are all affected by electro- they are needed as the primary means
distance from their civilian counterparts, magnetic pulse weapons, nuclear and non- of survival. Although many Survivalists/
and many were more comfortable living 1: Rail and road nuclear. And if your car has a computer Preppers may stockpile weapons, they
outside society. Books and articles started links are still management system, oh well… know that ammunition will ultimately
run out, so learn archery and how to
to appear emphasising the benefits of the main supply make bows, traps, spears and sling-
self-sufficiency, of getting away from Environmental damage, global warming
routes for cities and mass pollution have put us at risk from shots.
crime-ridden cities and living apart in hippy
but are easily flooding, new diseases and the destruction
communities or Israeli kibbutzim or joining
Amish-type villages.
disrupted of plants and animals we rely on for food. TAKING THINGS FURTHER
There are shops that can supply you,
In the last few decades the world has not 2: Your average PREPARATIONS groups you can join, books you can
become more stable. The events of 9/11 High Street could Preppers are pro-active and are not willing read. Try the following if you want to
refreshed early thinking and heightened be paralysed by to wait around for government aid and take things further.
many people’s belief in getting out of large a natural or man- assistance if there is a revolution, war,
cities and learning skills that made them made disaster in epidemic or earthquake. They do not The Prepper Shop (preppershop.
believe in just hoping for peace, stability - tel. 01234 871101) can equip
less reliant on others. Out of this history minutes you with all you need.
and circumstances grew the current day and well-being. They have decided to take
survivalist, the prepper, someone who can control.
see the risks, and who has trained himself The UK Preppers (UK-preppers.
or herself to survive for an indefinite period. Long term survival techniques are learned. and the P2S Network
The bushcraft stuff, rather than the ( can put you in
THE RISKS SAS-type stuff. The methods of survival touch with like-minded people.
The risks perceived by those in the
2 ‘How to Survive the End of the World as
1950s and onwards are still there, but
have increased. We still have weapons We Know It’ by James Wesley Rawles
that could destroy cities with ease. Most is a good starting point, as is the
supplies still arrive by road and rail. If the author’s blog at
main supply routes are disrupted, vast
areas are quickly paralysed. This will ‘How to Live Off-grid’ by Nick Rosen
inevitably lead to social unrest, crime, will take you to the realms of ultra self-
looting, and deaths. suffiency.

Easy international travel now facilitates Even the Scouts

the spread of epidemics. TV programmes recommend “Be prepared!”
popularise travel to out of the way places, Are you?
but cheap travel has not seen increases
To be continued...
in border controls. The Ebola epidemic

18 Combat & Survival

Combat & Survival 21
KRH crews bombing-up with
APFDS rounds and charges
(in orange cannisters) before
the Combined Arms Demo
commenced - 120 rounds of
120mm ammo would be expended

UNDER THE ONGOING ARMY 1: Since April 2015 1

2020 RESTRUCTURING the Lead Armoured
[LABG] role has
NAMELY: THE REACTION been assumed by
A LEAD AIR ASSAULT TASK Yorkshire Regiment
FORCE (AATF) AND A LEAD - in this shot they
ARMOURED BATTLEGROUP are about to move
(LABG) AT VERY HIGH into defensive
OVERSEAS COMMITMENTS 2: Following initial
(CYPRUS, FALKLANDS contact with
NOTICE BRIGADE-LEVEL recce Scimitars 2
CONTRIBUTIONS TO withdrew through
PEACEKEEPING OR a minefield gap
facing rearward
as Challenger 2
MEDICAL, ISTAR, SIGNALS main battle tanks
OR 3 [UK] DIV, OF THIS Bob Morrison

22 Combat & Survival

Under Army 2020
three Regular and two
Reserve batteries of the
the Stormer HVM with
its 8-barrel missile
launcher will provide
low-level Close Air
Defence capability to
armoured formations

An anti-armour team from 1 YORKS engages

an OpFor tank with an FGM-148 Javelin which
is known as the Light Forces Anti-Tank Guided
Weapon System (LFATGWS) in British service

urrently 12th Armoured
Infantry Brigade, formerly
12th Mechanized Brigade,
is the lead armoured
formation of 3 [UK] DIV and as
such it is responsible for providing
Britain’s high readiness LABG.
Last November the C&S team
(Carl and myself) joined what
was then still designated 12th
Mechanized out in Poland on
the bilateral Exercise BLACK
EAGLE ‘14 during its training cycle
phase, which would conclude
with Exercise TRACTABLE in
southern England this March.
Just prior to 1st Battalion The
Yorkshire Regiment (1 YORKS)
taking over the LABG role as the
brigade’s Very High Readiness

component they, along with a Recce Left: Dismounted Ex. TRACTABLE drew to a close.
Group from the Queen’s Royal infantry from 1
Lancers (amalgamated 2nd May YORKS engaged These demonstrations not only allowed
2015 into the Royal Lancers), an the Battlegroup Headquarters (BG HQ)
OpFor infantry - this to rehearse procedures for the planning
Armoured Squadron of main battle
tanks from the Kings Royal Hussars
two-man fire team is and execution of orders but also gave
and an Engineer Group from 26 using a 7.62mm GPMG the reconnaissance, infantry, tank and
Engineer Regiment RE, carried (note no BFA fitted) engineer components of the LABG the
out three days of Combined Arms to take out long range opportunity to manoeuvre under live-
Demonstrations on Salisbury Plain as infantry targets fire conditions. The action, which took

Combat & Survival 23

As the enemy came
into range LABG
Challenger 2 tanks
engaged their armour
- note the bank of
pop-up infantry
targets in the murky
middle ground above
the tank’s turret

place in front of Staff College students 3: An infantryman As the QRL Scimitars

and Distinguished Visitors (DV) from 1 YORKS withdrew at speed,
including senior officers and military (bottom left corner) turrets facing
attachés from around the globe, lasted engages the last of backwards and firing at
several hours and was broken down a bank of close-in the advancing enemy,
into three distinct phases including pop-up OpFor not only did did the
withdrawal under fire, obstacle infantry targets KRH Challengers of
breaching and full-on attack. with his 5.56mm the Advanced Guard
engage the OpFor
SA80A2 assault
Firstly the lead elements of the tanks but the 1 YORKS
battlegroup, the recce screen Flank Guards anti-tank
(QRL), came under enemy fire after 4: A Trojan sections also opened
locating OpFor (Opposing Forces) armoured engineer up on both sides on 4
front lines and withdrew behind an vehicle from 26 approaching enemy
obstacle barrier line and minefield Engineer Regiment armoured infantry
under covering fire provided by the RE moves forward fighting vehicles with
Advance Guard. This consisted of the to clear a route FGM-148 Javelin
armoured squadron (KRH) main battle through the LFATGWS missiles, as
tanks, minus one troop held back in minefield for the dismounted infantrymen
reserve along with one of the anti-tank forthcoming LABG in defensive positions
sections, supported by a Warrior-borne attack - Warrior engaged pop-up
armoured infantry platoon from 1 to the right is targets representing
YORKS. protecting it enemy soldiers.
Meanwhile, overhead
prowling Apache AH1
attack helicopters in
low hover engaged any
targets of opportunity
out of direct line of sight of the troops Scimitar’s safely back in the fold
on the ground; however on safety the KRH Challenger 2 tanks of the
grounds the Apaches could not fire Armoured Squadron moved forward
their Hellfire missiles or CRV7 rockets to the obstacle belt, firing on the
while in such close proximity to troops move, to become the In-Place Force
in peacetime but they still laid down to protect first the Engineer Recce
impressive firepower with their 30mm assets, and then the main Engineer
WAH-64D Apache AH1 attack helicopters on the flanks laid
M230 chain guns. Group as it created two breaches
down suppressive fire - note the stream of 30mm cannon shell of the minefield for the armoured
casings dropping from the M230 Chain Gun under the nose With the lightly armoured QRL infantry assault company from 1

24 Combat & Survival

5 Although overall numbers have
been drastically reduced by
defence cuts over the last 18 or
so years the Challenger 2 still
offers a very potent armoured
capability - note also Apache
AH1 moving forward

With the OpFor blocked With OpFor retreating KRH Challenger 2 tanks pushed forward to
and pushed back the LABG the edge of the minefield and laid down covering fire as Warriors
went on the attack - here advanced behind smoke to pick up their infantry squads
a Royal Engineers column
moves forward from our
rear to commence breaching

YORKS, which now would become 5: Barrel flash from 6

the Bridgehead Force. An infantry a Challenger 2 main
platoon from the echelon company battle tank firing
provided close protection to
a 120mm APFDS
the sappers as they undertook
obstacle crossing and minefield
round at an OpFor
breaching tasks to allow the tank target - the
Bridgehead Force in their Warriors live fire range a few
to secure the far side for the main kilometres to the
battlegroup to speedily move west of Imber village
through and take the battle to the is littered with tank
enemy. hulks [Carl Schulze]
Once the bridgehead was 6: A second clear
consolidated the bulk of the lane through the
battlegroup streamed through
minefield (Green)
Red (left) and Green crossings
to commence the 1 YORKS
has been opened up
mission: “To defeat the enemy in
on the right and a
Objective GOLD in order to set column of battened- 7
conditions for a Brigade Strike down Challenger 2
in Objective PLATINUM”. Next tanks and Warrior
month we will see the attack IFVs is now pressing
from the enemy’s perspective as, forward
after a short pause to clear any
remaining live ammunition and 7: Next month
restock with blank rounds, the now we will be on the
distant battlegroup swept around receiving end as
through 180 degrees and attacked the LABG advances
Objective GOLD... us!
against OpFor
To be continued ... positions

