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Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 23–32

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Computers and Geotechnics

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Research Paper

A novel parameter identification approach for buffer elements involving

complex coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical analyses
Long Nguyen-Tuan a,⇑, Tom Lahmer a, Maria Datcheva b,d, Eugenia Stoimenova c, Tom Schanz b
Institute of Structural Mechanics, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany
Chair of Foundation Engineering, Soil and Rock Mechanics, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) analyses contain a large set of constitutive parameters and
Received 22 May 2015 this requires numerous experiments to determine these parameters. This study contributes to the
Received in revised form 20 January 2016 identification of parameters of a coupled THM constitutive model via back analysis of information-rich
Accepted 10 February 2016
experiments. An iterative sampling based back analysis approach is proposed comprising both the model
Available online 3 March 2016
parameter identification and the assessment of the reliability of identified model parameters. The results
obtained in the context of buffer elements indicate that sensitive parameter estimates generally follow
the normal distribution. According to the sensitivity of the parameters and the probability distribution
Parameter identification
Coupled THM problem
of the samples we can provide confidence intervals for the estimated parameters and thus allow a qual-
Sensitivity analysis itative estimation on the identified parameters which are in future work used as inputs for computational
Particle swarm optimisation predictions in high-risk situations.
Confidence interval Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Generally, there are several challenges while conducting model-

based identifications of the constitutive parameters of complex
Back analysis based on non-linear optimisation techniques is models. One main challenge is that the provided measurements
nowadays a well-accepted approach to calibrate models against usually cannot be expected to be in the range of the operator link-
sets of measured data in geotechnical engineering. Several authors ing model input parameters to model output. This is due to noise
highlight such types of parameter identification approaches as generally present in the measurements and abstractions during
suitable ways to solve geotechnical problems in higher accuracy, the model building process. Therefore, a direct invertibility of the
including [1–7]. The advantage of using means of non-linear opti- systems is not possible and we seek for solutions of the inverse
misation is that there is no need to invert the governing equations (i.e. the calibration) problem in the sense of least-squares solu-
with respect to the involved model parameters, as such inversion is tions. Such solutions always exist, however, there is no guarantee
not always easy or possible. The main discussion in the literature that they will be close to the exact solution and that they are
with respect to back analysis approaches has so far addressed unique. The uniqueness issue can be addressed by restricting
the formulation of the objective function and the optimisation search spaces or by providing good initial guesses, if available,
algorithm. In the field of the optimisation based back analysis, and regularisation, for instance according to Tikhonov.
some papers focus on the development of a superior algorithm of Accepting the concept of a least-squares solution for the inverse
the optimisation which has global-search capacity and acceptable problem, it raises another question of how to efficiently find the
computational costs, e.g., [5,8–10]. Other authors worked on the solution. According to the ‘‘no-free-lunch-theorem” [12] there is
formulation of complex objective functions, so that the parameter no strategy which performs better than others on average for all
set minimising the objective function can be reliably used for possible optimisation problems. Inspired by good experiences from
numerical simulations and for making predictions based on these researchers in the field of geotechnics, we employ meta-heuristic
simulations [2,3,11]. approaches which in particular guarantee good solutions for non-
convex complex problems. Besides the above mentioned problems
another challenge arises, namely the stable dependency of the
solution on the data provided. Assume that there are small changes
⇑ Corresponding author.

0266-352X/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
24 L. Nguyen-Tuan et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 23–32

