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Website: www.combatandsurvival.


Editor: Bob Morrison

Designer: Kim Charles & Jez Stephenson
Senior Correspondents:
Carl Schulze & Yves Debay
Firearms Tester: Greg Roberts
Gear Tester: Mike Gormley
Survival Expert: Robin S Broom
Security Consultant: David Rubens
Webmaster: Daryl Crowther
Advertisement Sales Director:
Moira Spencer
Tel: 01484 435011

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Loscoe Close, Normanton, WF6 1TW

Subscriptions and Back Issue Orders to:

P16 Foreign Forces NEW SYSTEMS which is published by:-
Carl Schulze photographs interesting new weapons systems MAI Publications, Revenue Chambers,
St. Peter’s Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1DL
recently fielded in the Arctic
Tel: (01484) 435011
Fax: (01484) 422177
P20 Elite Forces SPANISH LEGION Pt.4 ISSN: 0955-9841
Richard Lucas continues with the history and traditions of the North
African based formation To Subscribe or order a digital edition visit
P24 Firearms SIRT Pistol P20 Advertising:
Greg Roberts investigates the revolutionary new shot indicating Editorial:
laser dry fire training system ©Copyright here and abroad of all material is held
by the publishers. No reproduction is permitted
whatsoever without prior consent in writing.
P30 Special Forces JORDANIAN SOCOM
Bob Morrison covers Jordan’s SAS equivalent undertaking a IMPORTANT: All individual combat and personal
survival activities involve risk of injury to oneself and
hostage rescue scenario others and great care must be taken carrying out any
such activities. Expert guidance should be sought and
equipment checked for reliability before any activities
P37 British Elite PATHFINDERS described here in are carried out. The publishers
cannot accept any responsibility for any injury, death,
Bob Morrison photographs the cream of Britain’s Airborne Forces P24 loss or damage which may result.
on a Scottish drop zone ARTICLES AND PHOTOGRAPHS
will be welcomed and considered for publication.
P43 British Forces COMBAT SAPPERS Submission of such shall be considered a warranty
that they are original and do not infringe on the
26 Engineer Regiment preparations for their current deployment to copyright of others. Unsuitable material can only be
returned if you include a S.A.E. Loss or damage is not
Afghanistan the responsibility of COMBAT & SURVIVAL.
DISCLAIMER: The publishers make no
P53 Military Survival MARCHING AMMO 14 representations, endorsements, guarantees or
warranties concerning the products and/or services
Bob Morrison taste tests the new Cold Climate Ration developed advertised within this magazine. We expressly disclaim
for Arctic deployments P30 any and all liability relating to or arising from the sale,
manufacture, distribution, use or misuse of such.

P58 Gormley’s Gear TRIED & TESTED

Mike Gormley trials insect repellant, a fire striker, a Smartwool top
and the Ussen range
P62 Airborne Elite JOINT WARRIOR
Bob Morrison photographs an overhead assault by 3 Para during
to drop
the tri-service exercise
P66 Security
David Rubens ponders over this
crucial but often elusive quality

P05: Comms P53

P48, 56 & 70:
P68: Games July 2012 Cover Image:
Bob Morrison
© M.A.I. Publications 2012

Forum Supported by Combat & Survival

Combat & Survival | 03

That little pocket
on the upper left life that I can recall, my mouth went
thigh is just the instantly dry. I am not a nervous person -
right size for a I can’t be in this line of business - but
suddenly the shape of a certain muscle
9mm magazine, as in my body started alternating between
the security 5p and 50p as the gravity of the situation
officers at Amman sunk in. This was serious.
Airport spotted
even though the To cut a long story short, the security team
pulled every single item out of my bergen
trousers were one until, right at the bottom, they came to
of three pairs three pairs of multi-pocket trousers (5.11
loosely folded up and Niton Tactical) stowed in one of the
inside my bergen Snugpak Pakbox organisers I use to keep
[Image © Ramilla] everything neat. There, in the small front
pocket on the upper thigh of the last pair,
they found the elusive 9mm Browning
magazine that had gone through not only
my washing machine and tumble drier, but
the scanners at Heathrow, undetected.
Adrenaline truly is brown.

Thankfully, the senior police officer I was

marched in front of in a building away from
the main terminal, who spoke very good
English, accepted my bashful apologies
and my explanation that it was an innocent
mistake. Fortunately the 9mm magazine
was an old prop with a very worn spring
and even more fortunately it was not
loaded with a couple of inert rounds as it
often was when it appeared on the pages
of C&S. That is one embarrassing
mistake you can guarantee I will not make
I love Jordan; the place, not the wakes up the operator watching the scanner again!
person. Of all the Arab countries screen; but I expect this and appreciate the
and arid places I have visited it minor inconvenience of unpacking Full marks to that alert security officer on
is undoubtedly my favourite, as everything for inspection is a price I have to the scanner at Queen Alia Airport.
not only is it a beautiful country pay to undertake my job in safety.
steeped in culture since pre- Now to the sad part. As of 28th May, when
biblical times but its people are At Amman’s Queen Alia Airport both hold this final page of C&S was penned, British
welcoming and friendly. and hand luggage are screened on the way Forces in Afghanistan had lost five of their
into the country, as well as on the way out, number during the course of the month.

and I was not in the least surprised when a
his spring I paid my third visit to the security officer pulled out my bergen and On Friday 4th May Corporal Andrew
country in eight years to attend daysack and pointed to the inspection table Steven Roberts and Private Ratu Manasa
SOFEX, the Special Forces where a reception party was waiting. Silibaravi, both of 23 Pioneer Regiment
Exhibition - Carl covered for me last Without too much prompting, I started RLC, were killed in an indirect fire attack
time as my diary was double booked - and unpacking the contents of my daysack on Forward Operating Base Ouellette, in
to allow me to see a bit of the countryside camera bag - in this case a converted the northern part of Nahr-e Saraj district.
away from the capital city I borrowed a Source ASSAULT 10 with accessory Just over a week later, on Saturday 12th
vehicle from Land Rover Middle East. In pouches attached - and spreading them out May, Corporal Brent John McCarthy, from
early May the daytime temperature in for inspection. the Royal Air Force, and Lance Corporal
Jordan quickly builds to well above 30C, Lee Thomas Davies, from the 1st Battalion
just the way I like it, but as the landscape “Magazine, Mister, magazine?” How did he Welsh Guards, were killed by small arms
in the north sees a fair bit of rainfall, and know I was indeed going to be shooting for fire while deployed as part of a Police
even snow, during the winter it is actually a magazine, I wondered. “Yes, COMBAT & Advisory Team providing security at a
quite green and colourful with wild flowers. SURVIVAL Magazine,” I replied, pulling meeting at the local Afghan Uniform Police
A lovely distraction from the hustle and out a couple of back issues from the pouch headquarters near Patrol Base Attal in the
bustle of SOFEX. inside the bladder pocket to illustrate the Lashkar Gah. Finally, on Saturday 26th
point. He just looked vague and kept May Captain Stephen James Healey, from
When on overseas assignment I carry repeating: “Magazine, Mister?” I was 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh, was killed
cameras, computer and valuable kit as puzzled. as a result of his vehicle being struck by
hand luggage in a 10kg daysack, which I an improvised explosive device while on
carry on my chest like a reserve Eventually one of his colleagues, one of patrol in the north of the Nahr-e Saraj
parachute, and take everything else three in grey suits who had quietly district.
needed for the trip on my back in a materialised alongside me, picked up not
bergen, which goes in the aircraft hold. my daysack but my bergen and put it The thoughts and sympathies of the C&S
Almost invariably I get held up by security through the scanner again. There were now Team are with the families, friends and
at one end or the other as the mass of two operators gazing at the screen and both colleagues of the latest British troops to lay
cameras, lenses and other photographic indicated that something was seriously down their lives in Afghanistan’s troubled
paraphernalia crammed into the daysack amiss. At this point, for the first time in my Helmand Province. - BM

Combat & Survival 05


conduct a
series of
designed to train
winter warfare
operations, with
the first in the
current COLD
RESPONSE series having
been held in 2006.
Initially conducted
annually, today the
exercises take place every
second year. COLD
RESPONSE 2012, the fifth of
its kind with the others
being in 2007, 2009 and 2010,
took place in northern Norway
between the 5th and 23rd of
March this year. +5 followed
the action on the frozen fjords
and mountains of Norway to
provide you with this firsthand

Combat & Survival 09



! 1: Javelin Light United Kingdom, and the United States

Force Anti-Tank of America all participated.
Guided Weapon
team from Kilo The exercise involved 9,750 ground
Company deployed troops, 3,700 marines and naval
in the frozen personnel, 1,100 members of the air
landscape of a forces and 1,700 members of Special
Forces units. In addition to hundreds of
Norwegian fjord - wheeled and tracked vehicles, 86 fixed
the LF ATGW has wing and rotary aircraft as well as 23
an effective range ships were fielded on the exercise
of 2,500m which was divided in three phases:

2: An infantryman · Deployment and Preparation ~ 5th

to 12th March
of the Telemark
Bataljonen armed
· Operational Phase ~ 12th to 21st
with a
· Redeployment Phase ~ 21st to 23rd
Minimi light As on previous COLD RESPONSE
machinegun waits exercises the bulk of the ground
for the order to

training was conducted in the Troms
move - the plastic District of northern Norway, along the
or the Royal Marines of Kilo over mountainous terrain, mostly attached to the strategic E6 road between Bjerkvik and
Company from 42 Commando covered with ice and snow, during bipod prevents the Nordkjosbotn, though the exercise
RM Exercise COLD which they again and again were weapon sinking area was in fact much bigger. For the
RESPONSE '12 was the first engaged by the enemy. into the snow naval forces it covered the coastal
chance to re-shape their amphibious waters from just south of Bodo to
skills after been deployed to While the weather during the last days 3: The core of the Tromso, but the exercise area for the
Afghanistan on OPERATION HERRICK of the exercise was fine, in the early air forces was even larger and reached
14 for a six month tour in 2011. In
French contingent from south of Orland to well north of
days the ships and their crews as well
addition they also had opportunity to
deployed on COLD Tromso.
as the Marines had to cope with high
develop their mountain and cold winds, blizzards and temperatures
weather warfare skills. well below zero. Amphibious was provided by Swedish territory was also used for
operations are extremely complex and the 7e Bataillon de part of the exercise area. Smaller
During the exercise the Royal Marines, require the coordination and timely Chasseurs Alpins ground forces and air assets operated
together with their US and Dutch deployment of ships, landing crafts - note the French in the border areas between Narvik in
counterparts, conducted a pair of and helicopters in order to get the 3-colour snow Norway and Kiruna in Sweden. This
amphibious raids in order to wear down Landing Forces ashore in the right camo and year a lot of the ground combat action
the enemy’s forces and require the took place within the Setermoen,
order, at the right time and the right distinctive Alpine Mauken and Blatid training areas.
enemy commander to pull units out of place while at the same time
his main line of defence. One of these
protecting them from enemy naval,
took place in the Dyroysundet near ground and land forces. The weather SCENARIO
Brostadbotn on the 15th of March. made this task even more difficult.
Afterwards the Amphibious Task Group The COLD RESPONSE '12 exercise
sailed further north while beating off scenario aimed to train the
enemy air attacks and combating
EXERCISE NUMBERS participating forces in executing a
submarines. Crisis Response Operation (CRO)
A total of some 16,250 troops from within a high intensity multi-threat
On the 19th of March the whole fourteen NATO and Partnership for environment with the aim of Peace
Landing Force was covertly deployed Peace (PfP) countries took part on Enforcement. For the purposes of the
ashore in the Aursfjord and pushed into exercise COLD RESPONSE '12. In exercise the Scandinavian Peninsula
the enemy's flank while at the same addition to Norway, which deployed was divided into the fictitious countries
time the Land Component conducted a almost all its ground forces, Belgium, of Gardaland, Timberland, Great
frontal assault on the enemy's line of Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Eastland and Borgland. The Troms
defences. Over the next 48 hours the Germany, Ireland, Latvia, the District of northern Norway formed the
Marines conducted inland operations Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, the Nerthus Region, a part of Borgland

10 Combat & Survival

Mechanized Brigade Group based at
" # Canadian Forces Base Petawawa.
Among these were a battery from the
2nd Regiment of The Royal Canadian
Horse Artillery, which deployed with
81mm L16 mortars instead of artillery
pieces, as well as an engineer
company from the 2nd Combat
Engineer Regiment and logistic assets
from 2 Service Battalion.

