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ओएनजीसी हिमालयन एसोहसयेशन


KDMIPE Campus, Dehradun, Uttrakhand
Ph.: 0135-2795784, Email:

Request for Nomination

No. ONGCHA/2022-23/09 Date: March 15, 2023

To, All Branch Coordinators – ONGC Himalayan Association (ONGCHA) through email
(For information to All Members – ONGCHA through ORnet)
Course Title: Inter-regional Program “White River Rafting” at Rishikesh, District- Dehradun,
Uttrakhand by ONGCHA, Dehradun
DELIVERABLES: Dates : 31st March to 03 rd April, 2023
 Skill Development Reporting : 31.03.2023 ( by 1400 hrs. ) at ONGC Academy, KDMIPE
Campus, Kaulagarh Road, ONGC, Dehradun
 Team Building Category : Moderate
 Inter-Personal No. of Days : 3 Nights & 4 Days
Relations Number of Seats : 25 (13: Dehradun & 12: Other Branches)
Who may attend (Eligibility):
 Leadership • Members of ONGC Himalayan Association (ONGCHA)
• Medically Fit and Good Physical fitness
Whitewater river rafting is an adventure activity which use an inflatable raft to navigate a river or other body of
water. The Challenge of the turbulent rivers is no less than that of the rugged mountains. Sacred river Ganga
in Garhwal region offers professionals as well as amateurs, the exhilaration of white water rafting. Alaknanda
and Bhagirathi are the main tributaries of the Ganga and meet at Devprayag, frothing from their racy descent
their water are of grade IV to V, challenging the expert to savour the thrill. Down river from Devprayag, the
Ganga changes into a pool drop river. This stretch of almost 70 kms is perfect for the amateurs, as here the
river offers some fine Grade III rapids and two Grade IV rapids, the "WALL" at Byasi and the "GOLF COURSE",
4 km below Shivpuri village near Rishikesh each followed by deep & placid pools.
Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd (GMVN), a Government of Uttarakhand Enterprise, is renowned for carrying
out river rafting around Rishikesh. ONGCHA, Dehradun is planning to conduct an Inter-regional Program
“White River Rafting” at Rishikesh, District- Dehradun, Uttrakhand through GMVN.

Please forward nominations of one as confirm and one as standby from current members of ONGCHA
from your branch for the above program after receiving approval from their Controlling Officer in attached
format, medical f itness certificate not older than one month (format attached) and copy of ONGC
Identity card through e‐mail to Shri Ponnam Srinath, with a Copy to Smt Shobha Negi, ONGCHA, Dehradun
latest b y 22.03.2023 (1700 Hrs ).
Mail : /
Mail (cc) : /

Preference shall be given to the participants who have been participating in treks organised by local

Note: The nominated executives may be advised to attend the program only after receiving confirmation
from ONGCHA, Dehradun and ensure their availability for this pre-paid program otherwise consent
to bear the cost.

(Amit Chauhan)
Secretary, ONGCHA
ओएनजीसी हिमालयन एसोहसयेशन
KDMIPE Campus, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Ph.: 0135-2795753, Email:


1. Name (Full):
2. Fathers Name /Husband’s Name
3. CPF No. & Department:
4. Date of Birth (Age):
5. Height: …………………………… Weight:………………….. Blood Group:………….
6. Whether Suffering From:
(a) An Infectious Disorder (Yes / No) (b) Hypertension (Yes / No)
(c) Bronchial Asthma (Yes / No) (d) Diabetes Mellitus (Yes / No)
(e) Epilepsy (Yes / No) (f) Heart Disease (Yes / No)
7. Present illness / Past illness / Physical Disability:
8. Any known Allergy to Drugs / Foodstuff:
9. History of Taking Drugs for Chronic Disease:
10. For Above 45yrs Male /Female:
BP……….…. Hb……. ECG Report…………..……Blood Sugar Report………..……...

I have medically examined Mr./Mrs./Miss…………………………… on (Date)…......

and found him/her medically/mentally fit to undergo a River Rafting/ trekking
expedition in high altitude areas & in the mountains and as per history and clinical
examination he/she is not suffering from any chronic disease.

Date…………………………….. Name of Dr. …………………..
Place……………………..…… Degree ………………………..
Reg No…………………Seal

I .............................................................. hereby declare that I will not hold the Oil and Natural
Gas Corporation Ltd. or the ONGC Himalayan Association responsible for any injuries, I
may sustain in the course of any activities undertaken through ONGC Ltd or the ONGC
Himalayan Association responsible or liable to compensation in the event of my death
caused by any activity undertaken through ONGC Himalayan Association.

Name in Full (In Capital)...................................
Contact No.(Res/ Office) ................................... .
Signed in presence of
1 ...............................................

2 ............................................. Date……………….
1 Participants with heart problem, high blood pressure, asthma and epilepsy may not participate
in it.
ओएनजीसी हिमालयन एसोहसयेशन
KDMIPE Campus, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Ph.: 0135-2795753, Email:

Application for River Rafting /Trekking / Adventure Sports / Expeditions Participation

Inter‐Regional White River Rafting around Rishikesh, Distt.
Activity/ Event Details
Dehradun, Uttrakhand
Activity Period 31st March to 03rd April, 2023
Name of Applicant Desig. Sex

CPF No. Mobile Age

Office Address

Medical Fitness Details

(Doctor's Name & Designation & Certificate Date)

Experience in Trekking / Expeditions

/Adventure Sports, if any

Declaration by Participant:-
 The above information is true, correct and complete.
 I do not have any infectious disease neither physically disabled and I am keeping good health and declare
that I am physically fit for this River Rafting/ Expedition / Activity.
 I agree to adhere strictly to the discipline of the programme and abide by the directions of the Team Leader
and ONGCHA Coordination Team at all times during the programme.
 I understand that Adventure activities are sometimes carried out under inhospitable conditions, which
may involve serious risk to the person including accident, illness or injury, resulting to any type of disability
even death or risk to the property of the participant. I am undertaking this River Rafting/Expedition/Activity
at my own risk and consequences. I shall not hold ONGCHA or ONGC responsible for any mishap/injury
sustained even death during the River Rafting/Expedition/Activity.
 I understand that if I have given wrong information in my application, this will be ground for
disqualification from this River Rafting/Expedition/Activity and may impose serious penalties as per
discretion of ONGCHA / ONGC.
 I understand that the decision of the selection of participants depends upon numerous factors including
the nature of the Activity / Expedition and is solely at the discretion of Coordinating Regional Unit and
Central Unit ONGCHA. I will not challenge the participation selection procedure being followed for the
Activity / Expedition.
 I understand that it is a pre-paid program and I consent that I shall bear the cost of the program, if I do not
attend the program after receiving confirmation from ONGCHA, Dehradun.

(Signature of Participant)

Controlling Officer
(Signature with Stamp)

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