26 - 12 - 15 NicoLive Updates - Events Summary

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26/11/15 NicoLive Updates/Events Summary


Gifts (All sent to Presents Box in-game as code system is unavailable):

● 10 Gems (Nojima Diet Weight Loss)

● 1 Crystal Set, 1 Imp Set, 1 Sphere Frog, 1 Burst Frog, 1 Burst Emperor (Main Gift)
● 10 Altons (Quiz)
● 2 Imp Keys
● 3 Emgif’s, 3 Burst Emperor’s, 3 Shining Lucky Emblems [x2 boost to Raid Drop Rates]
● 5* Elgif (50% HP)
● 6* Elgif (2 ~ 4 BC’s when atked)
● 3 Sphere Frogs
● 3 Altons
● 10 000 AP
● Crystal Set
● 3 Shining EXP Emblems [x2 boost to EXP Gain]
● 100 Medals
● 4 Gems

Next Evolution Units:

- 7* Lucina (Mid January)
- 7* Oruna (Mid January)
- 7* Zelnite (Mid January)
- 7* Shida (Mid January)

- 6* Tilith (February)

Next Map in Ishgria (Ishgria Finale):

- February

Double ABP/CBP Campaign:

- 27 December ~ 4 January

Paradise Dungeon:
- 29 December ~ 4 January
- Chance to cap a 5* Elgif/Imps/Frogs

Ark GGC:
- Late January

New Evolution System:

[Reddit - reylee]
New evolution system called "Dream-
maker Evolution".
- Does not have to be 7* to evolve
- Uses pre-existing evo mats like Mecha Gods
- A way to strengthen while leveling SBB to max

Other new aspects of Dream-maker Evolution:

- After SBB max leveled, further customization possible
- Each unit to have customizable categories. e.g. parameter-up type, critical type, spark type
- Under each category, multiple aspects to be strengthened will be given. e.g for Spark category: Spark dmg
up, BB gauge up during Spark etc
- Upgrading each aspect consumes points: e.g for Spark category: Spark dmg up = 50 pts; Spark BB = 30
pts; Spark HP = 25 pts


Terra Battle Collab:

- 29 December ~ 4 January
- Collab units such as Terra Battles ‘Samatha’
- FFBE will also have the collab at the same time

Takanotsume Dungeon Collab:

- December 27
- Those little parody-styled 6 Hero Starters, more info TBR soon


*Apologize if I miss anything*

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