Although the Canadians deployed with

their own weapons they used Bv206
all-terrain vehicles provided by the
Norwegian Armed Forces during the
exercise. The deployment of Canadian
forces to this region was the first one
also claimed by Gardaland and 4: During their since the times of the Cold War, when
offering rich natural resources. advance the NATO the Canadians regularly trained in
forces had to deal northern Norway.
On the 23rd August 2011 the forces of with countless
Gardaland invaded the Nerthus obstacles - here The French Army also provided a
Region after the President of Norwegian Multinational Task Force was led by the battalion for the Land Component.
Gardaland had declared officially that combat engineers headquarters of the Norwegian Their mountain infantry battalion
the area was rightly owned by his blow a path Brigade North, which was reinforced by numbered some 420 troops from the
country. After all political tools had personnel from other nations. 27e Brigade d' Infanterie de Montangne
through a
failed the United Nations Security Norwegian units assigned to the Land (27eBIM). This brigade is the elite
Council authorised NATO, under UN
minefield using a Component included the Sambands mountain infantry formation of the
Charter Chapter VII, to deploy armed mine clearing line bataljonen (signal battalion), the French Army.
forces in order to re-establish the charge Millitær poltikompaniet (Military Police
border of Borgland. Following this a company), the Etteretnings bataljonen The core of the deployed battalion was
Multinational Task Force led by NATO 5: This Dutch (ISTAR battalion), the Telemark provided by the 7e Bataillon de
deployed to the north of Borgland and Marine is armed Bataljonen (mechanised infantry Chasseurs Alpins, which deployed its
began to prepare to push the forces of with the Canadian battalion), the 2 Bataljonen État-Major (Headquarters), Compagnie
Gardaland out of the Nerthus Region. 5.56x45mm C7A1 (mechanised infantry battalion), the de Commandement et de Logistique
IUR assault rifle Ingenior bataljonen (engineer (Headquarters and Support Company),
Led by a Multinational Headquarters battalion), the Artilleri bataljonen three of its Compagnies de Combat
fitted with
this Multinational Task Force consisted (artillery battalion), the Sanitets (mountain infantry companies) and its
Aimpoint CompM4 bataljonen (medical battalion) and the section of the Groupement de
of a Land Component Command, a
Maritime Component Command
sight and 3xMag Combat Service and Support Commandos de Montagne (mountain
including an Amphibious Task Force, magnification Bataljonen (logistic battalion). infantry long range reconnaissance
an Air Component Command and a module asset). These elements were reinforced
Combined Joint Special Forces The Land Forces also comprised an by an engineer platoon from the 2e
Component Command. 800-strong light infantry battalion Régiment Ètranger de Génie of the
provided by Canada. This makeshift French Foreign Legion, two JTAC
unit was centred around the 1st Teams from the 93e Régiment
LAND COMPONENT Battalion of The Royal Canadian d'Artillerie de Montagne and a
Regiment and included assets from reconnaissance platoon from the 4e
The Land Component of the several other units of the 2 Canadian Régiment de Chasseurs. Like the

Combat & Survival 11

WITH A 5.56X45MM L110A2

% 6: US Marine &
from 24th Marine
Regiment provides
cover with his
5.56x45mm M249
SAW light machine
gun while his
advance to secure
Canadians the French deployed with Norbottens Regemente (I19), a bridge during The exercise saw air operations
their own weapons but used Bv206 all- Totalförsvarets Skyddscentrum the break-out conducted across the
terrain vehicle provided by the (SkyddC) and the Trängregementet phase Norwegian/Swedish border. Royal
Norwegians. (TrängR). Norwegian Air Force cargo planes flew
7: Here US transport runs from Norway to Sweden
The Finnish mechanised infantry Within the Land Component, the Marines of Kilo and back, during which they were
company which took part on the Swedish combat assets formed a covered first by Norwegian F-16
exercise numbered 215 troops and
Company from Fighting Falcon fighters and, after
mechanised infantry battle group
was assigned to the 2 Bataljonen of which, in addition to the battalion
3/24th Marine crossing the border, by Swedish JAS
Brigade North. The Finnish contingent HQ, included a reconnaissance Regiment have Gripen 39 fighters.
was provided by the Satakunta Jääkäri platoon, a mechanised infantry deployed their
pataljoona of the Porin Prikaati, the company, an amphibious infantry 60mm M224 AMPHIBIOUS TASK GROUP
brigade which provides the Finish company, a light infantry company Lightweight
Rapid Deployment Force. One of the and a service support company. Company Mortar - The Maritime Component of the
light infantry platoons of the company The Swedish forces also provided a it weighs 21kg Multinational Task Force consisted of
was equipped with four XA360 AMV MP platoon, a PSYOPS platoon, a and has a range two Task Groups. One was a Naval
(Armoured Modular Vehicle) wheeled NBC company, an engineer platoon, of 3500 metres Task Group which, in addition to
armoured personnel carriers build by a medical company, a logistic frigates, destroyers and mine hunting
Patria Land & Armament Oy. support company, a transportation
company and an artillery battery
8: Commandos vessels of the Norwegian and other
armed with a nation's navies, included the British
SWEDEN (equipped with two 155mm Archer
7.62x51mm L7A2 Type 42 destroyer HMS Liverpool. One
Artillery Systems) for the Land task of the Naval Task Group was to
After Norway, Sweden provided the Component, some of these GPMG cover the provide protection for the second Task
largest contingent of forces for COLD elements being integrated into advance of their Group of the Maritime Component, the
RESPONSE '12 with some 1,500 Norwegian units. comrades - the Amphibious Task Group which included
troops. Elements of the Swedish Amphibious Task the bulk of the British troops taking part
ground units that took part in the The Swedish Navy took part in the Group included on COLD RESPONSE '12.
exercise included: Amfibie regementet exercise with a corvette of the Visby Marines from the
class of the Tredje Sjöstrdsflottiljen,
1 (Amf1), Artilleri regementet (A9), USA and the THE MARITIME
namely HMS Härnösand. The
Försvarsmaktens Tekniska Skola
Swedish Air Force participated with
Netherlands as COMPONENT
(FMTS), Göta Ingenjör regementet
some twelve JAS 39 Gripen combat well as the UK
(Ing2), Lednings regementet, (LedR),
Livregementets Husarer (K3), Livgardet aircraft of the Norbottens Flygflottilj Commander, Major General Ed Davis
(LG), Markstridsskolan (MSS), (F21). RM, and his staff were based on HMS

12 Combat & Survival



9: Dutch Landing 2e Mariniersbataljon of the Dutch TRAGIC FOOTNOTE

Craft Utility pair Korps Mariniers was embarked on by
launched from the British and Dutch LPDs. The
On 15th March a C-130J Hercules
HNLMS Rotterdam Dutch battalion had Kilo Company
transport aircraft from 355
approach a from 3rd Battalion of the 24th Marine Squadron of the Royal Norwegian
Illustrious. Also based on the 'Lusty' beachhead in the Regiment (a Reserve unit of the Air Force disappeared from the
were HC Mk.4 Sea King and Lynx Dyroysundet - the United States Marine Corps) and radar while on its way from Evenes
AH7 of the Commando Helicopter LCU can transport Kilo Company from 42 Commando airport to Kiruna in Sweden, where
Force, a Mobile Air Operations Team up to 130 Marines Royal Marines attached. The whole it was about to pick up personnel
and a Lynx Mk8 Saturn of 815 Naval with their full kit Landing Force numbered some 450 taking part in COLD RESPONSE '12.
Air Squadron. After HMS Illustrious troops and could field sixty vehicles The area in which the aircraft
was damaged during the exercise on 10: Dutch and including USMC Hum-vees and disappeared was mountainous
9th of March it had to leave early and British Landing Dutch BvS10 Viking armoured all- terrain and the weather was far
the Maritime Component Command Craft Utility (LCU) terrain vehicles. from perfect. Shortly after the
had to be moved to another ship ferry troops and aircraft went missing Norwegian
while the Amphibious Task Group materiel from HMS Britain's 4 Assault Squadron RM, and Swedish rescue assets began
lost much of its aviation support. Bulwark to the permanently based aboard HMS the search for it, but heavy
shore of the Bulwark, together with Dutch snowfall and the nature of the
The flag ship for the Amphibious Aursfjord counterparts from the Amfibisch terrain made this a dangerous
Task Group, commanded by Gevechtssteun bataljon, brought the task. It was not until the 17th of
Commander Paddy McAlpine, was 11: CV9030N of the Landing Force ashore on Dutch and March that the plane was found,
the Landing Platform Dock HMS Panser bataljonen British landing crafts. After HMS crashed into the northwest side of
Bulwark. Among other vessels, the in defensive Illustrious left the exercise, air Kebnekaise mountain at an altitude
Amphibious Task Group also position - together transport support for the Amphibious of about 1,500 metres. Its crew
included the Landing Platform Dock with units of the Task Group was provided by two had been killed at once. The reason
HNLMS Rotterdam of the Royal Home Guard the AS-532U2 Cougar MK II transport for the crash is still a mystery.
Netherlands Navy and a couple of Panser bataljonen helicopters from 300 Squadron of the The C&S team wishes to express
Stridsbåt 90 (SB90, the Norwegian provided the bulk of Defence Helicopter Force of the our deepest sympathy to the
version of the Swedish CB90) the Gardaland Royal Netherlands Air Force, relatives of the crew members:
combat boats of the Tactical Boat forces opposing the operating from HNLMS Rotterdam. Lieutenant Colonel Truls Audun
Squadron of the Royal Norwegian Multinational Task Ørpen, Captain Ståle Garberg,
Navy. The Landing Force Force In total the Netherlands took part on Captain Bjørn Yngvar Haug, Captain
commanded by the Dutch Colonel exercise COLD RESPONSE '12 with Siw Robertsen and Captain Steinar
Fred Swart and centred around the Images © Carl Schulze 800 troops. Utne.

Combat & Survival 13

Norway’s winter training exercises to which they invite the NATO allies and Scandinavian neighbours have usually provided
an excellent opportunity for us to see new national and international military hardware deployed in the field, or even on the
fjords, and COLD RESPONSE 2012 was every bit as interesting as previous exercises covered by the +5 correspondents
since the late eighties. In this album we bring you ten images of systems which particularly caught our eye.

Among the ships taking part in

exercise were a pair of Skjold Class
corvettes. Designed in the late
nineties one of the new large, super
fast, stealth missile craft entered
service in 1999, two more followed in
2008 and another three in 2011. This
is one of the latest trio, P963
Steil. The Skjold Class vessels can
attain a top speed of 110km/h and are
armed with a 76mm multi-role cannon,
eight Kongsberg SSM Naval Strike
Missiles, a Mistral SAM system and
two 12.7mm machineguns

Norwegian Home Guard snipers

fielded 12.7x99mm M82 anti-material
rifle during COLD RESPONSE 2012.
This semi-automatic weapon weighs
14kg, features a 10-round box
magazine, has a 737mm long barrel
and can be used to engage targets
out to a distance of 1,800m

16 Combat & Survival

In addition to their 5.56x45mm HK416N
assault rifle the Norwegian Armed Forces
also recently began to field the 4.6x30mm
MP7A1 sub-machinegun, also manufactured by
Heckler & Koch GmbH. Among others, the Since 2007 the Norwegian Army has been
MP7A1 was issued to the crews of Leopard replacing the 7.62mm AG3 assault rifle
2A4N main battle tanks of the Telemark with the 5.56mm HK416N assault rifle. By
Bataljonen. It has a theoretical rate of 2012 even the Home Guard units on exercise
fire of 950rpm and is fitted with an were equipped with the new weapon. This
Aimpoint Comp M4 sight. In addition to HK416N assault rifle carried by a Home
their 5.56x45mm HK416N assault rifle the
Guard soldier is fitted with the 40mm GLM
Norwegian Armed Forces also recently began
to field the 4.6x30mm MP7A1 sub- underslung grenade launcher
machinegun, also manufactured by Heckler &
Koch GmbH. Among others, the MP7A1 was
issued to the crews of Leopard 2A4N main
battle tanks of the Telemark Bataljonen.
It has a theoretical rate of fire of
950rpm and is fitted with an Aimpoint Comp
M4 sight

Artilleriregementet A9 of the Swedish

Army, based at Boden, fielded two pre-
production 155mm Archer Artillery
Systems. Sweden ordered a total of 24
of the 155mm Archer based on the
chassis of the Volvo A30D articulated
dump truck. Laying, loading and firing
of the 155mm L/52 gun is fully
automatic and during the process the
crew does not have to leave the fully
armoured crew cab. The system can
conduct shoot and scoot missions inside
only 30 seconds

Combat & Survival 17

One of the platoons of
the company of the
Finnish contingent
provided by the
Jääkäripataljoona was
equipped with four
XA360 AMV (Armoured
Modular Vehicle)
wheeled armoured
personnel carriers
built by Patria Land &
Armament Oy. These 8x8
vehicles, which only
recently entered
service, were fitted
with a Protector
Remote Weapon Station
that can be fitted
with a 12.7mm M2 heavy
machinegun (as here)
or a 40mm grenade
Images © Carl Schulze machine

In the recent years the Norwegian Army has

modernised its entire fleet of M113 to keep Armed with an RB57 Next Generation Light Anti-
them in service well beyond 2020. The vehicles tank Weapon (NLAW) a Swedish soldier waits to
were fitted with new engines and transmissions, engage enemy armour. The NLAW, which entered
an armour package that included a spall liner service with the Swedish Armed Forces in 2009,
and add-on armour and new rubber tracks. A
weighs 12.5kg, has a combat range of up to 600
large number of the modified vehicles, like this
NM205F3 Stormingeniør panservogn, are also metres, features a shaped charge warhead and can
fitted with the Protector Remote Weapon Station be used either in overfly top attack or a
manufactured by Kongsberg Protech Systems direct attack modes