in the data, will this lead to visible changes in the numerical values 2. Parameter identification via back analysis
of the solution? What happens, if we run the applied meta-
heuristic search method, which is based on random number gener- 2.1. Back analysis strategy
ators, several times? To quantify these effects, repeated parameter
identifications are performed and statistics on the results are con- The back analysis strategy employed in this study is illustrated
ducted and interpreted. in Fig. 1. Firstly, the mathematical models for the forward calcula-
It is necessary to point out that the applications of estimating tion are selected. In coupled THM analysis, we use multi-physical
the model parameters for a geotechnical problem based on a statis- relations described in Table 1, which are implemented in the finite
tical approaches, e.g. the maximum likelihood method applied by element code, CODE_BRIGHT [17]. Afterwards, the numerical solu-
[11] or the Bayesian method applied by [3], have difficulties in tion of the forward problem is compared with experimental data
the considered models due to the lack of prior information at least by means of an objective function i.e. a weighted sum of squared
about the empirical parameters involved in the constitutive equa- errors. The objective function is minimised by means of non-
tions. Some researchers suggested that the confidence in the iden- linear optimisation algorithms, in particular by the PSO method
tified parameters can be assessed based on sensitivity measures [15]. The initial values of parameters are randomly selected follow-
e.g. [4] or [7]. However, their approaches do not cope with the dif- ing the uniform distribution within their prescribed ranges of vari-
ficulty of estimating a general sensitivity index for the responses of ation. The sampling process generates np samples of parameters by
a model in a multi-field context as studied in this work. For means of performing np times of the optimisation using the PSO
instance, one parameter might be a sensitive parameter in a partic- method. Next, a sensitivity analysis is carried out and the confi-
ular single-field model but it may be a non-sensitive parameter for dence intervals are determined. The confidence interval theory is
any other quantity in a coupled system. Therefore, estimating the based on assumption that the samples follow a normal distribu-
confidence in identified parameters only based on sensitivity tion, therefore, a normality test has to be performed before calcu-
indices for one output quantity might be less reliable for multi- lating the confidence intervals. A model parameter xj ðj ¼ 1; . . . ; JÞ
field problems. is called a sensitive parameter when the sum of its sensitivity
Particularly, identifying parameters for the coupled THM analy- indices ðRSk Þj is greater than a predefined value S0 , where k denotes
sis in unsaturated soils is a complex problem due to a large set of
the considered model responses (k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K). The confidence
parameters and a variety of variables in the forward calculation
intervals are used to assess the reliability of the identified param-
(i.e. displacements, temperature, pore water pressure and air pres-
sure). Some authors attempted to identify constitutive model eters only for those parameters that are sensitive (i.e. ðRSk Þj > S0 )
parameters for unsaturated soils by means of back analysis, for and their samples follow the normal distribution. The normality
instance [13,14]. They drew an objective function in different sub- test is done according to Shapiro–Wilk [18]. The confidence inter-
spaces and found the minimum of the objective function assuming vals are determined based on the probability distribution of the
that the other parameters are kept constant. In fact, model param- samples, see [16]. The back analysis procedure is presented in
eters vary in the search space during searching process, besides detail in the next subsections.
that the confidence of the identified parameters has not been
assessed. In the paper [10], model parameters for describing the
2.2. Objective function
elasto-plastic behaviour have been identified for unsaturated soils.
The authors have chosen six parameters for identification based on
Let ymeas be a set of observed data from an experiment and
qualitative arguments. However, the quality of the identified
ycalc be a set of obtained data by numerical simulation of this
parameters has not been assessed quantitatively.
experiment depending on a vector of model parameters
Therefore, in this paper, a novel back analysis approach is pro-
posed comprising a model parameter identification and an assess-
ment of the reliability of the identified model parameters.
Parameter sampling process is carried out based on meta-
heuristic optimisation methods, in which parameters are varied
under the control of the computational paradigms such as the Par-
ticle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) [15]. The confidence intervals are
determined based on these parameter samples by means of prob-
ability distribution functions, see e.g. [16]. The approach can be
applied for back analysing a variety of geotechnical problems, in
particular it is well suited for parameter identification problems
including large sets of model parameters and multi-physical
To show the applicability of the proposed method, it is applied
to identify the model parameters for the simulation of the beha- Fig. 1. Schematic presentation of the back analysis strategy.
viour of buffer elements in high-level waste facilities. In proposed
designs of repositories for the isolation of high-level radioactive
waste, the clayey buffer elements play the role as engineered bar-
riers. The behaviour of the clay barrier is highly complex. It Table 1
Constitutive relations in coupled THM analysis.
involves coupled THM phenomena, which take place due to the
simultaneous heating (generated by the radioactive waste) and Variables Constitutive equation Notation
hydrating of the barrier (due to the inflow of water from the sur- Liquid and gas advective flux Darcy’s law ql ; qg
rounding rock) and mechanical forces (due to swelling phe- Vapour and air non-advective Fick’s law iw a
g ; il
nomenon of the buffer). It requires a fully coupled non-linear fluxes
THM numerical analysis for simulating water/vapour transport, Conductive heat flux Fourier’s law ic
Liquid phase degree of saturation Retention curve Sl ; Sg
heat conduction, and modelling of complex thermo-elasto-plastic
Stress tensor Mechanical constitutive model r
stress–strain behaviour.
L. Nguyen-Tuan et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 23–32 25

