PC Today-February 2014

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What Hackers Social Strategy Virtualization
Want With SMBs Dos & Don’ts The VMware Way

February 2014 Vol. 12 Iss. 02 | pctoday.com

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Crucial Mobile Strategy
Advice For Organizations
Large & Small
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Table Of Contents


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OPTIMISTIC ABOUT 2014, ➤ According to a survey of executives conducted by uSamp, most execs
feel that big data will reach its potential in the future (35% say by the end
ESPECIALLY TECH of 2014, 44% in the next five years, and 6% in the next 10 years) while few
➤ According to the December (12%) think big data has already peaked. So why haven’t some companies
2013 “Semi-Annual Small Business jumped on the big data bandwagon? This chart shows why the surveyed ex-
Survey” from Rocket Lawyer, small ecutives think companies have yet to adopt big data solutions.
business owners in the U.S. entered
the New Year on an upbeat note. Need more education on how
Of those surveyed for the report, 62% big data solves business problems
80% stated they believe 2014 will Need big data solutions to better
be better than last year. Significant 53%
address the needs of business users
worry about the economy remains, Need simplified solutions for big
according to the report, with 50% data with fewer moving parts
reporting that their outlook is tem-
47% Need better time to value for big data
pered by economic concerns and
30% saying they are concerned
40% Need prices for big data solutions to come down
about the economy in general.
However, business owners antici-
1% They aren’t holding out on using big data
pate strong opportunities for certain
industries, particularly technology 1% Other
(No. 1 at 36%) and health care (No.
2 at 27%). 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%


➤ Semiconductor and electronics ➤ Although the BYOD (bring your ➤ According to a recent independent
OEMs have done a better job man- own device) trend may be slowing, it survey of 300 IT decision makers in the
aging their inventory levels, and continued apace in 2013. According to U.S. and U.K., 78% of CIOs reported
that work paid off in strong rev- Strategy Analytics, the number of new that their businesses have a mobility
enues last year. Research from IHS smartphones corporations purchased strategy, but a majority of respon-
shows that Q3 2013 revenue among for employee use grew throughout dents see problems with mobility. For
OEMs reached $493 billion, up 7% 2013. In Q3, for example, more than example, 72% find it too costly to in-
from the second quarter; fourth- 35% of smartphones sold for business tegrate mobile solutions with existing
quarter revenue is expected to top purposes were corporate-liable; that’s applications, 86% think their businesses
$540 billion, or 10% quarter-over- up from 32% in the year-ago quarter haven’t optimally used mobility to
quarter growth. After correcting for and 31% in Q1 2013. North American expand business, and 66% think mo-
an unexpected drop in demand in companies have been among the bility solutions are simply too complex.
the second half of 2012, invento- quickest to accept BYOD, but Q3 2013 According to study sponsor Mobile
ries have been lean throughout the sales of corporate-liable smartphones Helix, companies are now finding the
channel in 2013, says Sharon Stiefel, were up 13% from the year-ago most benefits in mobility from secure
IHS senior analyst, semiconductor quarter after flat to declining volume offline/remote access, device storage,
market intelligence. for much of 2012. and push updates.

4 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com



OF HEALTH IT ➤ Gartner expects global spending on IT products will increase 3.1% over the
➤ There has been much talk about how $3.7 trillion total from 2013, reaching $3.8 trillion this year. Enterprise software
using health IT—electronic health re- represents the strongest growth area, according to Gartner, with help from
cords, clinical decision support, order business interest in analytics in general and B2B/B2C (business to business,
entry, and Web portals—can benefit business to consumer) analytics in particular. And despite declines in the per-
providers and patients alike. A new sonal computer and devices markets last year, those markets will return to
study by Health Affairs indicates how growth in 2014. Other prominent growth areas include CRM (customer rela-
big that impact could be. For example, tionship management) and SCM (supply chain management). This chart shows
if just 30% of community-based physi- the expected breakdown of IT spending for 2014.
cian offices fully implemented health IT,
there would be a 4% to 9% reduction in $697 Devices....................................................................................................... 4.3% Growth
the demand for physicians; this could $143 Data Center Systems......................................................................................... 2.6% Growth
be further reduced 4% to 7% by del-
egating care to nurse practitioners and $320 Enterprise Software.....................................................................................6.8% Growth
physician assistants. One of the biggest
$963 IT Services ..........................................................................................4.5% Growth
gains could be in solving regional physi-
cian shortages as the implementation of $1,653 Telecom Services ..............................................................1.2% Growth
health IT could enable up to 12% of care
$3,777 Overall IT.................. 3.1% Growth
to be delivered remotely or asynchro-
nously. Health Affairs expects that 30%
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000
of physicians’ offices will fully imple-
Spending (in billions of dollars)
ment health IT in the next five years.


➤ Although less than 11% of note- ➤ There were 455.6 million mobile ➤ Companies need to take a broader
book computers manufactured phones sold around the globe in Q3 approach to BYOD (bring your own
worldwide in 2013 featured touch- 2013, amounting to a 5.7% increase device), looking at applications and
screen displays, recent research over the year-ago quarter, according strategies designed for today’s world,
from NPD DisplaySearch indicates to Gartner. Of those 455.6 million mo- according to research firm Gartner.
that the percentage is increasing. bile phones, 55% were smartphones, “For CIOs to consider BYOD activi-
Furthermore, the research firm indicating a continued acceleration ties within their organization to be a
projects a steady upward trajec- of smartphone purchases and a cor- temporary problem generated by a
tory over the next four years. NPD responding decline in standard mo- few disaffected employees would be
DisplaySearch expects that roughly bile phone purchases. According to a tragic mistake,” says Darryl Carlton,
18% of the laptops manufactured NPD DisplaySearch, smartphones will research director at Gartner. Most or-
in 2014 will include touchscreens, constitute 80% of the overall mobile ganizations have diverse workforces,
25% in 2015, 35% in 2016, and 40% phone market by 2017. In terms of op- combining full-time and part-time
in 2017. That’s 64.2 million touch- erating system market share, Gartner staff, contractors, and independent
screen laptops expected to ship in says Android had 72.6% market share professionals. There is no longer an
2017 compared with 19.8 million in Q3 2013, compared to 14.3% for iOS exclusive user base that can be con-
units in 2013. and 5.2% for BlackBerry. trolled with standards, Carlton adds.

PC Today / February 2014 5



➤ Research firm IDC has slightly lowered its worldwide tablet shipment forecast due in part to the increasing size
of some smartphone models and the decreasing size of some tablet models. “In some markets consumers are already
making the choice to buy a large smartphone rather than buying a small tablet,” says Tom Mainelli, research director for
IDC, “and as a result we’ve lowered our long-term forecast.” IDC expects tablet shipments to grow 22.2% in 2014 com-
pared to 53.5% in 2013, the year tablets truly began captivating consumers and business users alike. Mainelli adds that the
trend toward bigger phones is less pronounced in the U.S., where, he says, “we’re less concerned about big phones canni-
balizing shipments and more worried about market saturation.” Among other trends to watch, IDC expects Windows to
take more market share in the coming years, as these charts illustrate.
Android iOS Windows Other
0.9% 1.4% 0.8% 0.4%

45.6% 30.6%
60.8% 58.8%



➤ The latest Windows operating ➤ Think of the Internet and all of ➤ Cloud service providers may be
system statistics from analytics the devices connected to it, and then keeping server manufacturers happy
firm Net Applications show that imagine that countless sensors— with continued purchases, but the
Windows XP usage, which had in machines, factories, appliances, many businesses that are in the pro-
begun to decline in 2013 and then wearable devices, and elsewhere— cess of shifting from on-premises to
stabilized temporarily, has again were also connected. That is the IoT cloud computing are contributing to
begun to decline; as of December, (Internet of Things), which Gartner an overall decline in the worldwide
the OS was used on 29% of desktop expects will grow from including 1 server market. That shift to cloud com-
and notebook computers world- billion to more than 25 billion de- puting, coupled with decreased de-
wide. Windows 8, on the other hand, vices by 2020. According to Gartner, mand for Unix servers in particular,
which got off to a sluggish start mobile devices will grow along with have resulted in a 3.7% drop in 2013
and caused worries for Microsoft IoT and will account for more than Q3 global server sales compared to the
through much of 2013, rallied at 25% of the “things” connected to it. year-ago quarter, according to figures
year’s end; Windows 8 and 8.1 com- Vertical markets contributing most IDC released in December. The decline
bined were present on 34% of com- to IoT are manufacturing (15%), was part of a three-quarter streak, but
puters in December, up from 28% health care (15%), and insurance IDC expects a “refresh” in early 2014
in November. (11%), says Gartner. will lift server revenues somewhat.

6 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com




➤ According to the Pew Internet & ➤ While major Internet search players leave virtually no space for would-be
American Life Project, 73% of online upstart competitors, there appears to be room for improvement in the web-
adults use a social media service, and site search business. Despite steady advances in website design, providing
42% use multiple services. Percentages decent site search functionality remains a prominent sticking point for com-
that are this high and rising have panies of all sizes. This is the problem San Francisco-based startup Swiftype
begun tantalizing even the most anti- strives to address. By targeting the business need for better site search and
social of big businesses and are luring providing a
an increasing number of enterprises to solution that
promote their brands in the expanding is easy to use
social universe. Based in Austin, Texas, (little tech ex-
Spredfast is among the fastest growing perience re-
companies to enter this market; its plat- quired) and
form helps businesses engage with its over-delivers
customers and understand their behav- on features (mobile site search, search term customization, and real-time
iors and desires. Spredfast recently se- analytics), Swiftype does seem poised to dominate the site search market.
cured $32.5 million in growth capital, Founded in 2012, the company raised $1.7 million in seed funding in
which the company says it will use for August 2013 and $7.5 million in Series A funding just one month later. Now
“talent acquisition, product develop- the company is focused on recognition and growth. To accomplish this,
ment and global expansion, and [to] Swiftype is promoting a message that is welcome to many businesses: you
solidify its position” as a market leader. can easily gain full control over your own website’s search results.


➤ While contactless mobile payment ➤ Who wants to talk about sched- ➤ Three-dimensional views and vir-
systems for smartphones expand in uling? Anyone? For organizations tual tours are big draws for real es-
reach at a snail’s pace, consumers of any size, scheduling is something tate shoppers. New York City-based
interested in making mobile phone- that must be done but can be mind- startup Floored, which specializes
based payments are left with few op- numbingly difficult to accomplish to in 3D floor plan modeling, seeks to
tions and still can’t entirely shed their everyone’s satisfaction. This is where capitalize on real estate agents’ thirst
plastic cards. LoopPay seeks to ad- Doodle comes in, a service offered for visualization tools that will wow
dress this market gap with its Loop by the Swiss company of the same potential buyers. Care for a realistic
system, which enables users to load all name; it provides a simple but effec- walk-through of a home, complete
of their credit, debit, and loyalty card tive Web-based interface for business, with your furniture? Floored of-
information on to their smartphones group, and individual scheduling. fers just this type of 3D interactive
and use the Loop Fob to make pay- The startup recently announced it experience. Floored also serves the
ments at POS (point of sale) locations; will be acquired this year but was architecture, furniture, and interior
retailers don’t have to change their tight-lipped about the terms of the design industries. The company now
systems for this to work. LoopPay re- deal. Doodle claims to be growing its has $5.26 million in Series A funding
cently received $10 million in angel customer base to the tune of 15 mil- to add to its coffer as it pursues the
round funding to expand. lion new users per month. commercial real estate market.

8 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


Total Mobility
Advice For Organizations Large & Small

Whether the organization is a purposes, mobility in general intro- types of devices to allow in a BYOD
10-person shop or a multi-national duces new challenges for SMBs (small (bring your own device) scenario, is
corporation with thousands of em- and midsize businesses) and larger to “take a look at your workforce and
ployees, implementing a strong mo- enterprises alike. And to fully support try to understand what the jobs are,
bile strategy has become a major this mobile evolution, you need to what the requirements are for that
factor in driving future success. determine what devices you want to job from a technology perspective,
Whereas desktop and laptop com- support (whether company-issued or and where mobile fits into that,”
puters used to be the primary tools consumer-owned), how you plan to says Christian Kane, an analyst with
for workers, smartphones and tablets manage those devices and control ap- Forrester Research (www.forrester.com).
are now blurring the performance plication usage, and what you need to Kane stresses that having a mobile
lines and proving they can handle do to properly secure the devices and device “isn’t going to have the same
almost any task you throw at them. data that flows through them. value for every employee” and that,
While this is a great thing for em- for instance, “the needs of someone
ployees who either prefer a mobile DEVICES on an oil rig will be different from
office approach to business or want The first step in choosing what de- those of a salesperson or home health-
to use their personal devices for work vices to offer employees, or which care worker.” Start by determining

Successful business mo- Implement an MDM Data protection is In terms of application

bility planning involves (mobile device manage- paramount. Make sure control, small and midsize
striking the right balance ment) or EMM (enter- employees only use businesses can rely more on
between company-issued prise mobility manage- supported file sync and policy, but larger enterprises
and employee-owned ment) solution to provide file sharing solutions may want to consider build-
Key devices, and ensuring an adequate level of and support natively ing a private app store for
Points they are secure. company control. securable devices. increased control.

10 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


which employees in your company and software than it is to ensure the de- says, “probably have some leverage
will benefit most from having a mo- vice has the newest bells and whistles. as they’re transitioning into a BYOD
bile device and then go from there. Mike Battista, Ph.D., senior consulting model because they already know
David Willis, chief of research, mo- analyst at Info-Tech Research Group they’re going to pay for this person’s
bility and communications, and se- (www.infotech.com), says the “most im- phone, but not [that] person’s phone”
nior research board leader at Gartner portant features center around produc- based on previous reimbursement
(www.gartner.com), adds that while tivity, security, and manageability. Can policies. But he also adds that SMBs
companies used to only have to worry the applications enhance users’ ability “are usually a bit more flexible in
about the functionality of devices for to do their jobs run on the device? That’s their policy and are a bit less stringent
the business, now, “with the rise of where it comes down to the size of the than in larger organizations.” For that
BYOD, employees have an expecta-
tion that they will have some choice in
the device they’d like to use.” The con-
sumer market is built on variety and
“Start with a few popular devices eligible for BYOD.
giving users options, so now “compa- Limit support to connecting enterprise apps
nies have to offer a wider range of op- to enterprise resources.”
tions to employees,” whether it’s part
of a BYOD or company-issued ap-
proach, Willis says. He recommends app store associated with the platform.” reason, smaller companies may not
focusing on flexibility so that a mobile Fortunately, as Battista points out, it have to worry as much about in-depth
device is “able to work with a number may not be as big of a headache to give management tools and can instead
of different third-party cloud services” your employees options. In fact, he says, focus on employee education programs
and to make sure the device is secur- “supporting any or all of the top 10 or more than potentially limiting tech-
able “with native capabilities built into 20 devices from the last few years will nology. Still, larger companies do have
the OS or with containers . . . layered cover 95% of what users want and 95% to worry about this issue and will have
on top of it with software.” of what IT needs.” to come up with a strategy for what
When it comes to device specs, it’s types of devices to allow.
more important to make sure the device BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE “One of the top risks with BYOD is
will support your chosen applications While many companies still struggle that support cost and complexity get
with the question of whether or not to out of control,” says Battista. “More
allow employees to bring their own variety means more support, so or-
devices into the workplace for business ganizations with limited resources
IS THAT DEVICE use, the fact of the matter is that the can either reduce variety or reduce
SECURED? decision should primarily come down support. I usually recommend mod-
to how heavily regulated your orga- eration in both variety and support.
According to Juniper Research,
nization is and whether or not your Start with a few popular devices eli-
80% of enterprise and consumer
geographic region will let you have gible for BYOD. Limit support to con-
smartphones are currently not
enough control over the devices. For necting enterprise apps to enterprise
protected by security software.
instance, Kane says, companies in the resources. If that works out, expand
Number of mobile devices with
financial industry that have credit card the BYOD program to more devices.”
security software installed, ac-
payment information on file may not
cording to Juniper:
be able to properly institute a BYOD DEVICE MANAGEMENT
policy because they can’t risk a data Company-issued devices are rela-
1.3 billion leak. And, he adds, some countries in tively easy to manage because you can
the European Union “have very strong have as much or as little control over
workers’ protection rights, so you can’t them as you need. You decide what
do things like location tracking, which applications go on those devices and
would change some of the policies you configure them to be used specifi-
you have in place and how effectively cally for business purposes. BYOD, on
you’re able to monitor and maintain the other hand, is throwing a wrench
325 million those policies.” into the management approach of many
The amount of control you require organizations. By taking on the develop-
2013 2018 may also depend on the size of your ment and implementation of a BYOD
company. Larger companies, Kane policy, organizations have to deal with

PC Today / February 2014 11


a wide variety of devices and keep in “. . . take a look at your workforce and try
mind that employees also configure
those devices for personal use away
to understand what the jobs are, what the
from the office. requirements are for that job from a tech-
This is where MDM (mobile device nology perspective, and where mobile fits
management) comes into play. MDM
solutions give you “some policy con-
into that.”
trols on the device, like security mea- Christian Kane
sures, whitelisting and blacklisting analyst, Forrester Research
applications, and that sort of thing,”
says Willis. However, he adds, many
vendors are moving away from sim- “. . . with the rise of BYOD, employees
pler MDM setups to focus on adding have an expectation that they will have
more EMM (enterprise mobility man-
agement) capabilities, such as con-
some choice in the device they’d like
tainerization. Containers essentially to use.”
let you provision a mobile device so David Willis
that the business and personal aspects
chief of research, mobility and communications, Gartner
are separated. This is a great way for
companies to implement security and
management policies on certain appli-
cations and data sets while leaving the
rest of the device free for personal use. can “give you a security baseline” in to snuff, too,” says Battista. “It doesn’t
Kane agrees that MDM solutions, or addition to management. This can help need to be a full enterprise container
more feature-rich EMM alternatives, you make sure that regardless of what for everything, though. For simpler
are a great place to start because they device an employee uses, you can en- needs, it can just be making sure com-
force a “4-digit PIN” or make it so that pany email is secure, then branching
the device can be “locked or wiped out from there.”
if they’re found to be lost or stolen.”
COMPANIES THAT That’s one of the biggest benefits of an SECURITY
USE BYOD MDM solution, but one you need to In addition to basic management ca-
adequately explain to your employees, pabilities, companies also need to focus
According to Gartner’s 2013 especially if you support BYOD. If you on security. MDM is still a good start
CIO survey, the percentage of do, it’s important to ensure that every because it can give you those remote
companies worldwide with employee understand that the com- wipe capabilities and let you block or
BYOD (bring your own device) pany is willing to support his device allow certain applications, but it may
policies will increase dramatically and let him use it for business as long not be enough for every company. For
in the next two years. as he agrees to the remote wipe pos- example, you may have employees
45% sibility. That way, employees will re- that want to use file sync and share
member to back up their personal data programs where you essentially up-
38% in case of loss or theft. load documents to the cloud and then
Battista recommends taking a step- have the ability to access them any-
by-step approach to things such as where with almost any device. While
MDM and containerization specifically. this is a great features for the indi-
He says that “companies have some vidual, it opens up major security vul-
obligation to keep their own data safe nerabilities for the company.
without messing too much with using Kane says that because of file syn-
the device for other purposes,” but if chronization and file sharing solutions,
you can meet your separation goal, “data protection is definitely a big
you can then move on to other aspects piece.” He says that a lot of companies
of device management. “Keeping that are thinking about providing an enter-
company data safe necessarily involves prise version of a file sync and share
2013 2016 2020 getting security, app management, de- option so employees can still get the
vice management, and policies all up benefits of that but the organization can

12 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


manage and monitor the files and have “Start with a few popular devices eligible
a little more control in that department.”
This is an example of a company
for BYOD. Limit support to connecting
understanding the needs of an em- enterprise apps to enterprise resources. If
ployee, determining that a certain that works out, expand the BYOD
service simply isn’t secure enough,
and then making strides to offer
program to more devices.”
something similar to improve em- Mike Battista
ployee effectiveness and produc- Ph.D., senior consulting analyst, Info-Tech Research Group
tivity. “Many companies have come
to this place where pretty much all of
the applications they want to deliver
need to not only be aware and take
into account security needs of the but you have “strong authentication.” applications they want to be able to
company, but also have a great expe- However, he says this should be a use and then determine whether or not
rience so that employees are willing last resort because “it’s very rare” those fit into your business strategy. If
and want to use them and are not that a virtual desktop experience is you’re open with your employees and
willing to circumvent IT to get some- actually good. Instead, you should let them use applications, as long as
thing from the app store that they focus on supporting devices that are they’re safe, then you shouldn’t have
like better,” says Kane. more securable, so “you can have a to worry about implementing a private
Battista adds that email applica- lot of policy controls for native ap- app store or something similar.
tions should also be an important plications” from the start, Willis says, Larger organizations that have to
focus and that integration with the and then take other third-party apps manage hundreds or thousands of de-
company’s email and sync solutions on a case by case basis. vices, all with unique operating sys-
“is critical.” The company should be tems and applications, may not be able
able to enforce encryption policies for APPLICATION USAGE to fully trust app stores. Such organi-
emails and have control over what Another major part of manage- zations could opt instead for building
data is synced, downloaded, or up- ment and security is determining a private app store where they can cu-
loaded to and from a device. Once what types of applications should rate applications and only offer secure
again, an MDM solution will provide be allowed on the device. Willis says software for their employees to install.
most of these features, but it’s up to that companies “certainly would Private app stores are also great for
the organization to properly imple- want application policy controls on enterprises that frequently build their
ment them and explain to users why the device,” especially if they are own apps and need a delivery model
they are so important. using more open operating systems for their employees. You can also con-
For Willis, the most important that are traditionally more vulnerable figure your company app store so that
thing to recognize when it comes to to security breaches. Some app stores you can deliver updates to devices au-
security is that “not all devices are have in-depth classification and vali- tomatically.
equal.” Some devices “are more dation processes that ensure applica-
easily and natively securable, and tions are safe to use and don’t contain STRIKE A BALANCE
others have such a bad security viruses or other malicious software In the end, the key to proper ap-
profile that you wouldn’t want to hidden underneath the surface. plication control is balance. You have
allow for any applications to run on For smaller companies, the app to make sure that your employees
them,” he says. If for some reason store verification process may be have access to the apps they need to
your employees need to use devices enough for security purposes, es- properly perform their job. If an ap-
that aren’t easily securable, Willis pecially if employees only use basic plication is safe to use, increases pro-
says, then you may want to opt for applications, like email, calendars, ductivity, and fits into your business
a “virtual desktop type model where contacts, etc. You can always listen plan, then it is worthy of your organi-
nothing at all is on the device itself,” to your employees to find out which zation’s support efforts. ●

“For smaller companies, the app store verification process may be enough for security
purposes, especially if employees only use basic applications . . .”