Combat & Survival 25

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The Mk3 BULLDOG is the most Main Image: In April
modern version of the FV432 2008 this FV432 Mk3
armoured personnel carrier, Bulldog Up-armoured
which initially entered service APC fitted with Enforcer
with the British Army in 1962; Remote Controlled
the first modernised FV432 Mk3 Weapon Station was
Bulldog APCs being fielded in seen during a mission
2006. Fitted with an add-on rehearsal exercise on
armour package and bearing the the Hohenfels Training
designation FV432 Mk3 Bulldog Area
Up-armoured, some of these
APCs saw combat action in Iraq
Right: Operated by 7th
under Operation TELIC. Currently
Armoured Brigade on
it is planned that Mk3 Bulldog
the Hohenfels exercise
and Mk3 Bulldog Up-armoured
APCs will stay in service with the
this Bulldog has not yet
British Army until 2030. Having
had its add-on armour
last month seen how the Mk.3
package installed except
evolved, this month we look at
for the base of the ERA
the Up-armoured variant of this
along the sides of the
long-serving vehicle.

28 Combat & Survival

n the past there were plans
to replace not only the FV430
armoured vehicle family but
also other armoured vehicle
families, such as the Combat
Vehicle Reconnaissance (Tracked)
or CVR(T) family, with vehicles de-
signed under either the British/US
TRACER programme, the German/
British/Dutch Boxer programme or
the Future Rapid Effects System
(FRES) programme. These all
either led nowhere or Britain pulled
out of them for one reason or
another and when it became obvi-
ous that the FRES would run into
trouble Alvis Plc, which had taken
over GKN Sankey Limited in 1998,
got to work to address the FV430
armoured vehicle family issue.


Work was conducted with
company funds but in cooperation
with the Light Armoured Systems
Integrated Project Team (LAS integrated hydrostatic differential Above: The Platt Systems, which in the meantime had
IPT) of the Defence Logistics steering. The engine cooling system MR550 Shielded taken over Alvis Plc in 2004, was
Organisation of the Ministry of had been modified, the steering tillers issued a contract with a value of
Defence. Supported by Allison
Ring Mount can be
replaced by a yoke-type steering wheel £85 Million by the Defence Logistics
Transmissions Incorporated and a new braking system installed.
fitted with different Organisation (DLO) of the Ministry
and Cummins Engine Company The modernised vehicle weighed weapon systems of Defence for the modernisation
Limited, Alvis built a demonstrator 500kg less than the original FV432 such as 12.7mm of 500 vehicles from the FV430
of a modernised vehicle based Mk2/1 APC and its more fuel efficient L1A1 Heavy Machine armoured vehicle family fleet.
Gun, 40mm L134A1
Grenade Machine In this contract it was agreed that
Gun or, as here, the conversion would be done by
7.62mm L7A2 GPMG the Army Base Repair Organisation
(ABRO) in Bovington. The
modernised vehicles were given the
Below: It is not just
designation Mk3 Bulldog, with the
used by Infantry - APC now called FV432 Mk3 Bulldog
here an FV432 Mk3 (Note: Some have erroneously
Bulldog Up-armoured called the APC version the Mk3
APC in service as FV430 Mk.3 Bulldog but MoD has
an engineer section gone in print to correct this). On
vehicle with the 27th June 2007 the DLO ordered
Royal Engineers the modernisation of another 400
can be seen on the FV430-series vehicles to Mk3
streets of Basrah in Bulldog standard. This order had a
value of GBP 70 Million.
From December 2006 Mk3 Bulldog Up-armoured APCs were fielded in late 2008
Iraq on Operation TELIC – this pair, one fitted with the Platt MR550 FIELDING THE FV432
and the other with Enforcer, was seen in the vicinity of Basrah Images © MK3 BULLDOG
Carl Schulze Conversion work was conducted
on the FV432 Mk2/1 APC with the engine offered 10hp more. This had at a speed of 20 to 30 vehicles
registration number 05FA62. It was positive effects on acceleration and
presented to a greater public for top speed; it could now reach a top
the first time during the Army 2002 speed of 72km/h compared to the
Defence Equipment Exhibition previous 52km/h.
and Capability Demonstration
conducted on Salisbury Plain in In 2003 Alvis modified an additional
July 2002. three vehicles for user trials with the
British Army. Intensive trials then were
The vehicle was powered by a conducted by the Armoured Trials
Cummins 6BTAA EURO II- and Development Unit (ATDU) in
compliant turbocharged diesel Bovington. While still being FV432s,
engine that developed 250hp and during the trials these modified
was coupled to an electronically vehicles performed well and met
controlled Allison X200-4C the required technical and reliability
automatic transmission with standards. In October 2005, BAE

Combat & Survival 29

per month. The first batch of ten Main Image:
Mk3 Bulldogs were handed over To improve
to the British Army in June 2006,
by December 2006 a total of 130
vehicles had been delivered, on 3rd
especially against
August 2007 the 250th was handed Explosively Formed
over and the 500th was signed over Penetrator IEDs, a
on 21st of May 2008 with conversion version of ASPRO-
of the last of the 900 vehicles being HMT add-on armour
completed in March 2011. The manufactured by
conversions of the FV430 armoured Rafael Advanced
vehicle family were the FV432 Mk3 Defense Systems
Bulldog APC (configured for various Limited was fitted
roles such as command post,
ambulance, mortar carrier and so
on), the FV434 Mk3 Bulldog Carrier
Right: Though
Maintenance Tracked, the FV436 Warrior replaced
Mk3 Bulldog Armoured Staff Vehicle the FV432 APC from
(new designation, issued after the 1988 in the infantry
FV436 Green Archer Self-Propelled transport role it was
Mortar Location Radar was taken designed for in the programme, the modernised the larger maintenance access
out of service) and the FV439 Mk3 1950s on Op TELIC vehicles were fitted with new hatch in the glacis plate of the new
Bowman family digital tactical versions. Within the units of the
Bulldog Communication System the Mk3 Bulldog
Carrier. communications. From the outside British Army the upgraded vehicles
Up-armoured variant the FV432 Mk3 Bulldog APCs were issued one for one and fielding
was again used in can hardly be distinguished from was a rolling process. Around 2010
Simultaneous to the Mk3 Bulldog the APC role
conversion, but under a separate the FV432 Mk2/1 APC, the only the last vehicles of the earlier Marks
prominent identification feature being were retired from service.

30 Combat & Survival

When the first FV432 Mk3 Bulldog
APCs entered service in 2006
the British Army needed a large
number of armoured patrol
vehicles in order to address an
Urgent Operational Requirement
(UOR) issued by troops serving
in Afghanistan under Operation
HERRICK and in Iraq under
Operation TELIC. In-service
vehicles were either too lightly
armoured to withstand the IEDs
fielded by insurgents or considered
too aggressive for the stabilisation
and peace enforcing nature of the

In July 2006 the British MoD

announced that FV432 Mk3 Bulldog
2 APCs would be modified to meet
the requirement for an armoured
patrol vehicle. Initially replaced
as battle taxi for the infantry by
the FV510 Warrior Mechanised
Combat Vehicle (MCV) in the late
1980s, the FV432 Mk3 Bulldog APC
would now see front-line service as
infantry transport again.

BAE Systems was subsequently

issued two contracts, covering
54 and 70 vehicles, to modify
the FV432 Mk3 Bulldog APC for
service as a patrol vehicle in Iraq

This FV432 Mk3 Bulldog Up-

armoured APC fitted with an
Enforcer RCWS was operated
by the Reconnaissance
Platoon of the 1st Battalion,
1: Bulldog Scots Guards in southern Iraq
Up-armoured APC in January 2008
with Enforcer
RCWS operated by
51 Squadron RAF
Regiment in Iraq in
October 2008 - note
the ERA along the
side of the vehicle
and the ECM system
protecting the
2: Reconnaissance
Platoon FV432
Mk3 Bulldog
Up-armoured APC
in Iraq in January
2008 - note the
bar armour at the
rear - box above
the door contains
elements of the
counter RCIED ECM