x ¼ fx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xJ g. The difference between the calculated and mea-  We consider the function f : X # RJ ! R as the objective func-
sured values defines the error tion to be minimised due to prescribed constraints.
meas calc
 We start with n parameter vectors. Each vector has values
f tm ðxÞ ¼ fydtm g  fydtm ðxÞg : ð1Þ defined by the vector of model parameters xi 2 X and is associ-
ated with an updating vector v i for i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n.
A function of the model parameters is expressed as a nor-
 The updating vector of the l  th iteration is computed as:
malised weighted sum of the squared errors
u 2
v i;lþ1 ¼ Ul v i;l þ c1 r1 pil  xi;l þ c2 r 2 plg  xi;l ð4Þ
uXP XM ½f tm ðxÞ xdtm
f MAE ðxÞ ¼ u
t t¼1 m¼1 P P h i2 ; ð2Þ and the updated entries of every parameter vector at l  th iter-
P M d meas
t¼1 m¼1 ðytm Þ ation computes as
xi;lþ1 ¼ xi;l þ v i;lþ1 : ð5Þ
with t ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; P, where P is the number of measured data accord-
ing to time, m ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; M, where M is the number of selected
points for observation, d ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; D is the number of serial mea- The algorithm is described as follows:
surements, for instance temperature, degree of saturation, or stress
in one location and xdtm is the weighting factor for each measure- 1. Initialise:
ment. Values of xdtm depend on the importance and reliability of (a) Set constants lmax ; c1 ; c2 .
the analysed data. In Eq. (2), it is assumed that (b) Randomly initialise the parameter vectors xi0 2 D½xmin ; xmax 
PP PM h d meas i2 in RJ for i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n.
t¼1 m¼1 ytm is larger than zero.
(c) Randomly initialise the initial parameter updated
Finally, considering the multi-field data, such as D different 0 6 v i0 6 v max
0 for i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n.
serial measurements, the objective function is defined as (d) Set l ¼ 1.
2. Minimise:
1X D
ðxÞxd ;
f ðxÞ ¼ f ð3Þ i
(a) Evaluate the function value f l for values xil according to Eq.
D d¼1 MAE
i i i i
where xd is the weighting factor for each serial measurement. (b) If f l 6 f best then f best ¼ f l ; pil ¼ xil .
i g g i
(c) If 6 fl f best
then ¼ f l ; plg ¼ xil .
f best
2.3. Optimisation algorithms (d) If a stopping criterion is satisfied then go to 3.
(e) Compute all parameter updates v il for i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n.
In general, the optimisation methods can be classified in the fol- (f) Update all parameter values xil for i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n.
lowing groups: sampling-based stochastic methods, gradient- (g) Increase l.
based methods, direct search methods and population-based (h) Go to 2(a).
methods. Among these groups, population-based methods provide 3. Terminate the program with f opt ¼ f best .

global search and the results are independent of the initial guess,
however, they are relatively expensive. These methods are suitable We chose the values of optimisation parameters as
for the models having a high number of model parameters for c1 ¼ c2 ¼ 0:8. There is no general rule to select these values opti-
which initial guesses are difficult to establish. PSO [15] was mally. For further information about these parameters, one may
selected as an optimisation algorithm due to the fact that for some see e.g. [19,20] for particular problems. The above algorithm is
parameters no initial guess can be provided, only parameter implemented in the software VARO2PT, see [21], values recom-
ranges, and the complexity of the forward problem supports the mended therein have been used which provided a sufficiently effi-
assumption of a non-convex optimisation problem. cient algorithm.
Particle swarm optimisation works basically by considering a
population (called a ‘‘swarm”) of candidate solutions of the optimi- 2.4. Sensitivity analysis
sation problem (called particles). These particles are moved around
in the search space according to several simple laws. The move- The LSA (Local Sensitivity Analysis) is carried out for the point
ments of the particles are guided by their own best known position
in the parameter space that was identified as an optimal after per-
in the search space as well as the entire swarm’s best known posi- forming the back analysis. The sensitivity analysis is presented
tion. Translating this to parameter identification problems, we con-
hereafter based on the partial derivative based method described
sider a collection (swarm) of parameter vectors. Now, the entries in in [6]. For each increment of a parameter xj with the value of @xj ,
the vectors are repeatedly updated by combining local and global
we receive a value of model responses yktm and the deviation @yktm .
information about the values of the objective functions for the dif-
By utilising the one-at-a-time sampling technique, using the centre
ferent parameter vectors. When better vectors are discovered, they
value of the parameter xj , the parameter xj changes the amount of a
will determine the further updates of the parameters. This process
step size @xj , and the other parameters are fixed at the centre value.
is repeated iteratively and by doing so, it is expected that a satis-
The centre value is chosen as a mean value of the parameter sam-
factory solution of the calibration problem will eventually be dis-
ples obtained by the sampling process. The procedure is as follows:
covered with high probability.
The PSO algorithm is presented basically as follows: Let us call
2.4.1. Determining scaled sensitivity (SS)
pil the actual best configuration of the i  th parameter vector and
plg is the parameter value which provides the smallest value of The scaled sensitivity of the j parameter is written as follows,
the objective function (globally best parameter vector) in the @yktm
l  th iteration. Let now c1 and c2 be two constants and r1 and r 2 SSktmj ¼ xj ð6Þ
are random numbers between 0 and 1, U is called the inertia func-
tion which is also modelled as uniformly distributed random num- where yktm is an entry of a vector of the model response at time t
ber. In detail: (t ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; P) at the selected point m of the geometrical model, k
26 L. Nguyen-Tuan et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 23–32

denotes the model response (k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K) as in Section 2.1, K ¼ 3 3. Back analysis of thermo-hydro-mechanical column
(saturation, stress and temperature) in this paper. experiments