PC Today / February 2014 13


Redefining The Landscape

VMware Is Reshaping Data Center Infrastructure Through Virtualization

Few, if any, technologies in recent VMware (www.vmware.com) didn’t technologies promise to only play
years have had a more positive in- invent virtualization (as the Palo Alto, a greater role in helping companies
fluence on data centers (and argu- Calif.,-based company even points out add more flexibility, efficiency, and
ably on enterprises as a whole) than on its website), and it isn’t the only proficiency to their business opera-
virtualization. The technology is provider of virtualization solutions. tions, including where data usage,
redefining how enterprises operate What VMware has done, however, cloud computing, applications, au-
and set themselves apart from the through numerous advancements, tomation, and other possibilities are
competition, in part by revamping partnerships, acquisitions, and other concerned.
the very data center infrastructure accomplishments since its founding in
(servers, networks, storage, etc.) upon 1998, is to make the name “VMware” COMPANY ORIGINS
which companies build their busi- practically synonymous with “virtual- VMware may not have originated
nesses. Virtualization also makes it ization” in the minds of many people. virtualization but it was the first
possible for businesses to acquire re- Despite this fact, VMware (and company to deliver the technology
sources and launch new initiatives virtualization) is far from reaching for x86 platforms in 1999; it did so
more quickly, with greater ease, and its apex. In coming years, the com- with VMware Workstation, a product
more efficiently than ever. pany and its virtualization-based that essentially enabled users to run

Since the company’s A current VMware VMware has more VMware’s flagship product is
founding in 1998, the focus area is the SDDC than 2,200 partners it VMware vSphere, a platform
Palo Alto, Calif.,-based (software-defined data works with to certify for constructing cloud infra-
company VMware has center), which enables their products to run structures. Other solutions
grown into the market a completely automated with VMware vSphere, target cloud management,
Key leader in the server virtu- infrastructure for appli- which is certified on storage, and desktop virtual-
Points alization arena. cations and hardware. 1,500 server models. ization.

14 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


multiple operating systems on one an x86-based computer to run more any hardware, now and in the fu-
PC. In addition to producing prod- than one OS and one application ture.” In terms of addressing business
ucts aimed at personal desktops, simultaneously. So, rather than challenges, Adams says an SDDC
VMware’s current array of products having to dedicate one server to provides efficiency, control, agility,
covers data center virtualization, data just one application—an inefficient and choice to customers by “virtu-
center and cloud management, IaaS approach that underutilizes much alizing all infrastructure,” which is
(infrastructure as a service), desktop of the server’s overall capacity— delivered as a service and enables
virtualization, mobile computing, virtualization allows for essentially automated control of the data center
and cloud-based data management, doing more with less. The benefits, via software.
among other categories. according to VMware, include up to SDDC differs in numerous ways
Through its virtualization technol- 80% greater utilization per server, from the hardware-based ap-
ogies and products, VMware’s reach which reduces CAPEX and OPEX proach enterprises have tradition-
over the years has spread to include expenses by half with yearly sav- ally taken. Where delivering “the
legions of companies spanning a di- ings of $1,500 or more per virtual- true promise of the cloud” is con-
verse array of industries. In fact, the ized server, and acquiring robust cerned, for example, Adams says
company claims that 100% of Fortune and affordable availability. the traditional hardware-based ap-
100 companies and 98% of Fortune While VMware is generally consid- proach alone isn’t sufficient. “We
500 companies use VMware technol- ered to have pioneered server virtual- regularly see customers that look
ogies. Overall, says VMware, more ization, the company products have at the hardware approach solely
than 500,000 customers use its prod-
ucts and solutions in some capacity.
Mike Adams, VMware director of
A current strong area of
product marketing, says virtualiza-
focus for VMware is the
tion provides these customers with a
SDDC (software-defined
“tried and true formula.”
data center), an approach
“Virtualization became main-
that seeks to virtualize the
stream between 2011 and 2012 when
entire data center.
it crossed the 50% penetration mark
across our customers’ environments,”
Adams says. Typically, companies’
initial virtualization efforts involve
consolidating and virtualization
servers. Adams says that as cus-
tomers continue to expand beyond
their core virtualization initiatives
and move into cloud computing
implementations, virtualization en- expanded in scope through the years. running into two key issues and
ables achieving “large savings” in Presently, Adams says VMware’s challenges,” he says. The first is in-
terms of CAPEX and OPEX. Further, core business model revolves around efficiency, including in terms of
in addition to the true costs savings three key areas. These include SDDC CAPEX and OPEX costs that are too
virtualization makes possible, the (software-defined data center), hy- high, the existence of too much com-
technology helps deliver a competi- brid cloud computing, and end-user plexity and too many silos, and the
tive advantage, Adams says. computing. Each of these areas con- presence of operational inefficiencies.
tains various solutions and/or ser- The second issue and challenge
HOW VIRTUALIZATION HELPS vices that are focused on helping is downtime. Here, traditional
VMware describes virtualization companies meet and solve key busi- hardware-based infrastructure can
as something that helps IT confront ness challenges. produce challenges in meeting SLA
its most difficult challenge: “the in- SDDC in particular is an area that (software license agreement) terms,
frastructure sprawl that compels IT has been generating significant buzz identifying and resolving problems
departments to channel 70% of their of late due to the considerable poten- in a timely fashion, and addressing
budget into maintenance” and thus tial it promises. VMware describes security and compliance issues,
leaves few resources to focus on SDDC as architecture that “enables a Adams says. “Our software-defined
developing business innovations. fully automated, zero-downtime in- data center strategy breaks free of
Specifically, virtualization enables frastructure for any application, and these issues by focusing on four main

PC Today / February 2014 15


components: compute virtualization, or acquire solutions without official au- efforts model that’s less compatible with
network and security virtualization, thorization. Fourth, Adams says, SDDC existing applications and less reliable
software-defined storage and avail- provides the benefit of choice, which, he to operate, VMware provides a trusted,
ability, and management and auto- says, “can be instantiated as a private, high performance, and resilient hybrid
mation,” he says. hybrid, or public cloud and the freedom cloud platform leveraging the same
Via these components, an SDDC to use multiple hardware or software tools and processes organizations use
can extend virtualization efficiencies stacks, which leads to IT having the today,” he says. “Organizations can ex-
from compute to all domains of the choice to have any app on any platform tend to the cloud with confidence, lever-
data center and enable automating op- or cloud.” aging VMware enterprise support and
erations; deliver control via abilities a robust ecosystem of trusted partners.”
that provide the right availability and ADAPTING TO THE TIMES VMware partners include more than
security for every application or service VMware’s flagship product is 2,200 server, processor, storage, net-
with policy-based governance; become VMware vSphere, a platform that en- working, software, peripheral, and con-
agile through abilities that automate ables constructing cloud infrastruc- sulting companies that VMware works
application provisioning and enable tures; it contains vSphere ESXi, the with so that their products are certified
self-service on diverse platforms; and “virtualization layer that abstracts to run with VMware vSphere. Overall,
provide IT choice by offering the ability server hardware resources” to enable VMware states its technology works
to run new and existing application multiple virtual machines to share with more guest OSes than its competi-
across multiple platforms and clouds. them. VMware has expanded beyond tion. vSphere, meanwhile, is certified
“These capabilities are the ingredi- VMware vSphere, Adams says, to de- on more than 1,500 server models, and
ents that deliver the transformational liver solutions designed for cloud man- more than “2,000 software vendors have
benefits of the software-defined data agement, storage, availability, desktop explicit support statements for 3,500
center,” Adams says. virtualization, and more. “Most product applications” that run on vSphere, the
Adams says businesses can de- lines are updated annually in order to company states.
rive benefits from VMware’s SDDC provide innovative capabilities to cus- In terms of mobility and enterprises’
products and technologies in four pri- tomers on a continual basis,” he says. increasing focus and reliance on it,
mary ways. First, by bringing together Over the years, VMware has continu- VMware is making it easy for IT ad-
virtualized compute, storage, net- ally worked to enhance and broaden ministrators to support mobile workers
working, and security with analytics- its product lines by ensuring it stays fo- and BYOD initiatives through innova-
based operations management, SDDC cused on how the market and customer tive, proven technologies included in
offers efficiency. Second, SDDC “de- needs evolve, Adams says. “Our recent VMware Horizon Suite, Adams says.
livers control by enabling the highest acquisitions and the advent of cloud Focused on workforce mobility, the
levels of application uptime through computing are clear examples of this platform connects end users to their
automated business continuity along attention to detail when it comes to the desktops, data, and applications via
with virtualization-aware security market,” he says. “In particular, cloud any device and does so without sacri-
and compliance,” Adams says. This computing has changed how we deliver ficing IT security and control, Adams
helps reduce the downtime of Tier 1 our products and also how we look at says. Overall, VMware Horizon Suite
applications and enables a cloud in- the overall infrastructure market.” “simplifies operations by turning dis-
frastructure that runs on IT’s terms in VMware vCloud Hybrid Service is parate operating systems, applications,
the sense IT can define availability and the company’s secure IaaS hybrid cloud and data into centralized services de-
security for each application. offering and is built on a vSphere foun- livered on any device; helps manage,
Third, SDDC provides agility by dation. The service supports existing secure, and back up end user assets and
enabling on-demand, policy-driven workloads and third-party applications, applications from one place to protect
deployment of IT services. This helps as well as new application develop- against compliance risk with policy-
increase IT productivity, which leads to ment. Those abilities give IT a common driven access; and empowers end users
“production of apps and services at the platform on which to seamlessly extend by delivering a consistent, intuitive, and
speed of business”; increased customer their data center to the cloud, Adams collaborative computing experience
satisfaction; and less risk of “shadow says. “Unlike public cloud services that across all devices anytime, anywhere,”
IT,” or workers bypassing IT to build provide a commodity platform in a best Adams says. ●

“. . . rather than having to dedicate one server to just one application . . .

virtualization allows for essentially doing more with less.”

16 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


Cloud Infrastructure
vSphere Offers More Than Just A Standard Cloud Environment

Public cloud offerings sometimes machines on certain systems based on failures as soon as they happen, prevent
don’t give companies all of the fea- available resources and storage capacity. data loss from system crashes, and repli-
tures they need, and it can be time- vSphere also supports thin provisioning, cate data without a third-party solution.
consuming and expensive to develop which is another way to ensure your VMware also provides a variety of
an internal private cloud indepen- data and applications utilize physical security tools built to protect every as-
dently. For companies in this situation, resources in the most efficient way pos- pect of a cloud environment. vSphere
VMware offers something of an all-in- sible. You have complete control over prevents the installation of unauthor-
one cloud infrastructure solution that ized applications, provides a firewall
provides complete control over how that prevents access to vSphere hosts,
resource are used, where virtual ma- and more. The main component of the
chines can and should be stored, and vSphere security approach is the vShield
who has network and storage access Endpoint, which consolidates and cen-
privileges. Instead of leaving it up to tralizes endpoint security for virtual ma-
you to put the pieces together, vSphere chines, simplifies antivirus monitoring,
equips you with every tool you need to and logs all malware activity.
build a proper cloud environment, pro-
tect it, and maintain it for years to come. VOLKSWAGEN IMPROVES ITS
VMWARE VSPHERE Automobile factories can’t afford
VMware’s vSphere comprises six pil- downtime because they are expected to
lars: computing, networking, storage, produce a massive amount of vehicles
security, availability, and automation; over a set period of time. Volkswagen
these are designed to work together to India is no different and is capable of
provide the most reliable virtualized building up to 150,000 vehicles per
and cloud environments. On the com- your storage with easy-to-use migration, year. But with technology changing
pute side, vSphere ESXi Hypervisor provisioning, and I/O control tools. And so quickly, the company was having
provides a virtualized layer to improve to help alleviate stress on your IT team, trouble keeping up, so it turned to
the utilization efficiency of your phys- vSphere features automation tools for VMware and vSphere.
ical hardware resources and make them patching, updating, and tracking all of Using vSphere, Volkswagen India
available to as many virtual machines your vSphere hosts. was able to take advantage of the vMo-
as you’re able to support. vSphere also For networking, vSphere enables your tion and High Availability tools to avoid
helps with load balancing, preventing organization to control what resources application downtime during server
application downtime with scheduled are available to what users based on in- maintenance or system failures. The
server maintenance and virtual machine ternal policies. You can also manage and plant is able to add virtual machines
migration, and implementing big data monitor the network using a centralized, when necessary to help support demand
platforms such as Hadoop. distributed switch. To make sure you without needing to add any extra phys-
VMware understands that fast and always have access to your network, ap- ical resources, which has also aided in
reliable storage is the backbone of any plications, and storage, VMware built consolidation. In fact, Volkswagen India
cloud environment, which is why high availability tools into all of the now has a one-to-eight ratio in terms of
vSphere has a tool specifically purposed vSphere service. This empowers you to server consolidation and has driven utili-
for load-balancing and placing virtual detect application and operating system zation rates from 10% up to 80%. ●

PC Today / February 2014 17


Operations Management
Get A More Holistic View Of Your Physical & Virtual Infrastructure

In addition to using more indi- vital information much more quickly. manage your company’s virtual ma-
vidualized solutions, you should also vCenter Log Insight enables you to ana- chines with ease.
consider the big picture of your busi- lyze data from more traditional sources VMware’s vCloud Director helps
ness. You need to implement systems as well as gain insight into unstructured you take control of your software-de-
designed to give you a more holistic data flows and log files. And if you al- fined services and provision them as
view of your infrastructure and help ready have VMware solutions in place virtual data centers so you can main-
automate operations-based tasks as or have built an extensive VMware tain your virtualized assets and im-
much as possible. Doing so not only prove the efficiency of your resource
frees up resources for your IT team allocation. Each virtual data center can
and speeds up operations processes, it only be accessed by users with proper
also helps remove human error from administrative rights. It’s a great way
the equation. VMware provides the to further provision your virtual ma-
management products you need to chines and helps you break larger
monitor and control your infrastruc- implementations down into more
ture and everything attached to it. manageable portions.


VMware’s vCenter Operations The National Democratic Institute
Management Suite will help you im- uses multiple VMware solutions, in-
prove the performance and efficiency cluding vSphere, ESX, and vShield, but
of your physical or virtual infrastruc- it recently implemented a pilot project
ture. You can keep track every aspect for vCloud Director. Because the NDI
of your data center as well as your works with groups in 70 countries and
overall technological footprint by needs to be able to monitor elections,
monitoring not just the physical and virtualized environment, then vCenter track legislation, and perform other
virtual infrastructure assets, but also Log Insight will integrate perfectly and tasks, it was readily apparent that the
your applications, operating systems, get your log management processes up organization needed a strong cloud-
storage, and more. With one central- and running almost immediately. based backbone.
ized management platform, you can As a complement to these solutions, Using vCloud Director and other
monitor and manage key performance vCenter Server offers more visibility VMware solutions, the NDI will be
drivers to make sure your hardware into an organization’s vSphere imple- able to offer applications and services
and software solutions are running at mentation. Its centralized control con- to clients across the world through the
the highest possible level. Plus, you sole provides access to an on-premises cloud, but they will also give users the
can implement more automation into solution as well as a Web-based client. option of downloading clients from the
your operations using in-depth anal- Using this client, you can optimize re- cloud and running them locally. The
ysis about your workflows to achieve source utilization, properly allocate NDI is also using vCloud Director’s vir-
maximum efficiency. those resources, and much more. And tual data center approach to essentially
Speaking of analysis, VMware’s vCenter Server is flexible and scal- silo off separate applications, give them
vCenter Log Insight is a key piece of able, meaning that regardless of the access to their own resources as needed,
the puzzle that helps automate log size of your company and vSphere and improve overall performance for
management and provides access to implementation, you can monitor and all of its clients. ●

18 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


Desktop Virtualization
The Control Companies Require & The Flexibility Employees Demand

Employees today demand a lot Where Horizon View provides Workspace lets you separate corpo-
from their technology and want the the virtual desktop itself, Horizon rate data from personal data to en-
freedom to work from home or on Mirage helps protect it and make the courage employees to use their own
the road just as efficiently as they migration process as seamless as pos- devices while accessing their virtual
do at the office. However, this can sible. You can grab desktop images desktops. The company maintains
cause some problems for compa- or take snapshots of your endpoints control over the users, regardless of
nies that require more control over and use those to either partially or what device they’re using, and de-
their resources and aren’t comfort- cides whether or not certain files can
able with sensitive digital assets be shared.
being stored in multiple locations. The Horizon Suite brings all of
VMware has a solution for these is- these separate solutions together in
sues that offers employees the flex- one platform, and adds the VMware
ibility they want while providing vCenter Operations Manager
companies with the control they re- for Horizon View. The vCenter
quire. Operations Manager enables compa-
The VMware Horizon Suite con- nies to monitor the efficiency, perfor-
sists of the Horizon View, Mirage, mance, and health of their VDI, and to
and Workspace solutions. These are make sure it is always functioning at
all designed to enable companies to peak efficiency.
provide a secure and reliable VDI
(virtual desktop infrastructure) for USING VDI TO IMPROVE
their employees. HEALTH CARE
The Gangnam Severance Hospital
SEAMLESS VIRTUAL in Seoul, South Korea, is a large health
WORKSPACE FOR EMPLOYEES fully recover a desktop or to trouble- care organization that is home to 804
Horizon View is the backbone shoot a problem. You can also use treatment rooms that are part of 36
of the Horizon Suite and defines Horizon Mirage to push updates distinct departments, as well as mul-
the user experience for employees. out from your central location to tiple specialized treatment facilities.
Companies can centralize manage- branch offices. And Mirage makes by using VMware’s Horizon View,
ment over their applications and it easier for companies to move GSH was able to get a grip on the
data and control how much access from Windows XP to Windows 7 or ever-changing privacy laws affecting
is given to employees. On the em- to migrate a user profile from one health care facilities, and also to de-
ployee side, the user experience is Windows 7 machine to another. liver medical information to devices
designed to give employees a full vir- Horizon Workspace is another in a much more efficient manner.
tualized desktop much like the one important part of the Horizon Suite GSH claims that its VDI performs just
they would use in the office. Instead because it lets you take application as well on older devices as it does
of taking work computers home or and data from a variety of places new ones, which has allowed the fa-
on the road, they can take almost any and bring everything together into cility to reduce hardware expenses.
device, connect to the cloud, and ac- a single space for easier access. And Using VMware’s solution saved
cess their virtual desktop to complete to help companies overcome poten- valuable disk space for GSH and im-
tasks and meet deadlines. tial security and control concerns, proved mobile functionality. ●

PC Today / February 2014 19


Software-Defined Storage
Virtualized Resources, Centralized Management, Data Protection & Recovery

Software-defined storage follows be able to load balance and provision event of a disaster, you can get the
its technological cousin, software- as needed; they can also set up certain ball rolling as quickly as possible.
defined networking, as a way of fur- automation configurations to monitor Long before a disaster occurs, you can
ther virtualizing server resources in and manage the capacity and perfor- perform recovery tests to make sure
order to achieve maximum efficiency mance of each individual data store. you’ll hit your recovery time objec-
and improve overall storage manage- Virtual SAN helps prevent downtime tives and minimize downtime. And
ment. Instead of going from server to due to hardware failures; instead of with the VMware vSphere Replication
server to manage capacity and manu- solution, you can make sure that
ally determine where every applica- every single virtualized application
tion or piece of data should be stored, in your environment will be properly
you get a centralized view of your backed up and available for recovery
entire environment and have access when necessary.
to every disk as needed. Fortunately,
this technology is as easy to im- DISASTER RECOVERY FOR
plement as it is to use thanks to VIRTUALIZED SYSTEMS
VMware’s many solutions designed QIC is a large financial services
specifically for software-defined institution in Brisbane, Queensland,
storage purposes. Australia, that already used multiple
VMware solutions to help virtualize
FOUR-PRONGED APPROACH its data center infrastructure. In fact,
VMware’s vSphere Storage Appli- 95% of the company’s test and devel-
ance makes it possible to turn you opment environment and 80% of its
existing server storage into virtual- Windows Server systems are virtual-
ized data stores without the need of ized. Prior to implementing VMware’s
any additional hardware. Installation a single drive failure or even multiple vCenter Site Recovery Manager, how-
is quick and easy with the included drive failures bringing down the en- ever, disaster recovery took hours and
wizard, your virtualized storage tire system, failed hard drives can be a large number of staff just to get 50
will be highly available and resilient replaced on the fly without impacting servers back up and running.
with mirroring capabilities, and the the rest. Balancing storage utilization Understanding that this figure
vSphere Storage Appliance supports a also unlocks secondary benefits, such wasn’t good enough and that re-
wide range of hardware and applica- as improved cooling and energy ef- covery time objectives were not
tions, so it’s a fit for most businesses, ficiency, which saves money. being met, QIC opted to begin using
including small and midsize busi- To ensure that your virtualized vCenter Site Recovery Manager. This
nesses with relatively few resources. storage is always available to you, solution has given QIC the ability
Similar to how software-defined vSphere Data Protection Advanced to fail over 100 virtual machines in
networking centralizes management, and vCenter Site Recovery Manager an hour as opposed to the previous
VMware’s Virtual SAN (storage area work hand-in-hand to provide re- figure of 50 machines in several
network), which is currently in Beta, liable backups and fast disaster re- hours. But perhaps more importantly,
is intuitive and versatile. With Virtual covery. The vCenter Site Recovery QIC is able to fully recover without
SAN, your IT team will have full con- Manager provides administrators impacting the experience of its cus-
trol over your virtualized storage and with one-click recovery, so in the tomer base. ●

20 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


Application Virtualization
Platform-As-A-Service & Data-Intensive Application Support

It can be difficult to manage ap- virtualized and up and running, you caches frequently used data and
plications and make them easily ac- can continually monitor their health makes it accessible to every in-
cessible to the employees that need to know whether the application is stance of a given application; this
them, but virtualization can provide running as intended or has crashed. is another example of how the so-
those benefits and also give you the In the case of a crash, you can quickly lution improves speed of perfor-
opportunity to optimize your appli- restart the application or create an en- mance. The vFabric Suite also offers
cations for virtualization and help tirely new instance, if necessary. the VMware Application Director,
you better utilize available resources. which makes it much easier to con-
However, a move to application figure and deploy applications for
virtualization can be a significant more efficient implementation. And
change for both the company itself if you use Web applications, vFabric
and the IT team in charge of imple- Hyperic lets you monitor them,
menting it. To help improve this pro- whether they are physical, virtual,
cess, VMware offers the Pivotal CF or hosted in the cloud.
and vFabric Suite solutions, which
are designed to provide an applica- HELP FOR THE CITY OF
tion platform customized to your CHICAGO’S WEBSITE
needs as well as support particularly & APPLICATIONS
data-intensive applications. The City of Chicago used a va-
riety of individualized networking
PLATFORM-AS-A-SERVICE and monitoring solutions to manage
& INCREASED JAVA SUPPORT its website and monitor applica-
Pivotal CF is a PaaS (platform as tion usage. Since all of the solutions
a service) solution that makes it sim- weren’t well-integrated, however,
pler to develop and deploy appli- For companies that use data-inten- the city couldn’t develop any auto-
cations. Because it’s built on Cloud sive applications that require quite a mated processes to determine a per-
Foundry and runs on vSphere, orga- bit of resources, either in the cloud or formance baseline and gain more
nizations can scale applications up on premises, VMware also offers its insight into how users were inter-
or down depending on their present vFabric Suite, which consists of mul- acting with applications.
needs. In terms of everyday use, one tiple components designed to build To overcome these challenges, the
of the major benefits of Pivotal CF and manage such applications. The City of Chicago deployed a vFabric
is its intuitive user interface, which vFabric Suite is optimized to work Suite implementation with a strong
helps IT employees implement up- with the Java Spring Framework, focus on the Hyperic solution. Using
dates and upgrades quickly, as well which translates into speedier inte- this product, the city was able to
as create hundreds of instances of gration. And Java virtual machines improve application and website
virtualized applications in a matter can actually share memory and availability, as well as overall per-
of seconds. resources without impacting indi- formance; offer a better end user ex-
Pivotal CF is also a standardized vidual performance. perience; and make it much easier to
platform, which makes integration In addition to Java support, the plan ahead through the use of per-
and management less of a headache. vFabric Suite features the GemFire formance baselines and application
And once you have your applications Application Cache Node, which monitoring. ●

PC Today / February 2014 21


BI & Security
Take Caution Of The Looming Dangers

Better use of resources. Enhanced privacy concerns with BI solutions the decisions and form better business strat-
decision making. Greater cost sav- data types involved, and more. egies, and BI solutions expand greatly
ings. More opportunities to generate on the abilities of spreadsheets to do this.
revenue. For these benefits and others BI EXPLAINED Michael Lock, vice president and
increasingly more businesses are im- BI solutions are gaining steam for nu- principal analyst with Aberdeen Group
plementing BI (business intelligence) merous reasons, including the ability to (www.aberdeen.com), says if we accept that
solutions. Still, despite the promises improve customer service, increase sales, all companies regularly make impor-
solutions offer in terms of extracting, reduce costs, enhance operating efficien- tant decisions and are fueled partially
analyzing, and using data better in plot- cies, and explore new opportunities. by data, BI helps to ultimately improve
ting strategies and decision-making, Using the technologies, tools, processes, business outcomes. There’s much to
trepidation remains regarding security methodologies, and applications that BI gain, he says, from basing decisions on
and privacy concerns related to com- involves, companies can dive into their cleaner, more relevant data that you can
pany data, including the risks associ- raw business data, pull out and analyze access and transfer faster, all of which
ated with cloud-based solutions and what’s applicable, and present the anal- makes data analysis easier and more
mobile components of BI solutions. The ysis in ways a spreadsheet can’t. The aim intuitive and displays key insights in a
following explores such security and is to use what’s presented to make better more visually engaging way.

