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CEDAR RAPIDS City of Five Seasons+ Dear OSHA Ofc: |-am writing to inform you of alleged OSHA violations at 501 4" Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, lowa which were brought tc the attention of the City of Cedar Rapids on April 14%, 2023. We are following up today to ersure the information has been properly submitted to OSHA for review. Typlealy, the City refers those with firsthand knowledge of the complaint to submit the information to OSHA directly. However, due tothe thorugh explanation and photos ‘submitted to the City of Cedar Rapids, we felt it was important to take an additional step and provide the information directly to your office. Please note, the City has not been on site and has not seen any ofthe violations firsthand. We do feet is important to submit this. Information for review as scon as time allows to ensure the site Is operating n accordance with best safety practices. ‘Attached you wil ind complaints submitted to the City from County Attorney Nick Maybanks and Representative Sami Scheetz, For more information please contact Amanda Grieder at a rieder@cedar-rapids.omn oF 319- 573-0181, “Thank you for your attention to this matter, fayndudae (vied aml EY ‘Assistant to the City Manager City Manager's Office sae Grieder City of Cedar Rapids 101 First Street SE Office: 319-286-5714 | FB | @CivofCRiows (iy a0 Ft E+ Cera Sa 2680 FAX GI) DN6S1 lows Division of Labor (OSHA Enforcement 150 Des Moines Stet Formal [-]Nan-For lose: ves Des Maines, 1A 50209-1836 [Bia sheet Database Phone: 515-725-5660, |odates: ves [no updated: ves Cio ees] res ae | comptaine ase fie wuviomansbagoe —— sshasombiainis@undionagov cso: Nas: Tansferedt Cves-JNo | Complaint Form Instructions: To fea complaint about a workace safety or heath sue, send thi completed form and any atachment tothe address above, I youneed more space you may contoue on anather page It isiegal for an employer to retaliate agsinstan employee who fesanows OSHA complent. Ii legal to make aflse statement on tis complait for, |Do NOT reveal my name to the employer [My name may be revealed to the employer tengloye name Tes ype Wanageant ca InW Construction Construct ‘ite adess, iy ‘ate [sot tn Ava SE cedar Rapids \ 2401 aliog adres issn sess | cy Sate] Ze 1301 Washington ST Unit 100 nienapos w 02 Prone number Tarabar Tal aan [srr-2sz=o2n4 kctvelandegev com ‘Decribevolston of OSHA Randa toceton Fewend [See tached emi, ‘inane etn tT) ni ht eit [Which et descr your [rent erpijee [Farr enpinee ~ [Teneiys epesribie | he pec ly of Cedar Rape Stat! s Toren Ena Prone ber manda Gries redert@eadarseni 01 si9.s7s.0161 ase iy ‘Ste | Zp [101 setsieet Se cedar Bap p 40 erty that the fferation on therm andthe attachments an) ste nd accurate to thebestof my knowledge Dlaty srs Ananda Greer manda Grieder pisiivte? osene non | o-72023 Complete this secon yu area stored representative oft feted Sgen tere T= (On Apr 16, 2023, at 6:22 PM, Maybanks, Nick wrote! Good Evening, ef ‘As you likely know now, was aesent at Banjo Block on Friday, along with Rep. Scheetz and others. After the vist, sent av ema to Carpenters Local reps to begin the process of collecting Information and strategizing how to investigate violations of lowa and federal law onthe site. Obviously, learned thatthe Cty officals, including yourself, were notified by Rep. Scheets. The RPO has also heen notified. Inoted thatthe City does intend to investigate the site and/or determine the proper authorities to get involve, Before there are multiple paral! investigations being undertaken | wanted to see what steps the Clty has taken and plans to take soour affce can asist your efforts and not duplicate them. We are Interested in working together with the City. Lalo want to bringin county departments with an interest Inthis investigation, |.am always avalable by emallor cell (318.631.2117) and willbe inthe office tomorrow if you'd Ike to talk. hope to tak soon, Best Regards, Nick -image001.png> NICK MAYBANKS Une County Atlornoy 1819 Ave. Bdge | Coder Raps, A 52401 Ph: oteea2-ato | Fax st9-8126008, Original Messa From: Scheetz, Sami LEGIS] Sami scheetz@legisiowa gov> Sent: Friday, April 14, 2023 123 PM To: eff Pomerane Ce: Carina, Angle M. «9,>;THfany O'Donnell <-odonnell@cedar>; Dale Todd Subject: Bano Block ‘CAUTION: This email originated fom outside of the organization. Please verity the sender before ‘opening ttachments or liking on links. sel This morning, | had a tour ofthe Banjo Block construction site, which i loceted n my legislative district. During our tour ofthe site, ws came across a numberof potential safety violations. ‘The most egregious ofthe potential violations was a worker on the jb site who was clearly too young to bbe working on a construction site. When a Spanish-speaking member of our tour asked the boy how old he was, a supervisor onthe ste instructed him (in Sparish to tell us that he was 48, Ina later conversation with the assistant superisr of the project, he could not definitively tell me thatal ofthe ‘workers onthe project were ole enough to be working onthe ste ‘As you know, TWG Development wil recive $6.5 milion in tax incentives from the Cty of Cedar Rapids ‘to complete this project. Since our taxpayer dollars ae belng used with ths developer, hope thatthe Gy of Cedar Rapids wil investigate whether al safety protocols are being meton te aforementioned job sit. rm attaching 2 lnk toa Google Drive with al the photos/videos I took from this morning's tour: “ [drive_202293_8249.pna! rive /folders/1HUstqySOHom009057/5pYK6Ser? aQQAV?uspeshare lnk> Adtionaly, ve attached athe photo of the child who was onthe worksite thismerning lease reach out to me direct f you would lke to discuss this further. Best regards, Sami Seheete State Representative [child on jobsite jpeg]

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