Intriguingly, some Norwegian Army vehicles

participating on COLD RESPONSE 2012 were painted
in desert camouflage like this Leopard 2A4N main The Swedish contingent fielded this CV9040B Armoured
battle tank from the Telemark Bataljonen. Among Infantry Fighting Vehicle fitted with a V-blade
the other desert camo vehicles we spotted were a
Surface Mine Plough (SMP) manufactured by Pearson
Leguan AVLB bridge layer, an NM196 ambulance,
Mercedes-Benz 290 GD Geländewagen patrol vehicles Engineering Ltd. The SMP, which weighs 1,300kg and
and a Scania tank transporter can create a clearance width of 4.5m, can be employed
to clear surface laid mines and munitions
18 Combat & Survival
The Spanish Legion, Spain's 1 Main Image: On
most elite fighting unit, is the special occasions, 2
realisation of the dream of one religious and
man, a soldier, adventurer and otherwise,
romantic idealist, José y
Millàn-Astray Terreros. He was
inspired by the military glory of
carry the
Spain of past centuries, the crucified Christ
time of the Conquistadors and held high at arms
of the Tercios of Flanders. length
Millàn-Astray wanted to form a
brotherhood of warriors, a 1: The Legion
military unit composed solely Creed - it has
of volunteers from all twelve Spirits
nationalities and all walks of which every
life. Millàn-Astray created the first Tercio of his
Legionnaire knows

future Legion in Ceuta. For his staff he
gathered together a core of veteran by heart and aims
military unit bound together officers, the most part of which had to keep
by a code of honour, already fought at his side, and as second
composed of men ready to in command he chose Major (later 2: Old recruiting
leave all: family, friends and General) Francisco Franco who was poster - traditions
lovers, in the quest of adventure and of renowned for his courage and his ardour play a major part
war. A comradeship of soldiers ready to in battle. in the Legion even
fight and, if necessary, to die, for one though the Tercios Legionnaires? It is the moment to
another, on any battlefield anywhere in The first recruits were warmly received by are less than a decide."
the world. Their motto is Los Novios de Millàn-Astray. But he gave them one last
century old After a few months of training in Ceuta,
la Muerte, which translates roughly as chance to renounce their enlistment:
The Betrothed of Death. "For you, there will be daily sacrifices. You today still a Spanish exclave on the
are going to defend the most dangerous Mediterranean coast of Morocco, the
CREATION OF THE FIRST and the most difficult positions. Many of first Tercio was sent to Melilla, also still
Spanish territory three hundred
TERCIO you are going to die, but to die in battle
kilometres to the east. Melilla was
is one of the greatest honours a man can
On 20th September 1920 Colonel hope for. Do you really want to be under a virtual state of siege, under

20 Combat & Survival


Left: The khaki

gorrillo side-cap
with red hanging
tassel at the front
is unique to the

3: A selection of "
historic unit flags
and colours of the
Legion in Melilla
4: Historic
weapons dating
from the Rif War
period in the early remain to this day.
20th Century
5: Franco, later to
become ruler of LEGION
Spain, played a
Millàn-Astray wanted the Legionnaires to
major part during be bonded together by something more
the formative than a simple chain of command. He
period established the 'Credo Leginario' as
twelve principles, or 'Spirits', inspired by
6: José Milian- the Code of Honour of the French
Astray Terreros, Foreign Legion.
founder of the
Legion, lost an eye Every morning, at the assembly of a
and a hand in Legion regiment, two of these twelve
# $ battle in Morocco 'Spirits' are read to remind every
Legionnaire why he is there and the
manner in which he should act. Into his
warrior philosophy Millàn-Astray also
incorporated the principles of Japanese
Bushido, a strict code which demanded
fidelity, training until perfection and
honour until death.


On the walls of the Museum of the
Spanish Legion in Ceuta, some fifty
portraits pay homage to the Legionnaires
of the past who showed special courage
in battle and who contributed to the
reputation of the Legion. Among all these
heroes, the three figures most venerated
by the Legion are Milian-Astray, Lt. Col.
Rafael Valenzuela and the General
Francisco Franco. Milian-Astray, the
founder, is considered to be the father of
the Spanish Legion.
daily attack by the Moroccan Regiments, were to become the elite
insurgents, the formidable warrior troops of the Spanish African Army. Valenzuela took command of the newly
tribes of Riff. formed 2nd Bandera in 1920. In June,
The territory was officially declared 1923, a Spanish convoy led by the 2nd
Once they entered the conflict, the first pacified in 1927, after near seven years Bandera was attacked by a large
Tercio would endure years of hard of war and 845 engagements. The Moroccan force. Valenzuela, at the head
combat. Immediately a second Tercio Spanish Legion paid a heavy tribute with of his men attacked the enemy positions.
was formed in Ceuta and was sent to more than 2,000 deaths and 6,000 During the fierce fighting he was hit and
the front. During the Riff War (1920-26) wounded. The first Tercio was then
several other units were formed within died on the battlefield. Since then,
permanently garrisoned in Melilla and Valenzuela has been a symbol of
the Legion. The Tercios de Extranjeros,
which translates to Foreigners the second Tercio in Ceuta, where they courage and sacrifice of the Legion.

Combat & Survival 21



Main image: The '

Legion marches at
160-190 steps per
minute - twice the
pace of the
Spanish Army

7: Honouring the
Legion's fallen at
the Ceuta war
memorial - 10,000
dead are
8: Although
steeped in
tradition, today the
Legion is a
In 1927, Franco was promoted to modern uniform. The shirt is worn open at the otherwise, Legionnaires carry the
General and took command of the mechanised chest, as a sign of the heart open to crucified Christ held high at arms
entire Legion. Under his command the death. length, and the Crucifixion scene is
combat force
Legion became a modern, well present, painted or sculptured, in the
organized and well trained army. All Legionnaires, officers and men, and rooms of many of the Legion buildings.
Without a doubt Franco, Spanish 9: In future issues these days women too, wear the At the origin were the strong Catholic
Head of State from 1939 until his we will look at the Chapiri. This is a khaki coloured service roots of Spain, but in today's Legion
death in 1975, is the most prominent Spanish Legion in cap with red hanging tassel and red Christ is a symbol of sacrifice.
person to have ever worn a Legion the 21st Century piping, inspired by the bonnets worn by
uniform. the troops of Queen Isabel, in the No Legionnaire is obliged to be
Images © 1830s. Legionnaires are authorized to Christian and Legionnaires belonging
CABALLEROS Richard Lucas have a beard, as well as tattoos. to other faiths are accepted and are
free to exercise their beliefs. In the
The Legionnaires are called by the title LOS NOVIOS DE LA MUERTE Legion when they say that a
of Caballeros Legionarios which Legionnaire followed the path of Jesus
translates as Gentlemen Legionnaires, The Legionnaires consider themselves it means that he will not come back,
and not simply soldiers as in other Los Novios de la Muerte (The Fiancés that he has made the ultimate sacrifice.
Spanish regiments. of Death) in the sense of being
betrothed or promised to Death. The TO BE CONTINUED...
UNIFORMS official hymn of the Legion is of the
same name. Their battle cries are "Viva FOOTNOTE:
From its establishment the Legion was the muerte!" (Long live death!) and Richard Lucas is a prominent
noted for its plain and simple "Legionarios a luchar, Legionarios a American-born combat journalist and a
uniforms, in contrast to the colourful morir!" (Legionnaires to battle, to die frequent contributor to international
dress uniforms still worn by the Legionnaires!). If a Legionnaire needs military magazines. He has covered
Peninsular regiments of the Spanish help he shouts, "A mí la Legión!" (To me conflict situations worldwide, including
Army. For active service the modern the Legion!) as in the French Foreign Afghanistan, Bosnia, the Congo, Kosovo
Legion has the same combat fatigues Legion. and Lebanon. Based in the south of
as the rest of the Spanish Army, but it France he often works with the French
Foreign Legion as well as other elite
still retains the original, sage green THE SACRIFICE OF CHRIST military units. His work can be seen on
Tropical uniform for semi-formal
barrack dress and as a parade his website:
On certain occasions, religious and

22 Combat & Survival


Half are instructors. Though the SIRT

pistol was a small part of this class, it
played a critical role in helping
students understand the concept of
looking through the sights and
calling the shots. I wouldn’t have
been able to accomplish the primary
goal of the class without the SIRT.”

Main Image: The Law enforcement trainer and Master

use of the SIRT Class Shooter Darrion Holiwell sees
pistol allows immediate benefits in his own
instructors to trainees after just a few training
sessions with NLT’s dry fire training
run active 'force
pistol and stated: “I used the SIRT
on force' and Training Pistol during one of my
'shoot - no shoot' Patrol Tactics courses. During the
scenarios - you building search exercises, each
can see the red student was given a SIRT. Some of
trigger take up the scenarios were threat or non-
and green shot threat situations. As an instructor, I
placement lasers was able to observe the students as
they searched the building and when
1: The SIRT pistol they had their fingers on the trigger.
The SIRT gave immediate feedback
looks and feels
and I was able to correct mistakes
like the real thing on the spot. This is not possible with
by matching size, a standard blue plastic training
weight and pistol, especially during low light
centre of gravity scenarios.”
of a live pistol -
above the pistols Darrion Holiwell is a critical member
is a SIRT training of the NLT team as he is a 10 year
replacement bolt SWAT veteran and head SWAT
for a M4/M16 training officer in a major
metropolitan jurisdiction. Darrion
needs the best training regimens and
equipment possible because his life,
2: The SIRT and other’s lives, depend upon it.
training pistol

was designed to Mike Hughes, the founder of NLT
Next Level Training introduced
its dry fire training handgun, the PSC Grand Master Shooter Yong Lee
enable shooters and the designer of the SIRT, gave
Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger had this to say after a recent training to train more +5 an introduction and insight to
pistol, at the 2011 Shot Show. class using the unique laser frequently and his dry firing training pistol: “The Shot
Founded by IPSC Grand Master enhanced dry fire training pistol: more effectively, Indicating Resetting Trigger (SIRT)
Shooter Mike Hughes, Next Level “Students were amazed that they could even on training pistol was designed to
enable shooters to train more
Training (NLT) is revolutionising shoot with both eyes open and shoot this improvised
frequently and more effectively.
the way shooters train with its accurately. Most are veteran police indoor ranges Conventional dry firing does not
new SIRT dry fire training pistol. officers with years of shooting experience.

24 Combat & Survival


! " 3: Safe enough to #

demonstrate at a
busy expo -
conventional dry
firing does not
provide feedback
or allow
consecutive shots,
and retrofits to
real guns had too
was quickly identified that the first many drawbacks.
model had much more utility and
eventually it was being used for all dry 4: The current
firing, which evolved into dry firing version of the SIRT
more frequently and more effectively.”
pistol replicates the
Visual response from the laser
Glock 9mm / .40
provides immediate and accurate S&W Models 17
feedback on shot placement and 22, which are
verification. With the SIRT pistol you the most commonly
can perform thousands of repetitions, encountered pistols
with instantaneous feedback to correct used in law up the SIRT pistol you will be training in
trigger control issues immediately. enforcement a few minutes. The designer explained:
When designing the final production “The laser feedback systems simply will
model of the SIRT pistol NLT included 5: You can shoot not permit sloppy trigger control, so the
the take up indicator in the six way immediate feedback works. We use
adjustable trigger. Once the design of
training courses laser enhanced dry fire to master our
the SIRT Pistol was completed, NLT
with live pistol craft skills and have personally
decided to share it with the shooting ammunition and witnessed our skills such as our draws,
community. also shoot the same reloads, transitions, shooting on the
course with the move, all be sharpened and
provide feedback or allow consecutive Said Hughes: “As a patent attorney SIRT pistol to neurologically rooted in place when we
shots and retrofits to real guns had too and mechanical engineer, I know that reduce ammunition live fire, so we can focus on recoil
many drawbacks.” simple designs are the best designs. costs management.”
As a grandmaster competitive shooter
The designer continued: “The first and ex-college football player who While NLT knows that dry fire training is
never missed a single practise, I also
6: IPSC practical
prototype was designed by removing no substitute for live fire training,
the barrel and welding a laser to the know that quality repetition and an pistol competitors neither is there a need to rely on it
slide and putting in a resetting trigger environment conducive for training is can use the SIRT exclusively thanks to the Shot
in a Glock 17 pistol with a modified imperative to maximise your potential.” pistol as an Indicating Resetting Trigger (SIRT)
switch engaging the trigger bar. This additional resource training pistol and the exclusive laser
initial set-up was merely designed for The SIRT training pistol was made by to carrying out live feedback mechanism. Designed to
training for shooting on the move. It shooters for shooters. Once you pick fire training complement, not replace, live fire

Combat & Survival 25

allows for multiple strings of fire during
training without racking the slide,
encouraging more repetitions per
training session.

· Weighted Training Magazine: SIRT

training magazines are adjustable to
match the weight of the loads you
normally run in your firearm, from 10
rounds of 9mm 115 grain bullets, to 15
rounds of 180 grain 40 S&W calibre
bullets. The magazines have a
rubberised base plate for durability, so
that they can be dropped while
reloading in training.