2.4.2. Determining composite scaled sensitivity (CSS) Back analysis based parameter identification is used widely for
The overall model sensitivity to a given model parameter xj is calibrating parameters for geotechnical models. However, there are
assessed by a composite scaled sensitivity over the entire duration still only few papers on the identification of model parameters for
of the numerical simulation: coupled THM model based on back analysis approaches. The cou-
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pled THM phenomenon is recently attracting the attention of the
1 X P X M h k i2 researchers and engineers involved in the conceptual design of
CSSkj ¼ SStmj : ð7Þ
PM t¼1 m¼1 engineered barriers for storage of spent nuclear fuel and nuclear
waste. The effects of the THM phenomena play an important role
to optimise the performance of the buffer system for the nuclear
2.4.3. Determining the sensitivity index SðjÞ for each of the parameters
waste containers and in order to reduce uncertainties in any pre-
The sensitivity index is used as a normalisation of CSSðjÞ in the
dictions for such systems. In order to reproduce most closely in
range from zero to one
the lab the behaviour of the buffer material, a THM column device
CSSkj was constructed and its setup is given in [24]. The column device
Skj ¼ : ð8Þ enables to obtain variety of transient information about tempera-
maxj ðCSSkj Þ ture, water content, soil suction and swelling pressure at different
locations along the column. The column can control at the same
It is suggested in this paper that a parameter xj is considered a sen-
P k time the boundary conditions for temperature, mechanical load
sitive parameter when the sum of its sensitivity indices k S is and water content in the sample. The measurement data can be
greater than S0 ¼ 0:5, which is a value chosen by experience and used to reveal the interaction among stress–strain distribution,
which may be adapted for other problems. water/moisture flow, and heat conduction. Therefore, the THM col-
umn device can be considered as an information-rich experimental
2.5. Confidence intervals of the parameters setup in the context of multi-field problems.
Concerning the mathematical modelling of the behaviour of
According to the scheme presented in Fig. 1, the confidence buffer materials obeying high swelling potential, widely used for
interval is used to assess the reliability of the parameter only if THM analysis, a constitutive model developed at UPC Barcelona
the parameter is a sensitive parameter and the distribution of its [25,26]. In the following subsections, the constitutive models used
samples follows the normal distribution. Otherwise, the samples for the coupled THM analyses are presented.
of the parameter cannot be used for determining the confidence
interval. It will be discussed in detail in Section 3.3. 3.1. Formulation of the forward model
The distribution of the parameter samples is verified through
the test of Shapiro–Wilk [18], in order to confirm the normal distri- The THM problem is simulated by solving a system of balance
bution of the samples. For the normality test, the W statistic is cal- equations enriched by a set of constitutive equations as described
culated as follows, in the following subsection. The system of balance equation is
Pnp 2 updated and solved iteratively in the time-dependent problems.
n¼1 an xj ðnÞ Equations for mass balance were established following the compo-
Wj ¼ h i2 ; ð9Þ
Pnp sitional approach [27]. The mass balance is prescribed for both liq-
n¼1 xj ðnÞ  lj
uid and gas phases. The equation for the balance of energy is
where lj is the mean value of parameter xj ; n is number of the sam- established for the whole medium. The equation of momentum
balance in the porous medium is reduced to stress equilibrium
ples, an is constant generated from the means, variances and covari-
equation. Constitutive equations are used to connect the primary
ances of the order statistics of a sample of size np and is given in
unknowns (displacements, liquid pressure, gas pressure and tem-
[22]. It is suggested that if W j > W 0 ¼ 0:9, the samples are consid-
perature) with parameters and dependent variables like water sat-
ered to follow a normal distribution in this paper.
uration and energy flux. In the scope of this paper, we only
When the number of samples is smaller than 30, the Student t-
introduce constitutive equations to clarify the relations and
distribution is recommended to estimate the confidence intervals
[16,23]. Assuming an unbiased estimate of the sample variance
(sj ) of the j  th parameter, the confidence interval is estimated by
3.1.1. Constitutive equations of the coupled thermo-elasto-plastic
sj sj model
lj  tu ðnp Þ pffiffiffiffiffi 6 xj 6 lj þ t u ðnp Þ pffiffiffiffiffi ; ð10Þ
Gens et al. [28,29] drew the constitutive model under the
np np
thermo-elasto-plastic theory for unsaturated soil (BBM-TEP). The
where t u ðnp Þ is the Student t percentile dependent on a percentile of BBM-TEP model is adopted for stress–strain behaviour in CODE_B-
xj and sample size np ; t u ðnp Þ is the critical value of the Student t- RIGHT Finite Element code. The increment of the strain is a sum of
distribution. When the number of samples (np ) is greater than 30, the increment of the elastic and plastic strain components as
normal distribution is recommended to estimate the confidence follows,
intervals. The formulas in [16,23] can be used to estimate the con-
de ¼ dee þ dep : ð11Þ
fidence interval. Certainly, the greater the number np the more
accurate are the estimates of the confidence intervals. However, Following the two stress variable concept in unsaturated soil
np is limited by the computational costs of the forward problems. mechanics, the elastic part of the strain increment is taken to be
For instance, each forward computation of the THM problem a sum of the increments of suction induced dese , net stress
expends 15 min, PSO method with 10 different parameter vectors induced dere and the strain increment due to temperature change
requires 150 iterations to attain the convergence criteria, conse- deTe . The final relation for the elastic strain increment reads:
quently one sample costs 15 days. It could cost more than a year
for np > 30 when computing on a single processor machine. dee ¼ dere þ dese þ deTe : ð12Þ
L. Nguyen-Tuan et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 23–32 27