Combat & Survival 31

3 4 5

3: The Enforcer and Afghanistan and to improve its Camouflage System (MCS). These Bulldog Up-armoured APCs were
RCWS can be survivability against IED attacks,. modified vehicles were given the either fitted with the Enforcer Remote-
As part of the modifications, the designation FV432 Mk3 Bulldog Up- Controlled Weapon Station (RCWS)
fitted with the
vehicles were fitted with a version armoured APC. In December 2006 built by SELEX Sensor and Airborne
7.62mm L7A2 of the ASPRO-HMT add-on armour the FV432 Mk3 Bulldog Up-armoured Systems Limited in the UK, or the
GPMG, the 12.7mm developed by Israeli manufacturer APCs were fielded in Iraq under Platt MR550 Shielded Ring Mount
L1A1 Heavy Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Operation TELIC by the 1st Battalion, designed by the Australian company
Machine Gun (as Limited, which features passive as The Royal Green Jackets. W&E Platt Pty Limited. Vehicles
here) or the 40mm well as explosive reactive armour already deployed were refitted in-
L134A1 Grenade (ERA) components. The vehicles ENFORCER REMOTE- theatre with one of the systems.
Machine Gun were also fitted with an Electronic
Counter Measure (ECM) system to
4: The protect them from Remote-Controlled The FV432 Mk3 Bulldog APCs and
Initially the FV432 Mk3 Bulldog Up-
IED (RCIED). the FV432 Mk3 Bulldog Up-armoured
Surveillance armoured APCs were fitted with a
APCs are much more capable
Target Acquisition The vision of the driver when driving
transparent armour gunner shield fitted
than the original FV432s. Yet all the
and Weapon with the hatch closed was improved
to the ring mount of the commander’s
modernisations cannot mask that
Sight (STAWS) by mounting an Indirect Vision
cupola. While offering some ballistic
the vehicles were originally designed
sensor unit of the System (IVS) that features cameras
protection for the commander when
in the 1950s and built mostly in the
Enforcer RCWS manning the machinegun, this solution
at the front and rear of the vehicle. 1960s, more than 50 years ago. A
was far from ideal.
features a thermal The vehicles were also fitted with soldier’s quote, given in Iraq to the
imaging system, an air-conditioning system, a wire
Therefore later modified FV432 Mk3
author of this piece, sums it all up: “It
daylight CCD cutter and the Barracuda Mobile is still a 432.”
camera and laser

5: The electrically
operated Enforcer
RCWS consists
of a control panel
mounted at the
station and the
weapon station
itself, complete
with STAWS
sensor, mounted
on the roof of the
Right: Operations
in Iraq - the
Cummins 6BTAA
EURO II-compliant
diesel engine is
mounted to the
rear of the engine
compartment and
the Allison X200-
4C automatic
transmission to
the front

32 Combat & Survival

As close quarters
weapon the
Gebirgsjäger use
the 4.6mm MP7A1
- note that the
is wearing the
new IdZ-ES
soldier equipment
including the
Ops Core combat

Combat & Survival 35

A 40mm
A1 grenade machinegun
is fired in mountainous
terrain in support of
a platoon attack by
mountain infantry it -
can fire single shots or
bursts out to a distance
of 1,500m

Gebirgsjäger are experts
in the art of fighting in
difficult terrain and under
extreme climatic conditions.
Their equipment and
training especially qualify
these mountain infantry
troops for operations in
winter and in mountainous
and alpine terrain. The
mountain infantry force
of the Bundeswehr is the
Gebirgsjäger brigade 23

he standard weapon carried by
The marksmen at section level and the 1: Gebirgsjäger
the German mountain infantry
spotters of the sniper teams are armed use the MILAN to
with the 7.62x51mm G28 sharpshooter
soldier is the 5.56x45mm G36A1 engage armour and
rifle. This weapon is fitted with a Schmidt
assault rifle fitted with an optical
& Bender PMII 3-20x50 sniper scope and
field fortifications
sight with a x3 magnification and a
an Aimpoint Micro T-1 reflex sight. For such as bunkers at
reflex sight with x1magnification. The
night operations the weapon can be fitted distances between
G36A2 5.56mm assault rifle is also
with an L3-Insight Clip-on Night Vision 300m and 2,000m the G22 and the G82A1 can be fitted
fielded, this weapon featuring a Pica-
Device - Thermal 3 (CNVD-T3) thermal with the Nachtsichtaufsatz 80 (NSA 80)
tinny rail on the carrying handle and
being fitted with the more powerful
sight or a Qioptiq Merlin Long Range 2: One of the night vision attachment or the AIM HuntIR
RSA-S reflex sight.
Clip-on Lightweight Night Vision Adapter UAVs used by thermal imaging sight.
night sight. Marksmen and spotters also
the Gebirgs
occasionally use the 7.62mm G3A3ZF For close quarters fighting the
For fighting at close quarters and
marksman rifle fitted with a FERO Z24
aufklärungs Gebirgsjäger are armed with the semi-
under reduced visibility the assault
4x24 scope. bataillon 230 automatic, double-action 9mm P8
rifle can be fitted with a Laser Licht is the ALADIN pistol and the 4.6mm MP7A1 sub0-
Modul 01 (laser light module 01) and
The primary weapon of the Gebirgsjäger (Abbildende machinegun. The MP7A1 is fitted with the
the Nachtsichtaufsatz 80 (NSA 80)
sniper is the .300 Winchester Magnum Luftgestützte RSA-S reflex sight and both weapons can
night vision attachment. At section
level, two of the assault rifles are
Scharf schützen gewehr G22 bolt action Aufklärungsdrohne be fitted with a Laser Licht Modul 01. Due
fitted with a 40 mm AG 40-2/A1
rifle fitted with a Hensold AG 3-12x56 im Nächstbereich) to its small size and weight, the MP7A1
sniper scope. For long range sniping system which has is usually carried by members of vehicle
grenade launcher; with this weapon
and against technical targets the snipers crews, but it is also the weapon of choice
and the older Granatpistole 40 mm
use the 12.7mm G82A1. This weapon
an operational of the soldiers of the Hoch gebirgsjäger
AG40-1A1 grenade launcher, which
is a variant of the famous Barrett M82 range of 5km k zug (high altitude mountain infantry
is also still in service, different types
semi-automatic anti-materiel rifle. and is platoon), for example when they have to
of 40mm grenades can be fired.
fitted with a 6-24x72 sniper scope. Both lead in climbing rock cliffs and there is

36 Combat & Survival

3 4

5 3: Mobility for
the mountain
sections is
provided by
Bv 206 S
and all-terrain
armed with a
4: When
deployed to
in 2013
bataillon 231
operated from
(GTK) Boxer
A1 wheeled
a possibility that the enemy waits at the engagement of point and area targets, Also still in service is the Schwere armoured
top. The P8 pistol serves as secondary including light armoured vehicles, out to Panzerfaust 84mm anti-tank weapon,
weapon of machine-gunners. a range of 1,500m with single shots or better known as the Carl-Gustav. Since
bursts, using high explosive fragmentation the mid 1990s, however, this weapon carriers
As light machine gun the Gebirgsjäger ammunition. has only been used for battlefield
employ the 5.56mm MG4 manufactured illumination purposes, firing illumination 5: 120mm
by Heckler & Koch fitted with an Against armoured vehicles, bunkers and rounds. With the change of purpose the ‘R’ mortar of
RSA-S reflex sight. It also can be targets behind cover the Gebirgsjäger name of the weapon was also changed Gebirgsjäger
fitted with a Laser Licht Modul 01, the use the shoulder-launched Panzerfaust 3/ to Leuchtbüchse 84mm illumination bataillon 232
Nachtsichtaufsatz 80 (NSA 80) and the Bunkerfaust anti-tank and anti-structure rifle. Also for battlefield illumination – the 6,350m
AIM HuntIR thermal imaging sight. If more weapon. Available in each Gebirgsjäger purposes, as well as for signalling,
firepower is required, the Gebirgsjäger section, this weapon has a combat range the 26.5mm Signalpistole SIG P2A1 is
combat range
use the very reliable and well proven of 400 metres and can be fired from available.
weapon can
7.62mm MG3 general purpose machine inside buildings. The weapon consists of be mounted
gun; a descendant of the famous World a Griffstück/Zielfernrohreinheit launch unit HEAVY WEAPONS on a M113A2
War II German MG42. This weapon can be with sight and projectile in its launch tube. AND VEHICLES EFT GE or
employed on a bi-pod or in the sustained Projectiles in service include models with a The mortar platoons of the schwere dismounted
fire role on a tripod. In the latter case single and double shaped charge as well Gebirgsjäger kompanien are equipped using a
the weapon is used with a 4x24 scope. as a special anti-structure ones. with the 120mm ‘R’ mortar. Usually this baseplate
Mounted on an anti-aircraft tripod the mortar is used installed into an M113A2
weapon can also be used to engage slow The MILAN anti-tank guided missile EFT GE mortar carrier, but it can also
and low flying helicopters and aircraft. sections are equipped with the Missile be employed in a dismounted role
Images ©
d’Infanterie Legér Antichar. This weapon using a baseplate. When deployed in Carl Schulze
The Granat maschinen waffen gruppen has a maximum range of 2,000 metres difficult mountainous terrain the mortar
(grenade machinegun sections) of the and, dependent on the type of missile and its ammunition can be transported
heavy weapon platoons of the mountain fired, it can penetrate up to 700mm of by pack animals. Targets out to a
infantry companies use the 40mm Granat homogeneous armour steel. By using the distance of 6,350m can be engaged
maschinenwaffe A1 grenade machinegun MILAN Infra Red Adapter (MIRA) thermal with the mortar. The Gebirgsjäger fire
manufactured by Heckler & Koch. This imaging system the weapon becomes fully high explosive, smoke and illumination
automatic fire support weapon allows night fighting capable. rounds with the weapon.