BI solutions provide The types of data that Security and privacy Security has become a key
businesses numerous companies are using risks associated with focal point of BI solution
benefits, but dealing with BI solutions are mobile BI tools and vendors. In general, many
with security and pri- expanding to include cloud-based BI solutions concerns businesses have
vacy issues concerning numerous external are often cited as a top always had with sharing
Key company data is data sources, including concern when adopting data still exist with BI
Points a trade-off. social networks. a BI solution. solutions.

22 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


In operational terms, Lock says Which strategies to adopt “is a function of

a sound BI environment can use data
to identify inefficiencies in processes
security, privacy, audit, compliance, and
that cut waste, save time and money, business value on one side and the cost
and boost profitability if addressed. In and productivity implications of the con-
a sales environment, meanwhile, BI
could highlight cross-selling and up-
trols on the other.”
selling opportunities, accelerate the lead Derek Brink
qualification process, and improve cus- vice president, Aberdeen Group
tomer-win percentages, all leading to
organic revenue growth.
Some organizations, says Lyndsay
Most vendors “develop their platform
Wise, president and founder of Wise- with security in mind. This can include
Analytics (www.wiseanalytics.com), have user group or user restrictions or making
trouble pinpointing a measurable
value from BI usage because a direct
sure that compliance requirements are
correlation between analytics and met depending on the industry.”
profit is missing. However, she says,
Lyndsay Wise
by sifting through data, creating re-
president and founder, WiseAnalytics
ports, and so on, organizations stand
to gain better visions of operations,
where time and resource savings are
possible, as well as opportunities and pulls data from 15 unique sources. needs to be protected, as does access
challenges. More effective activity Consequently, current BI solutions are to databases and the ability to change/
forecasting, support planning, setting pretty adept at handling data from dif- modify information,” Wise says. The
and measuring targets, and sales mon- ferent sources. Most pundits, though, ramifications otherwise could be legal
itoring is also possible. believe “the real data explosion” has or a fine or in the case of healthcare in-
barely begun, says Lock. Eventually, surance, fraud, she says. Another pos-
THE DATA THAT MATTERS data will stem from less-traditional sibility is the customer doesn’t receive
Historically, says Cindi Howson, BI sources (text-based social, machine, proper care. No matter the sensitive
Scorecard (www.biscorecard.com) founder, audio data from Internet-based phone data involved, business should take pri-
companies have used data they created conversations, etc.). To handle this vacy seriously and manage data appro-
and captured themselves (an accounting “massive wave of non-traditional, often priately, she says.
system, for example) for BI applications. unstructured data” numerous cutting- Derek Brink, Aberdeen Group vice
Although the transaction system’s pur- edge BI/analytical solutions and bur- president, says at the highest level, if
pose is to process the transaction, she geoning open-source technologies are businesses are going to share data via
says, “for BI the purposes are to mon- creating tools, Lock says. BI solutions, the privacy/security is-
itor, understand, or explore the data— sues they must recognize are simply
perhaps to understand which products THE SECURITY WORRIES “the same as always.” That means
are selling the best and where.” In to- Anytime company data is involved, confidentially (ensuring data is acces-
day’s big data era, businesses are cre- privacy and security concerns aren’t sible and intelligible only to those au-
ating and capturing data from many far away. With BI, these concerns re- thorized), integrity (ensuring data isn’t
more sources. late to who can access email archives, altered), and availability (ensuring data
How much data and the types of intellectual property, patient records, is accessible at the desired time, location,
data a particular BI solution uses de- and other sensitive data and how and device).
pends on the company. Some compa- those with access are using data. Most Important to note is that not all data
nies might use one data source, Wise security issues related to BI solutions, deserves or requires the same protec-
says; others might decide to consolidate Wise says, involve ensuring that only tion. Brink says this underscores the
data across the entire company to look those required get to see and access importance of businesses classifying
at customer, ERP, finance, accounting, specific data. their data, or distinguishing what re-
supplier, partner, and other data types. Access to customer-related data, say, quires protection and what doesn’t.
External data types can also factor in. social security data in banking, finance, Basic elements involved include de-
According to Aberdeen Group re- and insurance industries, is one ex- fining your classification levels, setting
search, Lock says, the average company ample. “Customer/patient information criteria for how to classify data, and

PC Today / February 2014 23


“As soon as you start allowing BI content varying levels of data access needed
and data to and not to share.
to be accessible via a smartphone, you Aberdeen’s research in recent
need to be sure to have a formal plan for years consistently shows where safe-
mobile authentication. User ID and pass- guarding sensitive data is concerned,
several general steps related to top
word security may not be enough.” performance surface. They include
Cindi Howson identifying and classifying data, prior-
founder, BI Scorecard itizing security control goals for data,
setting consistent policies within an
overall approach for protecting sensi-
tive data wherever it stems from, and
determining the controls each classifi- hosts, storage, and applications in com- enacting appropriate security controls
cation level requires. Controls can in- panies’ server rooms or data centers. per classification level.
clude the assurance level required for It now also refers to virtualized IT in- What are appropriate security con-
end-user authentication, the rules or frastructure, whether on-premises or trols? Brink says there’s no single an-
roles that govern end-user access, and cloud-based. Similarly, “networks” swer. In fact, he says, there are at least
the protections to implement or obtain now also refers to social connections six high-level strategies toward pro-
appropriate confidentiality, integrity, and collaborating, and “endpoints” tecting sensitive data that may be ap-
and availability levels, Brink says. encompasses both devices that IT propriate. These strategies include doing
centrally procures, provisions, and nothing because “not all data is worth
MOBILE & CLOUD CONCERNS manages and the distributed, highly protecting”; controlling access to the
Often cited as being specific con- mobile devices employees are increas- data; and monitoring and filtering data.
cerns among businesses where privacy ingly procuring, provisioning, and The strategies also include protecting
and security are concerned risks as- managing themselves. The result is the data (via encryption in the back-end,
sociated with cloud-based BI solutions confidential data and intellectual prop- encryption/decryption at endpoints);
and mobile BI components. A 2012 erty companies are trying to protect is substituting data (replace or trans-
study related to the cloud BI market increasingly likely to flow from back- form sensitive data so it can be used
that Dresner Advisory Services con- end systems the company doesn’t con- in existing business processes without
ducted, for example, found that 59% of trol through networks it doesn’t control being exposed); and protecting actions
respondents named security and pri- to endpoints and end users it doesn’t on data (a “persistent” control, say,
vacy issues as being major issues with control, Brink says. Thus, while privacy rights management, travels with the
adopting cloud BI solutions. and security issues might be the same data, governing what’s possible after
Wise, however, says most BI solu- as always, the underlying infrastruc- someone accesses the data). Which
tion vendors have developed their ture is much more complex, making strategies to adopt, Brink says, “is
platforms with security first in mind, data protection more difficult. a function of security, privacy, audit,
meaning many concerns businesses compliance, and business value on one
have “don’t have much merit any- TAKE PRECAUTIONS side and the cost and productivity im-
more.” Overall, the same worries (lost Prevention is one means of ad- plications of the controls on the other.”
devices, data breaches, etc.) that com- dressing security and privacy worries As for BI vendors, Howson says
panies typically have concerning data related to using BI solutions. In the BI they provide their own user ID and
sharing still apply to BI usage. world, Howson says, “as soon as you password security. Where mobile de-
With cloud solutions and mobile start allowing BI content to be acces- vices are concerned, most vendors
components, Howson says, it’s about sible via a smartphone, you need to be assume the company has a separate
who controls the data and where. sure to have a formal plan for mobile MDM (Mobile Device Management)
Mobile apps on users’ devices in par- authentication. User ID and password solution, she says. Additionally, she
ticular can introduce many security security may not be enough.” Instead, says few BI vendors provide addi-
holes in a BYOD world, she says. she says, consider specifying unique tional device-based authentication.
Individually, users should take cau- mobile identifiers and be able to selec- Wise adds that most vendors “de-
tion with apps they download and note tively wipe remote data. Elsewhere, un- velop their platform with security in
who created them and what security derstand compliance requirements and mind. This can include user group or
permissions the app is granted. ensure the BI vendor supports required user restrictions or making sure that
Increasingly, Brink says, “back-end compliance levels and associated regu- compliance requirements are met de-
systems” refers to more than networks, lations. Additionally, understand the pending on the industry.” ●

24 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


Hacker Target: SMBs

Tips To Combat Common Threats & Secure Your Business

Every business would love to protect where a cybercriminal researches which not have a complete understanding
its network with the best possible set SMBs work with larger companies, and or may misclassify a security event. In
of security tools, but for SMBs (small then targets the SMB as a way to cloak some cases, they might have thought
and midsize businesses), business func- himself and sneak into the larger busi- that a threat has been fully remediated,
tions are sometimes more important ness. In this fashion, the hacker can pro- but it hasn’t.” He says this is a problem
than the security setup. And without duce a series of advanced persistent especially with such things as advanced
the proper tools or technology, there attacks that fly under the radar of the persistent threats where the bad guys
may be vulnerabilities within your com- larger enterprise’s security. “In the last are using entry points through small
pany’s network or PCs that a hacker year and half, we’ve seen a lot more of companies to reach big companies. “For
could use to steal sensitive information advanced persistent attacks that have example, if the ultimate target is a de-
or cause a computer virus outbreak. The been going down market,” says James fense contractor, they’ll find a vendor
latter could be almost as bad as a net- McCloskey, senior research analyst at that works with the contractor and
work breach because of the downtime Info-Tech Research Group (www.info enter through the vendor’s system to
associated with the afflicted computers tech.com). “The large companies, which get into the primary target,” Ponemon
and servers. We explored some of the had traditionally been targets, have says. “We are seeing companies that are
common threats you may face and pro- better security defenses, so there are completely unaware that they were con-
vide tips for affordably preventing such opportunities in SMBs for hackers to stantly attacked.”
break-ins. move laterally.” Tips for prevention. To prevent
Larry Ponemon, founder and chair- vector attacks, McCloskey says it is im-
VECTOR ATTACKS man of the Ponemon Institute (www portant to understand what the threat
Cybercriminals are well aware that .ponemon.org), says, “A big difference landscape looks like. “This will help
SMBs often have a security infrastruc- in a middle market is that security you to determine if you are potentially
ture that’s not as strong as what is in doesn’t always have proper governance, a target for these persistent attacks,” he
large enterprises. A vector attack is one and the IT people in the trenches may says. “If you are, then you’ll really need

PC Today / February 2014 25


“A lot of small companies haven’t em- suggests having a behavioral based

Web-content filtering solution at the
braced security, privacy, and data protec- perimeter, as well. “A lot of the sites
tion to the extent that they need to. And that propagate keyloggers and spyware
historically, attacks haven’t been targeted would get blocked by a Web content
filtering solution,” he adds.
at SMBs. I think that is not true anymore, Ponemon says “You need something
and SMBs are starting to realize that secu- that can pinpoint anomalies and things
rity is important.” that are not in your normal-looking
activities. Things like intrusion detec-
Larry Ponemon tion capability in your firewall, like a
founder and chairman, Ponemon Institute next-generation firewall, can be very
helpful. And it’s not really a large cost,
nor a huge investment, so if you’re a
to make a business case based not only your inbox. McCloskey says it is also smaller company you can pay X price
on the value of your personal informa- important to remind employees that for a given number of seats. Network
tion, but also the value that gaining a no one will ever ask them for their IDs and traffic intelligence becomes really
foothold in your organization could or passwords. “System administrators important in a SMB, as it makes you
provide to the attacker looking up- have no reason to ask for it, and anyone smarter about the bad things infiltrating
stream.” He adds that this also gives a else who asks for it is violating policy,” your system and creating problems.”
context for a business case where you he adds. Also, refrain from clicking
can analyze the damage if you were the website pop-ups and links in emails BRUTE-FORCE ATTACKS
vector of an attack on one of your busi- from unknown entities, because mali- Cybercriminals don’t have to infil-
ness partners. cious software can deploy when you trate your PC with a spyware program
Ponemon says “SMBs can afford inadvertently install programs sent to to break into your online accounts. They
some low cost hardware that might stop you in email messages. can utilize password-cracking soft-
80% of the attacks, but the remaining ware to attempt thousands of logins
20% are very dangerous. You just need SPYWARE (using various combinations of common
one bad attack to create a really bad day Any software that collects infor- words and numbers) in seconds. If your
for you,” he says. “A lot of the small mation from a person without his password is weak or based on a dic-
companies just don’t have the phys- knowledge is known as spyware. A tionary word, the brute-force style of
ical security tools. Instead of buying keylogger is one of the more dan- attack is an easy way for cybercriminals
the tools, many small companies are gerous spyware types, because it is a to crack your password.
now renting security through the cloud, malicious utility that transmits what Brute-force fixes. To lessen your
which levels the playing field with se- you type on your keyboard back to chance of becoming a victim of a brute-
curity risks. With the cloud, it becomes the hacker. Because usernames and force attack, be mindful of your pass-
more affordable, because you’re renting passwords are likely some of the most words. If you are like some people and
a seat rather than making a long-term repetitive types of content you type, it use the same password for all of your
investment in a product.” won’t take a hacker long to figure out online accounts, we suggest you change
a component of your login informa- your ways. If a hacker happens to steal
PHISHING tion for at least one of your accounts. one of your passwords, even if it is a
Phishing often takes the form of a Once a cybercriminal gains access to very complex password, he can use
spoof email that indicates you’ll need one of your accounts, he can then use it in his attempts to access your other
to take some kind of immediate action that authentication as he attempts to accounts. “This, unfortunately, is the
that requires clicking a link in the email. guess your other username and pass- worst news that people want to hear,”
Alternatively, it may ask you to provide word combinations. says McCloskey, because it means they
a username and password to quickly Tips to prevent spyware. You’ll want will need to come up with stronger
resolve a problem. to ensure you have security software in- passwords they need to change regu-
Phishing fixes. To avoid becoming stalled on all of your devices, including larly. “The reality is that unless the main
a victim, you can turn to anti-phishing PCs, Macs, and mobile devices. Security password database has been exfiltrated
tools that monitor your messages for software is often the first defense and is being brute forced as a whole,
links that may lead to malware-filled against online threats, and it can detect the complexity of the passwords will
websites. A strong security suite can and block most spyware threats before protect against most any password
prevent phishing content from reaching they appear on a device. McCloskey fraking,” he adds.

26 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


VIRUS VULNERABILITIES “Another thing that you should be aware

A virus within shared files can be
catastrophic to all PCs on the local
of as an SMB is just the importance of
network. SMBs typically can’t afford physical security. The fact is, if I can get
segmented network protection where physical access to one of your machines, I
access to sensitive information is limited
to only those who need it. All it would
can plug in a USB key and odds are, it will
take is one virus to get inside a PC, and never be detected, because how often do
when the employee connects to shared you look behind the ports on a PC.”
network locations, the cybercriminal
could then plant other viruses within James McCloskey
the network files. senior research analyst, Info-Tech Research Group
Virus fixes. The obvious solution is
to have solid security software that’s
running and up-to-date on all the com-
puters and mobile devices connected to SOCIAL CONCERNS allow someone to impersonate the
the network. However, it’s important Many people realize that it can be employee and fool a help desk type
to note that you’ll need more than just disastrous if a hacker gains access to of person.”
antivirus protection, because hackers their online banking. It can be just as Break down social engineering.
can use a variety of methods to infiltrate dangerous if a cybercriminal accesses Make sure the passwords for all your
networks. We recommend investing in your email or social networking ac- social, email, and banking accounts are
a security suite that includes more of an counts, because an attacker can use the complex and that you change them
all-around defense. information he gains to verify other ac- every few months. Similarly, educate
In particular, choose a solution with counts or reset passwords. McCloskey your employees about security risks tied
an IPS (intrusion prevention system) to says “There’s a sort of industrializa- to giving out their usernames and pass-
look for signs of malicious activity deep tion of attackers now with different words, and remind workers that it is
within the network traffic entering and people performing different roles in their duty to protect information within
leaving your computer. McCloskey says a capitalist model where everyone is the business.
“SMBs can utilize intrusion detection specializing. One of those specialties is
and prevention technology to work as a mining publicly available information A REMEDIATION PLAN
network-based signature detection tool for the purposes of doing phishing at- “Even a small company should
that allows you to detect the zero-day tacks. There’s a lot of good informa- have an incident response plan,” says
attacks as they are happening, which tion on the company’s employees on Ponemon. In the event someone hacks
gives you an opportunity to employ ad- the business website, Facebook, and or steals company information, the re-
ditional defenses before a patch is avail- LinkedIn where you can find informa- sponse plan will give you an idea of
able for your security software.” tion about the employees that would how to respond and remediate. The
slower you are to remediate, the more
costly the event, he explains. When cre-
ating a remediation plan, you’ll want to
start with a forensics step where you lo-
cate the cause and shore it up as soon as
possible. “Forensics requires the right
people and right tools. If you don’t do
it, your company will be constantly
compromised,” Ponemon says. “Next,

you’ll need to figure out who are the in-

jured parties and does it require disclo-
sure to regulators, especially if the data
is PCI data that’s regulated to business
partners. A good step after everything
is back to normal is to figure out what
Ponemon Institute’s “The Risk Of An Uncertain Security Strategy” report found that there went wrong in the system. Then, make
are many different types of attacks that SMBs should be worried about. some decisions about how to improve
your infrastructure.” ●

PC Today / February 2014 27


Social Strategies
Enough With 10-Step Social Media Plans! Learn What Works & What Doesn’t

Not long ago, businesses didn’t con- DO GET STARTED of the overall marketing strategy and
cern themselves with social media A seemingly obvious but vital point brand.” Depending on the breadth of a
Today, the thought that any business is to simply realize social media can’t social strategy, this may require adding
hasn’t at least contemplated a social be ignored. Maribeth Ross, Aberdeen technology to the marketing tech stack to
media strategy, let alone enacted one, Group (www.aberdeen.com) senior di- enable social activity, listen socially, and
seems almost ludicrous in light of the in- rector of research, marketing effective- plan and analyze social activity, she says.
creasingly celebrated benefits afforded ness and strategy, says the monumental
to organizations that wisely leverage impact social media has had on the B2B DO SCRUTINIZE
social media opportunities. The long and B2C spaces has produced a new Dave Ensing, Ph.D., vice president of
list of positives includes enriching re- sector of supportive social technology. voice of customer integration for Maritz
lationships with existing customers Customers, she says, now expect brands Research (www.maritzresearch.com), says
and reaching new ones, as well as pro- to be engaging via social media, and most companies that collect social media
moting new products and initiatives at this isn’t going to change. “The time has data for research purposes obtain a lot of
the speed of light. come for the holdouts to jump on the information that doesn’t pertain to the
For some companies, however, social bandwagon, if they haven’t already; it’s question they’re trying to answer. “This
media has not met expectations. Maybe a marketing non-negotiable,” she says. information not only dilutes real find-
they didn’t accurately forecast the ings, it can also lead companies in the
amount of time, effort, and resources DON’T SKIP THE STRATEGY wrong direction,” he says. For example,
social media would involve. Or they Closely related to embracing social a company might conclude that con-
didn’t provide enough relevant content media is addressing it with a strategy, siderable social media activity around
to engage customers. Or they failed to Ross says. “Social isn’t as easy as asking a product currently being advertised
thoroughly define their objectives. In all your employees to tweet, like, or proves that consumers are responding
any case, it might be time to rethink and share content,” she says. “Social needs well to the marketing campaign. A
refocus your efforts. to be tied to thematic messaging as part closer look at relevant data, however,

28 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


could reveal that the company’s own “Social needs to be tied to thematic
social media marketing activities are
generating the social response and not
messaging as part of the overall
consumer interest. Ensing recommends marketing strategy and brand.”
companies set social media filters to be Maribeth Ross
very specific to the information they’re
senior director of research, Aberdeen Group
trying to collect, and scrutinize and
clean the data before analyzing it.

DON’T LOSE PERSPECTIVE social media represents the largest with customers based on empathy,
Ensing says companies should stop source of consumer data in the history trust, and positive emotional connec-
viewing social media as “the world’s of the world.” Still, most companies tions. This isn’t easy because most
largest focus group.” Social media and haven’t scratched the surface in terms corporations operate in a traditional,
focus groups are very different, he of using the information to improve segmented structure, he says. “Yet the
says. “In particular, compared to focus consumer loyalty, “which is the ulti- recent focus on big data and its impact
groups, social media is extremely un- mate goal of any company.” Bryars on business has opened the doors for
focused,” he says. “Not only do people recommends marketers keep in mind C-suite executives to look across the
talk about anything and everything in that people “have attitudes, emotions, table to form collaborative, mutually
social media, much of social media isn’t beliefs, ideals, and values that com- beneficial partnerships that will move
made up of ‘people’ at all. It consists prise who they are, how they behave, the entire business forward,” he says.
of advertisements, marketing material, and which brands they trust,” he says. “CMOs especially, given their prox-
spam, etc.” Information shared in social Emotion drives behavior, he says, and imity to the consumer, can implement
media is also much “shallower” than “strong, positive emotional connections a ‘center of intelligence’ that aggre-
that shared in focus groups. create loyalty.” gates various social data . . . and dis-
“A lot of social media contains cus- Customers that differentiate their tributes actionable insights across the
tomers’ views about a product, com- brands by strengthening emotional organization.” While the process can
pany, or service, but no reason for these bonds with customers earn true loy- be complex, he says, it’s doable, and
views is given.” Often, he says, “we see alty, Bryars says. A first step is under- “executives are taking note.”
rants like, ‘I hate XXXX company,’ but standing the complexities of the brand’s
that is all. Information like that is dif- audience and the gaps between how the DO USE LOCAL LANGUAGE
ficult to act on, except by following up audience perceives the brand and how John Yunker, Byte Level Research
with the specific customer,” he says. A the brand wishes to be perceived. Social (www.bytelevel.com) co-founder and pres-
more apt analogy for using social media media intelligence companies can help ident, says many companies cling to
to glean business insights is “mining for here by using social data and natural a notion of using “global English lan-
gold,” Ensing says. “There are probably language processing tools to “extract guage” in Twitter and Facebook feeds.
some valuable nuggets in there some- emotions from conversations to help Though such feeds may be effective
where, but you’re going to need to sift inform brands on where to focus,” he with English speakers located globally,
through a lot of stuff you don’t want to says. “This intelligence drives strategy, he says, the feeds “can only go so far.”
find [the gold].” messaging, and helps benchmark and One large retailer, for example, manages
measure future campaigns.” more than 30 Facebook pages that are
DO GRASP THE COMPLEXITY country- and language-specific, Yunker
Michael Bryars, senior vice presi- DON’T WORK IN SILOS says. “While the number of ‘likes’ may
dent and general manager at evolve24 The most-loved brands, Bryars says, be considerably lower than the global
(www.evolve24.com), a Maritz Research are developed by businesses that are English page, the level of engagement is
company, says “it’s no secret that capable of strengthening connections generally quite higher,” he says.