The nonlinear elastic law for the volumetric strain induced by The tensile strength equation is adopted from [29]. The tensile
the net stress is expressed in Eq. (13). strength ps follows a linear relationship with suction and is an
exponential function of temperature:
ji ðsÞ dp0
derv e ¼ and p0 ¼ p  maxðPg ; Pl Þ ð13Þ ps ¼ ps0 þ ks s expðqDTÞ; ð23Þ
1 þ e p0
where ks is the parameter that takes into account the increase in
where ji ðsÞ is defined by: tensile strength due to suction, ps0 is tensile strength in a saturated

jio ð1 þ ai sÞ if 1 þ ai s P 0:001 state, q is a parameter that takes into account the decrease in
ji ðsÞ ¼ ð14Þ
0:001 kio if 1 þ ai s < 0:001 tensile strength due to the temperature increment. The isotropic
hardening depends on the plastic volumetric strains epv as follows:
where p is the total mean stress and p0 ¼ p  maxðPg ; Pl Þ; Pg and P l
are the gas pressure and the liquid pressure, e is the void ratio and dpo ¼ p dep : ð24Þ
jio and ai are the model parameters. kso  jio o v
Suction and temperature induce only volumetric strains with
constitutive equations given as follows: 3.1.2. Constitutive equations of the hydraulic model
js ðp0 ; sÞ
ds Advective flow of the water phase is described by the gener-
¼ ; dev
¼ ao dT ð15Þ alised Darcy’s law as follows:
1 þ e s þ pat
with ql ¼  ðrPl  ql g Þ; ð25Þ
js ðp ; sÞ ¼ jso jsp exp ðass sÞ
where ll is the dynamic viscosity of the pore liquid, g is the gravity
acceleration, ql is the liquid density. The tensor of intrinsic permeabil-
8 !
> 1020 ity k usually depends on porosity according to the Kozeny’s model:
> 1 þ a ln if p0 6 1020
> sp
> pref /3 ð1  /o Þ2
>  k ¼ ko ; ð26Þ
< 1 2
jsp ¼ 0 if p0 P pref exp ð17Þ ð1  /Þ /3o
> ! where / is the porosity, /o is the reference porosity,
> p0
> ko ¼ diagðkxx ; kyy ; kzz Þ is the intrinsic permeability tensor for a media
: 1 þ asp ln
> elsewhere
pref with porosity /o . Assuming that the material is isotropic, ko is
described by solely one permeability value, i.e. ko ¼ kxx ¼ kyy ¼ kzz
The parameters involved are: ao is the thermal expansion coef-
where x; y and z are the Cartesian coordinates. The relative perme-
ficient, jso is the elastic stiffness parameter when changing suction
ability krl , is derived from Mualem-van Genuchten closed form
at zero net stress, pat is the atmospheric pressure, finally, ass and asp
model, [31]:
are model parameters. The elastic parameters ji and js may be
considered independent of temperature in the case of moderate pffiffiffiffiffi
k 2
temperature gradients. krl ¼ Se 1  1  S1=k
e ; ð27Þ
In summary, the volumetric elastic strain is the sum of volumet-
ric strain induced by effective stress, volumetric strain induced by where k is a shape parameter for the retention curve and Se is
suction and expansion/shrinkage due to temperature of material as defined as:
follows: 0 1k
ji ðsÞ dp 0
js ðp ; sÞ
ds Sl  Srl B Pg  Pl 1  k C rT
deev ¼ þ þ ao dT; ð18Þ Se ¼ ¼B
@1þ C
A and P ¼ P0 ;
1 þ e p0 1 þ e s þ pat Sls  Srl P rT0
The yield surface in BBM-TEP model is given in the deviatoric
plane q  p via the following equation:
where Sl ; Sls and Srl are the current, the maximum and the residual
F ¼ q2  M 2 ðp0 þ ps Þðpo  p0 Þ ¼ 0; ð19Þ
liquid degree of saturation, respectively. P 0 is a model parameter, rT
where q¼ 3 D
r : rD , with deviatoric stress defined as is the surface tension of liquid and rT0 is the surface tension of liq-
uid at which P0 was measured. The parameter rT is calculated by
rD ¼ r0  13 r0 : I. The pre-consolidation pressure po depends on suc- empirical relation as in Eq. (29).
tion and it is defined according to [28] as: 
rT ¼ 0:03059 exp
  kso  jio
: ð29Þ
273:15 þ T
p ðTÞ ks  jio
po ¼ pc o c ; ð20Þ
p Molecular diffusion of vapour in air is governed by Fick’s law.
The diffusive flux of water vapour i is written as:
where p is the reference pressure, kso is the plastic stiffness param-
eter, po ðTÞ is the pre-consolidation pressure in the saturated state. i ¼  /qv Sl Dm I rxv ; ð30Þ
po ðTÞ is defined as a non-linear function of temperature as in [30]
where qv is the vapour density, xv is the mass fraction of the
as follows:
vapour, I is the identity matrix and Dm is the diffusion coefficient
po ðTÞ ¼ po þ 2ða1 DT þ a3 DTjDTjÞ ð21Þ of vapour in m2 =s and is defined by:
where a1 and a3 are model parameters. The stiffness parameter as a ð273:15 þ T ÞnD
function of suction is defined as: Dm ¼ sDr ; ð31Þ
ks ¼ kso ½ð1  r Þ exp ðbsÞ þ r ; ð22Þ
where s is the tortuosity, Dr is the molecular diffusion coefficient at
where r and b are model parameters. temperature 273.15 K and nD is a model parameter.
28 L. Nguyen-Tuan et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 23–32