· Dual Indicator Lasers: The Red

Trigger Prep Indicator laser gives you
immediate feedback on your trigger
mechanics while you prep your trigger.
The Green Shot Indicating laser (Pro
Model) or Red Shot Indicating Laser
% Above: Weights & (Student Model) gives you shot
can be added or indication feedback on your follow
removed from the through after pulling the trigger.
magazine to
replicate the
· Laser Take Up Toggle Switch: The
LTUTS allows you to shut off the Take
Up Indicating Laser, and just train with
weight of a loaded the Shot Indicating Laser. The Red and
or empty Green (Pro Model) Lasers may also be
magazine. reversed with an internal switch.

training, the SIRT dry fire training

pistol brings together a host of patent
7: The SIRT pistol
allows training at
and targets through the feedback from
the laser placement on the target.
· Trigger Prep Training: The take up
indicator engages when the trigger is
pending technologies critical to almost any Because of its flexibility and cost 'taken-up' and partially pressed, as
improving shooting accuracy while location providing effectiveness, the SIRT does not just prepping a trigger is imperative for
addressing issues of cost and liability. permit additional training - it actually maximising accuracy and trigger
encourages it. control. When the trigger is taken up,
Safe, effective, and innovative, the
feedback to the the red laser is on, providing a visual
SIRT dry fire training pistol was shooter and Simple to use, the SIRT dry fire training awareness of the muzzle movement
developed by shooters for shooters. accompanying pistol is applicable to a range of training and further indicating when the trigger
NLT understands the unique training instructor exercises including shooting accuracy, is prepped to the shooter and / or a
demands and restrictions faced by side-arm handling, integrated cardio trainer or firearms instructor.
today’s law enforcement officers, the 8: As an and live course programs, and even
military and competitive shooters. instructor you can
observe a student
force-on-force training scenarios.
Because it does not discharge any type
· Maximise Trigger Mechanics: When
the simulated sear is “broken” the solid
REPLICATING THE DUTY as they move with of projectile and instead uses laser state internal switching system
feedback, the SIRT dry fire training activates the green, shot indicating
PISTOL the SIRT pistol in
pistol can be used safely in nearly every laser providing visual feedback
their hand and environment and situation. indicating proper trigger follow through
Built with a sturdy steel construction, when they need to and generally proper grip and trigger
the SIRT dry fire training pistol looks
like and feels like the real thing. It
have their finger
on the trigger · Fully Functional Rail: You can mount
your tactical light or laser device directly
mechanics. Whether your shooting
style is target focused or strict front
does this by matching the size, when a onto the SIRT training pistol rail, just as sight focused, the general visual
weight, and centre of gravity of a live confrontation you would on your live fire pistol. awareness of the lasers provides the
fire pistol. In addition, the SIRT dry
erupts. requisite feedback to improve shooting
fire training pistol even offers a host
of customised features including
magazine cartridge changes and
· Ergonomic Frame: Built to the highest
standards of strength and durability, the
mechanics without compromising your
vision focal at your desired vision focal
SIRT frame has all the functional grip length.
replaceable sights. features of the 9mm Glock 17 and .40

Unlike a live fire pistol or air soft

pistol, the SIRT dry fire training pistol
S&W Glock 22 and when fully
assembled is designed to match the
· Laser Works On Any Target: The
short bursts of the green shot
weight of your live fire pistol. indicating laser provide sufficient visual
provides instantaneous performance verification to the shooter because of
feedback with no need for ongoing
expenditures such as ammunition · Adjustable Resetting Trigger: The
SIRT’s adjustable auto-resetting trigger
our natural flash visual memory. The
use of the first prototypes (which were

26 Combat & Survival

' Above: Your live simulated sear to represent multiple red take-up laser, such as a cross, a
fire training can consecutive shots. Traditional dry circle with exterior perimeter, horizontal
be augmented by firing requires racking the slide or and vertical lines and other variations
using the SIRT cocking the hammer (to shoot in to indicate take-up and provide the
single action mode). The action shooter with awareness of the muzzle
pistol to perform
between shots breaks the natural location without promoting a target
the same flow of engaging numerous targets focus – particularly useful for front sight
scenarios on the in an array. The auto resetting focused instruction. Further, the take-
range as you trigger allows for a significantly up indicator can be shut off by means
perform while live greater number of quality trigger of a dedicated disengagement spring
fire training pulls for engaging targets in a switch. Laser intensity adjustment
continuous string during a training provides visual awareness of shot
9: The SIRT pistol session. placement.
also allows you to
practise reloading
by carrying out
· Train Hard and Train Smart: NLT
can make training more interesting · Training For Drawing and Reloading:
The integrated lasers allow for proper
and fun. The simple design of NLT’s training of draws of various pistol craft
your magazine SIRT Dry Fire Training Pistol allows skill sets. The SIRT Training Pistol
initially made for individual training by speed reloads training almost anywhere providing comes with an adjustable weighted
the company’s founders) unveiled the immediate feedback to the shooter magazine to simulate the weight and
effectiveness of a simple laser shot and/or an accompanying instructor. centre of gravity of a magazine full of
indicator on practically any target. The Take advantage of dead times 124 grain 9mm ammunition, or a fully
green laser can be seen while training during the day to implement training loaded 15-round .40 S&W calibre
outside, allows more training and does in almost any unused room or area magazine with 180 grain bullets. The
not require the hassle, set-up and at your facility. Fight the potential magazines can be dropped on many
restrictiveness of expensive target boredom perceived in training with types of flooring surfaces without
simulation systems. The compact and a simple, but versatile training tool damage.
simple training tool system works. that makes learning pistol craft

interesting and fun.
·Weight and Center of Gravity of a
Engaging Targets in a Continuous
String: An auto resetting trigger is
necessary to reset the internal
·Train Your Vision: Aftermarket laser
caps provide distinct images of the
Real Pistol: The SIRT training pistol is
designed to have a dry weight of 24
ounces with the centre of gravity

Combat & Survival 27

Properly training a student in defensive
handgun techniques requires many
hours of training. Even in a training
class without time constraints it is
difficult to impart onto the students
handgun skills which can range from
basic marksmanship to defensive
tactics. Use of the SIRT pistol will
enable an instructor to help students
acquire the necessary skills to a higher
level in a shorter amount of time, while
at the same time doing so safely and
being able to verify the results. It is also
easy to diagnose whether a problem is
caused by improper execution of the
fundamentals of grip and sight
alignment or due to improper recoil

The SIRT pistol is an excellent training

tool and enables instructors to run
force on force and shoot - no shoot
active scenarios within the budgetary
  Above: The SIRT constraints faced by most
Training Pistol organisations.
does not fire any
sort of projectile The NLT Performance side of the
and the lasers are business was established to bring the
not harmful so you best training to their clients. Next Level
can even set up a Training recruited the best in US
training scenario Special Operations, Law Enforcement,
in your own home and Competition Shooting. The
concept was simple: bring together the
positioned slightly above the trigger firearm safety rules even with the SIRT best talent to work with clients to
pin. When engaging at full speed Training Pistol.
10: Use of the enhance and build skills in instruction
transitions and draws, a simulated
SIRT pistol will and operations.
weight and centre of gravity is ASSISTING THE enable an
imperative for training to accelerate instructor to help
INSTRUCTOR students acquire
Next Level Training is devoted to
and decelerate the pistol while working with firearm instructors to aid in
engaging in precise fine motor Law enforcement and military instructors
shooting skills to a their efforts by providing training tools
movements. generally have access to simulators and high level in a and the latest training curriculum. They
short amount of
· shoot houses, but many instructors have support training whether it is instructor
A Complete System: Critical features constraints within which they work. This time, while doing based or branching into other arenas of
provide effective, consistent and forces them to search for more efficient so safely and natural point of aim, scenarios,
rewarding training. Patent pending
shot indicator, resetting trigger
and effective ways to train themselves being able to defensive tactics, competitive shooting,
and their students. Basic pistol training verify the results concealed carry, tactical fitness or
combined with the simulated weight of courses do not come close to instilling integrated training.
the pistol and magazine, a trigger into a student the necessary skills for a
take-up indicator (that can be 11: The SIRT pistol In conclusion, the SIRT Dry Fire
true confrontation. The largest obstacle
conveniently turned off), and that instructors face is how to adequately
offers a host of Training Pistol brings together a host of
replaceable sights, all in one self train their students and create scenarios
customisable patent pending technologies critical to
contained package. where students can experience to some features including improving shooting accuracy while
magazine changes
· degree the dynamics of a real encounter. addressing issues of cost and liability.
Train Safely: The SIRT Training Pistol The SIRT pistol will enable an instructor to and replaceable Built tough with sturdy steel
does not fire any sort of projectile, and test if a student has a grasp of the sights construction, the SIRT Pistol looks and
the lasers are not harmful. Of course, fundamentals of sight alignment and feels like the real thing by matching the
as with use of any item that can trigger control by demonstrating this with Images © size, weight, and centre of gravity of a
resemble a gun, discretion of where to the dual lasers on the target. Greg Roberts live fire pistol. In addition, the SIRT
use the SIRT Training Pistol must be Pistol even offers a host of
applied by the shooter. However, the An instructor is able to observe students customisable features including
brightly lit red front portion protruding as they carry out training scenarios and magazine changes and replaceable
longitudinally forward from the grip when they have their fingers on the sights.
and slide module along with the sharp trigger. The SIRT will give immediate
razor cuts aids observers to identify feedback and the instructor can correct For further information check out the
that the SIRT is not a real firearm. All mistakes on the spot. This is not possible and for
users are cautioned to train smart with with a standard blue dummy gun, European training see
discretion of areas of use and follow especially during a low light scenarios.

28 Combat & Survival

30 Combat & Survival
Every two years, during the opening ceremony at SOFEX, the Special Operations Force Exhibition
held in Amman, Jordan's Spec Ops Command lays on a demonstration at the formal Opening
Ceremony in front of the King and assembled dignitaries, senior military officers and defence
industry representatives. For 2012 the scenario saw terrorists taking over a regional airport terminal
building and holding civilians hostage.

Jordanian SOCOM were called in to take out the terrorists and liberate the hostages. The operation
commenced with the clandestine insertion of a HALO team (this would have occurred under cover
of darkness) to undertake reconnaissance well ahead of the main rescue effort and then call in a
diversionary air strike just before the main force was inserted by helicopter to both secure the
runway for an extraction by C-130 Hercules and take down the terrorists to release the captives.

Combat & Survival 31

-30:00 At either end of the
runway, terrorist in machinegun-
armed pick-up trucks (technicals)
wait to target any aircraft trying to
-15:00 Terrorists with AK47
assault rifles guard the airport
terminal roof above the hostages,
little realising they are in the
crosshairs of elite HALO SF
00:00 A flight of F16 Fighting
Falcons drops diversionary bombs
during a fast low pass to distract the
terrorists as the assault teams
swoop in aboard low-flying
00:05 One of a brace of AH-6
Little Bird gunships strafes outlying
terrorist positions to remove any
threat to the inbound rescue aircraft
- note the trail of brass from its
00:21 The technicals are now
disabled and the threat to landing
aircraft has been eliminated but
troops will still be inserted to fully
secure the area

32 Combat & Survival

The roof team fast-ropes down -
HALO snipers clandestinely
inserted by C-130 have already
taken out the pair of terrorists
on the rooftop but the Blackhawk
gunners are still vigilant

One of four UH-60L Blackhawks

carrying the roof assault team swoops
in - note the gunner at the side window
in front of the door - less than a
minute has elapsed since the airstrike

Covered by the Blackhawk

gunners the roof team
prepares to abseil down -
note the AH-6 at top right
of frame on overwatch and
the other Blackhawk on the

Special Forces Group operators leap from

a Blackhawk to secure the east end of the
runway - two units, one in black and one
in camo, participated in the display

Ground entry team, inserted off-camera to

the left by a third Blackhawk, prepares to go
in as their demolitions expert places a door
charge - the roof team abseils down to
throw in stun grenades

Combat & Survival 33

03:07 While the ground entry
team rescues the hostages their
colleagues from the fourth
Blackhawk tidy up loose ends - note
the Black armoured pickup providing
real time perimeter security!

03:15 One of the terrorists

makes a run for it but the Spec Ops
K9 is more than his match - the
padded suit is an absolute must to
protect from the dog’s fearsome
teeth when commanded to attack

04:43 As the hostages are being

released from the terminal the C-
130 tasked with flying them out
airlands and four SF buggies race
out to provide a security cordon

04:57 The ground entry team,

having taken out the terrorists
inside the terminal, shepherd the
released hostages towards the
waiting C-130 which will fly them
out to safety

With the hostages safely aboard

the Herc the buggies embark -
had there been casualties these
nimble vehicles would have been
used to casevac them

34 Combat & Survival

08:00 The hostages and their SF escorts are flown to safety in the Royal Jordanian Air Force C-130 -
Jordan has four Hercs, two of which took part with the other one being used to drop the HALO team

09:12 The Blackhawks flare in to pick up the SFG personnel - JSOC has a fleet of eleven of these
helicopters which can each carry a 10-man squad in addition to four of five crew

09:37 Last of the roof team

boards a Blackhawk behind the
terminal building - note the JSOC
crest of desert eagle carrying a
scimitar above the door
09:45 Well inside the ten minutes
allowed for the operation the last
Blackhawk leaves the airport -
Jordan's Special Operations
Command is World class and one of
the best in the region

Special Forces Group HALO operative

swoops in with a Spec Ops flag - well
prior to the rescue phase small
teams would have inserted covertly
and gone to ground to provide intel
on the terrorists
Images © Bob Morrison : Military Scene

Combat & Survival 35


Combat & Survival 37

1 Main Image: One 2 3
of the Pathfinders
scans the area for
enemy activity
through the sight
of his L115A3
Long Range Rifle

1: Many
Pathfinders go on
to join the UK
Special Forces -
some call them the
Bastard Son of the
SAS - so they tend
to be camera shy
2: Primary
weapon of PF is
the Canadian

5.56mm Diemaco
The Pathfinders of 16 Air
Assault Brigade, nominally a
C8A1carbine or sked to briefly explain their Until the mid-seventies when the
platoon-sized unit, are
the C8SFW variant, precise role Brigadier Mark Callaghan Government disbanded 16
unquestionably the elite of which has a Carlton-Smith, commander Parachute Brigade, Britain had a
Britain's conventional ground heavier and 16 Air Assault from 2007 to parachute-trained Pathfinder Company
forces. Their primary task is to slightly longer 2009, stated: "The Pathfinders are in the form of 1 (Guards) Independent
be their brigade's advance barrel essentially my own directed telescope. Company of The Parachute Regiment;
force and long range They are responsible for delivering a formation which would be integrated
reconnaissance element with 3: Pathfinder tactical military reconnaissance, into 22 SAS to form the core of G
the highly specialist primary teams also use the predominantly at range and distance Squadron.
mission of marking our drop L110A1 5.56mm beyond the capacity and confidence of
zones, improvised runways and the conventional force elements within In 1983, not long after the Falklands
helicopter landing sites to
FN Minimi 16 Air Assault Brigade. So that's reliant Campaign, 5 Airborne Brigade was
allow the main force to be
retractable stock on a specially selected cadre of formed by the Thatcher Government to
inserted deep inside enemy Light Machine Gun professional soldiers who are trained once again give Britain a limited
territory and their secondary - this one is fitted and equipped to operate in isolated parachute assault capability and over
mission is to provide tactical with a bag locations, hugely reliant on their own time the ability was developed to insert
intelligence to allow the magazine in what self-confidence, their own daring spirit a full Lead Parachute Battalion Group
or LPBG, complete with all necessary
brigade to fulfil its mission; be looks to be DPM and a high degree of self-reliance;
that warfighting, peace because they are not supported with equipment and a small number of
enforcement on non-combatant anything like the comprehensive Land Rovers to allow self-sufficiency,
evacuation operations. manner that the rest of the brigade is." from fifteen C-130 Hercules transport