“. . . when you bind yourself so closely Yunker cautions against going all
to any one platform, you risk being held in with just one social media platform.
“Not long ago, many pundits made
hostage to that one platform . . . .”
the case that a company didn’t need a
John Yunker website any longer and could simply
co-founder and president, Byte Level Research rely on Facebook,” he says. “But when
you bind yourself so closely to any one

PC Today / February 2014 29


platform, you risk being held hostage “With ‘social,’ brands can have conversations
to that one platform and less able to re-
spond to new and emerging platforms.”
with their customers and even competitors.
Instead, he advises a more opportunistic Honesty can win over customers . . .”
approach to social activity, particularly Alan Lepofsky
when going global, that takes advantage
vice president and principal analyst, Constellation Research
of networks that dominate respective
countries, which aren’t always Twitter
and Facebook.
DO FOCUS off with one-tenth the fans/followers
DO BE OPEN Charlene Li, Altimeter Group (www but doing 10 times more with them,
Alan Lepofsky, vice president and .altimetergroup.com) founder and man- she says.
principal analyst with Constellation aging partner, says based on her orga-
Research (www.constellationrg.com), says nization’s research the most important DON’T OVERLOAD
one thing companies should do differ- thing companies should do differently Brian Blau, Gartner, research di-
ently is “be open about things, even regarding social media strategy is shift rector with Gartner (www.gartner.com),
when something has gone wrong.” focus away from managing social says the point of social networking isn’t
Sometimes, companies mistakenly media channels (Facebook, Twitter, bombarding customers with updates
consider social media a “channel for LinkedIn, etc.) to managing relation- or marketing campaigns but rather
cheerleading about their brand” in- ships with customers and employees, becoming a participant and informa-
stead of a place for open dialog. wherever they’re located. “Given the tion channel in their daily lives when
“That’s what makes ‘social’ different great diversity of what you can do they’re online. “This means a broad-
from print or television marketing,” these days in social media, it’s easy to reach strategy that has your efforts fo-
he says. “With ‘social,’ brands can get sucked into the mechanics,” she cused on where your customers are,
have conversations with their cus- says. “What we see needed is a re- and that will entail using as many so-
tomers and even competitors. Honesty focus on what’s really important: the cial and community sites as necessary,”
can win over customers and build relationships that can be created and he says. Rather than restrict a “multi-
lasting relationships.” deepened through these social tech- channel” approach to marketing, use it
nologies.” Doing so, she says, can also to help with customer support, product
DON’T ARGUE introduce more flexibility in what’s development, or communication that
Something companies should stop possible. reaches customers and helps keep
doing is engaging in arguments on- them engaged.
line, Lepofsky says. “There are always DON’T MEASURE
going to be people who have nothing Li encourages companies to not DO EXPERIMENT
but negative things to say,” he says. focus only on measuring how many Today, Blau says, there are many
“These people are often referred to as fans or followers their social media new social networking and commu-
‘trolls,’ and the advice goes ‘don’t feed outlets have. “If relationships are nications apps and services. While
the trolls.’” Instead, take the high road what’s important, then what are the some messaging platforms are quickly
by factually addressing concerns once, metrics that you should be using to becoming the next go-to ones, new
not letting emotion get in the way, and measure the depth and strength of ones will always rise up and become
then moving on, he says. “Don’t get those relationships? Volume metrics, popular. “While these new platforms
into a ‘have to have the last word’ type like the number of fans, will be less don’t yet support standard adver-
of banter, as these folks have too much important than what you’re doing tising, they are a hotbed of activity,
time on their hands, and they will not with those relationships,” she says. and with careful planning and a bit
back down,” he says. Arguably, companies would be better of experimentation they can become
valuable resources, and learning from
them will help you better understand
“. . . what’s really important: the relation- why these services are becoming pop-
ships that can be created and deepened ular,” he says. He recommends man-
through these social technologies.” aging these efforts, preparing for any
level of success, and use your experi-
Charlene Li ences to help guide efforts to “contin-
founder and managing partner, Altimeter Group ually find and attract and interact with
your next new customer.” ●

30 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


Cooler Data Center,

Better ROI
Save Money By Monitoring Your Environment & Maximizing Efficiency

When companies look to maximize cooled properly, your company may not to determine baselines, so it can be
their ROI (return on investment) for necessarily benefit from the upgrade. nearly impossible to know whether a
various purchases or projects, they Fortunately, improving your cooling purchase has the desired financial effect
often explore things such as consolida- system doesn’t always require further if you don’t know where you started.
tion, virtualization, or implementing equipment purchases. In fact, you may “You can’t manage what you don’t mea-
more efficient servers. While it’s true be able to maximize efficiency, as well sure,” says Darin Stahl, lead research an-
that these approaches will lead to sav- as your ROI, with a few changes to your alyst at Info-Tech Research Group (www
ings, you should also consider your cooling philosophy. .infotech.com). “About 25% of the orga-
cooling system before making wide- nizations out there that are customer-
spread upgrades or refreshes. After all, MONITOR & MEASURE based do not know their total data center
you could implement the most efficient When measuring the ROI of any capacity and couldn’t describe it, and
servers in the world, but if they’re not given purchase, some companies forget about 73% don’t have any visibility into

Don’t go overboard on Don’t be afraid to con- Take time to monitor The cooling industry is
cooling. Only add the sult a professional for your data center’s evolving right alongside
cooling capacity you guidance. As your data environment so you servers and storage solutions.
need to maintain operat- center changes, you can get a baseline and Research the newest cooling
ing temperatures and cut need to change your spot potential prob- techniques and implement
Key unnecessary costs out at cooling approach, as lem areas that require what works best for your
Points the beginning. well. improvement. company.

PC Today / February 2014 31


the energy bill, specifically for the data “Many people think that adding . . . cool-
center, and especially at the rack and
row level.”
ing capacities to a data center will fix hot
Stahl says the numbers only get spots. This is not necessarily true and
worse from there; however, there is a many times heat buildup can be addressed
simple approach companies can take
to improve these odds. “When we ask
by simply managing the heat that is creat-
about success around metrics and bet- ed without adding any additional cooling.”
ter ROI for investments in standby Matt Burkle
power, cooling, or any of that kind of
national IT channel manager and sales engineer, HM Cragg
stuff, what we find is organizations that
actually use efficiency metrics and per-
form cheap and cheerful monitoring
are 35% more successful in terms of
“Data centers have two main issues today:
costs and satisfaction,” he adds. Those how to increase the cooling capacity of old
companies don’t simply implement a centers to take higher densities, and how to
cooling system with a 10- to 12-year
refresh rate and just assume they’re
construct new data centers to be environ-
getting the highest possible efficiency. mentally friendly whilst still pushing the
Instead, they put monitoring solutions envelope of design with increased density,
in place that provide hard evidence.
“It is vital to have environmental
reduced space, increased resilience, and
monitoring where it is critical, which is low power usage effectiveness.”
at the inlet of the IT equipment,” says Simon Davis
Matt Burkle, national IT channel man- director of engineering, Q Cooling
ager and sales engineer at HM Cragg
(www.hmcragg.com). “A lot of changes can
happen to the temperature of air from
the point where it is supplied to the front thrive in their respective industries, mission-critical nature. Those compo-
of the rack. Having a grasp on the exact that shouldn’t necessarily extend to nents may be able to “run at a hot tem-
state of the air where it enters the server the cooling space. “Think about ‘just perature,” but the one “mission-critical
allows you to both eliminate problem good enough’,” Stahl says. “Often, box can’t,” which essentially “erodes
hot spots, and to set the temperature cor- we’ll want to buy the newest, fastest, any potential savings that those seven
rectly at the air conditioning unit.” and shiniest piece of hardware ever, hotter boxes could have given me.”
Burkle adds that companies can also but meanwhile the workload doesn’t The piecemeal approach to up-
utilize the features of DCIM (data center require it. If we can actually work on a grading equipment and cooling sys-
infrastructure management) solutions, server that will run at a little less perfor- tems stretches out to other areas, as well.
which “give a graphical state of the data mance, because that might be a trade- Stahl says some companies may want to
center and allow information gathering off for the additional heat based on implement a closed rack cooling system,
and trend analysis.” Using DCIM tools, ASHRAE [American Society of Heating, where the back door of a rack is kept
you can evaluate environmental data to Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning closed to prevent cool air from escaping.
get a more in-depth view of your data Engineers] guidelines, then we should However, he says while some equip-
center and adapt to changes during dif- do it.” ment will fit in a standard 19-inch rack,
ferent processing cycles. This plays well into maximizing ROI they may stick out of the back. This is
because if you can keep servers and a situation where innovation in one
MATCH COOLING CAPACITY other pieces of equipment for longer area diminishes innovation in another.
TO EQUIPMENT periods of time without negatively af- That’s why it’s so important to plan
Stahl says some companies have the fecting performance or efficiency, then ahead with your refreshes and consider
mind-set to always buy the newest, you can push refresh times further out cooling at every step along the way.
most-advanced technology without and match them up across the board. The key is to match your cooling
stopping to think about whether it ac- Stahl explains further, giving an ex- capacity with the equipment you use
tually matches their workloads. While ample of a company that upgrades most. Stahl says data centers need to
there are some larger enterprises that seven components inside a rack while move away from the “flood-the-room
require the biggest and best servers to keeping one component due to its approach” where you just “slap a unit or

32 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


two in there and flood the whole place and hot air is vented out into the room air mixing isn’t necessarily a new idea,
with cold air.” Instead, he says compa- and returned to the air conditioning but it’s one that helps counteract those
nies need to consider a precision-based unit where it can continue the process. challenges of “unprecedented power
model, such as rack and row cooling, By “supplying the exact temperature of densities due to technologies like blade
so they can “more discretely cool par- cool air to the front of the rack with no servers and virtualization.” And those
ticular racks of equipment.” With this air mixing,” it “allows you to set the air power densities are affecting new and
approach, you can provide more cooling conditioning unit to a precise tempera- old data centers alike, which makes it a
for network gears, for example, that run ture set point,” Burkle says. And by much more fundamental design issue.
constantly and almost always at peak improving the accuracy of your air con- According to Simon Davis, director
temperatures. You can also provide vari- ditioning system and airflow cycle, you of engineering at Q Cooling (www.qcool
able cooling for servers that have peaks can make sure all of your equipment is ing.com), a Rackmount Solutions (www
and valleys in their operations. Proper running at peak efficiency and proper .rackmountsolutions.net) partner, data cen-
cooling efficiency, which leads to better operating temperature. ters have duel challenges of meeting
ROI, depends entirely on balance. It’s important to remember that high-density cooling demands and
even though you may have the perfect doing so in the most environmentally
FOLLOW COOLING BEST system in place for your existing config- friendly way possible. Data centers are
PRACTICES & SEEK ADVICE uration, things will change. That’s why simultaneously trying to consolidate
WHEN NECESSARY Stahl says “it’s not a bad idea to bring in their infrastructure, while still trying
Burkle says that even though there professional firms to review your room, to provide the highest level of perfor-
are a variety of new cooling systems perform some kind of computation of mance. This approach obviously creates
and techniques out there, some of fluid design, and look at the airflow.” some cooling challenges that require
which are rather futuristic, it’s always An expert can help validate your ROI new ways of thinking.
a good idea to follow some of the basic findings and show you more ways to One example of newer technol-
tenants of proper cooling. For instance, improve your overall cooling efficiency. ogy designed to improve data center
he says it’s always a good idea to “have “Don’t hesitate to do that because it’s cooling is Q Cooling’s ColdLogik sys-
rows of racks arranged with hot and not that expensive to bring them in for tem. Not only can the ColdLogik
cold aisles,” because “if all the racks a short engagement with a tightly de- solution provide backdoor cooling
are facing the same direction, hot air signed scope,” says Stahl. “Those sorts at the rack level, but it can also “op-
exhaust from row one will feed the inlet of activities might seem . . . trivial, but erate at temperatures of up to 80 de-
of row two, thus creating a potential it’s a month after month benefit that grees Fahrenheit,” Davis says. Plus,
heat buildup issue.” continues to grow.” ColdLogik can be used with a tradi-
In addition to hot aisle/cold aisle tional air conditioning system or as part
containment, Burkle recommends that INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY of a free cooling approach. It’s just one
data centers consider the path that the REQUIRES INNOVATIVE way to improve your ROI while also
hot air follows. The idea is to create a COOLING keeping the environment in mind.
cycle where the coldest air enters the Burkle’s recommendation of creating But data center cooling innovation
rack to maintain the ideal temperature a hot air/cold air cycle that prevents doesn’t stop there. For instance, Stahl
says there’s a company developing a
liquid-cooling system where instead
of using air or water, “you take your
“You can’t manage what you don’t servers and essentially dunk them in
measure. About 25% of the organizations goo.” The liquid is treated in a way that
prevents damage to components, but
out there that are customer-based do not
Stahl admits that even with this caveat,
know their total data center capacity and “there’s still a big psychological barrier
couldn’t describe it, and about 73% don’t to that.” Just because futuristic solu-
tions like this are available doesn’t nec-
have any visibility into the energy bill,
essarily mean you need to implement
specifically for the data center, and espe- them. The best approach is to keep an
cially at the rack and row level. And the open mind and do your due diligence.
You never know when a company
numbers just get worse.”
might introduce a new cooling ap-
Darin Stahl proach that’s inexpensive and delivers
lead research analyst, Info-Tech Research Group a solid ROI. ●

PC Today / February 2014 33


After The Damage Is Done

What To Do When A Data Breach Occurs

Companies essentially have two op- 277 global companies in nine countries, security posture” in place when the
tions for approaching data breaches. provides some evidence. According to incident occurred and having a CISO
One, they can bury their heads in the the study, the average consolidated cost (Chief Information Security Officer) or
proverbial sand and hope the day of the countries per compromised re- someone in an equivalent position to
never comes when they might face cord in 2012 was $136. The United States, take overall responsibility for data pro-
lawsuits, fines, hefty blows to reputa- meanwhile, had the highest total av- tection. After a breach, quickly notifying
tion, customers and partners forever erage cost per data breach at more than victims and engaging consultants to help
lost, and potentially paying millions $5.4 million. the company respond and resolve the
in costs. Two, they can accept the fact Heavily regulated industries (health breach were other factors.
a data breach occurring is entirely care, financial, pharmaceuticals, trans- The first order of business for compa-
possibly and do everything within portation, and communications), the nies following a breach is containing the
their means to prevent it but be able study reveals, had “per capita data leak “by taking the vulnerable system
to act promptly and responsibly if breach costs substantially above” that offline and locking down affected sys-
one should. $136 mean. Primary root causes of tems” to avoid further damage or loss,
breaches, meanwhile, included ma- says Michela Menting, ABI Research
HOW TO REACT licious or criminal attacks (more than (www.abiresearch.com) cyber security se-
Perhaps the best motivation a com- 37%); human errors, such as negligent nior analyst. Depending on the type
pany can have to begin putting itself in employee and contractor mistakes of data lost and compliance require-
a position to ably react to a data breach (35%); and system glitches, such as IT ments involved, companies may need
is to know exactly what could happen and business process failures (29%). to inform regulatory authorities, such
if it doesn’t prepare. Statistics from the The survey identified several factors as HIPAA. “Notification is extremely
recent Ponemon Institute (www.ponemon. that influence the cost of data breaches: important in these cases, as failure to
org) “2013 Cost of Data Breach Study,” whether a business had an incident notify the relevant authority could result
based on the data breach experiences of management plan and “relatively strong in significant fines for the organization,”

34 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


Menting says. Additionally, companies “I think that timely, updated, and continuous
should immediately inform employees
of breaches to ensure they’re aware of
information-sharing about the breach and the
a threat and don’t exacerbate the situa- next steps [for affected parties to take] is very
tion, she says. important in mitigating negative perception
Eric Ahlm, Gartner (www.gartner.com)
research director, believes there’s a cor-
and preserving good reputation.”
relation between data security practices Michela Menting
(or incident response and investigation), senior analyst, cyber security, ABI Research
and corporate risk reduction (or how
not to lose additional money after a
breach), but these entities are “distinctly A good incident response practice should
different” and typically managed by dif- generally include resources (or partner net-
ferent company teams.
A good incident response practice
works) required to “technically determine if
should generally include resources (or a significant breach has occurred and deter-
partner networks) required to “techni- mine the magnitude and scope of the event.”
cally determine if a significant breach
has occurred and determine the mag-
Eric Ahlm
nitude and scope of the event,” he research director, Gartner
says. This includes determining how
much data was lost, in which countries,
among which users, and more. After the steps they may need to take in order Ultimately, the more transparent
incident response team pinpoints the to deal with potential fallout from the companies can be with clients, af-
scope and magnitude of a breach, he data loss,” she says. Failing to inform af- fected parties, employees, national
says, “the next steps really come from fected parties in a responsible timeframe agencies, and others, the better the
legal or corporate risk managers.” and manner can result in devastating reaction will tend to be, Menting says.
Overall, Ahlm says the data breach consequences for a company. “I think that timely, updated, and con-
isn’t the real loss for a company that has Ahlm says in addition to helping tinuous information-sharing about the
lost data. “The loss comes from class- companies determine the impact of a breach and the next steps [affected
action lawsuits from those affected or breach, providers of breach services parties to take] is very important in
from various state/federal fines or in can help organizations “cater to af- mitigating negative perception and
brand devaluation,” he says. fected users with credit monitoring preserving good reputation.” This
services and set up notification and doesn’t mean companies must reveal
ASSESS THE DAMAGE help desk operations to meet the expe- all technical details about a hack, she
Following a breach, Menting ad- dient notification timelines that tend says, but they must indicate to those
vises companies attempt some form to be state specific.” Additionally, involved what they’re doing, how
of digital forensics. While smaller some providers can assist companies they plan to fix the problem and pre-
companies may lack resources to con- with public relations and other efforts vent future leaks, and “above all be
duct a full investigation, there are “to ideally help reduce further losses able to respond in a timely manner to
third-party services to help with this. due to a data breach.” requests for information.”
“Collecting and going through log in- Menting says the “affected party”
formation . . . can be extremely helpful in data breach incidents first and fore- LEARN FROM THE PAST
in finding out relevant information most is the organization and employees. The worst thing a company can do
about the breach,” she says. Secondly, depending on the data lost, if after a data breach is do nothing to
Often, companies will need to the breach relates to clients, other orga- remedy the cause, whether that means
remedy a faulty system involved, Men- nizations, individuals, or other external readdressing and improving policies
ting says. If the fault is technical in parties, the organization should inform and processes or implementing new
nature, the remedy might include ap- them of the breach and the steps they security technology. In short, companies
plying patches. If social engineering was should take to pre-empt any backlash. that simply pick up the pieces and carry
involved, the company will need to in- If regulated data is involved, she says, on without analyzing the root causes,
form employees. “Then there is dealing “the competent national authority needs fixing them, and then continually evalu-
with the fallout—notifying external to be involved and sometimes even law ating their preparedness, may very well
clients if they’re affected and what enforcement.” see history repeat itself. ●

PC Today / February 2014 35


Don’t Be A Spam Target

Steps To Protect Your Employees From A Spam Avalanche

Spam refers to any unwanted online through, your company needs email overall cybersecurity policy. Even the
communications that show up as unso- software that’s capable of detecting and most thorough spam filter will occasion-
licited email, text messages, instant mes- filtering spam. Many of the commercial- ally let a few messages slip through,
sages, robocalls, and social networking grade email programs feature some which is why it’s vital to educate em-
messages. Spam is a daily occurrence form of automated spam filtering, so just ployees about how to spot and handle
for businesses and individuals alike; make sure those features are enabled for spam that appears in their inboxes. Tips
much of it amounts to poorly worded every account your business supports. to emphasize include never opening
and utterly random sales pitches that, Ideally, spam should never show up in unsolicited emails in HTML format
while annoying, pose no real threat. an employee’s inbox, but if it does, it’s (plain text only), never responding to or
Some of these unwanted electronic mes- important that he be able to access the forwarding suspected spam, avoiding
sages, however, are designed to steal junk mail folder to catch false positives, using the “unsubscribe” link, and never
your identity, breach the network, which are safe messages mistakenly clicking or visiting URLs listed in poten-
force servers to go offline, and spread flagged as spam. The ability to add safe tial spam messages.
malware far and wide. Only when or- senders to a white list can also reduce It is possible to disseminate email
ganizations accept that any spam has the number of false-positives that occur. addresses and phone numbers in such
the potential to risk corporate data and One effective way to combat spam is a way as to prevent data harvesting
threaten the bottom line will they have a to only display emails as plain text. This bots from being able to access that in-
chance of stemming the tide. way, the sender of a spam message can’t formation from websites, social net-
determine whether the recipient opened working sites, profile pages, forums,
REIN IN EMAIL the message. chat rooms, and blogs. On the phone
A majority of the spam that crosses a side, for instance, you can eliminate
network’s threshold comes through the BASIC TRAINING robocalls effectively by having an au-
email inboxes of individual employees. Teaching employees how to handle tomated call router that prompts the
To slash the amount of email that gets spam should be part of a business’s caller to press a number to access his