3.1.3. Constitutive equations for the heat conduction

Fourier’s law is adopted for the heat conduction flux, ic as
ð1S Þ
ic ¼ kT rT
where kT ¼ ksat
kdry l ; ð32Þ

where kT is the soil thermal conductivity, ksat and kdry are soil ther-
mal conductivity in the saturated and dry state, respectively.

3.1.4. Coupled THM forward analysis

The solution of the coupled THM problems is performed via the
finite element method. The constitutive relations are summarised
in Table 1. Due to the complexity of the constitutive model there
is a large number of model and material parameters involved.
The model parameters in the THM analysis are classified in groups
depending on their relations i.e. the stress–strain relation (net
stress driven processes), the hydraulic relation (suction driven pro-
cesses), and the temperature relation (temperature driven pro-
cesses). The aim is to clarify the influence of each group of
parameters on each response of the THM analysis. The input vector
(x) is composed of the following parameter sets:
Fig. 2. Description of numerical model geometries and boundary conditions: (a)
HM test, (b) THM test.
 Parameters involved in modelling net stress driven processes
(dr – 0):
M ¼ jio ; ai ; pref ; kso ; r; b; ks ; ps0 ; pc ; M; eo ; po . Table 2
Test and procedures.
 Parameters involved in modelling suction driven processes
(ds – 0): Test name Temperature Hydration Initial w(%)
H ¼ P 0 ; k; /0 ; ko ; js0 ; ass ; asp . (°C) (kPa)

 Parameters involved in modelling temperature driven processes Top Bottom Top Bottom
(dT – 0): HM test 20 20 No 15 10
T ¼ s; Dr ; nD ; ksat ; kdry ; a0 ; a1 ; a3 ; q . THM test Phase 1 20 80 No No 9
Phase 2 20 80 5 No
Therefore the vector of model parameters reads:
x ¼ ðH; T ; MÞ ð33Þ Numerical forward simulations were performed for two tests by
means of Finite Element code. The code allows simulating the cou-
The vector of serial model responses corresponding with mea-
pled THM behaviour of sand-bentonite mixture during the tests.
surements ycalc is composed as follows:
Because the column sample is axis symmetric, the model was built
ycalc ¼ ydtm ðxÞ ¼ ðSl ðtmÞ; ryy ðtmÞ; TðtmÞ; sðtmÞÞcalc ð34Þ in the X–Y plane, but the problem was solved as an axis-symmetric
problem with a Y axis-symmetry. Details on the initial and bound-
where Sl ðtmÞ is the degree of saturation, ryy ðtmÞ is the vertical ary conditions can be found in [24]. There are in total 28 parame-
stress, TðtmÞ is the temperature and sðtmÞ is suction over time t at ters in the systems, however the values of some parameters are
observation point m. determined exactly from other experiments on the same specimen
(i.e. eo ¼ 0:88; /o ¼ 0:48 and pref ¼ 10 (kPa)). It experiences from
3.2. THM column experiment and numerical simulation experiments and literature [28] that other parameters do not influ-
ence the analysis of the studied materials (i.e. ks ; q; pso in Eq.
Two different tests have been performed: (1) a hydro-mechanical (23)). Hence, finally 22 parameters are considered in the back anal-
(HM) test and (2) a thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) test, see [24] ysis. More so, according to literature and experiments in our lab on
and Table 2. The volume of the soil samples were kept constant dur- similar soils, the ranges of the parameter variations (search space)
ing these tests. In the HM test, water was supplied from the bottom have been defined and are presented in Tables 3–5.
of the sample at 15 (kPa) water pressure (Fig. 2a). The temperature
was kept constant at 20 (°C) during the test. In the THM test, the pro-
3.3. Results and discussions
cess was performed in two phases. The column sample was heated
from the bottom at 80 (°C) and cooled from the top at 20 (°C) in
In this work, a minimisation of the objective function was
the first phase. In the second phase, water was supplied from the
always successful and a significant reduction in its value by PSO
top at 5 (kPa) water pressure while keeping the thermal condition
method was achieved, see Fig. 3. The objective function decreases
as in the first phase (Fig. 2b). The temperature was measured by
quickly from the first iteration to the 60th iteration. The objective
thermocouple devices (TH1, TH2 and TH3). The water content was
function decreases slowly from the 60th to the 80th iteration and
measured by time domain refractometry (TDR) devices (TDR1,
after the 80th iteration the objective function is nearly unchanged.
TDR2 and TDR3). The suction was measured by relative humidity
Therefore, the maximum iteration number selected here is 120
sensors (RH1, RH2 and RH3). The vertical stress is measured by the
iterations for PSO optimisation, and the swarm of parameter vec-
load cell at the top of the column. Therefore, there are totally 10 ser-
tors includes 10 vectors. For the sampling process, we performed
ies of measurements (D ¼ 10) in this study. The test results provide a
12 iterations (np ¼ 12) for each forward problem (HM and THM).
vector of serial measurements ymeas as follows
Consequently, there are in total 24 samples of the identified
meas parameters occurring in two forward problems. The initial param-
ymeas ¼ ydtm ¼ fSl ðtmÞ; ryy ðtmÞ; TðtmÞ; sðtmÞgmeas : ð35Þ eter values were randomly selected according to a uniform
L. Nguyen-Tuan et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 23–32 29