38 Combat & Survival

" Main Image: Each # $
configures his
personal kit to his
own preference -
note the green
smoke grenade in
the pouch right of
4: When on the live
aircraft in less than five minutes. DZ during JOINT
To reconnoitre and mark out the Drop Pathfinders had to
Zone (DZ) for the Paras - two of 5 wear helmets -
Airborne Brigade's battalions were here fitted with
para-qualified and drawn from the laser sensors - but
three Regular battalions of the whenever possible
Parachute Regiment - a Pathfinder they prefer to
Platoon was soon reformed giving wear cut down
the Brigade the ability to insert small bush hats
teams of specialists from high
altitude anything from 12 to 72 hours 5: The collapsible
ahead of the main assault. Since satellite antenna battalion of Paras well behind the the DZ in the days before the Health
their formation in 1985 all Pathfinders beside this Forward Edge of Battle Area or a fleet and Safety bureaucrats decided that
have been trained in both HALO Pathfinder allows of Chinook helicopters swoops in to military ranges were dangerous places
(High Altitude Low Opening) and him to communicate drop off an air assault battalion. for civilians. We were also granted the
HAHO (High Altitude High Opening) over great rare privileged of photographing the
insertion methods and they are distances directly By the early nineties the 5 Airborne Pathfinders exiting a Hercules from
capable of tabbing over long with Brigade HQ no Brigade LPBG concept had matured inside the aircraft during HALO training
distances in short timescales matter where he is and indeed +5 even flew in one of as part of their rigorous selection
meaning they can be dropped the now legendary 'fifteen ship raid' procedure, and we also worked with
clandestinely many miles from the 6: It is not just our training missions, though unfortunately their Mobility Troop (the large photo of
intended DZ/HLS to ensure the Greg Roberts that high winds saw the battalion air-landing their Fastball Land Rovers on the wall
enemy does not realise what is going swears by Kestrel at a nearby airfield rather than of the Aldershot Citadel was taken
on until a swarm of low-flying RAF windmeters - the parachuting, and we also specifically for them by the author) but
Hercules transport aircraft briefly Pathfinders rely on photographed a handful of similar unfortunately the amalgamation of 5
ascends a couple hundred feet from them for gauging training missions from either the Alpha Airborne and 24 Airmobile Brigades
beneath the radar to disgorge a DZ windspeed (pax) or the Juliet (vehicles) markers on into 16 Air Assault Brigade at the end

Combat & Survival 39

% &

of the nineties and the pace of more Main Image: One of In between Sierra Leone and Helmand, returning to honing the traditional
conventional operations over the the Pathfinder team, as we saw last month in our Book Pathfinder skills. On the recent
following decade would see both the identifiable by his Review section, the Pathfinders also Exercise JOINT WARRIOR, held in
Pathfinders and the Overhead weapon, liaises with operated deep behind enemy lines in Scotland, the Pathfinders undertook
Assault capability drop out of the the DZ clearance Southern Iraq when there were plans their primary task of drop zone
limelight. party, riding Honda to mount a heliborne insertion by 16 reconnaissance, marking and security
Grizzly quads, Air Assault Brigade onto Qalat Sikar at Braid Fell which gave us the
The Pathfinder Platoon may not have following a airfield, roughly 120 kilometres in opportunity to photograph them
been undertaking their intended role successful jump advance of the US Marine Corps equipped with the latest uniforms and
from 1999 to 2010 but that did not positions at Nasiriyah. On this weapons.
mean they were inactive, and indeed 7: A Pathfinder team occasion a six-man Pathfinder team,
it was them who are credited with can be four to six accompanied by three Royal The Pathfinders are not Special
halting the rebel forces' advance in strong, dependent on Engineers, penetrated behind the lines Forces, though their selection process
Sierra Leone in 2000 by taking on a mission - weapons by WMIK Land Rover as there was no is said to rival that of the SAS, but as
conventional blocking force role at a are 2x C8A1 Hercules aircraft availability to allow many of their number go on to join
crucial crossroads and fighting like a carbine, 1x L110A1
LMG and 1x them to HALO/HAHO in. UKSF some prefer not to be identified
battalion-strength formation despite on-camera and we have therefore
actually only being a troop-strength L115A1LRR
With Afghanistan operations no longer pixellated their faces. UK MoD is also
unit. In Afghanistan in 2006 they also
defended the Musa Qala District
8: With the drop part of 16 Air Assault Brigade's a bit touchy about the print media

Centre for 52 days against repeated

over the 4-man planning calendar and more giving away too much about their

Taliban attacks in a now classic

Pathfinder team tab conventional out-of-area operations specialist roles and equipment - what
off on their next once again their primary focus, plus the Whitehall desk jockeys term
battle of attrition which evolved out
mission - providing Britain's commitment to close compiling a capability mosaic - so
of what was originally planned as crucial eyes-on cooperation with France seeing the +5 has to be careful about what it
just a 6-night stopover and recce intelligence for the brigade teamed up with their French prints, even though annoyingly the
mission. Brigade commander opposite numbers, attention is internet is awash with facts and fictions

40 Combat & Survival


Main Image: The

team leader
collapses his
satellite antenna to
pack it in on the
side of his daysack
once he has
confirmed that the
drop has gone off
without a hitch
9: The Minimi
gunner carried a
Motherlode coyote
tan daysack - note
the spare barrel
stowed on the
right side

about the Pathfinders and Special one Minimi and one L115A3 sniper 10: Note the
Forces. rifle. If using Supacat Jackal or Land different barrel
Rover WMIK for insertion or recce lenghts of the
What we can say, however, is that the tasks, they will also have 7.62mm weapons carried by
peacetime core of the Pathfinders is GPMG and even .50cal Browning these two
effectively four six-man teams plus a HMG and 40mm Lightweight
Pathfinders - the
small support element under Automatic Grenade Launcher at their
lead one is wearing
non-issue olive
command of a captain or major. Most, disposal. green smock
though by no means all, come from
the Parachute Regiment or para- The Pathfinders train and select their 11: These images
qualified support formations and both own, holding selections twice a year show how well
Royal Signals operators and REME subject to operational commitments, British MTP and
mechanics are nearly always and anyone who believes they have MultiCam patterns
represented in their ranks. the fitness, stamina, skills and blend in - the
airborne initiative is welcome to apply.
Pathfinders have
The primary personal weapon of the Their unofficial motto is First In! and
also painted their
weapons to match
Pathfinder is usually the Diemaco C8 when they do go in the Pathfinders
carbine and a team (usually four or six not only know they go in alone, but Images ©
men, dependent on precise mission that they may well have to fight their Bob Morrison
and role) will often also have at least way out again all on their own. Military Scene

Combat & Survival 41


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Every roulement of troops to
Afghanistan on Operation
HERRICK includes a major
component of Royal
Engineers personnel, and
indeed some of the very
first troops to deploy to
Helmand Province in 2006
were combat sappers
(military engineers)
tasked with
constructing Camp

T he lead RE
HERRICK 16, the
current Helmand
deployment, is 26
Engineer Regiment
and their
Commanding Officer,
Lieutenant Colonel

Combat & Survival 43

 Above: likely engineer tasks that they are
Practising likely to face. These are likely to
compound include: repairing roads and routes,
clearance drills in building bridges, and constructing
Afghan Security Force bases. Not
the Copehill Down
only will these help improve security,
FIBUA village on they will also contribute directly
Salisbury Plain - towards economic and governance
weapon is SA80A2 development by making it easier for
assault rifle fitted locals to move around Helmand and
with SUSAT and ensuring that local governance can
vertical foregrip flourish. They will also deconstruct
ISAF bases as the force consolidates.
As sappers they will genuinely help to
1: The
build towards Transition from an ISAF
Royal Engineers to an Afghan lead. This is vital to
flash consists of ensure that the UK is able to draw
two dark blue bars down its forces as they approach the
on a red end of 2014.
background and
12 Mechanized UNIT ROLE
John Ridge, provided the following brief alongside, and often in front of, the Brigade formation
prior to his regiment deploying this infantry. Their fieldcraft, shooting and first patch has the The British Army became involved in
spring. aid all have to be excellent. Next, they numerals atop the NATO-led campaign in
are Combat Engineers, able to provide
a black Afghanistan to ensure the National
"26 Engineer Regiment’s mission is to close engineer support in the heat of the
provide engineer support to 12th battle. Finally, they are tradesmen. We
Ace of Spades Security of the United Kingdom.
International forces from a total of 47
Mechanized Brigade. Our support have highly qualified plumbers,
nations are in Afghanistan to prevent
encompasses all three of the core electricians, carpenters, bricklayers,
Afghan territory from being used
sapper tasks. We help the Army to Live, plant operators and many other skills. As
again by Al Qaeda from which to plan
Move and Fight; Live includes well as being soldiers, combat engineers
and launch attacks. The presence of
everything from providing water supply and tradesmen, many also chose to
NATO forces is buying time, while
to building camps; Move includes qualify as specialists: commandos,
they train Afghanistan’s security
bridging, road maintenance, the use of parachutists, bomb disposal officers or
forces to take over the task for
boats and minefield breaching; our divers. We can pretty much turn our
themselves. They don’t seek a perfect
support to Fight covers bridge hand to anything."
Afghanistan, but a stable Afghanistan
demolitions, disrupting enemy routes
able to maintain its own security and
and explosive breaching. We have a Prior to deploying to Afghanistan on
prevent AQ from returning.
truly broad portfolio. Operation HERRICK 16 the regiment
trained hard over a six month period to
NATO’s strategy in Afghanistan
"In order to perform these myriad tasks, adapt their generic sappering to meet
involves protecting the civilian
sappers are extremely highly trained. the demands of the Afghan theatre of
population from insurgents,
They are first and foremost soldiers. operations. This meant honing their
supporting more effective Afghan
They must be able to operate infantry skills and focussing on the most

44 Combat & Survival


to the mission for the HERRICK

deployment commenced in the late
summer of 2011. This has involved
continued training in both basic
soldiering and combat engineering
locations and potential relocations. skills, in a number of locations around
Where possible, these constructions the country and around the globe
and moves are now contractor or including Thetford in Norfolk, Lydd in
ANSF-led with support from the Kent and Southern Jordan in the Middle
engineer group. This requires cultural East.
understanding and continual
engagement. Whilst 25 Field Squadron were
deployed in Jordan for six weeks
Manoeuvre and freedom of movement learning capabilities, technicalities and
for coalition forces, partnered forces legal boundaries surrounding Talisman,
and local nationals remain imperative in the remainder of 26 Engineer Regiment,
order to establish and maintain alongside 1 RTR G Squadron were
successful secure and effective Afghan perfecting their patrolling tactics,
government. Whilst most road cordon operations, immediate medical
upgrades are now contracted by the drills, counter IED tactics and local
Afghanistan government, the Royal national engagement as part of the
government at every level, and 2: You need to be Engineers, alongside the Afghan basic soldiering prerequisites for
building up the Afghan National fitter than most to Engineer Tolay (Company) continue to deployment.
Security Forces (ANSF) as rapidly as be a combat support resources as well as technical
feasible. The Brigade Advisory Group and practical advice. Away from field exercises, the
sapper - in this deployment has required a number of
(BAG) and Police Mentoring Advisory shot they are
Group (PMAG) will continue to Talisman, a suite of vehicles operated Sappers to become qualified at driving
support the development of the ANSF
lifting a heavy by the Royal Engineers has been in theatre specific vehicles such as
during the tour of 12 Mechanized
bridge section into theatre since 2010. The capability MASTIFF and Buffalo, most being
Brigade and beyond. With the place using muscle allows for British Forces to counter the somewhat different to the armoured
developing effectiveness of the ANSF, power alone threat posed by Improvised Explosive fighting vehicles that are used in
the intent is to provide more of a Devices (IEDs) and mines, improving exercises outside of deployment
mentoring role, with the ANSF taking 3: The 62 tonne freedom of movement and helping to specific training. Weapon ranges,
the lead. This at every level of the Trojan AVRE is an mitigate the IED risk to our forces and physical training information
communications lessons and language
ANSF, from the provision of local armoured to the local nationals within
security to infantry skills, counter-IED Afghanistan. courses have featured in every troop’s
engineer vehicle events list.
capability and the construction of designed to open
engineering tasks. British Forces remain to operate within
routes through Helmand Province. The 3 Armoured The core skills rooted in the initial
complex battlefield and 1 Headquarters squadrons of stages of the pre-deployment training
The role of the engineer has obstacles and 26 Engineer Regiment are allocated have underpinned every field exercise
responded to the transition of security
from NATO-led operations to ASNF-
clear a path between and providing engineer since October. Honing skills ranging
led. The Sapper principals of LIVE-
through minefields support to the ground-holding from detainee and prisoner handling to
battlegroups; namely 1 Royal Welsh, compound clearance and cultural
MOVE-FIGHT have extended to
4: Combat sappers 1 Grenadier Guards, 3 Yorkshire understanding have continued through
the exercises, ensuring a well trained
The focus is less orientated to use the Case 721 Regiment, Kings Royal Hussars,
1st Battalion Royal Anglians, 1st and rehearsed Regiment ready for
fighting the insurgent and more to the CXT Medium deployment.
Battalion Welsh Guards, 3 Rifles and
development of the ANSF in order to Wheeled Tractor
the Light Dragoon Guards, as well as
best set the conditions for for earthmoving, the PMAG and BAG. Each battlegroup ORIGINS OF THE REGIMENT
Afghanistan to secure its own excavation ,
government and communities. The is embedded within one of the five
general handling Coalition areas of responsibility; Nahr- 26 Engineer Regiment has a long
mentoring role requires close
integration with the ANSF.
and heavy lifting e-Saraj (North), Nahr-e-Saraj (South), history that has involved the Regiment
tasks but an Nad-e-Ali, Lashkah-Gah and Burma. being disbanded and reformed several
Build of security bases is
armoured vesion times in line with the changing needs of
concentrated around the embedding
is deployed to PREPARATIONS FOR the Army. The first records of the
of Afghan security forces among the Hemand HELMAND numerical prefix date back to the 1890s
where 26th (London Electrical
local population. This will require
Although training for the Regiment Engineers) Battalion Royal Engineers
consideration of current security base
continues year round, training specific was formed to help with coastal