36 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


desired department or dial up an em- grammar, disguised hyperlinks, and direct email and phone numbers of
ployee directory. Spambots scan the absurd premises. your employees harder to access from
Web for any text that surrounds the the public-facing website without the
@ symbol, so another effective way BE B2B WARY potential customer first initiating a
to thwart spammers can be to spell If possible, it’s important to deter- secure session.
out the symbol, for instance, john- mine how the organizations you and You may also want to institute strict
smithatbusiness.com. This may not your employees do business with access control mechanisms that priori-
work against a cybercriminal bound handle sensitive information such as tize sensitive data, track when and how
and determined to collect email ad- mailing lists and payment data. If an employees access that data, and can
dresses, but it will keep you and your organization can’t deliver proof of com- pinpoint a breach the moment it oc-
employees from becoming the low- pliance or doesn’t live up to your ex- curs. This is particularly important for
hanging fruit that a vast majority of pectations, or if you can’t find out how organizations that deal with payment
spammers and their automated tools safely it stores your sensitive data, then card information or areas of the busi-
actively seek out. you might consider taking your busi- ness that have a high potential for theft
Assuming your organization has an ness elsewhere. A firm that requests from external sources or from a dis-
email application that includes spam- that you sign up for an account of some gruntled current or former employee.
blocking technology, you’ll need to kind but does not have an easily acces- It’s critical that the software (par-
teach employees the ins and outs of sible privacy policy should throw up a ticularly security software and a fire-
red flag. However, wall) running on PCs, notebooks,
don’t just blindly and any other devices with network
trust those that access remain as up-to-date as pos-
do post privacy sible. Spammers regularly find and
policies; read the exploit software vulnerabilities, and
policies with a crit- all they need is one outdated device on
ical eye. Some less the network to get a foot in the door.
scrupulous firms Popular software targets for spammers
may even regularly and cybercriminals are those software
sell their mailing utilities that update frequently and
lists to spammers are most likely to be ignored by indi-
for profit, and they viduals. Web browsers and operating
get away with it by systems are also common attack vec-
stating clearly in tors, so make sure they’re always up-
An effective spam filter will intercept potential spam but still let their privacy poli- to-date.
you examine the message in plain text. cies that they may
share your infor- LAYING TRAPS
mation with “part- Organizations with websites that
adding senders to the blocked lists and ners.” As you develop standards for suffer from frequent spambot attacks
disposing of emails they suspect are the businesses you interact with, make can create a spider trap that works
spam. The latter task involves dropping sure your firm also acts in good faith kind of like a reverse DDoS (distrib-
suspected spam messages into a desig- regarding the private data that others uted denial-of-service) attack. It con-
nated junk mail folder. share with you, posting policies and sists of a series of pages and links that
Individuals can avoid risking expo- remaining compliant with regulations force the spammer’s Web crawler
sure to spam by using disposable email where applicable. to attempt an infinite number of re-
addresses expressly for the purposes of quests, often slowing down and some-
logging into sites that have less-than- LOCK DOWN THE NETWORK times even crashing the spambot.
stellar spam-prevention policies. As we previously mentioned,
Another important topic to cover is spambots are constantly trawling the COMMUNICATION IS CRITICAL
spoof detection; spammers are willing Web for email addresses and phone In short, the best way to protect your-
to pretend to be any organization (in- numbers, and any hits they get will self and your organization is to become
cluding the FTC) that they think will show up on the doorsteps of orga- critical of all communications that come
get you to fall into their traps. Being nizations with questionable sales into the network. Blind trust is the
able to determine if emails are genuine tactics and criminals with nefarious enemy. As long as you and your em-
can be tricky, but there are usually tell- intentions alike. To prevent this from ployees learn that lesson, spam is much
tale signs, such as misspellings, poor happening with your data, make the less likely to become a problem. ●

PC Today / February 2014 37




➤ According to researchers from Carnegie Mellon University, cuttlefish ink
easier also produce
may hold the secret to safer, biodegradable batteries that could be used in a
some unwanted side variety of medical applications. The battery prototype includes a manganese
effects on the envi- oxide cathode and a melanin anode, which is derived from cuttlefish ink. The
materials that compose the battery are biodegradeable, which opens them up
ronment. Fortunately,
for more uses than conventional batteries, which are unsafe in the body if not
many researchers, housed in a protective case and must be surgically removed.
manufacturers, and CMU scientists say there is potential for these batteries to power smart pills,
which can be designed to dissolve after reaching a certain part of the body. The
businesses are work-
possibility also exists for dissolvable batteries to power sensors that monitor
ing to create solutions a person’s heart rate or the progression of a disease. CMU’s prototype battery
that will keep us has a relatively low power output and, although that doesn’t necessarily limit it
uses, researchers will continue to experiment with other designs to improve per-
productive while
formance and capacity. Future experiments will involve researchers studying
reducing energy different types of melanin to determine which form provides the best results.
demands to lessen
our impact on the
environment. Here,
➤ According to the 2014 Annual Energy Outlook from the U.S. Energy
the newest “green” Information Administration, the United States will increase its national gas
initiatives. production figures by as much as 56% between through 2040 to 37.6 trillion
cubic feet. The growth will also have a positive impact on carbon emissions,
which is expected to remain below 2005 levels for several years. Much of this
increase in production is due to recent hydraulic fracturing policies and could
push natural gas to make up one-third of all electric power in the U.S. by 2040,
according to the EIA.


➤ Scientists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have developed
a flexible, dyed plastic that, when used with gallium arsenide solar cells, is ca-
pable of absorbing sunlight much more efficiently. Current experiments have
shown great success with one solar cell, but researchers plan to scale the project
out and place multiple solar cells onto a larger sheet of the thin dyed plastic.
This technology is particularly interesting because the resulting plastic is bend-
able, which makes it suitable for more use cases than static solar panels.

38 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com



MAJOR CONTRIBUTOR ➤ One of the big-
TO NEW ENERGY gest challenges as-
sociated with wind
GENERATION power is that it re-
➤ Although natural gas is still the quires quite a bit of
biggest overall contributor to new space, often away
energy capacity in the United States, from urban centers,
solar had a huge October in 2013 because of the large
by contributing 72.1% of the total wind turbines. With
utility-scale electrical generating ca- Windpods, how-
pacity, according to the most recent ever, communities
monthly report from the Federal could place several
Energy Regulatory Commission. This smaller turbines on
significant increase is mostly due the tops of build- A10kW Windpod installation in the City of Cockburn in
to new solar projects starting up in ings and under- Perth, Western Australia.
several locations across the U.S., in- neath bridges, or
cluding a 280-megawatt station in build them into the walls of certain structures. The City of Cockburn in Perth,
Arizona as well as other installations Western Australia, recently installed a 10 kilowatt Windpod system on the
in California, Nevada, and Indiana. roof of its administration building that can generate as much as 4.5 megawatt
From January through October 2013, hours of energy each year and make the facility more energy efficient.
the U.S. added 2,528 megawatts Windpod systems can be installed in a wide range of locations and at
worth of capacity, which is twice as a variety of angles, which makes them flexible enough to fit into more
much as the 1,257 megawatts added urban settings. They are designed to remain stable in particularly turbulent
over the same period in 2012. environments, too, which makes them well-suited for placement around
buildings. Each Windpod turbine is divided into three sections, each with
two blades, with an outer frame that holds the system together. The City of
Cockburn’s installation has 20 Windpod turbines, but each system can hold
more or less depending on the facility needs and available space.
➤ Researchers have been working
on ways to turn carbon dioxide NANOSCALE SWITCHES PROVIDE ENERGY
emissions from power plants and EFFICIENT PERFORMANCE IN A TINY PACKAGE
other facilities into usable energy. ➤ Smartphones, tablets, laptops, and many other electronic devices use
To date, there have been some suc- billions of tiny switches to perform tasks. Each switch flips on or off de-
cess stories involving the use of pending on the function being performed. And while switches have im-
catalysts such as silver in certain ap- proved more and more over the years, scientists at Case Western Reserve
plications. However, researchers at University are trying to take things to the next (nanoscale) level.
the University of Illinois at Chicago They are using tiny silicon carbide switches that differ from traditional
understand that silver is too expen- alternatives in part because they don’t leak any power. Switches commonly
sive to use as a catalyst in larger used today tend to leak between 1 and 10 nanowatts of power apiece, which
scale projects, and they plan to re- can lead to significant losses as usage scales up into the billions. By contrast,
place the silver with carbon nanofi- the switches from Case Western Reserve University retain their energy for
bers that are not only less expensive, greater efficiency and are capable of extending the battery life of devices.
but can also produce carbon mon- Plus, the switches can help cut cooling costs in data centers because there is
oxide at a faster pace. The next step less of a chance transistors will overheat.
for these UIC researchers is to find a But these findings aren’t only relevant to your phone or personal com-
way to produce the fibers on a mas- puter. The switches in question can actually stand up to intense heat and
sive scale as well as find industrial perform 10 million cycles without any performance loss. This opens up possi-
partners that will help support fu- bilities for use in jet engines or even nuclear reactors where traditional silicon
ture experiments. transistors simply can’t hold up.

PC Today / February 2014 39


File Sharing Facts

Why Employees Use Cloud File Sharing Services & What To Do About It

Sometimes the traits that work- services also make it easy to access about them? The following explores
ers want most from the applica- those files anytime and anywhere the issue.
tions they use are ease of use and and share and collaborate on them
convenience. Especially in this with others. WHY EMPLOYEES DO IT
age of mobility and BYOD (bring Despite the definite productivity- Research concerning employees’
your own device), when employees related benefits that these ser- use of cloud file-sharing and doc-
perceive IT departments can’t or vices can offer workers, they also ument-collaboration services often
won’t provide applications with introduce numerous security and points to a common conclusion:
these abilities they’ll go outside the data-loss worries for businesses Many employees believe that to do
organization and search for alter- in terms of files potentially con- their jobs today, they need access
atives. Consumer-oriented cloud taining sensitive company infor- to their documents away from the
file-sharing and document-collabo- mation (customer data, marketing office. Couple this with so many
ration services are prime examples. plans, intellectual property, etc.). employees now using their own
Beyond making it easy to store Given the large number of workers smartphones and tablets for work
personal and work-related files in that are using these services, what and it’s logical they turn to familiar
personal cloud containers, these can and what should businesses do consumer-friendly apps.

Keep in mind that employ- On the other hand, recog- More popular cloud- It’s important to implement
ees often use consumer- nize that employee usage based file-sharing and policy that clearly states
oriented file-sharing and of consumer-oriented file- document-collaboration acceptable use of file-sharing
collaboration services sharing and collaboration vendors are focus- and document-collaboration
because they’re easier to services for work purposes ing increasingly on services and the ramifica-
Key use and more convenient can pose security risks for security features for the tions that non-compliance
Points than enterprise tools. the company. enterprise. carries.

40 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


According to a 2012 SkyDox “Once your users turn to these cloud ser-
study involving roughly 4,100 re-
spondents, 77% indicated they re-
vices, the enterprise control over data is
quire access to documents away largely gone, and you’re entrusting your
from the office, and 66% reported security to the users and their choice of
using free file-sharing platforms to
share corporate-related documents.
service. So there’s a tremendous amount
Employees in professional and fi- of risk in that.”
nancial service fields reported the Jeff Boles
highest usage. A Harris Interactive
senior analyst, Taneja Group company
2013 study involving about 2,000
U.S. adults, meanwhile, included
findings worrisome to businesses,
“Cloud-based storage is encountering a
including that 27% of file-sharing
service users indicated having push-pull between an individual user’s
access to documents from a pre- convenience and need for security and
vious employer, and 38% of pre-
regulatory compliance,” he says. “IT
vious and current users reported
they’d moved sensitive files via managers are going to have to make some
non-IT file-sharing service at least very difficult decisions about privacy this
once and 10% more than six times.
forthcoming year, given recent events.”
Additionally, 46% reported taking
sensitive documents to another Tim Banting
employer would be easy via a file- principal analyst, Current Analysis
sharing service.
Beyond their ease of use, says
Apoorv Durga, senior analyst with
Real Story Group (www.realstorygroup devices, such as their own tablets “really ahead of the curve on mo-
.com), consumer-oriented file-share or smartphones. Thus, they’re bility access,” he says.
services are fast and available any- circumventing IT departments (and Jeff Boles, Taneja Group (www
time, everywhere, and on employees’ security and policy mandates) to .tanejagroup.com) senior analyst,
device of choice. Because employees make their lives easier. “Tradition- describes the “fairly innovative
are already using these services, he ally, teamwork solutions have been level of data access to unstruc-
says, they are a natural choice for fairly complex to work with,” Ban- tured file data” that cloud services
work. Many employees simply prefer ting says, including for reasons in- have unleashed as a “far departure
tools that make file-sharing simple. volving checking documents in and from what the enterprise has typi-
However, says Bud Porter-Roth, out; version control; and accessing cally enabled in the past.” A tra-
principal consultant of Porter-Roth files through VPN (virtual private net- ditional enterprise infrastructure
Associates (www.erms.com), many work) connections, which may only be in which file access is probably
enterprise-level “legacy” systems possible on company-owned devices, limited to on-premises or perhaps
aren’t simple. Further, they don’t pro- such as laptops. remote access or VPN, he says, is
mote collaboration and don’t make Ben Dickie, Info-Tech Research a world away from having file ac-
collaboration easy outside the com- Group (www.infotech.com) senior cess at your fingertips via multiple
pany. Online storage services “make consulting analyst, sees the gravita- platforms. Boles says companies
it happen quickly with virtually no tion of employees to these services should realize that whether they’ve
learning curve on either end,” he says. as a form of backlash against tra- formally implemented BYOD or
“Second, the user is in control and can ditional content-management-type not, many users are operating in a
avoid the typical IT ‘No, we don’t sup- tools that are more complicated BYOD manner and know how to
port that’ or ‘Yes, but it will take two and that alienate users. Mobility is use services to enable data access
months to program.’” another factor, he says. Although to get their jobs done. “We’re in a
Tim Banting, Current Analysis traditional enterprise-type applica- global workplace, and 24/7 work
(www.currentanalysis.com) principal ana- tions or network file shares made is going on around most of us. So
lyst, says that workers sometimes just file access from mobile devices dif- it’s not a malignant behavior but
want to access a file from alternative ficult, consumer-type services were an empowerment behavior, and

PC Today / February 2014 41


“You’re not going to get user compliance mobile-enabled, meaning “if I

picked up someone’s phone, I could
unless you specify what the penalties are go to their file share and see, down-
for uploading or abusing a cloud file-shar- load, [and] email any of their files,”
ing solution.” he says. Elsewhere, using file-share
services effectively allows for the
Ben Dickie creation of information silos, he
senior consulting analyst, Info-Tech Research Group says, because a user might have
copies of a file saved to a local hard
drive, in a company document-
management system, to a cloud ser-
users are trying to empower them- Banting says when users take IT vice, and in any number of other
selves,” he says. into their own hands and circum- services the employee deals with.
vent security policies, numerous
THE RISKS “legal and compliance implications” TAKE CHARGE
An often-cited negative of con- begin to surface. “Cloud-based In recent research Info-Tech com-
sumer-type file-sharing/docu- storage is encountering a push-pull piled on eight cloud file-sharing
ment-collaboration services is between an individual user’s con- vendors, the firm noted that knowl-
they weren’t built with businesses venience and need for security and edge workers are taking to such
in mind and lack the control and regulatory compliance,” he says. “IT solutions faster than other content-
governance businesses typically managers are going to have to make collaboration tools because they’re
require. “Once your users turn to some very difficult decisions about immediately mobile-ready and
these cloud services, the enterprise privacy this forthcoming year, given employees understand the “file-
control over data is largely gone, recent events.” folder” approach many services
and you’re entrusting your secu- A major hurdle preventing ex- take. Info-Tech notes, however, that
rity to the users and their choice of ecutives from deploying consumer- half the vendors now support full
service,” Boles says. “So there’s a like file-sharing solutions is “cloud IT administration, security, and
tremendous amount of risk in that.” aversion,” Dickie says. This has audit controls and some support
Boles says businesses ultimately lessened recently, he explains, but private/public data storage op-
must bear some responsibility for “information security” is a stum- tions, although private, enterprise-
employees turning to such ser- bling block for some CIOs who controlled cloud encryption is still
vices. “If they have the support of don’t want sensitive data, trade se- missing. Vendors, Info-Tech re-
the users in the first place, users crets, etc. in the cloud. Positively, ports, are also focusing more now
are more likely to follow policies,” he says, many vendors are ap- on social collaboration via features
he says. “If the business has been proaching file sharing from a more such as threaded discussions, per-
forward-thinking enough to estab- security-minded standpoint, both sonalized activity streams, tasks,
lish policy, and they have the users by offering strong in-transit and and synchronous file editing. As
on their side, [then] they probably at-rest encryption and offering ad- such, Info-Tech predicts the file-
don’t have that big of a problem.” ministration tools for policy en- sharing and collaboration mar-
Some businesses, however, lack forcement. One particular solution, kets will see convergence in the
infrastructures agile enough to for example, enables configuring coming five years, and managed
respond to users’ needs, he says. automated policy enforcement so file-transfer and cloud backup ven-
Overall, he says, “it really boils that if a user tries to upload a cer- dors will make major moves into
down to a capability of significant tain file type or a document con- the cloud file-sharing market in the
benefit that can’t be had from the taining a sensitive word, the file is coming 18 months.
business right now that’s driving automatically quarantined. Dickie says many very strong
users to turn to these types of ser- Porter-Roth says that although enterprise solutions are now avail-
vices.” An easy re-address is en- file-share/document-collaboration able, and many are positioning
abling the capability and ensuring services are “usually” secure, users themselves as secure enterprise al-
that employees understand the risks aren’t necessarily security-aware ternatives. Businesses considering
and comply with policy, he says. and may inadvertently send a purchasing such solutions should
“It’s much harder to make users link to a person who grants root- ensure they provide the admin-
comply when the compliance says level access to an entire directory. istrative controls the enterprise
they can’t do their job,” Boles says. Additionally, many services are needs, he says. Currently, there’s

42 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


a fairly broad spectrum of security While companies can ban personal

features within solutions, he says,
including some being pure-play se-
sharing services from internal networks,
curity options and others relying usage isn’t likely to stop. “The best way
on their partner ecosystems. “As is to allow a file-sharing service by mak-
an enterprise it’s kind of a matter
of knowing what your risk toler-
ing it a company standard application.”
ance is and then matching that to a Bud Porter-Roth
vendor in the space that provides principal consultant, Porter-Roth Associates
those types of security,” he says.
Banting recommends companies
consider restricting employees to
using only centrally managed file- required and categorize documents this road with deploying CFS types
sharing services. Too many busi- in terms of confidentiality and secu- of solutions anyway,” Dickie says.
nesses today turn a blind eye to rity requirements; and anticipate data Porter-Roth’s experience is that
employees’ use of file-sharing ser- and process integration points before policies typically aren’t very effec-
vices, he says, and IT must examine getting started. tive because cloud-type applica-
why users want to use the services tions can and are used on personal
and address the issues with a cor- SET POLICY devices that escape corporate poli-
porate alternative. “Additionally, Also regarding file-sharing and cies. “Even with a policy, most com-
businesses should look to protect document-collaboration solutions panies don’t monitor or limit the
the documents themselves and is ensuring clearly defined ac- use of these applications,” he says.
not just the places where they’re ceptable usage policies are imple- Because some companies don’t en-
stored,” he says. IRM (information mented. Policies should specify force policy, Porter-Roth says, three
rights management), for example, content that can and can’t be up- or four different file-sharing services
can protect sensitive documents loaded, Dickie says. “Obviously, may be in use within the company.
from being viewed, edited, or more sensitive information you’re For companies considering using
distributed by unauthorized per- going to want to keep on premises a cloud-based file-sharing service,
sonnel, he says. and discourage employees from Boles generally recommends exam-
Porter-Roth recommends deter- uploading,” he says. Some solu- ining if the challenge they’re facing
mining as a company which service tions can help enforce areas of an can be appropriately addressed
is right, obtain a company subscrip- AUP (acceptable use policy), but with a cloud service. If users are
tion, and then request all company end-user education must also occur, turning to such services, he says,
business is done on that company he says. Further, ensure policy has there’s likely a need for greater
edition. While companies can ban teeth. “You’re not going to get user collaboration and data access.
personal sharing services from in- compliance unless you specify what Companies should also consider the
ternal networks, usage isn’t likely the penalties are for uploading or benefits of these services (low cost,
to stop, he says. “The best way is abusing a cloud file-sharing solu- global accessibility, low commit-
to allow a file-sharing service by tion,” Dickie says. For example, ment required, etc.) and whether
making it a company standard ap- policy might state that uploading the company is culturally geared
plication,” he says. prohibited content can result in to trust a public cloud service or
Durga says when evaluating solu- sanctions up to termination. should consider a more enterprise-
tions, involve key IT staff to address Also ensure that employees read focused solution. If building a solu-
critical data management, security, the policy and sign off on it. Then, tion internally, determine the target
and integration challenges; involve Dickie says, enforce policy in all usage and scope, and how extensive
key business stakeholders to en- instances of non-compliance. “As security requirements must be, he
sure the solution addresses practical Draconian as it sounds, I’d say that says. “It’s really as simple as that:
needs and is relatively easy to use; sometimes you have to publicize Recognizing whether there’s a need
look at security holistically (include those instances of non-compliance, out there and recognizing if you’re
consideration of authentication, au- as well,” he says. Overall, any AUP going to try and address it within
thorization, encryption, data center should help “create a balance be- the enterprise, and then determine
security, and physical security); en- tween protecting the enterprise but whether the public cloud is an op-
sure the company has a firm grasp on not make the policy so restrictive tion based on compliance and other
SLAs; perform a content inventory if that there’s no point in going down factors,” he says. ●

PC Today / February 2014 43


Tablets For Enterprises

How The Device Stacks Up Against Smartphones & PCs For Business Purposes

An ever-increasing amount of TABLETS VS. THE FIELD tablets (or hybrid, dockable devices
workers are bringing their personal There’s no question the popu- functioning as tablets and laptops).
tablets into the workplace, and larity of tablets is swelling among Forrester expects business-owned tab-
many who aren’t want their enter- consumers and businesses. Forrester lets to increase to make up 18% of the
prises to deploy them. Despite this, Research (www.forrester.com) data from tablet market by 2017.
some executives have doubts about late 2013, for example, predicted a Still, a belief lingers that tablets
what tablets can offer their compa- global installed base of 327 million lag behind PCs in certain busi-
nies. Some also question whether tab- tablets by the end of 2013 (905 million ness-specific respects, including
lets can provide more services or give by 2017), with 39 million being tab- when performing processor-inten-
users the tools necessary to complete lets enterprises purchase. Key drivers sive tasks, working with complex
more tasks. include portability, ease of use, end data, and creating original content.
Plenty of experts believe that tablets user preferences, senior executives’ Andrew Borg, Aberdeen Group
definitely deserve consideration from desires, enhanced productivity, and (www.aberdeen.com) research director
executives, including in terms of even better customer experience. Forrester for enterprise mobility and collabo-
potentially temporarily or permanently states some verticals, such as health- ration, says there are caveats to such
replacing PCs throughout a company. care, are supplanting laptops with generalizations. How we discussed

Currently, tablets can Tablets possess several Due to compatibility In 2014, tablets should
provide an ideal tool for features that many ex- reasons and technical be lighter and thinner and
certain positions and perts find advantageous capabilities, some provide more powerful
departments, but many over smartphones (screen experts view Microsoft processing abilities, more
experts don’t view them as sizes, content, etc.) and tablets as being able to integrated memory, and other
Key being able to replace PCs laptops (weight, portabil- provide several enter- abilities that make them more
Points companywide yet. ity, battery life, etc.). prise-related benefits. business-ready.

44 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


“Only if there are supporting applications to justify tablets is like buying a lake
in order to have a glass of water.”
and apps that make the tablet relevant to Tablets do integrate well, Egan
a task or job will tablets become effective.” says, in such areas as the boardroom
to replace paper, for presentations, to
provide “roving” IT support, for sales
Bob Egan departments, and audio/video/pre-
CEO and founder, Sepharim Group sentation conference calls.