Combat & Survival 37

The reconnaissance and anti-tank
platoons of the schwere Gebirgsjäger
Right: In 2013
kompanien are equipped with
Waffenträger Wiesel 1 TOW weapons bataillon 232
carriers, fitted with the Tube-Launched was the first unit
Optically-Tracked Wire-Guided (TOW) equipped with the
anti-tank guided missile system. This new Infanterist
weapon system can engage enemy der Zukunft –
armour out to a distance of 3,750 Erweitertes System
metres. When the TOW-2A missile is
used all armour currently in service
(IdZ – ES) soldier
can be penetrated. The weapon
system and the
system is equipped with the AN/TAS-4 first to field it
thermal imaging system, which can be on operations in
used both as a sight and also as an Afghanistan
observation system.
Below: Gebirgsjäger
The Maschinen kanonen zug with 5.56mm G36A2
(automatic cannon platoons) are
IdZ – ES assault
equipped with the Waffenträger Wiesel
1 MK weapons carrier fitted with
rifle fitted with
the 20mm Rh 202 DM 6 automatic Zieloptik (ZO) 4x30
cannon, which can be used against optical sight, RSA-S
soft and lightly armoured targets out to reflex sight and
a distance of 1,500 metres. A thermal Infrarotvorsatz IRV
imaging sight allows the employment 600 thermal sight
at night and in low visibility. The
Waffenträger Wiesel 1 TOW and
Waffenträger Wiesel 1 MK can be
transported as internal or external load
by the CH-53G transport helicopter,
which allows their deployment to
remote mountainous areas that have

no road access. Army specialist in, equipped for, and

trained for operations in mountainous
Mobility for the Gebirgsjäger sections terrain and at high altitudes as well as
of Gebirgsjäger bataillon 232 and 233 under extreme climatic conditions. The
Above: For are structured into a company HQ
reconnaissance element, two mountain engineer
is provided by Bv 206 S armoured battalion is structured into: a Stabs- und platoons, an engineer machinery platoon
over snow and all terrain vehicles. The Versorgungs kompanie headquarter and patrols Gebirgs and a technical section. Mobility for the
Gebirgsjäger bataillon 231 is currently support company and 2 and 3 & Gebirgs aufklärungs mountain engineer sections is provided
equipped with Transportpanzer 1 A4 pionier kompanie (mountain engineer bataillon 230 fields by Bv 206 D Husky over-snow and all-
Fuchs wheeled armoured personnel companies); and 4 Gebirgs panzer the Spähwagen terrain vehicles and Bv 206 S armoured
carriers, which will be replaced pionier kompanie (armoured mountain Fennek wheeled over-snow and all-terrain vehicles. Among
in the near future by gepanzertes engineer company). Engineer tasks in armoured other vehicles, the engineer machinery
Transportfahrzeug (GTK) Boxer mountainous terrain are executed by the
wheeled armoured personnel carriers. two mountain engineer companies, while
reconnaissance platoon is equipped with MAN KAT I

those in the valleys are executed by the vehicle with 7-tonne dump trucks, airmobile Ahlmann
AS 6 M multi-role wheeled loaders and
GEBIRGSPIONIERBATAILLON 8 armoured mountain engineer company. BAA surveillance snow blowers.
The Gebirgs pionier bataillon 8 is the system
only engineer battalion of the German The two mountain engineer companies The armoured mountain engineer

38 Combat & Survival

At section level
the 5.56mmMG4
light machinegun
is used as
automatic fire
support weapon-
it has a theoretical
rate of fire of 850
rounds per minute
and an effective
range of 1,000m

company is structured into an HQ Right: The automatic Since 2009 Gebirgs

element, an armoured engineer platoon cannon platoons of pionier bataillon
equipped with Transportpanzer 1A4A2 the mountain infantry 8 has also been
Fuchs wheeled armoured personnel battalions are equipped equipped with the
carriers in the engineer section Geräteausstattung
with the two-man
configuration, an EOD/IEDD platoon Seilbahn Mobil,
Waffenträger Wiesel
equipped with Transportpanzer 1A4A2 400 kg cable car
Fuchs armoured personnel carriers
1 MK weapon carrier system which has
modified for EOD/IEDD purposes, a
fitted with the 20mm a payload of 400kg
Faltfest brücken zug (tactical support Rh 202 DM 6 automatic and can span a
bridge platoon) equipped with the cannon a distance of
Faltfest brücken (tactical support 450 metres, It
bridge) system and a Panzer pionier Below: The can be used to
maschinen zug (armoured engineer reconnaissance and transport material in unfavourable weather conditions.
vehicle platoon) equipped with Fennek anti-tank platoons difficult terrain and over extreme
Führungs- und Erkundungs fahrzeug are equipped with differences in ground elevation. The transportation of special
(engineer command and reconnaissance Waffenträger Wiesel 1 personnel on horseback, or of
vehicles), two Panzer schnellbrücke Biber TOW weapon carriers EINSATZ- UND wounded personnel using the UT-2000
bridge layers, two Pionierpanzer 2A1 fitted with the Tube- AUSBILDUNGS ZENTRUM transport and rescue system, are
Dachs armoured engineer vehicles, two Launched Optically- FÜR TRAGTIERWESEN 230 other tasks. The unit can also conduct
mounted reconnaissance missions
Minenräumpanzer Keiler mine clearing Tracked Wire-Guided The Einsatz- und Ausbildungs zentrum
and can field mounted patrols for area
vehicles and three Faltstraßenverlege missile system für Tragtierwesen 230 (pack animal
control purposes. In addition to its
(trackway laying) systems. unit and training centre) is the only unit
of the German Army that is equipped operational tasks the unit also has a
with horses and mules. It is also the training task, conducting all kinds of
core authority within the Bundeswehr courses to do with the employment of
for anything regarding the training pack animals; for example, for soldiers
and deployment of riding, pack of other units of the Gebirgsjäger
and draught animals, as well as the brigade 23 ‘Bayern’ and operators of
training of their handlers and riders. the Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK)
A key task of the unit is to assist the Special Forces, and also for students
Gebirgsjäger brigade 23 with a pack from allied nations.
animal transport capability, allowing for
the transportation of heavy weapons, The unit is commanded by a
equipment and supplies (such as veterinarian with the rank of lieutenant
water, food, ammunition, drinking colonel and numbers 120 troops. It is
water and generator fuel) over difficult structured into a command element,
and hard to access terrain and under a transport and supply element, a

Combat & Survival 39

6 7 8

6: Gebirgsjäger dismount from signal team, a technical section, a veterinary team and (transport company).
a Bv 206 S armoured over three pack animal platoons. In total the Einsatz- und
Ausbildungs zentrum für Tragtierwesen 230 operates The logistic companies each feature a
snow and all terrain vehicle 54 pack animals, namely 16 Haflinger horses and 38 maintenance platoon, a supply platoon and
which can transport up to 12 mules. a transport platoon. Therefore each of the
troops, including the driver, companies is able to provide the full range
under armour protection GEBIRGS VERSORGUNGS of logistic support to one of the combat units
BATAILLON 8 of the brigade, for example recovering and
7: The primary sniper rifle used The Gebirgs versorgungs bataillon 8 (mountain logistic repairing disabled vehicles and weapons or
by the sniper teams of the support battalion) provides all manner of logistic delivering supplies such as water, fuel, food and
Gebirgsjäger is the 7.62 mm support to the units of the Gebirgsjäger brigade 23 ammunition. The transportation company is a
‘Bayern’. It is structured into: the battalion HQ; 1 non-active unit and its personnel is formed from
(.300 Winchester Magnum) Stabs- und Versorgungs reservists who are called to duty in case the
G22 sniper rifle fitted with kompanie (headquarters company is needed.
a Hensoldt AG 3 – 12 x 56 and support company);
sniper scope three nearly identically CONCLUSION
structured Versorgungs Gebirgsjäger brigade 23 ‘Bayern’ is a highly
8: Hoch gebirgsjäger zug of kompanie (logistic trained and capable light infantry force. It is
Gebirgsjäger bataillon 232 companies), numbered manned by well-trained and fit long-serving
practice winter warfare 2, 3 and 4; and professionals who show a well-developed sense
5 Transport of responsibility and esprit de corps - necessary
on skis - the 7.62mm kompanie attributes that are paramount for operating in
MG3 is attached to mountainous terrain, where even small mistakes
a UT-2000 transport made during training can result in life-threatening
and rescue sled situations or even death. The Gebirgsjäger are
carried by also well accepted by the local population as
one soldier a result of their countless employments during
and fired by his disaster relief operations.
Gebirgsjäger are troops you can count on when
things get rough.

Footnote: Some compound German words have

been broken down for better formatting.