Table 3 g
f best converges to almost identical values. This might be generally
Parameters involved in modelling net stress driven processes.
because of the non uniqueness solution of the problem or
M jio (–) ai (–) kso (–) r (–) b (MPa1) pc (MPa) M (–) p0 (MPa) insensitivity of these parameters. In the scope of this paper, it is
Min 0.005 0.030 0.050 0.75 0.005 0.008 0.90 0.15 supposed that these parameters are insensitive parameters. If the
Max 0.020 0.000 0.150 0.99 0.500 0.070 1.40 0.50 model is not sensitive with these parameters, these parameters
cannot be identified by back analysis based on these experiments.
However, such a model parameter may be identified by back
analysis of other experiments.
Table 4 The proposed sensitivity analysis was used to assess the sensi-
Parameters involved in modelling suction driven processes.
tivity of the model response with respect to the model input
H asp (–) ass (–) js0 (–) P 0 (MPa) k (–) ko (m2) parameters. The results of the sensitivity analysis are presented
Min 0.1 0.008 0.001 0.30 0.30 1.0E17 in Fig. 4, which shows that each parameter influences some partic-
Max 0.5 0.000 0.025 1.70 0.65 1.0E15 ular processes.
According to the scheme in Fig. 1, any parameter is only
selected for the confidence interval analysis if it satisfies two crite-
Table 5 ria: (i) it has a sum of sensitivity indices greater than S0 ¼ 0:5, (ii)
Parameters involved in modelling temperature driven processes. the distribution of its samples obeys a normal distribution
T Dr s nD ksat kdry ao a1 a3 (W j > 0:9). Therefore, the selected parameters are
(m2 =s) (–) (–) (W/mK) (W/mK) (°C1) (MPa/°C) (MPa/°C2) P0 ; k; ko ; ksat ; js0 ; nD . Some parameters (e.g. asp ; a0 ) have the
Min 1.0E10 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.4 5.0E6 8.6E3 4.5E3
sensitivity index higher than 0.5, but they could not pass the nor-
Max 9.0E06 1 2.0 1.5 0.9 5.0E5 8.3E3 4.3E3 mality test. The reason for this might be that they are strongly
influenced by the inherent uncertainties in the measurements of
the HM and THM test, respectively. The two tests produce two
independent sets of samples. The probability distribution of these
100 two sets may not be the same, therefore when combining two sets
Sample 1
Objective function fbest

of samples in a histogram, it will not show a normal distribution or


Sample 2 not pass the normality test. It indicates solely that the normality
Sample 3
test is indispensable in order to avoid identifying the confidence
Sample 4
interval for parameters influenced by the uncertainty in the
10−1 Fig. 5 presents the histograms and scaled Student probability
density distribution (PDF), in which model parameters are nor-
malised from 0 to 1 corresponding to their minimum and maxi-
mum boundaries, respectively. From Fig. 5, it is clear that these
parameters have their distribution close to the normal distribution.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
The figure also indicates that the high sensitive parameters have
Iteration step
narrow ranges of their probability density functions (i.e.
Fig. 3. Objective function f best versus iteration step. P0 ; k; ko ). Less sensitive parameters have wider ranges of their
probability density distributions (i.e. ksat ; js0 ; nD ). For the non-
sensitive model parameters, the probability distributions show
distribution for each forward computation. The sampling process no pattern and significantly deviate from the normal distribution.
yields different sets of parameters. Some of the obtained parame- From this, we derive that the confidence intervals for these param-
ters vary significantly among the different samples, even though eters may not be reliably estimated. The confidence intervals are

HM test Stress


2 Saturation
Stress THM test

κi0 κs0 αss αi αsp α0 M pc p∗0 P0 λ ko Dr τ nD λdry λsat
Fig. 4. Sensitivity indices Sj .
30 L. Nguyen-Tuan et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 23–32

P0 λ ko
W = 0.92 W = 0.91 W = 0.95
Frequency 6

nD λsat κs0
W = 0.96 W = 0.91 W = 0.95

0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
Normalised parameter value
Fig. 5. Histogram and PDF of the parameter samplings.