Among the pros tablets possess
over laptops is weight. Even com-
tablets toward the end of 2013 for tablets may be based on image pared with the lightest laptop, Borg
might be very different from what vs. needs. “Then there are those in says tablets win out. Further, at least
we talk about as 2014 progresses, he between. Even in the latter cases, historically, tablet battery life has
says. Quad- or octa-core processors usefulness—measured in ROI—will been 10 times greater than that of
could do away with the question only occur if there are supporting the traditional laptop, though this is
of processing ability, he says, while applications and apps that make a changing, he says. Having a work-
all tablets can access some version tablet relevant to a task or job,” Brett oriented mobile device that’s easy
of Microsoft Office now, thus doc- says. “Such applications and apps to carry, offers long battery life, and
ument and content creation is no don’t happen overnight. Remember can provide full connectivity while
longer a differentiator. that PCs already work and thus may in motion translates to something
Business-wise, where tablets fall be cheaper for obtaining short-term workers can use in many more en-
short when compared with laptops benefits. Always ask who is going to vironments than otherwise possible,
is in their OSes. A tablet’s OS is op- use what and why.” says Borg. Conversely, the “mo-
timized for battery life rather than Bob Egan, Sepharim Group (www bility” of laptops essentially means
“multi-mode fluidity,” or easily .sepharimgroup.com) CEO and founder, carrying them to meetings and con-
moving content among apps, which also believes tablets can’t yet replace ference rooms and using them at a
is required in file management. PCs companywide. Companies that desk or table. Where meetings with
Exceptions include Windows Surface have tried end up buying keyboards customers and colleagues and trav-
and Pro tablets, Borg says, which for the tablet but find the tablet-key- eling are concerned, the “difference
from a technical-abilities perspective board “combination isn’t as comfort- between 3.5 pounds vs. a pound or
don’t suffer from such limitations able or productive to use as a PC,” less with much longer battery life is a
and can handle content creation and he says. Egan says he sees tablets as big deal,” adds Borg.
dynamically or fluidly move con- generally augmenting PC installa- Beyond weight, Egan counts
tent between tablet apps. What’s not tions, not replacing them. “Tablets tablets’ instant-on ability and
clear, though, is if “the enterprise is are mostly being used by high-level form factor as advantages, though
looking at Microsoft’s tablet strategy execs and field force personnel, espe- he notes similar features are
as the answer,” he says. cially sales,” he says. “Tablets are not showing up in Ultrabooks and
Charles Brett, Freeform Dynamics PC replacements.” convertibles, too. Compared with
(www.freeformdynamics.com) prin- In terms of integrating with en- smartphones, though, few people
cipal analyst, says he believes tab- terprise applications, Brett says it want to hold a tablet up and use it
lets “almost certainly” can’t replace is possible, but the process is rarely like a phone, he says. Brett says be-
PCs companywide, and to what simple and not yet as easy as it is yond providing a “small measure
extent they can replace PCs at all with PCs. Acquiring tablets isn’t just of fashion,” tablets’ larger screens
relates to individual needs. For a question of buying them and ob- generally make them better for Web
jobs requiring minimal movement taining enterprise benefits, he says. browsing and other applications than
(traders, call center operators, etc.), “Only if there are supporting ap- smartphones. “Tablets can be too
he says PCs still satisfy associated plications and apps that make the big or too small, as well,” he says.
requirements most cost-effectively, tablet relevant to a task or job will “A classic iPad isn’t something you
he says. Brett explains that tablets tablets become effective,” he says. might want to carry when surveying
are more relevant to such enterprise Purchasing tablet-optimized applica- a large physical site,” he says.
workers as sales people and execu- tions can accelerate the process, but Borg says a smartphone’s screen
tives, though an executive’s desire he explains that doing this “in order size regulates it to being more of a

PC Today / February 2014 45


“personal device." Sharing content There will come a point when “we
with one person is difficult, he says,
but “forget about sharing content
have to talk about what comes after
in person with more than one per- tablets.”
son. You can’t.” Tablets are ideal for
Andrew Borg
collaboration and sharing, he says.
research director for enterprise mobility and collaboration, Aberdeen Group
“Two, three, or even five people can
gather around a tablet and actually
get a lot of work done” in terms of
sharing information, viewing data software. Egan says a big challenge tablet platforms, cost-effectiveness,
analysis, and consuming media, with iOS and Android tablets is nei- and other factors playing roles. Still,
he says. ther have a solid file management while iPad dominates the U.S. busi-
Compared with tablets, Borg system, “especially one that meets ness market currently, Borg says, there
believes Ultrabooks present some the generally accepted principles of will come a point when “we have to
benefits (sleekness, long battery legal and audit compliance trails.” talk about what comes after tablets.”
life, business-ready qualities, etc.) Brett says with some changes (“cur- Other form factors will surface that
although they’re a bit pricey cur- rently Windows 8 devices remain too will “matter as much or more” than
rently. “They’re definitely an exec- large, too heavy, and too landscape in tablets, he says.
utive toy,” he says. “The question orientation”), the financial and prac-
is, for the majority of your workers, tical advantages of using Windows TABLETS IN 2014
are you going to buy an Ultrabook tablets could be significant for enter- Moving into this year, Borg sees
for a premium price or a tablet?” prises in terms of “using the same two extremes developing for the
Executives may get both, but it’s infrastructure, applications, and de- tablet market. At the low end, he
doubtful the rest of the organiza- velopment skills without having to expects tablets to follow a trend now
tion will get two pieces of hard- adopt iOS and Android ones.” occurring with smartphones in that
ware to replace a laptop, he says. From a technical and capability low-end models are becoming very
If Ultrabook pricing comes down, perspective, “Microsoft’s strategy affordable. At the very high end,
however, a true three-tier ecosystem is probably the most well thought Borg says tablets could emerge with
could develop in 2014, he says. out, most tightly integrated strategy a minimum of quad-core processing,
Brett sees Ultrabook and tablets for both OS and business applica- more integrated RAM, longer bat-
on a probable collision course, “at tions available on any tablet,” Borg tery life, higher resolution displays,
least until a tablet has Ultrabook pro- says. Although Surface Pro is stable even thinner and lighter form fac-
cessing requirements.” Essentially, technology that’s business-oriented, tors, as well as more mature enter-
the devices fill a similar space, he well-integrated, and offers tremen- prise ecosystems to support and
says, though Ultrabooks are more ex- dous potential, Microsoft’s initial manage them.
pensive but with better processing technology integration and its recent Borg says while initial tablets were
ability. “Remember that PCs already marketing and evangelism “has been dismissed as not having business-
work and thus may be cheaper for lacking,” he says. ready tools available, “with security
obtaining short-term benefits. This Borg says current Windows tablet ecosystems and cloud effectively
is the Ultrabook’s real advantage,” business adoption is “miniscule" built into tablets, that argument is
he says. vs. Apple and Android adoption. dissipating, if not dissolving. With
Aberdeen Group research, however, high-end tablets widely available
THE MICROSOFT EFFECT indicates when asking business-re- in 2014, we should move past the
Although sales of Microsoft tab- lated respondents of their plans and argument that tablets aren’t busi-
lets have trailed those of Apple and budgets for tablets for 2013, “the ratios ness-ready,” he says. For compa-
Android tablets, many pundits be- involved almost invert themselves.” nies facing, say, a three- to five-year
lieve that at least from a business Specifically, 35% of respondents indi- laptop refresh cycle in 2014, Borg
and IT outlook, Microsoft tablets cate plans to adopt Windows Surface says the question is “are you going
provide a few notable advantages tablets. Adjust for the “Microsoft mo- to buy all your users laptops or may
over the other two platforms. One bile reality factor,” or viewing over you buy tablets for field sales, execu-
advantage is compatibility, because past years what respondents indi- tives, and applicable groups?” He ex-
a vast number of businesses already cated vs. actually acquired and the pects we’ll start to see “tablets begin
run Microsoft OSes and business, 2013 projected adoption drops to 4%, to replace laptops in their normal
productivity, enterprise, and other with employee demands for other acquisition cycle in 2014.” ●

46 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


Trend To Watch: BYOS

If Employees Can Bring Their Own Devices, Why Not Software?

In a “Future of Work” report out- “empowered employees are self-se- THE NATURE OF BYOS
lining enterprise trends to watch for in lecting applications on their own de- Rob Enderle, principal analyst with
2014, research firm Ovum (www.ovum vices and using cloud services to get Enderle Group (www.enderlegroup.com),
.com) quotes Canadian philosopher the job done.” says BYOS essentially plays to an idea
Herbert McLuhan, who died in 1980, Generically, employees bringing “that certain employees need their
as saying “our age of anxiety is, in software into the workplace is known own unique tools.” Years ago, secre-
great part, the result of trying to do as BYOS (bring your own software/ taries brought or demanded the word
today’s jobs with yesterday’s tools. services) or BYOA (bring your own ap- processing program they needed, for
We shape our tools, and thereafter plications). A component of the larger example. “I used to use my own presen-
our tools shape us.” Fast-forward to “consumerization of IT” trend that also tation software in the 1980s, and it’s not
2014, and those words echo with what includes BYOD (bring your down de- uncommon for designers and graphic
many enterprise employees currently vice), BYOS is picking up considerable artists to bring their own software tools,
feel. As Ovum puts it, “employee frus- steam but holds positives and nega- as well,” Enderle says.
tration and operational latency are in- tives that enterprises, whether they Today, says Avni Rambhia, Frost &
creasing” as workers try to perform want to or not, must decide what, if Sullivan (www.frost.com) digital media
their jobs using old tools. As a result, anything, they must do to address. industry manager, BYOS involves

Often, employees bring While BYOS might BYOS can introduce Security and data loss are
their own software into seem a new occurrence several benefits both among more obvious risks
the workplace because much like the BYOD for employees and associated with BYOS,
they feel an applica- phenomenon, it’s not. enterprises, including as third-party apps that
tion is the tool that best The practice actu- enhancing collabora- employees install may store
Key helps them perform ally dates back several tion, innovation, and company data in public
Points their jobs. decades. productivity. cloud space.

PC Today / February 2014 47


employees accessing company data Primarily, BYOS enables employees to use

and possible company apps on de-
vices and computers on which per-
“their” tools, ones they “specified for the
sonal, third-party apps the company job and/or know how to use.”
hasn’t vetted also reside. An em- Rob Enderle
ployee, for example, might access
principal analyst, Enderle Group
company email on a smartphone also
running a music streaming app.
Richard Edwards, Ovum principal
analyst, says BYOS and BOYD both
While IT-savvy employees tend to
generally involve employees and not adopt BYOD/BYOS to enhance their
IT deciding the tool, app, or service best own workplace usefulness, “employees
for a given job. BYOS, he says, dates to
the arrival of PC spreadsheet and da-
aren’t always best placed to consider
tabase applications in the 1980s, which long-term effects in terms of IT gover-
enabled employees to build or acquire nance, business risk, or industry/author-
business applications the organization
didn’t necessarily manage or formally
ity compliance.”
sanction. Unlike today, however, Web Richard Edwards
services didn’t exist then, thus com- principal analyst, Ovum
pany data stayed relatively on-prem-
ises. As PC numbers grew and Web
access arrived, the subsequent lack of
control organizations felt led to more worker came into a company, she was apps, meanwhile, can particularly
Draconian measures, Edwards says. fairly limited to applications provi- benefit companies with international
“This inadvertently has partially fueled sioned or imaged on her machine. With customers, clients, and employees and
today’s BYOD/BYOS market and is a the rise of the cloud and mobile devices, prove more convenient and cost-effec-
natural response to the beleaguered/ Dickie says, it’s much easier for em- tive alternatives than trying to set up a
overworked employee who is simply ployees to bring in applications. For ex- conference call bridge, she says.
trying to get the job done,” he says. ample, IT might install Google Chrome Elsewhere, the vast choice of apps
Peter Crocker, Smith Point Ana- on an employee’s system, but the em- employees have enables them to select
lytics (www.smithspointanalytics.com) ployee can likely install Web apps to the newest and most innovative ones
founder, sees the current drive toward the browser without gaining adminis- that are best for them and how they
BYOS as being different than BYOD, a trative permissions. work, Crocker says. Most employees,
trend that executives essentially drove however, need to collaborate with co-
through expectations of using “flashy PROS & CONS workers, and the variety of applications
and powerful devices.” BYOS is a Primarily, BYOS enables employees potentially in use among co-workers
more grassroots trend, he says, as em- to use “their” tools, ones they “specified can make collaboration difficult, let
ployees all across the organization are for the job and/or know how to use,” alone IT supporting each, Crocker says.
experimenting with new apps. Whereas Enderle says. This can provide an ad- Another BYOS concern is the enter-
variables with BYOD are more limited vantage vs. using enterprise-deployed prise’s ability to secure company data
and the industry is standardizing on tools, because employees believe their used in consumer-based apps lacking
iOS and Android, he says, the array of tools are best for the job, and “they enterprise-level control and that store
apps employees can bring into work is are often closest to that job,” he says. data in the public cloud, he says.
endless, meaning more chaos. In short, Downsides can include how the enter- Edwards says BYOS can provide
SaaS and mobile apps are providing prise will manage support, integration, a simple workaround to inhibitors
easy and cost-effective access to a wide and recovering data if an employee gets or perceived hindrances, as well as
range of apps and fueling the entry of sick, dies, or leaves, he says. prove an innovative form of informa-
consumer-grade software into business Productivity and collaboration tion and communication technology.
environments, he says. are other often-cited BYOS benefits. While IT-savvy employees tend to
Ben Dickie, Info-Tech Research Online calendars, for example, enable adopt BYOD/BYOS to enhance their
Group (www.infotech.com) senior con- team members to coordinate sched- own workplace usefulness, he says,
sulting analyst, says mobility is another ules whereas an enterprise solution “employees aren’t always best placed
factor. In the past, when a knowledge may not, Rambhia says. Video chat to consider long-term effects in terms

48 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


“There’s also the risk of ongoing main- this innovation trend but need to do
it the right way.”
tenance. If a BYOS title gets locked into Crocker adds that IT managers can
company workflow but the vendor and use BYOS to their advantage by un-
company don’t have an SLA agreement, derstanding what consumer software
employees are using and seeking ways
there’s a real risk of downtime or data loss in which to support and integrate the
should the third-party vendor flounder.” software. If some employees are more
Avni Rambhia productive using consumer software,
it’s likely others may also benefit, he
digital media industry manager, Frost & Sullivan
says. For this strategy to work, IT man-
agers and users must understand and
take responsibility for the risks/ben-
of IT governance, business risk, or in- Those risks, she says, include data efits and make decisions case by case.
dustry/authority compliance.” files covered by regulations or NDAs For example, he says, storing sensitive
Dickie’s security advice to CIOs or other contracts “exiting the pur- company data in a consumer cloud file
and CTOs is to not act in a knee-jerk view of data leakage prevention or sharing service vs. enterprise solution
manner. “I think that’s a trap that a other security systems and potentially is a different scenario than using an
lot of CIOs fall into,” he says. After leaking.” Less obvious risks include enterprise-oriented social network to
discovering an employee is using her inconsistent document formats, such find new leads vs. using the corporate
own application without formal IT as when an employee creates docu- customer management system.
authorization or support, they may ments using a third-party app in a As a security purist, Rambhia be-
view it as something that needs to be format the company-wide standard lieves BYOS is never a good idea,
locked down, he says. Instead, look at can’t effectively leverage. “There’s especially on platforms where sensi-
the underlying reasons employees are also the risk of ongoing mainte- tive data, code, designs, etc. reside.
bringing in apps, he says. Often, it’s nance,” she says. “If a BYOS title gets “From a practical perspective, how-
because they aren’t getting the sup- locked into company workflow but ever, BYOS is unavoidable,” she says.
port needed for existing applications or the vendor and company don’t have “Acknowledging that BYOS will be
aren’t successfully enabled to complete an SLA agreement, there’s a real risk present and ensuring employees are
their jobs with existing applications. “I of downtime or data loss should the well educated in safe ways of using
think the senior IT leaders need to do third-party vendor flounder.” and sharing data is critical,” she says.
almost a little bit of soul searching,” Ultimately, Rambhia adds, “security
he says, by finding where the gaps are WHAT TO DO is nearly always a person problem,
in the software they’re providing and Edwards sees two angles for BYOS and it’s best solved with person-cen-
then looking at formal licensing or for enterprises. One, BYOS can pro- tric solutions.” While it’s incumbent
formal support of BYOS-type apps. vide a useful but generic/commodity on managers to get IT to buy in “be-
Rambhia says while the cloud and service for all employees, such as file cause breaks will happen, and they will
devices are changing how people sharing/syncing abilities they aren’t happen at the worst possible time,” she
think, interact, work, and store data, currently provided. Two, BYOS can says, IT should look at what software
companies are often slow to incorpo- provide a useful LOB (line of busi- is being installed most often and de-
rate new technologies into the range ness) application that IT might con- termine if it can bring it under a com-
of devices their employees use. A com- sider too low-priority to source or pany-managed umbrella.
pany, for example, might use a corpo- develop, such as an app that lets an Ultimately, Edwards advises CIOs
rate chat client that doesn’t support engineer view CAD files on a tablet. and business managers to determine
smartphone use. Thus, an employee Crocker points out that much in- the motivation behind BYOD/BYOS
either sacrifices connectivity with team novation in technology markets and react accordingly. “The consum-
members on a group conference call originates in the consumer segment erization of IT is being driven by
when he’s on the smartphone or he because of enterprise adversity to ubiquitous, consumer-friendly, com-
installs a third-party app that interfaces risk. Many consumer-grade apps are munication and computing capabili-
with the corporate client. While IT may entering enterprises via “new hires ties. This is unprecedented,” he says.
be understandably worried about this, out of school who have limited at- “As a result, we are likely to see more
she says, it’s a calculated risk on the tachments to legacy software and change in the remaining six years of
employee’s part that brings about secu- thrive on trying new things,” he says. this decade than in the 30 years that
rity risks. “Enterprises can take advantage of preceded it.” ●

PC Today / February 2014 49


Portable Storage Guide

Compare Features To Find The Right Solution

Whether it’s a desktop, laptop, the limit. Some vendors offer hard Whether you are contemplating
tablet, smartphone, or camera, drive enclosures that can be used to the purchase of a hard disk drive or
you’re bound to reach a time when transform internal hard drives into an SSD, another consideration is data
the device gets dangerously close external ones, and some enclosures transfer speeds. Determine what in-
to reaching maximum storage ca- support multiple hard drives. For that terface the device uses and the speed
pacity. And while you may use the reason, you could conceivably hit ca- it provides before buying. The most
opportunity to clean off your hard pacities of up to 20TB or more in the common interface is USB (Universal
drive to free up some space, it isn’t future, which would almost amount Serial Bus), with most current products
always possible or convenient to do to a portable server. supporting USB 2.0 (with speeds up to
so. Fortunately, there are quite a few In addition to hard drives, which 480 megabits per second) or the newer
portable storage options available are great for mass storage, many ven- USB 3.0 (up to 5 gigabits per second).
that can give you the extra capacity dors are also releasing portable SSDs Why you need it: External hard
you need without having to upgrade (solid-state drives), which provide drives are great for storing media,
your device. faster read and write speeds and typi- like videos, music, and photos, be-
cally more capacity than hard disk cause those files often take up a quite
EXTERNAL HARD DRIVES drives. SSDs, and portable models a bit of space on your device’s internal
External hard drives are a fit in particular, have historically been memory. Then, you can either choose
for people who want a lot of extra more expensive than hard drives, to view or play the media straight
storage capacity, but also need but prices are dropping every year. from the hard drive or move it back
something portable that doesn’t re- Still, in order to buy a 1TB SSD, for in- onto your desktop momentarily, if
quire internal installation. You will stance, you could end up paying up- necessary. If high speed is important
most commonly find external hard wards of $1,000. So, for mass storage (as is the case if you intend to install a
drives in sizes ranging roughly from purposes, hard disk drives remain the program on a portable drive), an SSD
160GB to 2TB, but that certainly isn’t most affordable option. is likely the best choice.

50 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


USB FLASH DRIVES Memory cards also have different ➤ Ruggedization. External hard
External hard drives do have read and write speeds that will affect drives and USB drives may be built
a larger capacity, but sometimes a performance. For instance, a Class 2 for harsher conditions and have
smaller storage device might be the memory card will have a minimum ruggedized features for better du-
solution to your problem. USB flash speed of 2 megabytes per second rability. SSDs and flash drives don’t
drives are often much more compact and a Class 10 memory card will have moving parts, so ruggedized
than external hard drives and are also have a minimum speed of 10MBps. versions of those devices will have
quite a bit less expensive, depending If you’re mainly aiming for addi- quite a bit of durability. But if you
on the capacity. As with SSDs, the tional storage capacity, these num- really want the mass capacity of an
higher you go in capacity, the bigger bers might not concern you. But if external hard drive and need to pro-
the price jump will be. The sweet spot tect it from the elements, you can
for flash drives in terms of a cost- always purchase an enclosure for
benefit analysis is often in the 4GB to extra security.
64GB range. ➤ Security. Many hard drives,
But where they lack in mass storage USB drives, and memory cards fea-
potential, they make up for in design ture encryption settings to protect
innovation. The typical flash drive is your data. Some portable storage
about the size of a pack of gum, but solutions will let you encrypt the
there are also super compact alter- entire drive or select certain files
natives that are about the size of a on the device you want to protect
quarter or even a memory card. And more than others. It’s also pos-
you can also find USB flash drives that sible to partition or segment a hard
attach to a key chain or are part of a drive into separate parts and put
Swiss Army Knife. sensitive information in a container
Why you need it: Because USB away from other data. You can
drives are more portable than hard then encrypt or even hide that part
drives, they offer a few different use of the drive while leaving the rest of
cases. For instance, you could use a USB you’re buying a memory card to re- it unencumbered.
flash drive as a short-term backup solu- cord HD video or take high-quality ➤ Wireless. Another feature that
tion or to transfer small datasets from pictures, the faster read and write external hard drive, flash drives, and
one computer to another. You could speeds will translate into signifi- now even memory cards share is the
also upload an entire presentation to the cantly better performance. ability to connect to other devices
drive and access it on any computer due Why you need it: In addition to via a Wi-Fi connection. This allows
to its plug-and-play functionality. using memory cards for cameras, you you to transfer data from one loca-
can also use them to expand memory tion to another without requiring
MEMORY CARDS in a mobile device. Many smart- a physical connection. But perhaps
Memory cards are about as small phones and tablets have memory the most common use for Wi-Fi in
as it gets when it comes to portable card slots and can support additional portable storage is to stream content.
storage. Traditional SD (Secure memory of 16GB, 32GB, or more. For instance, you could load a video
Digital) cards themselves are ap- Memory cards can be used in a va- onto a hard drive, connect it to your
proximately the size of a quarter, but riety of other devices with slots as wireless network, and then stream
there are also much smaller microSD well, including printers, televisions, it to any connected computer or Wi-
cards. The price-to-capacity ratio for Blu-ray players, and more. Fi-capable television. This is particu-
memory cards is similar to that of larly useful for business travelers
USB drives. 1GB and 2GB cards are SHARED BENEFITS because it provides the ability to
often less than $10, whereas 64GB While every portable storage solu- stream a video presentation or slide-
high-capacity cards can cost around tion has its unique traits, they also show without requiring the user to
$60 to $200 or more. have a lot in common. install it on the host computer. ●

Consider a portable storage device that uses the USB 3.0 interface
in order to enjoy super-fast data transfer speeds.

