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27/1/16 NicoLive Events/Updates Summary


Gifts (All sent to Presents Box in-game):

● 5 Gems
● All 6 Heroes as 2*, Random Type
● 3 Gems
● Crystal Set
● 3 Burst Emperors
● 3 Shiny EXP Emblems
● 3 Shiny Luck Emblems



Next Evolution Units:

- 7* Darvenshel (Mid February)
- 7* Duelmex (Mid February)
- 7* Kaja (Mid February)

- All 6 Heroes (Vargas, Selena, Lance, Eze, Atro, Magress) with Phantom/Mega Evo (Not 8*, stop asking
questions regarding this, more info will be revealed in the future, have some patience) (Mid February)

- 7* Tilith (Late February)

Next Trial:
- Tilith EX
- 7* Tilith Evo Mat Clear Reward
- I know some are gonna ask so, Tilith does have a 6* so it isn’t skipped. As mentioned in the previous
NicoLive, next Ishgria map is the Finale for the Ishgrian chapter (Which is planned for release this month as
well) which is most likely going to have the EX dungeon containing 6* Tilith’s Evo Mat as clear reward.
- Late February

Double ABP/CBP Campaign:

- 5 February ~ 12 February

Valentine’s Campaign:
- 12 February ~ 19 February
- Half Energy, Fusion Rates Up, x2 EXP Gain, Daily Karma dungeon during this period.

Upcoming Feature:
Auto Quest Repeat
A button which allows you to select the amount of times you want to repeat a particular quest as well as amount of
gems used for EN refill. Karma spam made so much easier.


Shin Megami Tensei IV FINAL x BF Collab:

- Scheduled for 10 February
- 3 Collab units obtainable (Nozomi, Asahi & Dagda)

PV Contest:

1st Place (Modern Day Maxwell):

2nd Place (Zebra):

3rd Place (Metal Ghost Dance):

*Apologize if I miss anything*

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