Table 6
Confidence intervals of the parameters. estimated considering typical confidence coefficients (cc ¼ 95%),
which means that the expected value of each of the identified
P0 k ko ksat js0 nD
model parameters is with a 0.95 probability within the confidence
Mean 1.51 0.339 2.03E16 1.33 0.0071 0.79 interval. Table 6 presents the mean value, the upper (CIU ) and the
CIL 1.45 0.328 1.55E16 1.28 0.0012 0.73
lower (CIL ) bound of the confidence interval calculated using Eq.
CIU 1.58 0.349 2.50E16 1.38 0.013 0.86
(10). The result in Fig. 5 shows that in general the parameters,

Measurement - load cell
0.8 40
Vertical sress (kPa)
Saturation (-)

Measurement - TDR 1
Measurement - TDR 2 20
0.4 Measurement - TDR 3
Simulation - TDR 1
Simulation - TDR 2
0.2 Simulation - TDR 3
0 20 40 60 80 100 10−1 100 101 102

Measurement - RH 1 Measurement - TH 1
Measurement - RH 2 Measurement - TH 2
20 Measurement - RH 3 Measurement - TH 3
Temperature (◦C)
Suction (MPa)

Simulation - RH 1 21 Simulation
Simulation - RH 2
Simulation - RH 3


0 19
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (h) Time (h)
Fig. 6. HM test: curve fitting with mean parameter values.
L. Nguyen-Tuan et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 23–32 31

1 80
Measurement - TDR 1 Hydration → Measurement - load cell
Measurement - TDR 2 Simulation

Vertical sress (kPa)

Measurement - TDR 3
Hydration →
Saturation (-)
Simulation - TDR 1 60
0.6 Simulation - TDR 2
Simulation - TDR 3

0 20
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 101 102 103 104

200 70
Measurement - RH 1 Measurement - TH 1
Measurement - RH 2 Measurement - TH 2
Hydration →
Measurement - RH 3 Hydration → 60 Measurement - TH 3
150 Simulation - RH 1 Simulation - TH 1

Temperature (◦ C)
Simulation - RH 2 Simulation - TH 2
Suction (MPa)

Simulation - RH 3 Simulation - TH 3


0 20
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Time (h) Time (h)
Fig. 7. THM test: curve fitting with mean parameter values.

which are highly sensitive (e.g. ko ; k; P 0 ), have a more pronounced  In the current approach, there are two methods to improve the
peakedness. In contrast, the low sensitivity parameters (e.g. reliability of the identified parameters. The first method, a
ksat ; js0 ; nD ) have less pronounced peakedness. nowadays popular method, is to increase the number of the lab-
The mean value of the samples is now used to perform a numer- oratory tests with suitable boundary conditions. The second
ical simulation for the two tests. The results of the numerical sim- method, as discussed in this paper, is to increase the number
ulation are presented in Figs. 6 and 7. In these figures, the of the samples (np ) in the sampling process and then to assess
simulation are compared with the measurements provided by the results statistically. However, it is not guaranteed that the
[24]. Each experiment point represents a measurement. The num- latter method can improve significantly the solution in case of
ber of measurement points is 272 in the HM test and 583 in the uncertainties or errors in some of the measured data or in case
THM test. From the plots, it can be seen that the numerical simu- of strong abstractions of the model.
lation data has generally a good agreement with the experimental  The proposed back analysis approach may be considered expen-
data for both tests. The temperature measured in HM test has a sive because it requires a significant number of parameter sam-
fluctuation in a range of 1 (°C) due to the accuracy of thermocouple ples (np ) to approximate the distributions of the parameter.
measurement devices and the uncertainty of the temperature  For all statistical tests and derived conclusions, when the num-
controller. ber of samples is not sufficiently large due to the expensive
Based on the above presented analysis, it can be suggested that inverse computations, any results are needed to be interpreted
the following issues should be considered when identifying soil with caution.
model parameters via back analysis:

 Generally, the THM analysis contains a large set of input param- 4. Conclusions
eters due to consideration of many physical processes which
possibly occur in the unsaturated media. The model sensitivity In this paper, a novel back analysis approach is proposed com-
with respect to a given model parameter depends on the bound- bining model parameter identification and the assessment of the
ary conditions and the physical process demanding the employ- reliability of identified model parameters. The obtained results
ment of this parameter in the mathematical description. show that it is a promising method for model parameter identifica-
Therefore, the boundary value problems must be strongly cou- tion, especially in coupled multi-physical problems involving com-
pled with the targeted parameters for identification. plex non-linear constitutive laws. The reliability of an identified
 The parameter sensitivity determines the confidence in the parameter depends on its sensitivity revealed under the particular
parameters obtained by the optimisation method. However, boundary conditions employed in the forward problem. It can be
ranking the general sensitivity of a parameter should be carried confirmed in general that the higher the parameter sensitivity,
out with the awareness that each parameter influences differ- the more narrow is the parameter confidence interval. The
ently the particular types of the responses in a multi-physical approach can be applied for back analysing a variety of geotechni-
problem. cal problems. It is especially designed for parameter identifications
32 L. Nguyen-Tuan et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 23–32

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