PC Today / February 2014 51


Internet Tracking
How Websites & Companies Glean Information From Your Web Browsing Activity

Nearly every website you visit visitors to its website had stopped and other football-related products.
uses cookies or some other form of at the site previously. “At that time, Websites can also use cookies to
Internet tracking technology to store there was no such technology to do store passwords or track browsing
information about your browsing that, so the website companies devel- history and user behavior.
history and your Web behavior. oped cookies to track users and their However, traditional HTTP cook-
Although this sounds potentially activities,” says Alan Tang, senior con- ies are limited to a degree because
nefarious, the reality is that many sulting analyst at Info-Tech Research they can only store about 4KB of
websites simply use this data to help Group (www.infotech.com). HTTP or data. For companies that want more
you save time and provide you with browser cookies are simply “small storage space to keep as much infor-
relevant information the next time pieces of data sent from a website mation as possible about the people
you visit. Internet tracking has grown and stored in a user’s Web browser,” visiting their websites, there are
much more sophisticated over time, Tang says. Each time the user visits the Flash cookies. Created in 2000, Flash
however, as companies try to use website, Tang explains, “the browser cookies, also known as local shared
the technology to gather more data sends the cookie back to a server to objects, take advantage of the Flash
about customers and their online ac- save information about [his] previous technology that some websites use,
tivity. It’s important to not only know activity.” and they are capable of storing as
where this phenomenon is going, but HTTP cookies are commonly much as 100KB of data. This gives
also how and why it originated. used by online retailers for person- websites the ability to not only store
alization and customization pur- more data at once, but to also get
HTTP & FLASH COOKIES poses. For instance, if you visit an more context from that data.
The use of cookies traces back to the online store and search for books You can store Flash cookies on
1990s when Web browsing became about football, the next time you your computer rather than your
prevalent. A computer services com- visit that online store, you may see Web browser, and some websites
pany wanted a way to check whether recommendations for more books will even back up traditional HTTP

52 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


for those items or retailers begin to

“Cookies are your friends, but they can appear as you browse other web-
also be used against you. You can get sites. This is often the work of a
information that’s more relevant to you, marketer trying to target you with
ads and increase the chance of a
but [cookies] can also be leveraged by sale by maintaining your awareness
malware to steal information from you. even when you navigate away from
The most important thing from a security the company’s website.
Internet tracking doesn’t stop
perspective is that the technology isn’t there. Companies including Google
necessarily bad, but the collection of this and Microsoft continually look
information should be more transparent for ways to move away from tra-
ditional cookies and even digital
to the end user and the customer should fingerprinting, which tracks only
have control over it.” one platform at a time, to platform-
Alan Tang independent tools that track your
profile regardless of which device
senior consulting analyst, Info-Tech Research Group
you use. Tang says the ultimate
goal for profile-tracking technology
is to “bring data from different plat-
cookies to those local shared objects. The next step is to research and keep forms together and take the perfor-
That way, even if you delete a cookie your anti-malware applications and mance and accuracy of information
in your browser, a Flash website can browser up-to-date. Every time you collection to the next level.”
still grab information from a Flash visit a website, it could be tracking Using Microsoft as an example,
cookie saved on your computer. your information. There are tools Tang explains that this approach
This can raise security concerns for that will give you a full list of web- can lead to “cross-channel” pro-
some companies and can put your sites that are tracking your informa- file tracking where it follows you
personal information at risk if you tion, and you can choose whether from your smartphone to your
aren’t careful. or not to allow those websites to laptop and even to your televi-
track you.” sion. “If you’re running a Windows
FRIEND OR FOE? laptop [and] an Xbox, and using
Although cookies can be helpful MORE WEB TRACKING Internet Explorer and Bing Search,
and allow a website to provide a With the increased use of mobile Microsoft can immediately consoli-
custom experience for an individual devices (which don’t use cookies), date those platforms together and
visitor, “they can also be leveraged advertisers sought new forms of gather more accurate information
against you by malware to steal in- tracking technology. So-called dig- about your behavior,” he says.
formation,” Tang says. He explains ital fingerprinting, for example, Perhaps the most interesting
that there are thousands of groups involves collecting all of the hard- thing about the profile-tracking ap-
dedicated to using a person’s infor- ware and software information proach, according to Tang, is that it
mation against him. Cookies and available about a user’s device as will have a “huge impact on online
other Internet tracking technolo- the user browses the Internet. In advertising.” In the past, Tang ex-
gies gather information about your this way a “fingerprint” is formed plains, companies like Google and
browsing history and general be- that is associated with a particular Microsoft only “controlled one item
havior, and hackers can use those user, allows for tracking of that in the supply chain,” but now with
cookies to spot and exploit certain user, and remains unaffected when tracking technology that can span
vulnerabilities in the future. the user deletes stored Internet across multiple platforms, “they can
For that reason, it’s important that tracking data. take control of the whole industry.”
your employees, especially those Technologies such as digital Both companies are already using
with access to sensitive informa- fingerprinting are often used for profile tracking to some degree, but
tion, be aware of such threats. “You targeted advertising. For instance, it will be interesting to see where
have to teach your end user how after visiting a company’s website the technology goes from here and
to protect [his] information when or searching for a specific product how the technology will impact the
searching online,” says Tang. “The available from an online retailer, way consumers and businesses in-
first step is to promote awareness. you may notice that advertisements teract with the Web in the future. ●

PC Today / February 2014 53


Smartphone Tips
A Roundup Of Helpful Advice


WITHOUT SWITCHING ➤ You might be among the many Windows Phone users who don’t know that
KEYBOARDS opening Web pages and not closing them means those pages are maintaining an
➤ If you’re typing and need Internet connection (and sapping your device’s battery charge) in the background.
to insert just the occasional In Internet Explorer, tap More (three dots), tap Tabs, and then tap X however many
special character, you can times is necessary to close every open tab. If you wish to clear all open Internet con-
do so without switching to nections in one fell swoop (that is, connections that exist in the background for various
a different keyboard. Press mobile apps), you can do that by accessing the Start screen, swiping left, tapping
and hold the Numbers And Settings (gear icon), tapping Wi-Fi, and sliding the Wi-Fi Networking switch to the
Symbols (&123) key and, Off position.
without removing your finger
fingertip until it lands on the ➤ Windows Phone integrates social media functionality into multiple areas of the
character you wish to type. operating system, primarily in the People hub but also (depending on the social net-
The Numbers And Symbols work) in the Photos hub, the Me card, and elsewhere. To add a Facebook account
key is also helpful when you to your phone, tap Settings, Email + Accounts, Add An Account, and Facebook;
need to enter an email ad- enter the required login information; tap Sign In; and, if you would like to link your
dress or website URL and Facebook and Microsoft accounts, tap Connect. There are similar steps for adding a
the .com and @ keys are not LinkedIn or Twitter account: tap Settings, Email + Accounts, LinkedIn or Twitter, and
present on the keyboard. Connect; you will then be redirected to a mobile Web page to log in.

54 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com




Swype, don’t tap, ➤ If you’re using the Chrome browser with Android 4 or later, you may
to type in Android be wondering how to remove your browser history. This isn’t just a
good security practice; it also keeps Chrome running lean and mean.
To access Chrome’s history, launch Chrome and type chrome:history
in the address bar. The browsing history will display. You can tap any
item in the history list to quickly go to that URL.
You can delete individual history items by tapping the drop-down
icon to the right of the item and selecting the Remove option. To remove
multiple items, tap to the left of an item; a
RESET THE check mark will appear. Tap to the left of ad-
SWYPE DICTIONARY ditional items to select them, and then tap the
➤ Newer Android devices in- Remove Selected Items button.
clude the Swype on-screen key- If you want to remove all of your browsing
board, which lets you glide your history in one fell swoop, go to Menu,
finger from one letter to the next Settings, Advanced, and Privacy. Tap Clear
to spell a word without having Browsing Data. A list of browsing data types
to press each letter separately. As will display. Place a check mark next to
with any small-screen keyboard, Browsing History, as well as any other data
the results can sometimes differ types you wish to remove, and tap the Clear
from what you intended to type, button.
either because you touched a few
wrong keys or because the key- SET UP ENCRYPTION
board’s auto-correct feature incor- ➤ For added security, you can encrypt all of
rectly assumed you were trying the settings, account information, apps, and
to type a different word. After other data on your Android device or on a SD Clear out old, unnecessary
you enter a word that Swype card installed in your device. With encryp- browser data by deleting
doesn’t recognize, it is added to tion established, you will be required to enter Chrome browser history.
the Swype dictionary. If at some a PIN or password every time you wish to ac-
point you would like to clear your cess anything on the device or SD card.
added words from the Swype Before setting up encryption, make sure
dictionary, access Settings; tap your Android device is fully charged and is attached to a charger, as the
My Device, Language & Input, entire process can take an hour or more and must not be interrupted to
Preferences, and Reset Swype’s complete successfully. To apply encryption, access the Settings screen,
Dictionary; tap the pop-up box tap More, and then tap the appropriate option: Encrypt Device or
option to confirm that you want Encrypt External SD Card. Tap Set Screen Lock Type and then follow
to take this action. the on-screen prompts to complete the process.
You can also use encryption for email communications on your
Android device. System administrators have the option to activate
the encryption option when setting up your device with a Microsoft
Exchange or ActiveSync account, but if you’re setting up such an ac-
count on your own, look for the Manual Setup option and select the Use
Secure Connection (SSL) option (which means you’ll be using the Secure
Sockets Layer encryption protocol) during setup.

PC Today / February 2014 55




➤ If you’re not locking your ➤ You can use BlackBerry Link software (available for Windows or Mac from
phone, you’re setting yourself up www.blackberry.com/blackberrylink) to transfer data from a non-BlackBerry de-
for a world of trouble. Without a vice to a device running BlackBerry OS 10. If the other device is an iPhone,
SIM lock, your BlackBerry phone sync it with iTunes, disconnect it from your computer, download and install
can be accessed pretty easily by BlackBerry Link, connect the BlackBerry using a USB cable, select iTunes as the
anyone who manages to get their music source, and access the desired views (Pictures and Video, Music) in order
hands on it. to select and drag files from your computer to the BlackBerry. If you have an
When you enable the SIM PIN Android device or a feature phone and a Windows PC, you can simply connect
lock, your phone will require a both the non-Black-
PIN for access. If you’ve never Berry device and the
used the SIM PIN lock feature BlackBerry to the
before, you’ll need your default PC using the corre-
SIM PIN code, which was pro- sponding sync ca-
vided in the documentation that bles, open Windows
was supplied with the phone. If Explorer (click
you don’t know your default PIN Start, Accessories,
code, do not follow these instruc- Windows Explorer),
tions. Failure to enter the correct and then drag files
code within three attempts will directly from the
lock the SIM card and prevent Android device or BlackBerry Link software simplifies the process of transferring
you from using the phone. If this feature phone to the data from a non-BlackBerry device.
happens, you’ll need to take the BlackBerry.
phone to the service provider to
From the Home screen, select ➤ If you have a BlackBerry smartphone running BlackBerry 7 OS or later
Options, Advanced Options, and and wish to transfer data from that phone to a newer model running
Enable Security. If this is the first BlackBerry OS 10, you can use BlackBerry Link to do so. BlackBerry Link
time you’ve used the SIM lock software lets you transfer contacts (including BlackBerry Messenger con-
feature, you’ll be asked to provide tacts), calendar entries, tasks, memos, messages (as in text and multimedia
your default PIN code. Once you messages, but not email messages), Password Keeper entries, and various
enter this code, you will always settings from one device to another. To do this, you will need to have a
be required to enter a PIN to turn media card installed in the old device as well as the password you use when
on and use your phone. backing up your BlackBerry.
To begin, tap the Search icon on the older device, type device switch in
the search field, and tap Search. This should display a setup screen. Select
Setup, Device Switch, Using A Media Card, and Save Data. Uncheck the
Save Emails checkbox. Select Continue, and the Device Switch program
will transfer all of your information to the device’s media card. Remove the
Get a new BlackBerry, media card and insert it in the new device. When the Device Switch interface
appears on-screen, enter the password and tap Transfer to complete the pro-
keep your data cess. To obtain email messages on the new device, select Settings, Accounts,
and Add Account, and then enter your email address and password; this
links the account to the device.

56 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com




➤ Beginning with iOS 7, the Safari
browser no longer has a .com key
for quickly entering a domain. Tap and hold the period key
With iOS 7, when you type a Web for a selection of domains.
address directly into the address
bar, as soon as you reach the point
at which you need to enter a do-
main simply tap and hold the pe-
riod key. This brings up a small
menu that lets you choose from SAVE & SYNC YOUR SENSITIVE DATA
a short list of common domains: ➤ Apple’s iCloud Keychain, a feature new to iOS 7, stores your usernames,
.com, .us, .org, .edu, and .net. If passwords, credit card information, and Wi-Fi network data for all of your
the website you want to visit uses iOS devices. This data is kept secure through 256-bit AES encryption. To
a different domain, you’ll have to set it up, tap Settings, iCloud, and Keychain; set it to On; and follow the on-
type it manually. screen prompts. When you first use iCloud Keychain, you can use it immedi-
ately on whatever iOS device you’re currently using; when you subsequently
QUICK KEYBOARDING TIPS enable the feature on additional iOS devices, iCloud will send an approval
➤ Having to enter a submenu request notification to the device on which you first used iCloud Keychain.
just to access the apostrophe re-
ally muddles typing words with KNOW YOUR LOCATION ICONS
apostrophes, such as the con- ➤ When your iPhone’s Location Services are enabled, apps that have per-
junctions it’s, we’ll, we’re, and mission to use location-based services will display a small chevron-shaped
they’re. Often times, your iPhone icon when in use. In iOS 7, a solid purple icon will appear when your loca-
automatically suggests the ap- tion is currently being tracked or has very recently been tracked. A solid
propriate word, which lets you gray icon will appear when your location has been tracked within the pre-
press the Space key to input it. vious 24 hours. And an outlined purple location icon will appear when one
When auto suggest utterly fails of your apps (such as Reminders or a social networking app) discovers that
to read your mind, however, you you have entered an area that uses a geofence, which is capable of tracking
can type certain words a certain when you have entered or exited a specific perimeter. In social networking,
way to get auto suggest to display for example this is the technology behind “checking in” to a certain busi-
the word you want. To type it’s, ness or other location.
we’ll, we’re, or they’re, just type
itss, welll, weree, and theyrr, re- DISMISS CURRENTLY RUNNING APPS
spectively, followed by a Space. ➤ The iPhone’s multitasking feature is great for quickly switching back to a
recently used app, but it also opens the door for multiple apps to run in the
background. Apps running in the background doesn’t usually hamper per-
formance, but it can, and restarting the iPhone doesn’t shut down the apps.
Stop apps from running To view all currently running apps, press the Home button twice quickly.
in the background Swipe left or right to locate each app you would like to shut down, and
simply swipe the app’s thumbnail screen upward to dismiss it from the list
and stop it from running. Doing this does not cause any data loss. Press the
Home screen again to return to the normal view.

PC Today / February 2014 57



The Latest Premium Electronics


➤ If you like your electronics smart, then turn your ears in the
direction of Creative’s Sound BlasterAxx AXX 200 ($299.99;
us.creative.com), “the future of audio.” The “Intelligent Wireless
Sound System” sports a raft of features (including the company’s
multi-core SB-Axx1 audio processor) that, according to Creative,
would collectively add up to $1,000-plus worth of audio good-
ness if sold separately. Able to function as a full-fledged external
sound card, the Sound BlasterAxx AXX 200 plays back and re-
cords audio in real time. Further, it integrates a voice recorder,
quad microphone for 360-degree pickup, and numerous audio-en-
hancing technologies (including CrystalVoice voice-enhancement
technology) that, when all combined, provide a “mobile wireless
teleconferencing system” that can record calls, interviews, presen-
tations, meetings, and more to a microSD card. Touch-sensitive
controls, NFC support, Wireless HD Audio quality, 15 hours of
battery life, and an ability to charge a smartphone battery are also
onboard, as are iOS and Android apps that offer easy configura-
tion abilities from a mobile device. Finally, for those times when
you need to get everyone’s attention, the Sound BlasterAxx AXX
200 can even function as a megaphone.

58 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com



➤ On first appearance, the CM Storm SF-17
($59.99), a member of the well-regarded Strike
Force Series of notebook coolers from Cooler
Master (www.coolermaster.com), looks like a beefed-
up, futuristic briefcase that belongs to a power
broker from some cinematic post-apocalyptic
world. In reality, the CM Storm SF-17 is built for
durability. Better still, it cleverly integrates a per-
forated mesh surface that dispels heats heat away
from the notebook resting on top of the cooler.
Cooler Master specifically designed the CM Storm
SF-17 with gamers in mind, but the cooler can
handle any type of notebook up to 19 inches in
size. In addition to offering four adjustable height
positions, the cooler includes four USB hubs and
a rubber carrying handle. Further, the built-in
180mm turbine fan has adjustable speed options,
red LED lightning that provides a touch of men-
acing flare, and various well-concealed grooves
that allow for cable routing.


➤ The DashDrive Durable HD650 External Hard
Drive from ADATA (www.adata-group.com) looks visu-
ally tough but in an entirely dashing manner. This
isn’t by coincidence, either. Featuring a flashy red
and silver exterior (a black color scheme is also avail-
able) that demands attention, the DashDrive Durable
HD650 is also built for rugged environments, espe-
cially those that users “with active and outdoor life-
styles” might introduce the drive to. The DashDrive
uses a triple-layer construction that features use of
a silicone material that ADATA touts as providing
“exceptional elasticity” and that provides shock-ab-
sorbing ability along all axes of the drive. Backed by a
three-year warranty, the drive also boasts a composite
plastic exterior that is resistant to scratches, nicks,
and other abrasions. Usage-wise, the drive provides
SuperSpeed USB 3.0 transfer rates, and models are
available in either 500GB ($59.99) or 1TB ($74.99) op-
tions—either amount should be enough to haul a
truckload of spreadsheets, slideshows, audio, photos,
videos, and other files wherever you go.

PC Today / February 2014 59


Protect Your
Privacy Online
Minimize The Risks Of Using Social Networking Services

If you use online services, social privacy, keep the following recom- r Verify and change account and
networking sites, or search engines, mendations in mind when registering privacy settings—many sites de-
your privacy is at risk. The more in- for online services: fault to less private options
formation you make available online, r Use strong passwords and secu-
the easier it is to compromise your r Enter the minimum amount of rity questions that are not easy
privacy, your identity, or even your personal information necessary for others to guess
computer. Today, there are very few and do not provide information r Employ antivirus and spyware
consumer protections for online pri- useful to identity thieves such as software on your computer and
vacy, but there are steps you can take your birth date or Social Security keep the software updated
to help minimize the risk. number r Be wary of installing software or
r If email account information is toolbars, downloading items, and
GENERAL ONLINE required, don’t use your work using add-on applications
PRIVACY TIPS or home email account—create r Look for and opt-out of receiving
Many online services and social a separate email account to use notices or special offers
networking sites request personal solely for online activity r Decline options to import your
information. Knowing how your r Read the site’s privacy poli- email contacts into the service
information is used and shared is im- cies—they can reveal a lot about r If you receive a personal email
portant. However, privacy and secu- how your information is used invitation to sign up for an on-
rity settings can be difficult to find and how you can take additional line service, contact the sender to
and understand. To help protect your steps to protect it verify its authenticity

60 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


r Use common sense—if the site these are default actions that you can GOOGLE+
or service doesn’t seem like it’s change with each post you make be- Google+ represents Google’s own
on the up and up, don’t register fore it goes live. stab at connecting all of its users
to use it Under the heading Who Can (and potentially all Web users) under
Contact Me?, click the appropriate one social umbrella. Whether or not
FACEBOOK Edit link to define who can send you use Google+, there’s a good
To access Facebook privacy op- you friend requests (the choices are chance you have noticed its features.
tions, click the Settings (gear) icon in Everyone and Friends Of Friends) Google has integrated Google+ into
the top right corner of the page and and what type of message filtering all of its software and services, in-
then select Privacy Settings. Under you prefer (choosing Strict Filtering cluding search. The network’s seem-
the top heading, Who Can See My instead of Basic Filtering is more ingly ubiquitous feature is the little
Stuff?, you can establish the basic about filtering messages to certain +1 button that graces countless on-
overall default privacy setting for locations than it is about privacy). line articles, websites, and search re-
your future Facebook posts. Here you Under the heading Who Can Look sults. It’s akin to the Like and Tweet
can make your updates and photos Me Up?, you can manage the ways buttons for Facebook and Twitter,
open to the public, accessible
only to friends, or completely
private by making the corre- You can set Facebook to
sponding selection from the make your posts com-
drop-down box under the pletely private by default;
heading Who Can See Your you still have the option
Future Posts? each time you make a post
The typical non-public set- to make it available to
ting is Friends, meaning that everyone, friends, or a list
only friends will see what of specific people.
you post; however, as with
email messages, those who
receive them can always
share them with others, so
any post you make avail-
able to all of your Facebook
friends can potentially be more in which other Facebook users and respectively, and often appears
widely shared (or even made public) other Internet users can find (or not alongside them.
by any of those friends. If you are ex- find) your Facebook profile. Google+ operates on the
tremely concerned about privacy and Next, carefully examine the pri- premise that in real life people
sometimes wish to make posts only vacy preferences under the Apps share information with indi-
for your own reference, it’s safest to and Ad sections. These setings affect viduals and groups, and that on
choose the Only Me setting; this may the information that other Facebook the Web users want more nu-
seem extreme and perhaps the an- applications and websites can access. anced sharing options than the
tithesis of why you would want to and it controls the information that basic three—“private,” “everyone
use Facebook to begin with, but keep your friends’ applications can access in my network,” and “the whole
in mind that even if you choose this about you. Click Edit to open the world”—when it comes to posting
setting, you can choose to make any settings for each item; you might be information about themselves. To
post public, for friends’ eyes only, or surprised to learn what information that end, Google+ lets users create
private at the time you make the post. is available to others by default. “circles” of other users to “follow.”
For more precise customiza- Finally, click to access the A circle can include an individual
tion options, select Custom from Timeline And Tagging section to re- or any number of users.
the drop-down box under Who Can view these additional settings, and After you have created circles, you
See Your Future Posts?, and choose also look over the information in- can share posts, links, photos, and +1
whether you would like your posts cluded in your profile. Note that you clicks with those circles. How you
to be viewable to friends of friends cannot prevent Facebook from dis- choose to share posts and similar
or specific individuals, and whether playing your profile photo, name, information amounts to one of the
you want posts to not be shared gender, and networks if you provide fundamental privacy controls within
with other specific users. Remember, this information. Google+: You can, on a post-by-post