Combat & Survival 45


5: Training hard to defences and was later heavily

bridge a gap - involved in WW2.
during recent
operations 26 Post-WW2 the Royal Engineers
developed a Regimental system that
Engineer Regiment
led to the formation of 26 Engineer
undertook the first Regiment. Six years later when it was
opposed bridge decided the Regimental system was
construction since not working as well as hoped 26
the Korean War Engineers was disbanded and
worked under the name 4th
6: This bridge, Divisional Engineers. Between 1969
capable of and 1994 the Regiment was in
carrying armour, existence fluctuating between being
was constructed called 26 Engineer Regiment and 3
Armoured Division Engineer
by Royal Engineers
Regiment. During this period the
during pre- Regiment and its squadrons
HERRICK training deployed independently and as a
without the use of formed unit on Op BANNER
any form of heavy (Northern Ireland). In 1987 the
lifting equipment Regiment was given the freedom of
Iserlohn after 17 years there. The
7: By January of ceremony also marked the 750th
this year MTP anniversary of the city. In 1994 the
uniforms had been Regiment was disbanded under
‘Options for Change’.
issued - note how
first sapper on the The intervening period was a
right and third on turbulent one and with great
the left both carry demands on the military. In April
5.56mm Minimi 2000 26 Engineer Regiment
light machineguns reformed to provide Close Support
$ Engineering to 12 Mechanized
Images Brigade as a result of the strategic
Crown Copyright: defence review. In 2001 its 38
Cpl Paul Morrison RLC Squadron deployed on Op FINGAL
(Afghanistan) and 8 Squadron
deployed on Op AGRICOLA
(Kosovo). In 2005 the regiment
deployed on Op TELIC 6 (Iraq) and
then went straight into preparing for
and deploying on Op HERRICK 6.
This Iraq tour was of particular note
as the regiment conducted the first
opposed bridge construction since
the Korean War.

The year 2009 saw the Regiment

warned off for another Op TELIC tour
% but was stood down when British
Forces were withdrawn from the
country. Since then the Regiment has
deployed to Canada to help modify
the training area to reflect the Op
HERRICK environment, among other
training deployments to Kenya and
within the UK.

The Regiment is now made up of 38

Headquarters and Support Squadron
and 8, 30 and 33 Armoured Engineer
Squadrons. Each squadron has its
own identity and history. The
squadrons are regularly deployed
independently of the Regiment on
both exercises and on operations.

46 Combat & Survival


I find the EDCB, carried 2

here by Jitka, is just the
right size for an SLR
camera, two lenses,
flashgun, notepad
and essential
pocket for
3 notebook and pen.
There is also a zipped
accessory pocket atop
the cover flap, ideal for my
near indestructible Land Rover
phone and spare camera
batteries etc., plus there are two
small open pockets at the base of the shoulder

4 The cover flap is held in place by a sturdy 3-

prong quick release buckle on an adjustable
webbing strap and there is a similar
buckle at one end

EDCB has a large

main compartment
plus two expandable
side pouches

1: Mesh
inserts allow of the
the zipped shoulder
side pockets strap
meaning the
The NITON 999 Group, in addition comparatively covertly, but securely, carry a
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high quality products from many can speedily access it without the hassle of bulkier items over-garment
big name manufacturers, has an first removing a daysack or looking like a but still speedily
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producing its own NITON bag on his shoulder. need to disrobe. There is a
Tactical range of practical and
zipped document velcro-type felt panel for a
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clothing geared to Emergency weather baffle under the cover flap, is large accessory pocket and is stitched PALS-style to allow attachment of
Services and Security Industry enough to accept a full frame digital SLR notebook pocket at MOLLE-compatible accessories.
users. Some of the NITON camera with multi-purpose 28-210mm
zoom lens fitted and the two expanding side
Tactical range appear at first On the front edge of each of the expanding
glance quite similar to well- pockets are ideally sized to accept a 75- mesh insert side pouches there are two
established products, but closer 300mm lens and a flash head. Inside the 3: Under the cover elasticated straps and a pocket to take an ASP
inspection reveals that their main compartment there is a full width there is a drawcord or torch. The cover flap for these pouches is
designers have subtly modified nylon pocket on the front face and a mesh weather baffle - side fastened with Velcro. There are also PALS tapes
the kit to improve it, based on pocket on the rear face, plus there is an
organiser panel for three pens and business
pouches will hold a at the non-buckle end of the adjustable shoulder
user feedback. strap, which has a removable shoulder pad to
cards on the rear face; but non- couple of 30-round spread the weight, and on the body of the bag

photographers should find it equally useful magazines at the opposite end of the strap there is a felt
he NITON Tactical EDCB (Every Day for carrying their specialist kit pad for attachment of national flag (not
Carry Bag) follows the basic design
Manufactured from heavy duty black nylon,
4: Rear face is supplied) or tac-sign patch. Finally, there are
concept of a type of shoulder bag
the EDCB is heavily padded on the rear face heavily padded - drainage eyelets in the base of the main
commonly used by those in the compartment and two pairs of webbing loops
Police, Security and Private Military Contractor
for comfort. On the outer front face of the velcro-type strap in for attachment of a base pack if desired.
sectors to carry essential kit and equipment, but
bag there is a flat pocket, with velcro-type the centre is for belt
fastener, which will hold documentation, attachment
its design has been modified for added To buy the EDCB online go to
behind the main compartment there is a
practicality. The EDCB is also a useful small then click on Equipment Bags and under brands
fast access secure document pocket with
pack for those occasions when a daysack may
horizontal zip and on the outside front face
Images © select NITON TACTICAL then scroll down to
be either too large or inappropriate and I have
of the cover flap there is a small zipped
Bob Morrison : TAC83. Alternatively ring 01293 549 858... and
used this style of bag for some time to Military Scene please don’t forget to tell them C&S sent you.

48 Combat & Survival

There was not much in the
way of new vehicles of note at
SOFEX 2012, but one which
did catch our eye was the
Navistar (International)
Saratoga LTV (Light Tactical
Vehicle) contender for the US
DoD proposed JLTV Hum-vee
replacement contract. Six
companies have now
proposed vehicles for this
anticipated 65,000-strong
replacement fleet intended to
enter service with SOCOM,
the US Army and the US
Marines from 2015.

U nveiled in Washington last

October, the Saratoga has
been designed for superior
survivability, mobility and
transportability, targeting the gap
between the current High Mobility
Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle
Modernized Expanded Capacity
Vehicle (HMMWV MECV) and Joint
Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV)
programmes. It is a sister vehicle to
the International MXT-MV, known as
Husky in British service, and is ready
for production to meet today’s mission

Archie Massicotte, President of

Navistar Defense, stated at the launch:
“Defence budgets are shifting and the
circumstances demand that industry
anticipate what our warfighters need
rather than wait for a written
requirement. Finding a gap in the

– available now.” prior to the launch. The 10 tonne GVW Saratoga

incorporates the 325hp MaxxForce D6.0L V8
The manufacturer claims the Saratoga LTV has engine, automatic engaging limited slip
a high degree of commonality with vehicles differentials, Allison 2100 SP 6-SP Automatic
currently fielded by the US DoD. The company Transmission and air independent suspension
has also designed and tested its own for added control. Range is 350 miles, turning
proprietary geometry survivability solution for circle is 54ft (16.5m),approach and departure
the vehicle. Considering material mix, vehicle angles are 60 and 45 degrees respectively, and
structure and hull shape, the Saratoga is said the vehicle can ford 30” (750mm) unprepared.
to offer a more survivable solution for the light Both A- and B-kit armour protection can be
tactical vehicle class while also meeting the fitted.
DoD’s 76” (1930mm) transportability height
market is what we do in the requirement. “We believe the Saratoga is a turning point for
commercial world and we are at it tactical wheeled vehicles just as the Battle of
again for the sake of our warfighters. Intended to meet the most demanding Saratoga is considered the turning point of the
The government needs options and performance needs, the vehicle had undergone American Revolutionary War,” said Massicotte.
the Saratoga is an affordable solution more than 25,000 miles of automotive testing “The warfighter needs it today and we are ready.”

50 Combat & Survival

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Main Image: Royal
It has been said a million times ith draw-down from
before, and it is very doubtful Helmand looming fast,
Marines deployed
that Napoleon Bonaparte was the focus on British
on Cold Response
the first to say it, but an army military training for units
'12 to Arctic
really does march on its not earmarked for the last Operation Norway were
stomach. On the modern HERRICK roulements, and particularly issued with the Cold
battlefield there is even less those tasked with out-of-area rapid Climate Ration to
chance of living off the land in reaction, is starting to turn away from keep their energy
the way that Napoleon’s troops’ the arid wastes of Afghanistan and levels up
opponents were often expected returning to the more traditional [Image courtesy 2
to do, so the individual combat scenarios. For 3 Commando Brigade, Carl Schulze]
ration pack is an essential part Britain's Amphibious and Arctic
of the kit carried by almost specialists, this has meant re- 1: Contents of the
every frontline soldier today, be engagement on NATO Northern Flank CCR carton - it is
that in or on his vehicle or in exercises such as COLD RESPONSE, like a trip to the
his pack and webbing. the Norwegian invitational exercise tuck shop
held in early spring.

2: Menu 4 main
When working in desert or arid
theatres like Afghanistan, and
evening meal is
before that Iraq, the
chicken tikka with environments, particularly as fresh water
rice - delicious! needs to be conserved for drinking
Operational Ration Packs rather than used cooking plus the
(ORP) issued to soldier needs to be rehydrated much
frontline troops 3: Cold Climate
more. As a result over the last few years
have to be Ration alongside the we have seen major advances in the
configured 12-hour Operational types of menu and foodstuffs supplied
differently from Ration Pack with in individual 24-hour, and more recently
those issued in EMAG atop for 12-hour, ration packs to ensure that the
temperate scale

Combat & Survival 53

" # $

4: The Mountain
House chicken
tikka carries the
Halal Approved

5: Also by
Mountain House,
the fruit and
custard desert is
thick and spoons

6: Natural Muesli
aka budgie food
for breakfast -
% what more can be & '
7: No special 'Not
for civvies'
packaging but you
can't beat a couple
of 300cal Yorkie
bars for energy
 8: There are three
different types of
round oat biscuit
in each ration

9: A firm favourite
in Afghanistan,
Original Beef
Jerky puts in an
a necessity. On the plus side, this one; just good tasty food ... and
10: Four different normally water supplies will be loads of it.
varieties of oat or relatively plentiful in cold climate
cereal bars are operational areas, even if that water Quoting official sources, the British
provided in each may be snow or ice and will need to Cold Climate Ration (CCR) was:
be melted, so boil-in-the-bag retort "developed for use above the snow line
pack pouches or even dehydrated main or the Arctic Circle where a lightweight,
meals can be used to provide high dehydrated and high-energy ration is
calorific content at relatively low required. This ration has a minimum of
weight and bulk. 5,500 Kcals and consists of
soldier will have adequate nutrition dehydrated main meals, breakfasts
which he or she not only will eat but will While covering COLD RESPONSE and puddings supplemented by a
want to eat at a reduced weight burden '12 (see the lead feature this month) range of snacks and drinks."
while also conserving water. Carl was not only able to sample the
current cold theatre Operational The current British Multi Climate Ration
Soldiering in cold environments Ration Pack, conceived by the (MCR) pack as issued to most troops
presents a different set of challenges to Defence Equipment and Supply serving in Afghanistan who are not fed
the menu planners, not least because branch of the UK MoD, but was also from a cookhouse (or galley if you are
the number of calories needed for given one for the +5 guinea-pig to a Royal Marine) contains around 4000
maximum efficiency is about 50% examine and taste for the Marching calories to cater for the increased
higher for a fighting male than the 3600 Ammo series. Sometimes when I amount of foot patrols and the heavy
kcal needed for temperate theatre open a ration pack and see the weight of kit carried in that theatre by
operations, but also because it is contents my heart sinks a little, but in frontline troops. It also contains a lot of
essential for both effectiveness and this case all was smiles. No items intended for snacking on the
morale that hot meals are ingested compressed cardboard bread or move rather than more conventional
when the ambient temperature is very yucky fish portions or packs of main meal type options. For more on
low whereas in a desert environment smegma-like cheese substitute in the MCR see the August 2008 and
most of the time a hot meal will not be April 2009 issues.