In winter
Bombardier Nordtrac
Rotax Ski-Doos are
used for liaison
purposes - the
vehicles can reach a
top speed of 100km/
hr and are powered
by a 2-cylinder
petrol engine that
develops 45hp

40 Combat & Survival

Taiwan, officially known as Main Image: These
the Republic of China (ROC), two Special Forces
is a country that feels a soldiers are trialling
palpable sense of threat to its
the new 5.56mm
security. For 66 years, it has
resisted People’s Republic
MSR - the weapon is
of China calls to return to 850mm long (620mm
Beijing’s fold. One elite unit with butt folded)
at the forefront of keeping and has a firing rate
Taiwan safe is the ROC Army’s of 550-700 rounds
(ROCA) Aviation and Special per minute
Forces Command (ASFC). It is
rather a unique unit because
it features both Special
Right: These
Forces and rotary-winged airborne soldiers
assets nestled under a single each carry a
command. different XT-97
version of the

he ASFC plays an important role
in Taiwan’s concept of a swift
5.56mm Multi-
response to any threat from the utilisation Special Forces groups containing some 10,000 streamlining in the past 15 or so
People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Rifle produced by personnel, as well as three aviation bri- years. The two Special Forces
Indeed, it is the Taiwanese Army’s the state-owned gades. The elite formation, as it appears groups (originally brigades before the
designated rapid reaction force. 205th Arsenal MPC today, was stood up in 2007. 2007 reorganisation) are the 862nd
The command is based at Tainan, in and trialled by the Airborne Special Warfare Group, and
southern Taiwan, and it falls directly ASFC last year SPECIAL FORCES the 871st Airborne Special Warfare
under the Army General Headquarters. [Hojiyi] Taiwan’s Airborne and Special Group. The former is headquartered
The Command comprises two Special Forces have undergone significant at Taoyuan, in northern Taiwan, while

Combat & Survival 43

Taiwanese Paras
in typical combat
gear and armed with
5.56mm Type 91
rifles - produced by
the 205th Arsenal
it is a copy of the
American M4A1
but with an FN FAL
gas-operated short-
stroke system

the latter is based at Pingtung, 1: A member of the

in the south. The two groups Altitude Special Service
possess five battalions in total, Company ascends a
all of which are highly airmobile. watchtower ahead of an
These battalions are distributed airborne drop - one guard
throughout Taiwan, with three
already lies ‘dead’ after
stationed in the north, one in the
centre and one in the south. These
a deft knife attack while
a second is about to be programme is modelled on the US penning a feature on this shortly,
units could be compared to the Army’s, as occurs at Fort Benning based on images shot recently at
US Army Rangers in terms of their similarly dealt with
in Georgia. Jump school lasts three Fort Bragg). Also available for more
2: A team of six ASFC weeks, during which successful covert entrances are the MC1-1B

Both groups utilise the Army

members wearing candidates must perform five steerable parachute and MT-1X
MultiCam uniforms in parachute jumps, one of which is a ram air-pressurised gliding canopy
Special Forces Training Centre, night jump. The standard parachute parachutes.
near Taichung in central Taiwan, 2013 - as well as T91
rifles fitted with various used by paratroopers is the static
for training. There is also an line-deployed T-10B, although the Also present in the ASFC is the
Army Airborne Training Centre accessories and scopes
goal is to replace them with the Altitude Special Service Company
at Pingtung, and an Army Winter also evident are a couple
newer T-11 Non-Manoeuvrable (ASSC), a unit modelled on Delta
and Mountain Training Centre at of M107A1 sniper rifles Canopy Personnel Parachute System Force of the US Special Operations
Taichung. The airborne training [Hojiyi] as used by the USA (Carl will be Command. The ASSC, which is

44 Combat & Survival


Province in China.

The ROC Marine

Corps (ROCMC)
fields its own
Chinese Marine
Corps Special
Service Company
(CMC.SSC) and
two Amphibious
Above: This patch Reconnaissance
with parachute, Patrol units,
wings, dagger while there is
and three flashes also the Military
Police Special
denotes an airborne
Services Company
soldier (‘Nighthawks’,
MPSSC). These are
3: After a parachute not aligned under
drop, mortarmen the ASFC, though
wait with their US the ASFC provides
tasked with performing counter-
terrorist and other special
M2-based Type 75 airborne training for
missions in southern Taiwan, 60mm mortar - SF these CMC.SSC/
draws its personnel from the sleeve badges stand MPSSC units.
862nd Airborne Special Warfare for Special Forces
An interesting
Group. It is thought to have while ‘KJT’ and
aspect of the ASFC
approximately 150 members that helmet bands denote is that it includes
include many aboriginal soldiers. the attacking Red female personnel,
Force estimated to
Another elite unit is the
number about 300.
army’s 101st Amphibious
4: This Females operate in mixed units 5.56mm Minimi. Special Forces use
Reconnaissance Battalion,
and it also falls under the
predominantly green- with their male counterparts. One the Special Weapons SWA5 and
ASFC. Known as ‘Sea Dragon toned digital-pattern source told C&S that the rationale T77 sub-machineguns. Shotguns
Frogmen’, these operators are camouflage uniform for incorporating women into the include the Remington Model 870,
was introduced in command was to emulate the Mossberg 500/590 and Diana 12
assigned the task of outer-island
Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Ga. Snipers employ the Remington
Special Operations. For this the summer of 2014
as it also features female Special M700, M14 and LWRC R.E.P.R. The
purpose they are stationed on and will gradually Forces. Barrett M82A1/M107A1 is used
Kinmen, Matsu, Penghu and roll out to all ROCA for anti-materiel purposes. Pistols
Dongyin, which are ROC- soldiers - this soldier Typical weaponry of airborne include the Glock 19, T75K1 (local
controlled islands in the Taiwan carries a telescopic troops is the 5.56mm T91 assault version of the M9) and Steyr M-A1.
Strait. The 101st Amphibious
stockT91 rifle rifle, which is a local copy of the
Reconnaissance Battalion has
a long and distinguished record
M4 rifle but which adopts the FN AVIATION
in Special Operations, and Images © FAL’s gas-operated short-stroke The Army’s air arm is an important
during the Cold War its members Gordon Arthur system. Airborne troops also use part of the AFSC, although its assets
or Hojiyi the 7.62mm T74 machinegun support all branches of the ROCA
regularly infiltrated Fujian
(copy of the FN MAG) and the and not just the AFSC. Its primary

Combat & Survival 45


Taiwanese Paras jump

from a ROC Air Force
C-130H during Exercise
HAN KUANG in September
2014 when eight
Hercules aircraft dropped
approximately 170
paratroopers mimicking a
PLA invasion
helicopter types are the Bell UH- Transport Battalion (one battalion 5: Two and it has five battalions with the
1H, Bell AH-1W SuperCobra, Bell with CH-47SD) at Gueiren. The paratroopers float AH-1W, UH-1H, OH-58D and TH-
TH-67A Creek, Bell OH-58D Kiowa latter was created in 2003 for towards the ground 67A. A few Apaches are also based
Warrior, Boeing CH-47SD Chinook, the air transport role when nine there for training. Taiwan became
Boeing AH-64E Apache, and Chinooks were delivered, and it
beneath their T-10B the first export customer for the
Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawk. spends a fair amount of its time parachutes - note AH-64E when it ordered 30 craft
supporting the 862nd Airborne the equipment in 2010. The aviation capabilities
There are three brigades: the Special Warfare Group. During cannister (bag) of the ROCA were considerably
601st Aviation Brigade based at time of war, the 603rd Aviation dangling from the boosted once the first batch of
Longtan (four battalions with AH- Training Command would foot of the airborne Apaches arrived in November 2013.
64E, OH-58D and UH-1H); 602nd be activated as an additional soldier in the All craft had been delivered by the
Aviation Brigade based at Xinshe combat aviation unit. foreground. end of 2014, although was one lost
(four battalions equipped with AH- in a crash in April that year. The
1W, OH-58D and UH-1H); 603rd Gueiren near Tainan is home to Apaches will supplement existing
Aviation Training Command and Air the Army Aviation Training Centre, SuperCobra attack helicopters.

Another view of the gas- This SF soldier

operated ambidextrous with T91 CQB
MSR rifle developed to rifle, who has
replace the 5.56mm T91 just completed a
rifle - its retractable and parachute jump,
folding butt stock makes is female - the
it extremely compact ASFC allows
both males
and females to
soldier together
in mixed units

Another female SF
soldier, this time
toting a 7.62mm
T75 machinegun,
laptop case and
camera case - the
yellow brassard
on her left arm
indicates she
belongs to a
combat camera

46 Combat & Survival

More female soldiers armed with standard
T91 rifles in 2011 - they are wearing the
ASFC’s unique urban camo uniform that
was used before the new digital pattern
uniform was introduced in 2014

usage. The first four examples Taiwan is in the process of reducing

reached Taiwanese shores in late the military to a level of 190,000
2014, and the remaining 26 of this personnel by 2019, although a
first order will be delivered by August government committee has voted
2016. Data links compatible with to suspend President Ma Ying-
Taiwan’s Po Sheng C4I system, and jeou’s armed forces downsizing
AN/AVS-9 night vision goggles are programme over fears it was
also part of the order. Black Hawks affecting the country’s defence
will gradually replace the UH-1H. readiness.