PC Today / February 2014 61


Most of the remaining privacy

options are accessible by clicking
Profile or Account on the Settings
page and looking under the Privacy
Controls heading. In these areas
you can control who can view
your “broadcasts” (LinkedIn termi-
nology for posts) and connections,
determine whether you prefer to
use a secure connection when using
LinkedIn provides multiple layers of privacy settings that provide you with a great deal of LinkedIn, manage advertising set-
control over your information. These settings are well-organized and clearly labeled, but tings, and more.
making use of them all requires a fair amount of time and careful consideration.
Signing up for online services and
basis, share posts with any number of available to search engines, click the social networks can expose your per-
circles or no one at all. Edit Your Public Profile link under sonal information to others. But there
Apart from choosing how you Settings. Here you can determine are other online activities that third-
share information when you post whether to publish your profile and party data brokers track through
something, you will find other pri- what information displays if you your Web browser and search engine
vacy options when you hover over choose to do so. You can also pre- use. Refer to the “Online Tracking
the Home button at the top left side view your profile as it will appear Information & Tools” sidebar for in-
of your Google+ page and select in search engine results. formation and resources. ●
Settings. The most important set-
tings to review in terms of privacy
are those listed at the top under
Your Posts?, and those accessible
by clicking the Manage Apps & Data broker companies track KNOWPRIVACY
Activities button. You might also Internet use through your Web www.knowprivacy.org
want to customize your circles for browser, search engine, and online Learn more about the current state of
added control. activity. Third-party cookies and Web privacy, data collection, and in-
Unlike other social networking code hidden on Web pages track formation sharing from this research
sites, Google lets you download all your movements online, record the report by the UC Berkeley School of
of your Google+ data so you can kinds of searches you perform, and Information
save it as a backup or keep it in capture personal information. Rather
your possession if you choose to than your name, a code stored on NETWORK ADVERTISING
stop using the service. To use this your computer is associated with the INITIATIVE
feature, click Data Liberation on information. The code and related www.networkadvertising.org
the Settings page and follow the in- data can be sold to companies that
structions provided. want to target advertisements and PRIVACYCHOICE
content specifically to your interests www.privacychoice.org
LINKEDIN and profile. For more information Opt out of some behavioral targeting
As Facebook and Google+ do, about how you can prevent online tracking and advertisements
LinkedIn uses your profile infor- data collection and tracking, refer to
mation for certain advertising and the following resources: PRIVACY RIGHTS
marketing opportunities. It also in- CLEARINGHOUSE
corporates third-party applications ABOUTCOOKIES.ORG www.privacyrights.org
and research surveys. www.aboutcookies.org Get fact sheets in the Online Privacy &
To modify LinkedIn privacy op- Get detailed information about man- Technology section for detailed informa-
tions, hover over your image or aging and tracking cookies in all types of tion about monitoring online activities
avatar in the top right corner and Web browsers and keeping information private
select Privacy & Settings. To con-
trol how much of your profile is

62 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com

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PowerPoint Tips For
The scenario is familiar to traveling text and figures you can replace with colors by selecting options from the
professionals: your PowerPoint presen- relevant data. When you finish entering Chart Styles section on the Design tab.
tation is all set when new and relevant information, click File and Close to open When you’ve fashioned a chart you’d
information comes to light and must the finished chart in PowerPoint. like to reuse, click the Save As Template
be added. If you’re on the road or in button on the Design tab. Name the
the sky and find yourself having to ➤ SAVE & MANAGE chart and PowerPoint saves it with
add charts or graphs to a PowerPoint CHART TEMPLATES the .CRTX file extension, which indi-
presentation, this article will help. We If you want to adjust the look of an cates it is a chart template.
include tips designed for PowerPoint existing chart, click the chart in the
novices and adept PowerPoint users PowerPoint slide and the Chart Tools ➤ HIGHLIGHT IMPORTANT
seeking specific chart-making advice. contextual tab appears. Keep in mind DATA IN A POWERPOINT CHART
Chart Tools will only appear when Whether you’re presenting numerous
➤ CREATE A BASIC you select a chart. Open the Design tab charts or need to add emphasis to spe-
CHART OR GRAPH and you can manipulate the overall cific data within a chart, sometimes it’s
To insert a colorful chart or graph il- layout of a chart, adjust its style, beneficial to call out key points. Locate
lustration into your PowerPoint presen- and save it as a template for future the Drawing pane in the Home tab and
tation, locate the Insert tab and select presentations. To adjust the orienta- expand the Shapes menu. Select one that
Chart. Next, look through the available tion, size, or spacing of a chart’s data is appropriate for emphasizing informa-
chart types, select the design that best and graphical elements, expand the tion in your chart, and then click any-
represents the information you want Charts Layouts pane and choose one where in the chart to place the shape. To
to share, and click OK. A Microsoft of the nine layout options. You can also customize the shape, select it and click
Excel chart will open with placeholder change chart elements and background the Shape Fill, Shape Outline, Shape

64 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


Effects, and Quick Styles options in the

Drawing pane.

If you’re used to working in Excel and
prefer to construct the skeleton of your
chart first, you can use Excel to com-
pile data and create a chart for use in
PowerPoint. Start by entering values
in an Excel workbook. Highlight all nec-
essary data cells, click Insert, and apply
a preferred chart style in the Charts
pane. Next, select the newly created
chart and click Copy in the Home tab.
Microsoft PowerPoint’s Design tab in the Chart Tools contextual tab lets you modify the
Open a current or new PowerPoint slide
layout of your chart and adjust its style. These settings help you create one-of-a-kind charts
and find the Clipboard pane. Click the
and graphs that illuminate important statistics or values.
Paste drop-down arrow and choose
Keep Source Formatting & Link Data
(to maintain the appearance of the Excel
file) or Use Destination Theme & Link
Data (to match the chart appearance
with the presentation).


A chart that includes a lot of numbers
or a detailed legend may require some
editing, especially because you want it
to look polished for presentation pur-
poses. These fine-tuning tools are lo-
cated in the Labels pane of the Layout
tab on the Chart Tools contextual tab. If
you notice that your chart is missing a
You can outline a graphical element, change its color, and add unique effects to a chart or graph
title, you can add one by clicking Chart
all within PowerPoint. In addition, applying WordArt Styles will change the fill color, shade, and
Title and selecting Centered Overlay
outline of selected text.
Title or Above Chart—this displays
a title at the top of the chart. You can
browse the remaining label options to the drop-down arrow at the top of the
add axis titles, insert legend variations, Current Selection pane. ➤ ADD ANIMATION
and manipulate data. If you want to emphasize a particular
➤ MODIFY DATA data group, you can add animations to
➤ ADJUST STYLE & TEXT IN AN EXISTING CHART a graph or chart. Under the Animations
To put the finishing touches of color Regardless of whether you created tab, the Animation pane has approxi-
and contrast on a chart, start by clicking your initial chart in Excel or Power- mately 30 default animations you can
the Format tab in the Chart Tools con- Point, you should be able to modify apply to a chart. Explore extra effects
textual tab. You can enhance back- data without much hassle. In Power- by clicking More Entrance Effects,
grounds, category shapes, and 3D chart Point, click the chart you intend to More Emphasis Effects, or More Exit
elements when you use options on change and select the Design tab in the Effects at the bottom of the Animation
the Shape Styles pane for each feature. Chart Tools contextual tab. Next, click menu. To stagger the animation of
Options on the WordArt Styles pane Edit Data in the Data pane. Excel opens individual objects, click Effect Options
let you apply fill colors, outlines, and the data sheet in a new window and and select one of the following func-
effects to chart text. To view every part from here you can click and edit indi- tions: As One Object, By Series, By
of your chart (such as depth, floor, hori- vidual cells. Simply closing the Excel file Category, Be Element In Series, or By
zontal axis, side wall, and so on), click will refresh and save the new content. Element In Category. ●

PC Today / February 2014 65

Office In The Cloud
Just as there are now virtual or version. We offer some practical tips or post to a blog. Use the Page tab
cloud-based versions of software and and how-to steps that will help you to change layouts, the Insert tab to add
storage solutions that used to be advance from novice to experienced content, or the Format Text tab to work
firmly entrenched in physical servers Office 365 user. with text. Or click the Page tab and
and desktops, there are now Web select New to create an entirely new
versions of Microsoft’s widely used ➤ CUSTOMIZE YOUR page for the Public Website.
Office products. Word, Excel, and PUBLIC WEBSITE
other Office programs are included If your company uses SharePoint ➤ CREATE PERSONAL
in a hosted service called Office 365 Online, you can update or add pages & TEAM WEBSITES
(office365.microsoft.com). But as familiar to your Public Website whether you’re When you become an Office 365 user,
as you may be with the functional- in the office or on the road. Click the you can activate a My Site website
ity of traditional Office products, Page tab and select Edit to start mak- where you can manage and share
there are plenty of new capabilities, ing changes to an existing page—say, docs hosted by SharePoint Online. A
features, and collaborative possi- to add new information and photos similar feature exists for team project
bilities to explore in the Web-based for a new product, update a schedule, management in the Team Site, where
you can create a Team Site for sync-
ing calendars, developing projects,
If your company uses SharePoint Online, you can and working offline. To start a team-
accessible home base site in Share-
update or add pages to your Public Website whether Point, go to the Site Actions menu,
you’re in the office or on the road. choose New Site, and then click the
Featured Items or Browse All tab.

66 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


Assign your team site a URL There are plenty of

and title and click Create. helpful features built
into Office 365 to
➤ ADD SHARED & keep you organized.
PRIVATE NOTES For example, you
DURING A LYNC can customize your
MEETING Outlook calendar
Many times the records, lists, Web app as you plan
and important items you save meetings and work
in OneNote (Microsoft’s digital toward deadlines.
note-taking software) turn into
meeting agendas and tasks for
colleagues, so it’s convenient
that Lync lets you save private
notes or share notes for collaborative desktop Lync, you can use the app to let
discussions. To start a note during an in- ➤ EDIT OR VIEW DOCS IN others know your present availability,
session Lync meeting, click the OneNote REAL TIME as well.
tab in the conversations window after Another advantage of SharePoint is the
you pause the presentation. Then select ability for multiple users to work in the ➤ USE YOUR MOBILE DEVICE
My Notes to start typing private notes same documents simultaneously. To TO SHARE DOCS
or click Share Notes and choose a sec- access a document that’s available for Microsoft recommends two sharing
tion for note-taking. team editing, find the document link methods from mobile: sharing with
in your SharePoint website’s document recipients you invite to your site and
➤ SHARE A PRESENTATION library, hover over and click the arrow sharing via a guest link. Both methods
Lync not only lets you share your (if you’re asked to select Read Only may require you to switch from mobile
Desktop, a program window, a white- or Edit), and choose View In Brows- to PC view through the Settings menu.
board, or a poll, but it also lets you er or Edit In Browser. Accessing doc- To share with site invitees, tap More in
share PowerPoint presentations. When uments in this way requires that the the document library, then tap Share.
you start an IM (instant message) con- corresponding Microsoft Web App Next, type the appropriate names or
versation, click the Share drop-down (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or OneNote) email addresses of those with whom
menu and select the PowerPoint Pre- is installed. you’re sharing the doc. Next, select Can
sentation option. After the presentation Edit or Can View; check the Require
uploads, you can enable restrictions, ➤ SHARE YOUR CALENDAR Sign-In box. If you would like to add a
such as who can enter the presentation, Office 365 Outlook includes calendar message, choose Show Options and tap
who presents, and who is allowed to sharing options that let you select a con- Send An Email Invitation. If you opt to
annotate the presentation. tact or group of people who may access send a guest link, simply uncheck the
your schedule. You can do so by enter- Require Sign-In check box.
➤ SEND DOCUMENTS VIA ing the Calendar view, clicking Share,
INSTANT MESSAGE and choosing Share This Calendar. ➤ RECORD COLLABORATION
There are two ways to send a document Next, insert the individual or group SESSIONS USING LYNC
as an attachment using Lync: from the who will receive the shared calendar. Lync helps you document current mul-
document itself or through an open tiuser conversations, calls, and meet-
IM window. Within the document ➤ STAY IN TOUCH WITH ings so you can easily reference pivotal
you intend to send, click File, click COLLEAGUES VIA MOBILE APP conversations. To do this while you’re
Save & Send, and then select Send By If your company uses Microsoft Lync, in Lync, direct your pointer to the con-
Instant Message. In the Address Book try the mobile app when you’re away versation window and click the More
window add the recipient names in the from the office. The Lync app is avail- Options menu (two arrows on the right
To field, and then make sure you can able for a variety of mobile platforms side of the window). Next, click Start
see the attachment in the IM window. and provides you with capabilities sim- Recording. You can access saved record-
Alternatively, you can start an IM con- ilar to those of the desktop version. Log ings by navigating to the Microsoft Lync
versation with a recipient, click the in and start connecting with colleagues Recording Manager. Click Start, select
paper clip icon (for sending attach- directly via IM, or use the app to place All Programs, and then click Microsoft
ments), choose a file, click Open, select calls, start an email message, or partici- Lync. Open the Manager and choose
the item you intend to share, and send. pate in a videoconference. As with the your preferred recording. ●

PC Today / February 2014 67

Rootkit Attacks
Even seeing the word “rootkit” can feature is that it can hide itself in the control employee computers, for ex-
send shivers up the spine of someone system and remain undetected.” ample), however, Menting says they
who has suffered through the incon- One way to think of how a rootkit are “extremely popular with mali-
venience and damage a rootkit can wreaks havoc, says Jim O’Gorman, cious hackers and cyber criminals,
exact. Dan Olds, principal at Gabriel an instructor of offensive security which is why they have such a nega-
Consulting Group (www.gabrielconsult measures, is to envision that you tive connotation.”
inggroup.com) says “rootkits are some are driving a car but someone else
of the most insidious and dangerous is intercepting all your movements ➤ THE DAMAGE DONE
pieces of malware out there today.” and deciding if he should pass them Essentially, rootkits give an attacker
That’s due to the fact that rootkits on to the car or not. “In some cases, free reign to perform any task de-
are both extremely difficult to detect he might decide to just insert some sired, include installing software;
and get rid of completely. Therefore, of his own commands, as well,” deleting files; modifying programs;
the more you know about rootkits, O’Gorman says. transmitting data; and using spy-
the better. Although rootkits are similar to vi- ware to steal credit card numbers,
ruses or Trojans, says Chris Hadnagy, passwords, keystrokes, etc. A root-
➤ WHAT IS A ROOTKIT? a security training professional, vi- kit’s ability to modify existing pro-
A rootkit is software that infects and ruses and Trojans usually delete data, grams and processes, says Menting,
gains privileged access to a computer. stop services, or cause harm while a enables it to avoid detection by se-
“This means it can perform adminis- rootkit provides an attacker system curity software that would normally
trator-level type tasks,” says Michela access to get at data. Not all root- catch such software.
Menting, ABI Research (www.abiresearch kits are malicious (a company might “There really aren’t any limits to
.com) senior analyst. “The primary install one to remotely access and how much damage it can do to a PC,”

68 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


Olds says. “It can delete data files and other programs are running in the If a user suspects a rootkit, he
then rewrite gibberish on the hard background. Menting advises checking should first disconnect the system
drive to ensure that the data can’t be the Task Manager to detect which ap- from the Internet to cut off possible
recovered, or it can quietly work in the plications or processes are running and remote access and prevent data from
background and log user keystrokes, using significant memory. “For the leaking, Menting says. Next, remove
eventually capturing workplace, ecom- non-tech user, it may be difficult to un- data from the infected computer and
merce, or banking usernames and pass- derstand,” she says. “But users should scan it for malware on another de-
words.” Ultimately, a rootkit can route familiarize themselves with how their vice. (Menting notes that if the data
that data to a hacker “to plunder ac- Task Manager looks when it’s running contains unknown [or zero-day] mal-
counts or gain access to a corporate net- on a clean system so that when it actu- ware, this step may not guarantee the
work,” Olds says. ally is infected, the user can spot some malware is eradicated.) Finally, “the
Beyond software-based rootkits differences when looking at the tasks.”   computer should be purged—wipe
there are hardware-based rootkits, says That said, detecting a rootkit is still the hard drive and reinstall every-
Hadnagy. “These, like software root- generally difficult. This is due to how thing,” she says. O’Gorman, in fact,
kits, give the attacker full admin access adept they are at installing themselves says starting over is the only real solu-
to a machine, compromising everything and hiding their presence in a way that tion, because “really, you can’t trust
on it and even at times the network is “virtually undetectable by your sys- cleanup methods, as you are never
it’s connected to,” he says. For users, tem software,” Olds says. “In this case, really sure if they worked.” 
O’Gorman says a rootkit “destroys the only way to find the rootkit is to
The first defense against rootkits (and
Rootkits give an attacker free reign to perform any task malware in general) is keeping the
desired, include installing software; deleting files; modi- OS and all software—especially secu-
fying programs; transmitting data; and using spyware to rity software—up-to-date and fully
patched. Completely relying on anti-
steal credit card numbers, passwords, keystrokes, etc. virus software is a mistake, however.
As O’Gorman says, there’s always
a lag between the time a new threat
all trust with the computer. You can’t boot the system using a CD/DVD or pops up and the point at which anti-
know what is private, what is not. All thumb drive that has special diagnostic virus software can detect it. “The best
integrity is gone.” routines designed to find and remove way to avoid issues is to not engage in
rootkits.” Hadnagy says if a system’s risky activities,” he says. “Run trust-
➤ HOW YOU’LL KNOW OS is compromised, it can’t be “trusted worthy, current software that’s kept
There are several ways a rootkit can to find flaws in itself.” In this event, it patched. Don’t go to shady sites with
find its way into a computer. A down- may be necessary to boot a self-con- out-of-date browsers and plug-ins.
loaded program file a user believes to tained OS running from a CD/DVD Don’t run software that doesn’t come
be legitimate, for example, may have or USB drive and run malware de- from trustworthy sources.”
a rootkit embedded within it. Menting tection and removal software from a Unfortunately, “the likelihood of
says rootkits generally enter a system “clean” environment. being hacked or unwittingly down-
through existing vulnerabilities and are loading malware on a computer is
loaded by malware, which can infect ➤ WHAT TO DO extremely high,” Menting says. “Es-
computers via downloads, email at- For typical users, arguably the worst pecially in the network-connected
tachments disguised as genuine com- news concerning rootkits is that getting environment of a company—even if
munication or documents, websites rid of one can be beyond their scope. you take all precautions necessary—
with unpatched vulnerabilities, USB Olds says, in fact, most users should someone else may not have and you
thumb drives, or mobile devices. probably seek an expert’s help if they get a virus from them internally.” She
To the average user, abnormal com- suspect a rootkit infection. Though suggests using different passwords for
puter behavior is the best indicator a some security programs can detect and all logins, encrypting sensitive and con-
rootkit might be present; warning remove specific rootkits, Menting says, fidential data, constantly being on the
signs include files spontaneously dis- “there are so many variants that it can lookout for odd system behavior, and
appearing or appearing, a sluggish be impossible to detect and remove securing mobile devices if connecting
Internet connection, and slow-loading them all.” Often, she says, getting rid of them to a company network or busi-
programs. Such behavior can indicate a rootkit “requires a radical solution.” ness computer. ●

PC Today / February 2014 69


Mobile Data Best Practices

The theft or loss of a laptop, tablet, have to worry about losing much data at background as long as your device has
smartphone, or other mobile device all—if any. a Wi-Fi Internet connection, is plugged
ranks among the worst productivity ca- in to a power source, and has a locked
tastrophes that can befall a traveling ➤ KNOW WHAT GETS BACKED screen; backed up data can include
professional. For all intents and pur- UP AUTOMATICALLY camera roll images, documents, audio,
poses, our devices are our offices when Depending on your smartphone’s or tab- and settings, depending on the options
we travel, and losing them disrupts our let’s operating system, there is a certain you choose.
ability to work and communicate. There amount of device data that automatically Android users can manage incre-
is an obvious financial hit associated gets backed up on a regular basis. If you mental backups for apps and device
with the loss of hardware, but there is use a USB cable to directly sync your settings by signing into the associated
a potentially greater hit that occurs in iPhone or iPad with your computer, for Google Account from the smartphone
the loss of corporate data. It’s impor- example, the sync process backs up all or tablet. The Android Auto Sync feature
tant, then, to know where your data of the OS and app data stored on that routinely syncs in the background; how
is at all times, so in the event that you device; there is an option to encrypt and and what it syncs partly depends on the
no longer have access to your devices, password-protect the backed-up data, options you choose, but by default the
you’ll know what is lost and what is ac- too. If you use the iCloud service with feature backs up OS data, contact infor-
cessible elsewhere. And, if you follow a your iOS device, specific sets of data mation, documents, and select app data
few mobile best practices, you’ll never will automatically be backed up in the (such as Facebook and Twitter).

70 February 2014 / www.pctoday.com


If you have a device running one of Also keep in mind that some apps you could set up an account with a
the latest versions of Windows Phone, are more flexible than others. Apple’s major online storage provider to use
you can sync documents stored on your Notes app in iOS, for example, can with only a handful of files that are
device with Microsoft’s SkyDrive cloud keep your notes on the device only or necessary for a specific trip. Providers
storage solution; you can also retrieve on both the device and in the cloud, offering this type of service typically
documents from SkyDrive that were depending on how you set it up. also offer a mobile app that makes the
uploaded from a different source. To service more useful on your mobile
sync all of the photos, audio files, and ➤ BE CAREFUL device. And some major storage ser-
videos stored on your Windows Phone WHEN TRAVELING vices also sync with productivity apps
device, you must install Microsoft’s If you travel frequently, you probably you might already have installed on
Zune software on your computer and have quite a few travel-related routines. your devices.
connect the mobile device to the com- When it comes to keeping all of your Another stop-gap alternative is
puter via USB. data intact, though, it’s important to re- to use a Web-based email service to
member that travel disrupts the rou- email documents to and from a cor-
➤ DON’T FORGET tines you’ve established at the office. porate account. Doing this ensures
YOUR APP DATA For example, if you regularly sync your that a copy of the document is main-
“App data” encompasses a broad range tablet and smartphone with your com- tained on the corporate network even
of digital information, but in our con- puter but typically leave the computer after you delete the associated email
text it means third-party apps and the behind when traveling, the backup from the Web email account.
content you create using those apps. that otherwise occurs with every phys-
Consider, for instance, note-taking ser- ical sync won’t take place during your ➤ PHYSICAL BACKUP
vices that exist as both cloud services travels. If you keep that sort of thing Finally, you can’t sync a certain amount
(where all of the information associ- in mind while traveling, you will re- of valuable device data to the cloud
ated with those services is stored in the main aware of what data resides in (or to your main computer via the
cloud) and applications (where your the “danger zone” (i.e., stored on your cloud), so be sure to back up that data
app-related information is stored lo- device, but not backed up anywhere as often as possible to a second device
cally). As you take notes with the app, else) in the event your device gets lost (such as a laptop) or storage solution
it stores those notes locally and in the or stolen. (such as a microSD card or portable
cloud simultaneously and in real-time. hard drive). ●
Such an app-service combination is dif- ➤ USE CLOUD SERVICES,
ferent from a note-taking app that does AT LEAST TEMPORARILY
not have an associated cloud service; If you’re reluctant to sync key data
with this type of app, everything you to a cloud backup or storage service
add is stored only in the device and is on a regular basis, consider using an
therefore vulnerable to loss. Make sure alternative cloud solution—at least
you know how your apps work so you temporarily—to meet specific require-
don’t get caught unawares. ments while traveling. For example,

➤ To locate the
Storage & Backup
menu on your iOS
device, tap Settings,
iCloud, and Storage
& Backup. From this
screen you can view
available storage
and switch iCloud
off and on.

➤ You can customize which apps are backed up in iCloud by toggling the
ON/OFF button next to each app. Be sure to activate the Find My iPad
feature in case you need to locate a lost iOS device.

PC Today / February 2014 71

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