54 Combat & Survival


11: Boiled sweets

and polo mints are
included in the
Sundries pack

12: Four sachets

of drinks powder
are included as
water should not
be a problem in
cold climate zones
So how do you cram another 1500 hours of daylight and then laying up
calories into a 24-hour ration pack in shelter during the long and cold
without bumping up the weight and hours of darkness. While moving you
13: As the nuts, dessert, like the curry, was also
bulk, you may be thinking. The answer can snack to your heart’s content to though good freeze dried and required 250ml of
is to use dehydrated pouches for the keep replenishing your energy levels quality, are a bit boiling water to reconstitute, followed
main meal of the day, working on the and while at rest you will have time to bland I recommend by a five minute stand. The
assumption that plenty of water will be prepare a more conventional meal, mixing them with consistency of this was very thick,
available in the sort of place this type including converting snow to water to the fruit for meaning it spooned out easily, and
of ration will be most needed, and rehydrate meal pouches. flavour the berry fruits were very tasty
then cram the cardboard carton full of indeed. I could eat a shedload of
the sort of sweet and sticky snacks Carl opted for Menu 4 as our taste this one too. Incidentally, don't forget
that not only your mum would tell you sample, probably because he knows to remove the oxygen scavenger
were bad for you but the little devil on I love a curry, and this meant dinner sachet before adding water to both
your left shoulder would tell you to eat. was Chicken Tikka and Rice followed pouches
Opening the MCR is like walking into a by Mixed Fruit and Custard. The
tuck shop, and as I have a typical supplier of both these courses was Breakfast was a 100ml sachet of
Glaswegian's sweet tooth I had no Mountain House of Preston, a name muesli which required 100ml of
problem consuming each and every anyone shopping in the better water and a one minute stand to
morsel over the course of a couple of outdoor leisure and camping outlets prepare it for eating. I must confess
days. will recognise, and indeed the curry that I am not really into budgie food,
came in their standard commercial much preferring hot porridge oats
There are only two proper meals packaging. All that was needed to made with water and sprinkled with
catered for in the roughly reconstitute this tasty dish in its zip- salt (the milk and sugar method is
230x180x180mm (9.5x7x7 inches) locked sachet was the addition of for Jessies) but the muesli was
CCR carton; namely breakfast and 350ml of boiling water and a good stir acceptable.
evening meal. This makes particular at either end of the 8-9 minute
sense for the Arctic theatre winter standing period. Now to the snacks, and what a
deployments where you are likely to be treasure trove there was. Menu 4
on the move throughout the short The Custard and Mixed Fruit contains: two Yorkie chocolate bars -
the civvy ones these days; a
fruit and oat bar; a golden oat
bar; a caramel cereal bar; a
! cranberry cereal bar; chocolate
chip oat biscuits; mixed berry oat
biscuits; golden oatie biscuits;
Wild West Original beef jerky;
Imperial fruit mix; Imperial nut mix; a
pack of individually wrapped boiled
fruit sweets and; a pack of Polo

On the drinks side there were four

individual sachets containing;
Orange beverage powder;
Raspberry energy drink powder;
Exotic Fruits isotonic drink powder
and; instant hot chocolate powder.
Incidentally, several of these also
feature in other NATO ration
packs we have covered in this
series. Inside the sundries
pack were four more drinks in
the form of two instant coffee
sachets and two teabags.

Other bits and pieces in the

resealable polythene bag containing

Combat & Survival 55

14 15

14: There is
enough in the
brew kit for two
coffees and two
teas - note quality
brands are
supplied the sundries kit included: 5x windproof
matches and striker; 4x sachets
15: Hygiene wipes, whitener; 4x sachets sugar; 6x water
dental chewing purification tablets; 2x dental chewing
gum, windproof gum; 4x wet wipes; small pack of soft
matches and tissues; a plastic spoon and; a second
sterilising tablets resealable polythene bag for waste.
Printed on the underside of the carton
there is also a simple range card and
16: Contents of the on the front there is a hazardous
Sundries pack warning label, no doubt conceived by
16 include brew some seat-polishing Euro-bureaucrat,
components and to help relieve the boredom for five
hygiene minutes.
Finally, on the back of the contents list
Images © is a short questionnaire and prize draw
Bob Morrison : entry form to allow the end user to
Military Scene provide feedback to the Defence Fuel
& Food Services Team at Abbey

I am not eligible to enter, but if I was

answering Question 3 I would advise
them to change the type of nuts
supplied as they were bland and
boring; though as I had just spent a
week munching through packs of
superbly tasty mixed nuts in Jordan
my palate might have been spoilt a bit.

1: This torch now 2

lives in my daysack
pouch but the belt

clip means it can
ith their TAC74 Backup LED be attached to
1 Torch Niton Tactical have webbing
overcome this by designing
it to also accept a single 2: TAC74 Backup
conventional, and widely available, AA bat- LED Torch is 3
tery by merely adding a body extension supplied with
adapter ring. Measuring a fraction over 4"
(105mm) in AA mode, or 3.5" (90mm)
either a CR123A
when configured for a CR123A lithium bat-
lithium battery or a
tery, this triple mode torch has a runtime of normal AA battery
40-45 minutes on full power and a range
of 100 to 150 metres at 190 lumens 3: Adapter ring
dependent on whether the 1.5V or 3V bat- removed and
tery is used. When turned On, one tap of lithium battery
the soft button On/Off switch on the base fitted - AA cell
reduces the beam to 50% and a doubler alongside gives online go to then click on
tap turns the torch into a strobe. Torches & Lighting and under brands select
some idea of size NITON TACTICAL. Alternatively ring 01293
The Backup Led Torch, which comes in a 549 858 ... and please don't forget to tell
sturdy presentation box complete with
Images © them C&S sent you.
either a Lithium or AA battery, has a
Bob Morrison :
Stubby 3-Volt lithium batteries
belt/pocket clip attached as
Military Scene This is one very useful and quite powerful
are great for powering small standard, but a Blackjack little spare torch which has already found a
torches, but their one downside mount for attaching it to home in one of the accessory pouches
is that replacements can be a bit weapon or helmet is also attached to the MultiCam daysack I use as
difficult to source in a hurry. available from Niton. To buy a camera bag. Recomended.

56 Combat & Survival


Left: Ussen
Ussen sounds a Otterburn top in
little bit like it is conjunction with
but it is not. Baltic hat and
(Long story - see gloves on a chill
P34 of the Lakeland evening
December 2011
issue). The good
news is that all
1: Ussen Otterburn
Ussen products fleece outer
are made here in garment worn with
UK, which makes Baltic hat and
a change for

Images © Mike Gormley

clothing these
days. Not only
that, they are 2: Norj hat with
good as well. top and gloves -
note the different
ways the cuffs can
be worn to suit
user needs

3: The Ussen Baltic

range I have been
using through the
They are a good close fit and, above
all, they are long enough to come well
up to cover the wrist and lower forearm 4: Baltic Norj top
so doing away with those cold gaps so showing how the
often experienced when wearing close fitting sleeve
gloves. The tops are elasticated to form overlaps the glove 4
a good seal and to keep them in place.
with thumb loops
I had been using two Ussen tops. The
Baltic Norj Zipped Pro is really a 5: For more on the
replacement and upgrade for the well Ussen story see
known 'Norgy' army shirt so well loved the December
by forces personnel. This is lighter and
more modern with a very nice soft feel 2011 issue of C&S
maintained after numerous washes, or
at least mine has. The Baltic Norj is very 5
pleasant to wear as a base layer or on
its own. The decent length zip gives

good venting and also produces a mid
way collar; not crew and not full polo,
have been using the items covered so fits in under other top layers. The
here for some months now, over Baltic is also long enough to prevent
the winter, and like them a lot. draughts. One of the major design
They are comfortable, well thought benefits, to me at least, is the sleeve
out as regards to design, and as warm and cuff. The cuff can be worn long
as they are supposed to be. This said, and has a thumb loop and like this
and the fact you will be mostly likely be covers the lower arm, wrist and part of
reading this in summer months, they the hand, overlapping gloves if worn. It
will be ideal for those chill summer can also be folded back into a cuff
evenings as well as not being OTT. If which is a close fit so keeps wind out.
the weather is 'Baltic', then this is the All in all a really good item of kit.
hat for you. The Baltic is a heavy duty
warm hat for when it is cold. If less The second top I have is the new
cold or you want to wear something Otterburn, due to be launched at the
thinner or under a helmet, then the Outdoor Trade Show, which is a more
Flight Hat is the one for you. basic thicker fleece zip necked top. I
say basic in that it is really a zip neck
I have also been using the Flight pullover mid / top layer. This said, I use
Gloves, which are quite light really but it a great deal both in combination with
good enough as stand-alone gloves for the Baltic and other base layers and on the new Ussen website in June. In
lighter use. However they also make also a lot around the house as a casual addition to their fleeces and thermals,
very good inner / liner gloves and I top. It is great next to skin as it is soft Ussen will shortly be adding
have used them under mitts; a good and cosy. Cuffs are of a loose fit as is waterproof clothing and a small range
combination as these are man enough the top in general. of walking trousers to their ever-
to stand up to reasonable use when growing portfolio. Reversing the trend,
the mitts come off for added dexterity. I really like this one, which will feature all garments will be UK made.

58 Combat & Survival

Product - UK Contact: Bug Ger Off / Kendrick Imports Prepared 4 / Prepared 4 Ltd. Ussen / Ussen
Telephone - Web: 0845 475 1281 / 01243 527105 / 07810551638 /

With a name like this it just

has to come from South
Africa. Perhaps they should
have added ‘man’ at the end
just to confirm it. This
product is brought to these
shores by the same people
who market the Rogue hat
range, also seen on these
pages for time to time.

6 his is really a ‘heads up’ so

it can be read at an
appropriate time of year, as I
have not yet had the
opportunity to try it out in anger as I
write; but as this goes to print I will be
in Scotland so will no doubt be finding
out if it really does work. Kendrick say
it works on Scottish midges as well as
South African insects. We will see.

Bug Ger Off is non-DEET and uses a

variety of natural products but the
principle one is Tagetes oil, taken from
the Khaki Bush, as used in Africa by
organic farmers to keep the unwanted
away from their crops. Guess they
should know what works.

Seen here are the wrist strap and

Bug Ger Off body crème, wrist strap and drops as well as the Body Crème and
drops awaiting a midge test in early there is a range of other related
products. I will let you know how I get
Scottish summer on but you may wish to give it a go
yourself – sounds like it should work
so worth a try, I think.

This is nifty and ‘engineered’ as dry. The rod itself is screwed in

variant of a well known theme place and can be replaced, if
to light fires without matches required, as can the striker. The striker
or lighters or the rubbing can also be sharpened to give it a
of sticks together. better striking edge.
Above Left: Almost

away until required. A lanyard and
ready for work - rings are also supplied along with
he device is full the container detailed instructions.
enclosed in a screwed This is a becomes a
capsule to keep it both neat little tool, screw-on Above: Nano striker comes
tidy and protected, as well very light and easy to stow handle boxed with detailed instructions

Combat & Survival 59

Product - UK Contact: Smartwool / Smartwool
Telephone - Web: 07715104553 /

Another truly multi-

functional top from
Smartwool. Perhaps aimed
more at the sporting side of
things, it is made from a
combination of Merino and
polyester. The main area of
the garment is of quite light
construction to maximise
air flow, ventilation and
breathability but the areas
where there are likely to be
a heavier load, such as
under a pack, have a closer
softer weave to prevent

6 he zip is quite long for

good ventilation when
required. Also zipped is a
small pocket around the
back for such things as a set of
keys. The fit is close but not figure
hugging so is comfortable when
hot, and easy to get on and off
again if hot. The Teller has a long
cut with added ‘drop tail’ to prevent
‘leaks’ occurring between shorts /
trousers and top, thereby avoiding
chilled kidneys and back.

A garment that will get a lot of use,

mine does.

Main Image:
The Smartwool Teller Tech Zip Top
Around the side is a handy and
Images © Mike Gormley

discrete zipped pocket

60 Combat & Survival




ritish Army representation on JW Left: Monday morning to photograph the
121 included troops from 16 Air The only heart- Pathfinders on the Drop Zone and then
Assault Brigade who focused on stopping moment watch a company battlegroup from 3
a theatre entry operation into a during the drop Para lob in from a pair of Hercs onto
notional country. The Airborne Task Braid Fell high above Loch Ryan. With
was when the
Force (ABTF) used a combination of all troops safely on the ground, the
parachute, air assault and tactical air
Para on the right Para’s mortar section set up on the
landings from RAF C-130 Hercules, had to deploy his edge DZ and the rest of the company
French Air Force C-160 Transall and reserve to tabbed off to secure key objectives.
RAF Chinook helicopters to seize and resolve a main
secure the airfield at West Freugh. canopy issue as Shortly afterwards the remainder of the
per SOPs ABTF, based around the 5th Battalion
Despite the ridiculously short notice The Royal Regiment of Scotland
given to the media by UK MoD, C&S battlegroup, undertook a Rapid Air
managed to get up to the Stranraer Land (RAL) by Chinook helicopter and
area by silly o’clock on a beautiful April Transall transport aircraft at West

62 Combat & Survival


1 2

1: Safely on the ground -

the nearest Para has
collapsed his LLP canopy
to avoid being dragged in
the stiff breeze but his
colleague is still tugging
on his lines to deflate his

2: Weapons in hand and daysacks slung,

a re-formed section from 3 PARA tabs off the
Drop Zone to seize the first objective within an
hour of the first man dropping

3: Standard weapon for British Paras is the

5.56mm SA80A2 and these days most opt to fit the
vertical downgrip which makes the weapon easier
to hold if wearing body armour

Combat & Survival 63

4 5

4: The 5.56mm Minimi L110A1 Light

Machine Gun with collapsible Para stock
is usually issued to every fourth man in
an infantry patrol

Freugh airfield, which they then

defended and from where they
subsequently conducted several
more air assault operations to defeat
a notional enemy force. We will cover
this phase next month.

