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An Action Research Proposal

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirement for the Course

Field Study 2



University Town, Catarman Northern Samar

I. Context and Rationale

It cannot be denied that problem solving is an important part of Mathematics

education. Mathematics, in general, is an important subject because of its practical
role to a person and the society as a whole. However, before a student can
successfully solve a problem, he has to possess good reading comprehension.

Problem solving in mathematics and reading comprehension go hand in

hand. Solving Math problems entails the students to apply two skills at the same

time: reading and computing. It is a double-edged sword.

The Department of Education is the main agent of change since it focuses on

the learners’ acquisition of knowledge and skills. However, the UEP Laboratory High

School faces a problem in regards of student’s learning of Mathematics.

The students’ motivation to solve mathematical problems is low. Some

students are extremely unconfident and reluctant to solve. The main reason is that

they thought they do not understand the problem, for example, and when they have

already got the ideas of what to write, the lack of comprehension make their ideas

not properly conveyed.

Therefore, most students seem to be frustrating when they have to solve

Mathematics problem. They even judge themselves that they are not good at

problem solving. They thought that they do not have talents in solving. Actually, those

kinds of thoughts often burden themselves and influence their attitudes towards

problem-solving. So, the result is that they try to avoid solving, and when they do

solving, they do not give their best.

Based on the identification of the problems above, it is possible for the

researcher to solve the problems related to the students’ problem-solving skills. This

research is then focused on improving the analytical and computational skills

(problem-solving skill) of Grade 8 students through language strategies in teaching

mathematics particularly metacognition.

The skills that are covered in this study involve communicating

mathematically, reasoning, mathematical connection, and making conjectures and
II. Action Research Questions

The researcher encountered many students who are poor in both comprehending

and analyzing math word problems. Specifically in Grade 8 classes, only 10 out of 40

students could successfully solve word problems with or without help from the

teacher. The rest needed to be guided to understand the problem. Approximately

75% find it hard to picture the situation indicated by the problem they are trying to

solve. The slower ones would even ask the meaning of a certain word in the problem.

When they have understood it, it is only then that they fully grasp the event and

situation pictured in the problem.

Obviously, the bane of these students is the understanding of the contents of

the math problems correctly and connecting the ideas expressed in it to fully grasp

and find a way to successfully solve the problem.

This action research aimed at improving the problem-solving of Grade 8

students of UEP Laboratory High School in the school year 2022-2023 through

language strategy in teaching mathematics particularly metacognition.

Based on the background, identification, and limitation of the problems, the

specific questions to be answered are:

1. What are the difficulties of the students in analytical and computational skills?

2. How can the Grade 8 students improve their analytical and computational skills?

3. Can metacognition lessons improve their analytical and computational skills?

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

Problem-solving is an important academic requirement. However, most

students admit that they are reluctant and unconfident because they do not know

how to do it. It is because their main problems are the reading comprehension skill

and problem-solving technique. The good news is that teachers can improve

problem-solving and address the gap by actively and systematically teaching

problem-solving technique to our students.

This study then proposes improving the problem-solving through language

strategy in teaching math using metacognition method as an innovation to help the

students develop their analytical and computational skills. Teaching communicating

mathematically, reasoning, mathematical connection, and making conjectures and

conclusions are important components in problem-solving. It is also necessary to

provide multiple exposures to the problem in different situations and to teach

problem-solving strategies, such as understanding concept and facts, manipulation,

estimation, approximation, reading with understanding, perseverance, have self-

confidence and work with the group.

The researcher will integrate metacognition in the problem-solving lessons of

Grade 8 students. Prior to the integration, the teacher conducts problem-solving pre-

test to determine the problem-solving competence of the students. The test made is

based on the competencies of the Grade 8 prescribed by the K-12 Curriculum.

The use of various strategies of teaching will be employed so that teaching

and learning process will be effective. After the conduct of the innovation, the teacher

will administer post-test to test the students’ competence in problem-solving. If there

is an increase of result from the pre-test, there is an improvement and the

innovation/intervention is effective. This will also be reflected in their problem-solving

activities. The conduct of the innovation continues to regularly monitor their

performance in problem-solving.
IV. Action Research Methods

A. Sources of Data (Participants)

The target subjects for this study will be the two sections of Grade 8 students

at UEP Laboratory High School for the school year 2022 - 2023. From these two

sections, one will be the experimental group and the other one is the control group.

Both sections will comprise 40 students each.

B. Data Gathering Procedure

In conducting the research, it will be required by the following procedures:

Securing permission from the School Teachers and Principal.

Permission will be ask from the Mathematics teachers and school principal to gather

relevant data and administer the action research.

Validation of the Instrument. The collated test items will be first

shown to the Mathematics teachers and the school principal for content validation.

Administering the pre-test. The test will be administered to Grade 8

students. The pre-test will be given to the learners prior to the teaching-learning

process in which the result of the pre-test will be used as the baseline in determining

if there was a positive increase in terms of the competencies learned as well as the

performance in Math.

Conducting the innovation/intervention/strategies.

Innovation/intervention will be conducted for the whole first quarter.

Administering the post-test. After conducting the intervention, a

post-test will be given with same content as the pre-test.

Checking, recording and tabulating of scores obtained in the pre-

test and post-test. The test papers of the students will be accurately checked.

Scores will be recorded and tabulated.

C. Data Analysis Plan

The research data will utilize statistical tools in the data analysis. The data will

be gathered, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted accordingly. Testing differences

between means or t-distribution will be used to determine if there is a significant

difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of students in the experimental

group and the control group and also if there is a significant difference between the

post-test scores of students in the experimental group and the control group.

V.Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

The following are the timelines and workplan will be observed in conducting of the


Goals Timelines Action Steps

Formulate research title October 26, 2022 List down possible

problem observed in

school to be studied.

Conduct a sampling and November 7, 2022 Go to cooperating school

interview. to conduct interview

Record results and November 18, 2022 Tally and analyze the

findings. result of data gathered.

Rechecking and finalizing November 29, 2022 Rechecking of all parts of

all parts of action action research.

VI.Cost Estimates

The cost of the investment of the study will distinguish based on the price of printed

evaluation sheets and also the price of the token that will be given to some other


VII. Plan for dissemination and Utilization

After the research is conducted and approved, the researcher coordinates

with the advisory committee and the principal on the dissemination and utilization of

the results of the process.

The results will be disseminated to the Grade 10 students so they are aware

of the success or failure of the activities which they were involved in.

Recommendations and suggestions are explained to the students for further

improvement of their vocabulary.

With the revisions already made, the researcher will use the process and

tools for the next school year. If other teacher teachers would like to adapt, the

researcher is willing to share it.


Bissell, A. N., & Lemons, P. P. (2006). A new method for assessing critical thinking in
the classroom. Bioscience, 56(1), 66-72.

Finkelstein, M. A. (1992), Statistics at your fingertips (1st Ed) CA, EduCALC


Lovett, M. (2008). Teaching Metacognition. (more info) Presentation at the Educause

Learning Initiative 2008 H & H Publishing Company.

Castillo F.S. Introduction to Research Education (latest edition), Booklore Publishing


Ottenhoff, J. (2011). Learning How to Learn: Metacognition in Liberal

Education. Liberal Education, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers: Mahwah.

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