VOLUNTEER ARMY Of the current 215,000 soldiers,

Numbers of personnel in the ROC sailors and airmen in the armed
Armed Forces have been dwindling forces, members of the army’s
as Taiwan faces budgetary restraints Aviation and Special Forces
and as the country moves towards Command thus play a very important
an all-volunteer force by 1 January role at the sharp end of Taiwan’s
2017 as the birth rate declines. combat capabilities.

Armed with AGM-114L Hellfire Above: This ASSC free-

air-to-surface missiles and Stinger fall paratrooper is armed
Block I air-to-air missiles, they with a locally made T77
improve the ability of the ROCA to 9mm sub-machinegun
respond to any PLA amphibious which is very similar to
landing. the Ingram MAC-10 in
shape - he also has an
Another craft to recently join altimeter strapped to his
the ROCA’s aviation arm is the
left wrist [Hojiyi]
UH-60M. When a UH-1H crash in
2007 killed eight senior officers Right: ASFC kit display
of the 601st Aviation Brigade - they are wearing AN/
and a typhoon caused serious PVS-21 night vision
damage in 2009, the ROCA goggles and as well as
redoubled efforts to replace the T91 assault rifles (one
ageing fleet. Taiwan firmly order
with 40mm under-barrel
60 Black Hawks and will distribute
grenade launcher) an
15 airframes to National Airborne
Service Corps for disaster relief
M24 SWS makes an
appearance [Hojiyi]

Combat & Survival 47

Main Image: The ASFC has three aviation brigades. The latest
addition is the AH-64E Apache, of which Taiwan procured 30
examples. In the background is an OH-58D Kiowa Warrior the ROCA
acquired 39 of these scout helicopters. [Hojiyi]

6: The workhorse of AFSC aviation brigades is the ageing UH-1H.

More than 50 of some 118 originally acquired remain in service, but
they will eventually be replaced by new BlackHawks

7: The most capable attack helicopter until the arrival of the Apache
was the AH-1W SuperCobra. Taiwan started receiving the first of
its 63-craft Cobra allotment in 1993
Below: A CH-47SD Chinook from the Air Transport Battalion
delivers supplies during a spring exercise - the Army purchased
nine Chinooks and deliveries commenced in 2002 but one crashed
in 2008 7

48 Combat & Survival

In 2013 the Ukrainian Armed
Forces adopted a new Woodland
digital camouflage uniform in
colours very close to those of
German Flektarn, a pattern which
the country’s Airborne Forces
have worn in the past. Uniforms
in this new scheme have been
documented worn operationally
in the field since Russia annexed
the Crimean Peninsula in early
2014 and civil war broke out in the
Donbass region, to the east of the
country. Since the late summer of
2014 Ukrainian troops have also
been issued with warm season
uniforms in an Arid digital camo
and C&S was allowed to photograph
a genuine example of a jacket in
this latest pattern displayed by a
clothing manufacturer exhibiting at
the IDET 2015 defence expo in Brno
Model: Jitka in late May. As can be seen from
the inset, the five-colour pattern
includes earth brown, khaki drab,
Images © sage green and charcoal ‘pixels’ on
Bob Morrison a light stone base.

50 Combat & Survival

Combat & Survival 51
52 Combat & Survival
Combat & Survival 53
At the Eurosatory 2014
defence expo in Paris last
June the Director General
of TsNIITochMash, Russia’s
Central Research Institute
for High Precision Machine
Construction, and a team of
military design specialists
briefed a small group of
interested defence media
representatives on the
latest evolution of the
‘Ratnik’ (Warrior) equipment
system. This presentation
was the first showing of the
second generation basic
infantry equipment set at
an international defence
expo and C&S grabbed
the opportunity to both
photograph it for Kit & Camo
and ask the Director General
specific questions about the
ballistic fabric used for the
camouflage combat uniform.

The new ‘ballistic’ efficient in actual combat.

compound fabric
used for the second In response to my questions the Director
generation ‘Ratnik’ General said: “The Ministry requires this
fabric to be waterproof, flame-proof,
combat uniform has
tear-resistant. The material used is a
a distinctive green complex structure. When I asked if it had
halo effect around the a breathable membrane, like Gore-Tex
edges. In these shots or Sympatex he replied: “Yes, there is a
the load carrying breathable membrane but we are unable
vest and daysack to provide technical details. Just to add,
are tailored from where we cannot use a breathable fabric
the 3-colour EMR or we use normal unbreathable fabric but
‘Digital Flora’ camo, we provide some space underneath,
introduced c.2008, between the fabric and the body, to
but the new garment provide ventilation.”
fabric is in a 4-colour
pattern which I
believe to be a

he new Russian Army equip- At first glance it is not apparent that Spekter-S variant. We
ment system consists of five both the jacket and trousers are were unable to take
inter-linked, inter-connected tailored from a special fabric which the Russian soldiers
integrated sub-systems, provides protection from small
outside to photograph
namely: the Attack system, which fragments and ballistic particles.
includes weapons, sighting The new uniform also includes
them in natural light,
equipment and ammunition; the special gloves which not only
so we asked them to
Communications, Control And facilitate good grip on the weapons pose for C&S in an
Navigation system; the Protec- but also provide ballistic protection atrium as this was the
tion system, which includes for the hands. When helmet and next best thing. Note
helmet, body armour in a tactical eyepro are also worn almost 100% that interesting blurry
vest and special anti-fragment of the soldier’s body is protected green halo effect. The
suits; the Life Support system, from ballistic fragments. shot to the right was
which includes engineering and taken in a conference
medical support; and finally the All elements exhibited at Eurosatory room with on-camera
Power Sourcing system for all the were part of the basic set claimed flash to bring out the
combat equipment. A modular to have already been delivered to two different camo
package designed to be used and in use by the Russian Army patterns
by Infantry, Marines and Special in June 2014. It was stated each
Forces, its most important goal element had not only undergone the Images ©
is to ensure the survival of the required tests but also had already Bob Morrison
soldier. been proven to be reliable and

54 Combat & Survival

56 Combat & Survival
To distance ourselves Right: The
slightly from the military Women’s
subjects we are covering, Police
as we are observers rather
Trousers are
than participants, the
C&S Team usually dress
in neutral khaki shades yet smart
or occasionally in plain and water-
black. Unlike some of resistant too
the mainstream media,
who often stand out like Below: Hood
ramblers on a countryside and cuffs are
stroll, our aim is to be elasticated
grey men (or women) who and there is a
blend into the shadows drawcord in
and become invisible. the hem
At defence expos we do
not have keep such a
low profile to do our job,
Images ©
but we still have to look
Bob Morrison
smart without resorting to
business suits so ‘military
contractor’ clothing usually
fits the bill.

or most of the time when cover-
ing IDET 2015 in the Czech
Republic my assistant, and on
this occasion translator, Jitka

Below: Shirt and intended for police officers,

compactly stows other blue light personnel and
away into a security staff, these have an
internal drop liner, double front
hidden internal
pockets each side, boxed leg
pocket with pockets with bar-tacked flaps
drawcord on the and zipped flares to the knee
back meaning they can be speedily

wore khaki but when we worked with green lightweight Arktis Stowaway
the Brno Police Rapid Response Shirt (a prototype from 1998) in one
Unit counter-terrorist specialists she of the side pouches of my camera
donned and doffed even if
dressed in black Woman Avenger bag along with the black version of its
wearing boots. As the modern
Trousers from Arktis, a loose black current equivalent for Jitka to don as
police officer usually carries
Under Armour T-shirt and her Meindl emergency shower protection.
belt equipment at the rear, hip
Black Python patrol shoes. As the
pockets are superfluous and so
weather was warm but ‘changeable’ Turning first to the trousers, which are
these trousers have none, but
that day, I carried my old faithful olive specifically tailored for the female form

Combat & Survival 57

1 2 took over Arktis and my 17
year old green original proves
the company’s ‘Quality Of
Endurance’ slogan is spot on.

The latest Stowaway Shirt

(A192), made from a lightweight
micro-ripstop fabric, now has
an elasticated hood and is
available in either black or
olive green. It is not quite as
compact as the original, which
compresses into a separate tiny
stuff-sack, but it still packs away
very small by merely turning it
inside-out and scrunching it into
an internal pocket. Neat!

4 5

the double horizontal access front 1: There is a reasonable

pockets compensate. All wear size cargo pocket on
points are reinforced, the fly is
zipped, with a taped button at the
each thigh – note also
top, and there are six substantial
permanent crease
belt loops around the waist.
2: Lower legs are zipped
Jitka’s verdict was that these are to allow them to be
very comfortable to wear and the donned without taking off
lining kept out wind chill. Unless boots or shoes
ordering in bulk, the Woman
Avenger Trousers (C330W) are 3: There are two front
only manufactured in black. Sizes pockets each side – fly
range from UK8-10 to UK 24-26. is zipped with taped
button fastener
The original Arktis Stowaway Shirt
was conceived as a pull-over
survival outer layer for downed
4: There are no rear
aircrew to give a compact
pockets – if wearing
emergency garment for both body armour or
cold and warm conditions which, equipment belt they are
though breathable, was also not needed
water repellent and a wind-
stopper to reduce wind chill. It 5: I have used this
was one of the early designs original Arktis Stowaway
created by Tim Holden after he Shirt since 1998!

