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Investor perspectives

Historically, catastrophe bonds have offered

investors excellent performance and compare
favourably with corporate bonds of similar
credit quality and other benchmarks.

Insurance-linked securities offer fixed- attractive asset class. The Cat Bond Indices
income investors the dual advantage of are a series of performance indices which
attractive returns and a method to are constructed to track the coupon return,
improve their overall portfolio risk profile.6 price return and total rate of return for
Historically, cat bonds have offered inves- cat bonds. They are based on indicative
tors excellent performance and compare prices supplied by Swiss Re Capital
favourably with corporate bonds of similar Markets and its affiliates.7 These indices
credit quality and other benchmarks. Cat improved the transparency of cat bond
bonds offer attractive returns over time returns, increasing the tradability of the
and since 2002 have yet to incur a asset class and have become the key
12-month period with a negative return. performance benchmark for the cat bond
(Figure 10). industry. They provide returns dating
back to the beginning of 2002, depict
Swiss Re Capital Markets launched the the overall returns for the sector (Figures
Swiss Re Cat Bond Performance Indices 10 & 11) and illustrate the robustness of
in 2007 to promote cat bonds as an

6 The numerical results provided in this section were calculated by Swiss Re Capital Markets Corp. using
publicly available market data and proprietary data. No authorisation is granted to use or rely on these
results for any other purpose.
7 The Swiss Re Cat Bond Performance Indices are the exclusive property of Swiss Re. Swiss Re has contracted
with Standard & Poor’s to maintain and calculate the indices. S & P Custom Indices calculates the Swiss Re
Cat Bond Indices based on Swiss Re bid pricing indications as of 4.00pm New York time every Friday.
If Friday is a holiday, the pricing indication will be as of 4.00 pm on the preceding business day. The index
values are posted on Bloomberg each week. S & P shall have no liability for any errors or omissions in
calculating the indices.

20 Swiss Re The fundamentals of insurance-linked securities

Figure 10 250
Swiss Re Cat Bond Total Return Indices vs.
benchmarks (04 Jan 2011 to 27 May 2011) 200




Jan 04
Jan 02

Jan 03

Jan 05

Jan 06

Jan 07

Jan 10

Jan 11
Jan 08

Jan 09
Swiss Re Cat Bond Total Return Index Barclays US High Yield
Swiss Re BB Rated Cat Bond Total Return Index S&P 500

Source: Swiss Re Capital Markets

cat bond returns. For more information, Consequently, benefits of portfolio

please see our publication: Swiss Re Cat diversification between financial assets
Bond Performance Indices – February can dissolve when needed most, whereas
2011. the diversification potential with cat
bonds generally remains. The recent
financial crisis offered further support for
Diversification the low correlation between insurance
risk and credit/asset price risk.
Cat bonds provide a source of
diversification because the risk on cat To illustrate the diversification benefits of
bonds is largely uncorrelated with the risk cat bonds, compare the volatility and
of other asset classes.8 During periods of Sharpe ratios (Figure 12) of the Swiss Re
economic distress, which typically Global Cat Bond Total Return Index with
produce a “flight to quality”, correlation the Barclays Ba High Yield Corporate
among risky financial assets increases. Index, and the S & P 500.9 The second

Figure 11 Index (1.4.02–5.27.11)
Swiss Re Cat Bond Total Return Indices: Swiss Re Global Cat Bond Total Return Index 8.04%
Compound annual growth rates Swiss Re Cat Bond Total Return Index (USD) 8.06%
Swiss Re BB Rated Cat Bond Total Return Index 6.99%
Swiss Re US Wind Cat Bond Total Return Index 9.06%
Source: Swiss Re Capital Markets

Figure 12 Swiss Re Global Cat Bond Barclays Ba

Comparative volatility and sharpe ratios Total Return Index US High Yield S & P 500
(04 Jan 2002 to 27 May 2011) Annualized Volatility 2.59% 6.98% 18.70%
Sharpe Ratio 2.33% 0.94% –0.03%
Source: Swiss Re Capital Markets

8 Corporate bonds are exposed to credit risk (sensitivity to potential default of the issuer). Because cat bond
proceeds are invested in a collateral trust account, cat bond holders are largely sheltered from credit risk
of the issuer.
9 Calculated by Swiss Re Capital Markets using proprietary data and the Barclays Capital BB Corporate Index.