In total this part of the exercise

involved more than 1,600 troops and
was supported by Apache, Chinook
and Royal Navy Sea King helicopters
from the Joint Helicopter Force. RAF
fast jets and support aircraft, as well
as several US and French aircraft,
took part in JOINT WARRIOR 121, 5: Although not required for this phase of
and this spring the ABTF was joined the exercise many Paras wore the TESEX
by a number of personnel from the laser detectors which would be required
French 11th Parachute Brigade as later during attacks on defended positions
part of the evolving Franco-British
Combined Joint Expeditionary Force. Images © Bob Morrison : Military Scene



64 Combat & Survival

The science and art of leading he would claim that success in football is
people, of getting them to share as much about keeping the correct
your dream and vision, of inspiring formation as individual skill.
them to make the sacrifices that
are necessary in order to even have The other form of leadership is often a form
an opportunity of enjoying the fruits of of inspiration, whereby the leader creates a
eventual success, is something that is at the team spirit or esprirt de corps that allows
heart of every management manual and is the team to achieve more than would be

Image © Bob Morrison : Military Scene

considered the foundation of any successful expected of them. Harry Redknapp at
organisation or venture. How strange it is Tottenham is a famous example of this
then, that in practice no-one actually seems style of management, in direct contrast to
to know what it is that makes a good leader, the previous England manager Fabio
or how you can choose who the good leader Capello, who often seemed to think that
will be out of all of the people who put the reason that England failed was that the
themselves forward for the job. players weren’t good enough to play the
style of football he wanted from them.

It is often said of a sacked football

manager that he ‘had lost the dressing
room’, meaning that the players had lost
their faith in his abilities to lead them to
success. Once that happens the loss of
morale and the willingness to make the
final effort that makes the difference
between winning and losing means that a
self-fulfilling cycle of demoralisation –

failure – increased demoralisation means
he question of leadership is always at the heart of any that it is just a matter of time before the
issue that makes the front-pages of the daily newspaper, club’s owners make the inevitable decision
whether it is: the political leadership style of Nicolas to replace the manger and get in someone
Sarkozy vs Francois Hollande, Tony Blair vs Gordon new.
Brown or Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney; or in the business
pages where the response to a tough period is often the The problem is in deciding who. Kenny
discussion of the failings of the current leadership; or, Dalglish was brought in precisely because
in particular, in the sports pages, where the he was the fans’ choice after the
decision to replace one manager with another perceived failing of Roy
is a clear triumph of optimism over experience. Hodgson to either
If, as has been said, every political career ends understand or reflect the
in failure, then even more so is the new Messiah glory that was Liverpool
who is hailed as the saviour of the club one weekend likely Football Club, and yet
to be cast aside as a failed experiment once the team Liverpool finished the season in
demonstrates that whatever skills the new manager may have, its worst position for twenty years. On
the ability to get his team to win is not one of them. the other side of the coin, Brendan Rogers,

Whether it is Kenny Dalglish, a man The first is leadership through the manager of newly-promoted
Please visit to see
what we are up to – and feel free to drop me a line
After twenty years of running Meido Ltd and Meido

who is claimed to represent the soul management, where the leader brings a Swansea City, managed to make his
of Liverpool more than any other technical skill to the job, and will often team perform over and above what
person on the planet, and who could see the way to overall improvement as would have been expected from them
Consultants, I have completely rebranded my

be trusted to inspire his charges to finding improvements through on the basis of any logical analysis. The
reach levels of inspiration and incremental changes in policies and problem will be if, as happened with
operations as David Rubens Associates.


perspiration that others could not, or procedures. These leaders are often Villas-Boas before him, the ability to
Andres Villas-Boas, a young manager analytical, and see the issue of manage a small club to success is
who had seen success in Portugal improvement as one of ‘systems seen as an indication that he will be
and who was expected to bring his management’. Their skill is to increase able to manage a major club in the
magic to work in a completely the effectiveness of the organisation, and same way.
different environment at Chelsea, it is they do not see it as part of their job role
clear that whatever it is that does to necessarily build a relationship with Leadership seems to be as much an
make a successful manager, it cannot the people under their command. issue of magic and witchcraft as any
be easily identified or bought with a simple analysis of leadership skills, and
chequebook. Roy Hodgson, the new England if managers on £10,000 per week
manager, is of this type, renowned for regularly fail in their ability to provide
Leadership, at least in its classic making his team practise the same basic leadership to players on £200K per
version, can really be divided into two positions and moves for hundreds of week, it is perhaps no surprise when it
separate sections, neither of which times. His teams have often complained can seem equally elusive to the rest of
have much to do with the other. that training is boring and repetitive, but us.

66 Combat & Survival

Format: Xbox360 Released By: Red Storm / Ubisoft
Release Date: Out Now RRP: £39.99
*Main image as supplied

a near-future timeline that

allows the makers to toy
with some fantastic up-
and-coming technology and
shiny gadgets to lure
players back to the Clancy
way of doing things.

Fans of the Ghost Recon series
have had quite a wait for the ndeed GR:FS even embraces
latest instalment in the series the future by being Kinect
as it has been five years now friendly – some menus and the
since Ghost Recon: Advanced gun customisation interface The future soldier theme also means everything by your tactical displays.
Warfighter 2 originally debuted now support gestural input when plenty of technological treats such
and, to some extent, the gaming putting together your dream as spy grenades which reveal The gameplay in the campaign mode
landscape has been shifted weapon and test-firing it at the enemy positions, portable drones utilises the same over the shoulder,
considerably in that time by the range. While a welcome use of which watch the battlefield from squad based system as Gears of War
likes of Modern Warfare and technology, this also means above and optical stealth camo that and its ilk; and generally entails
Battlefield. In a bid to play getting up and standing in the makes you all but invisible until you rushing from cover to cover as you
catch-up, Future Soldier has centre of the room – which is no move or fire. And that’s all before proceed down a fairly linear route,
eschewed the contemporary bad thing, I guess, but it’s easier we get to the weapons, walking following waypoints to achieve your
setting of its peers in favour of to just use the pad. tanks and pretty lights drawn over objectives. More focus has been

68 Combat & Survival

reincarnated as ‘The Arisen’. From

Format: Xbox360 Released By: Capcom Release Date: Out Now RRP: £39.99
here, the open world is your oyster as
you take on missions to improve your
character in order to be able to take
on bigger, tougher foes leading up to
a showdown with the dragon that has
your heart.

You are assisted in these missions by

‘pawns’ – quest partners either
selected from a preloaded set or from
other players’ characters online,
giving the game more of a MMOG
feel as you pick and choose a team
tactically suited to each foe. You have
one pawn which consistently
accompanies your character and
which can be levelled up alongside
Dragon’s Dogma marks you, but the rest of your team-mates
Japanese publisher Capcom’s have to be hired on a per-mission
first foray into a Western style basis. Combat, while a team effort, is
open world RPG in a market player-led with your pawns providing
that has already seen the magic attacks, healing and melees –
likes of stand-out titles such as well as exhorting you to aim for
as Skyrim and Dark Souls weak points on your foe.
unleashed this year. So, does
this title have what it takes to Dragon’s Dogma is a massive game
raise its game above such with some beautifully realised settings
placed on the action for this members with six game types each illustrious company? and opponents, but it is not without
instalment – something which may boasting two maps and game perks its flaws. Quests can be repetitive

irk traditional GR fans who favoured and rewards dished out for well over the thirty-five hours that the
the more tactical approach of realised teamwork. There is also the he game opens with a fully game is supposed to take to
Future Soldier’s forebears. However, option to play through the campaign tooled-up party taking on a complete and, while the world itself is
charging headlong into battle is still with friends and a ‘horde’ mode that manticore as a prelude to a graphically impressive, the characters
a sure route to an early restart and sees the team face off against 50 face-off with the titular dragon themselves suffer from glitches and
a level of tactical play remains increasingly frenetic waves of but, after slaying the first beast, the clipping that aren’t forgiveable in this
intact. attackers. game whisks you forward to a different day and age. Frame stutter and slow
time when the slumbering dragon is down also rear their ugly heads when
Multiplayer is designed to ensure Three character classes are available: unleashed upon the world once more the combat gets overly frenetic –
cooperation between online team- scouts are a sniper class, clothed in and, after rushing to confront it with especially on the slightly arthritic
optical camo; engineers are handy in your custom built character, you Xbox.
close combat and can hack enemies quickly find yourself
for intel; while riflemen are more minus a heart – In a crowded marketplace, such
resilient and can lay down things matter, but the scope and
suppressive fire. Each class has a breadth of Capcom’s foray into RPG
different weapon set available to territory do much to assuage these
them, all of which are totally issues and Dragon’s Dogma is a
customisable in the aforementioned solid first attempt.
gun-smithing menu.
Rating : 7/10
Neal Molyneaux
The game features beautifully
detailed characters and
weapons but, sadly, falls a
little flat in the environment
detailing. Textures are flat and
sparse and Future Soldier certainly
lacks the visual ‘wow’ factor that
DICE brought to Battlefield 3.
Otherwise, it’s a worthy addition to a
much loved series of games and,
with a little tweaking and extra
downloadable content, could be
one to watch out for.

Rating : 8/10
Neal Molyneaux

Combat & Survival 69

Gil Hibben, knife-maker,
Alaskan hunting guide, HIBBEN ASSAULT AND
martial artist and throwing SOA SURVIVAL EXPLOSION
knife expert, both produced
fighting knives for Vietnam
era servicemen and designed
movie knives for many
Hollywood productions
including some of the
Sylvester Stallone films. John
Wayne, Elvis Presley, Steve
McQueen and Steven Seagal
all had Gil Hibben knives
made specially for them and
Paramount Pictures use him

as the Official Klingon Gil Hibben’s 1: Both the Hibben 2

Armourer for their assault knife Assault and the
productions, so it is fair to has a 7.5” SOA Survival
say that he is the creator of 7CR17 Explosion knives
some of the most widely
stainless steel are produced by
recognised knives in the
industry and collectors will
blade and US manufacturer
pay good money to own his leather United Cutlery
blades. sheath
2: The Hibben

Assault has an 3
he Hibben Assault is a unusual trigger-
custom design 7.5” grip handle for
(190mm) blade Bowie- added grip on the
style knife with leather back stroke
sheath which, though designed
primarily to be a combat soldier’s
knife, will also find favour with
3: The handle of
serious hunters, outdoorsmen and the Hibben Assault
woodsmen. The clip-point blade is is crafted from lanyard hole (lanyard not supplied)
manufactured from 7CR17 stainless Micarta with formed in nickel silver at the top of the
steel and the guard, pommel and nickel silver pins handle. The uniqueness of this
fittings are cast in stainless steel with and lanyard hole particular knife is the trigger-grip
a satin finish. handle which ensures that even in the
wet you do not lose grip on a back
The handle is carved from Micarta stroke if hacking through dense
and attached to the full tang with foliage. Try it and you will see what I
nickel silver pins plus there is a mean.

70 Combat & Survival


4: There is a
double tooth saw
serration on the
back edge of the
SOA knife - note
compass in handle
5: Survival
unsheathed with
survival items
removed from the
6: This concealed OF THE SURVIVAL
compartment in EXPLOSION IS
Explosion sheath
will hold four AUS-6 STAINLESS STEEL
5.56mm NATO

7: Inside the
handle of Survival
Priced at just £65 if bought through Explosion is a this useful 12.75” waterproof
long working knife will not break the cannister held in
bank and if buying if for a collection, place by a button
rather than for work use, it comes compass
complete with a Certificate of
8: SOA knife (left) will no doubt customise to suit in the
incorporates many 7
If you are in the market for a survival way that they would with a survival tin.
knife rather than a more conventional features of my old
combat knife like the Hibben Spetsnaz knife but I reckon that although this design is
Assault, the SOA Survival it is much larger inspired by the US Ranger
and heavier Association, it owes a lot to the more
complex Russian Spetsnaz survival
8 knife with saw and gutting knife
blades stowed in its hinged wirecutter
sheath. Having said that, the SOA
Explosion knife Survival Explosion is in my opinion
might be what more practical and it is also larger
you are looking and heavier than its Russian
for. Also produced by United equivalent and therefore possibly
Cutlery Corp., this 13.75” long more useful for extreme survival use.
knife has an 8.5” (215mm) long
stainless steel sawback blade I particularly like the heavy duty
and a hollow chequered grip double serration sawback blade
handle which houses both a which makes fast work of cutting dry
survival equipment cannister in wood, though if you cut green
a waterproof compartment and a branches you will find you need to
button compass in the screw top. periodically clean out the teeth for
maximum cutting efficiency. If you
need to construct a survival shelter
The ABS-lined nylon sheath this this knife will be worth its weight in
knife comes with is wrapped in five gold.
metres of paracord, beneath which
you will find a synthetic sharpening Although the SOA Survival Explosion
stone in a recess on the back face is good solid outdoor knife, priced at
and there is also a concealed just £19.95 from it
holder for four rifle cartridges is remarkably good value for money.
behind the knife. The contents of However I would recommend ditching
the survival cannister are pretty the cannister and contents and then
basic - some matches, a striker, filling the handle (there is an O-ring
Images © fishing line, a fishhook and a
Bob Morrison : under the compass) with a fire striker
waterproof plaster - but the user
Military Scene and a better fishing kit.

Combat & Survival 71

01484 435011

Classifieds: Cost up to 20 words is £12.00, each additional word costs 50p. Boxed classifieds with logo/photo costs £8.00 per column cm, with a minimum of 3cm
74 Combat & Survival

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