58 Combat & Survival

If you have read C&S
Magazine for any length of
time you will be aware that
even though I do my level
best to appraise each and
every model of boot sent in
for review in as impartial a
way as possible I inevitably
have my favourites for
specific purposes. The
desert boots produced by
Alt-Berg, the Yorkshire
bootmakers, are one of
those favourites as not only
have they served me well
throughout my eighteen
year tenure as editor of
this magazine but, just
like company founder Mike
Sheehan, what you see is
precisely what you get. Jitka’s 520gms Size 6 Alt-Berg had rolled out a range of
A-Forme last brown Desert

footwear aimed specifically at the
t was way back in 1997 that I first Lady Elite alongside one female police and military market,
put on a pair of Alt-Berg Desert Berg introduced their Desert Microlite of my size 10 Desert produced on a brand new last
Boots, which were essentially a boot, which many sensible British Microlites. The Lady Elite designed to better replicate the
derivative of the company’s suc- squaddies deploying operationally
marries 2.2 to 2.4mm thick feminine foot shape (see March 2012
cessful Jungle Boot, to tackle the best quality suede uppers
to desert theatres opted to privately with fabric panels and issue or the Footwear section on
very first annual Toyota Desert Raid purchase, and yours truly shunted Naturally,
in the Sahara and, believe it or not,
Cambrelle ultra-breathable
his old ‘97 model boots to the top fast-drying lining to a as many female soldiers were serving
I still have these boots to this day. shelf of the ceiling-high boot rack to Vibram Tsavo sole with with the British Army in Afghanistan
Times changed, the world moved make space for the new, and slightly micro-cushion mid-layer. at that time, one of the first three new
on, off-road vehicles became even lighter, kid on the block. To prolong the life of the female boot styles to hit the market
more sophisticated, and so too did uppers use Alt-Berg’s was the Lady Desert Elite in beige.
combat boots. In due course Alt- Roll forward to early 2012 and Leder-Bök spray In 2015, however, brown is the new

60 Combat & Survival

beige for British troops heading to hot and/or arid climes wearing black (see page 56), Jitka pounding. On one particularly hot
so the Lady Elite Desert Boot In MoD Brown is also now wore brown Lady Elite Desert Boots and humid day, when even my feet
available. on her feet while dressed in khaki 5.11 in my latest Gore-Tex technology
shirts and trousers. Meindl Equator boots were feeling a
tad on the hot side, Jitka expressed
In mid-May, with the thermometer steadily climbing, my
As we were on our feet for twelve amazement at how dry her socks
assistant Jitka and I went out to the Czech Republic to
hours each day at the show and were when she took her Alt-Bergs off
cover the IDET defence expo and to photograph Czech
we did a fair bit of exploring around to check after a solid ten hour stint.
Airborne and Police Counter-Terrorist personnel. On the
Moravia on our days off following My response was a simple “Told you
warmer days of our week-long trip to Brno, and when not
the show, the boots received a good so!”

Images © Bob Morrison Combat & Survival 61

/combatandsurvival @CombatSurvival +CombatAndSurvivalOnline

Product - UK Contact: EDZ/EDZ
Telephone/Web: 01900 810260/

The EDZ Merino

Polo was
perfect for
the variable
conditions here
and were even
quite good at
controlling the
cool breeze on
the boat

This time of year we can look

at gear for better weather;
though I am hoping I don’t
have cause to regret saying
this. So both a Polo and
Merino are relevant.

have been fan of Merino wool for
some years now and most gar-
ments quoted as being Merino are
often mixes that include this special
wool. In this case the Polo is pure Me-
rino. If you do not know, Merino wool
is not itchy so good next to skin, can
be worn in warm and cold conditions,
works when wet, and does not smell
nasty even after several days of wear.
Generally just very good material and
great for travelling. After all, it works
for sheep and they cannot ‘layer up’ or
wash their coats other than by rain….

EDZ are good at materials, more on

this in future issues, and so this Polo
does not disappoint. I made good use
of this one when away recently on a
trip where conditions were warm and
chill, changing in minutes, and often
breezy. So, as well as looking smart,
this one proved to be a very practical

Combat & Survival 63

Product - UK Contact: Telic/New Heights Kestrel/R-P-R Ltd Snugpak/Snugpak
Telephone/Web: 07872 624073/ 01590 679755/ 01535 654479/

No, not Op TELIC sandals. These are Flip Flops and very
good ones at that. The concept has, of course, been around
for many years but these are a seriously upgraded version.

passed this trial over to Milady, and she has been very impressed with
them. She took them away on a recent trip and they became her principal
footwear. Agreed, it was warm, but from the start it was a case of “These
are really comfortable, Mike”. Better still they grip well, especially on the
likes of wet boat decks and wet floors - okay, around the pool.

The Telics have a good foot-hugging shape, so the foot is well supported
but in a very gentle way. They are extremely light so easy to pack/carry
2 and as the company says they are a great “recovery shoe” for tired feet.
Interested now? Made in the USA, these are new to UK, but there are some
other interesting items of footwear from this company and I am in contact
with the importer and will be getting some of the others to try in the future so
will let you know.

I think these will be of great interest for when those boots come off and the
feet need a rest, but also need support and protection.

1: The Telics are a snug fit and have a deep heel cup for security and comfort - sadly these
did not fit me so I had to pass them to Jean who was happy to have them
2:Remarkably grippy on most surfaces and foot-huggingly comfortable on the top side
makes these Telic Flip Flops a very good to wear item

Outwardly, this is a simple little Right: The Kestrel

device but it is able to provide Drop - attached
some useful and apparently
accurate information in any
here to my Snugpak
situation. As its name suggests
Rocket - will record
it looks a bit like a ‘teardrop’, is a lot of data for ready
small and light, and is seemingly availability on your
robust. However it depends on a smart-phone
mobile device to enable you to
read the information it produces. 3: Keith reading off
the early morning

he Kestrel Drop is a wireless data over time to check what was going on. For and still get
temperature on example we were camping on Dartmoor readings. I
logger that works in conjunction with
your smart phone. It is small, light
Dartmoor - the Kestrel in January and there was a discussion on got readings
and robust and very useful. You sim- Drop can be fixed to how cold it had been over night. Easy. The when in the
ply download the free App onto your smart any convenient spot Kestrel had been in my tent and quietly departure
phone and off you go, reading the info via to give a good reading logging away all night so in seconds I lounge and
Bluetooth. It can be used in real time but as required had all the answers they wanted, down to the Kestrel
also stores the info so you can go back exactly when it was coldest and so on. was in my
baggage -
3 4: A very different As well as temperature the Kestrel also somewhere
temperature to records Relative Humidity, Heat Index, en route to
Dartmoor - the data Dew Point, Station Pressure, Density the aircraft.
record here shows Altitude, Pressure trend. A lot for a very
the temperature small device. All this info is presented in I hope to be able to take a look at
peak during a recent various ways in an easy-to-use display some more of the very extensive
day in the sun in the via the App. The range of the Bluetooth range of devices on offer from Kestrel,
Mediterranean is impressive and so the Kestrel can be many of which are relevant to C&S
quite a long way from the smart phone readers.

64 Combat & Survival

Main Image: The
S&R Windtop proved
ideal on a boat
where the wind was
considerable and quite
chill at times

5: The Venture Windtop

is also available in As part of Snugpak’s latest range of Venture
green - here Jitka is garments this is the lightest, most packable
wearing the one Editor and non-insulated one. This said, it is far from
Bob often carries as a the less useful. In fact it is a very useful item of
field back-up kit as a back-up over a warmer item such as a
lighter SJ 2.

t has all the features of the Venture range, such as the
front pouch (kangaroo) pocket with the latest additions of
the two small pockets for items such as compass/phone/
GPS etc. Attachment loops, Velcro patches, thumb loops,
and draw cords all make this a well specified top. Typically
for Snugpak, the Paratex Micro material is tougher than it
seems and is very weather-resistant so, as seen here in the
picture, I took it away with me and on boat trips, albeit in the
sun, where the wind was very chill and of course the spray
was wet.

It also worked well as a ‘waterproof’ - I say it like this

as it is not officially, but from experience I know it
is very close to waterproof. This Venture packs to
next to nothing so is even pocketable or at least
will slip into pouch/side or top pocket or a
daysack, so can always be there as a ‘just in
case’ when not in use.

I have found that this garment, even when

worn over no more than a T-shirt, can

offer a good range of comfort in a

variety of conditions. (I can confirm
that Mike, Ed.) A great travel item as
well as for days on the hill.