Swiss Re The fundamentals of insurance-linked securities 21

Investor perspectives

matrix details the correlation coefficients ILS represent a fraction of the overall
of the weekly returns for the three indices securitised product volume and investors
over the same period. (Figure 13) continue to build buy-side resources to
take advantage of this niche market. ILS
is only offered to the institutional investor
Spreads community to the exclusion of retail
investors.10 Secondly, the relatively small
The correlation between returns on cat market size for cat bonds makes them
bonds and returns on BB corporate bonds less attractive for many of the larger scale
is low, since the sources of default risk to money managers interested in the sector.
cat bonds (natural catastrophes) and to Thirdly, cat bonds are subject to a “cliff
corporate bonds (corporate defaults) are risk”, or the likelihood that the tranche’s
fundamentally independent. In view of notional will quickly be exhausted once
their low correlation, the expected return losses in the portfolio reach the attach-
on cat bonds should, in theory, be lower ment point.
than that of equivalent corporate bonds,
since investors should be prepared to Investors continue to develop a range of
cat bond allocation strategies to fit their
individual objectives. Diversification
within a cat bond portfolio remains a high
In the liquid secondary market, investors priority and new cat bond issues that
provide diversifying perils often receive
have the ability to trade in and out of cat favourable pricing from the capital

bond positions. markets. Alternately, as investor demand

for peak perils constricts, investors with
capacity can take advantage of attractive
opportunities. In the liquid secondary
market, investors have the ability to trade
pay a premium for the benefit of diversifi- in and out of cat bond positions based on
cation supplied by cat bonds. Yet the the seasonality of different natural perils.
market has often seen the opposite dy- Example: An investor searching for higher
namic: Cat bond spreads have exceeded yield could earn a significant premium
those for corporate bonds of similar for holding more “on-risk” bonds during
credit quality. a storm season.

There are several reasons for the excess

spreads on cat bonds versus comparable Liquidity
corporate bonds. Firstly, cat bonds offer
an incentive to invest because many The ILS market is conceived as a tradable
investors are still unfamiliar with them. product. As noted earlier, during the
Investors committed to the sector are financial crisis, multi-strategy hedge funds
paid a “novelty premium,” although this were forced to de-leverage their funds
premium is beginning to diminish. and many of these investors found strong

Figure 13 Swiss Re Global Cat Bond Barclays Ba US

Correlation coefficients Total Return Index High Yield S & P 500
(04 Jan 2002 to 27 May 2011) Swiss Re Global Cat Bond
Total Return Index 1.00 - -
Barclays Ba US High Yield 0.19 1.00 -
S & P 500 0.14 0.40 1.00
Source: Swiss Re Capital Markets

10 Cat bonds are restricted to Qualified Institutional Investors (QIB), This term primarily refers to institutions
that manage at least USD100 mn in securities, including banks, savings and loans institutions, insurance
companies, investment companies, employee benefit plans, or an entity owned entirely by qualified
investors. Also included are registered broker-dealers owning and investing, on a discretionary basis,
USD 10 mn in securities of non-affiliates.

22 Swiss Re The fundamentals of insurance-linked securities

prices for their ILS positions. Following as secondary trading volume at Swiss Re
the 2011 Tohoku Japanese Earthquake, Capital Markets surpassed USD 1 billion
secondary trading volume increased as in 2010 (Figure 14).
uncertainty prior to the release of data for
the parametric index calculation created
opportunities for trading desks, oppor- Using ILS to reduce the impact of
tunistic buyers, and concerned sellers. Cat adverse credit events
bond trading activity displays a seasonal
pattern surrounding the hurricane, typhoon Until now, the analysis has focused on risk
and European windstorm seasons. The as measured by return volatility and the
secondary market helps investors exit Sharpe ratio. However, portfolio managers
their positions in these bonds and reduce are also interested in the risk/return
their exposure to these perils. Trading characteristics of portfolios under the
activity facilitates the migration of these impact of extreme market movements.
bonds to investors with an appetite for During the 2008 credit crisis (Figure 15),
the risk premium paid to holders during cat bonds exhibited stability and high
these seasons. Investors have consistently returns relative to comparable invest-
found liquidity for their cat bond positions ments due to the nature and integrity of
the structures.

Figure 14 250 in USD bn Trading Volume 1000

Swiss Re Capital Markets secondary
trading volume
200 800
(01 Jan 2009 to 31 May 2011)

150 600

100 400

50 200

0 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

2009 monthly 2010 monthly 2011 monthly

2009 Total 2010 Total 2011 Total Source: Swiss Re Capital Markets

Figure 15 225 Index Value at 04/2002 (Base: 100)

Cat bond performance during a recent Lehman Bros. Bankruptcy S&P 500 Low
15 September 2008 9 March 2009
period of pronounced market turbulence
175 Bear Stearns Bail Out
(01 Jan 2007 to 31 Dec 2010) 14 March 2008




Jan 07

May 07

Jan 08

Jan 09
Sep 08

Sep 09
May 09
May 08
Sep 07

Jan 10

Sep 10
May 10

Swiss Re BB Rated Cat Bond Total Return Index Barclays US High Yield
S&P 500 Source: Swiss Re Capital Markets

Swiss Re The fundamentals of insurance-linked securities 23

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