Combat & Survival 65

Product - UK Contact: Julbo/Lyon Equipment Food On The Move/Mountain Trials
Telephone/Web: 015396 240240/ 01995 672879/

There are many makes of Right: Jean was

sunglasses out there. I have
used Julbo for many years and
a fan of these
have found them to be very
while away in
good indeed. In fact I have a sunny climes and
pair in my car that are never also thought they
allowed out as they are perfect looked good on me
for driving and have a really – just as well as
nice colour. I wanted to wear

he Bivouacs are also good and them
quite up-market. For a start they are
photo-chromatic so vary accord- 6: On the Bivouacs
ing to the amount of light, thereby the side sun
keeping the user comfortable and less screens are
likely to create eye strain in strong and removable - note but it is slightly flexible. The side ‘stem 7
variable light. They have side shields
to prevent light entering from the side,
the two small ends’ as they are called, are highly
but these are easily removable if not air vent slots to flexible and so adjustable to suit your
required; they are secured by small reduce misting head and ears as well as any headwear
magnets and a peg. you may use, so they fit well. The lenses,
and I really like the colour of these, as
7: The Bivouac well as being photo-chromatic address
The frame is made of a robust plastic sunglasses come the issue of misting by having small slots
6 in their own sturdy in the outer corners to allow airflow.
box along with
neck strap and soft All in all these are very nice and effective
cover eye protection and are ones to look
after. These Julbos come complete with
a removable, adjustable security strap,
Images © or via soft cover and very substantial hard case
Mike Gormley to keep the glasses protected when not
in use. Well worth a look.

8 9

Freeze Dried Rations - a heads-up. Food can be heavy, and

especially if you need to carry several day’s worth. For
some time now I have made use of freeze dried foods if I am
going to have to carry supplies with me for a few days or
just to reduce pack weight, which is never a bad thing.

OOD on the MOVE is a relatively new name to the outdoor scene. British
made, I was introduced to this brand by our Ten Tors Team manager,
Jamie, who is always on the lookout for good stuff for his teams. The
first thing that impressed me with these meals was the very small pack
size. Some similar foods have quite bulky packs, but these are vacuum
packed and look a bit like foil covered biscuits.
Carry weight for a sample day’s meal can be 325 grams and little space.
Add water, of course, but you may not have to carry that so far. I have not
had a chance to use these rations for real on an expedition, and have only
a quick taste of Jamie’s, but the signs there are good. So more to come on
these when I have had a day or two out in the wilds with them.

8: A two-day selection of Mountain Trails freeze dried FOOD on the MOVE

9: Just this light compact handful would provide a day’s worth of tasty food

10: To give the pack size some perspective I have placed an Elliot Brown Bloxworth
watch beside a day’s worth to give an idea of the compactness of these meals

66 Combat & Survival

Security Industry


Russia’s Ministry of Defence professional, like its Western weight. If the turret is unmanned,


recently unveiled its latest counterparts, it has less of a then there is no need to protect
family of armoured vehicles personnel pool to choose from and it so heavily which means a vast
(the ARMATA Universal therefore must design its vehicles overall weight saving. The new main


Combat Platform), including to meet all sizes of potential armament is more powerful than
the new T-14 Main Battle recruits. The T-14 is also larger previous guns and will therefore
Tank, just ahead of the 70th than previous designs but all tanks have a longer range and have a


Anniversary Victory Day have had to increase their size to faster velocity of kinetic rounds, such
Parade through Moscow’s hold larger engines, larger calibre as APFSDS (armour piercing, fin
Red Square on 9th May. weapons systems, increased stabilised, discarding sabot), which
Since Russia intends to armour and active defence systems makes it more effective.
supply its ground forces due to the evolution of anti-tank
with large amounts of these (AT) weapons. The protection systems have been
tanks, over 500 a year improved and include bar armour
totalling 2,300 by 2020, and One interesting feature of the T-14 around the rear of the tank hull. Bar
Western forces have been is the unmanned turret. Although armour is designed to pre-initiate

reducing the amount of remote weapons systems have RPG warheads (to degrade their
MBTs they have, how much recently been developed for effectiveness) and is lighter than
of a threat is this? western protected vehicles (PPVs) composite armour (which detracts
in Afghanistan, the Soviets have from mobility). The new armour

he new family of vehicles used unmanned turrets for a long is designed to operate in Arctic
seem to be a transformation time on smaller armoured vehicles. conditions found during the Russian
of design, rather than just an This is the first time we have seen winter or if conflict arises over
upgrade to an existing system, an unmanned MBT turret though. resources above the Arctic Circle,
as we saw with the family of tanks For a long time the Soviets have where Russia is currently building
from T72 toT90. All MBT designs are used remote ammunition bases.
a compromise between firepower, loading systems which The crew are all housed within a
mobility and protection with some helped to reduce smaller protected area within the hull
countries building vehicles with less the height which reduces the amount of heavier
protection that are faster and have of the tank armour required and increases
larger calibre weapons or heavier turret and the mobility. Putting the crew within
but well protected tanks that have Russians have the hull adds to their protection
large calibre weapons but have installed one in but this does require all round
limited mobility, such as the British the new unmanned situational awareness which is
Chieftain. Traditionally Soviet tanks turret. The calibre of why the T-14 has 360 degree
were lighter and cheaper than West- the main armament coverage by cameras and
ern tanks and this is still the case. has remained the same as sensors.
previous tanks, 125mm, which
The new MBT included in the ensures it can fire old stocks and The sensors and a radar
ARMATA family is designated new designs of ammunition. system also provide the tank with
the T-14. It is taller than previous an active defensive system which
Soviet designs, but in the past their The 125mm main gun can also will be alert to either ranging lasers
conscript system allowed the Soviets fire AT missile systems such as from enemy weapon systems or
to man their tanks with personnel the Kornet D, which has a dual incoming AT missiles. Defensive aids
under a prescribed height. This warhead. Dual warheads can be can then do a variety of things, such
meant they could manufacture used to detonate explosive reactive as fire a multi-spectral smokescreen,
armoured vehicles that had a lower armour, allowing the second turn the turret towards the threat and
profile, which of course meant they warhead to detonate against the fire the main armament
presented smaller targets. Now the main hull or the roof armour which at the threat in a bid
Russian Army is trying to become is traditionally thinner to save to put the enemy
AT gunner off his
aim. The T-14, and

other vehicles in
the new ARMATA
family, will also
be covered in new
screening material that

T-14 MBT
will reduce the thermal signature
of the tank to help defeat Western
thermal sights.

All these factors make the T-14 a

threat, especially when the tanks

A New Threat come in large numbers, but, as with

all weapon systems, it will all depend
on the quality of men that crew them
- By Robert Shaw and the political will of Russia.

68 Combat & Survival

This month we have a selection of of the type, moulded in light grey plastic with a in all it’s a nice enough kit of the British Army’s
new releases from Revell, which reasonable level of detail (including suspension workhorse that retails at £17.99.
include two military vehicles in the and underside) and there’s lots of conversion
popular 1/35 scale and another in potential for the more adventurous modellers. The second of the 1/35 kits this month is from
the ever-growing 1/72 range which a brand new tool and represents the German
this long-established model kit Alternative rear cross members are to be found KMW Dingo 2 GE A3.3 PatSi (Ref. 03242). The
manufacturer now offers. on the five sprues contained within the box, and kit is moulded in dark green plastic with a fine
this will allow you to build the civilian variant level of detailing on a total of ten sprues, plus

tarting with the first of the 1/35 kits (Ref. if you wish, though the kit only deals with the a set of beautifully moulded rubber tyres. The
03246), this replicates the good old Series military version. Decals and painting schemes amount of detail, especially on the underside
III 109-inch long wheelbase Land Rover for four vehicles are detailed in the instructions, and interior may deter the absolute beginner,
in GS (General Service) military soft top which relate to two British military vehicles and but anyone with a modicum of model-making
guise. Despite being boxed as Revell, sea- two Danish Army vehicles. The Royal Navy experience should have no troubles with the
soned model makers will no doubt recognise colour-scheme from the 1991 Gulf War featured construction. The interior is highly detailed, but
this as the old Italeri kit, however, there’s noth- on the box top is rather fanciful, but if you stick little can be seen if the doors are closed, which
ing wrong with this as it’s a nice enough model with plain sand you won’t go too far wrong. All is a bit of shame, and the complete chassis

70 Combat & Survival

and running gear is provided, including the The detailed suspension includes finely detailed Revell model kits are available from all good
engine, but again much of this won’t be seen link and length type plastic track to give a very toy and model retailers. For details visit the
when built. More experienced modellers, realistic effect even at this scale. A tiny decal company’s English language website - revell.
however, may wish to open it up and super- sheet has markings for four vehicles and the de/en - where you will also find a Dealer
detail it for show. kit has recommended retail price of £11.99. Yet Search facility on the dropdown menu under
again a cracking little kit from Revell. the Service tab.
A small decal sheet and painting guides
provide markings for three Bundeswehr
vehicles, two of which served in Afghanistan.
This excellent new kit of what will undoubtedly
be a popular subject has a recommended
retail price of just £19.99, which is excellent
value for money given the level of detail.

Our final offering this month is a 1/72 kit of the

Soviet T-80BV tank (Ref. 03106). Once again
there’s a superb level of detail and the four,
olive green sprues feature crisply detailed
parts that build into a very detailed model.

Combat & Survival 71

RAF Support Helicopter Force
hard top and soft top in overall
RAF Sand as used on aircraft

British Army SIII soft top in

standard Desert Stone which
was less pink than RAF Sand Images © Bob Morrison

RN Commando
Support Cell
soft tops in
Sand and
Desert Stone
‘tiger stripe’

72 Combat & Survival

74 Combat & Survival

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